absentmoon · 2 years
YEA thats the one! Its about a program that lets u use the internet in ur sleep and u play as an enforcer thats trying to visit different pages and find ppl violating the rules. Its really really good and has a whole bunch of original music and shit in it!! Also made me think of u bc u have a little helper guy called hypii who hangs out on ur screen. Not really an ai but there are moments where they seem sentient lol. Anyway! One of my favorite games ever
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THIS SOUNDS SO RAD NONNIE WTFFFF OKAY OKAY im absolutely gonna get it once my pc is all fixed up! itll be awhile but i'll remember to grab it once i can :DDDD
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oonajaeadira · 2 months
Hi Adira. I'm writing to tell you how much I loved, loved, LOVED Good Things Take Time. I'm new to fanfic and this was my first read! It's such a beautiful story told with such delicacy and tenderness - it really moved me. I'm excited to read everything in your Masterlist. S/O to Pedro's reddit for their weekly fanfic recs or I would've never found you.
Thank you for bringing me so much joy and catharsis.
Oh my gods, Nonnie...thankyou so much!!!! I'm so sorry I let this sit so long (I've been having some tumbleblockage lately and I'm just now getting around to answering some asks).
I really really really hope you're enjoying your fanfic adventure and that you're finding lovely things to devour and dream over. There's so much in this beautiful fandom!
And thank you, beautiful Reddit readers for the rec!!! <3
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Hi!! may I ask if you have any 9-1-1 fic recs of eddie streetfighting and getting injured and/or buck finding out/taking care of him? thankyou so much!!!
Hi! So I I tend to avoid any fics with a lot of buddie in them and eddie isn't a big whumpee for me so I have not read anything like this personally but I did a quick look through on AO3 and these all appear to have what you're looking for.
God it hurts (to be human) by whentheywrite. Summary: prompt fill: "all I can think about is Buck discovering Eddie's street fighting before anyone else 😭😭 like Eddie shows up at his door all messed up or something idk" or When Eddie knocked on Buck’s door with blood still on his knuckles, head throbbing, and a split lip, the man looked at him like he’d just crawled out of the grave.
he tells you he loves you by escapismandsharpobjects. Summary: febuwhump day 16: broken bones. eddie's street fighting again and gets seriously hurt. he calls buck, naturally.
Dark Times by assassi. Summary: He shouldn’t be surprised that he ends up here afterwards, and he’s not really. His hand is bloodied when he reaches to knock, his knuckles raw. His ribs are bruised but that’s not why he’s breathing so shallowly.
Achilles in the Trenches by orphan_account. Summary: "911, what's your emergency?" "Yeah, there was, uh, a fight, and this guy's unconscious, there's so much blood." Eddie's street fighting gets out of control, and the 118 responds to the call.
Let Me Fix This by Mkayswritings. Summary: 20. “Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken.” Buck discovers that Eddie has been street fighting from Bosko before going to knock some sense into him before anything bad can happen.
If anyone has recs for nonny please share!!!!!!!!!
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daisymondays · 5 years
For the title meme ✨✨✨ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Aahahaha !!! Wow thanks Nonnie !!! I’ll try not to babble too much because otherwise this’ll get super long and possibly annoy every one on my time line but thankyou
1. Favorite fic title, and why?
It’s got to be my current one Karma’s A Fake Orgasm and Its my favourite because 1. I find it hilarious 2. The series is now called Revenge Is Best Served Horny because I once again find myself hilarious, and 3. really the whole naming process of the fic was just really funny. I couldn’t think of a name so we were throwing around so stupid names and then when I tried to think of a serious one nothing could top Fake Orgasm so here we are. Stucky, Banter and my mates, this title is a product of everything I love
2. Least favorite fic title, and why?
Urm I dont know if I have a least favourite title as such as ones I don’t care about as much, which is a few of my shorter fics or just the ones I’m not as attatched to
3. Song names or lyrics as a title in any fic?  
Yesss, If We Were Honest was inspired by Honest by The Chainsmokers as the song was playing when I was plotting out the fic and heard these lyrics:
And I’m not gonna tell you that I’m over it‘Cause I think about it every night I’m not sober, andI know I keep these feelings to myselfLike I don’t need nobody elseBut you’re not the only one on my mindIf I’m being honestYou said I should be honestSo I’m being honest
and they just fit the story I was trying to tell sooo much and so yes, if Im being honest became If We Were Honest
4. Fics with literary references as a title?
Waheyy same answer as above really, If We Were Honest is a blend of Honest by the Chainsmokers and a book called If We Were Villians that I read just before I wrote this fic and really enjoyed, and so yes, the title is quite clearly a smushing together of the two things (i would rec this book if you enjoy dramatics and a Secret History)
5. Have you let someone else (a beta, a friend) name a fic for you?
Yesss, I cannot count the amount of times I’ve appeared in @aibidil‘s DMs like HELP ME WITH THIS TITLE so I’m 99% sure she’s basically named at least one of my fics for me
6. A fic that had a very different working title as a WIP?
Yeeeppp, Highly (in)Compatible had the working title of Fuck Fate which while fitting of the plot didn’t quite work for a title so I managed to come up with something better
7. Do you use all lowercase letters in any fic titles? Uppercase?
I use Uppercase, i tend to captialise them correctly rather than aesthetically cause im boring like that
8. How did you choose the title of your very first fic?
Once again I’m ignoring my old old fics that have either been deleted from the internet or I pretend don’t exist, which means we’re starting with Lost Children which I actually named pretty easily, like the plot of that fic just came to me at once and the title came with it. Its set straight after the war and during that summer and its called Lost Children because thats what its about, its Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Pansy, Ginny etc etc. trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with their lives and who they’re supposed to be now the war is over, and realising that maybe its okay not to know everything
9. Do you think your method of naming fic has changed over time?
Yes I used to cry at the computer screen and now I scream. Urm no not really, i just kinda have a few ideas and discuss them with people and play around with words until i’m happy – which i think I’ve always done
10. Can you share the title of a WIP?
The current working title of the Bucky POV part of the Revenge is Best Served Horny is Playing The Long Game which has a dick pun in if you squint – i want something more obviously related to the other two espeically as Bucky is the king of sexual puns in this series so he deserves it – but i also kinda think this title is fitting so idk
11. Do you name your chapters?
No!! i wish i did!! i wanted to for Karma’s A Fake Orgasm but I couldnt think of anything witty so im pretty boring with chapters 
12. Do you find yourself generally naming a fic early or late in the process?
It really depends, like I have some names that I’ve pulled out of my arse while uploading to AO3 and some that have been there since I started the fic. I am nothing if not consistently inconsistent 
13. Have you ever changed the title of a fic after publishing?
Nope, im far too stubborn for that, no takesies backsies on shit titles !!! nah, i just dont hate any of them enough to do that
14. Give us a fic rec for one of your favorite fic titles from another author!
Not Easily Conquered from the Stucky Thirteen Letters series, if there ever comes a day I stop reccing this series presume I’m dead. Like literally. Or an imposter!!!! Anyway, this series is the way I finally managed to drag @synonym-for-life into Stucky (mawhaha) and its just beautiful, honestly some of the most fantastic writing and story telling I’ve read ever and I wish fanfic was more widely accepted purely so I could rec this series to more people. Its angsty and heart breaking, but hopeful too and just truly looks at love and the different things it does to people. No character is perfect and no one is pure evil, every one has their actions and you can understand them, you may not agree with what they did and it make break your heart but you can understand it. Its just a real look at humanity, the good and ugly, and on that note i’m off to read it again !!
I’d give the link but i’ve answered all the questions now !! thankyou Nonnie, this was super fun
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aibidil · 6 years
Thankyou for making such an incredible rec list and proving there is still so much good left in this fandom!! It made my heart soar when i saw it and i can’t wait to see what the fandom does next year❤️
Thank you, nonnie! It’s hardly an exhaustive or objective list, but I’m so impressed with the way authors are doing good (and often difficult) work and it’s certainly a place to start. ❤️
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