buntsukim · 1 month
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Nathan's first murder
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666prophet · 28 days
Fallout S1:E8 - The Beginning
Some minor gripes and little details I didn't agree with. It sheds light to some in universe lore that was never talked about. I'm not sure I would introduce certain characters in the finale of a season, but I'm not the writers. Has some action, moves the main plot along in leaps and bounds as compared to other episodes. I think that its a really good end to the season but also a good episode on its own.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoilers and Deep Dive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I guess they really want to make the BoS very antagonistic. What did they do raze Filly? Typically in game they are more isolationist. Kind of don't fuck with me and I wont fuck with you. They have also made them out to be way more religious then they have ever been portrayed before. It also seems like Maximus is constantly wavering on if he wants to be in the BoS or escape.
More Russian weapons for some odd reason. Yes FO4 added the Handmade Rifle(AK47) but it didn't add things like the RPD or PPSh. I'll give a slight pass to the woman holding the BAR, because it is used as inspiration for the Automatic Rifle(FONV). Nice callback to the ghoul that she saved from the Super Dupermart.
Ok this is another inclusion of Sunset Sarsaparilla, so at this point there has to be an inclusion or mention of the Mojave. Still unsure how there are so many in universe cars in the flashbacks but none apparently survived to the present day. Other than the Mister Handy in the first episode, this Protectron is the only other robot seen in the past.
HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE CALLER! This is the NCR? Then why do the have all these RPDS? No Colt ARs? You're telling me that there are no snipers either? Why do we have a feral ghoul tied as a dinner guest? Oh look so cool that you got a two headed suckling pig. You know that thing that has never existed in the games.
I guess I called it. I've never seen a Robobrain that small. This feels like a joke. This is like a Roomba with a brain in a cloche. MCSCUSE ME?!?!?!?! Is this brain bot thing Bud Askins? DOUBLE MCSCUSE ME!!!!!!!! So we have who I guess is Mr. Robert House[RobCo](Simply because of the appearance), Julia Masters[Repconn](She's really the only talked about female CEO), Fredrick Sinclair[Big MT](The "Freddy-boy" comment from Mr. House) and finally Leon Von Felden[West Tek](he was the head guy on the FEV). I like this they are just rattling off all the actual in game vault experiments that players have experienced. This is interesting, are they implying that Vault-Tec actually let these companies take the lead and they would just foot the bill in order to get support and possibly money? NOW WE ARE REALLY FUCKING WITH CANON!!!!! In the games its meant to be a "we don't know who struck first, but everyone got in a lick" type of situation. Its heavily implied that the Chinese dropped the bombs first. But this doesn't make sense, since there are unfinished vaults. If you had your finger on the button, why push it before you could maximize profits? Also damn Coop, it really be your own sometimes. I hate the de-aging CGI that Hollywood does. I understand that Kyle MacLachlan is older but still. This also explains why The Ghoul reacted the way he did when Lucy said her full name. Hate to be that guy, but technically Moldaver hasn't told Lucy when she is from either. So don't get too high on your horse just yet ma'am. Dammit Dane, here I was thinking you were a standup dude. You really let Maximus take that punishment the whole fucking time.
So Vault-Tec or more specifically Vault 31 had access to bombs and nuked the capital of the NCR? So you've just kept Rose as pet for the last 20 some odd years? That seems equally as fucked up. So is no body gonna notice that Norm is gone? Also Vault-Tec doesn't have any way of getting surface information? Well if Griffith Observatory is the new NCR headquarters, the NCR must be in shambles. Also that is a comically large red dot sight on these mounted guns for no reason. Well The Ghoul is just the consummate badass. How the fuck does Hank just know how to get into and operate power armor? So he is looking for his family. In a classic Lucyism, she seemed more broken up about shooting Martha the ghoul than HER MOTHER THAT IS A GHOUL. Surely leaving unlimited power source in the hands of the BoS will not have any lasting consequences. Ok nice, teasing finally some deathclaw action. Alright well that just seals the deal that the second season is going to be better. But also how the fuck are you going to make a story around New Vegas? Literally the endings vastly change how the strip ends up. I have a bad feeling that we are getting into that retconning or just plain making shit up for the canon of the show.
I'm not surprised they went with a cliffhanger ending. The inclusion of New Vegas is going to make for some interesting lore issues though. I hope they don't try to change established events. Even though this left somethings unanswered, it did answered enough to be a well rounded episode. Its funny how you introduce the NCR and give no context as to who they are or what they do, considering there will be people who have never played the games watching this show.
Final Score - 8/10
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pwnyta · 1 year
Some unfinished Poke/Sickles gang(mostly) doodles/ideas-
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Boats a little guy. He doesnt deserve this.
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Mr Shandra and his class.
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I cant work out how to make her colors... uh work...I might just have to remove the tails of her outfit or change them....wehh...
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Honestly IDKY im so stuck on her shes just a killer of some kinda minor characters girlfriend...
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Glace and Pandora commiserate over their lost girlfriends.... tho both their girlfriends are still kinda there...
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Sigma gals.
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Also Pandora is inexplicably popular with -Chus.
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Father is a scary man... Undark is a nuisance to the medic and Father doesnt appreciate it but also Docs space is sanctuary which just drives Undark to Doc more.
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Parallax is almost as cold and brutal as Father... except hes got a soft spot for his childhood friend who ended up in the same shady organization! Lucky him!
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Fellas is it gay to play with your bros ziti tails.
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Rivers is more relaxed while working because he doesnt get much free time so he tries REAL hard to just relax when he can so anyone who interrupts is sure to regret it. Ruining his relaxation time or falling into his traps... whats worse? WHO KNOWS. Hes terrible.
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They get along well despite Sheols species instinct to look down on men.
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Never seen a woman more calm in my life...
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Gadget- The most sane gamer.
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Goodnight sweet prince.
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I realized I had to give Xu an undercover name so I went with that... which is just a name I got from the Metagross reference of Antikythera Mechanism
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First idea of someone trying to steal info from Deoxys’ lab and getting stopped by Dex’ heavy hitters...
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Crawdaunt... Name-...???? doesnt matter in the end I guess lol.
Thumbnail version of a comic of a battle in the lab
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I like to think Dive can be used as a teleport type move since it can be used on land so its like the user turns their body into water and travels through the ground in liquid form. Goopy Pokies like Muk can also do this but just regularly since their bodies are just liquidy naturally (Candyman uses this to sneak around).
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Deoxys likes watching things play out so he wasnt going to help unless it was absolutely necessary to not lose his assets like when Vector attacked. (Geller is a glass cannon anytime hes in a fight hes gonna get shattered if his attacks dont KO quickly, luckily hes got backup(well he was technically the back up))
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OPPORTUNITY!(Deoxys cant use Miracle Eye... but that wont stop Dex from trying!)
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krethes · 1 year
Unfinished Friday
Got the idea from @tackytigerfic and lordy lordy lordy loo do I feel perceived 🤣
Soo this is a 7th year Marauder fic I started back in 2021 at the behest of the Wolfstar Discord that never quite got its feet off the ground.
“Oh, come on, Remus, it’ll be fun!”
He raised a brow and turned the page of his book without looking up. “No, thank you.”
A sigh. A familiar rustling of robes. The smell of rose and ginger. A flash of red hair. A press of pale fingers down the spine of his book. “Remus John Lupin, I hereby invoke the Favor.” Lily Evans regarded him with eyes like fresh spring clover, her free hand cocked on her hip as she leaned into his personal space. They were only about a foot apart now, and there was no escaping The Look.
He sighed, wrested his book from her punishing grip, and closed it neatly in his lap. “Of course you do,” Remus bemoaned softly, tucking the tome into the bag at his feet. There was nothing for it -- the Favor was one they traded often, something owed that passed between them almost as a joke. Normally, it was a quick glance over homework or something like ‘I can’t be arsed to get up and Our Boys are not around, so please could you fetch me a tea?’, not… this. “I’ve never played before.”
Lily smiled, her entire face lighting up with the gesture, light radiating from every pore. Merlin, but she was lovely, wasn’t she? Remus found himself swept up in it, and had to staunchly squash down the urge to smile back -- he was trying to be cross with her, smiling would ruin the whole thing. “But you’ve watched, haven’t you? Matches with your dad, right, on the telly? I’ll bet you know the rules better than I do.” She batted her eyelashes at him, long, mascara-dark things that got him every time. Girls.
She was trying to butter him up -- he knew this, knew her tricks after six years of friendship, and yet… It worked. Like a fucking charm. And it was The Favor, after all. 
“I do know the rules,” he admitted quietly, steepling his fingers together. His childhood had been rather lonely, after all -- mornings stretching into afternoons that lazed into evenings without other children to play with meant that Remus spent a great deal of his time reading or joining his parents at the television set. He’d been particularly fascinated by the game, of the men and women in peak physical fitness sprinting across a green field in shiny shirts and shorts, and it was the only time his father ever seemed to get excited about anything anymore. So Remus had been drawn to it, as much as he was to the sea, and absorbed the complexities of the game in his knowledge-sponge way.
“So…?” Lily wrapped her hands around his and pulled him to his feet with a little bounce, victory clear as day on her sunny face. At his nod of assent, she hugged him fiercely around the middle, her face tucked into his sternum in glee. “Yes, amazing! Right. So, you’ll be on my team!”
“Aren’t you...splitting them by genders?” He might be bent, but he wasn’t a girl. 
Lily shrugged. “Technically, but that’s just to foster some inner-team solidarity since we’re mixing the Houses.” She frowned faintly, the tiniest moue forming between her eyebrows. “Not much interest from some of the other students, I’m afraid. They don’t… want to be associated with a Muggle game.” 
She didn’t have to explain why -- it was plain. A Muggle game meant being labeled as a Muggle Sympathizer, as a Blood Traitor, even. They weren’t stupid -- they all knew there was a war on the horizon, about to come to a boil, but...they were still kids, weren’t they? Of-Age wizards, certainly, but only Peter and Sirius were eighteen in their little band, and they still deserved a spot of fun. 
“Besides,” she said, fixing him with a coy grin, “you’ll finally get to help me put Potter in his place! Black, too, I guess.” 
Remus snorted, shaking his head. “You can call him ‘James’, you know. You’re dating.”
“Don’t remind me,” she teased, though the look on her face -- doe-eyed and rosy-cheeked -- gave her away in a heartbeat. Their relationship was very new -- only a couple of weeks old, but Remus knew she was absolutely smitten with James Potter. “So, we’ll practice on Wednesdays and once McGonagall gets it cleared, we’ll have matches on Sundays! Potter-- alright, James, ugh -- was deadset we didn’t interfere with his ‘precious Quidditch’, but they’ll be early afternoons so don’t you start with me about your studies, Remus Lupin. I’m taking more N.E.W.T.s than you, I don’t want to hear it!”
Her rambling muted him, and he shut his mouth with an audible click. Well alright, then. Remus knew better than to argue when she was in full sail like this. The HMS Lily Evans was truly a force to be reckoned with. “Wait… the club hasn’t even been approved yet?” he asked, incredulous. It was unlike Lily to come into this half-cocked. Her sign-up sheet, though not as flush as she’d like to be, had an impressive amount of names on it. It would be a decent number of people to let down…
She pulled thoughtfully on her lower lip in a familiar nervous tic. “Well… Professor McGonagall seemed very confident she could get it approved… I trust her!” she decided, releasing her lip with a nod to herself. 
Remus grinned and ruffled her hair, earning him a well-placed jab to the ribs. “Alright, alright. Wednesdays and Sundays, then. I’ll clear my schedule.” 
Minerva had been delighted to hear about Lily Evans’s club idea -- football, indeed! Oh, she hadn’t seen a live match since she was just a girl, and even then, it was only the lads at the local co-op putting it on for a lark. She smiled to herself as she bustled down the corridors towards the Headmaster’s office, remembering those games. She announced the password -- ‘Curly Wurly’ -- and adjusted the fit of her hat. One had to look their best, after all.
Albus looked up from his desk and greeted her with a nod. “Ah, Minerva, welcome. You have a proposition for me, I hear?” He did not stop the quill scrawling across his desk, nor rise to greet her. That was fine, he was a busy man.
“Yes, Albus. Lily Evans would like to start an intramural football club.”
The quill came to a scratching pause, and he searched her face with pale blue eyes. “I cannot say that I can support a club that would only create more animosity between the Houses, Minerva -- Quidditch has done a fair enough job of that as it is, don’t you think?” 
She resisted the urge to tidy her hat again -- Albus had such a long way of speaking, never quite saying what he meant. Fortunately, she’d had decades of experience of dissecting his speech patterns, and had come prepared. “I agree, Albus,” she began, watching the flicker of light behind his eyes, “but this will be a mixed-House club. Miss Evans proposed a boys against girls game.”
“And do you think that to be entirely fair?”
Minerva frowned, drawing herself up a little straighter. “Albus, you are not implying that the girls cannot hold their own, surely?” It was 1977, for Godric’s sake!
The smallest of smiles unfurled across his lips and a familiar twinkle entered his eyes, one Minerva hadn’t seen in years. “Ah, of course not. I am certain Miss Evans will give anyone who thinks so a run for their money. Am I to assume you will be the faculty sponsor for this club, Minerva?”
Her schedule was quite full as it was, but perhaps she could convince Pomona to take on a bit more detention proctoring this term… “Yes, you assume correctly. Are we aligned?” She fixed him with a look of cautious anticipation, and only her rigid self-control kept her from Shifting into the cat at his nod of assent. “Thank you, Albus. I will keep you posted of the matches.” Minerva gave him a brief nod, took a cinnamon candy from his desk, and left his office feeling quite giddy indeed.
"Moony-moon-Moony, wait-- where are you going-- and ...AUGH!!! You're not!" 
"Padfoot, Wormtail, we knew this was a matter of time."
"Just-- maybe he has an explanation. You have an explanation, don't you, Moonfish?"
"Oof, Pads, that one's not very flattering, strike it?"
"Ah, yes, too right, Mr. Prongs, and duly noted. Well, Mr. Moony, what do you have to say for yourself!?" 
Remus looked at his three closest friends from across the white line painted on the Quidditch-turned-football Pitch with thinly veiled ire. "I'm not sure I understand the question, Padfoot-in-my-mouth." 
Sirius scoffed and gestured wildly at Remus's uniform. "Why, Moony, is your uniform...white?" He gestured to his own, very black, shirt and shorts. 
"Well, I'll tell you," Remus declared, leaning in all conspiratorial-like until he was fully in Sirius's space -- not, he noticed, that he minded. He cupped Sirius's face in his hands and inwardly rejoiced at how he practically melted, and smirked. "I wanted to be on the winning team."
"Oi!!! Out of bounds, Lupin! Foul! Card! Whatever… that means. Moony, you have betrayed us!" James cried from a few feet away, his face aghast. "What makes you so sure the lads are going to lose?"
Remus looked at the black-clad boys scattered across the field and cocked an eyebrow. They were...a motley group, to be honest, and largely pureblood. Xenophilius Lovegood was trying to coax a bit of rogue heather he'd brought in his pocket to take root in the grass of the Pitch. Peter was missing his protective shin guards. Damocles Belby looked a bit winded already, his ruddy cheeks even more crimson than they usually were. The other six boys just...looked a bit lost. Compared to the girl's team, which held Remus, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Sibyll -- not their best get, admittedly -- and a few younger girls Remus was embarrassed not to know the names of yet, they looked a bit... lacking.
Lily appeared at his side and glared at James with her hands on her hips. "Oi, Potter, don't harass my goalkeep," she snapped, though her frown quickly tilted up into a smirk. 
"Moony's my boyfriend," Sirius muttered sourly, casting sad, gray eyes up at Remus that made him feel just a little guilty. Nevermind, he'd make it up to Sirius later, do that thing he liked with his 
His ?? Teacup? Tongue? Wand? Textbook? No clue.
If you wanna...and if you qualify (most of you are way more responsible than me...): @msalexwp @r33sespieces @theresthesnitch (shh shh I know), @second-sister @elder-millennial-trash @quietlemonhush @aqua-myosotis and anyone else who wants to out themselves as a procrastinator 🤣
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awiola · 5 months
Normal update, autumn??? XXIII
Okay, so I thought it would be a nice, winter quarterly update but turns out the last one was titled summer and I guess going by calendar, winter barely started so it's??? autumn??? I guess??? Last day of the year but autumn, sure, let's go with that. That being the case, I have no new year's pic for y'all cause I can't draw I was devving uhh, rly hard, let's say. Totally.
Anyway, the mushroom jam has ended and I planned to have a release update BUT THEN I DIDN'T FINISH THE GAME ON TIME YET AGAIN, who would've thought, so, like, there's nothing. I mean, something exists but yeah >_> I'll write a devlog when it finally looks presentable. Moving on...
Current game stuff
The spooktober game has been finished, kinda - The enmity of dead things. It, well, it works and it contains the full script and everything but lacks both art and music cause I couldn't finish it on time laziness goes brrr. Then I wanted a break and worked on other games and kinda left it like that... So that's the first item on my "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list. All in all it wasn't a total failure and I had fun for the most part. Committing to my bad decisions [look at the textbox] is actually the main cause the game wasn't finished on time... You live and don't learn.
The failure of the year... Or quarter at least - Mushroom game. Despite being technically published to add it to the jam, it's so unfinished I won't even link it here. And it's all my fault cause I was being lazy and, as usual, forgot I can't actually program. Yeah...
Helped with Cool Days. There's really not much of my work there, I honestly considered making a new category for games I kinda helped with but tbh the amount of work actually finished was close to zero but hey, it's still more than nothing so Check it out, it has cool graphics.
The ace teens game got shelved/postponed and it's not my fault this time but instead we're working on a fantasy kinda thing for Ace jam [and maybe also Zack jam while we're at it but that might've been said in jest]. Fortunately it's small enough I don't expect any delays. I can say it involves a golem who isn't a humanoid (灬˘╰╯˘灬)♥。・゚
Now for the big thing.
Fanfares, please.
IMPOSTOR SYNDROME - is a game for winter jam which also happens to be a demo cause we ran out of time but! - it will be finished soon-ish. I'll share more details in the release devlog so if the link to the game works already, that means the page's up and so is all the info. If it doesn't work, check again in a few hours but I'm assuming most people who actually read all that will do so post winter jam anyway.
Genre wise it's an otome chat sim comedy that's extremely self indulged and I'm not ashamed of that. Gotta make games for yourself and all that. Though, again, my own conribution to the development process remains minimal. I'm truly becoming the idea guy.
The "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list aka the stuff that should've been finished already but isn't
Umm, yeah, everything. Or, to be more specific, Mushroom game and Enmity take priority here but all the other games that needed some quality of life adjustments like making the web build work on mobile etc are also included [which is kinda funny cause a lot of them could be corrected in like an hour if I actually sat and did just that].
It's been more than three years since I released Argousze and yes, you gessed it, it's also unfinished. Which is extra funny in a pathetic way cause it was supposed to be a low effort game with, like, 2k words of wordcount. To be fair I kinda dropped it cause I couldn't design my aliens but maybe I'll actually get a good idea for once and manage to release it on its fourth anniversary. That'd be nice.
Other than that, well... That's more of a resolution than anything but I should stop constantly joining new teams and all... And either take a proper dev break or work on ye olde projects waiting for me since the beginning of HS. I'll become older than my oldest LI before I finish them at this point lol
Pariiish noootiiiceees
This year we're gonna have two new jams instead of one. Stuff happened and yeah. No links just yet cause not only are the pages not finished but there's also no planned date/duration beyond 'sometime in the later part of the year'.
The first jam is Tentacle jam which, I'm pretty sure, would bring us eroges. This was not my intention and all kind of sfw tentacles are allowed but tbh as long as there's a proper story, even a nukige would pass. Basically the rules remain like in all the previous jams I hosted.
The second jam is Insect [adjacent] jam which actually accepts all kinds of arthropods but it started as just insect jam and I wanted to keep the name. So yeah. Obviously more detailed rules of what's allowed would be written on the page when it's up properly and not in a half dead state like right now.
Incidentally, whatever the date ends up being, both of these jams would be hosted at the same time so if you wanted to make a story taking place underwater or something, you could submit it to both of these jams. Neat, right?
That's it for this year.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
oh yeah, i never covered it on my blog. It's kinda small but the new anime revealed a new... form, new pokemon? unclear so far. Essentially this seems to be Liko's Ho-Oh- and for us, a peak at what will eventually come to the Scarlet and Violet DLC
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So obviously this thing bears a striking resemblance to Terapagos. Not to mention it has a very... disk shaped body, hint hint. Tbh I do not really watch the anime much and I'm waiting to see how people think of the new series before I give it a shot, so I do not know the context of how this thing appeared. However, Liko does carry a pendant around her neck that's most likely connected.
Now this thing is probably just another Terapagos form. That being said, we can't 100% confirm anything. But you know what this reminds me of?
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The last anime reveal we got of a special form of a legendary was Zygarde's Cell, Core, 20%, and 100% forms in the XY anime- of course they weren't added until Sun and Moon- most likely leftovers from canceled Kalos follow ups. The difference here is that Terapagos is heavily tied into the unfinished Area Zero story line and will be relevant in the DLC.
Its not really a lot- in fact a new form or evolution is somewhat given with these types of things. DLC at this point is basically "third" or "enhanced game" territory that gives the special Pokemon associated with them special new forms or evolutions, sometimes both. Look at Kubfu/Urshifu and Calyrex and his horses.
But this does set another important precedent: The anime will now reveal things again.
Again, Zygarde was the last time this happened with a legendary, and I guess for mythicals (which have been wonky territory for a while lately and for a while now basically only exist as movie souvenirs) the last time we had a new out of gen Pokemon revealed was Magearna. Before that, we would get reveals like Mega Mewtwo Y in the Genesect movie or Noivern from Black and White's ending run. Before that, Zorua and Zoroark in the DP Celebi movie. Long before that, we got a lot with Munchlax, Mime Jr, and Bonsly being revealed in the Advanced anime and Lucario and Manaphy in their movies. Latios and Latias in the last Johto movie, Duskull and Wailmer in some shorts, Keckleon in the anime, and then allll the way back in Gen 1 we got Marill and Togepi in the anime, Lugia in the movie, and of course, Ho-Oh in the very first episode.
Since gen 6? No special reveals until now. Not a Galar Pokemon in Alola- I guess we technically got the Paldean starters and Legendaries in post credit scenes in the Journeys anime, but by that point the games had already revealed those and were out, so it doesn't really count.
IMO I miss little drips of new things in the anime and movies and I hope this is a sign of fun things to come like it.
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sevencardigans · 9 months
Getting tagged in this by the wonderful Silja @wunderlichkind is literally the highlight of my evening. 🫶🌞
An estimate of how many physical books i own: so these are solely the books I collected over the last 5 years, since that’s all I own at this point: exactly 194 (including the 6 books that I ordered yesterday) so not that many
Favourite author: incredibly difficult answer, so I’m going to give two academic and two not so academic answers. I enjoy a fun and easy TJR read, although there are definitely a lot of things I don’t agree with when it comes to her writing + I’m a Sally Rooney girl through and through. A serious academic answer would be Virginia Woolf and Shirley Jackson. 
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: anything Colleen Hoover. Need I say more?
A popular book I thought was just meh: totally copying Silja here, but I also did.not.get why people went crazy over Where The Crawdads Sing. I also didn’t vibe with The Song of Achilles as much as I hoped I would. It was alright, but I didn’t feel it – Circe is Madeline Millers superior novel.  
Longest book I own: Just from looking at my bookshelf right now, it’s To Paradise by Hanya Yanaghara (which is also why I still haven’t managed to read it)
Longest series I own all the books to: I’m usually not a book series reader, which is also why I own only half of the Harry Potter books in English (not counting my moms full English collection). I also have the unfinished V.E. Schwab Shades of Magic series if that counts. 😅
Prettiest book I own: I’m literally so guilty of only buying books with pretty book covers. I’d say I'm most proud of my Penguin Orange Book editions of We Have Always Lived In This Castle and Ceremony, though. I mean, just look at those gold details! (not pictured: the deckled edges)
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A book or series I wish more people knew about: one of my favorite books of all time, and a book I read every year at least once, is I’m Thinking Of Ending Things. It’s a psychological “thriller” novella. It’s incredibly subtle and uses its vagueness to evoke uncanniness in its truest form. There IS a Netflix movie about this book, so I guess it has become more popular. Other than that, All My Mothers is another unknown favorite of mine. It’s a study on mother-daughter relationships, family dynamic, illness, family trauma, and chosen families. It’s beautiful, heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time (also, beautiful book cover if you ask me). 
Book I’m reading now: I’ve sadly been in a bit of a reading slump, mainly because I have too many options and somehow still can’t seem to find the book with the right content and pace for this very moment. But I technically am reading Memphis and listening to The Hunger right now.  
Book that’s been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven’t gotten around to it: literally half of my bookshelf? I can’t wait to read The Mercies (I want to wait for winter) though.  
Do you have any books in a language other than English: I got a bunch of German books since that’s my first language, but I despise reading German books because it takes me forever to get through them. My favorite non-English book is the latest Asterix comic in German, signed by the German translator who I worked with for a reading/Q&A that I helped host. 
Paperback, hardcover or ebook?: Paperback all day long. I have a bunch of hardcovers, but I have to have A LOT of faith in a book/author if I buy the hardcover ones. I also love audible! 
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bluestringpudding · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @silently--here and @uncannycerulean for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19 (+ 1 that's waiting to be revealed for a fest)
What's your total AO3 word count?
329,661 😳
What fandoms do you write for?
Just Harry Potter. Maybe I should diversify?
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
Live like common people Dramione/Draco pretending to be a muggle (88,794 words)
How did we get here? The sequel to the above, aka Draco wishing he could still just pretend he was a muggle. (153,536 words)
Dragons Only The Draco/Charlie drabble (289 words)
A Song of Ice and Fire and Awkward Ex Boyfriends The other Dramione, this time with dragons. 🐉(20,272 words)
Just a Minerva in time The MinMione time travel one (6,460 words)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Unless you're an absolute arsehole, and even then, I would rather reply (but only if I can come up with an appropriate retort). Why? Because I love the interaction. Getting a comment, no matter how small, will always make my day. So, it feels right to at least say thanks. Also, I met one of my now good friends through us chatting in our fics' comments. So who knows what might come of it.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably One Last Cup.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've not written the ending yet, but it's going to be How Did We Get Here? If only because I have become waaayyy too attached to all of the characters to give them anything but.
Do you get hate on fics?
It's not quite hate, and I know it could be worse, but How Did we get here? garners some pretty strong reactions. They're a downer.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I've only published very mild smut, but I have written more explicit stuff since, and some of it is in the next chapter I'm publishing, and I'm scared.
Do you write crossovers?
No, I struggle enough with one fandom. Huge respect to the people who manage it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. They're not good enough for that.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! Three actually. Idle in Kangaroo Court W1, for the mixed up writer fest. We ran out of steam, so it's unfinished, but I keep promising myself I'm going to finish it one day. Then two more with some friends, one short one for the rare pairs fest, that will be revealed soonish. Then one long fic that 3 of us a writing, which is err... in progress.
What's your all time favourite ship?
Call me a basic bitch, but I will always be such a sucker for Dramione.
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I have a really unhealthy stubborn streak that won't let me leave things unfinished, so hopefully none. Though Idle in Kangaroo Court is most at risk, because its been so long (and I feel I have to reach out to my co-author to check they don't mind, and my social anxiety is one of the few things that trumps my stubbornness).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I keep thinking I should try writing something as a script.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and flowery language. I have to work hard at imagining visuals, so a lot of the time I don't. And I'm too literal to do well with metaphors.
Thoughts in writing dialogue in another language?
I've never really had any before. I guess I don't mind it in small amounts, if the meaning can be inferred from context or reactions. It's annoying if you miss something by not understanding what it means.
First Fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh god, that's like asking me to chose between my children! Live Like Common People will always have a special place in my heart, as it was my first and the characters will forever live rent free in my head.
But also, I'm most proud of Tattletail, because I think it is technically my best piece of writing.
Tagging anyone who wants to play, as I suspect I'm one of the last of my mutuals to get round to this.
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zenixromeave · 10 months
I give all of the shadow knights disabilities/chronic illness. They’re walking corpses that have been revived/reanimated and then tortured, there’s no way they don’t have long-lasting issues, especially if they had any conditions prior to their death. (<- my excuse for giving Laurence my stomach issues)
ABSOLUTELY! for the shadow knights i tend to focus on the mental repurcussions because well. i am mentally ill i guess LMFAO its just what i focus on the most idk, but all of my shadow knights also definitely have some struggles related to their own experiences in death, especially zenix (since he's one of my faves lol.) in my rewrite, zenix's death is caused by an explosion, giving him, basically, asthma (and probably head trauma, but i haven't entirely worked that part out yet.) what he technically has is blast lung, but for ease of communication, historical/story accuracy and how the characters understand things (he doesn't remember dying, so he would not know it was caused by an explosion), his symptoms, their treatments, and the language used to describe it is essentially the same as asthma. (back in medieval times, asthma as a term was used more liberally to describe any difficulty breathing, especially when not attributable to any other condition, and not so much for one specific condition like it is now. this is how things will be presented in my rewrite, but the distinction probably won't be very important at all either way)
(this part might be a little dark?) gene was hanged, so he has some difficulties with breathing as well, though not as often as zenix (i imagine he's a bit more skillful with dealing with it than zenix, who is a generally irresponsible and age-appropriately dumb teenager) but it's a much bigger trigger and cause of distress in him than it is for zenix, since asphyxiation is the actual thing which killed him, instead of a side effect.
i haven't thought about sasha or vylad too much in this regard though because i'm still not exactly sure how they died in my rewrite. laurance doesn't struggle so much with the physical repurcussions of his death as he does the consequences of his shadow knight transformation going unfinished (namely, his blindness)
giving them chronic illnesses makes a lot of sense, too! i'll have to think about incorporating that into my own headcanons too. it definitely makes sense for them to deal with chronic pain too, considering they're immortal but can still be injured.
the shadow knights are basically my favorite part of the story, i could literally talk about them forever lmao, so i'll stop here for now
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tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
Hello there. 
Some of you are probably wondering why I haven’t done anything related to TW:OPT or TWST in general. Well, real life decided to turn its gear and now we’re in a rather not-so-great situation. I haven’t been well these past few days (but maybe I haven’t been well mentally for a few months or a year by now, I lost track of time) and it might last longer. There will be times I just think to maybe erase every, but I guess I chickened out. But if that time maybe come one day, I want to say this, possibly, last letter regarding TW:OPT. I know you guys are probably tired of listening and technically you can just ignore this.
It was honestly almost surreal that TW:OPT finally ended. Usually, every week or at least once-a-month I'll be wondering what to write or anticipating a new review every new chapter update, but now, I don't need to do that anymore. It's like an end of a chapter in my life and might as well be one. I hold this fic dear to my heart and I always wanted to tinker with it. But I’m scared that I’ll change the story so much that it’s not a TWST fanfic anymore. I guess we’ll never more.
But the reason why I stick on TW:OPT, other than my love for the game, is because of you guys, dearest reader. I just don’t want to disappoint you guys with another unfinished fic. Even if maybe someday I don't make the sequel, I still want to conclude this adventure for you guys. You guys, dearest reader, who has been here since the beginning or just recently or everyone in between. 
Ladies, gentlemen, and esteemed non-binaries. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say this: 
Thank you for joining me on this journey. It was fun while it lasted. We had our ups, downs, and hiatuses, but in the end, we made it. 
TW:OPT might spark my passion for writing once again, but it was you, my dearest reader, who kept me on the track. 
I'm truly honored and forever grateful to have you guys. 
But alas, we've reached the end.
I will still be writing, but not as frequently as I was back then.But  I don’t think I’ll be touching TWST for a while, mostly because of the burnout and just not feeling it anymore. To be honest it has been a long time since I actually feel something about TWST. I still hold it dear to my heart, but I haven’t been excited about anything whether it was new cards or events. Maybe one day that spark will return. Maybe, at that time, I can continue our adventure if you guys are still waiting.
Until then...
Thank you for reading~
This is the captain, signing off from the Our Precious Treasure Universe.
Goodbye! May we see each other again on the next voyage!
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whetstonefires · 2 years
8 & 9 for the ask game!
8. What kind of document do you use to you write? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Straight in the AO3 text box?
I have been using an expired copy of Microsoft Word 2010 this whole time--we bought it as a two-disc bundle in actual 2010 and then 6 years later the second copy was still there when I got a new laptop, and now it's 6 years after that. And they stopped supporting the software when it was 11 years old. Eesh. Time.
The fact that it kept nagging me about not being supported didn't worry me too much, since I don't think even a widely utilized word processor is a major hacking target, and Microsoft having pivoted to a subscription model had every reason to be a bitch about using an obsolete version.
But its autosave feature was getting less and less useful, so after losing a lot of work a month and a half ago in a computer crash I finally got around to switching to the open-source LibreOffice, which autosaves restoration data of your current workstate every ten minutes, and also has this nice little floppy disc icon at the bottom of the page that turns red when you've modified the doc since your last formal save, and you can click it to fix that so it turns soothingly black again. Which is nice! Working great for me so far!
So now it's LibreOffice.
I also have Scrivener, but so far I'm exclusively using it to draft one single novel very slowly. All my fic so far is done in a basic word processor.
I can't handle Googledocs ideologically lmao, I don't like trusting Google with my data and I don't like not having backup copies of past drafts Just In Case and I don't like trusting Google to not lose my data and I really don't like needing to have internet to access and alter my files.
And the fact that it strips formatting when you copy-paste is extra motive to not rely on it for fic, because having to either use a special import widget or manually re-enter all my italics would drive me to drink. No google docs.
I tried drafting a chapter straight into AO3 textbox once to see if it helped overcome writer's block. It did not.
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
I...this is definitely a moving target? Can people normally answer this? I think if I knew what my favorite thing I've ever done is for sure it'd be really depressing because everything else would naturally be measured relative to it. My personal Mount Fuji.
Also I'm going to be real there's like a 90% chance whatever it is has never seen the light of day because it's good enough I can't bring the surrounding narrative architecture up to par so it's Unfinished Work.
I have over a million words on AO3 how am I supposed to????? I can't.
...also my current focus project is this hilariously long E-rated smut fic on my shiny new nsfw alt, where I'm systematically figuring out what you can do narratively with a sex scene, now that I've challenged myself to figure out how to write them and succeeded. So even if I determined the current answer at this moment, there's a non-zero chance it would turn out to be a really tidy piece of porn choreography.
Currently the technical challenge of describing the relative positions of bodies in space both accurately and engagingly is still entertaining me, though the fun is wearing off so I will probably have finished my erotica phase by autumn lmao.
Let's see. A fave, chosen at semi-random. Recently I was rereading Top Guide to try to get that updating again and found I still get a weird amount of joy out of the bit where Tifa throws tea in Genesis' face and books it, after determining through conversation that his morals are hella janky and they cannot be friends.
That whole sequence with the weird tea party wasn't a huge technical achievement or Perfect in any way really, but the experience of writing it was nice; it just came together really smoothly and I didn't second-guess myself or have to stop and seriously rework it or anything. I could feel the benefit of experience working for me as I put it together and it was nice.
I also liked it for the character because she didn't make a huge production of it but it's such a dramatic thing to do.
Thanks for asking! :D
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wooahaes · 1 year
thank you for the tag @twogyuu !!
rules: post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
oof okay so this one is already gonna be hard because... everything on this blog rn was released in the year 2022. idk how many fics that is, but its a ton.
also sorry you can tell when my mood seriously dropped off during this
5 works i’m most proud of from 2022
under the sun: yes, i know she’s not finished yet. i debated including her because of it, but i’m genuinely proud of what i’ve written for UtS so far!! hopefully i’ll finish the fic next year, thank you all for bearing with me as i finished off school since that too precedence over most things (+ sometimes i just need a break from longer projects like UtS), i’m hoping to have wonwoo’s part out soon! but i think there’s a lot in this fic that i’m definitely in love with, primarily the world building. i feel most in my element when i work on UtS and the vaguely supernatural background it has, all wrapped up with a sweeter romance in most cases. without spoiling anything, i’m genuinely excited to eventually get to cheol’s part. whether the series ends with his part or continues on to a different title for the alternate ending, i feel like cheol’s part functions as something encompassing a lot of what this series means.
lonely hearts club: ah, lhc. my beloved. i genuinely have such a soft spot for wonwoo, and this is actually a series written in full! its been a while since i’ve done one of those lmao. i think my writing has come a way since i wrote lhc, and i think if i were to rewrite it, there’s things i’d add in--but she has a special place in my heart nonetheless. writing wonwoo as someone who is soft and loving is genuinely just something i enjoy because i feel like i rarely see it sometimes. he’s just a big ole softie who’s quiet and i love it about him.
sweet night: another unfinished one, i know, but... i think there’s parts of sweet night that i genuinely enjoy writing a lot. i think it’s pretty telling how every fic i’ve listed so far is pretty damn plot heavy (because genuinely that is what i love writing!!) and this one is no different. plus, i think this one has a special place for me because it’s technically a collaborative piece with several anons from a mutual’s blog (if you see this, hi sol! hi anons! thank you again for giving me permission to write this fic!) and i think collaborative works are fun. but there’s also some heavier emotions that i do like addressing. 
a mermaid’s kiss: a short one! but i do love her. idk i just love vague mermaid lore and joshua was a rly good fit for this au.
enouement / singing in the rain: ok so im linking both of these here bc SitR is a retelling of enouement as a skz fic. idk why i was abt to say both of these flopped when they did decent. i guess i just don’t hear much feedback on either of them? they both have a special place in my heart. enouement was the first long fic i posted and one i was excited to write, while the other was just one that i have some lines in that i really like.
4 current WIPs for the new year
the rest of under the sun + [potentially] shadow: ok im cheating here but genuinely i’m excited to eventually finish UtS and hopefully still have the juice to write what i’ve been titling shadow! it’s the alt ending, name currently pending.  just assume any series i haven’t finished, i’m hoping to finish next year.
i can’t run away: a vernon fic that feels kinda venty. it’s angst with no happy ending. title also might change a little, but i do like keeping it as it is now.
[WORKING TITLE ALERT] 88/134: a bang chan fic! its another chubby!fem!reader long fic because i can’t be stopped. might change the title later, but it was a reference to apparently how long it takes people to fall in love (men 88 days, women 134 according to a study i have linked on the google doc)
topsy turvy: both versions even though one will be titled differently!! :)
3 biggest improvements
honestly? just motivating myself to write in general. sometimes i hit dry spells, sure, but i’ve been getting better about forcing myself to sit down and write most days.
idk i just feel like i’ve found my style a bit more. focusing on emotions within a plot just fits into what i enjoy writing the most.
properly planning things (most of the time) and sticking to writing out those plans. trust me when i say i never used to plan things out.
2 resolutions
writing the full goddamn fic before posting it OR at least finishing all the plans first.
write more for non-svt groups. please.. @ myself this blog was started for svt AND trsr.
1 favorite line
ughh i think i usually end up having multiple lines that i like in fics so i’ll just pick one at random:
If eternal love took the form of a person, then that truly was you. You’d always have one part of his love tied to you, no matter how far away he went. That was the funny thing about love: you gave up parts of yourself for someone else. Wonwoo might always see you in the books he’d read, in the stores he passed, in the world itself. One day the pain would fade, but his love would always rest with you whether you knew it or not. He tried to think of what the Twitter account would say. Part of him wanted to message it, even if the person running it was on a break. But what could they say to comfort him? That it was okay to be hurt, that they were sorry for encouraging him? That love was a leap of faith and sometimes you fall but it’ll all be okay?
They said falling was the best part of love. If it was, then the impact of hitting the ground was the worst.
(from pt.10 of lonely hearts club)
i will simply mention some ppl and no one has to do it if they don’t want to @junkissed @thepixelelf @husbandhannie
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Ten Random Lines Tag
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. 
Tagged by @eluvisen 😁 Technically I’m supposed to tag people but whatever.  These are all Fallout because I haven’t actually published any of my non-Fallout stuff.
1. Spaces Between (Nora/Nate, Nora/Hancock)
It’s not quite dawn when he hears her on the staircase outside. She’s light-footed even in safe spaces, but always forgets about the second-to-last stair, which squeaks obnoxiously under her step.
2. Touch (Nate/Curie)
He squeezed her closer, her small but sturdy frame melting against him. He hadn’t said it, but he knew what it was. That tightness in his chest that made it hard to breathe, that felt like something trying to claw its way out from between his ribs -- he hadn’t felt it in months, not since that last morning with Nora.
3. With Friends Like These
“Son of a bitch,” Deacon seethed, standing out of his cover. Nora had tackled the tire iron-swinging raider, going for his knees and knocking him flat. Deacon knew from all the times she had tackled him as grenades and mines went off that she knew what she was doing, 125 pounds of solid muscle and redheaded fury, but it still made his stomach flop the way she engaged so up and close.
4. Faded Grace (Nora/Hancock)
“What are you doing up?”
He started, heart jumping into his throat.  Nora padded quietly across the rug, stifling a yawn.  She flopped onto the couch next to him and glanced at the album.
“That thing again?”
“Shaun left it out.”
She grimaced, leaning forward to study the pictures.  
“My favorite,” she said dully, and flipped the album closed. “Come on back to bed.”
5. Hanaemi (James/Sarah Lyons)
She’s walking again that night, circling around and around the wings of the Citadel, when she finds him back in that same supply closet.  It’s been almost a year since their first encounter there, and he startles her as much now as he did then.
“You really like this thing, huh?” she asks once her heart rate has had a moment to settle.  He shrugs in disinterest.
“It’s quiet,” he says.  His tone is flat and he’s looking at the floor, leaned forward on his knees, hands hanging limply.  She looks him over and sees there’s still soot from the explosions peppering his hair.
6. Melody (Nora/Hancock)
The music cut off abruptly to announce the hour, startling them both.  He jumped a little just as her leg buckled under her and she landed with a soft smack on the concrete floor.
“Shit,” she muttered, sitting back and rubbing one ankle.
“Ya’ alright, Sunshine?”
She looked up sharply and narrowed her eyes. “How long have you been there?”
7. Doing Alright (Nora/Hancock)
I did remember to ask him that one once – why me.  He said he liked covering my ass because it was a fine ass to look at.
Maybe he’s as clueless as I am.  Maybe it was just a profound case of fuck it and we got fucking lucky.
We seem to do that a lot.
8. Truth or Shot 
Nora rolled her eyes. “Open up the bourbon,” she instructed, “The game we’re going to play is called Truth or Shot.”
“I’m pretty shitty at one of those.  Guess which.”
“I know.  You’re going to practice telling the truth or get drunk enough to spill your secrets anyway.”
Deacon sighed. “Alright, I confess.  I ate the last box of Fancy Lads,” he said, “There, you got it out of me.”
9. Unfinished Business
George wasn't sure how much time passed before Hancock appeared by his post at the end of the tunnel, but it wasn’t long.  He didn’t say anything at first, leaning against the concrete wall and lighting a cigarette with a quick flick of his lighter.  The smell of stale smoke filled the space between them.
“The Shaun you’re expecting to see isn’t the one you remember,” he said finally, voice quiet in the darkness.  George looked over as the red tip of his cigarette illuminated the man’s face.
“What do you mean?”
10. World of Refreshment 
“Ma’am, would you like to take point?”
Nora looked up and squinted at Danse. 
“At the bottling plant,” he clarified, “Hancock told me you wanted a fireteam to go in and help out.”
Nora peered around the man to where Hancock was waiting, leaned against a doorframe. “So he did,” she replied, glaring at her husband. “Yeah, I’ll take point.  Can you spot me?”
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moviemunchies · 11 months
Tumblr media
Do you like well-made action movies? This will do it for you.
[I meant to review the first movie when I saw it, but I never got around to finishing that review. I think that I still have the unfinished Google doc somewhere…]
Surviving the last movie because of Plat Mandate, Tyler Rake goes through a long recovery period and then hops back into action. This time he needs to save his ex-sister-in-law and her children from a Georgian (country, not the state) prison, as her husband and his brother lead a crime empire that basically runs Georgia. But even after escaping the jail, they’re followed by the gang’s forces, leading to a siege of a skyscraper in Vienna.
It’s not deep, and it doesn’t have the flair of John Wick, but the Extraction films are excellent samples of the action film genre (it’s also another film that shows how it owes its existence, or at least presentation, to the success of John Wick). The escape from the jail features an extended sequence with no noticeable cuts. This is not only visually and technically spectacular, it heightens audience immersion. Without cuts, the illusion of watching something in real time builds, and you feel as if something horrible can happen at any second, breaking the sequence. The escape is as tense for you as it is for Rake.
Rake’s survival from the last movie was a bit iffy, but it’s far from the biggest survival stretch  I’ve seen in an action movie. It’s helped (in my eyes, at least) by how the film shows him in a coma at first, and when he wakes up he goes through a long recovery period. Getting back to fighting shape involves a lot of physical therapy! Which is a ‘duh’ but if you haven’t seen action movies and have working knowledge of human anatomy, you’d be amazed how many people in movies get up and keep going after injuries that should, by all rights, be fatal.
Characterization isn’t the film’s strong suit. It could be that I don’t remember the first movie that well, but I never really got why Nik and Yaz had such a strong bond with Rake. I would have liked to have seen these relationships and personalities more developed.
In particular, Sandro (Rake’s ex-nephew-in-law) could use some work? I think it’s not entirely unbelievable that his character goes the way that it does, but the film doesn’t do the work to show it. It wouldn’t have been that hard, or take that much screen time, to depict why Sandro has so much sympathy for his father and uncle, as opposed to his mother.
Also! There’s a cameo in this movie I didn’t expect?
[Quick side note before we continue: ‘cameo’ does not mean ‘famous person appears’. I have seen this word beaten to death from wrong usage in headlines since mainstream media learned it existed (that and ‘reboot’ instead of ‘revival’ or ‘remake’). ‘Cameo’ often features a famous person, but also can mean any bonus appearance by a figure that is recognizable to fans. A guest appearance is not the same as a cameo. The actor I’m talking about here though is only in a couple of scenes, for like five minutes.]
Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise to see him in this movie. But I expect, given his scenes, that he will come back, and we will see more of him.
Because this film ends with a little bit of a cliffhanger, an indication that Rake will have to go on at least one more adventure. It’s not a bad ending, as the main story for this one’s mostly wrapped up. It’s not an annoying cliffhanger ending, where you keep guessing where it is the movie’s going to cut off as it drags on.
At the end of the day, though, it’s a really good action movie. It’s well done, well made, and feels like you’re getting exactly what you signed up for when you press ‘Play’. If you liked the first one, I think you’ll find this one even better. If you like action movies in general, you’ll probably find a lot to like here.
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queen-pathetic · 1 year
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @s1utspeare ! I am surprised that people still remember that i write fics since i basically stopped in the later half of the year except for NaNoWriMo lmaoo. so i will do this. 
name/nicknames: Angie or ang 
fandoms: Aight so DMBJ. I write the most of that. And Winter Begonia, but WB is usually just smut. I did write for Squid Game for a bit but stopped since the fandom was too much. 
two shots?: if this like 2 chapter fics?? i dont normally write that, and i have been bad at reading other peoples fics for reasons i wont disclose here. 
most popular multi-chapter fic: its a squid game fic, please dont come for me. People knew this fic before they even know me so that says something. Puzzle Pieces. I will not be able to write anything close to the amount of hits this got. 
actual worst part of writing: um writing. i am not a writer never have been, but i wanted to write because there were some things that i wanted to draw but i could not do it with my current talent. so instead i wrote it. i never expected for people to like what i wrote. so it takes a lot for me to share my work because im so scared of it not getting hits (aka why i stopped writing recently)
how you choose your titles: i stare at the blank “title” box on ao3 and cry for like 5 mins and then write something random. sometimes it loops back to the story, or its stupid and makes no sense. 
do you outline?: no. i literally write like a stream of consciousness. no thoughts. i only outlined for my nanowrimo fic since it was a daunting 50k that needed to open and close within those words. if its a multi fic with no clear ending i dont care. if its a one shot it means i already have an ending so i keep it 10k. 
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: no not that i know of. i had for a while wanted to do a idol AU for heihua but i suck at AUs so thats not happening. (it would be idol/bodyguard or even opera singer/bodyguard). 
i want to finish my current heihua fic but i dried up with ideas so it has been sitting unfinished for quite some time. I am not goof with very technically elements of stories (tombs) so i made a mistake by doing that two times in one story. 
callouts @ me: get over the fear of writing and comparing myself to everyone else. im a horrible friend and i dont read fics my friends write because i compare myself to their fics. i know im not a good writer so when i see my friends write masterpieces and get more hits i kind of wonder why do i even try. 
probably also saying im not a good writer, but i know im not lol even if people try and convince me. so i guess i got a lot to work on for now im just not gonna update until i feel comfortable with my product.
best writing traits: ...i just roasted myself for like 300 words so idk if i have good writing traits. oh only smut. i think im good at writing smut, which is weird since i dont do anything in my own life. its been a while since i have written actually but i think my porn without plots normally are good since i focus less on the plot. 
i also do a lot of heihua slow burn.  aka enemies to lovers. 
spicy tangential opinion: dont ask me for opinions... doubt what i say will mean anything. 
Tagging anyone who wants to do it. i dont have many writer friends (maybe i do idk) so i dont wanna tag people 
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@jellydeans: so are cas and jimmy novak just up in heaven existing at the same time @katebushstandean: #jimmy moves to heaven timbuku so that dean stops trying to make out with him every time they run into each other at the heaven grocery store
Thanks for letting me write this, guys!!
AO3  (2.1k)
The thing about Heaven was that it was whatever you wanted it to be, and most of its residents wanted it to be familiar.
Technically, Dean didn’t need to fill his car up on gas anymore, but there was still a gas station just down the street from where his new home was placed. He didn’t need to sleep, but he still had a large king-sized bed he made sure to make use of at least once a day. He didn’t need to eat, but there was a thriving supermarket that catered to whatever he was feeling like eating and always boasted the freshest ingredients for when he wanted to get a little fancy with his cooking.
Like today, for example.
Bobby had said he doubted Dean could make a proper souffle, so obviously Dean had to make the old man eat his words - and a souffle.
Dean stared at all of the different options of eggs, trying to decide if “free-range” vs. “organic” actually meant anything in Heaven, or if it was just meant to give him some sort of familiarity.
He grabbed the “free-range” option and moved on to the dairy.
There was movement out of the corner of his eye in the meat section across the way, and the way his heart stopped in his chest when he turned to look would have killed him if he wasn’t already dead.
It was Cas.
Cas, who Dean had spent every day thinking about since he’d left. Cas, who Dean had been trying to find ever since Bobby told him he was still around. Cas, who Dean still had unfinished business with.
He’d spend hours in bed, staring at the ceiling of his room and rehearsing just what he’d say when he saw him again, but in those scenarios Cas had shown up on his doorstep or in the passenger seat of his car where they could have a moment to just be .
He’d never been buying hamburger meat.
Dean rushed forward, cart forgotten, and skidded to a halt in front of Cas, just as he looked up in surprise.
“I love you -” Dean said in a rush, heart pounding, head reeling, “Of course I love you. You’re - fuck - you’re everything I could ever want and I’m - I’m so damn sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t have me, too.”
Cas blinked at him, and it was in that moment Dean realized something was wrong.
His expression, his hair, the way he moved, the way he was dressed - all of it was wrong.
None of it was Cas, he’d just been too overwhelmed to see it.
“Oh, uh... hey Dean,” Not-Cas said, and finished putting his selected meat in his basket, “I didn’t didn’t know that you died. Um, if you’re looking for Castiel -“
Dean turned and ran out of the store.
What were the fucking chances that in all of Heaven, he and Cas’s old vessel were neighbors?
Dean gunned the gas pedal on his car as he drove endlessly, trying to walk himself through what exactly had happened the day before.
Jimmy Novak was here.
Jimmy Novak who - last Dean checked - hated him.
Dean had just spewed his feelings all over him without even thinking about the possibility that he wasn’t Cas. He’d been wearing a sweater vest for crying out loud - but he was willing to forgive himself for that one because he didn’t really know how Cas would dress if he had the choice.
His hopes had soared so high when he’d seen the familiar figure, only to be dashed the moment Jimmy had opened his mouth. They sounded absolutely nothing alike - and Dean yearned for the deep gravel of Castiel’s greeting.
Dean’s grip on the wheel tightened.
Where was Cas?
Didn’t he know that there was nothing keeping them apart now?
In what could only be an act of fate smiling down on him, Dean zoomed around a corner near the Heavenly library, and instantly had to stomp on the brakes of the Impala as a trenchcoat-clad figure stepped into the previously empty crosswalk.
Old habits die hard - Dean was still going to brake for Heavenly pedestrians, especially ones that looked like Cas.
Cas turned to look at him, eyes wide, and Dean shoved the driver’s side door open in a panic. The trench coat was unmistakable this time.
“Cas! Cas - don’t go okay? I gotta -“
Cas shook his head sharply and let out a breath.
“No - Jesus Christ - it’s still me, you idiot.”
Dean gaped at him as his brain tried to catch up with the conflicting bits of information it was processing.
“...what?” He heard himself saying.
Had he just wanted it to be Cas so bad that he’d ignored all the signs?
Jimmy gestured at himself like it was enough of an explanation.
“Uh. Yeah.”
“But - but you’re wearing his trenchcoat! ” Dean said, waved at it like maybe Jimmy hadn’t realized he was walking around as the mockery of the angel who’d once shared a living space with him.
Jimmy placed an affronted hand on his own chest.
“It was my trenchcoat!”
Frustration boiled inside of him and Dean quickly slid back into the car and slammed the door shut behind him.
He sped off, once again running from what could have been.
Dean was sulking under a pile of blankets in his bed when there was a knock at his door.
He ignored it.
After a few moments of silence, the knocking came again, louder and more insistent this time.
Grumbling to himself, Dean threw the blankets off and trudged down the stairs, flinging open the door with a scowl.
A person with nearly combed hair was standing on the doorstep holding a six-pack of beer in one hand and had a sticker on his shirt that said, ‘Hello, my name is Jimmy’.
“Very funny.” Dean said flatly.
“It’s not funny. It’s just in case you try to kiss me or something.” Jimmy held up the six-pack expectantly. “Can I come in?”
Dean didn’t appreciate the ribbing, but he didn’t mind the beer.
And after accosting him twice he might as well let the guy do what he wanted.
“Yeah, whatever.” Dean grumbled and left the door open as he walked back inside and flopped onto his couch. “Why are you here? Don’t you hate me?”
Jimmy hummed as he set the beer down on the coffee table and took a seat opposite Dean.
“I don’t not hate you.” He said with a shrug. “But last time we talked you were trying to convince me to chain myself to a comet again and I can’t say I appreciated it.”
Dean grunted in acknowledgment.
“I’ve been in heaven for a while now. It’s nice here. I take a yoga class with my wife.” Jimmy smiled at him. “I think I’m in a much better mental space now to consider liking you, especially if we’re going to be neighbors.”
Dean winced.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to like Jimmy, it was just… that was Cas’s face. It wasn’t , but it was. Was he really going to have to be constantly taunted with it?
“Look man - I’m sorry about - you know. That.” Dean waved a hand in the air generally. “But you don’t have to do all this. I’ll stop harassing you.”
“That would be nice,” Jimmy said, opening one of the cans and taking a swig, “So, considering the things you’ve said to me, I take it he finally told you he loved you?”
Dean paused, still raw every time he thought about it.
“You knew?”
Jimmy smirked.
“That angel’s love for you permeated both of our beings so potently I’m amazed I don’t love you.” Jimmy said, like it was the kind of fact you could drop casually. “Though even I will admit, as a happily married heterosexual man, that having a man as handsome as you proclaim your love to me in the middle of a grocery store was very exciting.”
Dean dropped his head into his hands and groaned loudly.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it,” Jimmy said, “That first one was pretty good. I’m sure he’s going to love it.”
“He’s never gonna hear it.” Dean muttered.
“Sure he will. You’ve already practiced it twice.”
“I can’t find him!” Dean said, and looked back up, “He’s here somewhere, and I can’t find him. It’s killing me.”
Jimmy held out a beer can.
“Good thing you’re already dead.”
Begrudgingly, Dean accepted the beer and opened it.
“I just. . . I just wanna see him again.” Dean took a long drink. “I want to talk to him. Tell him everything. Share everything. If he wants that.”
Dean let out a long breath, expecting Jimmy to interject with a quip.
He looked over at him when nothing happened, and Jimmy was smiling at him in a way that Dean could only describe as ‘fond’.
“What?” Dean said, indignantly.
“Nothing.” Jimmy said innocently. “You’re just not what I expected.”
Dean looked away.
“Anyway, you asked why I’m here,” Jimmy took another drink, “I’ve seen Castiel.”
“What?” Dean jumped to his feet, beer can dropped to the floor and forgotten about. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”
“I’m an enigma,” Jimmy shrugged a shoulder and leaned back against the plush chair, “Anyway, I wanted to let you know as someone who has literally been in Castiel’s head - I'm pretty sure I know the reason he’s not showing himself to you.”
“Well, fucking spill.”
Jimmy paused.
“Why do you love him?”
Of all the things Dean had been expecting Jimmy to say - this wasn’t it.
Dean sat back down.
“Why?” He asked, a little breathless. “Why does it matter?”
Jimmy shrugged again.
“I guess -” Dean said, trying to unspool his emotions from the knot they’d made in his heart, “He’s - he’s Cas. He cares . . . so much about everyone and - and he’s selfless and kind and he fucking saved me in more ways than just one. He’s always been there for me and Sam and he’s just… he’s just. He’s just good . I’ll never deserve him, but I want to try.”
Dean sucked in a deep breath.
“He pulls me away from the edge, man. I just love him.”
Jimmy nodded once, set down his beer can, and in a bizarre turn of events, began yelling at Dean’s ceiling.
“Did you hear that, Castiel? Not one goddamn thing about how you look! Nothing about me or my vessel!”
Dean stared, dumbfounded.
“He doesn’t care what you look like! Can you please just come talk to him so I can stop playing marriage counselor for you two?”
Care how he - what?  
What was happening?
Before Dean could fully compile all of the new information, there was a hesitant knock at the front door.
Dean whipped his head towards Jimmy, who was smiling in satisfaction.
Nearly tripping over himself, Dean rushed to the door faster than he’d rushed towards anything in his life, and swung it open.
In front of him was the wavelength of celestial intent that Dean had always known existed inside of the vessel of Jimmy Novak - the glint of angelic creation he’d caught glimpses of in the glow of his eyes and in his healing touch. The being was massive and stretched high into the sky with what was (maybe three? four??) pairs of wings scraping the clouds even further above everything. He was flaming rings and rotating divine faces that Dean could barely comprehend - he was raw power and all-knowing eyes.
On the front of his form was a sticker that read, ‘Hello, my name is Castiel’.  
“. . . Hello Dean.” The voice rumbled through the air like thunder.
“Cas?” Dean said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I - yes. I’m sorry. I lost my vessel to the Empty - this was the only way -”
“I love you, too.”
The rotating faces on the form towering above him froze in place.
“I do! I love you, Cas. Okay? You didn’t let me say it back before - and if I’ve ever made you feel like I couldn’t love you back, I’m so fucking sorry. You deserve better.”
“. . . you love me?”
Dean nodded, his heart clenching at the disbelief he could hear in Cas’s voice.
“ Even as this?”
“You’ve always been this.” Dean swallowed. “I fell in love with the angel, not the vessel.”
“Dean. . .”
Dean smiled up at him in understanding.
“Just a shame that we’ll have to get a bigger house.”
“Oh I can -”
And as Dean looked on, Castiel began to shrink. The form didn’t change - he was still as striking as he’d been the first time with his wings and halos and faces still firmly in place - but he was now maybe one foot taller than Dean instead of one hundred.
“- make myself more manageable.”
Dean grinned and took a step forward, giddy and thrilled that this was finally, actually happening
He reached up, resting a hand on one of the divine faces.
“Bite-sized.” He murmured fondly.
Jimmy’s voice cut through the moment from somewhere behind them.
“Just so you two know - I. Am. Moving!”
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