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[AU Masterpost]
Little late this year, but joining the festivities: Ides of March is an awkward day to be SHSL supreme leader probably.
I am 95% certain its canon maki pulls on her hair as a nervous tick and we should draw it more. Also, don't worry about the parallels to Kokichi taking one for the team to keep blame off Maki for something again or the spread of Uncomprehending why someone would do something nice for you to their own detriment (but this time in lighthearted context) its a gag comic its fine
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shotgunyuri · 6 months
Okay, fine. Here’s MY Saw Reverse AU
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Bonus: Reverse AU Kramer Family Photo
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starlightsailfish · 2 years
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More SAW Warrior Cats yeah >:D !!!! In order we have: LakeBlossom (Lynn) and BloodJaw (Amanda), AppleBelly (Adam) and ShiningStep (Lawrence), and StoneFrost (Peter) and LeafHeart (Lindsey)!
Original post with more info: HERE
I wanna thank all of ya'll for the sweet comments on the original post I wasn't expecting such an incredible response and am still reeling 🥺💗 Expect more meow meows in the future and feel free to request any characters! :3
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inthewindtunnel · 1 year
Irgendwo In Dieser Stadt
Nur Eine Phase
Tapp Tapp Tapp
Der Traum Ist Aus
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forta-ver · 2 years
I'm listening to the playlist I made for Rick back in 20....14? 2015??
Nostalgia for Distortion. Nostalgia for Hype y2. Nostalgia for all the pokemon AUs he exists in and his ill-fated nuzlocke runs.
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drpsps · 2 months
AU where Scott and Adam are together however Adam also falls for Lawrence to the point that those photos get a little more personal. He date’s each one, explains how he feels instead of what he saw happening, hell he defends Lawrence when Tapp receives the photo “Oh, yeah, he just kinda chilled, no one else came in or out of the hotel room.”
Scott finds out and he can’t help but feel threatened by this. He starts getting a little irritated when all Adam talks about are the photos.
instead of it being just Lawrence and Adam who end up in the bathroom trap, Scott ends up there too for enabling Adam’s degeneracy.
Scott can’t help but be jealous as Lawrence comforts Adam. Eventually Lawrence gets out and Scott tries to tell Adam that Lawrence is a conniving liar, that they’ll die.
In one last attempt, Scott murmurs “Together, right?” Adam nods, and murmurs softly “Together.”
Amanda still ends up having to kill Adam, but Scott tries to stop her and fails terribly, dying like Adam.
In the next Saw films we see their bodies leaned against each-other, like a last moments together photo.
Lawrence sees this after becoming an apprentice, and can’t help but wonder how cruel John would have to be to do this to a couple, yet he feels no remorse.
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barkhoffman · 5 months
Saw AU where it takes place in the present day and instead of hearing a fire alarm go off in the background of a Jigsaw tape Tapp hears the grindr notification sound
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j1gsawz · 29 days
Xrayshipping / Loganzep headcanons
(this is kinda long so be warned but i beg you to read it i need others to hear me out on this random ship i accidentally created while trying to think of someone to ship logan with)
zep lives au:
so basically i’ve created this au where zep survives because adam wasn’t strong enough to actually bash his head in so zep crawled out of the bathroom (after amanda killed adam or saved adam or whatever you wanna go with) and was able to not get arrested (don’t ask me how because i don’t know. maybe he was able to convince the police he was actually forced to hold alison and diana hostage and come up with a convincing lie that he doesn’t know what happened to detective tapp)
this whole thing could also just be worked into zep just becoming one of john’s apprentices if you ignore that he failed his test. i prefer my interpretation though since i don’t think zep would ever want to be an apprentice.
after his encounter with adam, zep has scars across the side of his face, and there’s very small patches on his head where hair isn’t able to grow anymore. he of course got a severe concussion from the beating too, and he now gets headaches and migraines a lot. (i really don’t know how the scars would look or if the hair thing makes sense and googling “blunt force trauma scars” like my friend suggested… did not work to say the least)
he often wears beanies or has his hood up to try to cover some of the scars. (this later on will lead to logan constantly calling him handsome and beautiful)
obviously zep quits his job at the hospital, and he ends up working at some shitty restaurant in a mall food court where he eventually reunites with logan
zep and logan already vaguely knew each other from working at the same hospital (zep always had a lowkey hallway crush on logan)
logan was shocked to see zep had survived, as john never told him and logan never had any reason to go to the bathroom.
zep was at first unaware that logan was now john’s apprentice, but eventually he figured it out. it made him really nervous at first, which made logan upset. after many conversations with logan, zep grew to trust him again
in general, zep is a lot more on edge after his test, and is almost constantly anxious unless he’s with logan. he’s always scared lawrence is going to find out he’s alive and hunt him down for what he did to alison and diana. (logan would eventually talk to lawrence about it and make sure it was safe for zep to be around the other apprentices… not that zep even wants to be around them that often)
general / cute relationship stuff:
after logan and zep reunite, they start “hanging out” a lot (they’re basically going on dates but neither of them will admit it)
logan is bi and zep is gay and transmasc (no cis man is named sheppard. btw that is his canon full name according to the script ^_^)
zep has never been in a relationship before, so he’s very inexperienced with everything that comes with being in one (but he’s usually not shy about it. just nervous. i dont want him to be some shy blushing twink because he’s NOT that he is a little weirdo)
logan on the other hand has been in some relationships before, but never anything too intense. or anything with a man. so it’s new for both of them.
zep fell in love first, obviously. he was down bad the moment logan was nice to him. logan fell for zep not long after, although he denied it at first.
i also headcanon zep as being autistic, so I think he’d have a lot of unique ways of showing his affection for logan, who would find all of these absolutely adorable. (he’d do something stupid like point at a crushed monster energy can next to a crushed root beer can on the side of the road and be like “that’s so us” and logan would shed a tear out of pure joy)
logan is very careful and gentle with zep, always making sure he’s comfortable and feels safe.
if is an au where adam survives… logan would absolutely detest him for hurting zep. He wouldn’t harm adam, of course, but he would just glare and stare at him angrily while adam tries to figure out wtf is going on. i don’t think zep would hate adam for what happened; he understands very well the circumstances of john’s games.
zep listens to music like oingo boingo and the cure, but logan is a full on country guy and it drives zep insane. eventually logan gets into better music but still brainrot popular radio stuff like nsync & the backstreet boys.
zep will deny this, but he thinks the scars on logan’s back are very attractive in a way. he is actually so physically attracted to logan it makes him dizzy.
random logan headcanon: i think he is southern and moved to [whatever city saw takes place in] when he got older. sometimes his old accent will peak through in his voice, and boy oh boy did zep immediately start having some interesting thoughts about logan dressed as a cowboy the first time he noticed it.
and that’s it for now!! i really wanted to make this post cuz i’ve been fixated on logan & zep for almost two months now and i’ve been completely alone :’) this is all probably really out of character for them but i dont care i love them so much. if anyone makes content of them (PLEASE DO IM BEGGING YOU) feel free to tag me cuz i would absolutely love to see it!!
bonus playlist:
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Petit point lecture et serie.
J'ai commencé la serie Fallout d'Amazone. Pour ce qui ne connaissent pas c'est une adaptation d'une tres vieille serie de jeux vidéo (1994, au mon dieu je suis vieille) qui, pour faire simple, est un jeu de role dans un univers post apo : le monde s'est arrêté au niveau culturelle et politique aux années 50,gros conflit entre les USA et la Chine jusqu'à ce que pleins de bombes atomiques viennent faire des bisous à toutes les grandes villes.
200 ans plus tard les USA sont une terre radioactive et désolée ou des gens survivent comme ils peuvent. Certains abri antiatomiques ont permis a des groupes de survivrent sous terre pendant des générations sans trop savoir ce qui se passent a l'exterieur. Le jeu était violent, tres libre niveau choix moraux et c'était tres bien. C'est un jeux qui m'avait beaucoup beaucoup marqué pour son univers.
Du coup la serie repose sur exactement les même bases et c'est une série que je n'attendais pas du tout du tout du tout du tout du tout du tout.
Car en fait les adaptions en film ou serie de jv il y en a déjà eu pas mal et c'était pas souvent top top (pas de budget, pas d'écriture, on considère que la cible est un ado debile de 14 ans). Donc je n'en attendais rien. J'etais légitimement en droit de me dire que la serie serait tres gentille niveau moralité (des gentils tout gentils, des méchants tout mechants, on tappe pas sur les enfants toussa), sans trop de violence ou quelque chose de trop "propre".
J'ai commencé a regardé et en fait c'est une très bonne surprise. Niveau effet speciaux ils ont fait le bon choix : pas trop de budget donc on fait pas semblant d'en avoir. Un peu de FX et le reste en effet reel.
Il y a de la violence. Dont de la violence gratuite, car dans cet univers il n'y a pas de raison qu'il n'y en ai pas. Le personnage principal n'est pas une princesse, elle est ultra naive mais c'est justifié mais si il faut découper une tete a la tronçonneuse ( oui oui) elle souffle un coup, sort un "oki doki" et vroum vroum.
Parce ce que dans ma méfiance j'avais oublié quelque chose : la serie The last of Us a montré qu'on pouvais faire une adaptation de jv sans que ce soit comique ou pour enfant, qu'on pouvait essayer de fairz ca aec serieux.
Donc, je n'ai pas fini la serie donc pas d'avis définitif mais pour l'instant j'ai l'impression qu'on ne se moque ps de moi et qu'on me parle pas comme une debile quand je regarde donc ca me vas.
Niveau lecture je suis (encore) en train de (re) lire Les annales de la compagnie noire, une longue serie de romans qui racontent les perigrinations d'une troupe de mercenaires. Les perso ne sont pas des gentils, ceux qui les engagent non plus, ceux qu'ils combattent encore moins. Il y a plus de morts que dans un marriage à Westeros d'autant que l'histoire se deroule sur quelques dizaines d'annes.
Et voila ti pas qu'une nouvelle m'arrive : une adaptation en jeu de role papier est en préparation !
C'est pas beau tout ça ?
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hyper-cryptic · 21 days
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Realized I never posted this goofy ass shitpost comic I did of my DBD AU.
Leon if I up'd his autism to a hundred...
⬇ Transcript if my handwriting is illegible ⬇
On top: "alt ver that I thought was funny bc he would also say this"
Leon: "I'm sorry for hitting you. I shouldn't have expected you to fend off the killer."
Quentin: "That's kind of degrading…but it's okay."
Leon: "What do you mean ❔ You're just a civilian. It's unfair to put you against odds like this."
Quentin: "Civilian? What are you, a cop? I can take care of myself-"
Leon: "I was. Only for a day tho."
Quentin: "… A DAY? What did this guy do?!"
Quentin: "Haha, that's rlly cool buddy…You'd get along with Tapp…"
Leon: "Oh, he's a cop? Well…maybe, but I'm a government agent now…"
And last one i think it's clear as day...
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I've been meaning to ask, is Kokichi's black ring meant to be an ace ring? I only ask because it's black and on the finger one would typically wear an ace ring.
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This is probably funnier if Kaito doesn't know about Alter Ego yet
TL;DR: yes!! Very happy you noticed~
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dweetwise · 7 months
[Riconti] The Runaway
A silly little Wild West AU that nobody asked for 🥰 Rated T | 600 words | ao3 link
"—And bring him back unharmed. Do we have a deal?"
Caleb huffed. "Y'know the Sheriff wants him on a noose. Payin’ bail ain’t gonna cut it this time."
“I know.” Richter’s expression didn't even flinch. "But Sheriff Tapp isn't here, is he?"
Caleb bit back a smirk. Richter was usually a real stickler for rules who put his business first and anything remotely fun second. But pull the right strings, and he was apparently ready to take some shortcuts with the law.
Caleb knew that feeling all too well—after Bayshore and the warden, many of his Hellshire boys had gone right back to their outlaw ways. And after dealing with sour sheriffs and incompetent militia on the regular, some days Caleb was very close to joining them instead of continuing this gun for hire bullshit.
Luckily, Richter wasn’t interested in his gun.
"Bounty's for dead or alive," Caleb drawled. "What's stoppin' me from puttin' him down and gettin’ the bounty for his corpse?"
"The fact that I'm tripling the bounty if you bring him to me," Richter immediately countered.
If his broken jaw still let him, Caleb would have whistled. He didn't know why someone with Richter's status would bother throwing away that much money on some low-life scum, but he wasn't about to complain about a well-paying job.
"It ain't gonna be easy," Caleb said. "A lotta bounty hunters are gonna be after that gold, an' a rat like him's not gonna just let himself get found."
"That's why I'm asking you and not them," Richter simply said.
It was almost a compliment, but Caleb didn't care. They both knew he was the best tracker in the business.
"Alright," Caleb said. He pushed off the wall he'd been leaning on to rest his bad leg. "I'll bring 'im in."
Richter smiled from behind his desk. "Always a pleasure doing business with you."
Caleb grunted an affirmative and went to walk out of Richter's office.
"Oh, and Caleb?" Richter said once he was halfway out the door.
Caleb stopped but didn't bother turning to look at him. "Hm?"
"Unharmed," Richter stressed.
Now that Richter couldn't see it, Caleb was free to roll his eyes. It was like people took one look at the Redeemer and thought he went around harpooning people for fun.
Well, he did. But only those who deserved it.
"I got it," Caleb said.
Not waiting for a reply, Caleb slammed the office door and straightened his hat while he walked through the pompous manor. Because Richter supposedly lived alone, Caleb did his best to ignore the numerous Spanish books tucked into every bookshelf and the pair of boots in the entryway that were too small to be Richter's.
He already had a good few ideas where to start looking for his target. The bastard had a bounty in almost every state around these parts, but knowing him he’d just ignore the danger and hide in plain sight in one of the big cities. Poking at a few contacts would probably be enough to get a decent lead; after last time, Caleb had asked a few of his boys to keep an ear to the ground for sudden new gambling rings or snake oil merchants.
After all, this was already the third time in as many months that Caleb had been hired to drag Visconti home.
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cheezeballzzx · 7 months
First thing I'm post on my main is some Fanart for one of my favorite Rise Au's
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DUDE I LOVE THIS COMIC SO MUCH THAT I STARTED A TUMBLR. (<3 Cass and Tapp art hit diff fr fr)
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starlightsailfish · 2 years
FINALLY Sing, Tapp, and Rigg have designs for the SAW Warriors AU!
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More info below!
Larksong (Sing): A small but fiercely loyal warrior who's always at Maplestone's side. When Maplestone suspected Shiningstep (Lawrence) of being a part of the recent murders in the forest, Larksong was quick to spy for him. The two never trusted the kittypet, and Larksong had always been more outspoken on his mistrust. His end came in the form of a single perfect dime-sized hole in his head unlike any wound a normal warrior could inflict. Maplestone swore to avenge Larksong and his eyes were set on Shiningstep.
Maplestone (Tapp): The old deputy of Thunderclan and Larksong's closest friend. He argued with Noblestar (Kerry) when she let Shiningstep join Thunderclan and became obsessed with catching the soft kittypet slipping up. When Shiningstep began sneaking out of camp to visit his family in the twolegplace, Maplestone believed that he was actually part of the recent murders that had taken several of his warriors. On the night Shiningstep and Sneaky (Adam) were trapped, Maplestone tracked them and helped free Sunny (Alison) and Diamond (Diana) who were being held captive in a filthy shed. His end would come at the paws of the mangy loner, Zepp and his death brought a wave of panic across the entire forest.
Rabbitluck (Rigg): A quick-footed warrior and Noblestar and Wolfshadow's (Mark) closest friend. Although passionate in all that he does, he has horrible tunnel vison that has nearly gotten him killed on multiple occasions had it not been for Wolfshadow keeping him in line.
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maeliethibault · 9 months
1 an sobre d’alcool
Pour celles et ceux qui me connaissent bien savent à quel point l’alcool et moi c’est pas un bon match. J’ai parcouru énormément d’épreuves dans les dernières années pour en arriver là. À ce jour, être restée sobre UN AN, c’est ma plus grande fierté. Je me réveille avec les idées claires et plus aucun regret de la veille.
Je vois ma peau devenir plus belle et je me sens beaucoup plus en forme et en santé que jamais!
Merci à tous ceux et celles qui m’ont aidé dans ce parcours tumultueux.
Merci de votre compréhension, acception et vos mots d’encouragement qui me font encore si chaud au cœur.
Le chemin se poursuit et ce ne sera pas toujours facile, mais je suis prête à affronter la vie telle qu’elle est.
Je suis fière de moi en maudit.
Je n’arrive pas à croire que j’ai résisté malgré toutes les tentations et envies.
Je me donne une méchante grosse tappe dans le dos et je me dit que je suis capable de continuer, puisque j’ai réussi à ne pas boire une seule goutte d’alcool pendant un an.
Pour la suite, je me souhaite que du positif, de belles amitiés, du bon temps avec ma famille que j’aime beaucoup et de m’aimer encore un peu plus chaque jour.
Maélie, t’es plus forte que tu le penses et je te souhaite de continuer de bien prendre soin de toi.
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