#Swiss Government Scholarships
9jacompass · 2 years
Switzerland Scholarships 2023 | Fully Funded - Apply Now
Switzerland Scholarships 2023 | Fully Funded – Apply Now
An excellent opportunuty to Study in Switzerland on a Scholarship. And the good news is that the Switzerland Scholarships for 2023 are open. Another good thing is that International applicants can apply for the Bachelors, Masters, and PhD Scholarships to study at Swiss universities. Students from any country can apply for the Scholarships in Switzerland 2023. Switzerland has nearly 40%,…
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mariacallous · 2 months
It’s election season in Europe, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has decided that George Soros can again win him votes. “The Soros network is embedded in the European institutions. They are so embedded that the European institutions give them money to operate,” Orban said in late March on his near-weekly interview with public broadcaster Kossuth Radio. “They’re in the Commission, in the Parliament, and quite a few prime ministers are clearly Soros holdouts.”
Between June 6 and 9, citizens in all 27 European Union member states will choose a new Parliament, and Orban kicked off his campaign in Hungary with a fresh dose of attack politics. Brussels, he said in his March interview, was “increasingly becoming a prisoner of the international network of activists that George Soros has built up over the last 30 years with great effort.”
This isn’t the first time Orban has used Soros, the Hungarian Jewish financier and philanthropist, as a punching bag in an election campaign. He has done so before to win elections in Hungary. What is new this time, however, is that Orban’s spokesperson immediately translated his boss’s stinging attack on Soros from Hungarian into English and posted the translation on X (formerly Twitter). Clearly, the attack is being taken to a new, European level.
How attack politics works, and why the Hungarian prime minister has used it often during the last 10 years, is described in a 2019 BuzzFeed News article, “The Unbelievable Story of the Plot Against George Soros.” (An earlier version appeared in the Swiss magazine Das Magazin.) It tells the story of two American spin doctors who designed Orban’s first hate campaign against Soros back in 2013, managing to turn Soros—who got rich in the United States and poured billions of dollars of his fortune into organizations supporting democratic governance and freedom of speech all over the world—into Hungary’s most hated man within weeks. In fact, their anti-Soros smear campaign was such a success that Orban, who himself worked at the Soros-funded Central European Research Group and studied briefly on a Soros scholarship at the University of Oxford, won the election.
These two spin doctors, Arthur Finkelstein and George Birnbaum—Jewish themselves—worked with a simple idea: If you want to win elections, make sure you go on the attack. The underlying assumption is that many voters know whom they will vote for. Consequently, it is difficult to motivate them to vote for another candidate. Demoralizing them, however, is easier. You discredit your political opponent with a volley of accusations, mostly false, so your opponent’s supporters will start having doubts. As a result, some will not vote. Others will defect to you. Finkelstein and Birnbaum called this “rejectionist voting.”
The duo used this technique first in Israel in 1995, just after Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination. New elections were scheduled, with the social democrat Shimon Peres as the designated winner. Very few observers gave the young conservative Likud candidate Benjamin Netanyahu, who was polling 20 percentage points behind, any chance. Netanyahu contracted Finkelstein and Birnbaum to help him get out of the underdog position. They told him the only way he would have a chance of winning would be if his campaign focused on spreading the rumor that Peres intended to give half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. Peres did not want to do that; it was a complete fabrication. But the more the line spread, the more journalists asked him about it. Instead of pushing and discussing his own political agenda, Peres was forced to defend himself against Netanyahu’s lie. Netanyahu completely trapped Peres and, to the surprise of many, won the 1996 election, with more than 50 percent of the vote. This is how Netanyahu’s spectacular rise in politics began.
In the early 2000s, Finkelstein and Birnbaum helped Bulgarian and Romanian politicians gain power with similar campaigns. Then Netanyahu introduced them to another ambitious politician in Europe: Viktor Orban. He had been prime minister between 1998 and 2002 before losing power. Orban felt so humiliated that he swore he would never lose again. In 2010, the spin doctors advised him to conduct a tough, polarizing campaign against bureaucrats and foreign investors. It worked: Orban’s alliance won a comfortable two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, and the social democrats suffered a stinging defeat that they still have not recovered from today.
During the next election, in 2014, the opposition hardly managed to get a word in. Still, Orban took no chances and again consulted the advisors who had helped him win earlier. They told him he needed a scapegoat with a familiar face. They suggested he use Soros and depict him as a Jewish financier with a secret political agenda: to weaken Hungary and then dominate it. According to some reports, this campaign fueled antisemitism in the country; however, since Hungary keeps no official data on antisemitism, the EU’s rights watchdog, the Vienna-based Agency for Fundamental Rights, found it hard to substantiate this claim.
During this campaign, Orban blamed all his problems on Soros and his “tentacles”—from the financial and economic crises that had hit the country to the arrival of refugees from war-torn Syria and other countries. In 2014 and again in 2018, Orban won elections, consolidating his grip on power in Hungary. In the run-up to the 2018 vote, posters appeared all over Hungary depicting Soros with the text: “Don’t let Soros have the last laugh.” That year, the Hungarian government also forced Central European University (CEU), founded and partially funded by Soros, out of the country. CEU eventually found refuge in Vienna, from where it still operates.
As Birnbaum once said, “It’s good to have an enemy,” calling Soros a “good target.” Soros was defenseless. If he fought back, he would only crank up the rumor machine. If he entered the Hungarian political fray, Orban could accuse him of being power-hungry. So he did not say anything, and the rumor spread anyway.
Birnbaum’s father survived Auschwitz. (Finkelstein, who was much older, died in 2017.) That their campaigns featured racist tropes and fueled antisemitism does not seem to bother Birnbaum in the least. Once he asked an interviewer: “Can I not attack someone because he is a Jew?”
While Orban successfully won two Hungarian elections deploying the “Soros monster,” the first time he used this strategy to win a European election was in 2019. Posters went up picturing then-Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Soros, with the words: “You have the right to know what Brussels is cooking up!” Orban’s campaign then focused on migration: Brussels’s “secret” plan to use migrant visas to flood Europe with immigrants and Europe’s so-called attempts to prevent Hungary from guarding its external borders.
Soros largely kept quiet, but Juncker—who had once called the Hungarian prime minister a “dictator”—immediately began to refute the charges. He strongly denied Brussels was working on secret migrant visas or was hindering border guards. In short, Orban’s strategy went according to plan. His alliance won 53 percent of the vote.
That the Hungarian prime minister is having his attacks on Soros translated into English this time is telling. A Hungarian diplomat once told me, “Viktor Orban thinks Europe will either be his Europe or Emmanuel Macron’s Europe.” In countries such as France, where far-right politician Jordan Bardella from Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is clearly the front-runner, the election campaign is dominated by a similar binary choice: Europe will be shaped by the likes of Macron or the National Rally.
Now that several far-right parties in different countries do not want to leave the EU anymore because of what Swedish politician Carl Bildt has called the “BTP effect”—meaning, Brexit, Trump, Putin—they seem to want to instead enter European politics for the first time and attempt to change it from the inside. Consequently, they are trying to form coalitions to maximize their influence. Orban told a party congress last year that Europe needs to be changed, not ditched.
Herbert Kickl of the Freedom Party of Austria, Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom, and several other far-right politicians are starting to talk more and more about what they want with Europe: ditching climate legislation, changing the existing migration policy, and blocking aid for Ukraine. In the run-up to this year’s elections, the European center-right is already moving somewhat in this direction, just as it does in member states when it tries to prevent voters from fleeing to the far right. Several polls, while showing that the center will hold after the elections in June, have predicted substantial gains for the far right in several member states.
According to Paul Lendvai, a Hungarian journalist in Vienna who has written a critical biography of the Hungarian prime minister, Orban has Hungary “in his pocket, and Europe will be his next step.” He seems intent on using—or rather abusing—Soros to this end once more. Europe had better be prepared.
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boldlycoolpeanut · 9 months
Study Abroad in Switzerland: Unlocking Scholarships for Global Explorers
If you're dreaming of a transformative international academic experience, Switzerland should be at the top of your list. With its stunning landscapes, renowned universities, and vibrant multicultural environment, Switzerland offers an unparalleled opportunity for students looking to study abroad. In this article, we'll delve into the world of studying in Switzerland and discover how you can secure scholarships to support your global exploration.
The Allure of Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is an enriching adventure that opens doors to personal and academic growth. It allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures, broaden your horizons, and develop a global perspective. Switzerland, with its picturesque Alpine scenery and cosmopolitan cities, provides an ideal backdrop for such an experience.
Switzerland: A Global Education Hub
Switzerland is more than just chocolate and watches; it's a global education hub. The country is renowned for its high-quality education system, which consistently ranks among the best in the world. Swiss universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields, ensuring that students with diverse interests can find the perfect academic fit.
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Scholarships for Global Explorers
Now, let's get to the heart of the matter - securing scholarships for your study abroad journey in Switzerland. Scholarships can significantly ease the financial burden of studying abroad, making your dreams more attainable than ever. Here are some scholarships you should consider:
1. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are awarded to international students who show exceptional academic performance. These scholarships cover tuition fees, monthly allowances, and even health insurance. To be eligible, you must apply through the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country.
2. Swiss Universities Scholarships
Many Swiss universities offer their scholarships to international students. These scholarships vary in terms of eligibility criteria and benefits, so it's essential to research each university's offerings. Some renowned Swiss institutions that provide scholarships include ETH Zurich and the University of Geneva.
3. Erasmus+ Program
If you're an EU student, the Erasmus+ program offers opportunities to study in Switzerland. This program promotes student exchange and cooperation between European countries and Switzerland, providing financial support to participants.
4. Private Scholarships
Numerous private organizations and foundations in Switzerland offer scholarships to international students. These scholarships might be discipline-specific or based on your nationality. Be sure to explore these options, as they can be valuable sources of financial aid.
Navigating the Scholarship Application Process
Securing a scholarship in Switzerland requires meticulous planning and preparation. Here are some essential steps to guide you:
Research Extensively: Begin your search for scholarships well in advance. Explore the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documentation for each scholarship.
Prepare Your Documents: Ensure that your academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statement are impeccable. Tailor your application to each scholarship's requirements.
Apply Early: Submit your applications well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute hiccups.
Seek Guidance: Don't hesitate to reach out to academic advisors, mentors, or university representatives for guidance on the application process.
Stay Persistent: The competition for scholarships can be fierce, so stay persistent and apply to as many relevant scholarships as possible.
In Conclusion
Studying abroad in Switzerland is an opportunity of a lifetime. The picturesque landscapes, world-class education, and cultural diversity create an environment conducive to personal and academic growth. By securing scholarships, you can turn your dreams of global exploration into a reality. Research your options, prepare meticulously, and embark on this incredible journey. Switzerland awaits, ready to welcome you as a global explorer.
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francescolelli · 4 days
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Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
This is a short preview of the article: Do you have a fresh master or PhD and are you considering Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland? The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offers young researchers from around the world who have completed a master’s degree or PhD the opportunity to start or continue their research careers in S
If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
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Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships is available at the following link: https://francescolelli.info/job/phd-or-postdoc-in-switzerland-for-international-students-on-swiss-government-excellence-scholarships/ You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.
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It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions
Do you have a fresh master or PhD and are you considering Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland? The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offers young researchers from around the world who have completed a master’s degree or PhD the opportunity to start or continue their research careers in S
Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey
Do you have a fresh master or PhD and are you considering Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland? The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offers young researchers from around the world who have completed a master’s degree or PhD the opportunity to start or continue their research careers in Switzerland. The scholarship supports research endeavors for a…
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visagurukulcom · 5 months
Top 10 Study Abroad Programs for Indian Students
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Studying abroad can be an exciting and enriching experience, opening doors to new cultures, perspectives, and academic opportunities. If you're an Indian student eager to explore the world while furthering your education, here's a list of the 10 best Study abroad programs to consider:
1. Erasmus+ Program
The Erasmus+ program is a European initiative that offers study opportunities, scholarships, and internships for students in various European countries. It's a fantastic chance to experience the rich history and diverse cultures of Europe while pursuing your academic goals.
2. Fulbright Scholarship
The Fulbright Scholarship provides Indian students the chance to study in the United States. Known for its academic excellence and cultural diversity, the U.S. offers a wide range of courses and research opportunities across various disciplines.
3. Chevening Scholarships
For those dreaming of studying in the United Kingdom, the Chevening Scholarships are a great option. This Study abroad program supports high-achieving individuals who demonstrate leadership potential, offering a chance to experience the academic brilliance of UK universities.
4. Australia Awards Scholarship
The Australian government's Australia Awards Scholarship is open to Indian students aspiring to study Down Under. Australia is renowned for its top-notch education system and vibrant multicultural atmosphere.
5. DAAD Scholarship
Germany, known for its cutting-edge technology and research, welcomes Indian students through the DAAD Scholarship. This program covers a wide range of fields and provides opportunities for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
6. New Zealand Excellence Awards
New Zealand offers the Excellence Awards for Indian students seeking quality education in a stunning natural environment. This program supports various academic disciplines and fosters a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.
7. Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science)
For students interested in science and technology, the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science offers a chance to study in Japan. This program facilitates academic exchanges and research collaborations in the field of science.
8. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship
Switzerland, known for its picturesque landscapes and high-quality education, invites Indian students through the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. This program covers various academic levels and fields.
9. Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
The CSFP provides Indian students with the opportunity to study in Commonwealth countries. This program emphasizes collaboration and cultural exchange among nations within the Commonwealth.
10. Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)
Singapore, a hub for innovation and research, offers the SINGA program for Indian students pursuing a Ph.D. This initiative supports students in science and engineering, providing access to world-class laboratories and mentors.
these Study abroad programs open doors to global education and cultural exploration for Indian students. When choosing a program, consider your academic goals, cultural preferences, and the unique opportunities each country offers. Embark on this exciting journey, broaden your horizons, and make the most of the enriching experiences that studying abroad can bring!
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ibookconsultancy23 · 6 months
I book Consultancy is the top Finland consultancy in Hyderabad, Studying in Finland offers a world-class education in a unique setting known for its innovation, high-quality research, and societal values. Here's an overview:
Education System:
Finland is renowned for its education system, emphasizing equality, creativity, and student-centered learning. Finnish universities offer a wide range of programs taught in English at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I book Consultancy is the best Finland Consultancy in Hyderabad, andThe academic year typically consists of two semesters: autumn (September to December) and spring (January to May). Admission Requirements:
Requirements vary depending on the university and program. Generally, you'll need proof of previous education (high school diploma for undergraduates, bachelor's degree for master's programs), language proficiency (often demonstrated through tests like IELTS or TOEFL), and sometimes, entrance exams or interviews. Tuition Fees and Scholarships:
For EU/EEA and Swiss students, education at public universities is often tuition-free. Non-EU/EEA students might be required to pay tuition fees, but there are various scholarships and grants available. Universities and organizations offer scholarships, such as the Finnish Government Scholarship Pool and university-specific awards, to assist international students with tuition fees and living expenses. Living Expenses:
The cost of living in Finland varies by location, with larger cities like Helsinki having higher living costs. Monthly expenses cover accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. Exploring student housing, part-time work, and budgeting can help manage expenses. Work Opportunities:
International students can work part-time (up to 25 hours a week) during term and full-time during holidays. After completing studies, Finland offers a "Stay Back Option" allowing graduates to stay and seek employment opportunities. Quality of Life:
Finland is known for its high quality of life, safety, efficient healthcare, and stunning natural landscapes. It's a culturally rich and welcoming society. Visa Requirements:
Non-EU/EEA students usually require a residence permit for studies in Finland. This involves specific documentation, including proof of acceptance at a Finnish university and financial stability. I book consultancy is the Top Finland consultancy in Hyderabad , I book consultancy providing the best course and also study visa, Researching specific university programs, contacting Finnish embassies or consulates in your home country, and liaising with the chosen Finnish university's admissions office will provide precise and updated information regarding admission, visa regulations, and available financial aid when considering studying in Finland.
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ramrodd · 7 months
Did Constantine Really Convert?
Constantine discovered after the Milvian Bridge that all the solders were Christians on both side of the bridge and that the Italian Cohort at the core of the Praetorian Guard, the republican administrative state of the Republic and the Empire. was a secret Christian Fellowship that held the Holy Grail of the Last Supper. Jesus told Cornelius and Pilate where it was in the Upper Room in the hospitality center of Mary of Jerusalem, John Mark's mother.  Bread and Wine was the essence of the Christian Fellowship that had conveyed from
 Melchizedek by way of Passover to Tiberius from the Cross. Theophilus was the Bishop of the Italian Cohort and the staff officer in charge of the Christian manifesto of the  Roman Republic, Hebrews. All this conveyed to Constantine as a consequence of his victory based on the Christian-Druid talisman, XP.. You need to connect the dots between his vision before the battle  Revelation 13. The Holy Spirit will lead you from their.
  Constantine's fatal decision to dismantle the Praetorian Guard lsimply accelerated the disintegration of the Roman Republic of Empire. The Praetorian Guard was the republican administrate state of the Roman Republic (which is the model of the Articles of Confederation)  and the Empire with a permanent Chief Executive Officer. The Roman Stoics were very fastidious in the selection of the temporary dictators, such as Cincinnatus, in times of crises, but the nature of the sociology at that required a proactive capacity the Republicans system doesn't provide. ,
The Praetorian Guard represented a horizontal structure that supported the vertical structures of Roman sociology and anthropology. The Praetorian Guard was the Federal Government of the Roman nation The Praetorian Guard provided all the bureaucratic services for the diplomatic/military career path Julius Caesar and Pilate were on. The centurions  provided an essential inspector general function that von Steubin brought to Valley Forge. The difference between True Warfare and Real, or Primitive, Warfare is the difference between Rome and the rest of the world.
  The deterioration of this instrument, the Roman administrative state spread out across the Mediterranean Basin to sustain Pax Roman. Sejanus was something of a genius in terms of personnel management and administration and and he ran a very clean ship: there were very few blatantly corrupt diplomats in the field Pilate was in charge of a Roman colony that included Judea. He may have appropriated the gold from the Temple, but he used it to finance an aqueduct that delivered that wealth to the community communities around the Galilee. Everybody was living large under Pilate. Josephus claims that he was an advocate for  Jewish  assimilation into Pax Romana as rational self-interest, in contrast to the Zealots, who were also living large, but wanted the entire pie. After Sejanus was executed,   his successors lacked entirely his Salt Water operational nuance It was the corruption of the Roman Procurator that  created and triggered the critical mass of the Jewish Wars. But the centurions represented the moral substance across the Empire that overcame the decadence of the executive classes.
  And then Constantine took that away and tried substitute verticle structures of the Council of Nicea for the horizontal stability of the Praetorian Guard. The thing is , the Italian Cohort of the Praetorian Guard didn't realize they were Christians until it became dangerous to be a Christian, Which occurred the moment Tiberius introduced the term to Roman Senate in the midst of the purges from Sejanus. The relationships of the Pope to the Swiss Guard is what Constantine discovered his relationship to the Christians at the  Milvian Bridge. He may not have actually converted, but his mother became the Patron Saint of Christian archeology.
  The future of your scholarship is James Tabor's intuition that Mark and John are an entwined lnarrative.  
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scholarshint · 7 months
Fully Funded Scholarships for Ph.D. Students 2024
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Fully Funded Scholarships for Ph.D. Students 2024:  The path to earning a Ph.D. can be a rewarding yet costly journey. However, fully funded scholarships can significantly ease this financial burden. In this article, we present a comprehensive list of fully funded scholarships for Ph.D. programs in 2024, detailing the scholarship worth, eligibility criteria, required documents, official website links, deadlines, opening windows, and states of study. 1. Fulbright Doctoral Degree Scholarship (USA) Introduction The Fulbright Doctoral Degree Scholarship is a prestigious program that enables doctoral students from around the world to study, conduct research, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. Scholarship Worth The scholarship covers tuition, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must have completed their Master's education and hold a degree equivalent to a Master's degree. Required Documents - Application form - Academic transcripts/diplomas - Two recommendation letters - TOEFL scores Official Website Link Deadline Varies per country but generally around February to October annually. Opening Window The application period opens in February annually. State of Study All states in the USA are applicable. 2. Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK) Introduction Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Scholarship Worth The scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, including tuition fees, maintenance allowance, travel costs, and some dependent's allowance. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be from outside the United Kingdom and applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: PhD, MSc/MLitt, or one-year postgraduate course. Required Documents - Application form - Academic transcripts/diplomas -  Two reference letters Official Website Link Deadline Depends on the course but usually between October and December. Opening Window Applications typically open in September. State of Study Cambridge, United Kingdom. 3. Rhodes Scholarships at University of Oxford (UK) Introduction Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship program in the world. Scholarship Worth A Rhodes Scholarship covers all university and college fees, a personal stipend and one economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the Scholarship, as well as an economy flight back to the student's home country at the conclusion of the Scholarship. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be from a qualifying country, aged 18-28, and have completed their undergraduate degree with a high enough level of academic achievement to be admitted to Oxford. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Reference letters Official Website Link Deadline Varies per country but generally around June to October annually. Opening Window The application period opens in early July annually. State of Study Oxford, United Kingdom. 4. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland) Introduction The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships aim to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Scholarship Worth The scholarship covers a monthly payment, exemption of tuition fees, health insurance, airfare, special lodging allowance, etc. Eligibility Criteria The research scholarship is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Two recommendation letters - - Research proposal Official Website Link Deadline Varies per country but generally around September to November annually. Opening Window The application period opens in August annually. State of Study All states in Switzerland are applicable. 5. Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals (Sweden) Introduction The Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) Programme is part of the Swedish government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders who will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Scholarship Worth The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, some travel grant, and insurance. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must have had at least 3,000 hours' work experience and be from an eligible country. Required Documents - - Application form - - Motivation letter - - CV - - Letters of reference - - Valid and completed proof of work and leadership experience - - Copy of valid passport Official Website Link Deadline The application period is around February annually. Opening Window The application period opens in December annually. State of Study All states in Sweden are applicable. 6. New Zealand Government Scholarships (New Zealand) Introduction The New Zealand Government offers full tertiary scholarships for eligible international students to study full-time at a New Zealand education institution or a Pacific university. Scholarship Worth The scholarships include full tuition fees, a living allowance (NZ$491 per week), an establishment allowance (NZ$3000), medical insurance when you are in New Zealand, travel to and from your own country and New Zealand at the start and end of your scholarship, travel insurance, travel home during your scholarship (one or two trips home are allowed, depending on the length of your scholarship), and help with research and thesis costs for many postgraduate students. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time they start their scholarship. They must be a citizen of a participating country. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Two recommendation letters Official Website Link Deadline The application period is around February annually. Opening Window The application period opens in December annually. State of Study All states in New Zealand are applicable. 7. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships (Japan) Introduction The Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers scholarships for academic study in Japan to foreign students interested in deepening their understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese affairs and Japanese culture. Scholarship Worth The scholarship includes tuition and other fees, allowance 143,000 yen per month, a supplemental regional allowance of 2,000 or 3,000 yen per month will be added to the monthly scholarship amount for the grantees studying or conducting research in specially designated regions, and travel costs to and from Japan. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be from a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. They must be born on or after April 2, 1986. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Recommendation letters Official Website Link Deadline The application period is around April annually. Opening Window The application period opens in April annually. State of Study All states in Japan are applicable. 8. Singapore International Graduate Award (Singapore) Introduction The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). ### Scholarship Worth The award provides support for up to 4 years of PhD studies including full tuition fees, monthly stipend, settlement allowance, and airfare grant. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be open to all international students with excellent academic undergraduate and/or master’s results. Required Documents - Application form - Academic transcripts/diplomas - Two recommendation letters Official Website Link Deadline The application period is around December annually. Opening Window The application period opens in June annually. State of Study All states in Singapore are applicable. 9. University of Sydney International Research Scholarships (Australia) Introduction The University of Sydney invites candidates who are eligible to undertake a Postgraduate Research Degree or Master’s by Research program at this University to apply for the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (USydIS). Scholarship Worth The USydIS will cover tuition fees and living allowance for up to three years with a possibility of one semester’s extension for PhD students. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be an international student commencing full time enrolment in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at this University. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Two recommendation letters Official Website Link Deadline There are two application periods annually, typically in March and July. Opening Window Applications typically open in February and June respectively. State of Study Sydney, Australia. 10. Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford (UK) Introduction The Clarendon Fund is a major graduate scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford, offering around 140 new scholarships every year. Scholarship Worth Clarendon Scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses. Eligibility Criteria All graduate applicants who apply for study at the University by the January deadline, in their respective year of entry, are eligible. Required Documents - - Application form - - Academic transcripts/diplomas - - Two recommendation letters Official Website Link Deadline January annually. Opening Window Applications typically open in September. State of Study Oxford, United Kingdom.  We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, thoughts, or experiences you’d like to share, we encourage you to leave a comment below. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to more update via the bell icon. Disclaimer: Scholarshint is an independent publisher, The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek more clarified details from the source official website.  Read the full article
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dr-afsaeed · 9 months
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2023-2024
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2023-2024
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9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland - 2023
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland – 2023
ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland 2023: ETH Zurich is pleased to announce the next application round for it’s scholarship award scheme for postgraduate (masters) students wishing to study in Switzerland. The scholarship is in two categories: The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the ETH-D Scholarship. The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity…
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Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2024
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allindiagovtjobs · 9 months
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2024
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francescolelli · 4 days
Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland for International Students: On Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
Do you have a fresh master or PhD and are you considering Phd or Postdoc in Switzerland? The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offers young researchers from around the world who have completed a master’s degree or PhD the opportunity to start or continue their research careers in Switzerland. The scholarship supports research endeavors for a period of one year, or up to three years for…
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princehorologyinfo · 10 months
Prince Group Partners with Caring for Cambodia, Sponsors Career Prep Program
Prince Charitable Basis, The Charitable Arm Of Prince Group Under The Leadership Of Chen Zhi Cambodia Considered One Of Cambodia’s Largest And Quickest Developing Conglomerates, Will Sponsor The Profession Training Application Run By Using Worrying For Cambodia, A Main Charity That Offers Loose Schooling For 7,000 Impoverished Students, For The Approaching Instructional 12 Months. The Partnership With Caring For Cambodia, Introduced On Global Youth Day, Highlights How Prince Institution Has Embarked On A New Adventure At A Neak Oknha Chen Zhi  Critical Time Whilst Kids Unemployment Is Predicted To Growth Due To The Worsening COVID-19 Pandemic State Of Affairs In Cambodia. By Helping The Profession Instruction Application, Prince Group Is Trying To Make Investments Within The Future Of Cambodia By Means Of Empowering And Validating An Institutional Method To Youngsters Improvement.“We're Thrilled To Accomplice With Prince Group Under The Leadership Of Chen Zhi Cambodia As We Look To Increase And Enhance Our Profession Guidance Application,” Said Jamie Amelio, Founder And CEO Of Caring For Cambodia.
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“In The New Environment Described By Using The COVID-19 Pandemic, High Faculty And University College Students Will Want Significant Help To Assist Them Impervious A Robust Basis For Their Futures. To Acquire Better Instructional Results, Being Concerned For Cambodia Believes That Public-Non-Public Partnerships Regarding Capacity Employers Like Member Corporations Of Prince Group Under The Leadership Of Chen Zhi Cambodia And The Ministry Of Training, Teenagers And Game Can Be Key.”Launched In 2006, The Profession Coaching Program Enables More Than Three,000 Students Each 12 Months With The Aid Of Providing Data Associated With Scholarships, Wearing Out Career-Associated Schooling (Bolstering Their Interview Capabilities, For Example), Imparting Internships, Organizing Profession Fairs, Arranging Visits To Universities And Introducing High College College Students To Inspirational Audio System From Various Fields. The Program Equips High School College Students With A Publish-Graduate Toolkit That Makes A Quintessential Distinction, As Students Graduating From Worrying For Cambodia Schools Are 18 Times More Likely To Enroll In Universities As Compared To The Country Wide Average.Prince Group Under The Leadership Of Chen Zhi Cambodia Is Excited To Help A Excessive-Effect Initiative Like Being Concerned For Cambodia’s Career Instruction Software,” Stated Cliff Koh, Secretary-General Of Prince Group Under The Leadership Of Chen Zhi Cambodia.
“As A Accountable Cambodian Conglomerate That Contributes To Sustainable Improvement Thru Education, Healthcare And Network Engagement Tasks, Sponsoring Caring For Cambodia’s Profession Education Software Will Assist Cambodian Youth At An Important Juncture In Their Lives.”Similarly, This System Additionally Facilitates Worrying For Cambodia Alumni Currently Studying At Universities With Their Activity Search Procedure. Faculties Supported Via Being Concerned For Cambodia Are Some Of The Only Ones Within The United States That Prepare Students With The Skills They Want To Assist Them Qualify For Work In Boom Fields Like Telecommunications, Logistics And Conservation.Prince Organization Has Supplied Normal Support Through The Years And Most Notably Delivered The Artwork Of Swiss Watchmaking To Cambodia With The Aid Of Establishing The Usa’s First Unbiased Watchmaking College Ultimate Yr, Which Offers Cambodian Teens The Opportunity To Analyze A Brand New Artisanal Ability And Gain The Essential Revel In To Assist Them In Job Markets In Cambodia And Abroad. The Institution Follows A Longtime Environment, Social And Governance (ESG) Strategy On Behalf Of Member Groups, With Academic Tasks That Carry A Protracted-Time Period Impact A Key Recognition.
As A Part Of An Overarching Approach, Prince Group Chairman Has Also Replied The Call For Assistance From The Cambodian Government To Battle The February 20 COVID-19 Outbreak By Using Saying Plans To Donate US$3 Million To Anti-Pandemic Efforts. Toward The Quit Of 2020, Chen Zhi Also Dedicated US$3 Million To Assist Cambodia Purchase COVID-19 Vaccines.Over The Years, Prince Charitable Basis Has Prepared More Than 250 Charitable Occasions And Donated Finances And Other Materials Well Worth Greater Than US$14 Million, Benefitting More Than 500,000 People.Prince Institution Will Keep To Help Cambodians From All Walks Of Existence And Take A Holistic Method To Education Guide Within The Nation, Often Attractive With The Excellent-In-Magnificence Solution Companies And Searching For High-Impact Projects So As To Ensure Sustainable And Enduring Progress. know more
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visagurukul012 · 10 months
Top Study Abroad Scholarships for Business Master’s Students
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Studying abroad can be a transformative experience, offering students the opportunity to gain a global perspective, immerse themselves in new cultures, and access world-class education. However, the cost of pursuing a master’s degree in business in a foreign country can be daunting. Fortunately, there are numerous scholarships available to help ease the financial burden and make international education more accessible. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top study abroad scholarships for business master’s students.
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious international scholarship programs. It offers scholarships for graduate students, including those pursuing a master’s in business, to study in the United States. The program covers tuition, travel expenses, health insurance, and a stipend for living expenses.
Chevening Scholarships
For students looking to study in the United Kingdom, the Chevening Scholarship is a highly regarded option. It provides financial support to outstanding individuals with leadership potential. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, airfare, and other necessary expenses.
Erasmus+ Scholarships
Erasmus+ is an EU-funded program that supports education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. It offers scholarships for international students looking to pursue a master’s degree in Europe. The program provides financial assistance for tuition, travel, and living expenses.
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program
This scholarship is specifically designed for students from developing countries pursuing a master’s degree in a development-related field, including business. It covers tuition, a monthly stipend, travel expenses, and more.
Australia Awards Scholarships
For students interested in studying business in Australia, the Australia Awards Scholarships are a valuable option. These scholarships provide financial support for tuition fees, travel, and living expenses for individuals from eligible countries.
Rotary Foundation Global Grant Scholarships
Rotary International offers Global Grant Scholarships for graduate-level studies, which can include business master’s programs. These scholarships support international students in funding their studies in various countries.
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Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships are available for citizens of Commonwealth countries seeking to pursue a master’s degree in another Commonwealth country. These scholarships cover tuition, living expenses, and travel costs.
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
Administered by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, this scholarship is aimed at international students looking to pursue a master’s degree in France. It covers tuition, living expenses, and other benefits.
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
For students interested in studying in Switzerland, the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships provide financial support for international students pursuing master’s degrees. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living allowances, and travel expenses.
Joint China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship
This scholarship is for international students interested in studying in China. It offers financial support for tuition fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and a living stipend.
When applying for these scholarships, keep in mind that competition can be fierce, and application deadlines may vary. It’s essential to thoroughly research each scholarship’s requirements, prepare all necessary documents, and submit your application well in advance. A strong academic record, leadership skills, and a compelling statement of purpose can significantly enhance your chances of securing these prestigious study abroad scholarships for business master’s students.
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sumit326 · 10 months
Study in Switzerland: Top Universities, Fees, Cost, Scholarships
Switzerland, nestled in the heart of Europe, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, precision engineering, and world-class education system. This small but mighty nation offers an exceptional study experience that attracts students from all corners of the globe. Whether you're seeking high-quality education, multicultural exposure, or a platform for academic excellence, Switzerland has a lot to offer.
Academic Excellence: Switzerland is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and research institutions. Its education system is characterized by a strong emphasis on research, innovation, and practical learning. The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne) consistently rank among the best engineering schools globally. Additionally, institutions like the University of Zurich and the University of Geneva are renowned for their contributions to various academic fields.
Multilingual Environment: Switzerland is a multilingual country with four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This linguistic diversity provides students with a unique opportunity to learn or improve their language skills, making it an ideal destination for language enthusiasts. Many programs are offered in English, ensuring accessibility for international students.
Global Networking Opportunities: Switzerland's central location in Europe makes it a hub for international organizations, multinational corporations, and NGOs. Students can benefit from networking opportunities, internships, and research collaborations with these entities. Geneva, often dubbed the "diplomatic capital of the world," hosts the United Nations and other international agencies, offering unparalleled access to global governance and diplomacy.
Quality of Life: Switzerland consistently ranks high in terms of quality of life, safety, and overall well-being. Its efficient public transportation system, clean environment, and stunning natural beauty contribute to a high standard of living. Additionally, Swiss cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Lausanne offer a vibrant cultural scene, making student life both enriching and enjoyable.
Research and Innovation: Switzerland is a global leader in research and innovation. The country invests heavily in research and development, making it an ideal place for students interested in cutting-edge technology, science, and entrepreneurship. Swiss universities often collaborate with leading industries, providing students with real-world experiences and research opportunities.
International Student-Friendly: Switzerland is known for its welcoming and inclusive environment. The Swiss government and universities offer various scholarships and financial aid programs to international students. The country also has a well-established support system for foreign students, including guidance on visa procedures, housing, and cultural integration.
Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities: Switzerland's breathtaking landscapes are a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. From skiing and snowboarding in the Alps to hiking in the Swiss National Park, students can enjoy a wide range of recreational activities. The country's clean lakes, pristine mountains, and picturesque villages offer a serene escape from the rigors of academia.
In conclusion, Switzerland's commitment to academic excellence, multilingualism, global networking opportunities, quality of life, research and innovation, and international student support makes it an attractive destination for students seeking a world-class education. Its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural surroundings make studying in Switzerland an enriching and unforgettable experience.
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