#ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship
9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland - 2023
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland – 2023
ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland 2023: ETH Zurich is pleased to announce the next application round for it’s scholarship award scheme for postgraduate (masters) students wishing to study in Switzerland. The scholarship is in two categories: The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the ETH-D Scholarship. The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity…
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boldlycoolpeanut · 9 months
Study Abroad in Switzerland: Unlocking Scholarships for Global Explorers
If you're dreaming of a transformative international academic experience, Switzerland should be at the top of your list. With its stunning landscapes, renowned universities, and vibrant multicultural environment, Switzerland offers an unparalleled opportunity for students looking to study abroad. In this article, we'll delve into the world of studying in Switzerland and discover how you can secure scholarships to support your global exploration.
The Allure of Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is an enriching adventure that opens doors to personal and academic growth. It allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures, broaden your horizons, and develop a global perspective. Switzerland, with its picturesque Alpine scenery and cosmopolitan cities, provides an ideal backdrop for such an experience.
Switzerland: A Global Education Hub
Switzerland is more than just chocolate and watches; it's a global education hub. The country is renowned for its high-quality education system, which consistently ranks among the best in the world. Swiss universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields, ensuring that students with diverse interests can find the perfect academic fit.
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Scholarships for Global Explorers
Now, let's get to the heart of the matter - securing scholarships for your study abroad journey in Switzerland. Scholarships can significantly ease the financial burden of studying abroad, making your dreams more attainable than ever. Here are some scholarships you should consider:
1. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are awarded to international students who show exceptional academic performance. These scholarships cover tuition fees, monthly allowances, and even health insurance. To be eligible, you must apply through the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country.
2. Swiss Universities Scholarships
Many Swiss universities offer their scholarships to international students. These scholarships vary in terms of eligibility criteria and benefits, so it's essential to research each university's offerings. Some renowned Swiss institutions that provide scholarships include ETH Zurich and the University of Geneva.
3. Erasmus+ Program
If you're an EU student, the Erasmus+ program offers opportunities to study in Switzerland. This program promotes student exchange and cooperation between European countries and Switzerland, providing financial support to participants.
4. Private Scholarships
Numerous private organizations and foundations in Switzerland offer scholarships to international students. These scholarships might be discipline-specific or based on your nationality. Be sure to explore these options, as they can be valuable sources of financial aid.
Navigating the Scholarship Application Process
Securing a scholarship in Switzerland requires meticulous planning and preparation. Here are some essential steps to guide you:
Research Extensively: Begin your search for scholarships well in advance. Explore the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documentation for each scholarship.
Prepare Your Documents: Ensure that your academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statement are impeccable. Tailor your application to each scholarship's requirements.
Apply Early: Submit your applications well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute hiccups.
Seek Guidance: Don't hesitate to reach out to academic advisors, mentors, or university representatives for guidance on the application process.
Stay Persistent: The competition for scholarships can be fierce, so stay persistent and apply to as many relevant scholarships as possible.
In Conclusion
Studying abroad in Switzerland is an opportunity of a lifetime. The picturesque landscapes, world-class education, and cultural diversity create an environment conducive to personal and academic growth. By securing scholarships, you can turn your dreams of global exploration into a reality. Research your options, prepare meticulously, and embark on this incredible journey. Switzerland awaits, ready to welcome you as a global explorer.
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shivam95 · 15 days
Start Your Financial Future: Master in Finance Scholarship Opportunities
Are you passionate about finance and eager to take your career to the next level? Look no further than the exciting world of master in finance scholarship programs! These prestigious awards offer aspiring financial professionals like yourself the chance to pursue advanced studies while minimizing the financial burden. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of a master in finance degree, the key features of scholarship programs, and how to increase your chances of securing funding for your educational journey.
The Value of a Master in Finance Degree
A master in finance degree is a powerful tool for those seeking to excel in the dynamic world of finance. By delving deeper into topics such as financial analysis, investment management, and corporate finance, you'll gain a competitive edge in the job market. Graduates of these programs often find themselves in high-demand roles, such as investment bankers, financial analysts, and portfolio managers. Moreover, a master in finance degree provides you with a strong foundation for pursuing professional certifications, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designations. These additional qualifications can further enhance your career prospects and earning potential.
Scholarship Programs: Funding Your Educational Journey
Scholarships are a game-changer for aspiring master in finance students. These awards provide financial help to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs, making it possible for talented individuals to pursue their academic goals without the burden of debt. Scholarship programs come in various forms, including:
Merit-based scholarships: These awards are granted based on academic excellence, leadership skills, and extracurricular achievements.
Need-based scholarships: These scholarships are designed to support students from low-income backgrounds or those facing financial hardship.
Diversity scholarships: These awards aim to promote diversity and inclusion in the financial sector by supporting underrepresented groups.
Employer-sponsored scholarships: Some companies offer scholarships to their employees or their dependents, encouraging professional development and loyalty.
Increasing Your Chances of Securing a Scholarship
Securing a master in finance scholarship requires a combination of academic excellence, strong application materials, and strategic planning. Here are some tips to help you stand out:
Maintain a strong academic record: Demonstrate your intellectual abilities by maintaining a high GPA throughout your undergraduate studies.
Develop a compelling personal statement: Use your personal statement to showcase your passion for finance, your career goals, and how the master in finance program aligns with your aspirations.
Highlight your leadership and extracurricular activities: Demonstrate your well-roundedness by highlighting your involvement in student organizations, volunteer work, or internships related to finance.
Seek letters of recommendation from influential figures: Secure letters of recommendation from professors, mentors, or employers who can attest to your academic abilities, work ethic, and potential for success.
Apply early and follow instructions : Adhere to application deadlines and ensure that you submit all required documents, such as transcripts, test scores, and financial statements.
Requirements for a Master in Finance Scholarship
To qualify for a Master in Finance scholarship at Imperial College Business School, ESSEC Business School, or ETH Zurich, applicants need to meet specific criteria outlined by each institution. Here are the requirements for a Master in Finance scholarship based on the provided sources:
Imperial College Business School
Eligible Programs: MSc Finance, MSc Finance & Accounting, MSc Financial Technology, MSc Investment & Wealth Management, MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering.
Requirements: Exceptional academic background (first-class honours degree or international equivalent), strong leadership track record or potential, and submission of references.
Application Process: Submit the MSc program application by the specified deadlines.
Amount: £30,000.
Deadlines: 3 November, 19 January, 29 March.
ESSEC Business School
Eligibility: Open to all applicants based on the overall quality of their application.
Scholarship Types: Academic Excellence Scholarship and Diversity Scholarship.
Amount: Up to 50% of total tuition fees for Academic Excellence Scholarship and up to 30% for the Diversity Scholarship.
Procedure: Scholarship decisions are made during the application process.
Additional Scholarships: Ardian Foundation Fellowships, LIFE Scholarships, EIFFEL Scholarships.
ETH Zurich
Scholarship Program: Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP).
Eligibility: Very good result in Bachelor’s degree program (top 10% = grade A).
Application Window: November 1 - November 30, 2024.
Coverage: Full study and living costs during the Master’s degree course.
Application Process: Apply via e Apply (online Master application).
Pre-proposal Need: Submit a pre-proposal for the Master's thesis.
These requirements vary across institutions, emphasizing academic excellence, leadership potential, financial need, and specific program eligibility. Applicants should review the detailed criteria and deadlines provided by each school to maximize their chances of securing a Master in Finance scholarship.
Pursuing a master in finance degree is an excellent investment in your future, and Master in Finance scholarship opportunities can make this dream a reality. By leveraging the benefits of these programs, you can unlock your full potential and position yourself for success in the dynamic world of finance. Remember, securing a scholarship requires dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. Start your journey today by researching available programs, crafting a compelling application, and showcasing your unique strengths and experiences.
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jeduka · 20 days
Unveiling Europe's Academic Gems: Exploring the Finest Universities on the Continent
In the tapestry of global academia, Europe stands as a beacon of intellectual prowess, boasting some of the world's most esteemed institutions of higher learning. From ancient seats of scholarship to cutting-edge research hubs, the continent offers a rich mosaic of educational excellence. Join us on a journey as we traverse the hallowed halls of Europe's finest universities, each a bastion of innovation, tradition, and academic distinction.
University of Oxford - United Kingdom: Nestled in the historic city of Oxford, this venerable institution holds the distinction of being the oldest university in the English-speaking world. With a legacy spanning over nine centuries, Oxford University is synonymous with academic excellence, attracting scholars and students from across the globe. Renowned for its tutorial-based teaching method and world-class research facilities, Oxford continues to shape the future of education and scholarship.
University of Cambridge - United Kingdom: A stone's throw away from its venerable counterpart lies the University of Cambridge, another titan in the realm of higher education. Founded in 1209, Cambridge University has cultivated a tradition of intellectual inquiry and groundbreaking research. From the discovery of the structure of DNA to pioneering advancements in computer science, Cambridge remains at the forefront of innovation, fostering the brightest minds of each generation.
ETH Zurich - Switzerland: Venturing into the heart of Europe, we arrive at the Swiss city of Zurich, home to the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH). Renowned for its expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, ETH Zurich ranks among the top universities globally for engineering and computer science disciplines. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and real-world impact, ETH continues to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and technological innovation.
University of Copenhagen - Denmark: Turning our gaze to the Nordic region, we find the University of Copenhagen, Denmark's premier academic institution. Founded in 1479, Copenhagen University is Scandinavia's second-oldest university, renowned for its contributions to research and education across a myriad of disciplines. With a commitment to sustainability, equality, and social responsibility, Copenhagen University embodies the values of progressive academia in the 21st century.
Sorbonne University - France: No exploration of European academia would be complete without a visit to the iconic Sorbonne in Paris. Steeped in history and cultural significance, Sorbonne University traces its origins to the 13th century, making it one of the oldest universities in the world. From literature to philosophy, law to the arts, Sorbonne has been a crucible of intellectual discourse and academic achievement for centuries, shaping the intellectual landscape of France and beyond.
LMU Munich - Germany: Our journey culminates in the vibrant city of Munich, where Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) stands as a testament to Germany's commitment to higher education and research excellence. With a distinguished faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, LMU Munich offers a diverse range of programs spanning the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. As a leading research university in Europe, LMU Munich fosters an environment of academic curiosity and innovation, nurturing the next generation of scholars and leaders.
In conclusion, The BEST UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE represent a tapestry of intellectual diversity and academic excellence, each contributing to the collective pursuit of knowledge and understanding. From the ancient halls of Oxford and Cambridge to the cutting-edge laboratories of ETH Zurich and Sorbonne's storied lecture halls, these institutions serve as beacons of enlightenment in an ever-changing world. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Europe's universities remain steadfast in their commitment to fostering critical thinking, creativity, and global citizenship, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.
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elijahecarrs · 6 months
How to Apply for Europe Scholarships: The Ultimate Guide
Applying for scholarships to review in Europe can appear daunting, however with some preparation and comprehension of the process, it is very achievable. Europe is home to many of the most prestigious universities on the globe, providing world-class education and opportunities to students from world wide. To comprehend competition and rising tuition fees, scholarships serve as an excellent approach to fund your education abroad to make your European dreams a real possibility. On this ultimate guide, we cover all you need to learn about finding and winning scholarships for Europe, including: Important things about Studying in Europe, Forms of Scholarships for Europe, Eligibility Criteria and, How to locate Scholarships, The best way to Develop a Stand-Out Application, Handling Deferrals or Rejections, and often Asked Questions. Follow some suggestions and expert-backed advice on your best shot at landing your ideal European scholarship. ## Advantages of Studying in Europe with Scholarships Before diving in to the specifics of obtaining European scholarships, let’s examine a few of the compelling reasons you should think about studying overseas in Europe:
### World-Renowned Education and Opportunities Europe hosts many of the most well-regarded universities globally. By studying at leading European institutions like University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, ETH Zurich, Imperial College London plus much more, you are able to challenge yourself academically and go back home with a degree from a global prestigious institution. European universities in addition provide extensive opportunities for research, internships, and widening your professional network. As being a student in Europe, you are going to meet diverse peers from around the globe and also have the possiblity to study cutting-edge programs, all while immersed in a new culture. ### Lower Cost of Attendance While certain universities in countries like the UK may have high international tuition fees, attending university in Germany, Norway, Austria as well as other parts of Europe could be dramatically more affordable. Even at costlier schools, scholarships for international students help lower the fee making achieving your study abroad dreams financially viable. Between reduced tuition costs, free healthcare, and lower cost of living, studying in Europe with scholarships is quite appealing around the wallet. ### Opportunity to Live Abroad For many, progressing to live abroad amidst rich background cultural traditions is often a dream come true. As a possible international student in Europe, you'll experience fully immersing yourself in European culture while encompassed by striking gothic architecture, dazzling free galleries, serene canals, charming cafes, and vibrant nightlife. From weekend trips across the continent to forging friendships over home-cooked meals, studying abroad with scholarships enables you to create unforgettable memories while laying the inspiration for the global future. ## Forms of Scholarships for Europe There are numerous varieties of scholarships for international students seeking to study in Europe. Based on your circumstances, some may be considered a better match in your case than the others. Let’s explore one of the most common scholarship types: ### Merit-Based Scholarships Merit-based scholarships are awarded primarily on the foundation of the academic achievements. Criteria can include metrics like GPA, standardized test scores, class rank, and extracurricular involvement. These are typically very competitive, so students with outstanding transcripts hold the best potential for securing merit-aid money for Europe.
### Need-Based Scholarships Need-based scholarships target financial need rather than grades or scores. To assess need, the scholarship committee will be at your family’s income, assets, expenses, debts, and also other information to determine eligibility. These provide crucial funding to students who demonstrate financial need and may battle to otherwise afford studying overseas. Specifically Europe, need-based aid makes dreams a reality. ### Destination-Based Scholarships Destination-based scholarships are provided by European host institutions or by external organizations aimed at sending students specifically to Europe for study. These contain specific eligibility using the chosen study destination. As an example, a school in Berlin may provide awards especially for enrolled international students or possibly a study abroad scholarship may necessitate recipients to visit college in Switzerland. Destination-based aid is a superb way to receive funding aimed directly at Europe-focused students. ### Subject-Specific Scholarships There's also many scholarships available for students based on your favorite field of study, from STEM and medicine to business, arts, and humanities. Subject-specific scholarships mean you are applying and interview directly with faculty in connection with your degree program and career ambitions.
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Securing one of them competitive awards means Europe’s top institutions inside your desired subject will fund your specialized training to propel your future success because industry. ### Government Scholarships Government scholarships are given by European national governments as investment into developing talent. Most make an effort to enable study abroad for prime achieving local students, but a majority of do cater specifically to international applicants too. For globally minded scholars, government-funded awards can fully or partially cover university tuition and living expenses while pursuing studies in Europe. ## Scholarship Eligibility Criteria and Requirements When looking for the correct European scholarship opportunities, ensure you thoroughly understand the eligibility requirements mounted on any awards catching your interest. Meeting basic criteria is vital for only taking your foot in the door and achieving the job reviewed. Here are a few typical eligibility standards to be familiar with: ### Citizenship/Residency Rules Scholarship providers often place limits around which nationalities or countries of permanent residence can apply. Be sure to confirm you meet citizen or resident specifications before spending some time applying. ### Academic Status Rules Confirm scholarship eligibility when it comes to application status and academic program details. Some need have current unconditional acceptance at a European university before using. Others may be restricted to graduate (or undergraduate) students exclusively. Always check academic conditions.
### Subject/Degree Rules Many Europe scholarships require recipients being studying specific subjects or degree programs, for example STEM fields or business. Be sure that your intended major meets the scholarship provider’s requirements. ### GPA Requirements Scholarship committees want assurance that recipients will excel at their chosen European institution, so minimum GPA cutoffs (typically 3.0 or older) ensure only strong students receive awards. Be sure that your grades meet thresholds. ### Language Proficiency For countries where English isn't the native language, scholarships often require proof language abilities via tests like TOEFL or IELTS. Be aware of target language scores to confirm you meet expectations. ### Recommendations/Essays To guage your candidacy for limited funding spots, many application processes require written statements or recommendations. Plan for writing duties- meeting word counts, formatting correctly, and obtaining recommendation letters from suitable sources. While checking off boxes for eligibility takes diligent focus on detail, don’t let requirements scare you removed from applying. Once determined as eligible, shift focus toward highlighting exactly what making you uniquely qualified for scholarship investment over other candidates. ## Finding Scholarships for Europe Finding relevant open scholarship opportunities amidst the thousands on the market is vital to launching your successful application journey. Here are a few top places to target your seek out Europe-focused funding:
### Specific University Websites Start directly at the website for your chosen European university. Institutions often showcase scholarships, including those funded by external donors, for enrolled international students right on the university site. Checking here means you don’t miss any awards especially for accepted students. ### Embassy Websites The embassy websites for European countries just like the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and CampusFrance often list various available government-funded scholarship options. Don’t overlook embassy sites inside your scholarship search. ### Large External Scholarship Databases Check out large scholarship databases that compile available awards, like Scholars4Dev, Educations.com, and International Scholarships. Filter by country and other fields to get Europe options suited to your circumstances and studies. ### Relevant Organizations Industry associations and nonprofit groups trying to propel students internationally also administer great scholarships focused specifically at Europe. As an example, the Philips Foundation offers engineering awards for Europe study. Identify organizations linked with your field and profile as an applicant. ### Employers Check up on scholarship offerings from major multinational employers who frequently recruit globally minded graduates. Companies Ernst & Young, KPMG, and HSBC provide generous Europe scholarships for eligible employees or candidates interested in future recruitment. ## The way to Build a Stand-Out Scholarship Application Understanding eligibility only gets your grip in relation to Europe scholarship applications. Being bold amid a sea of extremely competitive candidates requires meticulous attention to detail when piecing together all required application components. Follow these tips for crafting an award-winning submission:
### Start Early Allow adequate here we are at the lengthy technique of researching awards, requesting recommendations, writing and revising essays, gathering transcripts and supplemental materials and more. Rush applications almost never impress, so starting early ensures you can submit your best possible work. ### Follow Instructions Read application directions closely and make sure you follow word counts for essays, include all required documents in specified formats, and overall submit a whole application without any errors. Scholarship reviewers quickly disqualify incomplete or sloppy applications. Meticulously comply with all guidance. ### Accentuate Achievements Thoughtfully decide which of your respective stellar grades, test scores, internships, research pursuits, publications, volunteering efforts and also other achievements to highlight throughout your application. Choose meaningful accomplishments that reinforce your talents and future ambitions tied right to your planned European studies. ### Craft a Cohesive Narrative Become the protagonist! Shape a powerful storyline throughout your application underscoring las vegas dui attorney increase the risk for ideal scholarship candidate destined for European academic success. Let adoration for your subject and purpose stand out in essays and provide exemplary qualifications in resumes and documents. ### Personalize Communication When capable of communicate directly with selection panels, emphasize alignment between personal strengths as well as the scholarship mission. Convey genuine passion for cultural exchange opportunities of studying in Europe alongside precisely how fulfilled scholarship goals advance your humanitarian or career visions. Following standardized application directions while injecting personal voice and purposeful messaging is key to cooking your submission leap from the pile into serious contention.
## Handling Deferrals or Rejections While rejections always sting, even being deferred derived from one of application cycle to another location signals your candidacy shows promise value reassessment after you expand qualifications. Remember scholarship committees make difficult decisions with lots of strong candidates vying for not a lot of spots. Their decision doesn't define your worth. Stay persistent and determined in chasing your European dreams together with the tips below: ### Obtain Honest Feedback If at all possible, ask scholarship reviewers for comprehension of what enhanced strengths or better aligned messaging for future application attempts. Any feedback, even critical, helps better focus your time and efforts going forward. ### Expand Experiences Have a look at areas your current application fell short when compared with selected recipients and earn concerted efforts to enhance qualifications in those domains- whether research skills, test scores, grades or otherwise not. Progressively come to be a lot more competitive applicant pools. ### Seek Alternatives Keep searching for other promising scholarship prospects if someone award falls through. Find European universities about hardship funds or student work programs to assist replace anticipated funding sources. Consider taking gap years to save or pursuing early career to self-fund abroad studies later. In which a door closes, seek keep the windows open. Ultimately, Margaret Thatcher says it best: “Do not follow where the path often leads. Go instead and then there is not any path and leave a trail.” The journey blazing an academic future in Europe may hit roadblocks, but persevere against all odds and likelihood is you ultimately blaze your trail successfully abroad! ## Frequently Asked Questions About Looking for Europe Scholarships ### What sorts of costs do Europe scholarships cover? Scholarships vary widely on coverage amounts- some Europe awards cover full tuition plus living stipends while others provide partial funding. Most target lessening financial burdens of tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies, healthcare, insurance as well as other academic costs. Specially what costs awardees receive aid when selecting scholarships to get.
### When should I start researching and applying for scholarships? Start identifying and trying to get European scholarships 1-2 years before desired enrollment, for awards stuck just using specific universities where application windows precede admission deadlines. Highly competitive scholarships like Rhodes or Marshall merit years of preparation sufficiently developing outstanding credentials over multiple application rounds. Start by making a checklist of promising scholarships, noting cycles and timelines. Use your list to pace application efforts avoiding last-minute rushes. Start early! ### What are guidelines for writing a fantastic scholarship essay? Winning application essays highlight impressive yet personable qualities causing you to the perfect ambassador abroad. Showcase relevant experiences underpinning your passion alongside concise explanations of precisely how scholarship funding facilitates specific goals. Organize ideas logically, inject authentic personality, use vivid descriptions, close strongly motivating actions from the reviewer.Draft early allowing extensive polishing time before deadlines.
### If awarded a scholarship, am i allowed to also get treatment abroad to earn added income? Yes, often scholarships allow reasonable student work and a lot The european union have flexible policies for international students seeking employment and practical training. Exposure abroad boosts employability. However, confirm specific relation to your award and impacts added earnings may have on receipt amounts before committing to external work. ### Must i need an unconditional university acceptance before I could submit an application for scholarships? Most scholarships require either confirmed or conditional acceptance from a European university before using or being formally awarded funds. However, some initial application processes, even those eventually requiring enrollment verification, open before admission decisions are inherited. Know timing rules but get the university applications in as quickly as possible around scholarship pursuits. Pursuing your degree overseas amid iconic European architecture dotted with cafes and open air markets already sounds idyllic. Adding the financial support of scholarships takes your global academic aspirations from dream to soon-to-be reality. Hopefully the following tips make certain you are fully equipped when navigating every element of the scholarship application process, heading abroad and thriving during your European studies journey. Bonne chance mes amis! More info about Scholarship for International Students browse our new resource.
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scholarshipsawards · 7 months
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ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Fully Funded Scholarships in Switzerland http://dlvr.it/SyMNFV
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visagurukul012 · 8 months
Mechanical Engineering Courses, Universities, Jobs, Salary
Mechanical engineering is a fascinating field that combines science, mathematics, and creativity to design, create, and maintain various mechanical systems and devices. If you’re interested in how things work and enjoy problem-solving, a career in mechanical engineering might be just the ticket for you. In this article, we will explore the courses, universities, job opportunities, and salaries in the field of mechanical engineering.
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Courses in Mechanical Engineering
To become a Mechanical engineering, you need to pursue a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, which usually takes four years. During your studies, you’ll delve into subjects like physics, mathematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and design principles. These courses will give you a solid foundation in the fundamentals of mechanical engineering.
After your bachelor’s degree, you can opt for a master’s or even a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering if you want to specialize further or enter the world of research and development. These advanced degrees can open doors to more specialized and higher-paying job opportunities.
Universities Offering Mechanical Engineering Programs
Numerous universities around the world offer excellent mechanical engineering programs. Some of the top institutions known for their mechanical engineering courses include:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
University of Cambridge (UK)
ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
National University of Singapore (NUS)
In addition to these renowned institutions, many other universities provide quality mechanical engineering education. It’s essential to consider factors such as location, tuition, and available scholarships when choosing the right university for you.
Make sure check this link:- Study abroad
Job Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineers are in demand across various industries. Here are some exciting job opportunities:
Design Engineer: These engineers create and develop new products and machines. They use computer-aided design (CAD) software to bring their ideas to life.
Manufacturing Engineer: They work to optimize manufacturing processes, ensuring products are made efficiently and cost-effectively.
Automotive Engineer: If you’re passionate about cars, this role involves designing and improving vehicle components and systems.
Aerospace Engineer: These engineers are involved in the design and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft.
Energy Engineer: They work on projects related to renewable energy, power generation, and energy conservation.
Biomedical Engineer: If you’re interested in the intersection of engineering and healthcare, this role involves developing medical devices and equipment.
Consulting Engineer: Many mechanical engineers work as consultants, offering their expertise to various industries and businesses.
Salaries in Mechanical Engineering
The salary for mechanical engineers can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and specialization. On average, a starting salary for a mechanical engineer with a bachelor’s degree can be around $60,000 to $70,000 per year in the United States. With more experience and a master’s or Ph.D., you can expect your income to increase significantly.
In Conclusion
Mechanical engineering is a dynamic field with a wide range of exciting career opportunities. It’s all about designing, building, and maintaining the machines and systems that make our world run. With the right education and dedication, you can embark on a rewarding journey as a mechanical engineer. So, if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and tackle real-world challenges, mechanical engineering might be the path for you. Explore the courses, find the right university, and watch your career in mechanical engineering take shape.
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studyabroad21 · 8 months
Study in Switzerland: Top Universities, Visa, Cost
Studying in Switzerland is a dream for many international students due to its outstanding educational institutions, stunning natural landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. Switzerland is known for its high-quality education, research opportunities, and a diverse range of academic programs. Here's an overview of studying in Switzerland:
World-Class Education: Switzerland is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities, including ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The country has a strong emphasis on research and innovation, making it an ideal destination for those pursuing advanced degrees.
Multilingual Environment: Switzerland has four official languages - German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This multilingual environment allows students to immerse themselves in different cultures and languages, making it an excellent choice for language enthusiasts.
Academic Diversity: Swiss universities offer a wide range of programs, from science and technology to arts and humanities. The country's educational system provides a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Internship Opportunities: Switzerland's strong ties to various industries and its robust economy create ample opportunities for internships and cooperative education programs, giving students valuable hands-on experience.
High Quality of Life: Switzerland is known for its high standard of living, safety, and efficient public services. The country's cities, such as Zurich, Geneva, and Lausanne, consistently rank among the world's most livable cities.
Scholarships and Funding: While Switzerland is not part of the European Union, it offers various scholarships and grants for international students. Additionally, many Swiss universities offer financial aid, making education in Switzerland more accessible.
International Student-Friendly: Switzerland is a multicultural and welcoming country, which makes it easy for international students to adapt to their new environment. Universities often have support services for international students, including orientation programs and language courses.
Research and Innovation: Switzerland is a global leader in research and innovation. It's home to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and numerous other research institutions. Students can engage in cutting-edge research projects.
Breathtaking Scenery: Switzerland is famous for its picturesque landscapes. From the Swiss Alps to serene lakes and charming villages, the country offers countless opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.
Safety and Stability: Switzerland is known for its political stability and low crime rates. This makes it an attractive destination for international students looking for a secure environment to focus on their studies.
To study in Switzerland, international students will need to meet certain admission requirements, including providing proof of language proficiency and obtaining the necessary visa and residence permits. The admission process may vary depending on the university and program, so it's essential to check specific requirements for the institution and course of interest.
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sumit326 · 10 months
Study in Switzerland: Top Universities, Fees, Cost, Scholarships
Switzerland, nestled in the heart of Europe, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, precision engineering, and world-class education system. This small but mighty nation offers an exceptional study experience that attracts students from all corners of the globe. Whether you're seeking high-quality education, multicultural exposure, or a platform for academic excellence, Switzerland has a lot to offer.
Academic Excellence: Switzerland is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and research institutions. Its education system is characterized by a strong emphasis on research, innovation, and practical learning. The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne) consistently rank among the best engineering schools globally. Additionally, institutions like the University of Zurich and the University of Geneva are renowned for their contributions to various academic fields.
Multilingual Environment: Switzerland is a multilingual country with four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This linguistic diversity provides students with a unique opportunity to learn or improve their language skills, making it an ideal destination for language enthusiasts. Many programs are offered in English, ensuring accessibility for international students.
Global Networking Opportunities: Switzerland's central location in Europe makes it a hub for international organizations, multinational corporations, and NGOs. Students can benefit from networking opportunities, internships, and research collaborations with these entities. Geneva, often dubbed the "diplomatic capital of the world," hosts the United Nations and other international agencies, offering unparalleled access to global governance and diplomacy.
Quality of Life: Switzerland consistently ranks high in terms of quality of life, safety, and overall well-being. Its efficient public transportation system, clean environment, and stunning natural beauty contribute to a high standard of living. Additionally, Swiss cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Lausanne offer a vibrant cultural scene, making student life both enriching and enjoyable.
Research and Innovation: Switzerland is a global leader in research and innovation. The country invests heavily in research and development, making it an ideal place for students interested in cutting-edge technology, science, and entrepreneurship. Swiss universities often collaborate with leading industries, providing students with real-world experiences and research opportunities.
International Student-Friendly: Switzerland is known for its welcoming and inclusive environment. The Swiss government and universities offer various scholarships and financial aid programs to international students. The country also has a well-established support system for foreign students, including guidance on visa procedures, housing, and cultural integration.
Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities: Switzerland's breathtaking landscapes are a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. From skiing and snowboarding in the Alps to hiking in the Swiss National Park, students can enjoy a wide range of recreational activities. The country's clean lakes, pristine mountains, and picturesque villages offer a serene escape from the rigors of academia.
In conclusion, Switzerland's commitment to academic excellence, multilingualism, global networking opportunities, quality of life, research and innovation, and international student support makes it an attractive destination for students seeking a world-class education. Its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural surroundings make studying in Switzerland an enriching and unforgettable experience.
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starfriday · 1 year
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The upcoming edition in association with the Aditya Birla Group will spotlight 24 speakers and will be hosted at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) on 4th June 2023
Mumbai, 22nd May 2023: TEDXGateway, India’s largest platform for breakthrough ideas, and conversations presented in a radical format, is scheduled to take place in Mumbai on Sunday, 4th June at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA JBT).
Known to bring together an exceptional list of creators, thinkers and catalysts from across the world, this edition too will play host to individuals - on stage and in the audience, who through their work, have reimagined and revitalised the will to challenge the world we live in.
Attendees who have previously been witness to this exchange have described their time at the events as one that offers a glimpse into the future, in the company of those creating it. Accepted globally as a platform for the exchange of ideas, TEDXGateway 2023 will continue to give firsthand access to ideas and conversations that have potential to propel us into a better future.
For the first time, this year, the platform will present the Big Idea Scholarship Pass by the Aditya Birla Group. If you are a young innovator with on your way to build the next big thing or a truth teller in the early stages of your career or know of someone who is, the Big Idea Scholarship & Pass gives you the opportunity to be present at TEDXGateway 2023 in the same venue as some of the world’s most enterprising and creative minds. Apply here.
This edition will also feature 24 esteemed Indian/International speakers from diverse professional backgrounds, sitting at the intersection of science, technology, humanities, culture, environmentalism, activism and more:
Anirudh Krishna - Public Policy Expert, Duke University
Achieving Excellence by Investing in Talent Ladders
Robert Katzschmann - Robotics Expert, ETH Zurich
Why is it Necessary to Build Machines that Resemble Nature and Humans?
Soft Robotics
Alexander Macdonald - Chief Economist at NASA
A New NASA Project
Smita Sharma - Independent Photojournalist
Trafficking Of Minor Girls - Photojournalistic Stories
Women’s Rights
Prof. Ramanan Laxminarayan - Epidemiologist, Princeton
5 Biggest Key Threats Likely for the Next Pandemic
Naheed Farid - Former Afghan Parliamentarian
Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
Women’s Rights
Madhusudan Rapole - Clean Energy Innovator
Topic of conversation to be shared shortly
Climate Change
Agata Blasiak - Digital Healthcare Expert
The Power of Digital Therapeutics
Kelly Wanser - Climate Innovator & TED Speaker
Climate Intervention Technologies
Climate Change
Bharat Vatwani - Mental Health Activist
Social Work led by Emotion
Mental Health
Mohit Raj - Prison Reformer
Prison Reform with Prisoners as Leaders
Social Work
Arun Sundararajan - Economist
Should we own our AI?
Technology and Social Transformation
Aadeel Akhtar - Roboticist
Bionic Revolution of Affordable & Quality Prosthetic Devices
Daniel Bögre Udell - Language Activist
Revitalization of Languages and why is it important
Michelle Drouin
Overcoming the Intimacy Famine in the post- Covid era
Love and Intimacy
Moran Cerf - Neuroscientist
Critical Decision Making
Piyachart Phiromswad - Economist
Unleashing the Power of Ageing Population
Policy and Academia
Marco Tempest - Creative Technologist, NASA
Creating Illusions using AI and Technology
AI And Technology
Rashid. K - Innovator
Innovation for Social Good
Radhika Batra
Preventing Permanent Blindness in Children
Deepa Unnikrishnan Aka Dee Mc - Artist
Khatija Rahman + Sunshine Orchestra
Sahil Vasudeva - Pianist
Tharanga Goonetilleke - Soprano
“TED has always been the cornerstone of innovation, insight, and storytelling. It has built a worldwide community committed to lifelong learning and to sparking positive change. As an extension of this thought in India, TEDXGateway addresses the curiosity, creativity, and enterprise of our audience. We have always passionately believed in the power of ideas that will change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. The upcoming edition this June in Mumbai, will be bold and brilliant — without apology. At TEDXGateway 2023, we’re shining a spotlight on 24 dazzling ideas from some of the world’s most extraordinary risk-takers and innovators. Attendees can expect a fast paced and curated daylong conference that will explore the most pressing questions of our time. The mainstage sessions will celebrate pioneers making power moves, and those who tirelessly show up as allies and advocates, setting in motion a community that is driven by curiosity, connecting both the speaker and listener.” said Yashraj Akashi, Curator of TEDXGateway and Senior Ambassador for the TEDX Program.
Speaking about the association, Percy Chowdhry, Director, Rustomjee Group, said: “Rustomjee is excited to partner with the upcoming edition of TEDxGateway and welcome the platform back in its physical form to Mumbai. Our philosophy at Rustomjee is to bring people together and form happy & healthy communities. And it is truly the power of ideas that have formed our blueprint for impactful change. Similarly, TED and TEDxGateway have been at the forefront of nurturing a global community - spanning domains, cultures, walks of life; and driven by curiosity. With this association, we look forward to an exchange of game-changing ideas that promises to set the foundation for our future.”
Readers could: Book tickets here. Get more information on the speakers here.
To apply for the Big Idea Scholarship & Pass, visit this link
For more press information, visit: Airtable Press View
About TEDXGateway:
TED has originally stood for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas that are collectively shaping our world. Today, it encompasses the full spectrum of human ingenuity. But a TEDXGateway conference goes beyond, showcasing important research and ideas from all disciplines and exploring how they connect. The goal is to expand the imagination, make unexpected connections, inspire conversation and set the ball in motion for meaningful learning and change. Its signature blend of innovation, insight, and storytelling has ignited a worldwide community committed to lifelong learning and to sparking positive change.
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Girl Power Science relies on diligence, ingenuity, etc and these traits are not Gender-based. On Sunday, January 9th 2022, Open Dreams Scholar, Eng. Miki Limnyuy, took off from Yaoundé to Ghana for the inaugural Ashesi-ETH Zürich Mechatronics Engineering Program. Miki is a fresh graduate from the National Advanced School of Engineering, Polytechnic Yaoundé. She previously scored 25/25 points at the GCE Advanced Level Examination and carried on with the tradition of excellence in scholarship, leadership and community engagement while a student at Polytechnic Yaoundé and a scholar at Open Dreams. She learnt about Open Dreams in 2018 at an event organized in their school, Polytechnic Yaounde, by Open Dreams and a MasterCard Foundation Team from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The fully-funded Master's Program, which equips students with competences in emerging fields and a wide range of skills to pursue a career in Mechatronics (Production and Automation) is delivered at Ashesi University by faculty from Ashesi and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, and seven industry partners. Students who graduate from the program receive both a Master of Science Degree in Engineering from Ashesi and a Master of Advanced Studies Degree from ETH Zurich. Miki, a strong advocate of Girls in STEM, is one of the role models of the Girl Power at Open Dreams. She makes science fun in her community engagements in an effort to reduce the massive disparity in the number of girls going in for STEM careers compared to boys. According to a 2020 AAUW Report, Women make up only 28% of the workforce in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs of the future, like Computer Science and Engineering. Through the "Association des filles de Polytechnique Yaoundé" (ADENSPY ), Association of Anglophone Students of Polytechnic Yaounde (ASPY), Targeted Education For All, Open Dreams etc Miki regularly reached out to many young engineering aspirants, teaching Math and Physics for engineering https://www.instagram.com/p/CYmClHsgqBS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scholarshipdesk · 3 years
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ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship 2022 | Fully Funded For Masters Studies
Url: https://scholarshipdesk.org/2021/11/25/eth-zurich-excellence-scholarship-2022-fully-funded/
(if link not clickable, follow the url in our bio)
The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) supports students with a scholarship, mentorship and a network of the ETH Foundation. The scholarship covers the full study and living costs during the Master’s degree course.
✅scholarship covers
✅living expenses 
✅study expenses 
✅tuition fee waiver
Goodluck in your Application :)
#scholarship, #opportunity, #explorepage, #mscscholarships, #partialscholarships, #fullscholarships, #fullscholarship,  #studyabroad,  #phdscholarship, #mscscholarship, #scholarships, #globalopportunities, #internship, #jobs, #career, #work, #joy, #training, #youngprofessionals, #happy, #love, #employment, #recruiting, #vacancy, #africa, #asia, #europe, #america, #uk, #trending,
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opportunitywow · 3 years
ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2021
Deadline: April 30, 2021
Applications for the Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2021 are now open. The goal of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Programme is to promote research and education for the benefit of underprivileged people in low-​income countries.
The E4D Programme is generously funded through the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The current programme phase runs from 2019 to 2023.
The grant sum is 175,000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral students for three years.  
The Candidate
The general entrance requirements for doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich and the respective department must be fulfilled.
Experience in the selected research area is required.
Preference will be given to citizens of Least Developed Countries and Low-Income Countries according to the OECD DAC-2021 list classification (soft factor).
The Supervisor
The doctoral supervisor must be an ETH professor and must have a guaranteed ETH position for the entire duration of the proposed project.
It is expected that the ETH Zurich professor supports the candidate in elaborating the full proposal, if the concept note should be selected, and to supervise the candidate, if the full proposal is selected for funding.
The supervisor confirms their commitment to the project by a letter of support, indicating their contribution to the project in cash or kind.
The Research Project
The research topic is within the thematic scope of ETH Zurich.
The proposal is a new doctoral project, not complementary funding to an on-going research.
Subject of the proposed research is the development of methods, technologies, tools or products, which generate a direct impact for underprivileged people in low-income countries.
The ecological, socio-economic and cultural context is taken into account.
The expected impact of the research is high for the intended target group.
The Partnership
Projects involving research partners from a low-income country have to be based on the KFPE principles.
All partners are involved in project formulation and development.
All partners make a substantial in-kind or cash commitment.
The project is integrated in the general activities of the involved institutions.
Projects must include partners from countries on the OECD DAC-2021 list.
Application documentation comprises of completed Concept Note Application Form along with the following compulsory annexes:
CV of the candidate; 
Excellent MSc degree from a recognised university and grade transcripts;
Support letter of the supervising professor at ETH Zurich;
2 reference letters from your field of research;
Relevant own publications or documentation of relevant activities relating to the project;
Names and contacts of 5 independent external reviewers.
Read the Eligibility Criteria and Application Requirements.
Submit your application in one single pdf to [email protected]
For more information, visit E4D Doctoral Scholarship.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3eK08lg via IFTTT
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jeduka · 2 years
9 Reasons to do Postgraduate Studies in Europe
If you are considering moving abroad, why not consider doing your postgraduate studies in Europe? European universities offer many quality and quantity of their courses, and they also have unique facilities and opportunities best suited for postgraduate studies. Let us tell you the top nine reasons why studying in Europe is a great idea.
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1. Quality Education
Europe boasts a large portion of the strongest education system in the whole world. 483 Universities in Europe are ranked as the best universities in the world. Top 10 Ranking Universities in Europe:
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
UCL, United Kingdom
ETH Zurich,Switzerland
The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
EPFL, Switzerland
Université PSL,France
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
King's College London, United Kingdom
2. Continent of innovation
When you think about the word 'development,' you may instantly consider Asia or America, given their strong connections to technology. However, did you know that the technology and programming you use every day originated in Germany? Skype, Spotify, Candy Crush, my craft, and Angry Birds originate from Europe.
3. Europe has history
Europe has a much longer history than some other countries. As a result, Europe's more distant origins frequently appeal to people who lack a similar sense of history at home. The jaw-dropping architecture and stays of yesterday will astound you. Additionally, in case you're a history student, these adventures may also advise your studies.
4. See a lot, close together
Europe comprises around 50 nations, and they all differ in traditions, way of life, language, sights, etc. So you won't run out of things to do, and you don't need to jump on a plane or move across oceans to discover them. 
It is simple to travel through Europe. "InterRail-ing" via train is a well-known technique utilized by current students, those on a gap year, and travelers, permitting smooth passage across borders. If you come from someplace far away like Asia or America, make the most of being in Europe and see all you can – you most likely won't be here forever.
5. Study Abroad Scholarships
Are you put off by the tuition fees or living costs accompanying studying abroad in other countries? It’s worth researching to discover what particular European nations can offer. Many need to improve the reputation of their higher education areas, so they will offer study abroad scholarships, bursaries, and subsidized tuition fees to entice more international students to come to their shores.
For example, you may not know that studying in France is the most affordable country in Europe! Learn more: Most Affordable Study Abroad Destinations in Europe
6. Learn a new language
What better time to learn a new language than when you are young and ready to immerse yourself in a city where it's constantly spoken? Knowing more than one language can significantly boost your CV and open doors to future employment opportunities. What's more, in case you're studying a language course, learning it in the nation where it is widely spoken is a whole other experience you shouldn't miss out on.
7. Career options
Regardless of their origins, many, if not all, large international organizations will have a European headquarters. There are numerous graduate opportunities available, especially as organizations expand into new markets. Related to the point above, studying abroad in Europe can benefit you when you start to search for that first career step. Language abilities, adaptability to new locations, and learning of various cultures and markets would all be able to add to finding that dream work in Europe.
8. New friends
Making friends who live around the world is an excellent aspect of studying abroad. This is no different if you choose to study in Europe, given the cultural and ethnic diversity the continent has. Think, if you come back to these cities for business or pleasure in the future, you will have old friends to see. 
9. Lifestyle
Europe has a reputation for having a relatively relaxed lifestyle. This is true to a specific extent. At the same time, a few preconceptions about Europeans might be valid. Facing European life firsthand is simply an ideal approach to understanding this for yourself. This doesn't imply that people in these nations don't know the meaning of hard work or that the higher education system here is insufficient with lacking. Instead, this relaxed attitude is evident in a wide variety of conditions and zones of European life.
Postgraduate studies in Europe are a great experience for students to take part in. Numerous institutions offer degree programs, from well-known to smaller, more specialized ones. Postgraduate studies will help you gain valuable work experience and even open new doors for you professionally in the future, so it's worth looking into if this is something that interests you.
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World’s best Tri-curricula education system at ASIS
The QS World University Rankings picked the reputed pair of Singapore Universities to stand in the prime row. The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) – 2 universities jointly ranked as 11th best universities. It plunges behind many esteemed universities like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, CalTech, ETH Zurich, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial College London, and Chicago in the top 30. This ranking adds a feather to the cap of both NUS and NTU.
Diving deep into the cause of NUS and NTU success reflects the Singapore education system. It has record-breaking history has No. 1 worldwide rank in PISA for Math, Science, and Reading by OECD. Globally 15-year-old kids and economies from 80 countries took the PISA test in 2018. People tested for the skills of reading, mathematics, and science. Some of the students from different countries take tests on global competence and financial literacy.
Parents encourage the children to participate or win scholarships for pursuing Singapore education.  Because educating in the international schools with Singapore curriculum would be a great & rare opportunity.  
Many international schools practice one or two curricula and prefer to teach students by Cambridge curriculum and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Some American international school in Chennai blend IB’s Primary Years Program (PYP) & Cambridge IGCSE at the end of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). Other international schools in Chennai start with Cambridge till IGCSE and end with IBDP. Not many centered on offering the Singapore curriculum to the learners.
An educational institution that concentrates and adept in the Singapore curriculum is the Anand Singapore International School (ASIS). ASIS focuses on fusing preschool and primary boards with the Singapore curriculum. It has the unique competence of laying a strong foundation and development among primary and secondary school students. ASIS is one of the prestigious IB schools in Chennai to act as a bridge to progress & excel learners in the Cambridge curriculum and obtain an IGCSE internationally recognized certificate at the secondary level. It enables the students to complete A levels or IBDP.
Anand Singapore International School's Singapore curriculum acts as the cornerstone and holds it as par excellence international schools in Chennai. ASIS offers the world’s best Tri-curricula for amplifying the students' knowledge and opportunity limits. Anand Singapore International School buckled down trio education systems for a seamless foundation in Math, Science, and Languages. Before taking a big step, ASIS inculcate children mind with indispensable insights.
Anand Singapore International School guides to thrive the students by incorporating Cambridge curriculum & Singapore curriculum in the best Tri-curricula education system. As the best IB schools in Chennai, ASIS infuse their minds with 21st-century evolving skills.
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plopandreicom · 4 years
ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship 2021 Fully Funded in Switzerland  #switzerland #travel #nature #love #photography #instagood #swiss #photooftheday #mountains #beautiful #picoftheday #schweiz #landscape #naturephotography #fashion #suisse #travelphotography #instagram #happy #europe #travelgram #summer #wanderlust #art #swissalps #photo #life #alps #beauty #zurich,http://plopandrei.com/eth-zurich-excellence-scholarship-2021-fully-funded-in-switzerland
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