#ETH Zurich scholarship requirements
9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland - 2023
Apply Now: ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland – 2023
ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships in Switzerland 2023: ETH Zurich is pleased to announce the next application round for it’s scholarship award scheme for postgraduate (masters) students wishing to study in Switzerland. The scholarship is in two categories: The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the ETH-D Scholarship. The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity…
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boldlycoolpeanut · 9 months
Study Abroad in Switzerland: Unlocking Scholarships for Global Explorers
If you're dreaming of a transformative international academic experience, Switzerland should be at the top of your list. With its stunning landscapes, renowned universities, and vibrant multicultural environment, Switzerland offers an unparalleled opportunity for students looking to study abroad. In this article, we'll delve into the world of studying in Switzerland and discover how you can secure scholarships to support your global exploration.
The Allure of Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is an enriching adventure that opens doors to personal and academic growth. It allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures, broaden your horizons, and develop a global perspective. Switzerland, with its picturesque Alpine scenery and cosmopolitan cities, provides an ideal backdrop for such an experience.
Switzerland: A Global Education Hub
Switzerland is more than just chocolate and watches; it's a global education hub. The country is renowned for its high-quality education system, which consistently ranks among the best in the world. Swiss universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields, ensuring that students with diverse interests can find the perfect academic fit.
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Scholarships for Global Explorers
Now, let's get to the heart of the matter - securing scholarships for your study abroad journey in Switzerland. Scholarships can significantly ease the financial burden of studying abroad, making your dreams more attainable than ever. Here are some scholarships you should consider:
1. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are awarded to international students who show exceptional academic performance. These scholarships cover tuition fees, monthly allowances, and even health insurance. To be eligible, you must apply through the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country.
2. Swiss Universities Scholarships
Many Swiss universities offer their scholarships to international students. These scholarships vary in terms of eligibility criteria and benefits, so it's essential to research each university's offerings. Some renowned Swiss institutions that provide scholarships include ETH Zurich and the University of Geneva.
3. Erasmus+ Program
If you're an EU student, the Erasmus+ program offers opportunities to study in Switzerland. This program promotes student exchange and cooperation between European countries and Switzerland, providing financial support to participants.
4. Private Scholarships
Numerous private organizations and foundations in Switzerland offer scholarships to international students. These scholarships might be discipline-specific or based on your nationality. Be sure to explore these options, as they can be valuable sources of financial aid.
Navigating the Scholarship Application Process
Securing a scholarship in Switzerland requires meticulous planning and preparation. Here are some essential steps to guide you:
Research Extensively: Begin your search for scholarships well in advance. Explore the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documentation for each scholarship.
Prepare Your Documents: Ensure that your academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statement are impeccable. Tailor your application to each scholarship's requirements.
Apply Early: Submit your applications well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute hiccups.
Seek Guidance: Don't hesitate to reach out to academic advisors, mentors, or university representatives for guidance on the application process.
Stay Persistent: The competition for scholarships can be fierce, so stay persistent and apply to as many relevant scholarships as possible.
In Conclusion
Studying abroad in Switzerland is an opportunity of a lifetime. The picturesque landscapes, world-class education, and cultural diversity create an environment conducive to personal and academic growth. By securing scholarships, you can turn your dreams of global exploration into a reality. Research your options, prepare meticulously, and embark on this incredible journey. Switzerland awaits, ready to welcome you as a global explorer.
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shivam95 · 22 days
Start Your Financial Future: Master in Finance Scholarship Opportunities
Are you passionate about finance and eager to take your career to the next level? Look no further than the exciting world of master in finance scholarship programs! These prestigious awards offer aspiring financial professionals like yourself the chance to pursue advanced studies while minimizing the financial burden. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of a master in finance degree, the key features of scholarship programs, and how to increase your chances of securing funding for your educational journey.
The Value of a Master in Finance Degree
A master in finance degree is a powerful tool for those seeking to excel in the dynamic world of finance. By delving deeper into topics such as financial analysis, investment management, and corporate finance, you'll gain a competitive edge in the job market. Graduates of these programs often find themselves in high-demand roles, such as investment bankers, financial analysts, and portfolio managers. Moreover, a master in finance degree provides you with a strong foundation for pursuing professional certifications, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designations. These additional qualifications can further enhance your career prospects and earning potential.
Scholarship Programs: Funding Your Educational Journey
Scholarships are a game-changer for aspiring master in finance students. These awards provide financial help to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs, making it possible for talented individuals to pursue their academic goals without the burden of debt. Scholarship programs come in various forms, including:
Merit-based scholarships: These awards are granted based on academic excellence, leadership skills, and extracurricular achievements.
Need-based scholarships: These scholarships are designed to support students from low-income backgrounds or those facing financial hardship.
Diversity scholarships: These awards aim to promote diversity and inclusion in the financial sector by supporting underrepresented groups.
Employer-sponsored scholarships: Some companies offer scholarships to their employees or their dependents, encouraging professional development and loyalty.
Increasing Your Chances of Securing a Scholarship
Securing a master in finance scholarship requires a combination of academic excellence, strong application materials, and strategic planning. Here are some tips to help you stand out:
Maintain a strong academic record: Demonstrate your intellectual abilities by maintaining a high GPA throughout your undergraduate studies.
Develop a compelling personal statement: Use your personal statement to showcase your passion for finance, your career goals, and how the master in finance program aligns with your aspirations.
Highlight your leadership and extracurricular activities: Demonstrate your well-roundedness by highlighting your involvement in student organizations, volunteer work, or internships related to finance.
Seek letters of recommendation from influential figures: Secure letters of recommendation from professors, mentors, or employers who can attest to your academic abilities, work ethic, and potential for success.
Apply early and follow instructions : Adhere to application deadlines and ensure that you submit all required documents, such as transcripts, test scores, and financial statements.
Requirements for a Master in Finance Scholarship
To qualify for a Master in Finance scholarship at Imperial College Business School, ESSEC Business School, or ETH Zurich, applicants need to meet specific criteria outlined by each institution. Here are the requirements for a Master in Finance scholarship based on the provided sources:
Imperial College Business School
Eligible Programs: MSc Finance, MSc Finance & Accounting, MSc Financial Technology, MSc Investment & Wealth Management, MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering.
Requirements: Exceptional academic background (first-class honours degree or international equivalent), strong leadership track record or potential, and submission of references.
Application Process: Submit the MSc program application by the specified deadlines.
Amount: £30,000.
Deadlines: 3 November, 19 January, 29 March.
ESSEC Business School
Eligibility: Open to all applicants based on the overall quality of their application.
Scholarship Types: Academic Excellence Scholarship and Diversity Scholarship.
Amount: Up to 50% of total tuition fees for Academic Excellence Scholarship and up to 30% for the Diversity Scholarship.
Procedure: Scholarship decisions are made during the application process.
Additional Scholarships: Ardian Foundation Fellowships, LIFE Scholarships, EIFFEL Scholarships.
ETH Zurich
Scholarship Program: Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP).
Eligibility: Very good result in Bachelor’s degree program (top 10% = grade A).
Application Window: November 1 - November 30, 2024.
Coverage: Full study and living costs during the Master’s degree course.
Application Process: Apply via e Apply (online Master application).
Pre-proposal Need: Submit a pre-proposal for the Master's thesis.
These requirements vary across institutions, emphasizing academic excellence, leadership potential, financial need, and specific program eligibility. Applicants should review the detailed criteria and deadlines provided by each school to maximize their chances of securing a Master in Finance scholarship.
Pursuing a master in finance degree is an excellent investment in your future, and Master in Finance scholarship opportunities can make this dream a reality. By leveraging the benefits of these programs, you can unlock your full potential and position yourself for success in the dynamic world of finance. Remember, securing a scholarship requires dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. Start your journey today by researching available programs, crafting a compelling application, and showcasing your unique strengths and experiences.
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jeduka · 27 days
Unveiling Europe's Academic Gems: Exploring the Finest Universities on the Continent
In the tapestry of global academia, Europe stands as a beacon of intellectual prowess, boasting some of the world's most esteemed institutions of higher learning. From ancient seats of scholarship to cutting-edge research hubs, the continent offers a rich mosaic of educational excellence. Join us on a journey as we traverse the hallowed halls of Europe's finest universities, each a bastion of innovation, tradition, and academic distinction.
University of Oxford - United Kingdom: Nestled in the historic city of Oxford, this venerable institution holds the distinction of being the oldest university in the English-speaking world. With a legacy spanning over nine centuries, Oxford University is synonymous with academic excellence, attracting scholars and students from across the globe. Renowned for its tutorial-based teaching method and world-class research facilities, Oxford continues to shape the future of education and scholarship.
University of Cambridge - United Kingdom: A stone's throw away from its venerable counterpart lies the University of Cambridge, another titan in the realm of higher education. Founded in 1209, Cambridge University has cultivated a tradition of intellectual inquiry and groundbreaking research. From the discovery of the structure of DNA to pioneering advancements in computer science, Cambridge remains at the forefront of innovation, fostering the brightest minds of each generation.
ETH Zurich - Switzerland: Venturing into the heart of Europe, we arrive at the Swiss city of Zurich, home to the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH). Renowned for its expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, ETH Zurich ranks among the top universities globally for engineering and computer science disciplines. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and real-world impact, ETH continues to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and technological innovation.
University of Copenhagen - Denmark: Turning our gaze to the Nordic region, we find the University of Copenhagen, Denmark's premier academic institution. Founded in 1479, Copenhagen University is Scandinavia's second-oldest university, renowned for its contributions to research and education across a myriad of disciplines. With a commitment to sustainability, equality, and social responsibility, Copenhagen University embodies the values of progressive academia in the 21st century.
Sorbonne University - France: No exploration of European academia would be complete without a visit to the iconic Sorbonne in Paris. Steeped in history and cultural significance, Sorbonne University traces its origins to the 13th century, making it one of the oldest universities in the world. From literature to philosophy, law to the arts, Sorbonne has been a crucible of intellectual discourse and academic achievement for centuries, shaping the intellectual landscape of France and beyond.
LMU Munich - Germany: Our journey culminates in the vibrant city of Munich, where Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) stands as a testament to Germany's commitment to higher education and research excellence. With a distinguished faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, LMU Munich offers a diverse range of programs spanning the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. As a leading research university in Europe, LMU Munich fosters an environment of academic curiosity and innovation, nurturing the next generation of scholars and leaders.
In conclusion, The BEST UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE represent a tapestry of intellectual diversity and academic excellence, each contributing to the collective pursuit of knowledge and understanding. From the ancient halls of Oxford and Cambridge to the cutting-edge laboratories of ETH Zurich and Sorbonne's storied lecture halls, these institutions serve as beacons of enlightenment in an ever-changing world. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Europe's universities remain steadfast in their commitment to fostering critical thinking, creativity, and global citizenship, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.
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ahzassoicates · 6 months
Building Expertise | MSc in Civil Engineering
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Explore the transformative potential of an MSc in Civil Engineering. Discover specialized tracks, industry demands, job prospects, and the impactful advantages—boosting your career in this dynamic field. Unveil top programs, admission essentials, and the path to expertise. Dive into a world of opportunities with our comprehensive guide.
Table of Content
Why Pursue an MSc in Civil Engineering?
Key Components of an MSc in Civil Engineering
Choosing the Right Program
Admission Process and Requirements
Curriculum Overview
Career Opportunities Post MSc
Success Stories and Testimonials
Financial Considerations and Scholarships
Networking and Professional Development
Faculty and Research Opportunities
Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Future of Civil Engineering
Student Support Services
Embarking on a journey towards advanced education in civil engineering marks a pivotal step for aspiring professionals seeking expertise in this dynamic field. The pursuit of a Master of Science (MSc) in Civil Engineering opens doors to a world of opportunities and challenges that redefine one's career trajectory and professional impact.
Why Pursue an MSc in Civil Engineering?
Advantages of Advanced Education
In the ever-evolving landscape of civil engineering, gaining specialized knowledge through an MSc offers a competitive edge. The in-depth understanding of complex principles and methodologies equips individuals to tackle intricate challenges within the industry.
Industry Demands and Growth Prospects
The demand for skilled civil engineers continues to surge, with multifaceted projects requiring adept problem-solving abilities. An MSc not only aligns with these demands but also propels career growth and leadership prospects.
Key Components of an MSc in Civil Engineering
Specializations Available
One of the striking facets of pursuing an MSc in Civil Engineering is the array of specializations offered, including structural engineering, transportation, geotechnical, and environmental engineering, among others. These specialized tracks cater to diverse interests and career aspirations.
Research and Practical Applications
An MSc program emphasizes a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical applications. Engaging in research projects and hands-on experiences enhances the application of acquired skills in real-world scenarios.
Choosing the Right Program
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Program
Selecting the most suitable MSc program involves evaluating factors such as faculty expertise, research facilities, industry collaborations, and geographical preferences.
Top Universities Offering MSc in Civil Engineering
Renowned institutions globally offer MSc programs tailored to meet the evolving needs of the civil engineering landscape. Universities like Stanford, MIT, and ETH Zurich stand out for their comprehensive curriculum and research opportunities.
Admission Process and Requirements
Application Essentials
Applicants must prepare a robust application package comprising academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a compelling statement of purpose, and standardized test scores.
Prerequisites and Qualifications
Meeting the prerequisites, which often include an undergraduate degree in engineering or related fields, along with fulfilling specific qualifications, determines eligibility for admission.
Curriculum Overview
Core Subjects and Electives
The curriculum spans core subjects like structural analysis, transportation systems, and environmental engineering, allowing students to delve into their chosen specializations. Elective courses further diversify learning opportunities.
Project Work and Thesis Requirements
Hands-on projects and a thesis form integral parts of the program, providing a platform to apply theoretical knowledge and contribute to groundbreaking research in the field.
Career Opportunities Post MSc
Diverse Career Pathways
Graduates of MSc in Civil Engineering programs explore diverse career paths, from consulting firms and governmental agencies to academia and research institutions.
Salary Prospects and Industry Trends
The advanced expertise gained through an MSc program often correlates with competitive salary packages and promising career trajectories in line with industry trends.
Embarking on an MSc journey in Civil Engineering not only enhances technical skills but also fosters critical thinking, innovation, and leadership qualities. It acts as a catalyst, propelling individuals towards influential roles in shaping the future of infrastructure and sustainability.
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studyabroad21 · 8 months
Study in Switzerland: Top Universities, Visa, Cost
Studying in Switzerland is a dream for many international students due to its outstanding educational institutions, stunning natural landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. Switzerland is known for its high-quality education, research opportunities, and a diverse range of academic programs. Here's an overview of studying in Switzerland:
World-Class Education: Switzerland is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities, including ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The country has a strong emphasis on research and innovation, making it an ideal destination for those pursuing advanced degrees.
Multilingual Environment: Switzerland has four official languages - German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This multilingual environment allows students to immerse themselves in different cultures and languages, making it an excellent choice for language enthusiasts.
Academic Diversity: Swiss universities offer a wide range of programs, from science and technology to arts and humanities. The country's educational system provides a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Internship Opportunities: Switzerland's strong ties to various industries and its robust economy create ample opportunities for internships and cooperative education programs, giving students valuable hands-on experience.
High Quality of Life: Switzerland is known for its high standard of living, safety, and efficient public services. The country's cities, such as Zurich, Geneva, and Lausanne, consistently rank among the world's most livable cities.
Scholarships and Funding: While Switzerland is not part of the European Union, it offers various scholarships and grants for international students. Additionally, many Swiss universities offer financial aid, making education in Switzerland more accessible.
International Student-Friendly: Switzerland is a multicultural and welcoming country, which makes it easy for international students to adapt to their new environment. Universities often have support services for international students, including orientation programs and language courses.
Research and Innovation: Switzerland is a global leader in research and innovation. It's home to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and numerous other research institutions. Students can engage in cutting-edge research projects.
Breathtaking Scenery: Switzerland is famous for its picturesque landscapes. From the Swiss Alps to serene lakes and charming villages, the country offers countless opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.
Safety and Stability: Switzerland is known for its political stability and low crime rates. This makes it an attractive destination for international students looking for a secure environment to focus on their studies.
To study in Switzerland, international students will need to meet certain admission requirements, including providing proof of language proficiency and obtaining the necessary visa and residence permits. The admission process may vary depending on the university and program, so it's essential to check specific requirements for the institution and course of interest.
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education112434 · 1 year
Study Abroad Consultants: Top Universities, Scholarships and Counselling
One of the first study abroad consultants, Collegepond supports students' collegiate journeys as they pursue their academic and professional goals abroad. We provide career coaching for students both offline and online, and we have nearly two decades of experience successfully helping students to achieve their academic and career goals. Our students have a 97% acceptance rate at top international universities, creating a large alumni network of 20,000+ students spanning 37+ fields and 17 countries. To make your ambitions of studying abroad a reality, we have worked with more than 300 prestigious universities worldwide. Because of this, more than 93% of our students have launched successful careers overseas, keeping a healthy work-life balance, earning competitive wages, and benefiting from financial stability. independence. Collegepond, a study abroad consultant, ensures that you receive end-to-end guidance with a 360-degree strategy that addresses every part of your study abroad trip. Some of the best in the business make up our staff of knowledgeable and skilled study abroad counselors, and they are committed to helping you realize your aspirations for studying abroad through study counseling! Our boutique of services, which range from pre- and post-departure assistance to admissions counseling, is carefully crafted to ensure that your application process is efficient, easy, and stress-free. We have you covered for everything from exam preparation, student career advising, university selection, application support, visa aid, and pre-departure services! Your one-stop shop for achieving your goals of studying abroad is Collegepond! Your success is guaranteed by Collegepond's end-to-end strategy! Several of the top universities in the world have admitted our students, including Stanford University, Columbia University, Cornell University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Waterloo, University of Toronto, Trinity College Dublin, London School of Business, London School of Economics, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, TU Berlin, TU Delft, TU Munich, ETH Zurich, and others. Starting offline or online coaching for students at the early stages of choosing the correct location, degree, and university is the first step in obtaining this enormous level of success. Collegepond's education counselor guarantees that you select the best option for your needs by providing you with the most recent technology, strategic advice for studying abroad, and knowledgeable career counseling consultants. regardless of whether you want to pursue a Ph.D., MS, MBA, or undergraduate degree overseas.
Anxiety over navigating the lengthy and intimidating application process frequently goes hand in hand with the desire to study abroad. Collegepond ensures that you may complete your application form correctly and show a strong profile through an outstanding statement of purpose, reliable letters of recommendation, a well-written résumé, etc. with the help of step-by-step guidance provided by study abroad counseling. Collegepond education counselor ensures you receive specialized and individualized attention at every stage of your application journey with specialized teams of education counselors for each area. Our expert study abroad advisors will help you present your SOP, LOR, and resume in a distinctive way to prospective employers. Make sure the admissions committee can tell you apart from the thousands of other applications.
Additionally, Collegepond's tutoring services are designed to make sure you are sufficiently prepared to pass the necessary exams, such as the GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE. Test preparation is essential for those who want to study abroad because each university has a minimum score requirement. With extensive test preparation packages, a wealth of resources, knowledgeable teachers, and career counselors, Collegepond provides you with all the help you need to achieve top test scores.
To ensure that you complete the final stage of your application process, Collegepond also offers value-added services like visa and financial counseling, education loan support, forex services, and a full pre-departure service package that includes ticketing, vaccinations, and more.
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Graduate position: CharlesU_Prague.BiogeographyEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: CharlesU_Prague.BiogeographyEvolution > Date: 23 February 2023 at 06:04:11 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > > PhD Position in Biogeography and Evolution of Vertebrates > > Research Group: Biogeography and Evolution (Antonin Machac) > Department of Ecology, Charles University, Prague > > https://ift.tt/5BNEikw > https://ift.tt/NmPfwDp > > Deadline: March 15, 2023 > > How did the diversity of life on Earth emerge? The successful candidate > will address this fundamental question by analyzing the fascinating > biodiversity of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles (approx. 30,000 > species), integrating their phylogenies, maps and traits, to uncover > the general principles that governed their diversification. This work > complements ongoing research within the team and will permit the > student to work in close collaboration with international partners > (ETH Switzerland, S-BiK Frankfurt, UBC Vancouver, CMEC Copenhagen). The > PhD topic provides flexibility of the pursued questions, which will be > addressed using modern statistics, making the student highly qualified > after graduation for work within academia and in private companies. The > combination of independent and collaborative research ensures secure > dissertation research but also opportunities for high risk/high gain > results. > > *** PhD involves > - doctoral studies at Charles University in Prague (Department of >  Ecology), which belongs to the leading research institutions in the >  Czech Republic. The Department is situated in the historical center of >  Prague, one of the world's most beautiful and monumental cities > - study of global vertebrate biodiversity (mammals, birds, >  amphibians, reptiles) > - integrating molecular phylogenies, geographic maps and species traits >  to uncover the processes that generated biodiversity around the world >  and over time > - addressing fundamental questions about the evolution of >  biodiversity, using modern statistics (regression analyses, GIS >  geographic information systems, phylogenetic comparative methods, >  implemented in R) > > � > *** We offer > > - friendly, creative and supportive environment of a large >  international team > - membership in the diverse international PhD student community at >  Charles University > - competitive salary (composed of 4-year PhD scholarship, doubled for >  2.5 years through a research grant) sufficient to comfortably cover >  living costs in Prague (will be discussed at the interview) > - interdisciplinary experience through national (Petr Baldrian, David >  Storch, Center for Theoretical Studies, IMIC) and international >  collaborations (ETH Zurich, Univ Copenhagen), including the >  possibility to attend international conferences > - fully covered health insurance and contribution to the social >  security system > - support for establishment of foreign employees via the Staff Welcome >  Center of the University > > � > *** We require > > - strong motivation to pursue interdisciplinary research at the >  interface of evolution, ecology, and statistics > - MSc degree in biology or related fields (in early fall 2023 at >  the latest) > - good spoken and written English, communication at the Department is >  fully in English > > � > *** Desirable but not required > > - experience with quantitative methods, R programming, GIS > - background in phylogeny-based research > - experience with presenting and publishing research > � > Please submit (1) your CV, (2) one-page motivation letter, (3) contact > information for two references to Antonin Machac ([email protected]) with > "PhD Student Position 2023" in the subject line. Review of applicants > will begin on March 15, 2023, and continue until the position has been > filled.  The selected candidate will be assisted in submitting their PhD > application to the university. The exact start date is negotiable. You > can find more on the website: https://ift.tt/NmPfwDp > > Antonin Machac
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opportunitywow · 3 years
ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2021
Deadline: April 30, 2021
Applications for the Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2021 are now open. The goal of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Programme is to promote research and education for the benefit of underprivileged people in low-​income countries.
The E4D Programme is generously funded through the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The current programme phase runs from 2019 to 2023.
The grant sum is 175,000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral students for three years.  
The Candidate
The general entrance requirements for doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich and the respective department must be fulfilled.
Experience in the selected research area is required.
Preference will be given to citizens of Least Developed Countries and Low-Income Countries according to the OECD DAC-2021 list classification (soft factor).
The Supervisor
The doctoral supervisor must be an ETH professor and must have a guaranteed ETH position for the entire duration of the proposed project.
It is expected that the ETH Zurich professor supports the candidate in elaborating the full proposal, if the concept note should be selected, and to supervise the candidate, if the full proposal is selected for funding.
The supervisor confirms their commitment to the project by a letter of support, indicating their contribution to the project in cash or kind.
The Research Project
The research topic is within the thematic scope of ETH Zurich.
The proposal is a new doctoral project, not complementary funding to an on-going research.
Subject of the proposed research is the development of methods, technologies, tools or products, which generate a direct impact for underprivileged people in low-income countries.
The ecological, socio-economic and cultural context is taken into account.
The expected impact of the research is high for the intended target group.
The Partnership
Projects involving research partners from a low-income country have to be based on the KFPE principles.
All partners are involved in project formulation and development.
All partners make a substantial in-kind or cash commitment.
The project is integrated in the general activities of the involved institutions.
Projects must include partners from countries on the OECD DAC-2021 list.
Application documentation comprises of completed Concept Note Application Form along with the following compulsory annexes:
CV of the candidate; 
Excellent MSc degree from a recognised university and grade transcripts;
Support letter of the supervising professor at ETH Zurich;
2 reference letters from your field of research;
Relevant own publications or documentation of relevant activities relating to the project;
Names and contacts of 5 independent external reviewers.
Read the Eligibility Criteria and Application Requirements.
Submit your application in one single pdf to [email protected]
For more information, visit E4D Doctoral Scholarship.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3eK08lg via IFTTT
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Study In Europe| Guide For Indian Students
What is the first thing to think about Europe? Architectural wonders such as the timeless images by talents, Fine Music Symphony, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael by the masters like Mozart and Beethoven, the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. This continent reminds you of stories of kings, queens, ships and the wars of his brave men who have established a business outpost around the world? The European continent is unique in its diversity. The Romans are very proud, Greek stick for their traditions, the French believe that Paris is the world and Germany stands for precision and progress of watch. In this way overall, there is a lot to see, understand and learn here with a Europe Student visa.
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In the past, studying in Europe meant traveling to the UK and studying in good universities like Oxford and Cambridge. It was in the second half of nineties, when studies abroad became accessible to middle class families, the students started searching for other opportunities to study in Europe. Although still today, the UK is a strong favorite and preferred study destination among India's students; But the number of shortage of Visa rules and opportunities to find jobs in the UK is forcing students to investigate the possibilities in other countries.
Most of India's major schools offer French or German as the third language. This is very useful for students studying degree in France or Germany. Such as Sweden and Norway, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries also offer attractive plans to study in its universities for international students. Traditionally, these countries are the center for leading research in engineering technology, pharmacology and medicine.
Why Choose Europe:
With Europe Student visa you can experience the diverse culture of different countries. Many leading universities now offer programs in English; Therefore learning a local language is not mandatory; But it would definitely be helpful. Research opportunities, facilities and guidance are quite good and accessible.
Best Universities in Europe:
According to the QS World University Ranking-2015, 19 universities in the UK make it to the top 100 universities in the world. These include Imperial College London (United States Second Place), Cambridge University, University College London - UCL and Oxford University. Popular universities in the rest of Europe make it to the top 100 - Switzerland's ETH Zurich and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne; France's ENS Paris and Ecole Polytechnic; University of Denmark Copenhagen and Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg University of Germany.
Where to Study What:
Students searching for careers in hospitality and catering industries can study in leading institutions of Switzerland and France. Italy will be the best place to study art. France will be a great place to study architecture and music. The possibilities are really many. Additionally, the tuition fee works to be much less compared to similar courses in the United States or Australia. Most universities also provide scholarships for undergraduate and research studies.
What you can Explore:
Europe is the pleasure of a tourist. You can discover the secrets of Spain and Portugal, in Greece and Italy, you can find the remains of a glorious civilization, skiing in the Alps and taste fine chocolate in Switzerland. Eurale pass is a very convenient way to locate Europe on a train. The 'Global Pass' allows one to travel to 28 countries in Europe and can be customized according to the requirements. Explore Europe and find yourself on your journey.
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biochemadda · 7 years
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Computational biology Scientist position @ Boehringer Ingelheim Germany
Computational Genomics Job PhD Position @ QBM Munich
Computational Chemistry Jobs | Postdoc Position @ UGent
Computational Biology Jobs USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
Proteomics Job | Deputy Head Position @ CeMM, Austria
Chemoinformatics Jobs | Postdoc Position @ CeMM
Applied Vegetation Ecology Professorship Position @ Freiburg University Germany
Plant Ecology Postdoctoral Job Opportunity @ Helsinki University Finland
JRF/JPF Conservation Biology Job Openings @ JNTBGRI
Ecology Soil Science PhD Position Available @ SLU Sweden
Evolutionary Ecology Postdoctoral Jobs @ Turku University Finland
PhD Fellowship Applied Ecology Jobs @ Ghent Belgium
Postdoc Position | Ecology Jobs @ NIOZ, Netherlands
The Max Day Environmental Science Fellowship Award | Australia
Environmental Science PhD Position @ Gothenburg University Sweden
Environmental Science Graduate Assistant Position @ UFZ | Germany
Environmental Genomics PostDoc Position @ UFZ | Geramany
2 PostDoctoral Soil Chemistry Jobs @ ETH Zurich | Switzerland
Environmental Science MS admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Environmental Science PhD admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Doctoral Programme | Plant Sciences @ Helsinki University Finland
HOD Environmental Services Job @ Forschungszentrum Julich | Germany
Environment Science Professor Jobs @ Helsinki University | Finland
Natural Science Environmental Science PhD Job @ Gothenburg | Sweden
Environmental Sciences Job | Professor Position @ Helsinki Finland
Project Assistant Environmental Science Job Recruitment @ NEERI
Environmental Science Project Fellow Job Vacancy @ BBAU
Nanotechnology Jobs | Postdoc Fellowship @ INL
Molecular Human Genetics Assistant Professor Requirement @ BCM Texas USA
Tuberculosis Epidemiology PhD Position Available @ Antwerp University Belgium
Epidemiology Infectious Disease Professor Position @ Basel University Switzerland
Research Associate Epidemiology Job Opportunity @ LSUHSC | USA
Epidemiology Associate Principal Scientist JOB @ Merck USA
Epidemiology Assistant Professor Jobs @ Southern Denmark University
EpiGenetics Postdoctoral Researcher Jobs @ FIMM Finland
Epidemiology Jobs USA | Post doc position @ LTRI
List Biotech/Pharmacy/Chemistry/Medical Events – BioChem Adda
Food Engineering Teaching Jobs @ NIFTEM, Sonepat, Haryana, India
ASM-IUSSTF Indo-US Professorship in Microbiology
Biosciences Jobs | Multiple Faculty Openings @ IIT, Indore
CHAAMPS Health Disparities Funding Opporunity
75 UNESCO/People’s Republic of China Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2017-2018
SMART 2017 Scholars Programme for Postdoctoral Research
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships @ Institute of Nano Science and Technology
EMBO Young Investigators Fellowship Program 2017-2018
US Fulbright Scholar Program 2018-2019
Life Science PhD Scholarships | September 2017 | Germany
Medical Diagnostic Independent Research Fellowship @ NTU | UK
NanoTechnology For Cancer Research Fellowship USA
Indo Australia EMCR Fellowship Programme Application @ INSA | India
University Research Fellowship Opportunity @ Periyar Uni India
INSA Young Scientist Award Fellowship Opportunity @ India
Australia International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
International Fellowship | Switzerland UNIL Masters Grants
Cambridge International Scholarships | United Kingdom
Westminster International Scholarships | United Kingdom
Vanier Canada Graduate Grant | International Scholarship
Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS) @ Netherlands
Haryana Govt | Promotion of Science Education Scholarship Scheme
Georg Forster Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Germany
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Germany | AvH Foundation
INSA JRD-Tata Fellowship Programme, 2017
Canadian Government Scholarships for International Students
Independent Research Fellowships for International Students in UK, 2017
Mirzayan Fellowship for US and International Students in USA, 2017
Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship in Germany, 2017
CAS Fellowships for International Applicants in China, 2016-2017
Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral Biomedical fellowships
National Fellowship | Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Program
DBT’s Visiting Research Professorship & Visiting Research Faculty
Visiting Fellowships Programme 2016-17 @ JNCASR, Bangalore
DST Postdoc Fellowships | Overseas Visiting Fellowships
Life Science International Bayer Scholarship Program
Petrie-Flom Center Student Fellowship 2016-2017
Axol Bioscience 2016 Scholarship for PhD/MSc/BSc Students
0 notes
Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2017 – Switzerland (175’000 CHF Grant)
Application Deadline: March 31st 2017
The Engineering for Development (E4D) doctoral scholarship programme promotes the development of products or methods which are directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of poor people in developing or transition countries. It awards two doctoral fellowships per year and promotes projects which are directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of poor people in developing countries. The grant sum is 175’000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral student for three years.
The programme is funded through the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development since 2008.
To be admitted to the selection process, the application has to fulfil the following requirements: The candidate
The entrance requirements for doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich and at the particular department must be fulfilled
Experience in the selected research area is required.
Preference will be given to citizens of least developed countries and other low-income countries according to the OECD classification. The supervisor
The supervisor confirms his/her commitment to the project by a letter of support, indicating his/her contribution to the project in cash or kind.
If the concept note is selected for elaboration into a full proposal, the supervisor invites the candidate for a lab visit and an interview with the selection committee at the expense of his/her chair. This does not apply to candidates who know the supervisor already.
Application procedure The application procedure consists of the two following steps:
First step The candidate submits a concept note (details see below) to ETH Global (Patricia Heuberger, [email protected]). The deadline for submitting concept notes is 31 March. Only concept notes fulfilling all indicated requirements will be taken into consideration and evaluated by the selection committee with regard to their suitability for the E4D Scholarship.
Second step Candidates whose concept note is accepted by the selection committee elaborate a full proposal together with the professor who agreed to supervise the project. If the candidate and the professor do not know each other, they must set up a meeting to discuss the full proposal elaboration. This meeting is either a face-to-face meeting or a skype meeting. The proposal is submitted to ETH Global by the supervising ETH professor. The deadline is 31 August.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Soctoral Scholarship Programme 2017
The post Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2017 – Switzerland (175’000 CHF Grant) appeared first on Scholarships For Africa.
from Scholarships For Africa http://ift.tt/2kL6anT
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biochemadda · 7 years
BioChem Adda
Category: Bioengineering Jobs
Category: Bioinformatics job
Category: Biological Science Jobs
Category: Biology Jobs
Category: Biomedical Engineering Internships
Category: Biomedical Engineering Jobs
Category: Biophysics Jobs
Category: Bioprocess Engineering
Category: Biostatistics Jobs
Exciting Virology PhD Student Job Opportunity @ Ghent University Belgium
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BioInformatics Specialist Job Opportunity @ California University San Diego USA
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Life Science BioTechnology SRF Job @ NIPGR Delhi | India
BioInformatics Technical Coordinator Job @ EMBL EBI | UK
Protein Computational Scientist Job @ EMBL EBI | Cambridge | UK
BioInformatics Mutation Cancer PhD Position @ Gothenburg University Sweden
RNA BioInformatics PhD Fellowship Position @ Copenhagen University | Denmark
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Protein Computational Scientist Job Position @ EMBL UK
BioInformatician Job Position Available @ EMBL UK
Cancer BioInformatics Job Vacancy @ ICMR London
Several PostDoctoral Research Positions Available @ CCHMC | USA
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Bioinformatics Job USA | Manager Position @ Adaptive Biotechnologies
2 JRF Bioinformatics/Biotechnology Job Vacancy @ IIT Delhi
12 Microbiology/Chemistry/Zoology Faculty Openings @ Tripura Uni
2 Life Sciences JRF Job Vacancies @ University of Pune
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Bioinformatics Job USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
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Novus Biologicals International Students Scholarship Program USA
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Natural Science PhD Student Position @ Gothenburg University | Sweden
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Neuronal Cell Biology Principal Scientist Job Position @ Biogen USA
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Biology Short Term Travelling Fellowship
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EU Horizon 2020 Food Science Several PhD Positions Available
Science Medicine 5 Postdoctoral Job Opening @ Turku University Finland
Research Associate Molecular Cellular Biology Job @ Unity Biotechnology USA
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Postdoctoral Biologist Job Position @ ICR London
PreDoctoral Fellowships Available @ EMBL Germany
Cancer Biology Assistant Professor Jobs @ SDSU | San Diego
Protein Sciences Biologist Job @ Novartis USA
PostDoctoral Guest Programme | Max Planck Institute Germany
Infection Biology PhD Student Position @ Bern University
Senior Research Fellow Biotechnology Vacancy @ NRCPB
Evolutionary Biology Postdoc Job @ Max Planck Institute Germany
Biology Job USA | Clinical Trial Specialist position @ Kite Pharma
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PhD Student Position @ IMPRS | Molecular Life Sciences | Munich
Molecular Biology PhD Candidate Requirement @ ETH Zurich | Switzerland
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Biology Research Specialist position @ Carolinas HealthCare System USA
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Biology Job USA | Clinical Research Coordinator position @ DFCI
Biology Job USA | Scientific Researcher position @ Genentech
Biology Job USA | Research Associate Position @ Neurona Theraputics
Biology Job USA | Laboratory Assistant Position @ ICON
Careers in Biology / Chemistry | Research Scientist @ Jio, Mumbai
Biotech Job USA | Senior Project Manager position @ Genentech
Biology Job USA | Postdoc Position @ Promega
Biology Job USA | Controller Position @ Neurona Theraputics
Biology Job USA | Technician Position @ Nano Precision Medical
Doctoral Student Medical Biology Jobs @ Helsinki University | Finland
Biology Job | Scientist Position @ Becton Dickinson & Company USA
R&D Technical Assistant Biology Vacancy @ VIT University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in DNA Metabarcoring of Herbivore Diet
PhD studentship in Veterinary Medicine / Biology / Palaeontoloy
Biology Job USA | Research Assistant position @ UNC
Biology Job USA |Scientist position @ Kite Pharma
Biology Job USA | Research Associate position @ Kite Pharma
Biotechnology Laboratory Manager Job @ Kite Pharma USA
Junior Research Fellow Basic Science Job Vacancy @ NABI
PhD Biology Job USA | Sr Scientist Position @ Merck
Biology Job USA | Manufacturing Tech Position @ MSD
Biotechnology Job USA | Manufacturing Tech Position @ MSD
Biology Job USA | Regulatory Affairs Specialist Position @ MSD
PhD Biology Jobs USA | Director Position @ MSD
Biology Job USA | Research Associate Position @ Singulex
Biology Job USA | Quality Director Position @ Singulex
Biology Job | Director of Molecular Pathology @ Merck
Biogeochemical Modelling Jobs | Postdoc position @ UEF
Plant Biology Jobs Australia | Postdoc Position @ Adelaide
Biology Jobs San Diego | Regulatory Affairs Role @ Lilly
Biology Degree Jobs | CAPA Investigator @ KBI Biopharma
Careers in Biology | Sr. Manufacturing Associate @ KBI Biopharma
Microbiology Careers | Microbiology Specialist @ KBI Biopharma
Ecology Jobs | Research Assistant Position @ LU
Life Science Jobs | Research Assistant position @ BiooScientific
Chemistry jobs USA | Project Manager @ Pittsburgh University
Biotechnology Jobs USA | Chemist II position @ Bio-Rad
Cancer Biology Jobs | Clinical Research Fellow @ UMIST, UK
Environmental Sciences Job | Professor Position @ Helsinki
Ecology Job | Postdoctoral Position @ University Of Antwerp
Life Science Jobs Germany | Postdoc Position @ DKFZ
Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Grant PhD Job @ Antwerp University Belgium
Biomedical Engineering Summer Training | ITRI Global Internship Program
BioMedical Engineerng Doctoral Fully Funded UK EU Overseas Applicants Scholarship Position
Medical Science PhD Student Requirement @ Gothenburg University Sweden
BioMedical Information PhD Position @ KU Leuven Belgium
The Helen Hay Whiteny Foundation Biomedical Science Fellowship | USA
Genetic BioEngineering PhD Position @ Ku Leuven Belgium
BioMedical PhD Student Position Available @ KU Leuven Belgium
BioMedical Informatics Postdoctoral Position @ Ohio State University USA
BioMedical Imaging PostDoctoral Position @ Antwerp University | Belgium
BioMedicine PhD Student Requirement @ Antwerp University Belgium
Medical Science Liaison Job @ Pharmacyclics Michign | USA
BioMedical Research Officer Position @ Adelaide University Australia
Medicinal Chemistry Full ProFessorship Jobs @ Southern Denmark University
JRF Biotechnology Job Vacancy @ MACS-Agharkar Research Institute
Medical Oncology Postdoctoral Position @ Bern University Switzerland
NACO BioMedical Research Fellowship Application Opening @ NACO | India
Biotechnology Postdoctoral Researcher Job @ Turku University | Finland
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BioMedicine PhD Student Requirement @ University Of Turku Finland
Biomedical Sciences Job | Scientist Position @ SOLEIL France
BioMedical Engineering Postdoctoral Job @ Antwerp University | Belgium
Biomedical Engineering PhD admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Scientist C Medical Post @ DMRC Jodhpur | Rajashtan
Biomedical Engineering MS admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Clinical Research Fellow Medicine Jobs @ Cardiff Uni | UK
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PhD Medical Science Position @ Gothenburg University | Sweden
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Molecular Endoscopy Professor Job @ FAU | Germany
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Postdoctoral Position Biomedicine Jobs @ UiB, Bergen | Norway
Biomechanics Jobs | Postdoc Position @ SPF, Switzerland
PhD Position | Biomedical Engineering Jobs @ Antwerp, Belgium
Biomedical Sciences Jobs Belgium | PhD Position @ ULg
Biomedical Sciences Jobs | Research Professor Position
Biomedical Engineering Jobs | Postdoc Position @ DKFZ
Eukaryotic Replication BioPhysics Postdoc Position @ TU Delft Netherlands
BioPhySics PhD Student Requirement @ Biology Centre Czech Republic
BioPhysics Postdoctoral Career @ TU Delft | Netherlands
Biophysics MS admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Biophysics PhD admissions openings @ OSU | USA
BIRAC Innovation Post Doctoral Fellowship @ CIC-B, Panjab University
BioProcess Engineering PhD Student Requirement @ HZDR | Germany
Bioprocess Engineering Professor Job @ FAU | Germany
BioStatistics Computational Biology Job Opportunity @ Vedanta Biosciences USA
BioStatistics Intern Position @ Biogen Cambridge USA
BioStatisticians Job Opportunity @ Helsinki University | Finland
Biostatistics Job USA | Senior Manager position @ Kite Pharma
Biostatistics PhD admissions openings @ OSU | USA
0 notes
biochemadda · 7 years
BioChem Adda
Category: Cell Biology Jobs
Category: Chemical Engineering Jobs
Category: Chemical Sciences Internships
Category: Chemistry Jobs
International Molecular & Cellular Life Science PhD Programmes in Germany 2017
Cellular Molecular Biology PostDoc Fellow Job Opening @ Augusta University Georgia | USA
Cancer BioMarkers Scientific Officer Position Available @ ICR London
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Molecular Cell Biology Scientific Officer Position @ ICR London
Cell Biology PostDoctoral USA Position @ Ohio State University
Cell Biology Scientist Job Position Available @ Merck | USA
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Cell Culture Scientific Production Job @ Panacea Biotec | Punjab
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Molecular Cell Biology Professor Jobs @ Gothenburg
Cell biology Jobs USA | Scientist Position @ Notable Labs
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Cell Biology Job USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
Molecular Biology Job | Scientific Researcher @ Genentech
Cell biology Jobs USA | Principal Scientist Position @ Merck
Chemistry Nano Science PostDoctoral Position @ Copenhagen University Denmark
Chemical Product Design PD Eng Traineeship Program @ TU Delft Netherland
Medicinal Chemistry Senior Scientist Job Position Available @ Biogen UK
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Chemical Structural Protemoics Postdoc Job @ SDU Denmark
Principal Scientist Research Development Job @ Merck NJ | USA
Chemistry Scientist Position Available @ BioDuro Pharmaceutical | Sanghai
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SRF Position for Chemical Engineer @ ICT Mumbai
Chemical Engineering Jobs USA | Engineer Position @ Lab Support
Chemical Ecology Postdoctoral Position @ ETH Zurich Switzerland
Several JRF / Project Assistant Chemical Engineering Jobs @ CGCRI | Kolkata
Chemical Engineering MS admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Chemical Engineering Phd position openings @ OSU | USA
Chemistry Job USA | Labortory Technician Position @ DuPont
SRF / JRF Chemical Engg. Job Vacancy @ CMERI – CSIR, Ludhiana
Project Research Staff Chemical Engineering Vacancy @ IIEST, Shibpur
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Chemical Engineering Job USA | Principal Scientist @ Merck
Chemical Sciences Summer Internships | SN Bose Scholar Program
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Chemistry / Microbiology Teaching Associates Job Openings @ ANGRAU
Material Science Chemistry PostDoctoral Job Opportunity @ IIT | Italy
Analytical Chemistry Associate Scientist Jobs @ Novartis Switzerland
Medicinal Chemistry Scientist Job @ Merck Research Lab | Cambridge | USA
Medicinal Chemistry PostDoctoral Researcher Job @ ICRC Czech Republic
Chemitry PostDoctoral Fellow Vacancy @ IIT CMBR | Italy
Chemistry PostDoctoral Fellow Position @ Adelaide University | Australia
Govt Job | Scientist B Chemistry Recruitment @ Spices Board
Organic Chemistry Junior Research Scientist Job @ Syngenta | India
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Chemistry Jobs Scientist position @ Genentech California | USA
Chemistry Jobs USA | Scientist Position @ Lab Support
Chemistry Postdoctoral Scientist Job @ Basel University | Switzerland
Chemistry Postdoctoral Requirement @ Leibniz HKI | Germany
Physical Chemistry Postdoc Position @ FOMM | Netherlands
Physical Chemistry PhD Scholarship @ DTU | Denmark
Chemistry Job @ Lab Support USA | Chemist Position
Postdoc Applied Analytical Chemistry Job @ Ghent University | Belgium
Early Stage and Postdoc Researchers Job @ UEF Finland
Chemistry PhD Fellowship @ University Of Copenhagen | Denmark
Postdoc Chemist Position @ Leibniz Institute HKI | Germany
Carbohydrate Chemistry Postdoc Jobs @ University Of Basel | Switzerland
Chemistry Nanofiber Aerogels PhD Careers | ETH Zurich Switzerland
Pharmaceutical Scientist Jobs @ USP | Hyderabad | India
Materials Science Chemistry PhD Job @ Empa | Switzerland
Organic Chemistry Jr Officer Job @ Privi Organics Ltd | Mumbai
Physical Chemistry PhD Position @ Hamburg University | Germany
PhD Polymer Chemistry Careers @ Empa Switzerland
Chemistry jobs Canada | Research Officer position @ NRCC
Chemistry Phd position openings @ Ohio State University | USA
Postdoctoral Chemistry Jobs @ ETH Zurich | Switzerland
Climate Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellowship @ NIWA | New Zealand
Chemistry Research Associate Position @ IIT Patna | India
Chemistry Job USA | Development Specialist job @ Prudue University
Chemistry Lab Assistant position @ Carolinas HealthCare System USA
Chemistry Job USA | Development Scientist Position @ DuPont
Medicinal Chemistry Postdoctoral Job @ IIT | Genoa
Project Fellow Chemistry Job Vacancy @ NISER, Bhubaneswar
Postdoc Position Chemistry Jobs @ Helsinki University | Finland
Chemistry Group Leader Job @ EMPA | Switzerland
Chemistry Job USA | Manufacturing Associate Position @ Promega
Chemistry Jobs USA | Clinical Scientist Position @ Notable Labs
Postdoc Chemical Proteomics Job @ Ghent University Belgium
Chemistry Job USA | Scientist Position @ City of Hope
Junior Research Scientist in Chemistry @ Syngenta, Goa
Research Associate Polymersome Chemistry Jobs @ UCL | UK
Postdoctoral Applied Chemistry Jobs @ EMPA | Switzerland
JRF/SRF Agricultural Chemistry Job Vacancies @ NIPHM
5 Trainee Analyst Chemistry/Microbiology Recruitment Spices Board
Chemistry Job USA | Sr Scientist/Engineer position @ Merck
Chemistry Job USA | Senior Scientist Position @ Merck
Computational Chemistry Job | Sr Scientist Position @ Merck
Chemistry Job USA | Sr Scientist Position @ Merck
Chemistry Job USA | Manufacturing Tech Position @ MSD
Chemistry Job USA | Associate Quality Scientist Position @ MSD
Chemistry Intern Position USA @ Singulex
Postdoctoral position in Analytical Chemistry @ ImaBiotech Corp
Copy Editor – Editing Job Vacancy @ Frost & Sullivan
Chemistry Jobs | PhD Position @ IPHT, Leibniz
PhD Chemistry Jobs USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
Chemistry Jobs USA | Scientist, Pharmacology @ Merck
Chemistry Jobs USA | Director, Peptide Chemistry @ Merck
Chemistry Job | Chemist Position @ Mérieux NutriSciences
Chemistry Jobs | Technician Position @ Mérieux NutriSciences
Chemistry Job USA | Principal Scientist Position @ Merck
Computational Chemistry Jobs | Research Associate @ inStem
Computational Chemistry Jobs | Research Scientist @ inStem
Protein Chemistry Jobs UK | Research Fellow Position
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biochemadda · 7 years
BioChem Adda
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Category: Biochemistry Jobs
Dr. TMA Pai PhD scholarship program @ Manipal University
International PhD Programs Life Sciences @ Zurich Graduate School
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PhD position in Immunology @ Lund University
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Laboratory Medicine PostDoctoral Fellow Position @ Tulane University | USA
BioChemistry Senior Researcher Position @ OSU | USA
BioAnalytical Operations Lead Job @ Shire USA
Peptide Chemistry Postdoc Position @ Basel University | Switzerland
JRF Molecular Biology Job Vacancy @ ICAR – DMAPR
Field Service Engineer Job Opening @ Agilent Technologies
Project Assistant Bioinformatics Job Vacancy @ Alagappa University
Junior Research Fellow Life Sciences Opening @ Dibrugarh University
Project Assistant Biochemistry Job Vacancy @ CFTRI, Mysuru
Project Assistant Biotechnology Vacancy @ Indian Statistical Institute
Position for QC Analyst / Microbiologist @ ALBIO TECHNOLOGIES
JRF Job Opening @ Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Project Assistant Biochemistry Job Opening @ NEERI, Nagpur
Project Fellow Life Sciences Job Vacancy @ RGCB, Kerala
Assistant Professor Biochemistry Job Vacancy @ MDNIY, Delhi
50 Adjunct Professors/Scientists Job Vacancies @ ICMR Institutes
SRF Biochemistry job vacancy @ CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
SRF Life Sciences Recruitment @ ILS Bhubaneswar
Biochemistry Job Research Associate position @ Genentech | USA
Biochemistry jobs Canada | Lab Coordinator position @ STEMCELL
Biochemistry jobs USA | Senior Scientist position @ Bristol-Myers Squibb
Cell Processing PostDoctoral Researcher Jobs @ FIMM Finland
Biochemistry Job USA | QC Specialist position @ Bristol-Myers Squibb
Biochemistry Job USA | Supervisor position @ Bristol-Myers Squibb
Several BioChemistry Scientist B Jobs @ DRDO | Delhi
SRF MSc BioChemistry Opening @ SKIMS Kashmir | India
BioChemistry Guest Lecturer Job @ Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agric Uni | Gujrat
Project Associate BioChemistry Job @ IIT Delhi
Biochemistry MS admissions openings @ OSU | USA
Doctoral Candidate Biochemistry Job @ Turku University | Finland
Biochemistry Jobs USA | RA Position @ Lab Support
Chemistry Job USA | Applications Research Scientist Position @ DuPont
Biochemistry Job USA | Research Assistant Position @ DuPont
Molecular Biology Job USA | Scientist Position @ DuPont
Biochemistry Job USA | Scientist Position @ DuPont
Genome Editing Postdoctoral Fellow @ Ghent Uni | Belgium
Biochemistry Job USA | Research Associate Position @ DuPont
JRF Biochemistry / Biotechnology Job Opening @ ACTREC, Mumbai
1 RA and 2 Project Assistant Biochemistry Job Vacancies @ CSMCRI
HP Govt | 31 Chemistry / 16 Biology Post Graduate Teachers Job Opening
Research Fellow/Project Fellow Biotechnology Job @ Alagappa University
Project Assistant Life Science Job @ Regional Centre for Biotechnology
Chemistry/Biochemistry/Biotech Jobs Newsletter Week 30
2 Project Assistant / Project Fellow Biochemistry Vacancy @ KIIT Uni
36 Agriculture/Biochemistry/Biotechnology Teaching Jobs @ SVBP, Meerut
Biochemistry Job USA | Scientist position @ Genentech
Project Fellow Biochemistry Job Vacancy @ National Chemical Laboratory
2 Junior Research Fellow Biochemistry Jobs Position @ SCTIMST
2 JRF Biological Sciences Jobs Recruitment @ IIT Kanpur
JRF Life Science Jobs Vacancy @ National Research Centre on Pig
Biochemistry Postdoctoral Jobs @ Helsinki University | Finland
3 Project Assistants Biochemistry Entry Level Jobs @ CFTRI, Mysuru
Junior Research Fellow Biochemistry Recruitment @ BHU, Varanasi
Scientist C (Metabolomics) & Scientist D (Biology, Proteomics) @ THSTI
International Doctoral Program @ ZIBI Graduate School Berlin
SRF Biochemistry Job Vacancy | SERB Project @ NIPER
Bacteriology Jobs Postdoc Researcher Position @ Helsinki Finland
Project Fellow Life Sciences Job Vacancy @ University of Delhi
Technical Officer/SRF Biochemistry @ IIT Guwahati
Project Fellow Biochemistry | CSIR Project @ CFTRI, Mysore
Multiple Research Vacancies | TB PROJECT @ JIPMER, Puducherry
JRF Biochemistry/Biotech Job Vacancy @ IIT, Roorkee
JRF Biochemistry Job Position @ Anand Agricultural University
JRF Microbiology Job Opportunity @ Chilika Development Authority
JRF Biochemistry Recruitment @ National Institute of Immunology
Biochemistry Project Assistant Level-II Vacancy @ CFTRI
Research Assistant Biochemistry Job Vacancy @ PGIMER
Human Genetics SRF Job Vacancy @ NIBMG
Biochemistry Job USA | Quality Control Analyst Position @ MSD
PhD Life science Job USA | Scientist Position @ MSD
Biochemistry Job USA | Research Associate Position @ MSD
Lecturer Positions Available @ North Maharashtra University
PhD Biochemistry Job USA | Research Scientist Position @ UES
Life Sciences Scientific Officer @ BPRD, New Delhi
66 Guest Faculty Positions | Biotech/Chemistry @ Kuvempu Uni
Project Assistant Biochemistry Jobs @ NIRRH, Mumbai
Biochemistry | Short-Term Research Fellowship programme @ NIPGR
Biochemistry Careers | Director, Molecular Pathology @ Merck
Biochemistry Job | Postdoctoral Fellow position @ Genentech
Protein Chemistry Job | Scientist position @ Genentech
Life Science Jobs USA | Principal Scientist Position @ Merck
Biochemistry Jobs USA | Executive Director Position @ Merck
Biochemistry Jobs in USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
Biophysics Job USA | Scientist Position @ Merck
PhD fellow in Cell Wall biology @ University of Copenhagen
Biotech Jobs North Carolina | Senior Director @ KBI Biopharma
Job Chemistry | Research Associate @ KBI Biopharma
Analytical Chemistry Jobs | Research Associate @ KBI Biopharma
Life Sciences Careers | Sr. Associate position @ KBI Biopharma
Structural Biology Jobs | Postdoctoral Fellow @ inStem
Molecular Biologist Jobs | HTS Technology Associate @ inStem
Molecular Biologist Jobs | Senior Scientist @ inStem
Biochemistry PhD Jobs | Postdoc Position @ inStem
PhD Biotechnology Jobs | Pharmacopoeia Scientists @ IPC
Life Sciences Jobs India | Scientist Officer / Assistant @ TMC
Marine Ecology Jobs | PhD Position @ NIOZ, Netherlands
PhD Immunology Jobs | Scientist Position @ MSD, USA
Postdoc Position | Proteomics Jobs @ UGent, Belgium
Professor Position in Microbial Proteomics @ DTU
Biochemistry PhD Jobs | Scientist position @ BiooScientific Corp
Molecular RNA Biology Jobs Germany | Postdoc Position @ DKFZ
Molecular Biology Jobs | Research Assistant Position @ OSUMC
Immunology Jobs USA | Scientist Position @ Calithera Biosciences
Biological Scientist Jobs USA @ Biogen
Cell Biology Jobs Germany | Postdoc Position @ DKFZ
Bioinformatics Jobs Germany | PhD Position @ DKFZ
Clinical Research Jobs Belgium | PhD Project @ Uni Of Antwerp
Bioinformatics Job | PhD Student @ Uni Of Antwerp
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