#Swazz imagine
tobotgaming · 7 months
season 4 episode 2
Wdym exercise you’re a robot
“Give me a hug”
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Liam’s dad would lose against dylan 
Yk i bet angela could make a company based on the supply of heavy machinery 
Like the robots she makes can carry a ton of weight pretty agile they can make good bodyguards rent/sell nerfed versions of those robots to the public
To get funding just colab with towers get money and give inferior designs and robots to their company
Or she can turn into a goody two shoes and let plot carry her like infinite money hello
Imagine getting a step brother at like 90 years of age
Dude every single driver here got a shit reaction time DUDE A HOLE IN THE GROUND YOU ARE DRIVING YOU CAN’T MISS IT
Brother does a handstand shit moving all over ends it off with a mean ass kick to a wall like MMMM
Fit check:
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Best tobot design so far easily
The green and orange bring so much character to this skrunkle it is insane like this is one BEEFY ASS MOTHER FUCKER
Peak tobot right here no flaws 10/10 PLUS HE GOT A GOOD VOICE
Did Z just bicep curl that car
Majeeko has to start mewing he’s talking too much
Girl put your pride aside and replace the drill with junk
10/10 purely because of K
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realisticsigns · 4 years
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Early mornings
I hope everyone is safe and healthy!!
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lushbarb · 7 years
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davidobitch · 7 years
11 swazz
11: “Welcome to the neighborhood…neighbor”
go >>here
“Guys stop messing around and go get the boxes out of the truck. I gotta return it tonight,” Your dad yelled while you and your brother ran around the house, but neither of you listened, “HEY! I said go unpack the boxes!” Your dad yelled again, this time you guys listened.
You were moving the boxes from the back of the truck to the front so your brother can grab them down. You had 2 boxes left to move and unfortunately, they were the heaviest of the load. You called out for your brother a few times but he never came out to help. You let out a loud groan as you tried to push the box. 
“Hey, need some help?” Someone said from behind you. You turned around to see these two (shirtless) guys holding a basketball. 
“Yes, actually. If you don’t mind,” you said. You moved out of the way as they jumped into the truck. It didn’t seem heavy to them but then again, they had more muscles than you did. They ended up getting both boxes out for you. You thanked them for the help and started to go inside to unpack the boxes.
Just as you were about to walk in, one of the guys called out for you, “Hey! I’m having like a small party tonight, you should stop by,” The brown haired boy said, “Yknow like meet the people you’re probably going to see a lot,”
You thought it over for a minute before agreeing. You found out he lives right across the street from you.
“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m John, and that’s Sam over there,” He pointed to his friend who was bouncing the ball in the driveway. 
“(Y/n), nice to meet you,” You smiled at John and said your goodbyes before making your way inside to get ready. 
The next few hours you spent unpacking as you tried finding the perfect outfit for tonight. As 9 pm rolled around, your phone went off indicating you got a text.
From Unknown: Hey it’s John, come over for a pre-party sesh?
You quickly replied telling him you’ll be over in 5 and finished getting ready. Just as you said, 5 minutes later you were standing at his front door waiting for John to answer. 
After a few seconds of waiting, you were greeted by John and a cup of something. “Hey! Come meet the guys,” he said as he ushered you inside. You followed John into the kitchen and instantly, the smell of weed and alcohol filled your nose. You weren’t against either of those things, but it sure was a strong scent. “Guys, this is (y/n),” John introduced you to his friends other than Sam. 
You started to feel a little less awkward when they all started pouring you shots, insisting that you drink them all. 
On the last shot, the guys all poured one for themselves for a “toast”
“To the new neighbor and new member of the group!” Sam cheered, everyone, echoing him. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood…neighbor,” John said, smiling down at you at he poured you both another drink.
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luhslilbitch-blog · 7 years
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Tour Life - (j.s.)
Requested: yes
John leaves for tour with the squad and FaceTimes you everyday to tell you about his day and how you’ve been. So, while he’s on tour with the boys, you show up to surprise him.
(I am the creator of the text gifs, but do not own the original gif) - (please give creds if you plan to re-use these)
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maloleysweekender22 · 7 years
Request: Can Nate cheat on the reader and when the reader finds it out the reader is doing things to Nate that will leave scratches on his back and in his chest. Then the reader says "this is what a bad hurl does to her boyfriend when he cheats" and boys say holy shit Nate you got your ass whipped. Y/F/C– Your favorite Candy 🍭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Y/N's POV* I just got back from a late lunch with the girls. I see different cars parked in the driveway right away knowing the boys are here. I see Johnson's, Gilinsky's, Swift's, Tez's and the Grier boys car, but one car stands out in particular. Maybe Nash decided to bring his girlfriend and it's been so long since I talked to her. I open the door and hear the guys talking and shouting 'get it' As I walk and announce my presence the guys stare at me and then up the stairs. "Your here then wh—" Johnson is cutoff by Swazz putting his had over his mouth. I stare at him and then I hear the moans. The first thing gang came it mind was Nate watching porn until I hear the girl moaning his name. I put my index finger to the my lips while looking at the boys. I text each each one and tell them to continue what they were doing before I got there. They commence their shouting as they watch me disappear up the stairs. I open up the door and see a girl riding Nate as his eyes are closed. "I'm sorry did I interrupt" I say calmly as I stand by the door. The girl looks at me before getting off of Nate. "You said she wouldn't be back in like 5 hours" she states putting her clothes back on and rushing down the stairs. Invest the boys yelling at her an shouting some things that would usually make me want to punch them but she deserves those names right about now. Nate gets up and tries or put on his clothes. I take off my clothes and undergarments pushing him back down the bed. "Y/N" Nate says as his eyes fill with lust as I grab a condom. Good thing I never went raw with him since he has been banging another girl. Plus you can never be to safe since she can probably be carrying a disease or something. I slowly lower myself onto him and start to ride him just the way he likes it. I grew out my nails a little since Nate has a pain kink no one knows about. I start to scratch his chest as I start bounce on him and he groans gripping my hips tighter. "Shit, feels so good Y/N" Nate says after letting out a loud and deep groan. I moan just to make him feel good, but it doesn't come naturally and I think he has begun to notice. Nate flips us over and starts to pounds into me. A loud moan escaping my panting mouth. I scratch his back and feel some liquid stuff on my nails. I bring one hand up and see small blood streaks in them. Sweat builds up on his forehead an indication that he is about to come undone. Nate moans loudly reaching his climax. I push him off before he decides to get to comfortable. I didn't reach my climax but it is a good thing since I won't be needing to anymore. I dress up quickly and Nate puts on his shorts and follows me downstairs. The guys look up at the sound of our footsteps. They look at me before giving Nate their undivided attention. "Shut Nate look at your chest" Swazz says and causes Nate to look at the long living room mirror. He turns towards it running his hands over the scratch marks. "Wow, she gave it to you good" "Shit Y/N really gave him a beating" Johnson says. I look at them and have a wide grin on my face as Nate turns around to look at his back. "This is what a bad girl does when her boyfriend cheats" I tell them walking to the door. "Shit, Nate you got your ass beat by your girlfriend" Hayes speaks up. "Ex! Ex- girlfriend" I tell them walking out the door giving Nate a grin. "Hope she was worth it hun! Best years of my life thrown down the drain for being with an asshole of a cheater like you" I yelling out as the guys come out side and get into their cars. Nate's face shows hurt, but he hurt me more than I did. As I drive off I see then just following me back to my old apartment. Luckily my roommate still lives there and told me if things with Nate went down south I could always come back. As I park in the apartment complex garage the boys are right behind me. I see some of them with food and other have blankets. "Why did you guys follow me here?" "Thought you needed friends and if things with Nate ended badly it doesn't mean we still can't be friends" Johnson says hugging me. "I love you guys so much, you are like the brother I never had" I tell them as I hug each and every one of them. Hayes is last and he hugs me right before handing me Y/F/C. "Thanks Hayes" I tell him as we pull apart. "No problem can't let a beautiful girl like you cry" he says as we walk behind the boys. All the boys turn around with big smirks and giving Hayes winks. Hayes and I are close and we have always been close, closer than the rest of the guys. We go up to my apartment which is opened by Y/BFF/N who hugs me close. We enter the living room and put on Netflix. They pick the movie and I don't care what they pick. I'm so lucky to have friends like them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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ogoc-imagines · 7 years
I'm over here dying!!! The Jacks reunited with Swazz❤️😍😭
it was in JJ's snap btw
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jaessidechick · 7 years
Jack Gilinsky
Summary:Jack helps you get through the visit of Mother Nature Words:649 Warnings(?):Some swears here and there Enjoy <3
(3rd Person POV) It was about 6:00 in the morning when Y/N woke up, not being able to go back to sleep. Due to the fact that she had a major stomachache, obviously figuring out that she had gotten a visit today. So, she stood up walking to the washroom almost zombie like. After washing up and putting a pad on/inserting a tampon in (whichever) she slowly but surely walked back to her's and Jack shared bedroom. As she stood in front of the doorframe, she saw Jack on his phone, probably woken up by not feeling his significant other not in his arms anymore. "Where'd you go?" Jack asks shutting his phone off and clearly still sleepy by his whisper voice, "I was just in the washroom, couldn't fall back to sleep since I got my period today." Y/N answers plainly. "Oh, well come back to bed then, I'll help you fall asleep!" "No Jack it's okay! I'll just go back downstairs and make breakfast." Y/N refuses. "Nuh-Uh baby, you will get your cute ass back on this bed and, you will let me help you." Jack's obvious sass made Y/N giggle a bit. "Fine! Only because you said my ass was cute." Y/N walks back to their bed and immediately gets engulfed in Jack's hug and all his kisses. After a few hours went by, Y/N felt someone poking her face and whispering "Y/N, Y/N, Y/NNNN..." Y/N turned to the person that was disturbing her sleep, and answers with a hum. "Babeeee I made breakfasttt, I better see you downstairs in a few minutes or I will push you off this bed." As soon as the person said that Y/N knew that it was no other than the man she loved. Of course the word 'breakfast' gave Y/N the motivation to go walk down downstairs, because umm obviously it's food. (🙄😂) Halfway down the stairs Y/N smelled the beautiful scent coming from the kitchen. Continuing down the stairs Y/N finally landed her foot on the floor, she walked to the dining room finding a beautifully arranged breakfast right in front of her as she was taking in the the food in front of her she didn't realize that her lover was walking up behind her giving her the cliché, backhug. As Y/N was finally noticing her lovers presence, Jack at the same time whispers at her ear "Good Morning.", good morning indeed Y/N thought. "Thank you so much for the food baby. This is why I love you." Y/N giggles as she speaks. "Uhhh no baby I think you miss understood all of this," Jack signals at the food "this ain't just yours this is ours. This fucking breakfast took me 3 tries to perfect and made me break 2 plates. I don't understand how you do this everydayyy." Jack explains which makes Y/N laugh, " No I take that back this is why I Iove you." Y/N replies kissing Jack softly, butttt Jack wasn't satisfied he suddenly grabbed Y/N's ass which made Y/N gasp and at the same time it gave Jack the opportunity to insert his tongue in her mouth. This kiss kept going until Jack asks in a desperate voice "Y/N baby can we take this to the bedroom?" Y/N laughs but nonetheless answering "Ummm no you horndog I'm hungry and certainly not in the mood. Jack laughs and just nods and pecks Y/N's lips. The End
[-------] A/N: Did ya guys like it? Sorry if it was short I kinda lost ideas halfway through 😅😅.. Buttt other than that, IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG HIATUS. BUT IM BACK NOW LOVIES SO I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH IM SORRY. :((((
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zay-lee · 7 years
Happy birthday!!// FreshLee gang
I woke up of the smell of pancakes then I realized it was my 19th birthday I put on my Short’s and tank and went downstairs where everyone was at. When I walked​ in I saw everyone setting up the table up for breakfast, Jack g and Jack j cooking, Stasis making smoothes, Sam putting the fruits on the table. Dillon playing music, Madison putting balloons up.
“Hey guys…” I said smiling
They all turn around and said Happy birthday to me.
“Hey love, Happy birthday” Stasis said hugging me
“Happy birthday babygirl” Dillon said kissing my cheek
“Your 19 years old, Damn my lil sister is growing up” JJ said
“ Thanks guys, you know y'all did not have to do this for my birthday” I said smiling
“Yah we do” JJ said
“Pluse you did this for our birthday, so payback is not always a bitch” Sammy said laughing
“Where’s Nate?” I said sitting down
“He’s coming” Jack g said bring me my plate and kissing my forehead
We all sat down and ate. Jack g and JJ are good Cooks to be honest, so we were talking about what we are going today for my birthday.
“Hey mama happy birthday” Nate said kissing me on my cheek
“Hah thank you” I said hugging him
“So, you keep on telling us your going to treat yourself with own birthday present🎁” sammy said
“Yeah I’m getting a tattoo” I said
“Where?” Stasis said
“On my right hand” I said drinking my smoothie
They all look at me sideways.
“What?” I said
“That’s gonna hurt” JJ said
“For real” Nate said
“Ik” I said
“Anyway,go get dress cause we are going take you to your birthday spot” Dillon said
“Thanks for the breakfast guys” I said running to my room, when I saw a bag that said
‘Happy birthday princess!! I got you this outfit that you really wanted. Anyway put it in on I wanna see my girl shine- Nate
I started to sqeaul! It was a white see through crop top with a see through skirt to match with it. and my shoes, gold heels with a smaller heel!!. I took a shower out in my bra and panties put on the outfit that Nate bought me . I put on my clothes and did my make up. Straighten my hair then went downstairs were everyone was at still getting ready.
“Dammn” Dillon said
“My babe looking sexy!!” Stasis said
“ Haha thanks guys especially Nate’s for buy me this outfit” I said hugging him
“You really wanted the outfit so I bought it for ya” he said
“Before we go I got you a present” Stasis said handing me a box. I open it my jaws it was a Tira that was sparkling when I opened it.
“Stasis…..” I said looking shocked
“Here Lemme put it on you” she said
She put it in me.
“Thank you love,” I said hugging her
“Np” she giggled. So we went out and went to an hooka bar and meet up with Derek and keV and we started to smoke the hooka when Derek and Skate stand up on the bar.
“I need everyone to say happy birthday to the most sexiest and dopes girl the fuckin world” Derek said
“Happy birthday Mami” Skate said kissing my cheek
“Thank you” I smiled
afterwe got done smoking we went to go to get my tattoo done  and we went out to a club. all I can say is I had the best birthday ever... even with Nate
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papaloley · 7 years
The GroupChat
We have decided to make a new group chat, let me know if you're interested!!!
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saucy-luh · 6 years
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A smile brighter than the sun ☀️
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omamaha16 · 6 years
Young Luh- Requested [SkatexReader]
@southsidebuckey: “Maybe a skate x reader where the reader is Derek's younger sister and has a huge crush on Nate since she went on the Skaterade tour with them. Nate overhears her talking to her friend and shows her he feels the same?”
“Y/N” I hear, as my brother, Derek, taps me on the shoulder. I shake my head and roll over a little as he tugs on my blanket. It’s only when my face hits Swazz’s shoulder do I realize that I’m on an airplane and not at home in my bed. I rub my eyes and look over at my brother, trying to smooth out my hair.
“Hi Princess,” John teases as I finally sit up a little and stretch. The plane is just about to land. We finally made it home to LA. I flip him off, throwing my messy hair into a high ponytail and working out the knots with my fingers. I joined my brother for the last leg of Skaterade’s European tour. Their photographer found out his wife was pregnant and had to go home. My boss at GQ’s LA office told me it would be alright if I took a couple of weeks off to help out, so I packed my bags and headed to Amsterdam. I thought it was going to be a little annoying and very exhausting. My brother’s friends can be a lot. But, I actually had a really great time and became a lot closer with everyone.
I tuck my legs up underneath me before leaning forward to get my baseball cap out of my bag. I catch a glimpse of Nate sleeping in the seat in front of mine and and look back at my brother. “How come you didn’t wake Nate up?” I say, with an eyebrow raised. I glance over at the sleeping boy again and can’t help but smile. Nate was the biggest surprise on this trip. I had been to a few parties with him when the boys were just starting out and had always thought of him as a huge playboy pot-head, but we hung out more this tour and he’s so sweet and works harder than anybody. Plus he is sooo hot.
“Oh yeah true” Derek laughs and throws an empty water bottle between the seats. It bumps off of Skate’s head and lands in his lap before he stirs a little. I watch him stretch in his seat and slowly open his eyes. Groggy Nate was quickly becoming my weakness.
He finally sits up completely and turns around and subtly flips of Derek. “Not my fault you clearly don’t care about beauty sleep” he says, looking my brother up and down. Derek shakes his head.
“Are you doing to let him talk to your brother like that?” Derek looks over at me. I look over at Nate and he winks with a smile, his dimples coming out full force.
“I’m still mad at you for waking me up” I smirk
“But you did mention that Nate was still sleeping” Derek says, turning the tables on me.
“Wow can’t believe you would do me dirty like that Mama” Nate says shaking his head. “Luh’s are nothing but trouble” he says turning around with a smile. The plane descends and I slip my headphones and slides on.
As we are walking up the aisle of the plane, I realize that my time with the boys is sort of over. Sure, Derek hangs out with them all the time, but I need to get back to the office and we won’t all live together again. I can’t believe I am actually going to miss these clowns.
“One more picture?” Derek says as we all stand around at baggage claim. I nod, grinning and whip out my camera from my bag. The boys all grin, climbing on top of each other as I snap away, getting great posed shots and candids. I meet Nate’s eyes as I’m shooting and get a little lost when he grins at me. Everyone gets their bags and I slip my camera into my backpack as my phone rings.
“Y/L/N we need you at the Bowl by 5, Mitchell got the stomach flu and was supposed to shoot with the Franco brothers tonight. Also we need your mock-ups for the summer fashion issue by tomorrow night so that we can run them by Joanna”
I sigh, “Okay, I’m at LAX baggage claim. I’ll run my my apartment and grab some trainers. Be there by 4:45”
“You’re my star” my boss says in his South African accent. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Gotta go boys” I say, picking up my bags. I wrap my arms around my brother. “I’ll see you at Mom and Pop’s on Sunday!”
“Bye!” They all wave their hands around jokingly and I laugh, running outside to catch a cab. I look back at Nate and he grins, waving a little longer than everyone else. Ugh dimples.
A week or so later, I am making pasta in the kitchen with my friend Sophie when I hear a knock at the door. “Sistaahhh,” Derek calls from the hallway. I hear dog tags jingling.
“Kilo” I smile, opening the front door. My brother’s dog comes bounding into the room and falls at my feet, happily looking up at me.
“I am going to the studio and then have a date, can you watch him?” Derek says, running a hand through his hair. He looks over at Sophie and winks.
“Derek you just said you had a date tonight, and Sophie is way too smart for you. She just got her law degree from UCLA. And yes of course I will watch my nephew tonight.”
“I love that you never have plans” Derek grins and kisses my cheek. I flip him off before shutting the door behind him.
“You know I did have a sex dream about him once, Sophie says, popping a cherry tomato in her mouth.
“I will make you leave” I say before laughing. Kilo follows me into the kitchen.
Several hours later, Sophie and I are in my bed, ¾ into a bottle of red wine and at least a season into Narcos. I have my head in her lap and have been telling her all about the tour (aka my developing crush on Nathan Montgomery). “I don’t know what it is about him, Soph. I just completely relax when he looks at me now. He’s so sweet and sexy. God damn is he sexy. He got a new tattoo while we were on tour and I had to help him change out the bandage once before a shoot and the way he looked up at me while I was doing it was so fucking hot. My god”
“I thought you hated Derek’s friends. You said they were big boozy blunt babies.” Sophie laughs.
“Well I guess he changed my mind.” I say, not noticing the keys jingling slightly in the lock. I gave Derek a set for emergencies a while ago. We were being quiet so he must have thought we were asleep and came in to grab Kilo. “Yeah I just have a huge crush on Nate and I don’t really know if he feels the same way but sometimes when we look at each other, I’m sure he does.”
“Girl you have got it bad” Sophie laughs as I sit up a little.
“Hello?” a familiar voice echoes in the living room. Shit. That’s not Derek. That’s Nate.
“Nate?” I say, fixing my hair a little as I come out of my room. I wonder if he heard me. He doesn’t look like he heard me. It’s probably fine.
“It’s almost one AM, what are you doing here?” I half smile, looking him up and down. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I think he just woke up.
“Derek called me. His date went very well”
“Shocking” I interrupt. A date that didn’t end in sex was rare for my brother. Nate smirks.
“And he sent me to come get Kilo because he knows you have to work in the morning.” Nate says, rubbing his eyes.
“I can’t believe he woke you up and couldn’t just come over here himself” I laugh.
“Classic Derek” Nate smiles.
“True” I say, gathering up Kilo’s leash and toys that Derek sent him over with. “Kilo” I call down the hall and he comes over, snuggling into Nate’s legs. “That’s right, uncle Nate is going to take you home” I smile.
“Hi buddy” Nate says, scratching the dog’s belly.
“Well thanks for taking him. I do have to work in the morning”
“Sure thing Mama” I grin when he says Mama and our eyes meet for a half a second. “It was good to see you. Had been a minute” He says softly, still groggy from sleep.
“Yeah it had.” I say. “Now go get back to bed, sleepy” I say and he nods, yawning.
“Will do Boss” he says, before turning around and heading out the door. He tosses me my set of emergency keys. “Not sure if you want Derek having those” he says and I laugh.
“Goodnight!” I call down the hallway and he waves behind him before disappearing into the elevator.
Sophie comes out of my room. “Umm so that was ridiculously cute and he definitely likes you”
“What? No that was just friend stuff. He’s nice to me because I’m Derek’s sister”
Sophie raises an eyebrow at me and smirks “Okay, sure Honey”
The next day I am going over some shots from a Guess campaign that I am doing on the side when I get a buzz on my office phone. “Y/N?”
“Yes, Kendra?”
“There’s a model here to see you” she says and I hear a voice over the phone say
“Oh I’m not a model”
“Okay a not a model is here to see you” Kendra says sarcastically.
“Uhh send him in?” I say, a little confused.
“Hi I’ll be with you in one second, sorry” I say, filing the photos away. “Alright, how can I…” I stop talking when I meet Nate’s eyes. “Oh, hey. What are you doing at my office. How do you even know where my office is. Do you want coffee, water?”
“Your brother told me” Nate says, looking around my office. “Coffee would be good actually”
“Okay…” I say, still confused as to why this guy is standing in my office. “Kendra can we get two coffees to my office? Thanks” I say into my phone. Nate picks up the latest issue and flips through, setting it back down on the table where it came from. He scans the pictures on the wall.
“Nate…?” I say, amused to see him just looking around. “Did you want a tour? I can’t get you free clothes, people ask me that all the time.” I say meeting his eyes.
“Oh uh no I uh just wanted to talk to you.” He says leaning against my desk. His tattooed forearms flex and I get a little distracted.
“Yeah go ahead” I say, sipping my coffee. “Is this about work? I’ll have the mock-ups for the tour photos by next week. Things have been swamped since I’ve been back”
“No” he shakes his head. “Nah that’s Johnny and my publicist’s concern. Though I’m sure they’re dope and I’d love a copy” he smiles and looks down at his hands.
“Nate are you asking me for money? Are you dying? I’ve never seen you this quiet” I laugh.
“No I. I uhh. Uhm. I heard you talking to your friend last night.”
“Sophie?” I say, blushing. Fuck fuck fuck.
“Yeah” he says, scratching the back of his head. I sit back in my chair for a second and am about to say something when Kendra walks in.
“Two Coffees for the not a model and my lovely boss” Kendra says and I smile.
“Thank-you” Nate says taking his coffee. We are silent until Kendra walks out again.
“So you came here to tell me that you heard me last night”
“You heard me say that I have a big crush on you”
“Well, I guess I wasn’t lying” I say sipping my coffee, scanning Nate’s eyes and trying to get a read on how he is feeling.
“That’s good. Lying isn’t good.” Nate says.
“So is that it?” I say, looking up at him.
“I’m sorry,” Nate says, finally sitting down at the chair in front of my desk. “I just really respect you and you’re my homie’s brother and also have become a bit of a homie as well and I can’t believe you actually want to be with me because got damn, but I don’t want to fuck this up. And I’m super good at fucking things up.”
“I want to take you to dinner. Can we go to dinner? Kendra says you’re already working late.” I look down at my watch, I guess it is 5:00 already. I never leave at 4:00 when everyone else does.
“Dinner? I thought you were a bed and head only kind of guy” I smirk.
“I am a classy man. I don’t just give it up on the first date, jeez” he jokes offering up his arm.
“Wanna bet?” I smirk, getting up from my desk.
“Kendra?” I say into my phone.
“Please leave, Honey. We already made you reservations and everything.” Kendra says, smiling. I look over at Nate.
“Well that was cocky, wasn’t it?” I smirk as we leave my office.
“I already knew you had a crush on me so it wasn’t that risky, now was it?” Nate smirks and kisses the top of my forehead.
“Does Derek know?” I ask as we get into the elevator.
“Shhhh, one awkward conversation at a time, Mama” Nate laughs and I grin, shaking my head.
“A wise and very sexy man once said that Luh’s are nothing but trouble” I lean into Nate’s chest a little as the doors close in front of us. Nate looks down and me and nods before starting our date out with a long awaited kiss.
Hope You Enjoyed!
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realisticsigns · 4 years
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lushbarb · 7 years
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Derek is an emotionally unstable busy man / requested / & yes there’s a part 2
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swaggerswazz · 2 years
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I’m thinking about much more in life a great life rich,famous,big life ,everything you want and desire 💯😏😌😃☺️👀🇭🇹❤️
#swaggerswazz #loveCalifornia #thinking #bigdream
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luhslilbitch-blog · 7 years
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Hate - (d.l.)
The fans say mean things to you in person and over twitter, because they don't know you too well and think you're going to hurt Derek. But, he talks to them and they finally start to love you just like him.
I found these animated gifs online, I just added the text to them. So, if you do want to reuse these give credit please! Also, this is my first gif imagine so I’m sorry if it sucks.
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