inkkaycee · 1 month
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I knew the first 24 hours would be a huge turnout, so I already had this one started. Here’s part two to this year’s inkKayC Mayternity Growth Drive! Seems Devi’s taken a liking to your… “assistance” in work. I don’t think she’s too likely to let you go anytime soon. I’d also say she’s only going to grow more intense, after all that mark doesn’t seem to be letting up. Remember to stay hydrated!
Already 3/4 of the way to the next page, we should hit that in no time, but remember it’s only the interaction on the starting page this time around that counts, that and Kofi donations! I hope we get to see her grow because I’m sure we’re all interested in seeing just how big Devi’s willing to get to achieve her goals…
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koopaling-headcanons · 6 months
I headcanon that the koopalings are related to each other because of their physical traits, like how
Morton and Ludwig have the same eyes and eye color.
Iggy/Larry/Wendy have the same eye color.
Lemmy and Wendy have no teeth.
Larry and Ludwig have blue hair.
Roy and Wendy have no hair.
Iggy and Lemmy had the same hairstyle when they were younger(they’re superfetation twins-basically twins conceived at different times).
Roy and Morton are the 2 more muscled siblings.
Roy & Larry have the same pair of teeth, Morton and Iggy share the same trait.
Roy, Larry and Ludwig have a cat smile.
Ludwig, Lemmy, Iggy, and Larry have green heads.
Roy and Lemmy have the same eye color(mini-headcanon: Roy has black eyes like lemmy😎)
Larry, Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy, Roy, & Ludwig have yellow bodies.
Lemmy and Larry, and Iggy have the same eye shape.
The cat smile I'm 😭
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thewwshow · 20 days
Mother Has A 6 Month Old and A New Born #Superfetation
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ellecdc · 1 month
hello! would you maybe be willing to consider writing a kind of follow-up to the poly moonwater fics where reader is pregnant? maybe when she has the babies and everyone’s reactions?? ty for reading my request🙏
I love this little family so damn much 😭🫶
poly!moonwater x afab!reader who gives birth to their twins
CW: pregnancy, hormonal fits, brief discussion of Regulus' childhood, brief discussion of Remus' childhood, going into labour, portrayal of breastfeeding though nothing is described, Barty losing his fucking mind, Uncle Sirius for Best Uncle 2024, also the babies look like their daddies to avoid describing/labelling the mother's features
Remus felt for you. He really, really did.
But also, he was a little afraid of you.
Scratch that, he was very afraid of you.
But his sympathy for you ran deeper than his fear, which is how he found himself sitting in one of the (many) gliders Regulus has purchased for every room in your shared home as you fought to find a comfortable position in your bed.
And yes, your bed.
Because you had since kicked Remus and Regulus out of your shared bed.
And though they didn’t feel particularly bad about it, you claimed it was their fault.
You see, after a particularly worrisome fall - that took place  at six and a half months pregnant (with twins, no less) as you missed a step on your way up the stairs of your townhouse - unfortunately for you, and fortunately for Remus and Regulus, it happened in front of all of your friends one night when they were over for dinner, which resulted in a lot of fussing by James and Sirius, and caused Barty to go marching upstairs and begin moving all of your furniture and belongings into the spare room on the main floor.
“Like fuck my Treasure is navigating these stairs in her condition. The two of you are sodding useless; this should have been done months ago.” He spat venomously as Evan shouted at him that it was “not polite to reconfigure someone else's house without permission.”
You vehemently protested the move.
Regulus and Remus didn’t think it was such a bad idea.
Because of their ‘betrayal’ (read: their lack of support in your arguments against your most capricious friend devotee), the boys were not allowed in ‘your room’.
So, perhaps Remus was already pushing the limits by taking up residence in the glider as you tried and failed to find a comfortable position to read in, determined to take a nap. 
“The babes giving you grief, dove?” He asked softly, earning him a derisive scoff from you. 
“What do you think?” You spat. 
Remus grimaced but decided to soldier on. “They may be ready to come any day now.”
That was the wrong thing to say if your quick glare was anything to go by.
“No they are not.”
“Dove,” he started, closing his own book and leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he considered you. “Anywhere from 34 to 38 weeks is full term for twins. The fact you’ve made it to 35 is incredible, baby.”
Your lips pinched as your brows dipped, and Remus was sure you were close to tears. “No, I’m not ready, I-” you let out a breath as you cut yourself off, alerting Remus to the fact that you were about to give away the sex of (one of) the babies. “Baby B, they need more time.” You admitted, voice quieter as if you were afraid saying it any louder would somehow jinx it and trigger your own labour. 
“They’re going to come when they’re ready.” He repeated.
He left the room after you threw your book at him. 
He followed the sounds coming from the kitchen where he found Regulus on his hands and knees underneath the cabinets, of which he’d emptied of all their contents.
The second Regulus found out that the three of you were expecting twins, and due to the nature of the superfetation and thus the risks involved, he quit his job and strong-armed (read: lightly encouraged) Remus to do the same. 
And while Remus focused on catering to you and ensuring you were comfortable (or…as comfortable as humanly possible when you had two little freaks using your organs as trampolines) and well fed, Regulus focused on…whatever this was.
“Mhm?” He responded quickly, voice muffled from where his head was still shoved deep within the lower cabinets.
“What are you doing?”
Regulus shifted and his head made a painful thump sound when it connected with the top of the cabinet before he pulled himself out of it.
One of Remus' brows arched at that. “The lower cabinets?”
Regulus rubbed the back of his head as he looked between Remus and the mess he was currently surrounded by in the name of ‘cleaning’. 
“Well…the babies-”
“Won’t be concerned with the lower cabinets.” Remus cut him off, looking down at his boyfriend lovingly.
Remus watched as Regulus took a deep breath and deflated significantly. 
Remus pushed aside some large pots and various cleaning products as he joined Regulus on the floor and pulled him closer by the ankle. 
“What’s going on inside that head of yours, love?” He asked him quietly, rubbing his thumb along his Achilles tendon as Regulus seemed to organise his thoughts.
“I don’t think I’m going to go back to work.” Regulus blurted finally.
Remus fought to school his expression as he tilted his head in consideration. “Ever?”
Regulus shook his head and rested his chin on his knees. “I don’t know. Maybe just part time or something…I just- I don’t…I don’t want to be like him.”
“Like who, sweetheart?”
“Like my father.” Regulus bit out, bitterness colouring his tone. “Avoiding my family and responsibilities by hiding at work. Coming home to find out the babies have done something wonderful and I missed it. I…I want to be here, and I’m afraid; I’m afraid I’ll be more like him than I mean to be.”
Remus smiled sadly at Regulus as he squeezed his ankle twice. “I already know you’ll be nothing like him, my star. Considering you’re so worried about it, I know you’ll be 100 times the father he was. But, I’ll be here to make sure that stays true, okay?”
Regulus’ eyes met Remus’, and he felt his heart squeeze at the redness rimming Regulus’ eyes as they turned glassy. 
“I’ll take care of you - both of you; all of you. You’ll never have to want for anything, you know that right?” Regulus stated urgently. 
Remus smiled softly at him as he nodded. “I know, love.”
“You could stay home indefinitely too, you know.” Regulus offered shyly. 
Remus chuckled. “You just don’t want to have to face our little mama bear all by yourself.” He teased. 
Regulus chuckled in response but his eyes morphed into a lovesick gaze as he stared unseeingly out the archway of the kitchen. “She’s just uncomfortable and stressed right now.”
“She’s gonna be such a good mum.” Remus agreed quickly.
“The best.”
“We’re so lucky.”
“Rem? Reg?” Your voice sounded from the hall before your form hobbled into the archway as you used the door frame for support.
“What’s the matter?” Regulus asked quickly, kicking his feet out and sending various pots toppling over on the tile floor.
Whatever you had been on your way to say seemed to be placed on the back burner as your brows pinched and your eyes darted across the chaos that was currently your kitchen.
“What were you doing in here?” You asked slightly breathlessly. Both Remus and Regulus stood sheepishly.
“Erm, uh….cleaning?” Regulus answered in the form of a question.
One of your brows raised as you continued scanning the mess. “You’re not very good at it.”
“What did you need, dove?” Remus asked gently.
Your face softened as you looked up at him worriedly. 
“I think my water broke.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the messy kitchen as Remus and Regulus stood staring at you dumbfoundedly. 
“You…” Regulus started before clearing his throat. “You think?”
You grimaced as you looked down to your stomach sheepishly. “No I…I’m quite sure. I think-” You paused to suck in a breath through your teeth. “I think it’s time.”
The breath that followed the end of your sentence bordered on a groan and the boys jumped to action. 
“Okay, come here amour.” Regulus said gently as he supported you with one hand on your elbow and the other on your lower back and he guided you to a chair in the dining room. “Rem, can you grab the babies’ bags?”
“On it.” He answered quickly and went running to the nursery to grab two matching nappy bags. Merlin, babies come with a lot of stuff.
“Are you grabbing our bag?” Remus called to Regulus who was then running up the stairs to the ensuite bedroom.
“Oui! Amour’s bag is in her closet.”
“Got it!”
Regulus and Remus reconvened in the living room with four bags, two baby carriers, and enough panic to fill an olympic swimming pool.
“Okay, baby bags have nappies?” Regulus asked, reading off a list in his hands.
“Check.” Remus responded.
“Hats and booties?”
“Got it.”
“Okay. And who packed mama’s bag?”
“She did.”
Regulus let out a relieved sigh. “Okay, no need to check that one then.”
Remus offered him an unimpressed look as he re-zipped the babies’ bags and threw them over his shoulder.
“Okay, you grab the carriers and our bag, I’ll grab the rest.” Remus instructed, which Regulus complied as they stepped up to the floo.
“Alright, St. Mungo’s.” Remus said clearly as the flames surged green and the two men stepped through to the intake room of the magical hospital.
Both men were breathless as they nearly collided with the desk where an unimpressed mediwix looked them both up and down.
“We’re checking into the maternity ward; our partner has gone into labour.” Remus explained in an exhale.
The mediwix moved his gaze between both men, their stomachs, and the various belongings they were carrying.
“Right,” he drawled before his eyes returned to Remus’. “And, your partner?”
“Y/N L/N.” Regulus added quickly, causing the mediwix to move his judgmental stare to him.
“Right….and where is she?”
Both men spun to face each other in a mixture of horror and embarrassment.
Remus rounded the corner of the kitchen to find you sitting where Regulus had left you, one hand massaging a point of your stomach as you considered him with a look full of judgement and mirth. 
“Where’s Reg?” You goaded as Remus helped you up from your chair and started making the slow trek back towards the floo flames; his face burning hot with shame that he was sure was spreading to the tips of his ears and well down his chest. 
“He was too embarrassed.” He admitted quietly.
You sounded like you were getting ready to laugh when you doubled over and a pained whimper escaped your lips.
Remus quickly bent down so he had one hand on each of your arms, trying to help keep you upright.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I’m sorry. We’re going to get you in a bed and feeling better, okay?”
You whimpered again and looked up at Remus sadly. “I’m sorry.” You cried quietly.
“Dove.” He admonished sadly. “What on earth are you sorry for?”
You took in two large breaths as you tried to breathe around the pain. “You have to do this every month.”
Remus wanted to cry. For you, or for himself, he wasn’t sure. He loved you so sodding much he couldn’t even tell what exactly it was about what you said that touched him so much.
“You’re so much stronger and braver than I am though, dovey. So if I can get through it, I know you can too, yeah?” He offered softly, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I’m only brave because I learned it from you.” You gritted out through a sob. 
“We can argue about this later, okay? Let’s get you checked in; I’m sure the mediwix is glaring daggers at Regulus for having abandoned his pregnant partner.”
He managed to coerce a small laugh out of you which he considered a win before you both stepped through the flames. 
Remus didn’t grow up expecting much out of life.
Bitten at only four years old, he was certain something would go wrong with his little body during one of his transformations and he’d be dead long before he ever hit Hogwarts age.
He couldn’t attend muggle school growing up due to his affliction and the risk of performing accidental magic in front of muggles.
Though he was certain he was going to die before age 11, he was even more certain that should he make it to 11, he’d never be accepted into Hogwarts.
When he was accepted into Hogwarts, he was certain he’d never make any friends.
When he made friends, he was certain they’d hate him if they found out about his lycanthropy.
When his friends accepted him for his lycanthropy, well….he never imagined he’d be so lucky as to find a partner who was just as accepting.
Let alone two.
For as long as Remus Lupin could remember, he never imagined ever feeling as much love or as loved as he currently felt in this exact moment.
Not only did he have two people who he loved beyond measure, but those two people gifted him two of the most perfect, tiny little beings he could have never imagined possible.
And suddenly - sitting here in a hospital room with you resting in a bed with your eyes closed as Regulus wiped lovingly at your face with a damp cloth, with a tiny little black-haired baby swaddled to perfection fast asleep in a see-through bassinet on your other side, and with an even tinier fawn-haired baby snuggled perfectly into Remus’ bare chest - every single full moon was worth it.
Every broken bone, every scar, every ache and pain and sleepless night that brought him here was absolutely, without a doubt, worth it. 
“Knock knock!” Remus could hear Lily murmur quietly yet brightly from behind the closed hospital door.
“That is so cringey, Red. Why wouldn’t you just knock?” Sirius muttered. 
“Because!” She hissed back and he could hear what sounded like Sirius being swatted with her purse. “They could be sleeping! I don’t want to startle them with a loud knock.”
“Oh yeah, Rem and Reg are definitely gonna piss their pants at the sound of you knocking on the door. Shouldn’t mama be all drugged up right now anyway?”
You chuckled under your breath as you peeled open one of your eyes to look over at Remus who was looking at you with a matching smile as you listened to Sirius being walloped three more times.
“Okay, well, you guys settle this out here then.” James decided as he pushed the door open.
He smiled at you and Regulus before his eyes met Remus’ form in a glider as he was currently doing skin-to-skin with his miniature doppelganger. 
James made a very embarrassing cooing sound (if you asked Remus) as he made his way into the room, tiptoeing like he was avoiding invisible trip wires. 
Lily and Sirius stopped their scuffle as they followed James in, beaming widely at Remus.
“Oh my Godric, Moony.” Lily cooed, looking awfully close to tears as the nickname so unusual out of Lily’s mouth caused Remus’ eyes to well up similarly. “It’s you as a baby!”
“Who was right? Girl or boy?” Sirius asked quickly, daring to reach forward and lovingly stroke a finger along the downy soft skin on the baby’s cheek.
Remus snorted and Regulus groaned. 
“Girl, Pads.”
“Yes!” Lily and Sirius cheered quietly as they gave each other double high fives, clearly over whatever tiff they were having in the hallway mere moments ago.
“Better luck next time, Reggie.” James called towards him, causing you to narrow your eyes dangerously at your friend.
“Wait.” James said as he caught sight of a little something in a bassinet behind Regulus. “WAIT.”
“What?” Sirius asked, craning his neck to see what James was looking at.
“No…” Lily breathed out disbelievingly.
“Twins?!” Sirius shrieked.
“What?” Regulus asked derisively, and Remus had to work really hard to keep his face neutral at that.
“Wha-” James started, violently whipping his head back and forth between the two infants in the room. “What do you mean, what!?”
“There’s two!” Sirius exclaimed.
Your mouth dropped open in ‘shock’ as you looked at Sirius aghast. “You see the other one too?”
The room fell painfully silent as James, Lily, and Sirius all looked bemusedly between the family of five before Remus couldn’t take it anymore and started giggling. 
His daughter began to stir from the rumbling of his chest causing Regulus to scoff in faux admonishment.
“Would you knock that off, Remus; you’re going to give her shaken baby syndrome.” He muttered before he was gently prying the tiny infant from Remus’ chest and wrapping her up in a blanket before holding her close to his chest.
“Mama.” Lily breathed out. “Two!?”
“Two.” You confirmed. Remus delighted at the shy yet proud smile you adorned as you tucked your chin to your chest. 
Throwing his jumper back on, he moved over to perch on the opposite side of your bed and pulled the little bassinet closer to the two of you.
“Are they both girls?” Lily asked.
“Yes.” Remus laughed, causing Sirius to cackle from where he stood looking over Regulus’ shoulder at one of his nieces. 
“You were wrong twice little brother!”
“Sod off, Sirius.”
Sirius smacked Regulus up the back of the head. “You watch your mouth around my nieces, hellion.” 
“Isn’t hellion a swear word?” James queried.
“It’s not a swear, it’s a noun.” Sirius explained.
“But then wouldn’t fuck be a verb?” Remus asked, causing the room to fall silent as everyone pondered that for a moment.
The silence didn’t last long as the sound of two heavy footfalls grew in volume before they stopped abruptly in front of the hospital room.
“Am I too late!?” Barty screeched (albeit quietly) into the room as he and Evan stood in the doorway catching their breaths.
“Too late for…what, Junior? What did you think was happening here?” James asked.
“Shut up.” Barty spat as he moved into the room, shoving past everyone to press kisses against your forehead. 
“My beautiful, sweet Treasure. All this work for two tossers. We could still run away, yeah? You, me and the baby; just say the word.” 
“Try babies, Junior.” Sirius taunted, causing Barty to straighten up so quickly he nearly collided with Lily as he turned to look at Sirius incredulously. 
Sirius smirked as he pointed to the baby in Regulus’ arms as Barty moved to inspect the tawny-haired babe.
“A Lupin. That’s too bad.” Barty muttered quietly, causing Regulus to kick at his shin and you to shout a reproachful ‘Bartemus!”.
“And there.” Sirius continued, pointing to where Remus was picking up a black-haired babe from a clear bassinet to pass into your waiting arms. 
“A Black!? Even worse!” Barty shrilled.
“Barty!” You chided again, though the smile playing at your lips severely diminished the severity of your tone.
“Oh, oh gods, oh my. I-” 
Barty didn’t seem to know where to look; pained puffs of air leaving his lungs as he spun comedically on the spot, dividing his attention between you and the two baby girls.
“Rosier, your boyfriend’s about to combust.” Lily teased as she leaned back into James who quickly wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. 
“Barty.” Evan tried, causing Barty to look at him in horror.
“There’s two!”
Even Evan seemed to find some humour in the state of his boyfriend as his lips quirked up into a smirk. “Yes, babe. I counted that many as well.”
“Two!?” He shouted again as he turned his sights on you.
“How’d….How’d you have two in there!?” He barked as he pointed accusatively at your stomach.
“Magic?” You asked shyly, looking down at your daughter who was beginning to fuss.
“Way to go, Junior. You’ve upset her.” Sirius grumbled.
“She’s hungry.” Remus corrected, stroking her dark hair before moving his hand to stroke yours in much the same way.
“Her?” Barty asked quietly, watching as you helped the infant latch. 
“Two girls, Uncle Barty.” You offered quietly, smiling softly up at your fiercest friend.
“I’m a girl uncle.” He said in awe, moving his smile towards the baby in Regulus’ arms.
“What are their names?” James asked eagerly. 
You looked shyly up at Remus who in turn fielded the question to Regulus. 
“This here,” Regulus started, pausing to clear his throat as he looked down at his daughter. “Is Rome Valeria Lupin.”
Lily let out a breathy ‘awe’ as she touched her hand to her chest, and Remus pretended he didn’t notice Sirius wiping a tear from under his eye.
“Named after the Empire, just like her daddy.” James commented with a soft yet proud smirk.
“And that one there is Soleil Pax Lupin.”
Sirius’ gaze moved to the little head he could see nuzzling at her mother’s chest. “A Sunny little girl.” He whispered quietly.
“Pax, that means peace in Latin, yeah?” Evan commented, smirking as Barty scoffed at him.
“Of course it does, Evan. Everyone knows that.”
James’ eyebrows furrowed as he looked towards Remus. “I didn’t know that…” He admitted quietly. 
“And Valeria means strength; Rome was a little younger than her sister, but she was a powerful little fighter.” Remus explained, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“They’re perfect, you guys. Just perfect.” Lily commented emphatically, earning nods in agreement from James, Sirius, and Evan.
“With no help from these wankers, surely. You did a great job, Treasure. They may have lost the lottery in terms of fathers but these girls couldn’t have asked for a better mum.”
And though Regulus rolled his eyes with an annoyed shake of his head, no one bothered to argue.
These two girls really lucked out when it came to their mummy. 
“Oh gods.” Barty whispered as he stood hastily.
“What?” Regulus asked cautiously.
“Oh gods.” He shrieked, turning a withering glare towards his friend. “You sods should have told me!”
Remus helped you right your robe as you pulled Soleil away from you and began patting gently at her back. “We thought it would be a funny surprise.” He explained.
Barty scoffed derisively and turned his ire onto him.
“Well ha ha, very funny.” He deadpanned. “I’ve only bought one of everything!”
Regulus waved him off after he passed Rome to his brother’s eagerly awaiting arms. “That’s fine, Barty.”
“No! It's not fine, Barty!” Barty volleyed back. “Evan, let’s go.” He ordered as he bent to press another kiss to your head, kissed his hand and gently pressed it to Soleil’s shoulder and did the same to Rome (much to Sirius’ chagrin). 
“Shopping! I need to go back and buy another of everything that we’ve bought!”
“Over the past seven months!?” Evan asked incredulously.
Remus could hear them arguing all the way to the floo flames.
Lily offered to take Soleil from you to finish burping the baby as the room fell into a comfortable silence.
“So, when can we start trying again?” Regulus asked, causing Remus to grimace and you to level him with a look that would send a lesser man straight to his grave.
“Okay,” Regulus acquiesced. “We’ll talk more next week.”
Sirius laughed as he looked down at the babe in his arms.
“Sounds like your papa’s going to be sleeping on Uncle Siri’s couch, Roro.” He cooed.
From the look on your face, Remus was sure Sirius was quite right.
A/N: thanks to some of the ideas that were sent to me from anon's, like the idea that they rushed to the hospital and forgot reader at the house 🤣
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transgenderer · 2 months
The concept of superfetation, a second conception during pregnancy, has been controversial for a long time. In this paper we use an experimental approach to demonstrate that female European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) frequently develop a second pregnancy while already pregnant and thereby increase their reproductive success. After a new, successful copulation, we confirmed additional ovulations before parturition in living, late-pregnant females by detecting a second set of fresh corpora lutea using high-resolution ultrasonography. The presence of early embryonic stages in the oviduct, demonstrated by oviduct flushing, next to fully developed fetuses in the uterus is best explained by passage of semen through the late-pregnant uterus; this was confirmed by paternity analysis using microsatellite profiling. Subsequent implantation occurred after parturition. This superfetation, categorized as superconception, significantly increased litter size and permitted females to produce up to 35.4% more offspring per breeding season. It is therefore most likely an evolutionary adaptation.
when i heard that rabbits can be double pregnant i thought for sure that had to be wrong because like. they only have one uterus. how do you get second pregnant in the same uterus. turns out you dont, you store the zygote in the oviduct until the uterus clears out and then you get a new pregnancy right after your old one! semen travels THROUGH the pregnant uterus (somehow??? do they not have an amniotic sac? or does it go...around?)
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roundfantasies · 5 months
44 weeks... Sitting here with my belly sprawled out in front of me. They found a third baby somewhere in there, but they said its much earlier in development. Somehow, I had gotten pregnant while already being pregnant. So not only am I prone to multiples, but I'm prone to superfetation aswell. And honestly, I'm not complaining.
They're going to be sending me to a breeding farm soon to make use of my unusually fertile womb. People will be able to pay a small fee to impregnate me with another baby, and watch me swell over and over again.
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to be fair while beyond rare, even humans can get pregnant while pregnant by different people, ofc. (Superfetation, naturally occuring. Not like IVF related one. There's only like a handful of cases its so rare.)
I wouldn't be surprised if this fleshy centaur monster could too....in other mammals to my understanding, it is common.
I just think being double nine months pregnant with horse babies would be a lot. really think about what that would look like.
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
On anon bc I’m embarrassed but I used to watch this show about like strange/rare shit so I know this random ass term
BUT you mentioned wanting to fuck pregnant price like you’re trying to put a second kid in him and it’s possible! Super rare but it’s called Superfetation 😭
So like you could put a second kid in price 😭
Friend you have made me more determined than ever I’m off to put not one kid but two kids in that man🏃🏻‍♂️
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inkkaycee · 26 days
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Your obsession with her growing middle seems to be empowering her magic. The more you obsess, the bigger she’ll grow and it looks like she’s ready for more already. Don’t leave your mistress waiting.
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the-lila-rossi · 2 months
lilas fact of the day: there are seven different types of twins. among them identical and fraternal. half-identical, mirror image, mixed, chromosome, and superfecundation, and superfetation.
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naturaltolife · 3 days
Animalcore: Spring Bunny Rabbits —Aesthetic
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Rabbits Accociation With Spring
Rabbits are associated with spring because they're known for their prolific breeding habits. This can symbolize fertility and renewal. In early spring, rabbits can give birth to large litters and conceive a second litter while still pregnant with the first. This process is called superfetation.
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self-loving-vampire · 6 months
🔥 bunnies!
I wish there was more bunnygirl hentai that actually made use of the insane reproduction of leporids. I'm talking stuff like instant induced ovulation even right after birth and a much higher probability of superfetation.
Get those bunnies double-pregnant.
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eitherlyingorstupid · 4 months
Beachcomber would look so cute pregnant... curled up in a big pile of cushions, one servo always rubbing at his ever-growing belly.
Maybe Cybertronians can have some sort of superfetation (becoming pregnant whilst already carrying) so Beachcomber's just constantly getting plowed. By the time one sparkling's ready to be born there's another one already halfway done, and yet another quickly added so his forge is never empty.
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bonefall · 1 year
I will say that as much as i adore mom!briarlight, it would be all but impossible for her to give birth to kittens on her own without without human intervention. I did a lot of research about paralyzed cats and pregnancy recently, and was only able to find examples where the cats underwent a c-section to deliver the kittens. Without being able to use her hind legs, it seems like it would be very difficult for her to give birth
I went and checked myself and I need more data, I found a decent but brief paper on it which uses one cat as a case study, but it doesn't specify at which vertebrae the spinal chord was severed which is SUPER important to compare with the human data I have
The paper: Özdemir Salci ES, Güner B, İpek V: Dystocia caused by spinal paraplegia in a cat with superfetation. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 26 (6): 839-840, 2020. DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2020.24689 (WARNING: CONTAINS PHOTOGRAPHS OF EXTRACTED FETUSES AND ORGANS. MEDICAL PAPER.)
If you can get me your sources I can give us both better data-- but the paper itself says that the reason the 4-year-old cat had issues giving birth was related to the nervous system itself plus loss of control over abdominal muscles, not necessarily leg positioning, which sounds a lot like an injury higher up in the spinal chord which makes me curious
(Injuries around T-10, the second-to-last of your thoracic vertebrae, is generally where humans lose sensation of childbirth. Aside from needing to be monitored for blood pressure issues it is possible for a person of nearly any spinal chord injury to give birth naturally)
(Also an article on pregnancy and delivery with a spinal chord injury for humans. Obvious TW for birth here. Also unfortunately the language is not very inclusive)
Though that said, I wonder how much of this would change even with just the one paper I have + sapient cats. Medicine for them is entirely cat-based and they make do with what they have, as opposed to humans where obviously the safest and easiest option is a cesarean.
Additionally, and I guess most importantly, it wouldn't be the first time I completely ignored cat anatomy because it was incompatible with human disability representation needs.
For example I exclusively reference Human Diabetes, NOT Feline Diabetes. This is because feline diabetes does progress from Type 1 to Type 2, and both types are treated with insulin injections. I was personally asked by a disability advocacy blog to not portray it Cat-Accurately, because Diabetic type progression does not happen in humans AND is a common misconception.
Plus several folks in my audience have basically asked me to make a version of metformin (oral supplement) to better represent their Type 2, which wouldn't happen if I was only referencing feline diabetes. (I caved guys it's going to be derived from Goat's Rue <3)
In the end we are humans, and I do extra fun fixes to Clan Culture based on cat accuracy (like making the kitties obligate carnivores and crepuscular!), but I am ultimately writing this for me and all the other queer disabled goofballs in the audience.
(and give advice based on that, in this situation, since they came and asked me personally y'know?)
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sebsxphia · 5 months
Okay, I know it's super rare, but I believe that if anyone, Jake could get you to have superfetation. And I bet you that if it happened and all babies and you were healthy and you'd make the headlines with a photo on the front, he'd be the proudest looking dad to ever be photographed and that ever lived
omg yes yes yes dear anon 🥹 you’re so incredibly right! and he always jokes that his sperm was “super sperm” lmaoooo 💌
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bluefrostyy · 1 year
Hello! New to Tumblr, but I love your AU!
And I've been meaning to ask... it's for your Tirplets AU, that's been on my mind for a few days now.
I know, it's might me just me looking too deep into things, bit still... I know that Stan and Ford are identical twins (it's a common thing), but is Sebastian supposed to be also identical to them or is he fraternal triplet?
(And yes. I do overthink stuff like that sometimes. I don't know why, but it always seems to be interesting thing to look at)
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dont worry! i overthink a lot too XD and i love explaining, thank you for asking
SO yes, the Stan did start as identical twins, but the plan in this dimension was for them to have a triplet, aka Seb, so when they were around 6 months, the AXOLOTL created what would be Sebs body using the Stans dna and he began growing later (but he was already cooked xd).
TECHNICALLY, if stan and ford are identical twins (with ford suffering a random mutation) and seb gets pieces of both their dna, that makes HIM identical to them as well, including the polydactyl of Ford in one side of his body.
the doctors didnt notice bc seb was so tiny, and was hidden in the ultrasounds. when you get pregnant when youre already pregnant is called superfetation. technically this happened here too. When june 15th arrived and caryn had to give birth after 8months (twins are born premature) , the Axolotl finished arguing with Bill and sent his soul down just in time to be born and raised as Seb :) He was also super tiny, the doctors believed the stans took the nutrients for themselves xdxdxd
Thats basically my cool explanation of how it happened xd, but anyone is free to also think it as “the egg divided itself 3 times n sebs body grew up as well xd”
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