hoaitifishing · 10 months
Vì yêu bản thân là khởi đầu cho mọi hành trình yêu thương khác 💜
#cocoonxsuboi #loveyournature #comingsoon
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camdoboibias · 9 months
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saohoanet · 11 months
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sindirimba · 1 year
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ojostristesxox · 2 years
Watch "Suboi - Đời (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
She's a fucking BEAST! Love Suboi
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arakawa-division · 7 months
"Sometimes a perceived obstacle is just an opportunity in disguise." - Michael Hyatt
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Hoàng Diệu is the second member of the Arakawa Division rap battle team, Sounds of Silence. She is known by her rap moniker, MC Lotus. A dazzling beauty with charm and mystique to spare, Dieu has charmed and seduced her way through every problem and situation she has encountered as a secret agent. This mysterious femme fatale, known for her temporary alliances and sudden betrayals, will not hesitate to use every tool she has in her arsenal to get what she wants.
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Dieu is a beautiful woman of Asian descent, though her nationality is unknown. She has long, braided light purple hair that is in a large ponytail, purple eyes, and two birthmarks near her left eye. She is a tall woman, due in no small part to her long hips and legs. She has a noticeable-sized chest and a small waist.
She tends to dress somewhat like a movie star or a celebrity. She has on a white dress that shows off her cleavage with a black leather jacket over it. She has a pair of matching-colored leather pants and black high-heel boots. Around her neck is a loosely tied black scarf with white dots. Finally, she sometimes has on a pair of black sunglasses and blue diamond earrings in both ears.
Name Meaning
Hoàng - A last name commonly found in Vietnam among its Chinese community. It is the transliteration of a Chinese surname meaning: "yellow" or, "to fall through".
Diệu - A common masculine or feminine name found in Vietnam among its Chinese community. It commonly means, "mysterious", "subtle", or "exquisite".
Gorgeous, Beautiful, Pretty, etc.
"The Femme Fatale"
"The Enchanting Beauty"
Slave - Her former master
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - 30
Birthday - July 8th
Ethnicity - Unknown (Believed to be Vietnamese)
Hair Color - Light Purple
Eye Color - Purple
Height - 203 cm (6'8")
Weight - Unknown
Star Sign - Cancer
Piercings - A blue diamond earring in both of her ears.
Markings - Faded whip marks across her body.
A slave mark branded in the middle of her back.
A Chinese dragon tattoo on her upper left arm.
A Chinese phoenix tattoo on her upper right arm.
A purple lotus flower tattoo on the back of her neck.
A nine-tailed fox tattoo on the back of her right leg.
Family -
Mother (Deceased)
Father (Deceased)
Former Master (Deceased)
Adoptive Uncle (Deceased)
Adoptive Aunt
Voiced By - Suboi (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - MC Lotus
Occupation - Jewelry Designer/Freelance Secret Agent
Division - Arakawa
Team - Sounds of Silence
Position - Second Member
Favorite Food - Sesame Almond Slaw
Least Favorite Food - Cold Soup
Likes - Nail care, sunny days, lounging on beaches, jewelry design, easy jobs, street orphans, her mystique, Tae Kwon Do, her family, shopping, designer clothes, her appearance, her freedom, good-looking men, lotus flowers, ponds, and her long legs.
Dislikes - Cracked nails, dry weather, sandy climates, thinking about her past, slavery, the slave mark on her back, dictators, imprisonment, being confined, people invading her private life, and abuse.
Hypnosis Microphone
Dieu's Microphone is a handheld pinkish-purple microphone that looks like a bud about to sprout into a flower. It soon transforms, opening up its petals to reveal the windscreen for Dieu to speak in.
Her Speaker takes the form of a gold lotus pendant with a circular ruby jewel inserted in the bottom. There is a speaker inside the jewel.
Her rap ability, Loose Lips, allows Dieu to "silence" one of her opponents, preventing them from attacking or using their ability, though they can still defend. She can keep this ability active as long as she wishes, but it uses up her stamina for as long as it's active. Plus, she can only use it on one opponent during battle.
Dieu's rap themes are centered around her mystique and intrigue. She raps about how she loves to keep people guessing about her, and how many questions are abound about who she is. She also raps about her freedom, how she will never be confined to anything again, and how she loves herself for who she is. She also raps about seduction and loving the feeling of men staring at her.
To say that Dieu is a seductive woman of elegance would be putting it mildly. A femme fatale to the core, this mysterious and enticing woman looks good and knows it. There is nothing she enjoys more than "playing" with her adversaries, both on and off the job, and she gets a certain thrill in battle, whether physically or not. She often states that, "A good battle is almost as good as sex. ...Almost." She behaves somewhat like a cat, acting sly and cunning when it benefits her.
Despite her flirtatious attitude, Dieu can be quite violent and sadistic, both in her fighting ability and in her balefulness. However, she's all for a fair and good fight, feeling that her opponents shouldn't hold back when fighting to provide her with a good challenge. She both likes and hates it when her opponents underestimate her, as she enjoys teaching them a painful lesson in that you shouldn't underestimate anyone simply because of their appearance.
Another aspect of Dieu is that she is largely insensitive when it comes to people being angry or upset at her, not really caring. She is largely indifferent to people's feelings or insults, finding them more humorous than anything. It's hinted that she enjoys people getting upset at her, because it means they won't hold back with her when they eventually quarrel. Though she doesn't go out of her way to make people upset, she certainly won't apologize when she does.
Despite her profession as a secret agent, it is unknown who exactly Dieu works for, and for what purpose. In fact, this is just one of the many questions that revolve around this flirtatious and lighthearted individual. Though many governments and organizations have tried to find out everything that can be about this woman who is clearly from an Asian country, no information about her can be found. Many believe it is because she is just that good of a secret agent, and that she changes both her name and identity every time enters or leaves a country.
One aspect of Dieu's that is well-known, however, is that she hates to be tied down or confined to anything, whether it be a job or even a place, like prison. She likens herself to a 'bird', an animal that is able to freely travel the world if it so pleases, having no limitations. It's unknown where this behavior stems from. Her family believes it may have something to do with the slave branding on her back, which she keeps covered at all times.
It's unknown exactly what Dieu's endgame is, or what forces her to be a secret agent. She is a very sly woman who doesn't divulge information when asked, not even letting her teammates know what she is up to. In fact, she is more than willing to deceive and betray them if it gets her closer to her goals. It's believed that this is why most people are afraid to get close to her, in fear that she will betray them too.
Despite that, Dieu is far from being a cold person. She has a soft spot in her for children. Whenever a child nearby is crying or hurt, she strangely becomes less cold and more motherly, helping to heal their wounds and cease their tears. Though many of the people she's helped would call her a "nice person", Dieu strongly disagrees with that notion.
"I'm not a nice person. In fact, I'm as far from nice as one could possibly be."
The main reason for this belief stems from her adoptive uncle, who, though was a firm man when business was involved, was nice any other time. Dieu believes that it was that same 'niceness' of his that caused him to be sadly killed by his enemies.
"If you're nice and you aren't rich, you're begging to be hurt, kidnapped, or worse."
When she was younger, it was initially thought that Dieu was mute, since she didn't speak. However, this was only due to the trauma that she had experienced at a young age. After she was saved by the priests of the temple, she gradually became more confident in herself. Though she likes talking, she is the kind of girl who prefers to let her actions speak for her. She enjoys dancing to the highest degree, and will dance any chance she gets. She values her skills, considering them a blessing, and never takes them for granted. She loves the attention she gets when she dances, as she loves having people's eyes on her. Because of her mother, Dieu also learned how to be flirtatious and charming, teasing men to get what she wants.
After becoming a well-known agent, she became even more confident. She soon garnered a reputation as a flirtatious, but mercilessly warrior. Everybody loves this agent's dancing, especially her enemies. Unfortunately, it is the last thing they see before they go to their graves with a smile on their lips and a knife through their hearts. Dieu is so alluring that hundreds of acts of heroism (and foolishness) have been performed in her name. When she appears on the scene, men stop breathing and women sit open-mouthed in wonder at the hip-swaying charms of this unearthly beauty. Using her God-given gifts as bait, she lures her enemies into her web and by the time they realize what's happened, it is too late as she already has got them in range.
*Coming soon*
As stated, much information about her is currently unknown as she keeps much of her personal life hidden. It's even unknown if Hoàng Diệu is her actual name, and not just an alias.
Though she doesn't do it often, she often pays money to orphans and homeless people in exchange for information.
She is a lover of purple lotus flowers, liking them simply for their beauty rather than what they symbolize.
She owns and operates her own jewelry company called, Lotus Bloom Jewelry, which is known for its lotus flower-shaped jewelry, which is popular among Asian women.
Besides her work in jewelry design, she also does some modeling on the side, and is quite good at it.
She was the one who came up with the team's name and insignia.
She has met many people of the underworld during her time as a secret agent, making her one of the most knowledgeable people in the D.R.B.
Lola Takahashi and Kureha Koizumi of Saitama Division, as well as Yuriko Kuromiya of Edogawa Division, have an extreme dislike for Dieu, due to the fact that she has either betrayed or used them during their time in the underworld.
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nam-phong · 8 months
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"ngày qua ngày sống không mong chờ nằm mơ chuyện cũ vu vơ nhiều đêm bạn với sông Ngân Hà nhiều đêm lạc chân nhớ nhà. Thành đô rực sáng đâu ai ngờ người xe ngược phố chơ vơ niềm riêng lặng lẽ trong ơ thờ kiếm đâu những cơn mộng mơ."
Song: Hai đứa trẻ | Phương Mỹ Chi ft Suboi
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nun0spimf · 1 year
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purenguyening · 1 year
Tagged by @greatnatureslut
List 5 songs you listen to and then tag 10 people (I’m a bit lazy at tagging but I’ll at least aim to hit 5, lol...) As usual, if you’re tagged, don’t feel obligated.
Tagging at least: @taberone, @thenon-fictiondays, @taperwolf, @dee--eer, @boonool
1. Đôi Khi ❤️ by Nodey featuring Suboi - A very melancholic song about being with someone during times of uncertainty. The title translates to “Sometimes” which, again plays into this theme about uncertainty, visually there’s a blend of tradition and modern Vietnamese elements. (There are English subtitles if you’re interested in knowing what the lyrics are saying.)
The video also has a Behind the Scenes, and there are also English subtitles there, that talks in a bit more detail about specific Vietnamese imagery
2. Desire Drive using Touhou sound effects - Exactly what the tin says.
3. Summersmash ‘15 - DJ Earworm - A medley of US Pop songs popular during the summer of 2015, note there’s some flickering lights, do not watch if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing.
4. Summersmash ‘14 - DJ Earworm - A medley of US Pop songs popular during the summer of 2014
5. 2 Phút Hơn sung by Budokun - Budokun’s attempt to sing the KAIZ Remix of Pháo‘s “2 Phút Hơn (ENG: Two More Minutes). I didn’t realize how many diphthongs Vietnamese had until I hear someone else sing it and then I realize Vietnamese’s vowel inventory is sort of insane.
Truth be told I only listen to the first two on the regular, like, on loop for long stretches of time, the last three I just pulled at random from my YT rewind for the year.
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fatenumberfor · 2 years
Hi Matt 👋 could you recommend me some viet music? I grew up hearing only my parents' and grandparents' music which is the older stuff and then my uncles' tastes are... yeah... so I don't know how to look I guess for any newer good music? Thank you in advance :)
yea absolutely! sorry I’m gonna go ham with these recs. I’ve outlined a few ways I find my viet music:
spotify’s vpop playlist, called “V-Pop Không Thể Thiếu”. this is my primary method. there’s a mix of styles in there, not just pop. a few artists I found on there + my fav song from them:
Chillies - Qua Khung Cửa Sổ (indie band; chill music)
Machiot - Ai
Bích Phương - em bỏ hút thuốc chưa (this is from an EP. the rest of these songs are excellent)
Vũ Cát Tường - Hành Tinh Ánh Sáng
Nodey ft. Suboi - Đôi Khi <3 (suboi is a vpop icon)
Lynk Lee - Buồn Thì Cứ Khóc Đi (never fails to depress me)
Erik - Sau Tất Cả (i think this is a cover lol but his voice is perfect for ballads. he’s been leaning pop more recently tho)
Monstar - Giữ Lấy Làm Gì (erik used to be in this boy group lol. they’ve since disbanded)
Phùng Khánh Linh & MYRNE - anh đã không rõ ràng với em (the album this is from is so excellent)
Rhymastic - Nến Và Hoa
Touliver x Soobin Hoàng Sơn - Vài Lần Đón Đưa (another cover oops. i love soobin hoàng sơn’s music tho)
Wren Evans - Thích Em Hơi Nhiều
watching a few vpop mvs on youtube, then relying on the algorithm to rec you others. this method can help you catch the newest releases, especially if you binge mvs from certain artists. a few mvs/artists that were memorable to me:
Sơn Tùng M-TP - Chúng Ta Không Thuộc Về Nhau and Lạc Trôi (my OG vpop love...)
Bảo Anh - Như Lời Đồn (found this thru a tweet calling it “viet latin pop” lmao)
Nguyễn Trần Trung Quân - Tự Tâm (period drama setting. the king is bi. a must-watch)
Hương Giang - Anh Đang Ở Đâu Đấy Anh? (1st mv of a 4-part series. it’s SO dramatic)
Noo Phước Thịnh - I’m Still Loving You (he’s hot)
Kha - Em Không Cô Đơn (made me cry)
Gil Lê - Sao Người Ta Nỡ Làm Mình Đau (lesbian rep!)
Trung Quân - Tình Nào Không Như Tình Đầu (so cute that i made a gifset of it. this is also gay)
Đức Phúc - Ngày Đầu Tiên (made me cry HARD)
Min - Cà Phê (outfits so iconic i giffed it)
finding viral vpop songs used on viet tiktok. disclaimer that I’m not on tiktok lmao I just check Denis Đặng’s tiktok every now + then because he is hawt... and then I trace the songs. you will get lots of remixes of ballads, but you could find slightly older songs this way. a few that I loved:
NB3 Hoài Bảo x Freak D - Sợ Lắm 2; its lofi remix
Ngô Lan Hương - Yêu Đừng Sợ Đau; its remix
Ngọc Ánh - Không Bằng; its remix
Low G - okeokeoke
Hoàng Thuỳ Linh - See Tình; its sped-up remix
combing thru Nhac Cua Tui’s site and playlists. there’s some english so it’s not too difficult to navigate imo but i’m using this to practice my reading skills haha. i’m just starting to use it but it seems that all the songs are free to listen to in entirety!
LASTLY! notable artists I found thru misc ways + my fav song from them (i love these artists the most):
Sơn Tùng M-TP - Chúng Ta Của Hiện Tại (found him wayyy back by stumbling on an article accusing him of plagiarising gdragon LMFAOOOO then i listened to his discography n was like damn this kinda bangs tho)
Tiên Tiên - Say You Do (i love all her music so much. also i’m pretty sure she's gay. my little sister said that her friend danced to this song as part of a VSA culture show)
Hoàng Thùy Linh - Hạ Phỏm (this entire album is excellent. also i rec Kẻ Cắp Gặp Bà Già from her prev album, which is also SO GOOD. a viet friend recommended it to me. some of her mvs spotlight diff cultures within vietnam, which is cool)
Isaac - Đau Đầu (idr how i found him but started listening to his music after I recognised him in the film ‘Song Lang’ WHICH I ALSO REC if you want to feel empty inside. seriously it’s so good... i still think about it... he’s my man btw)
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fanru39 · 1 year
–Xin được chia sẻ bài viết từ Blog của Quentin Vũ–
"Càng kiểm soát càng mất kiểm soát". Câu này từ Suboi.
Tôi dùng câu rap này làm chủ đề bài viết hôm nay.
Bản thân mỗi người, chỉ nắm 100% quyền kiểm soát bản thân. Khi ta cố gắng kiểm soát những thứ không kiểm soát được (ví dụ: lời nói của người ngoài về bạn), ta sẽ dần đánh mất sự tự do trong hành vi và cảm xúc, lệ thuộc vào 1 thứ ta không kiểm soát được hoàn toàn.
Ví dụ tiếp như trên, 1 người luôn muốn kiểm soát lời nói của người ngoài về họ, thực chất là người dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi những lời nói đó, đúng không? Ham muốn kiểm soát ấy làm người đó vui khi tất cả mọi người đều nói tốt, nhưng sẽ làm người đó lo lắng, bồn chồn, thậm chí tức giận mỗi khi nghe 1 lời chê bai từ 1 kẻ xa lạ.
Vậy chẳng phải, càng kiểm soát càng mất kiểm soát sao?
1 ví dụ khác, tôi sẽ dùng khái niệm alpha với beta male (thực chất chỉ là đàn ông và con trai, đừng đặt nặng quá). Giả dụ 1 tình huống A đang ngồi với bạn gái, thì 1 gã đàn ông khác tới tán tỉnh bạn gái của A.
Nếu A là beta, A sẽ có xu hướng muốn kiểm soát việc người khác tà lưa bạn gái mình. Những hành động tiêu biểu là bất giác nắm/ghì chặt bạn gái hơn như sợ mất, hoặc thậm chí mắng vốn đối thủ. Còn nếu A là alpha, A thường ngồi lặng im, để bạn gái tự giải quyết, chỉ ra tay khi bạn gái cần giúp đỡ. Bởi với A, việc người khác đủ mặt dày để tán tỉnh bạn gái mình không nắm trong tầm kiểm soát của A, và A biết giá trị bản thân không cần phải làm ba chuyện tầm phào để giữ nguời yêu.
Mấu chốt ở đây là gì?
Tập kiểm soát cách bản thân phản ứng với tình huống, đừng để tình huống kiểm soát hành động của mình.
"Uốn lưỡi bảy lần trước khi nói" ấy.
Mới đầu sẽ thấy khó, nhưng không sao. Sự kiểm soát hay bất kể điều gì tốt đẹp, đều cần trau dồi theo thời gian, và cần kinh nghiệm.
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maylangthang-blog1 · 1 year
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All I n33d is only you
I will love you right,
I await for one day
No Paper, No Promise, No Wedding
One day we will be together again with Suboy Sugar. One family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Just one chance to show you the better of me.
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nghtruv · 5 months
Week 4: The Evolution of Reality TV: Amplified Visibility, Social Media, and Political Discourse in the Case of 'Rap Viet.
Reality TV has undergone a significant transformation, evolving into a realm of exaggerated visibility that combines intense emotions and boundary-pushing behavior within a controlled TV environment (Kavka, 2018, p. 7). This transformation has been further propelled by the rise of social media, which has expanded the reach and audience of reality TV shows. In this new landscape, social media platforms have become crucial for reality TV participants to establish an online presence, extending their fame and income potential (Deller, 2019, p. 162). They can share authentic experiences, promote brands, and act as promotional vehicles for upcoming projects, leveraging their online platforms (Deller, 2019, p. 163). This convergence of television and new media has transformed reality TV into a network of interconnected narratives, blurring the lines between real and performed identities, and providing viewers with an interactive and engaging experience beyond traditional TV broadcasts (Arcy, 2018, p. 488). "Rap Viet" serves as an exemplary case of the transformative power of reality TV in the context of rap music. This popular Vietnamese reality TV show focuses on rap battles and showcases the talent of Vietnamese rappers. Notably, participants like Phap Kieu, suboi, etc. utilize social media to livestream, share behind-the-scenes videos, and even some dramas in "Rap Viet" to generate more awareness and engagement. It utilizes social media platforms to extend its reach and engage with a wider audience. 
Additionally, reality TV acts as a catalyst for public discussions on politics and societal issues (Graham & Hajru, 2011, p. 29). Web 2.0 technologies and participatory culture have facilitated reality show chat on various online platforms, fostering political talk and public discourse (Deller, 2019, p. 153; Graham & Hajru, 2011, p. 29). "Rap Viet" often addresses social issues, sparking debates on politics, inequality, and youth culture. For instance, MC Tran Thanh's statement about feminism ignited discussions on gender equality and feminism in Vietnamese society, with diverse opinions and fragmentations within the public sphere (Graham & Hajru, 2011, p. 19). The statement received a lot of criticism from communities fighting for women's rights. An analysis of up to 2,100 likes by the Vietnam Organization for Promoting Gender Equality, VOGE, said that Tran Thanh is underestimating the efforts of those who are promoting gender equality for women  (Nguyen Hoai, 2020). These discussions showcase how reality TV serves as a platform for citizens to engage in political discourse, bridge knowledge and experiences, and contribute to wider societal debates (Graham & Hajru, 2011, p. 29).
In conclusion, the convergence of television and social media has transformed reality TV into a realm of exaggerated visibility, extending beyond traditional TV broadcasts. "Rap Viet" exemplifies this transformation, leveraging social media to engage a broader audience and redefine the rap scene in Vietnam. Moreover, reality TV  fuels public discussions on politics and societal issues, serving as a catalyst for political talk and contributing to the wider political discourse within the public sphere. 
Arcy, J. (2018). The digital money shot: Twitter wars, The Real Housewives, and transmedia storytelling. Celebrity Studies, 9(4), 487–502. https://doi.org/10.1080/19392397.2018.1508951
Deller, R. A. (2019). Reality Television in an Age of Social Media. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83909-021-920191007
Graham, T., & Hajru, A. (2011). Reality TV as a trigger of everyday political talk in the net-based public sphere. European Journal of Communication, 26(1), 18–32. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323110394858
Kavka, M. (2018). Reality TV: its contents and discontents. Critical Quarterly, 60(4), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.1111/criq.12442
Nguyen Hoai, M. (2020, November 16). Tóm Lại Là: Quyền nữ, sao cứ phải “đòi”? Vietcetera. https://vietcetera.com/vn/tom-lai-la-quyen-nu-sao-cu-phai-doi
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saohoanet · 11 months
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imoim36news · 1 year
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Thời gian gần đây, Người ấy là ai và Rap Việt - 2 chương trình được yêu mến đã lần lượt lên sóng và MC Trấn Thành vẫn là gương mặt được nhà sản xuất tin tưởng giao trọng trách dẫn dắt 2 show. Sau nhiều ồn ào, màn tái xuất của Trấn Thành nhận được sự quan tâm của khán giả. Từng bị chỉ trích vì khóc quá nhiều trên sóng truyền hình, Trấn Thành đã cố gắng thay đổi khi trở lại vị trí MC trong năm 2023. Nam nghệ sĩ biết cách tiết chế cảm xúc, không còn vỡ òa, rơi nước mắt nức nở trên sân khấu như trước. Bằng chứng là trong tập 1 của Người ấy là ai mùa 5, câu chuyện của nữ chính vượt qua cú sốc mất mẹ khiến nam MC xúc động. Tuy nhiên, Trấn Thành chỉ rưng rưng, cố kìm nước mắt. Trấn Thành rưng rưng cố kìm nén những giọt nước mắtSang đến tập 2 Người ấy là ai mùa 5, màn cầu hôn của chàng trai tên Phạm Duy Anh với vợ hơn 10 tuổi khiến cả trường quay nghẹn ngào. Chuyện tình của họ bị gia đình ngăn cấm, xã hội gièm pha. Tuy nhiên sau khi họ có em bé, tất cả đã được hóa giải. Khoảnh khắc Phạm Duy Anh quỳ gối cầu hôn vợ đã khiến dàn cố vấn cũng phải rơi nước mắt cảm động. Về phía Trấn Thành, khán giả nhận ra mắt nam nghệ sĩ cũng đỏ hoe nhưng không còn nức nở như trước đây. Trấn Thành mắt đỏ hoe khi chứng kiến màn cầu hôn ở "Người ấy là ai" mùa 5Trong tập 1 Rap Việt mùa 3 vừa lên sóng, Gừng - học trò Suboi - từng bị loại đáng tiếc ở mùa 1 nay tái xuất ở mùa 3. Quyết tâm chinh phục các huấn luyện viên của Gừng đã được đền đáp xứng đáng. Màn biểu diễn của Gừng khiến BigDaddy phải lên sân khấu trao nón vàng, muốn chọn thí sinh này vào đội mình. Ngay sau đó, ekip đã lia ngay khoảnh khắc Trấn Thành ngồi thu mình một góc, có hành động cố kìm nén để không rơi nước mắt.Trấn Thành cố tiết chế cảm xúc sau khi bị phàn nàn vì khóc quá nhiều khi dẫn chương trìnhCó thể thấy, sau nhiều ồn ào, Trấn Thành nay đã lắng nghe góp ý của khán giả nhiều hơn. Tuy có nhiều khoảnh...
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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tlinh is Vietnam's Brightest Star In Vietnam's emergent pop music scene — shaped heavily by nearby K-Pop and Chinese-style ballads — Hanoi-born singer-songwriter tlinh is pioneering a much-needed post-internet sound, infusing genres like pop, rap, hip-hop and R&B with Vietnamese lyrics and sensibilities. In a traditionally conservative country, the 22-year-old is also distinguishing herself from the establishment by pushing against outdated social views on women, unapologetically embracing her femininity and the sensuality that she says comes along with it. Related | Thuy is In Her Bag“I want people who listen to my music to feel more feminine, to feel more confident,” tlinh says. “There are feelings I believe we all have, but that people are not used to expressing in Vietnamese. I’m here to help people — women — get in touch with those emotions.” It’s clearly resonated: last year, she was one of Spotify’s most listened-to artists in Vietnam, and after making it onto the platform’s Equal playlist, had her photo displayed on a Times Square billboard. The success has created opportunities beyond charts, like creating a jingle for Maybelline and appearing in a music video with 88Rising. Born Nguyễn Thảo Linh, tlinh says she was always drawn to the stage — but she never thought that becoming a musician was a real possibility. She originally set out to become a doctor, like both of her parents. “I just wanted to prove to them that I could do anything,” she tells PAPER. “But I always neglected my studies to go to the studio.”It was in 2020, during her sophomore year of college, that tlinh auditioned for Rap Việt, a national reality TV competition. Although she didn’t win, she was the only female to crack the finals and had the chance to perform with Vietnam’s reigning queen of hip hop, Suboi. She remembers going from 10,000 followers to 600,000 in a matter of months.“It was crazy — people started messaging me to give me gifts and send me products,” she says, reflecting on the experience of newfound fame. “They also started sending me hate messages for no reason. That’s when I was like, ‘Oh, it’s getting real.’”tlinh reveals that some of that drama had to do with her boyfriend at the time and public scrutiny of the newly famous young couple’s personal lives. That relationship, though long over, would ultimately inspire her latest song, “nếu lúc đó” (which roughly translates to “If Only, At the Time”), which is the second single on her debut album set to drop later this year.With today’s release of “nếu lúc đó” — and its accompanying music video, which premieres below — we sat down with tlinh to chat about her musical inspiration, getting vulnerable with her emotions on camera and her hopes for the Vietnamese music industry. You’ve been called a rapper and a singer. How do you identify primarily as an artist? I identify most as a songwriter. I write everything that I sing or rap. I put a lot of effort into that part. I just like making music. Are there any artists that you would say have inspired your sound? Of course, big names like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Lana Del Rey, Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, and Rosalía. I would say Kali Uchis is a huge inspiration for me right now, as well as SZA. I love how these artists have such a bold style but also with sensual touches. Powerful and feminine. In general, I’m inspired by women of color, who in history have always had to fight to express themselves freely.Tell us about the experience of going on Rap Viet and getting your break in the industry.Well, I didn’t win, but I was the only girl to make it to the final stages. I didn’t really even expect to, especially since this show is so male-dominated. So I think people found it interesting when I was in the finals. Did you have much of a following before going on the show?I had a small following before, mostly from just venting and ranting on Instagram [laughs]. I like telling stories. I would also sing a bit. Let’s talk about your latest video and song — what inspired it?The song is about my feelings toward my ex-boyfriend. It’s about repressed feelings because, at the time, I was young and naive. I felt like the world was bubbly and pink. I used to post everything about the relationship online. And that became messy and chaotic. So it forced me to repress my emotions. So the song is looking back on that period in your life. Yeah, the meaning of the song is sort of like, “If only at the time, I knew better.” If I had known better, I would have been more private, so people wouldn’t make so many assumptions. If I had known better, I would have not fed into this character people wanted me to play. How did this feeling translate to the video, and how much input do you usually have on the visuals for your music?I would say I have a lot of input. I really set the tone for the art team to work off of. I share what mood I want, what feelings I want to convey and what I want the audience to experience and feel. In the first half of the video, I'm wearing all pink. Everything is picture-perfect and pink. But if you look closely at the images being projected behind me, it's a representation of my chaotic mind. The second half of the video is pure raw emotions. I’m wearing what looks like a wedding dress, but with some burnt holes. It’s a sort of eulogy to past relationships. What was it like to release those emotions and be so vulnerable on camera the day of the shoot?I think it was easy for me because I was expecting to feel a lot. Everyone on set really held space for me to share those emotions. I cried a lot. We had some of my fans there, and so I got to share that with them. Your fans were on set? Yes, we needed around 25 extras for the video, so we let people apply online and we picked some at random. They were all very kind to me that day. There was a moment where I screamed really loud — like I really screamed — and I just feel blessed to share those intimate moments with people. Speaking generally, what do you think is the state of the Vietnamese music industry right now? I think the Vietnamese music scene is in a transition period where anything can happen. We have so much potential. With this new generation of artists, I feel like we are more likely to tell our stories. We are more unafraid to speak our minds. I feel that the upcoming year is gonna be very interesting in the Vietnamese music scene. So I hope that people pay more attention to us.Of course, Vietnamese people have the same emotions as everyone else, but we��re not used to expressing them. They don’t know how to name it yet. And I am here to convey it in Vietnamese.Would you ever want to crossover to a global market or even release a song in English one day? Of course, as an artist, you want your music to touch as many people as possible. But I never want to have to change who I am to make that happen. And I feel like right now, I need to do it in Vietnamese. It’s funny because when I first started writing, I used to write everything in English, but I want to talk about emotions in Vietnamese.Do you think because Vietnam has been so conservative in the past, it’s hard for people to find the words to talk about certain feelings?Of course, Vietnamese people have the same emotions as everyone else, but we’re not used to expressing them. They don’t know how to name it yet. And I am here to convey it in Vietnamese. It’s very easy to convey those messages in English, but I want all of my fellow Vietnamese to have this voice. Do you ever face pushback for pushing the idea of being open and expressing sexuality? If so, how do you stay so confident?Yes, my music is hyper-feminine and it can be too powerful for some people. A lot of Vietnam still has the idea of toxic masculinity. That’s still very strong here. I used to repress my femininity because I was molested at a young age, and was always afraid of it happening to me. I always acted tough so that boys would not do anything to me. I got back my power and wanted to put it in my music so girls can feel that they have their power, too. Femininity doesn’t mean weakness. What’s the most fun or exciting part of what you do? Getting to meet and vibe with so many different people with mind-blowing stories.Are there any Vietnamese artists you think we should know about?My genius producers 2pillz and wokeup. Rising rapper Wxrdie, singer-songwriter Grey D, MCK, who's also dropping his debut album, Mono and Onionn., and of course Mỹ Anh and so many more talented young artists.What’s coming up for you besides the album this summer?I’m performing at a concert for Billboard on International Women’s Day, on March 8.In your dream world, is there an international artist that you would want to work with?The Weeknd.Do you have any vision of your career in five years?At this point, I’m just trying to be present and appreciate time with my loved ones. Healthy, wealthy, sexy and zen.Photography: Dao Nhat TanStylist: TigrebiaMake-up: Xi Quan LeHair: Quan LeMake-up assistant: Lam Minh QuanStyling assistants: Nekohiee, Heyiman https://www.papermag.com/tlinh-neu-luc-do-2659491967.html
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