#Straw Hat Grand Fleet
nyxigill · 3 days
okay so i was thinking about one piece for the 56 thousandth time today and now i am utterly convinced that the pieces of Luffy’s vivre card make random origami shapes while he’s in Gear 5. Just imagine it right now. The Grand Fleet is waiting outside of Wano desperately watching Luffy’s vivre card. They fear the worst when it disappears, but now it’s suddenly back? And now it’s a freaking paper crane? What in the world is this toon force crap? It’s the very essence of Gear 5, that’s what it is.
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halacska-fins · 1 month
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This meme suits them and you cannot tell me otherwise !!
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op-grand-collection · 8 months
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condoriano-67890 · 1 year
Caesar Clown is made out of gas.
Which means no amount of gravity can affect him. My man could be on the surface of the SUN and still be floatin around like nothing’s wrong.
He can float through walls.. he can likely float through entire mountains. He could float to the top of Mount Everest and not be the slightest bit winded, or have broken the slightest sweat.
However… space is a vacuum.
Put Caesar in space? Caesar go BOOM! Annihilated.
I know he can control gas and all— he might try to pull all of his particles together while in space. He might be able to do it, although it would be extremely difficult without trying to accidentally become an entire planet in the process (yes, that is how they— and stars— form).
Caesar can become a planet.
Caesar can become a star.
Caesar can become a tiny galaxy.
(I’m having a million epiphanies right now. Give me a minute.)
Caesar can become a moon, or basically any kind of celestial object. AND, if he condenses himself densely enough, he can become a Planck-sized black hole (what is a Planck? I believe it is the smallest size of an object ever discovered.)
He can also probably change the type of gas he is. And, with his ‘final form’, we see that Caesar can collect other gaseous particles to absorb, to add onto himself, to make him bigger, and stronger.
Which means Caesar can become a supermassive black hole, or a laws-of-physics-defying monster of a planet.
Caesar’s Devil Fruit is incredibly underrated….
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drdsb · 1 year
Every time I remember the fact that the Straw Hat Grand Fleet was formed despite Luffy's wishes I laugh because they fucking out-luffy'd him. They rejected his rejection. "You wanna talk about freedom well we have it too, beeyotch"
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masterofthez · 10 months
I really hope Egghead Island ends with CP0 “joining” the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Yeah, Lucci still has every intention to kill Luffy, but in the eyes of the world government those 3 members of CP0 sided with pirates. And soon the news will start saying that the Straw Hats now have a band of spies and assassins working under them. And at that point they all just kinda have to go with it. 
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 4 months
There is — and I cannot stress this enough — exactly two fics on AO3 that include all the captains of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Two of them. Two (2) fics that are tagged with these people. Nobody has any headcanons? Nobody is hyper fixated on these side characters that are clearly positioned to have some importance later on? None of us care about watching them get thrown into more adventures with Luffy and the crew and coming to be proper nakama? Bartolomeo and Cavendish at least get some attention but the rest of the grand fleet captains are chopped liver? They don’t exist? We don’t have any attention to spare at all for these people??
I am disappointed in every single one of you.
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birthday-hell · 2 months
Happy Birthday
April 1
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0ynes · 1 year
Two representatives of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet beating up a tenryuubito in Marijoa, I love to see it
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can-they-do-a-rko · 6 days
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If you need a reminder:
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op-grand-collection · 8 months
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itsmeimclown · 2 months
we really all just glossing over the fact that Bartolomeo is called "the cannibal"
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wingsofsong · 2 months
Cavendish and The Little Prince
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In Chapter 784 "Gear Four" Oda forestalls the reveal of Luffy's new form to emphasize he and Law as the "eye of the storm" to follow Doffy's defeat through the words of Cavendish "The Pirate Prince."
But given the implicitness of that conclusion; the scene more so exists as character building for Cavendish.
Sitting criss-cross amongst the chaos grants him a very understated character moment for Cavendish and the reader to just "be" and soak in the beauty and adventure of Dressrosa; a feeling the anime expertly captures.
Displaying concern and appreciation outside of self from a character who's core gag/drive is self-absorbenent; putting his own place on the seas into perspective.
But there's more too it.
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Cavendish's archetype is that of the White Knight/Knight Errant in European lit/mythos; his epithets being a verbalization of that fact.
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Dressrosa is One Piece's analogue for Spain-
Cavendish's name is English in etymology and his real world namesake "Thomas Cavendish" the privateer is partly known for his raids of Spanish ships.
He's the former prince of the Borgeoise Kingdom, hailing from Rommel where himself as Hakuba became known as their slicing winds (a Kamitachi; a Yokai in Japanese mythos) alluding to Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde and Jack The Ripper as you may know, both English refrences.
His former kingdoms name shares it's etymology with Mary Geoise in the French word Borgeosie and Cavendish's aesthetics/rapier are very Musketeer/French.
His weapon/attacks are all references to European mythos/lit/plays.
-Durandal a French blade of legend
-Round Table (King Arthur)
-Blue Bird
-Biken: Zan t-Exupéry
-Precious Metal Axe
The tontattas/fairies being another tie to literature and mythos.
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Given that pastiche it's notable that Oda chose Cavendish to sit in a childlike manner and note one of the two most fantastical aspects of the arc in the "dwarves" (the other being the toys).
It taps into the feelings fantasy ferments in children and the inspirations behind Oda's writing, in a land where Doflamingo has cast a cruel veneer over the settings beauty.
A recent realization on my part is on the fourth attack listed above "Biken: Zant t-Exupéry" or
"Beautiful Sword: Stardust Prince."
The attack's name coming from French novel "The Little Prince-" and it's author; a childrens novel dealing with space, a loss of imagination in adulthood, love and loss and the human experience more broadly.
The titular character being the lonely, blonde "little prince" of an asteroid where he resides and tends to his love.
A thorny, vain, rose that "The Little Prince" knows not how to love properly until they've lost each other and he learns to see the uniqueness in those he values through their worth to one another vs outside validation/being a lone rose.
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Cavendish is first seen with a red rose and his attacks often have rose petals swirling around him.
He's a blonde prince, exiled from his home with his animal companion Farul (The Little Prince tames/makes a companion of a fox on his journey).
From Oda's SBS we know that he also carried roses as a child and in a cover page we see him tending to a garden of roses with Farul, his vivre card lists roses as his favorite food, making it clear that Cavendish and roses is imagery Oda is intentionally/continuously associating him with.
Knowing this all; I propose that Cavendish's character is partly inspired by The Little Prince (the novel/character) in his design, own emotional makeup having aspects of various figures in the book, and the tapping into child-like wonder described above as the Little Prince's narrator is a man at risk of losing that imagination, as multiple adults seen through the stories pages already have.
-The stars on his pants are similar to the stars on the little princes coat which is also similar to Cavendish's coat
-They both use rapiers
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It makes me wonder what Cavendish's childhood was like; if there was any lonliness, whether there's anything to be said abolut the potential of "taming" Hakuba and growing in self-love/past his obsession with uniquness.
Of course there's much more to his character than a single inspriation and differences to see between him and The Little Prince but I'll definitely keep the story in mind going forward.
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mugiwara-lucy · 9 months
With the Egghead Arc coming soon, one thing I REALLY hope for is that it involves the Grand Fleet:
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Remember this is an event that is supposed to be “world shattering” and the Grand Fleet are supposed to be involved in a “world shattering event” and I feel if it wasn’t in Wano, I feel it HAS to be in Egghead!
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I feel the Final War is WAY too late for them and as a small bias, I wanna see Barto and Cabbage!! 😩
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