#Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
raffaellopalandri · 3 months
When "Just a Little" Can Be Life-Threatening: Understanding Allergies
Daily writing promptWhat’s something most people don’t understand?View all responses Let’s talk allergies. Not the sniffles-and-sneezes kind (although those are no fun, either!), but the serious, life-threatening kind. You know, the ones where exposure can trigger anaphylaxis or SJS – Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or TEN – Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (in my case, I have had – on different occasions…
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me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic (seducing her by singing the entirety of blackboxwarrior-okultra as if it was a flex)
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thecountandtheraven · 2 months
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neuroticboyfriend · 10 months
my grandma is staying with us and i was worried she'd react badly to me being disabled & a mobility aid user, but she's actually really understanding. she had sydenham's chorea as a child and stevens johnson syndrome around my age. so she understands what it's like to be disabled so young, and she's still affected by those conditions (and many other conditions) today. yay grandma <3
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cerayanay · 3 months
Lamictal users when they get a rash for literally any reason
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heathenistic-moron · 1 year
Hyperspecific Poll time
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
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ah yes the five members of kids in the hall
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a-star-that-fell · 11 months
seeing how many loops of blackboxwarrior i can complete before my psych calls
normal pastimes
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felixies · 11 months
hello so as you know i was in the hospital for a few days but what you don’t know is that when i got discharged i ended up being taken back the next day in an ambulance. i’ve been home now for a week and my body is still healing and recovering but i am doing a lot better!! i’m still very uncomfortable so being on my laptop is hard but i will be starting the @createskz queue again tomorrow, of course i will not be starting it from where i left off (i’d be queueing for days if i did that) but i will try to go back as far as i can. i’m sorry i missed so many posts and if this ever happens again i will make sure to ask for help!! thank you all for understanding 🥺
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just-jammin · 2 years
right now Will Wood's music reminds me of crazed rambling and i love it
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lifblogs · 1 year
Symptoms From My Prednisone Being Mishandled
Swollen face (had issues seeing the other day because of how much it swelled up)
Fluid retention in neck and shoulders (feels super stiff and makes it hard to eat, sometimes I feel like it’s choking me)
Twitching muscles in face
Stomach upset (I am on three stomach meds to try and keep me comfortable)
Leg weakness (having so many problems with stairs)
Acne (worst acne I’ve ever had in my entire life)
Stretch marks (which look like they’re going to split open. One of them already did)
Weight gain
Muscle cramps (potentially, the pain could also easily be my fibro)
Lips—and occassionally my gums—taste salty (yeah, that is a super weird one)
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bellyachez · 1 year
Not me skipping my meds so the appetite suppressant and nausea side effects kick in
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conatic · 24 days
Elle reste 17 jours dans le coma après avoir pris de l’Ibuprofène : “Les médecins m’ont dit que c’était un miracle que j’aie survécu” - La DH/Les Sports+
Source: dhnet
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gregjoneslawnc · 5 months
The Challenges and Triumphs in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Lawsuit Cases.
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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a severe skin and mucous membrane disorder that can be triggered by medications or infections. Lawsuits related to SJS typically involve legal considerations, where individuals seek compensation for the severe health consequences they have experienced often due to pharmaceutical negligence. 
This article will explore the challenges and successes in SJS lawsuit cases.
Understanding Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Before diving into the aspects, it is essential to understand what SJS entails. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome primarily occurs as a reaction to medications. It begins with flu symptoms. Progresses into a painful rash that is red or purplish in color. The rash. Blisters eventually lead to the shedding of the layer of skin. SJS requires attention and often necessitates hospitalization in specialized units such as burn units or intensive care units.
Legal Challenges in SJS Lawsuits
Establishing Causation: One of the hurdles in an SJS lawsuit lies in establishing a connection between the medication taken and the occurrence of the syndrome. Plaintiffs must provide evidence showing that their condition was definitively caused by the drug involved. This typically involves presenting evidence along with expert testimonies.
Complex Medical Evidence: Understanding and presenting the aspects related to SJS can be intricate.
Lawyers play a role in simplifying medical terminology and procedures for the jury, all while maintaining the scientific accuracy of the case.
Pharmaceutical Defense: It is common for large pharmaceutical companies to have resources to defend themselves against lawsuits. They may argue that the outbreak of SJS was caused by a condition or that the patient had been adequately warned about the associated risks.
Statute of Limitations: In jurisdictions, there is a timeframe within which a lawsuit must be filed. Determining when this period began can be challenging, especially if the symptoms of SJS appeared gradually.
Triumphs in SJS Lawsuits: Despite these obstacles, there have been successes in lawsuits related to SJS, often resulting in settlements or verdicts in favor of the plaintiffs.
Successful Compensation: Plaintiffs have been awarded millions in compensation for expenses, including costs of lost wages, pain, and suffering, as well as punitive damages. These victories provide relief and acknowledge the immense suffering endured by those affected.
Raising Awareness: Successful lawsuits have contributed to raising awareness about the dangers associated with medications and highlighting how severe SJS can be. This increased awareness can lead to drug testing and labeling requirements.
Pharmaceutical Accountability: Through lawsuits, pharmaceutical companies are held accountable for their products, leading to safety protocols and more transparent information provided to patients.
Legal Precedents: Each successful case establishes a precedent, which makes it slightly easier for individuals filing claims to pursue their cases.
In conclusion, lawsuits involving Stevens-Johnson Syndrome pose challenges. Hold immense importance in the field of law. SJS's seriousness and the complexities of proving causation and combating funded pharmaceutical companies make these cases particularly demanding. 
However, the successes achieved through these lawsuits, including providing compensation to victims and influencing drug safety measures and corporate accountability at large, are substantial. Law firms like Greg Jones Law specialize in handling cases by balancing between comprehending medical details and navigating the legal landscape to ensure justice for their clients.
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Some of what I lived thru this year…
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dreamw0rms · 2 years
ok. i think it may actually be the depakote i’m allergic to. my dose was just raised and maaaan it feels like i have ants crawling all over my skin
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