#Steps to Skincare Routine
gunstellations · 1 month
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its sonics turn! 👅
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idrbaumann · 1 year
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We move from summer to winter, the air is drier in winter months and our skin also becomes very dry. On the other hand, in summer months oil production in skin increases. For more information, go to our official website at https://www.dr-baumann.ca/, or contact us if you have any inquiries.
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alllsunday · 2 months
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Sabo’s not being serious though he’s just forwarding from Garp (who is not being ironic) . But in all seriousness Sabo would probably say “GOOD MORNINGGGG” and scornfully demean Ace’s lack of energy and the fact that he said good morning at 1:37pm in the afternoon. Anyway, this continued for about 2 years before Ace realised he was not in the family group chat and was not receiving these from Garp anyway. Suddenly everything made sense.
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
I love that Leo wears a sleep mask because 1) it helps push that Leo may have insomnia as sleep masks are known to help you get to sleep and stay asleep, and 2) makes me think this boy definitely has a skincare routine because sleep masks are good for your skin
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puppycheesecake · 1 year
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Diego Lobo - Sleepwear
01: Outfit / Slippers / Sleep Mask 02: Outfit / Slippers 03: Robe / Underwear / Slippers / Face Mask + Cucumber Slices 04: Outfit / Socks / Under-Eye Mask
Thank you! @standardheld @mmsims @liliili-sims4 @serenity-cc @windenbro @candysims4 @chloem-sims4 @plumbobsnfries
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pigeonwit · 7 months
It’s a thing now. Davey doing his hair. It’s not bad – honestly, it’s heaven, because Davey’s fingers are long and gentle and kind as they ease out the tangles from his curls, and his thighs are hooked over each one of Jack’s shoulders, creamy skin just barely hidden by his sleep shorts pressing close to his jaw like a dream – but it’s also hell, because Davey (as usual) insists on talking all the while, which means Jack has to pretend he’s paying attention and not thinking about turning exactly one-eighty degrees and doing some very, very bad things to those aforementioned thighs.
“Too tight?” Davey asks, giving the braid he’s finished a questioning tug – Jack has to bite his tongue to keep himself from saying anything embarrassing.
“Nah,” he smiles gently. It’s a gargantuan effort just to say the word, but it fools Davey well enough.
“Chin up,” he says softly, pressing his fingertips to Jack’s jaw and pushing it just a scootch higher – that’s exactly the phrase Davey would use, just a scootch. God, Jack could cry. “There we are – perfect.”
“All you, man,” Jack chuckles – he’s not entirely aware of what he’s saying, he just needs to say something that’ll keep him from buzzing over how Davey says the word ‘perfect’, the soft ‘p’ that bursts from his lips, the light smacking sound of the ‘c’ against his soft palate, the echo of his tongue on the back of his teeth as he rounds out the ‘t’, all of it directed at Jack of all people. “Fuckin’ hate doin’ this part by myself.”
The nape of his neck prickles under Davey's scrutinizing stare.
"Your wrists acting up again?"
"I don't have carpal tunnel and I'll fight you."
(Jack would be proud of the way Davey laughs at that, if he didn't tug on Jack's hair again - just to be playful, of course, but Jesus fucking Christ-)
"S'just boring is all." Jack mutters, hoping his voice stays even. "I try watching shit while I do it, but I just get distracted."
"Ah, so it's your goldfish attention span that's the problem. Gotcha."
He can hear the little smirk wrapped around Davey's words.
“Like you can talk!" He scoffs - he almost leans back to look at him properly, but then the soft of Davey's inner thigh brushes against his cheek, and he has to weld all his bones into place to keep himself from doing anything stupid.
"You think I don't see you Wiki-spiralling under your sheets at four AM?" He manages to utter once he gets his voice back. "Fucking obnoxious, Jacobs, I swear, I think I'd actually prefer it if you were looking up weird shit, but no, it's always military dolphins, or the history of Velcro, or-"
There's a pressure against his scalp and a writer's callus against his jaw as Davey levers his head back into place, cutting him off entirely with a small, strangled breath.
“Chin down," Davey says softly, pretending to chide, but Jack knows he's smiling, the little shit.
God, he needs to start going to church. Or see a therapist, or - fuck, live on cornflakes or something. It's the only way he's getting through this year alive.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
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St Voyager Memes: Tuvok sitting in the corner of the mess hall always reading and always alone is so y/n of him
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sodashine · 4 months
modern tlt au gideon has a 9 step skincare routine and everything and harrow splashes her face with water and calls it a day
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mitskijamie · 2 months
You cannot convince me that Jamie Tartt does not have like a standing spray, tan appointment or like uses self tanner lotion. He is 100% the kind of guy that would do that.
Phil was soooo spray tanned in s3 so absolutely I agree lol 😭
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Given that Jamie canonically gets his eyebrows threaded and his chest waxed, I feel like he probably does a lot of other self-maintenence stuff too. I think he probably gets regular manicures/pedicures (usually without polish, but with clear polish if he's feeling pretty), fake tans, and occasionally gets facials done. Vanity will always win over toxic masculinity for Jamie Tartt. It's more important to look sexy than to "be a man" any day
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ickyrainbows3245 · 2 years
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
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conceptualizing being the darling of yan machi, pakunoda, and shizuku
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shmothman · 2 months
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i need this man with no makeup, in a kitty cat headband and messy bun, and adjusting to life in the mortal world. Stat.
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idrbaumann · 1 year
Most of us find that every time we have finalized a skincare routine, due to some reason or the other, soon enough it stops working for your skin. This happens because of changing seasons. For more information, go to our official website at https://www.dr-baumann.ca/, or contact us if you have any inquiries.
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peachdues · 9 months
anyways this is what your skin looks like when you don’t send hate on anon
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Do you like my “read more” now, bitch?
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
social media is just new and excruciating ways of seeing cleanliness being upheld as an indicator of morality (same with health) which make me want to claw my eyeballs out of my skull.
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ahollowgrave · 10 days
do they have a skincare routine? if yes, how involved is it?
what is their skin texture?
Oh yes. It is very involved. As a child Odette was always making 'potions' out of anything she could get a hold of. Were it not for the math and intelligence needed for alchemy she would have slotted into the work neatly. Thankfully, her skincare routine scratches the same itch for her. Her tinctures. In general, Odette is very concerned about her appearance. She finds herself to be beautiful, how could she not divine bride that she is; but, for better or for worse, she is Incredibly Aware of her State of Being. A lot of her skincare and general beauty routine are focused on restoring a sense of life to her face. However, she is also a young woman, for all her grand purposes, and she follows trends with a certain thrill. To spy someone wearing a similar style brings her a jolt of glee. A woman of simple delights. As far as skin texture: Cold, incredibly so, and often a little clammy. The smoothness of youth with the pallor of a corpse. Dotted with the occasional mole. With stretch marks like slivers of blessed moonlight across her stomach, hips, and thighs.
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Thank you for the ask!
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