ddarker-dreams · 7 months
one thing i refuse to do is write a man who is normal about his partner. he must be frothing at the mouth, hissing at anyone who approaches them like a rabid raccoon, daydreaming about them 24/7 or what's the point?
there is none. go feral or go home
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annspanther · 3 years
My boyfriend has started calling me playing p5 as “spending time with your friends” and uh the callout
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batgirl-spoiled · 4 years
Me: *tweets about how I only turned 18 a month ago*
Adult men who have been dming me porn for the last two years:
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sdr2point5-blog · 7 years
donkey kong
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lupbiy · 7 years
我们通常衡量一个Web系统的吞吐率的指标是QPS(Query Per Second,每秒处理请求数),解决每秒数万次的高并发场景,这个指标非常关键。举个例子,我们假设处理一个业务请求平均响应时间为100ms,同时,系统内有20台Web服务器,配置MaxClients为500个(表示服务器的最大连接数目)。
20*500/0.1 = 100000 (10万QPS)
20*500/0.25 = 40000 (4万QPS)
3. 重启与过载保护
1. 超发的原因
<?php //优化方案1:将库存字段number字段设为unsigned,当库存为0时,因为字段不能为负数,将会返回false include('./mysql.php'); $username = 'wang'.rand(0,1000); //生成唯一订单 function build_order_no(){ return date('ymd').substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8); } //记录日志 function insertLog($event,$type=0,$username){ global $conn; $sql="insert into ih_log(event,type,usernma) values('$event','$type','$username')"; return mysqli_query($conn,$sql); } function insertOrder($order_sn,$user_id,$goods_id,$sku_id,$price,$username,$number) { global $conn; $sql="insert into ih_order(order_sn,user_id,goods_id,sku_id,price,username,number) values('$order_sn','$user_id','$goods_id','$sku_id','$price','$username','$number')"; return mysqli_query($conn,$sql); } //模拟下单操作 //库存是否大于0 $sql="select number from ih_store where goods_id='$goods_id' and sku_id='$sku_id' "; $rs=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $row = $rs->fetch_assoc(); if($row['number']>0){//高并发下会导致超卖 if($row['number']<$number){ return insertLog('库存不够',3,$username); } $order_sn=build_order_no(); //库存减少 $sql="update ih_store set number=number-{$number} where sku_id='$sku_id' and number>0"; $store_rs=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($store_rs){ //生成订单 insertOrder($order_sn,$user_id,$goods_id,$sku_id,$price,$username,$number); insertLog('库存减少成功',1,$username); }else{ insertLog('库存减少失败',2,$username); } }else{ insertLog('库存不够',3,$username); } ?>
2. 悲观锁思路
<?php //优化方案2:使用MySQL的事务,锁住操作的行 include('./mysql.php'); //生成唯一订单号 function build_order_no(){ return date('ymd').substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8); } //记录日志 function insertLog($event,$type=0){ global $conn; $sql="insert into ih_log(event,type) values('$event','$type')"; mysqli_query($conn,$sql); } //模拟下单操作 //库存是否大于0 mysqli_query($conn,"BEGIN"); //开始事务 $sql="select number from ih_store where goods_id='$goods_id' and sku_id='$sku_id' FOR UPDATE";//此时这条记录被锁住,其它事务必须等待此次事务提交后才能执行 $rs=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $row=$rs->fetch_assoc(); if($row['number']>0){ //生成订单 $order_sn=build_order_no(); $sql="insert into ih_order(order_sn,user_id,goods_id,sku_id,price) values('$order_sn','$user_id','$goods_id','$sku_id','$price')"; $order_rs=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); //库存减少 $sql="update ih_store set number=number-{$number} where sku_id='$sku_id'"; $store_rs=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($store_rs){ echo '库存减少成功'; insertLog('库存减少成功'); mysqli_query($conn,"COMMIT");//事务提交即解锁 }else{ echo '库存减少失败'; insertLog('库存减少失败'); } }else{ echo '库存不够'; insertLog('库存不够'); mysqli_query($conn,"ROLLBACK"); } ?>
3. FIFO队列思路
那好,那么我们稍微修改一下上面的场景,我们直接将请求放入队列中的,采用FIFO(First Input First Output,先进先出),这样的话,我们就不会导致某些请求永远获取不到锁。看到这里,是不是有点强行将多线程变成单线程的感觉哈。
附:RabbitMQ队列使用 -> http://ift.tt/2j6Yha0
4. 文件锁的思路
<?php //优化方案4:使用非阻塞的文件排他锁 include ('./mysql.php'); //生成唯一订单号 function build_order_no(){ return date('ymd').substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8); } //记录日志 function insertLog($event,$type=0){ global $conn; $sql="insert into ih_log(event,type) values('$event','$type')"; mysqli_query($conn,$sql); } $fp = fopen("lock.txt", "w+"); if(!flock($fp,LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)){ echo "系统繁忙,请稍后再试"; return; } //下单 $sql="select number from ih_store where goods_id='$goods_id' and sku_id='$sku_id'"; $rs = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $row = $rs->fetch_assoc(); if($row['number']>0){//库存是否大于0 //模拟下单操作 $order_sn=build_order_no(); $sql="insert into ih_order(order_sn,user_id,goods_id,sku_id,price) values('$order_sn','$user_id','$goods_id','$sku_id','$price')"; $order_rs = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); //库存减少 $sql="update ih_store set number=number-{$number} where sku_id='$sku_id'"; $store_rs = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($store_rs){ echo '库存减少成功'; insertLog('库存减少成功'); flock($fp,LOCK_UN);//释放锁 }else{ echo '库存减少失败'; insertLog('库存减少失败'); } }else{ echo '库存不够'; insertLog('库存不够'); } fclose($fp); ?>
5. 乐观锁思路
<?php $redis = new redis(); $result = $redis->connect('', 6379); echo $mywatchkey = $redis->get("mywatchkey"); /* //插入抢购数据 if($mywatchkey>0) { $redis->watch("mywatchkey"); //启动一个新的事务。 $redis->multi(); $redis->set("mywatchkey",$mywatchkey-1); $result = $redis->exec(); if($result) { $redis->hSet("watchkeylist","user_".mt_rand(1,99999),time()); $watchkeylist = $redis->hGetAll("watchkeylist"); echo "抢购成功!<br/>"; $re = $mywatchkey - 1; echo "剩余数量:".$re."<br/>"; echo "用户列表:<pre>"; print_r($watchkeylist); }else{ echo "手气不好,再抢购!";exit; } }else{ // $redis->hSet("watchkeylist","user_".mt_rand(1,99999),"12"); // $watchkeylist = $redis->hGetAll("watchkeylist"); echo "fail!<br/>"; echo ".no result<br/>"; echo "用户列表:<pre>"; // var_dump($watchkeylist); }*/ $rob_total = 100; //抢购数量 if($mywatchkey<=$rob_total){ $redis->watch("mywatchkey"); $redis->multi(); //在当前连接上启动一个新的事务。 //插入抢购数据 $redis->set("mywatchkey",$mywatchkey+1); $rob_result = $redis->exec(); if($rob_result){ $redis->hSet("watchkeylist","user_".mt_rand(1, 9999),$mywatchkey); $mywatchlist = $redis->hGetAll("watchkeylist"); echo "抢购成功!<br/>"; echo "剩余数量:".($rob_total-$mywatchkey-1)."<br/>"; echo "用户列表:<pre>"; var_dump($mywatchlist); }else{ $redis->hSet("watchkeylist","user_".mt_rand(1, 9999),'meiqiangdao'); echo "手气不好,再抢购!";exit; } } ?>
附:RabbitMQ队列使用 -> http://ift.tt/2j6Yha0
秒杀抢购思路以及高并发下数据安全,首发于文章 - 伯乐在线。
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
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i'll never not find it hilarious that kurapika could only endure like five minutes of chrollo speaking before doing this to shut him up JFGKSJFSL
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ddarker-dreams · 8 days
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ddarker-dreams · 15 days
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THE GLOWING EYES ???????????????????????
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ddarker-dreams · 1 month
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SPACE BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BELOVED
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ddarker-dreams · 3 months
befriending a shy person feels like catching a pokémon with a low chance of spawning
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ddarker-dreams · 5 months
here are a list of notable things that have happened at my job thus far:
i dropped a strawberry milkshake and told my trainer it looked like i bludgeoned a fairy to death. he just stared at me for a few seconds and moved onto whatever he was saying next
whenever anime is mentioned five or six of my co-workers stop what they're doing to come over and talk about it
i have had four opportunities to slip dostoevsky into a conversation, i'm spreading the gospel one person at a time
co-worker texted asking if i wanted to go to lunch and i told him i'm busy playing baldur's gate 3. he is giving me the cold shoulder now
a customer got mad over being charged an extra nickel and complained to my manager for about fifteen minutes
a customer's car got stuck on the curb and everyone ran over to watch the monitor and give sports commentary
some guy walked in with a full viking getup. covered in armor and everything. i googled if there were any conventions nearby. there were not. godspeed to him
identified LGBT co-workers with 95% accuracy
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
there needs to be a name for the emotion you experience when you can tell a guy's about to turn a normal convo into something real awkward
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ddarker-dreams · 2 months
i've built an immunity to horror games where the antagonist hunts you down bc instead of feeling scared i start giggling and twirling my hair ...
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
i have something i felt the need to mention ... my little bun bun has seemed somewhat off to me all week, but since animals are prey animals, they try really hard to hide any illness/pain. eventually i just decided to trust my intuition and i took her to the vet yesterday. vet mentioned a few possibilities after some tests but we're pretty sure it's a UTI. lil bun bun is on antibiotics and a few other medications for twelve days. she's still eating lots of hay, has energy (slightly reduced from what i'm used to seeing, but not awful), and other good signs, so i'm feeling a lot more positive about it than i was before. i'm really hoping it'll clear up and she'll be nice and healthy.
this of course means getting slam dunked with vet bills. it's already at 700 USD and will be going 📈 if she requires more treatment. i'll be opening up commissions at some point in the future, but for now, anything sent to my ko-fi will go towards not drowning in rabbit bills.
thank you so much for reading this 💖 she's my little writing buddy who either hops around or lays down and silently judges what she sees on my screen. please send her your good vibes or consider rbing this post !!! 🐰💖💖💖
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
writing yan gojo brought me to the harrowing conclusion that there are more genres of deranged men out there. i thought i'd seen them all but this fella made me realize there are plenty more out there, waiting to be discovered
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ddarker-dreams · 2 months
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me when someone irl says i'm a good storyteller
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