#Sobs uncontrollably
samgatinho · 2 months
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redraw of a redraw of my first ever life series fanart !!!!
previous drawings under the cut :-)
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january 2023, redraw
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june 2022, original drawing
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abi-cosmos · 2 years
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taking a moment to reflect on this 15x18 quote of the day on this Destiel Eve
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penofwildfire · 23 days
Oh don't mind me, I'm just thinking about Cole finding his father and being so excited to introduce him to his new family but realizing Lou will never get to meet Bonzle. And crying about it. Yeah.
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safethrucloth · 2 years
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finally, his smile… it’s nothing but genuine.
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amsterdamhotelroom · 2 years
i love you pre-s4 stranger things hiatus i love you version of season 4 that existed in my head i love you the day we noticed steve was wearing eddie’s vest i love you smalltown boy i love you sending twitter users fake leaks i love you 1980s moral panic commentary we didn’t get i love you mutuals i love you max mayfield i hate you mcu-esque commercialism i hate you killing eddie in the dumbest way possible i hate you vecna being the mind behind the upside down and not the mindflayer i hate you never explaining how brenner survived being pounced on by the demogorgon when that thing was capable of tearing random unnamed russians to shreds in under five seconds i hate you murray survival i hate you misplaced comedy i hate you stancy renaissance………
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justablah56 · 6 months
so is now a bad time to say that I've drawn this
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parksrway · 2 years
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some fluff to heal me <3
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occasional-weed · 1 year
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Someone at university handed this to me on the way to class and I am BITTERLY WEEPING it is so cute
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bee-birb · 26 days
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release-the-mccracken · 2 months
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love-toxin · 2 years
Okay, please bear with me ellie, I love you so but I sincerely want your reaction to this because I made it just for you, it's a very special present! It is almost 11:00 p.m., I am off the shits because I am sleep deprived as heck, and I cannot keep my eyes open. So I am hoping that this will not be terrible, and that you will like it, and that you will maybe, just maybe, think that it is decent writing? I am a very much in love with your stalker Eddie series, and I very much love your ass in which you got yandere Steve and yandere both like soft yandere double teaming you, so this is kind of based on that soft stalker Eddie just entered my brain and would not let me go, so now this is yours.
Stalker Eddie actually trying to be a bit of a wholesome stalker. Like, he says nice things over the phone to you late at night when he calls you because he can see you've had a bad day and didn't get a good grade on the pop quiz that Miss O'Donnell assigned, or he leaves you notes in typed out paper (to hide his trail) saying that you look good in a certain outfit. He can tell that your parents are a little bit neglectful, okay scratch that a lot neglectful, and he can't see why anyone would neglect such an angel... that just means it's up to him to give the Angel the worship that they deserve. But alas, Eddie the Banished is a rapscallion, nay, a hellion, among the unsuspecting populace of Hawkins, and the Angel would only shy away from his presence! So Eddie the banished must roll for stealth, and carefully Infiltrate The Domain of the Angel to lay his offerings upon the altar of her sanctuary!
Ok... maybe he's got a crush. A small one! But he knows the minute that he's even seen or found talking to them, he'll never be allowed to be around them again, and everyone will poison the poor little Angel's mind with so many terrible things said about him, and then the angel will hate him and he'll be destroyed. So rolling for stealth it is.
On the one hand, you clearly have a stalker who not only knows you but sees you around school every day, knows your house well enough to break in even when all of the doors and windows are locked, and knows your daily routine down to your beauty products and what class schedule you have and when your extracurriculars are.
But on the other hand...
The mysterious voice you hear over the phone gives you so much emotional validation that you want to hear more, that you're left yearning for more emotional validation, the mysterious voice comforting you telling you it's going to be all right, that you didn't make it this time; that's okay because you're strong enough and smart enough and brave enough to do it the next time and you'll do it better than anyone else. You wake up to little notes on your desk table, suggesting outfits you should wear that totally "make you look hot" according to the person who sends them, and the thing is? You actually can tell that they're kind of right.... you do garner more attention in the outfits that the note sender recommends. On occasions before big tests or exams, you even wake up to your favorite muffins and even one time, a small cupcake left in a small package on your bedroom floor near where you would step in to get to your closet. You're left yearning, because no matter how much you've tried and attempted to figure out who the mysterious stalker is, you just can't seem to find out. They cover their tracks so well that short of putting up security cameras, which your family either A; can't afford to do, or B; won't do because they insist that you're "being silly" and "it's all in your head, darling" as they tell you to head off to school. You're left yearning for a small gesture from your mystery admirer or stalker as your parents once again dismiss your concerns for your safety as they tell you that they're going to be heading out to work as you go to school. You're left wondering and watching if this is the day that you finally go missing, if this is the day your parents will finally pay attention to you; if only to see a picture of you on the evening news as the news airs the segment about the missing child.
Your day at school is not good. Everything feels like it's too much, like your skin is too stretched tight. You end up skipping your study hall period and going to the bench in the clearing near the school parking lot, trying to clear your head. To your surprise, on the bench is a wrapped present, with the tag on it having your name. You reach for it warily, but nothing explodes, so you open it. Inside is a cassette mix, and having your Walkman with you, you slot in the cassette mix to see what's inside it.
It's beautiful.
It's a full-length cassette mix of the mysterious voice giving you emotional validation, telling you that you're beautiful, you're strong, and that they're so proud of you for being as strong as you have. It's the mysterious voice telling you that they left you muffins after a hard test, it's the mysterious voice asking you if you still liked blueberry muffins or if you like banana muffins better, it's just that voice. And you're lost in your own little world listening at that picnic table, your brain fuzzing out as you listen and listen to all the things you wish your parents had said to you, it's all these things that someone who you don't even know is saying to you and meaning with the amount of emotion that you can hear in their voice, it's someone taking an interest in you for something other than your status, or your looks, it's someone who's talking about you like you've hung the Moon....
Maybe your stalker is in the trees right now, watching you listen.....
He is. And he's so proud. Maybe one day, he can be worthy of having you, being seen with you, but until then....
He remains in the shadows, ever your present comforter.
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unfair. this is rotting my teeth. MY FLESH. WAAAAAAAAHHHH I WANT!!!!! THIS IS SO SWEET 🥺🥺🥺
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boygirlctommy · 9 months
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im not crying youre crying
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chillzosworld · 10 months
TELL ME WHY DOES @the-ethereal-grave-doctor have
Unspoken R I Z Z
Ummm I said nothing DONT SAY ANYTHING @demon-and-genshin-men-slvt @the-arcade-doctor
I see y'all. D O N T S A Y NOTHING (fun fact if I tag a bunch of people im saying something weird ig idk sometimes forget pls blog names IM SO SO SORRY IF I DO WAAA)
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awlumii · 1 year
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theramusen · 8 months
AM gets a body and is freed, his body doesnt have a voicebox though. But he gets to live, he was never locked up or anything. He decides to open an ice cream parlor because that was his favorite thing ever when he first experienced the real world. Now he runs a mute/deaf friendly icecream parlor and has learned various forms of sign language to assist in that.
I Have No Mouth And Ice Must Cream
Art Bellow!
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This has been: AU creation by someone who knows NOTHING abt the source material!
Ok But What If He Was A Cat Boy Too? /j
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