#Sincerely and Queerly. Mod Nova
mlb-ya-au · 2 years
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Meet Marinette! Despite a lonely childhood, she remains brave, friendly to all, and has no issues stepping up to do the right thing. Having proved herself as someone capable of great acts of heroism, Master Fu bestows her with the miraculous of the Ladybug, transforming her into the miraculous Coccinelle! She is the first person to be presented with a Miraculous, and is lovingly known as The First Hero of Paris.
After receiving the miraculous, Marinette decides to dorm at school to have the freedom to come and go as she pleases. Little did she know that dorm life would also come with even more struggles, like having to juggle roommates, noise complaints, and dorm curfew! Will Marinette ever catch a break?
Ability: Creation, allows her to create a “lucky charm” which will aid her in battle. She’ll have to use her wits to work it properly however!
Skill: Purification/De-evilize, able to capture an akuma and cleanse it and the damage it caused.
Hi all, Mod Cooper here, I thought it’d be fun to share a bit of my design process for whenever a character sheet gets posted!
So Marinette, I didn’t change her too drastically I think? I wanted to emphasize her “girly” side/fashion student side! I’ve been told I lack style but who took the fashion class in highschoooooool (me I did). So I went something a bit stereotypically French student lol sorry Marinette but I think it came out cute! I wanted pink to be her main color, the softer version of her hero side’s main color but same family. The skirt because while the fact that Marinette actually wears pants is a nice change, I find her interests to be less physically active that it isn’t necessary for her to need Capris ya know? I felt the hat is a bit much but then she looked naked without it so it stayed. And her hair still is in the baby pigtails but I wanted her hair to look shorter and less voluminous. 
Coccinelle! Obviously name change because I don’t know Ladybug was always boring to me (obviously as an English speaker I’d think that but hey I’m the designer here), I also like Marinette not being creative with names. She can make some amazing clothing pieces but don’t ask her to name her starter pokemon. ANYWAY THE ACTUAL DESIGN I think we all agree that her canon design is boring as hell. I really just tweaked her season 4 suit because the break up of colors is absolutely needed. I’m a shorts fan so I like the look of shorts. I’m a big superhero fan so I’ve designed a lot of costumes in my spare time so I wanted to add some padding elements to her suit since Young Justice (tv) was a big inspo for me. So she gets elbow and shoulder pads, I introduced red spots on black along with the black spots on red just for some variety. And a lot more solid color parts because I find too much spots an eyesore. The hairrrr, you’ll see this trend but I like to change the hair colors from civilian to hero, so Marinette gets her canon blue back but more saturated and with small teal highlights at the end, not like Luka’s but almost like light reflections that no one knows where from. Hair strands on the side of her face remind me of a beetle’s pinchers (I don’t think ladybugs have those but just thought it was neat). And her hair ribbons! They curve up like antennae! I always love redesigns that do that.
There will outfits changes of course she IS a fashion student, and I also have an idea to implement some Chinese design elements later on (I’m a big fan of the decision to have her feel disconnected from half of her culture, even though they handled it not greatly. So I didn’t want to ignore this struggle of hers because I find it very relatable, so as time goes on, I want her to connect more with her mom and it will subconsciously show on her hero outfit :’) with time everyone.). 
Hope you enjoy my design take on Marinette!
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