#Signaling Analyzer Market
tip-research24 · 4 months
Signaling Analyzer Market Research, Share, Growth, Competitor Strategy and Trends by Forecast to 2030
For existing and emerging players in the Signaling Analyzer Market , The Insights Partner's recently released " Analysis of Signaling Analyzer Market Study on Size, Share, and Forecast by 2030" provides a thorough strategic road map. This research solution addresses the market's size, share, and projected revenue, among other factors. Signaling Analyzer Market research provides reliable insights on factors of impact, trends, difficulties, and strategic suggestions in a company environment that is evolving dramatically. This syndicated research examines the dynamics of the Signaling Analyzer market using primary and secondary research approaches.
The Insight Partners reveals information on major players, supply chain analysis, industry trends, and company growth plans in this market. This study looks at important advancements in technology that affect many facets of the inclusive market. Both new entrants and established major businesses in the Signaling Analyzer Market can benefit from this useful research. This research aims to inform prospective investors on market specifics and possible returns on investment through our expert advice.
This study doesn't stop at operational information; it delves further into the specifics of all business operations. These insights, which deal with venture economics, include investor funding strategies, capital investment strategies, and ROI estimates can be extremely efficient for startups in this market. Financial statistics on net income and profit and loss are important components of this Signaling Analyzer market research study. In the upcoming ten years, businesses may lower their risks and boost success rates by utilizing these thorough insights.
The Signaling Analyzer Market has seen a massive upheaval as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic. Breakdowns in the supply chain affect over half of multinational corporations. Production was temporarily halted around this time because of a decline in revenue scales. This part under Signaling Analyzer market research, which goes into great depth on how businesses have responded to pandemic impacts, is meant to assist firms in developing post-pandemic responses. Following two years of disturbed supply-demand parameters, market participants in Signaling Analyzer began to realign themselves to rejoin the competition. Key companies that emerged as dominant in this Signaling Analyzer market are- ADVANTEST CORPORATION, Anritsu Corporation, Keysight Technologies, NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Rigol Technologies, Rohde and Schwarz, Tektronix, Inc., Texas Instruments Incorporated, VIAVI Solutions Inc., Yokogawa Electric Corporation .
Market dynamics
This section delves into factors that continue to drive the Signaling Analyzer market and affect the market shares of important firms. Important business analysis frameworks, including Porter's Five Forces, PESTEL assessment, SWOT model, and value chain analysis, serve as the foundation for this study. Nevertheless, this research discusses some of the problems that Signaling Analyzer market actors face going forward. This area offers customers advantages including in-depth research of current trends and prospects.
Significance of Signaling Analyzer Market Research:
Facts and statistics on current Signaling Analyzer market share, size, and revenue.
Future market projections.
Signaling Analyzer Market segmentation and relevant segment-wise projections.
Regional growth mapping - market size, revenue estimates, key players, growth possibilities.
Competitive landscape analysis
Disruptive technologies and market trends analysis
Customized insights that cater to multivariate business needs
We offer PDF and PPT formats for this report.
Signaling Analyzer Market Segmentation Based on Offering this market is categorized further into-
Real Time Software Analysis
Data Access Interface Card
Based on Technology this market is categorized further into-
Voice/Video Over Wi-Fi
Based on Vertical this market is categorized further into-
Automotive and Transportation
Aerospace and Defense
IT and Telecommunication
Based on Geography this market is categorized further into-
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Based on Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World…
Author’s Bio:
Suraj Azad
Senior Market Research Expert at The Insight Partners
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
As someone who's been wondering why there've been so many senseless, needless arguments online about a hypothetical derth of purity in fiction and how it affects people negatively (it doesn't), now learning from several friends who are teachers (with the oldest being a uni professor) that Gen Z (27-11 yo) and Gen Alpha can't read, have poor media literacy, and soley seek fiction to reaffirm their own worldviews without curiosity and with judgement (and a lot of it). I say this as someone who is Gen Z. I'm only 26 years old, but I'm also a TA right now while I'm in grad school. it's not just the middle school and high school students. College students who should be able to do simple literary analysis cannot. Sure these issues (puritanical thinking, absent/poor parenting, lackluster curriculum, etc) have always existed, but with this in mind, it absolutely makes sense why there's so much dumb discourse over things in media that anyone with sense could separate from reality. Even simple things that you learn in elementary school at 6 years old, like "just because the story is focalized through a specific character, doesn't mean they're correct/the protagonist≠morally righteous/you're not always supposed to agree with the POV character or main characters." Maybe it really is the case that, sure some people are being deliberately obtuse, but there are also others who probably don't know.
I've seen it explained to people in fandom and on tumblr with popular series people have read or seen. No, you're not supposed to think Light Yagami is a good guy or a hero. "L is the straightforward hero in Death Note the whole time" isn't clever. It's the main text. No, you're not supposed to agree with Eren Jaeger or military fascists. "SNK is pro military and pro genocide" is just inaccurate. All the characters exhibiting those traits are killed to signal the flaws in their rhetoric. It's actually really unambiguous in that regard, not at all subtle. No, x shoujo/YA fantasy/Ya romance isn't advocating for middle school or high school girls to date men in their mid-20s. Teen girls have always fantasized about adults they find attractive, and these stories (made for and marketed to teen girls) fulfills that desire while protecting them from the possibility of that reality (an adult returning their feelings). No, it's not weird that mythological gods (but I see people mostly complaining about Greek and Egyptian ones) are related. It's purposeful. They're all related concepts and personifications of nature, which is all connected. Get over yourselves. No, it's not weird that gothic stories have incest in them. It was a common practice among aristocracy and nobility all around them world (so, not just a "white people thing"), and it typically symbolizes the decay as social norms. If you feel discomfort, then the story was successful.
On the one hand, sure. It's purity culture, ignorance, misogyny, etc. On the other hand, do the people who harp on about these actually know how to interpret stories? I'm often told "They can't read" as an explanation by others. I'm starting to think it's true, and I don't know how to combat that as someone who may be an educator down the road myself while also being involved in fandom.
I'd say it's about 50/50 the usual The Kids These Days scaremongering and a genuine shift.
Reading comprehension can be taught. I was taught to analyze passages in school. Students have to be open to learning, but it's not like some critical language thing you need to absorb before the age of two: a college student who's actually interested in getting better can perfectly well do so, possibly with some help or possibly just with experience.
Plenty of it is anxiety about being wrong and immoral and hurting people too. It's fundie thinking where listening and engaging means capitulating. Lots of people do slowly get over this. Many will calm down about it if they ever get the anxiety meds they so desperately need. Some would probably benefit from ceasing to self harm via social media doomscrolling or exclusively consuming attention span-destroying, FOMO-inducing garbage.
...I say as I answer tumblr asks instead of getting out of bed to start my New Year's resolutions.
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tiny-pretty-sana · 5 months
push and pull | jeongyeon x jihyo
[request 1] [request 2] pairing: jeongyeon x jihyo genre: plot with smut and a bit of angst warnings: nsfw (+18), minors dni, men dni tags: ceo!jeongyeon, ceo!jihyo, service top!jeongyeon, rival relationship, enemies to lovers (kinda?), betrayal, happy ending, other twice members w/c: 18.4 k a/n: first time writing smut, i'm nervous!! i'm also nervous bc i made jeongyeon a woman in stem and i'm not so i just used big words randomly. i tried to turn those requests into this and i hope i made justice to what you had in mind even though it took me longer way than i expected. feel free to leave any comments, feedback or suggestions 🖤
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"You could have sent me a message" is the first thing Jeongyeon says to the woman who just entered her office bowing ninety degrees with a serious face. "This better be important, Mina-ssi, no one should see you enter this building" she says, warning the young woman.
She just nods as she looks for the right words thinking about the dialogue she has been practicing in her head since she decided to address this issue face to face without intermediaries. At first she hesitates, but decides to be clear instead of beating around the bush.
"Excuse me Jeongyeon-nim, but I think this will interest you" she finally speaks and the other waves her hand inviting her to sit across the table of her huge office, making her take a seat immediately before continuing. "ZoneTech is starting to work on video games."
As soon as those words leave her mouth, the Signal Systems CEO's face changes and her body takes on a different posture, her jaw tightens and her fists clench tightly. On the other side of the big desk Mina, analyzing her every move, notices her obvious frustration. For a few seconds she remains silent waiting for any question or comment from the other woman, but this one, who is somewhere between surprise and anger, does not utter a single sound beyond a breath that deepens and accelerates as the rage invades her. This is a personal attack. It’s not the first time something like this has happened; after all, this whole war has been going on for more than half a century.
In 1942, friends and partners in business, Yoo Byungho and Park Youngho, opened a home furnishings store. At that time, the country was going through difficult times with the Japanese occupation and the subsequent Korean War that led to so many years of political instability, but thanks to Yoo's creativity and Park's sales skills, the business not only survived but grew from a humble store to a small and promising company. In the early 1960s, a new era of prosperity would come for the country and for these entrepreneurs as well when they expanded the business importing and selling  household appliances, founding Zone Systems. Unfortunately, due to constant disagreements between Yoo Byungho and Park Youngho, this pioneering company would not reach its fifth anniversary, as the partners broke their alliance and created Signal Systems and ZoneTech, respectively. Against all odds, taking different paths was the key to success for both.
Today, Signal Systems and ZoneTech have established themselves as the most important companies in the country, having a great influence on economic, political and cultural development. Despite the impressive achievements of each of them individually, it is impossible to talk about one without mentioning the other, the reason for this is not the shared origins but the numbers, data and rankings always place one behind the other with slight difference, if one year the market has been dominated by ZoneTech, it is most likely that the following year those numbers will be surpassed by Signal Systems. If you ask any technology expert, economic expert or ordinary consumer which brand is better, the answer will never be unanimous.
And it is a really complex answer since both cover the same businesses such as consumer electronics, technology, finance and, in recent years, have incorporated entertainment. The only thing that makes them different is that SignalSystems is known for creating and using the most advanced technology always wrapped in the most sophisticated designs, while ZoneTech stands out for making that technology accessible to the general public with more affordable prices and more practical designs.
This is how a disagreement between partners has now become a war between the largest South Korean business groups, a battle that has been going on for six decades and in which four generations of the Yoo and Park families have already participated. A dispute that is now at its peak since the great-granddaughters of the two businessmen, Yoo Jeongyeon and Park Jihyo, took over as CEO, and, like their ancestors, they were friends before they were rivals.
"How do you know?" is the first thing she asks.
"Well, as you know I am a programmer. This last month they have been doing individual interviews to workers from each of the departments telling us that they are looking for new ways to organize the work teams according to our interests, aptitudes and skills, since they want to release different products next year and they need the highest efficiency" she begins to explain confusing Jeongyeon, who doesn't quite understand what Mina is trying to say with all of this. Still she listens to her carefully trying to get answers.
"At first they were normal questions about our work interests and whether we had hobbies related to our work, but when I mentioned my liking for video games they seemed interested. The questions started out generic... what kind of video games I play and so on, but then they asked me if I think the company would have the capacity to create their own games and if I would be interested in working on that hypothetical project" she seems to conclude.
The CEO, with an increasing anger, gets up from the desk without knowing what to do with her hands and tries to calm down her nerves before speaking "I want information, I want data and I want documents that prove what you tell me, that's what I pay you for, not for you to come to me with assumptions''. At no time she raises her voice, but her tone is stern and threatening, although not enough for the programmer to lose her signature serene demeanor.
"I know, that's why I didn’t come until now" she replies "I was handed this morning" she says as she takes a folder out of her briefcase and puts it on the table.
Seeing that it is a folder with the orange logo of the rival company neatly printed and partially covered by a red and black stamp warning that it is confidential information, she returns to her chair and takes the papers in her hands. A quick read is all it takes for Jeongyeon to come to the same conclusion as her informant "ZoneTech is going to create a video game" she mutters to herself. As she reads her jaw tightens again and her fists clench the pages until she stands up and begins to scan each page. When she has a copy of the thirty pages that make up the document, she places them back in the folder and returns it to its owner.
"You may leave, Mina-ssi" is the last thing her boss says and she does what she is told, taking the folder and her briefcase, not without bowing before walking through the door.
Once she is alone in her office, she goes through the papers again, this time more carefully and without losing detail. Unlike Park Jihyo, she does get involved in the development process of many products, as both her hobbies and her studies have always leaned towards engineering and programming and not on business and economics like her rival. In fact, the ten video games that have been released in the last three years under the Signal Games brand were Yoo Jeongyeon's own idea and creation, who saw an opportunity in this market in which the company never dared to venture before. Perhaps this is why she gets the best of her for the first time and grabs the phone.
"Dahyun-ssi, I need the usual apology basket for Miss Im, but this time write ‘thank you’ on the card" she asks her secretary.
Just a few meters away from the door of her office, Kim Dahyun tries to hide her surprise and takes note of the instructions given by her boss "Okay, you will have the basket ready in an hour. Should I also add the usual bouquet with flowers that mean friendship, or would you rather I also exchange them for thank yous?"?"
"Mhm… good point, Dahyun-ssi, I hadn't thought of that. Use both of them and add some blue if possible, I trust you. When it's ready, send everything to her home and also free up my schedule for the rest of the day. Thank you very much."
Of course, the favor she asks to her longtime best friend, Nayeon, costs her more than a basket of her favorite foreign snacks, three packages of the best meat on the continent and of course the latest model of the Signal System cell phone. ₩ 10 billion for his next movie is exactly what it costs her. That is the price of Jihyo's personal phone number. For anyone else it would be crazy, but for the CEO, who was putting her friend in such a compromising situation after the latter had for years stayed out of the fights between them, the price seems more than reasonable.
The negotiation was not easy, but as soon as Nayeon had the basket on her doors and the first payment for the financing for her next film project, Jeongyeon received a message with the phone number. Minutes later, at the other end of the Central Business District, Park Jihyo smiles with satisfaction when her phone lights up with the name: Yoo Jeongyeon.
"I was waiting for your call, Jeongyeon-ssi" is what Jeongyeon hears after a single tone.
"Then I'll save the explanations, I have an offer. It will have to be face to face and just the two of us. As soon as possible. I want neither intermediaries nor interveners."
"Where will we meet? You know perfectly well that if we are seen in the same building the effect on the stock market would be immediate, but if we do it in secret and the press catches us it will be all over the news making all kinds of assumptions and spreading all kinds of rumors. And I don't think your father would like that, would he?" she says with a sarcastic and mocking tone.
"Jihyo-sunbaenim, I'm not for your stupid games right now" she says with a tone that denotes that her patience at the moment is at its limit. "I'll take care of the place, it will be neutral, casual and public enough so as not to raise more suspicion than is necessary. Try to keep it discreet and of course don't wear or bring anything that would imply that this is a business related meeting" she makes clear with a serious tone that only provokes Jihyo more to keep pushing Jeongyeon's buttons.
"And why would you and I be in one place if not for work?" she says with obvious sarcasm in her tone that doesn't go unnoticed by the other one. 
"We can just be some old friends getting together to catch up" as soon as she says that a loud and snarky laugh is heard but no words precede it, so she keeps talking. "I'll send you the address, see you there" she declares.
"Wait!" she says before she can cut the call "Did you have my contact saved or did your spy give it to you?" she adds but before she gets an answer she hears a few beeps indicating that the call has ended.
That’s how the first private conversation the two have had in four years ends, a conversation that leaves both of them with such a strange feeling. It's not as if they haven't spoken during all this time, they have actually crossed some words on more than one occasion during all kinds of events acting as complete strangers with empty words without any purpose beyond showing a cordial and polite relationship in front of colleagues, business partners, politicians and the press. Now, although the conversation was brief and straight to the point it felt personal somehow with the warnings, the sarcasm and the challenging undertones of the conversation that is never present or at least not so obvious in the formal and aseptic talks they usually have in front of others.
It was almost like going back to that usual bickering between the two that used to annoy Nayeon during their high school years when the three of them were inseparable friends. However, the difference was that this time it did not come from playfulness but from the current hostility that exists between the two businesswomen.
There was a time when things were different. It had always been Jeongyeon and Nayeon until the first week of their senior year when they were approached by a short girl with big bright eyes that introduced herself to Jeongyeon even though they both perfectly knew well who the other was and with determination told her that she would be as good or better then her. From that day their friendship but also a friendly competition between the three of them began. By the middle of the school year, Jihyo had already surpassed the highest grades and top scores in all the clubs and sports that up to then belonged to his unnies Nayeon and Jeongyeon.
This situation, far from distancing or confronting them, made them get closer and become great friends. Despite the rivalry that had marked the relationship between their families, Jeongyeon did not mind because she expected the new students to beat records and records just as she had done since she arrived. On the other hand, Nayeon enjoyed having someone as competitive as her while Jihyo did not really care as she considered Jeongyeon her greatest competition and example to follow because, like her, she would inherit a big company and had to be as good as her. This was not the case with Nayeon, who, although she had an impressive academic record like the other two, she was the daughter of an actor and a writer, so outside of school their competition was a simple game with no major meaning for both of them.
Needless to say, many things have changed over the years and nothing is the same now. Nayeon has been there for both of them as a friend, confidant partner in crime and sometimes even as a wingwoman, but they are no longer '3mix' as they used to call their small squad. Now they are just Nayeon and Jeongyeon on one side and Nayeon and Jihyo on the other.
Two days after the call, the two find themselves staring defiantly at each other in one of the best restaurants in the city. The older one arrived early and was already seated in a more distant and private corner of the establishment when Jihyo arrived led by some waiter. As soon as he left, they exchanged a cordial greeting and the first words.
"So a restaurant," is the first thing Jihyo says with a provocative smile as she takes a seat.
"Can you think of anything better? I thought you usually like my ideas quite a bit" she replies immediately without thinking much and as soon as those words leave her mouth she regrets it, she has come here to look for solutions not to make the whole situation worse.
"It's not a complaint, but don't think that by inviting me to dinner I'll take you up on your offer" she replies in the same defensive tone.
Jeongyeon rolls her eyes at Jihyo's unassertive attitude, although she understands that she herself has not been very welcoming so far. They haven't even ordered yet, so there's still time to change the course of the conversation and the dinner, so she intends to do her best to leave this restaurant with a closed deal and not a fight that will make the problem grow even bigger. And she knows for a fact that falling for Jihyo's games will only make things worse.
As if the waiter had heard her thoughts, he appears with the menu giving them a chance to make a fresh start and forget the little run-in they had just a few seconds ago. They both take it, thanking the waiter and strat going through the expensive and exclusive dishes, looking up from time to time to stare at each other, as if making sure that they are really at the same table about to share a dinner, just the two of them with no one else around. The last time they did something like this was so long ago that it seems like a dream, as if those memories are not theirs. Jeongyeon looks at her trying to read her, long ago a single grin, frown or sneer was enough to guess her mood or if something was on her mind, but now it almost feels like the person in front of her is a complete stranger.
Jihyo is no longer the enthusiastic, competitive, playful but insecure and innocent teenager who used to call her unnie with those big bright eyes, those cheeks that made you want to pinch them and her characteristic long brown hair. Now she has an ambitious and confident woman in front of her, still with reminiscences of her playful personality, it is obvious that she still likes to play games, but they are not innocent anymore.
She knows what she wants and does whatever it takes to get it, that is something she has made that clear to Jeongyeon these past years with her mind games, strategies and foul play. The sparkle in her eyes has disappeared and they are no longer so expressive, the gaze is cold and she feels like she is analyzing each and every one of her moves. Her appearance seems to have changed according to her personality, it is obvious that she looks much more mature, she is now a 26 year old woman, but it is not only the passing of time, her look is also a statement.
Her hair is shoulder-length, a little longer than hers, and dyed black. Her features are more defined and her jaw is sharp, her characteristic cheeks have disappeared with age, but her mole is still on the tip of her nose. Actually, her whole body is much more defined even though the black blazer style dress she wears covers her arms, Jeongyeon got a glimpse of her toned and tanned legs before she sat down.
"You look great, Jihyo-sunbaenim" she compliments her to break the ice and tries to show that she didn’t come here looking for a challenge or a fight.
This catches the younger one off guard, surprising her, none of the thousand scenarios of the encounter she has been creating in her head these days had prepared her to receive a kind comment from Jeongyeon that seemed sincere. She has always been a person with a cold and distant attitude, saying nice words, giving or receiving displays of affection is not her thing, or at least it wasn't. Maybe she has changed too, Jihyo thinks to herself.
"You too, you look good, Jeongyeon-ssi" she replies with a small smile without showing her teeth and takes the liberty to tease. "I see your style has been refined, I hope your dad didn't have to burn your sweatshirts like she used to promise."
The comment makes them both relax and the tension dissipates slightly with their soft laughter, for a moment they seem to know each other and it’s like nothing has happened between them just for a few seconds.
When they were teenagers and were forced to attend all types of social and business related events, it was common to see Jeongyeon wearing a sweatshirt among the elegant women's dresses and the boring men's suits. That always annoyed her father, but also the young Jihyo who would always lectured her about the importance of etiquette and reminded her that in the future she would be the heiress of an important company, so she should dress like one.
Now Jeongyeon is in front of her and still keeps a somewhat more casual style than expected from the CEO of one of the biggest South Korean companies with her blonde highlights in some parts of her hair and her characteristic tomboy style, now much more sophisticated. Black pants, a beige shirt with a brown turtleneck sweater underneath. Comfortable and discreet, but it really suits her.
Jihyo shakes those thoughts out of her head when the taller one asks if she would like to have the same wine as her. Usually, Jihyo would order a beer, but in a restaurant like this it's more suitable if she orders wine, especially when Jeongyeon points out the wine she chose would go very well with her meat. It kind of hurts her pride but she knows she is right.
After the waiter takes their order they continue a conversation so superficial that they will surely forget it before dessert, however they do not take their eyes off each other analyzing and memorizing every movement, no matter how subtle it may be. It is not until they drink their second glass of wine that Jihyo dares to talk about the reason that has brought them here, or rather to ask what it is.
"I’m guessing you didn't invite me to dinner to talk about wine," Jihyo says with a slightly sarcastic tone. "What's that offer you mentioned? It must be very interesting for you to have dared to call me and even put Nayeon-unnie in the middle of it."
At this Jeongyeon nods "Always straight to the point, some things never change" she says receiving a shrug in response. "Well let's get down to business then...". She takes a a long sip and says "Forget about video games and in return Signal Entertainment will disappear from the industry with the only condition that the group becomes part of your company, with no cost, those girls have worked hard and are succeeding, it wouldn't be fair to them" she states in the shortest and most concise way possible.
For the first time since they sat down, Jeongyeon can read Jihyo's expression, the surprise on her face is more than obvious, but it soon changes to one of satisfaction. Her strategy was working like a charm, even much better than she expected.
"I knew the video game thing would get you to react right away, but I have to admit I'm getting more than I intended" she says amused "Actually some things never change, you're still the same nerd you were in high school" she laughs.
"Do we have a deal then?" she asks, ignoring her remark.
"Not so fast. If I remember correctly your Itzy girls debuted a year after ZoneMusic debuted StrayKids...if we brought our own video games to market we'd be balancing the scales don't you think?" she says, unable to help grinning. "Why would I turn down the chance to beat you on your own ground?" she adds defiantly.
"I didn't want to get to this part of the deal, but if you don't accept it I will file a lawsuit against ZoneTech for plagiarizing our technology and using it in your products on more than one occasion."
"I didn't know you were capable of taking risks, it seems that there are also things that change" she says completely carefree and even amused, for her this is a game, but for Jeongyeon it is not.
"I promise you I don't want to do it, but if necessary I will go all the way because it's a won case."
"You seem very confident, you know the best law firms would fight over the case and it wouldn't stay in court. It would be all over the media and it would end up becoming a public trial."
"I know, and that's why I want to avoid it. The evidence is more than obvious, without getting too technical, your products have always come out later and I have proof that you have spies in my company."
At this last statement, Jihyo lets out a wry laugh "You say that as if you don't have your own spies lurking around my company, in fact we are here because of one of them, aren't we?"
"I don't know, can you prove it?" challenges Jeongyeon. "Because I have recordings and audios that prove that discarded programs, software and designs have been stolen from me and then used by your company" as she says this, thebCEO can see her rival's face change even though she tries to hide it as best she can. "I have more than enough with the information, I don't need my... informants to steal and if they did I would like to think they would do it better than this girl, I don't know if you are familiar with the name Son Chaeyoung, short, dyed black her and plenty of tattoos."
Of course she knows who the girl she is talking about is, the same way she knows that Myoui Mina is the one who gave her the video game information, but there is no way to prove it since that information was shared with fifty other workers. Fortunately for Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon has better plans for her if Jihyo accepts her offer, her work as a designer is so good that she intends to come to an agreement with her before she ends up working for ZoneTech, but unfortunately for Park Jihyo, the tattooed girl is not so good when it comes to computer science, espionage and keeping secrets. Chaeyoung was recently caught on the servers floor trying – unsuccessfully – to steal a software program, and who caught her was none other than Minatozaki Sana, ZoneTech's receptionist, but a computer scientist and shadow informant for Signal Systems.
According to the Japanese woman, despite her boss Yoo's request not to go into details, she only needed to unbutton a couple of buttons on her shirt and a couple of innuendos for the short girl to end up on her bed showing her all her tattoos and confessing to her what a designer was doing with a laptop and a bunch of cables on the server floor in an attempt to impress her.
This same story, although omitting quite a few details, is what Jeongyeon tells Jihyo to show her that she is not playing a game and that she is totally being serious, but Park is stubborn and the conversation continues until dessert arrives. The older one assures her that any judge would eventually be on her side, she even invites her to check with her own lawyers before giving her an answer. She also assures her that she would not like to have to solve it in court because it would be a long and tedious process for both of them regardless of who wins. She reminds her of the fuss that would be caused and that the legal process itself would be nothing compared to having the media on their backs for months digging up dirt of the company, their family and even personal issues that may or may not be a lie would come into play. And in this sense, they both know that it would only be enough for their personal interests to be exposed for their public image and status to be seriously damaged.
Jihyo is confident that she could get some good lawyers and the possibility of a billion won lawsuit does not worry her; however, the damage it could cause to the company's image and her family's legacy and especially the work her father did, worries her and is what makes her consider Jeongyeon's words. If the theft of information and espionage were to come to public knowledge, she should prepare herself for the worst.
"Think about it, Jihyo-ah," Jeongyeon says, dropping the formalities, once again rendering the other speechless, she just takes a sip of her wine instead. "I know I have no right to ask you to trust me, but we were once friends and I wouldn't want this senseless family war to continue for another sixty years."
"And your way of ending it is to sue me?" she says in disbelief.
"It's not like that, I've offered you a deal that you know would benefit both of us. You've always loved music as much as I love video games, we both win".
All of this is not enough to convince her when she does not trust the person in front of her, there is something that makes her distrustful, it seems all too simple to end four years of hatred between them. Why now? Why all of a sudden? Is this all about stupid video games or are they just a way to build bridges between companies? Is this all a strategy? Is this all a strategy? are some of the questions that go through her mind.
"How do I know I can trust you?".
"First of all, Nayeon-unnie would finish me off if I tried to hurt you, carrying out the lawsuit would mean ending a friendship of over 20 years. But if that's not enough to convince you, I can show you all the evidence I could present against you, so you can see that I'm serious about this. Obviously it would be stupid to give them to you since I would be helping you prepare a good defense, but if you come to my place I will show everything to you. Even the security videos and recordings of Son Chaeyoung. You just have to set a day for me."
"I want to see them now," she replies resolutely.
This time it is Jeongyeon who is caught by surprise, she did not expect to receive such an immediate response. It is rushed but true to her word, Jeongyeon pays for the luxurious dinner and they both leave the restaurant catching some curious glances and hearing some murmurs in the background.
"I guess you didn't come driving in those heels" says Jeongyeon as she looks up and down her perfectly sculpted legs "I can give you a ride and then I'll have someone drive you back to your house". 
She takes some time to actually give her an answer. Under normal circumstances, Jihyo wouldn't accept the favor as she prefers to do things her own way, but under normal circumstances she wouldn't be going to her former friend's house on a Friday night either, so she agrees and they both leave in the same car after Jihyo gives her driver and bodyguard the night off.
The drive to Jeongyeon's house is longer than expected but they barely exchange a few words and just stare at the road while listening to music. The music is soft, perfect for driving at night. The volume is loud enough so that they don't have to engage in conversation, but none of them are able to pay attention to it when all they are able to hear are their own thoughts. They have met again, they have talked after a long time, the deal, the lawsuit… but also the compliments, the teasing and the bickering. There are so many things to think about and so many feelings to process, they don't even know how they feel about what's going on. 
At last they arrive, Jeongyeon's house, unlike hers, is on the outskirts of the city, in one of the most expensive districts of the capital, although her own luxurious duplex apartment in the city center probably cost the same as this huge, modern house. It really suits her, Jihyo thinks as she gets inside, led by the taller one. She's never been much of a sociable person, but she doesn't like to be isolated either, and though she may boast a simple lifestyle, she wouldn’t give up the comforts that her family's money and status have brought her. After all, that is how they both grew up and it is all they know. It is in an area away from the hustle and bustle of the city but not far away you can see luxurious homes and the occasional mansion. The interior as well as the exterior has a modern and contemporary design with the newest and most advanced technology in every corner from the living room to the kitchen where they are now.
"Beer right?" she asks, earning a confused look from Jihyo, when they were friends she wasn't old enough to drink and lately they hadn't shared any context casual enough for her to know about her fondness for beer. Jeongyeon seems to read her mind and while opening the fridge she simply says "The cans that Nayeon-unnie keeps in her fridge" she clarifies, of course that was it, although the two pretend the other doesn't exist on a daily basis, when they are spending time with their friend sometimes it is inevitable that she briefly mentions the other or or remember her existence, especially when there is a space in Nayeon's fridge reserved exclusively for the beers and soju she usually drinks with Jihyo.
Despite cutting off any personal relationship between them, they have never stopped being present in each other's lives either for work or for their best friend. A fact that makes Jeongyeon's decision decisive, this situation must end no matter what, we can't go on fighting all our lives.
She offers her the beer and instructs her to follow her to her office, once there she asks her to turn around to open the strongbox where she has all the evidence she would use in case the lawsuit goes through. When she is able to look again she finds before her a series of folders stacked one on top of the other rising about 20 centimeters above the table, several hard drives and also CDs. Jihyo assumes that they are actually the same contents in different formats, knowing the cautious nature of the woman next to her, it is an assumption but also a wish. In front of her is what could bring her career, her company, her family and her legacy to an end. It is at this exact moment and without yet diving into the documents that she becomes fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
She could try to defend herself against every attack and will do so if necessary, but she is not so arrogant as to think she would come out unscathed. She knows full well that the damage it would cause would be fatal even if she could strike back with every blow, and that would mean the end for ZoneTech and for Signal Systems as well.
"Go ahead, take a seat" Jeongyeon invites her knowing that she is in full control of the situation right now.
"Can I see everything?" she says looking directly at Jeongyeon and from the expression on her face, Jeongyeon doesn't know if she is genuinely asking her permission or if she is testing her to see if this is not some trick.
"If you're going to go through all the documents, I guess we'd better get comfortable. Let's go to the living room."
So that is what they do. After reaching an agreement for Jihyo to leave their cell phones away from her, they both get comfortable in the living room, each one with a beer in one hand and several folders in the other. Although the tension is not the same as it was at the beginning of the evening, neither one of them trusts the other, the tension is in the air. Jeongyeon, in addition to making Jihyo leave her cell phones in another room, doesn't take her eyes off her and the latter can't help but look over the documents to see what the other is doing.
From time to time Jihyo, not being well versed in the subject, asks Jeongyeon some questions and she has no problem in resolving her doubts. Soon they open the second beer and between the questions and the occasional accusation of plagiarizing each other's products and marketing strategies on both sides, they also start to mention some anecdotes from the past and on occasion they share things about their current life without going into details.
It's getting later and later, but the activity, conversation and beers keep them going for the time being. Jeongyeon is actually taken by surprise by Jihyo's determination, she is really willing to read every single document, she is already on the fourth folder and still has three more to go plus videos, recordings and images. The older one could leave the other one going through everything alone while she does something other than look at her while attentively reading documents with a frown on her face, making the same expression that appears on her face when she tastes food she likes, just like she did sometime during dinner and a few hours ago with the first sip of beer.
She could give her space, but at the end of the day, it's not as awkward as she'd hoped but she also knows she has to be cautious because any misstep could ruin everything. And, although she'd never admit it, she'd rather be talking and catching up by pretending for a moment that their friendship never broke up, rather than explaining stuff about technology on a Friday night after two glasses of wine and a few cans of beer.
"Are you really planning to read the whole thing? Aren't you tired?" she asks with honest concern.
"If you want me to leave, just say so," she says, finishing the can of beer in one gulp. "But I need to know what I'd have to deal with. I don't think you'd be thinking about sleeping either if you were in my situation."
"That's not what I mean, I mean if you're not tired of all this – aren't you tired of trying to outdo me at everything?"
At this unexpected question Jihyo just bursts out laughing "Oh my god, I didn't have you down as someone this self-centered. Do you really think this whole situation is about me trying to prove I'm better than you?"
"Well I think it's pretty obvious, in fact, if memory serves me correctly, the first thing you told us after saying your name to us is that you would be as good as us in everything. Soon after that I remember you had the highest grades in high school and beat our records in soccer, archery and athletics" as Jeongyeon recalls, on the other side of the couch, Jihyo looks at her in disbelief frowning and holding the bridge of her nose while listening to her. "I know that was like a game, it was our thing and you outdid me in everything, but we are adults now, we can't be playing games or fooling around. I think it's time to accept that this isn't getting anywhere, no one is winning here."
"Are you drunk already or are you still just as dense?" is what comes out of Jihyo's mouth almost unconsciously and she instantly regrets it and takes a breath before starting over. "Sorry that came out harsher than I intended. What I mean is that you haven't really changed, have you? You've always understood numbers, computers, video games and all that like no one else, but when it comes to people..."
"What do you mean?"
"This has never been about me trying to be better than you or beating you, well now it is but it's not about you, it's about doing my job and keeping my company at the top" she states and adds “and certainly the fact that it's you makes it all the more entertaining”.
Jeongyeon ust rolls her eyes at that last remark.
"You should know better after what happened" she says without going any deeper into the subject because it's not necessary for the other to understand what she's referring to. "It's really frustrating that you don't realize the things you have right in front of your eyes, I've never known if you're really unaware or if you're faking it" she sighs. "Knowing that I would be in the same high school as the heiress of the rival company and my family's enemies, needless to say I wanted to be better than you, but you didn't treat me as such so before I knew it we became friends and we were getting closer each day.  I only saw you as my rival the first week, it didn't take you long to become my role model".
"Role model?" is surprised Jeongyeon as she approaches Jihyo, feeling curious to know the younger girl's side of the story and to know what she means when she says she doesn't realize things.
"Think about it, your future and mine were going to be quite similar. Heiress to one of the biggest companies in the country, the first woman to be in charge and you were older than me. You had the best grades, records in most sports, captain of the soccer team and participated in dozens of clubs. I looked up to you and wanted to follow in your footsteps because I knew they were the right ones, I didn't want to beat you, I aspired to be as good as you".
Jihyo's heart is racing as her story progresses because even though nothing new is going to come to light. There are things that are still unresolved, conversations that were never had and wounds that remain unhealed that she doesn't want to think about. Her heart doesn't race much faster than Jeongyeon who knows as much as she does what she's about to hear.
"But we both know it was more than just admiration, I loved you and just wanted to be good enough for you. I-"
Right when Jihyo is in the middle of her confession, a wave of feelings hits Jeongyeon throwing her to the lips of the woman in front of her looking at her with those big and expressive brown eyes. It takes a few seconds for Jihyo to realize what is happening but when she does she doesn't move away, instead she lets herself go and closes her eyes ignoring all the alarms going off in her mind. It's a timid kiss, their lips don't even move until Jeongyeon takes the lead. At first her kisses, like her movements, are delicate and tentative giving Jihyo room to stop her at any moment, but this doesn't happen.  They both know that the sensible thing to do would be to stop, but they don't know how to do it, they can't do it. It seems that tonight the two of them are letting each other break through all the walls and for a moment they forget about the world and their problems. It feels too right to be a mistake.
Their lips feel so familiar it makes their hearts ache. Their mouths taste like beer, memories and regrets. The taste of the past on their lips is so strong that it makes them pause.  For a few seconds they exchange glances, catch their breaths and look for any sign that makes them stop or a gesture that invites them to continue. Jihyo is the first to speak after coming to her senses.
"What the fuck Jeongyeon?" she wonders out loud.
All that confidence she had when she threw herself at the younger one's lips vanishes right after hearing her words. 
"I'm sorry!" she exclaims with hesitant and nervous gestures. "I thought... I shouldn't have-"
This time it is Jihyo who interrupts her, but not with a kiss but with a statement that surprises her even more. 
"I thought you hated me," she admits. 
"What? I have never hated you, Jihyo" she replies somewhat more relaxed and looking into her eyes with honesty. 
"I have...sometimes I still do" she confesses leaving Jeongyeon stunned. 
"In that case it's better to stop here and forget about what happened. I'll take you home" she says, trying to brush it off and getting up from the couch, obviously trying to show indifference to Jihyo's words but she can see a slight pain in her eyes.
When she is about to get her car keys she feels a hand around her wrist and then turns around and sees Jihyo looking up at her with an amused smile "You didn't let me finish, I know we shouldn't do this, the last time we kissed things didn't end well" she says more as a reminder to herself than to Jeongyeon "that's what makes me want to hate you, no matter what you do you're always going to drive me crazy. I hate that you still have this effect on me." 
Hearing her words Jeongyeon's whole body heats up and she can feel her cheeks burning as she hears the low tone of Jihyo's voice, she doesn't know what to reply and the other one isn't sure if she wants to hear what she has to say. Before she can give her an answer she pulls her arm pushing her towards the couch right next to her. 
Are you sure?" asks Jeonyeon "We can stop if you want, at any time and we can forget about everything that has happened since you walked in the door."
"Unnie..." she replies lowering her tone and leaving Jeongyeon speechless, she no longer remembered how the word sounded coming from Jihyo's mouth. "Let's forget everything that happened before we walked through that door, just don't hurt me this time" she pleads with a sigh, letting herself look vulnerable like she never did before. 
In front of her is no longer the successful and intimidating CEO who occasionally makes her job impossible. Gone is his cold, distant and inaccessible image. It is simply Jihyo, who asks her to guard her heart, to tear down her walls to let her pass and remind her that she is the woman who never fails to make her heart race, who takes her breath away, who makes her head spin and gives her butterflies in her stomach.  
She knows perfectly well why all she is asking her not to hurt her, she doesn't need to explain it to Jeongyeon to understand what she means. But before she can give her an answer as reassurance, other than nodding her head, it is Jihyo who makes the first move.
This time it is not so sudden, the movements are smoother, they take their time to place themselves in a more comfortable position, still keeping a safe distance between them. She doesn't know what time it is or how far she is willing to go, but she doesn't want this to come to an end, she wants to savor every moment without rushing. She touches Jeongyeon as if she wants to check that she is really there, that she is not a memory and that she is not going to vanish from one moment to the next as she has done so many times before. She doesn't know what time it is or how far she is willing to go, but she doesn't want it to end. She touches Jeongyeon slowly as if she is memorizing every fold of her clothes with her hands, as if she is afraid that it is really a dream that could vanish at any moment. The taller one lets herself be touched without putting up any resistance, she lets Jihyo take the lead, she knows she needs control right now and is willing to give it to her – for now – .
The younger one gently caresses her cheek, tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and moves her hand down to her collarbones. Her fingers slowly snake around his neck and when she squeezes lightly at last Jeongyeon reacts by letting out a soft whimper. As she maintains her grip, his eyes travel from his own hand to the lips of the woman whose neck she grips as delicately as she does precisely and then to her eyes, where he sees something she hadn't seen before. Immediately the grip on her neck tightens a little more and Jihyo moves until she ends up on her thighs, straddling her. 
"If you hurt me it's over" this time it doesn't sound like a plea at all but more like a threat and Jeongyeon has a feeling it won't be the first one she'll hear tonight. 
"Yes ma'am" Jeongyeon whispers, unable to help but smile, far from being uncomfortable in the position she is in.
As soon as these words leave her mouth, Jihyo releases her neck to grab her shirt and crush their lips together in a hungry kiss. This time it's deeper and more passionate, but full of emotions like the first one of the night. Their lips explore each other again with kisses that are increasingly impatient, heated and wet creating sounds that fill the silent room.
Shortly their tongues start to get involved exploring every inch of their mouths moving in perfect synchrony. As they devour each other it is not their tongues fighting for dominance, but them fighting for control until Jihyo caresses the roof of her mouth with the tip of tongue leaving Jeongyeon at her mercy making her forget all about her little power game as the first moan escapes from her lips. Hearing the sound echoing against her mouth, Jihyo's hands clinging to his shirt pulling her closer and feels the heat coming off her skin as she wraps her arms around her neck. 
They kiss for what feels like hours pausing only to catch their breath or let out soft moans against each other's mouths. But their hands have barely explored each other's skin and not a single button or zipper has been undone yet. When eager kisses are not enough Jeongyeon's lips move from her mouth to her jaw and down to Jihyo's neck as she caresses the naked caramel skin of her exposed thighs.
When Jeongyeon starts tracing kisses all over her neck, Jihyo can no longer ignore the growing wetness between her legs especially when the kisses are accompanied by soft bites and licks that go all the way down to her chest, driving her crazy. 
"Take off my dress" she commands with a whisper against her ear before nibbling it, sending a shiver down Jeongyeon's spine. 
Then Jeongyeon without taking her mouth off her neck undoes the buttons of her black blazer style dress which fortunately stays closed with only two of them. This is the only moment when they stop kissing to help Jihyo undo her dress and throw it on the other side of the couch. This time they lock their eyes instead of their mouths, as they do so, they can't help but smile seeing each other's red and swollen lips. In Jeongyeon's case the image of Jihyo on top of her makes her mouth dry. The path her gaze follows begins at the hungry eyes and is followed by her glossy, wet lips, her neck painted with red marks that will soon begin to darken to purple and her body solely covered by a set of lacy black that leaves her breathless. It is the first time they have seen each other like this and Jeongyeon needs a few seconds to process this view.
She has Jihyo sitting on her thighs dressed only in her underwear which, despite being black, doesn't quite hide the wet spot between Jihyo's legs. Knowing that she is the reason for that wet spot makes Jeongyeon feel her own and squeeze her thighs in seeking some relief, this action doesn't go unnoticed by the woman on top of her who doesn't take long to tease her about it. 
"Do you like what you see? Tell me what you want" .
Jeongyeon just nods and stares without missing a single detail of her defined muscles, of how her chest rises in sync with her breathing and how her abs tighten as she continues stroking her thighs. It's impossible to have Jihyo in front of you like this and not want everything with her. 
"I-I want you" she stutters against his mouth.
It's not the response Jihyo expected to receive, but it satisfies her enough to return to kissing Jeongyeon impatiently, her kisses are accompanied by the subtle grind of her hips against her thighs. His hands run through her hair and grab it to guide his mouth to her chest but before working on her chest Jeongyeon is quick to unclasp her bra finally releasing her mouth-watering breasts to capture them with her mouth eagerly. The moan that escapes her as she feels the warmth of his tongue brushing against her nipple hardened by both the cold and the growing pleasure invites Jeongyeon to continue her ministrations and give attention to the other breast with one of her hands brushing her finger softly over the nub just to end up trapping it between two fingers, pinching it with a little pressure.
Her other hand, which just seconds ago was caressing her thighs, moves to her lower back keeping Jihyo in place but also testing new limits by sliding her hand inside her underwear. A touch that gives Jihyo goosebumps in anticipation for what is to come.   
Bodies exploring each other, blood rushing through their veins and breaths racing. The sound of wet kisses, labored breaths and muffled moans from each other's mouths is all they hear, but all their senses are getting the attention they need to push them further into each other.
Jeongyeon has her mouth busy playing, teasing, licking, sucking and nibbling on Jihyo's breasts as her hands grab and caress her by sinking their fingers into each other's bare skin. Most of the time her eyes are closed, unable to keep them open as the sounds coming from her mouth cause her mind to cloud and her core to throb. It's an overwhelming sensation, just like the desire that drives Jihyo to move her hips seeking more pleasure as she rubs her center against Jeongyeon's body, bringing herself to the brink. She notices the beads of sweat running down her chest and being caught by Jeongyeon's tongue, taking her to new places making her feel things she's never felt before, she's doing wonders with her mouth but right now she needs her somewhere else as she notices the building sensation in her stomach. She doesn't want it to end yet and like this, she needs more, she needs her.
Using the grip she has on the older girl's hair she pulls her away delighted by the image of Jeongyeon's wet mouth attached by a string of saliva to her nipple "Fuck..." she murmurs as she shifts her posture getting off her lap. At the loss of contact Jeongyeon whines and looks at her with pleading eyes making Jihyo grin "I would never have guessed you were this needy" she says as she moves her hand to Jeongyeon's face and grabs her by the jaw to devour her mouth before whispering "Get on your knees''. The words that come out of her mouth are halfway between command and plea as she sits back down on the couch, leaving a space between her slightly spread legs for Jeongyeon to position herself.
She doesn't need to repeat it a second time as it barely takes her time to position herself on the floor on her knees and between his legs. Due to the difference in height between them their faces are almost at the same height, but that doesn't matter when it is more than evident that Jihyo is in charge, even though she is the one in a more vulnerable position as she is the one who is almost naked and with her legs spread wide open exposing herself completely. Jeongyeon looks at her wanting to learn by heart every detail of her body, but behind her gaze there is more than just lust, there is admiration and adoration. She just watches without saying or doing anything, waiting for Jihyo's next command as she feels her whole body burning and a tingling sensation in her stomach as a result of the urge to please Jihyo in this way.
Not once does her hand loosen its hold on his jaw, only loosening it as Jeongyeon positions herself and once she is on her knees under her attentive and hungry gaze she uses her thumb to ghost over her lips, a motion that Jeongyeon immediately responds to by trapping the finger between her lips sucking it and stroking it with her tongue giving her a taste of what is to come. The warm, wet sensation of her mouth trapping his finger catches her breath and the ache between her thighs grows at the image and the contact of his fingers with the walls of her mouth. 
"I need you" she breathes as she slides her finger out of her mouth to take them into her own tasting Jeongyeon's mouth.
In her eyes, as in her words, what she senses is desire, hunger and lust. She wants this as much as she does and is willing to give it to her. Without looking away she caresses her legs from her ankles to the edge of her lacy panties, taking her time and switching between soft kisses and the occasional playful nibble. When he brings his mouth to her inner thigh to deposit a kiss he inhales Jihyo's scent, makes her light-headed and sends a shiver down to her own throbbing center.
She's dying to taste it, but she is not done with the teasing until she slides a finger along her clothed core, drawing a louder moan from her throat than before. It's embarrassing how sensitive and pent up she is to make sounds like that with a single touch. From that moment on she knows it won't last long as her whole body jerks from the light touch that has allowed her to feel her wetness despite the piece of cloth that still separates her from her target. 
That's when she finally decides to completely undress Jihyo and she, feeling the cold air against her uncomfortable and growing dampness, lets out a breathy whimper. Jeongyeon shoves a hand between her legs to spread them more in order to gain better access and to take a few seconds to revel in the image in front of her. Just inches from her eyes, nose and mouth is Jihyo's glistening sex that leaves her stunned. Intoxicated by what she sees, the smell of Jihyo's pleasure and the sensation of her own pleasure she finally reacts and looks her back up into Jihyo's eyes.  
"Can I?" she says, asking for permission.
"Please" she tries to say in a neutral tone that fails to hide the desperation to receive the attention she so strongly craves.
That's all it takes for Jeongyeon to bury her head between Jihyo's tanned legs.
She starts where she left off, with kisses and nibbles on her inner thighs slowly until her whimpers sound too needy to continue ignoring them and to prolong her torture. They seem to have come to an agreement because at that very moment she notices her hands grabbing her hair again to guide her to where she needs her the most. 
The first contact is a tentative lick with his flat tongue from bottom to top that stops before reaching her clit, that's enough for a moan to escape from her half-opened mouth. He repeats the action a couple more times at a slow pace, sliding his tongue between her folds and her slit and even teasing her hole but never reaching her bundle of nerves testing her limits once again, enjoying her every reaction and tasting her wetness. His hands do the same, sliding up and down caressing and grabbing her thighs, her hips, her torso, her chest and her ass without stopping anywhere, leaving caresses with his fingertips and sometimes gentle scratches.
Despite the pleasurable but torturous ministrations, Jihyo is loving every second, every lick and every rub, her moans getting louder and louder as the pleasure washes over her and the embarrassment of sounding desperate fades away. The sounds coming out of Jihyo and the wet sounds of which she herself is to blame motivate her to go one step further, sucking on her clit. As she does so she looks up so as not to miss a single detail of Jihyo's reaction. His act catches her by surprise, but her body is quicker to react than she is and it takes seconds for Jeongyeon to notice how the grip on her hair is tighter and how Jihyo's thighs now press the sides of her head covering her ears, even then she doesn't stop hearing Jihyo's moans. 
"Oh fuck right there, stop teasing" she sighs between moans guiding Jeongyeon's head between her legs. 
She continues licking, sucking and nibbling gently making her juices drip down her spit onto the couch and onto Jeonyeon's chin who notices how her own arousal becomes uncomfortable every time she makes a move however small and feels the seams of her pants rubbing against her hardening clit making her moan against her center.
For a first time together there is no awkwardness and Jeongyeon manages to hit all the right places swirling her tongue around her clit, lapping on her juices and dipping her tongue inside her only to remove it seconds later making her pussy clench around nothing. When she doesn't like something Jihyo lets you know right away and guides you with her words or by pulling your hair, she is also not shy when letting you know she is doing the right move in the perfect place by being much more vocal and also doesn't hesitate to praise her when she deserves it.
"Yes baby! just like that!" she moans loudly as Jeongyeon draws shapes onto her clit while she easily slides two fingers inside her. 
Jihyo feels herself getting closer and closer to her high and grinds her hips against her mouth as she pulls her as close as physically possible. Jeongyeon's fingers move faster and deeper reaching new places as she curls her fingers. This has Jihyo squirming under his touch making her feel light-headed and too close to the edge even if she is still fully dressed and untouched.
Making Jihyo feel so good, hearing her praises in between her loud moans as she begs for more, feeling her warm and wet insides, seeing how she is unable to maintain eye contact because she can't help but close her eyes and arch her body has her so dizzy and overwhelmed with her own sensations. When she hears her call her "baby" she can't help but slide her free hand between her legs and apply a little pressure teasing herself and focusing on her own heat instead of her aching knees. 
The mere hint of her fingers stroking over the fabric makes her jerk and gasps, sending vibrations to Jihyo's throbbing cunt. Totally intoxicated by her choking breaths and the scent of the woman trapping her between her legs, she doesn't even realize how his eyes are piercing her until she hears "Don't you dare." That makes her gulp pull her hand away immediately, but at no point do her fingers stop darting in and out of Jihyo who looks at her with a mischievous smile. 
"Sorry" she apologizes before going down on her again.
"Now be good and make me cum please" she says a little breathless and bites her lip when she feels his tongue again. "I will make you feel so good and you will cum when I give you permission baby." 
She swears that every time she hears that pet name come out of Jihyo's mouth she is about to cum, just like she is about to do thanks to her good work. Since Jeongyeon is back to accompanying the fingering with her tongue all over her thighs, folds and clit, Jihyo is soon back to being close to her release. 
"B-baby I'm so... close. Don't stop!" she cries out what is meant to be a warning, but she can't help it when she shatters as she reaches her orgasm.
All it takes for Jeongyeon to bring her to climax is suck on her swollen nub at the same time she curves her fingers deep inside her hitting her sweet spot. Her whole body arches completely tense just before she starts to jerk as she tugs Jeongyeon's hair with one hand and puts her other hand to her mouth in a futile attempt to silence the obscene scream she just let out, she doesn't say the name of the woman responsible for her screams but "baby". 
That doesn't stop Jeongyeon who continues her movements slowing down when she notices his legs squeezing her head and that's when she moves her mouth away just a few centimeters, she can still feel his breath against her middle as she allows her some time to come down from her high and doesn't take long to fill her thighs with kisses as she cleans her up a gesture that melts Jihyo's heart who sees for the first time this loving and sweet side of her unnie. 
At that moment she realizes where her hand is and finally lets go of Jeongyeon's hair who starts to feel a slight discomfort from all the tugging "I'm sorry" she whispers before pulling the collar of her shirt to kiss her again tasting herself first in her mouth and then on her cum covered fingers looking at Jeongyeon with hungry and lustful eyes that make her press her thighs against each other.
"Stop" Jihyo reminds her "You’ve been very good to me, let me make you feel good now. Where’s your room, unnie?" she asks her in a way that makes Jeongyeon feel some embarrassment for being treated this way by someone younger than her, making her blush because she is enjoying it more than she deems appropriate.
The second round is on the bed and barely lasts a few minutes. After Jihyo practically rips off Jeongyeon's clothes and gets on top of her making herself comfortable between her legs, Jihyo takes control and starts rubbing their slick centers while their mouths devour each other in an animalistic way. She is still sensitive from her first orgasm and Jeongyeon is already on the verge of cumming just by eating her out, so they cum in no time. In any other situation or with someone else it would have been almost embarrassing, but between them the situation far from feeling awkward feels right, safe and they even joke about it but not for long.
They go fast and they go slow, sometimes gentle and sometimes rougher trying different things, discovering each other's bodies, learning what the other likes as if they were trying to make up for all that lost time and those first times they didn't have together in one night. It doesn't take them long to recover from the earth shattering orgasm they've shared either, so the second round turns into a third and a fourth until they lose count of the kisses, caresses and orgasms they've given each other. As the night progresses they become more vocal and when they go for the last round they whisper sweet nothings to each other between kisses that are no longer about pleasure but about feeling each other. When their bodies are exhausted and their eyelids begin to close involuntarily the first rays of sun are rising through the trees and mountains. 
"Don't go" she blurts out without thinking and in an attempt to regain her composure adds "Get some sleep, you're too tired to go home, it's dangerous, you could cause an accident". 
"You say that like I'm going to drive" she giggles. "Just say you want me to stay" she pushes. 
"Why would I want that?" she says it trying to sound annoyed by the accusation, but she's too tired for it.
Jihyo shakes her head and smiles getting too close to her and her lips causing Jeongyeon to close her eyes in anticipation but instead of noticing a kiss she notices Jihyo's breath against her lips saying "You're such a tsundere... it's very charming honey."
Jeongyeon almost chokes when she hears the pet name, it's not the first one of the night, but it's the first one she doesn't say to her between moans. Maybe because she knows there is some truth in her words she doesn't talk back and just says "Just stay, we'll talk about this tomorrow" she says in a soothing voice as her eyes struggle to stay open at least until she hears Jihyo's answer, but she lies on her side turning her back to her as she doesn't feel ready to look her in the eyes in case he rejects her offer. 
"I'm staying, I missed you" he whispers as he hugs her from behind, spooning her.  Once again it is Jihyo who proves that she is the brave one between the two by daring to name what she feels and say it out loud exposing herself once again and being vulnerable in front of Jeongyeon even though she has promised herself a thousand times during this time that she would never do like this again, that she would protect her heart like she hadn't done in the past.
When she wakes up she notices a warm body on her body and she doesn't need to open her eyes to know who it is, Jihyo is still there and this time she is the one in his arms. Nor does she need to remember what has happened as the mixture of smells from the room and the sheets hits her invading her nostrils. She would swear she can feel Jihyo's taste on her tongue, his fingers ghosting over the skin of her back and even his fingers running through her hair sending a shiver up her back as she recreates moments from the night before in her head. The memories cut her breath away, but her mind soon travels elsewhere and the memories of the night are replaced by a compelling need to shower and change the sheets. Some habits never die, not even when Jihyo is naked in her bed. 
On any other occasion Jeongyeon would already be throwing the sheets in the washing machine, preparing breakfast and cleaning up the mess in the living room where the paperwork is piled up among some beer cans. However,the uncertainty and the thought that this was a slip-up or an unforgettable accident that would never happen again keeps her pinned to the bed more firmly than the grip of Jihyo's arms or the leg that is currently wrapped around her waist.
The woman above her keeping her warm and all her senses alert doesn't take much longer than her to wake up, but those minutes are enough for Jeongyeon to overthink about every possible scenario and about all the paths this can take from now on making the warmth she felt in her chest when she smelled Jihyo's hair before she opened her eyes turn into an unpleasant pressure in her chest caused by the growing anxiety she tries to manage as best she can. 
"Morning, Jeong" she hears Jihyo say in a husky voice.
Looking at her she can't help but smile at the sight of the traces of makeup, this is another thing she wouldn't have allowed under normal circumstances, but the truth is that she usually didn't end up collapsing on her bed as the first rays of sunshine come out. Seeing Jihyo with her eyes slightly closed, makeup messed up, lips still swollen and some marks spread across her neck and chest makes her light-headed. 
"Good morning, Ji."
That way of calling her draws an immediate smile on Jihyo's face, she's used to being called that, Nayeon calls her that often, but on Jeongyeon's lips it just sounds different, she doesn't remember the last time she called her that way. To think that just a few hours ago he was referring to her as Jihyo-sunbaenim makes her head spin.
Jihyo dares once again to try her luck and gives her a peck on the lips, getting an unexpected response. 
"We should take a shower."
The two have different plans, but the two have their way and before getting into the shower they share a heated make out session that ends with Jeongyeon panting against her mouth as she reaches orgasm riding Jihyo's thigh.  
After sharing a shower in which they exchange kisses again and which becomes the perfect opportunity for Jeongyeon to return the favor, they both end up wrapped in the comfortable clothes of the owner of the house who prepares coffee and a delicious and abundant breakfast for both of them, while Jihyo watches her feeling her heart pounding in her chest.
Their relationship had never gone this far, neither when they were secretly in love with each other nor after Jihyo's first confession years ago. Certainly the furthest they got in their relationship beyond friendship was with that same confession with a bouquet of flowers that ended in a kiss. This is all new to both of them, but it feels dangerously familiar as if they have done it all their lives, something that frightens both of them. Neither can rationally explain that something that shouldn't have happened in the first place feels so natural to both of them as if the years, the distance and the enmity that has lasted almost five years never happened. And this time not even Jihyo is able to say out loud how normal this situation feels, fearing that it's all in her head and going too far risking being wrong and ending it all in one fell swoop, just like it happened the other time.
They talk, the conversation is not as deep as it should be given the circumstances, but it doesn't stay superficial either and they touch almost all the important points. They talk about Jeongyeon's offer or threat – depending on who you ask – and come to the conclusion that they shouldn't be mixing personal matters with work, so it still stands and Jihyo will have some time to think about it and consult with her own legal team if she considers so. On what happened last night they both agree that they got carried away without giving much thought to the possible consequences. Jihyo described it as a "moment of weakness" while Jeongyeon called it an "impulsive and irresponsible act," but neither dared to pretend it was a mistake. 
After a heated conversation that was interrupted several times by some insults, cursing, accusations and kisses they came to the conclusion that it had been a good time that both had enjoyed, but if repeated they should have a conversation beforehand that they don't know if they are ready for. And of course, Nayeon can't know anything about this, at least while they figure out what will happen between them from now on. They talk about everything and nothing, their friendship, their estrangement and the open war between them, which seems to have finally reached a point of truce. But always leaving out the taboo subject that always comes up but they don't dare to talk about, they just tiptoe around it. 
Before the situation becomes too domestic, Jihyo decides she should leave. "Can your driver take me or should I call mine to come?" she asks.
"I don't plan to go out and he lives nearby, if you want to go now it's better if he takes you home" she offers ignoring the slight but obvious awkwardness that has settled between them.
Jihyo nods and in a few minutes she is ready to go, Jeongyeon is even kind enough to give her something more comfortable than her clothes from last night and offers her a pair of sneakers that are too small for her, so she doesn't have to wear heels.
"Thank you."
"They're just sneakers, I don't even wear them" she shrugs without noticing Jihyo's sudden and unusual shyness.
"It’s not about the sneakers…” she stutters. “Just- thank you for everything."
"Don't thank me at all, I-I really enjoyed it Jihyo-ah" smiles Jeongyeon with a slight blush painting her cheeks and the tips of her ears.
"Me too unnie" she says, staying awfully close as her gaze drifts down to her lips, but she does nothing.
They both giggle nervously not really knowing how to act around each other after everything that has happened in the last few hours. Now it's awkward, they have no regrets but that's not how things were supposed to have ended, they had arranged to meet to talk business. And they had done that but they also got drunk on each other's lips, sank between each other's legs, spent the night with their limbs intertwined and now they were struggling to quiet the butterflies in their stomachs. 
It doesn't take Jihyo much longer to get into the car to leave, Jeongyeon opens her door for her and before closing it she says "Think about what I showed you last night, take as much time as you need." She then closes her door, last night she had taught her many things and she knows exactly what she means but her mind can't help but go to other places, feeling her skin bristle and her stomach tighten as she remembers the image of jeongyeon emerging from between her legs and looking at her with those puppy eyes and swollen red lips covered in a layer of both saliva and her own juices. The memory is so vivid it's as if she's standing in front of her right now and she bites down on her finger to make sure she doesn't let out a moan right then and there as her thighs rub together involuntarily seeking to feel something.
When she gets home she doesn't receive any message or call, the next day neither and when the weekend is coming to an end neither. She knows that Jeongyeon sometimes needs to take some distance and be left alone with her thoughts to process things. If she herself was anxious and a bit scared about what would happen from now on it is natural to think that the other would be the same, maybe a bit more so given her reserved personality. 
Days go by and she still receives nothing making her anxiety increase. 
Of course she could write or call her at any time, at this point it is more than obvious that Jihyo is not afraid to take the lead and make the first move. But this time is different, she needs Jeongyeon to take the initiative for the first time for more than just preparing a lawsuit that threatens the future of her company, her life as she knows it and her family's legacy. 
It's a matter of pride, she knows. She refuses to pursue someone who wouldn't do the same for her but also out of fear of being rejected once again and getting her heart broken. She thought that after all she has been through and with her age she is more than ready to face rejection, but the truth is that if Jeongyeon rejects her again when there are no more external reasons to do so, it is likely that this time the pain will be much worse. 
By the time a week has passed Jihyo's uncertainty has turned into disappointment, she even comes to think that being directly rejected after receiving her first kiss was less cruel than whatever Jeongyeon is doing now. But in fact, it could be much worse.
After spending the weekend turning down invitations to meet friends because lying in bed staring at her phone with the screen off while listening to the most heartbreaking ballads is what she needs right now, Jihyo gets the news on Monday morning.
"Jihyo-nim, Hirai Momo is coming, it seems to be some kind of emergency"  her secretary Lily announces over the phone. When this happens nothing good happens, problems with products that are about to be released, system failures that were not foreseen and hundreds of other problems that Jihyo doesn't understand but which she knows mean that something is not working as it should. 
Hirai Momo, one of the software developers at the head of the department enters nervously and hurriedly with her fringe hairs sticking to her forehead from sweat, her shirt sleeves rolled up and her tie unbuttoned. She is out of breath and her glasses are covered in a layer of mist indicating the urgency of the situation as Momo seems to have come running into the office. All the signs alert Jihyo and prepare her for the worst, she is ready to hear that their new line of cell phones that are about to be shipped to every store in the country will have to be recalled due to some glitch, like that time they discovered that their new long lasting batteries exploded. She was prepared to listen to anything except for what Momo says as soon as she catches her breath without even leaning in. 
"We've been hacked." 
The initial shock leaves Jihyo frozen in place within moments but it doesn't take her long to react as she puts the pieces together, of course it's Horai Momo who's breaking the news to her that they've suffered an attack. It only takes her a few seconds to get up with fire in her eyes and stand in front of Momo making the employee swallow hard. 
"It has been stopped, but we don't know yet who has done it or what information they have stolen or altered" she says before Jihyo unleashes her anger at her, but this is not enough. 
"You better fix this as soon as possible or I will fire you and make sure you have to go back to Japan because you are not going to be hired anywhere in this country, not even to clean toilets" Jihyo threatens pointing her finger and staring straight into the face of the woman in front of her who is not able to look her back in the eyes because if she does she knows she will end up crying.
"Yes, Jihyo-nim. I'll fix it" she says bowing a bunch of times while stuttering a few apologies before walking away. 
I should have figured it out, now she feels completely stupid for falling for it. It's kind of evil and sick even for their fucked up relationship, Jihyo thinks. 
Without thinking twice she grabs her bag and leaves the office asking Lily to cancel all meetings until further notice, seeing the obvious anger of her boss she doesn't even dare to open her mouth and just nods vigorously. She has seen Jihyo angry a million times, but never like this, so she imagines that the news Hirai gave her must be very serious. 
As she is about to leave the building she catches a glimpse of Minatozaki Sana at her reception desk and unable to control her anger she heads to her desk. Sana's usual smiling expression disappears as soon as she sees her boss's gaze and she freezes in place, from the look on her face only one thing can have happened, she knows it. 
"I'll tell you the same thing I told your friend Hirai. If I find out that you are involved in this you can start packing your bags to go back to Japan because I will personally make your life a living hell" she threatens her with a stern tone, but low enough to only reach the receptionist's ears. As quickly as he arrived, she disappears from her side and exits the building where a car is waiting for her.
From the very first minute Sana got into all this she knew it was risky and she is not worried about the consequences because she knows that just as Jeongyeon promised them, she has nothing to worry about. Still there is something bothering Sana because she doesn't really know what the CEO is referring to, so she decides to immediately look for Mina and Momo to get answers. 
Meanwhile, Jihyo, who feels that she has more than enough information, gives her driver the address of Signal Systems' main building at the other end of the Central Business District. There he is greeted by a wide-eyed receptionist, Chou Tzuyu, who can't hide her puzzled face when the CEO of the rival company she works for as an informant is in front of her. However, her job at Signal Systems is to receive those who have an appointment with Yoo Jeongyeon and let her or her secretary know that they have arrived. Obviously, the name Park Jihyo is not among today's meeting list and has never been before, so the astonishment among the workers and visitors who have recognized her is generalized. Tzuyu can only fear the worst and her suspicions are not misguided when she leans on the counter asking for Jeongyeon's floor number, the way to the elevators and orders her not to warn that she is here. The receptionist who is smart enough and appreciates her life does as she tells her and also gives her a guest access card without asking any questions. 
That's how Park Jihyo gets to the top floor of the Signal Systems building where the office of its CEO, Yoo Jeongyeon, is located, nothing more than that. But for Jihyo, right now she is nothing more than her rival, one who uses disgusting tactics even for her usual game which includes espionage among other things of questionable ethics. Between the elevator and their destination is the desk of Dahyun, Joengyeon's trusted secretary and Jihyo's informant. 
"Good morning, Dahyun" she greets her with a smile that sends a shiver through Dahyun's body, who seeing the fire in Jihyo's eyes doesn't know if she should fear for her job or her life. "I come to see your dear boss, I guess she's in her office."
The secretary nods and when she opens her mouth to continue, Jihyo makes a gesture with her hand telling her to shut up and then walks with firm steps towards the office. She storms in, but what she sees leaves her as shocked as those in the room. 
"Jihyo?!" Jeongyeon's voice sounds surprised and confused. 
"JIHYO?!"  the woman with her back facing the door exclaims even more surprised and confused. 
"Nayeon?" she is so astonished that for a moment she forgets why she has come here. 
They look at each other, shocked by the situation they are in, they stare at each other without saying anything for a few seconds until Jeongyeon decides to take control of the situation as she feels her heart hammering in her chest. It's been a week since she saw Jihyo and since then she hadn't contacted her, so the last thing she expected was for her to suddenly walk into her office just on the same day and at the same time that Nayeon does. 
"What are you doing here?" she asks, trying to control the trembling in her voice. 
"Stop pretending, I'm not falling for your game. You know what I'm doing here" she says harshly, very different since the last time he talked to her.
"Well... I guess" she says, looking at Nayeon with concern. The older woman looks at one and then the other like she's watching a tennis match. "But I mean, you could have texted or called me," she says, turning her gaze to Nyeon again to see if Jihyo gets the message. 
"Yeah right, the only way with you the only way things can be done is face to face or did you want to have more proof to add to your fucking folders?" says Jihyo starting to lose her composure as she feels like she is being treated like a complete idiot once again. 
"I think this is a conversation you two should have between the two of you" Nayeon says stepping in for the first time. "And I know maybe this is my fault because I was the one who asked not to know about your stupid corporate war, but I think I deserve an explanation. I thought you two didn't talk and all of a sudden you show up unannounced talking about proofs and folders."
"You're right unnie" she says, directing her gaze towards Nayeon and then Jeongyeon, looking at the latter in a way so cold and full of rage that it makes her stomach turn. "Why don't you explain it to her? Tell her. Tell how you invited me to dinner to make me a deal and how it was actually a threat. I give in to what you ask or you ruin my life, my family and the work we've done for decades." 
Her gestures are exaggerated and she doesn't take her eyes off Jeongyeon who looks at her dumbfounded not knowing what Jihyo is getting at, at first she thought she was being theatrical, she can be very passionate sometimes. It's not until she sees her eyes that she realizes she's totally serious, there's no sparkle in those big beautiful eyes anymore. Then she sees it, she has the same look as that one time, but this time she doesn't understand why.
Neither of the older girls knows quite what to answer, but they don't need to because Jihyo continues "Come on! tell her what happened later" she insists. She sounds really hurt, almost desperate, worrying both of them who have never seen Jihyo this distraught.  
"Jihyo, calm down" Jeongyeon says in a soft tone as she approaches her. "I don't know what happened, but I do know that you don't want to tell Nayeon like this. Calm down and we'll talk."
"Don't even fucking think about telling me to calm down Jeongyeon. In fact I would really like my friend to know the kind of person she has next to her. Someone capable of doing what you have done to me" at this point she starts to raise her voice.
"I'm going to need one of you to explain to me what's going on, but I understand this is something you two need to work out between yourselves" she says still in her seat as she gestures for Jihyo to come closer and when she does she grabs her hand and caresses it trying to calm her down.  "Breath" she whispers to the younger girl who is breathing fast, then looks at Jeongyeon threateningly and says "If you did something to her, this time I'm going to pick a side Yoo Jeongyeon" Nayeon warns Jeongyeon pointing her finger at her. "I'm going to leave, please don't do anything stupid, I'm serious."
Nayeon over the years has learned to stay out of her friends' fight because after trying to intervene numerous times over the years she knows that all they need is to have a conversation that they have never been willing to have. She has heard both sides of the story and knows the motives that have driven each to do what they have done and, while she has not always agreed, she understands why each has done things the way they have and would be unable to judge them for it. She also knows about spies, informants, infiltrators... or whatever they call it.  She is the first to know that they do not always act according to the image of impeccable businesswomen they portray to the world. At the end of the day they are her friends despite the feud that exists – or existed – but if Jeongyeon has harmed Jihyo in some way that has gone beyond their professional rivalry, she wants to know about it even if she has to wait for them to sort things out on their own first.
They both watch Nayeon leave the office and look at each other. Jihyo has her clenched fists and tight jaw, she is still breathing heavily and can see her veins bulging in her neck and arms. From the obvious tension all over her body she can tell that she is indeed holding back and trying not to lose control. Jeongyeon is at a safe distance and is doing her best to try to maintain eye contact and to keep her trembling hands busy and out of Jihyo's sight, adjusting her clothes and hides them from time to time in the sleeves of her blazer, a gesture she had managed to shed but which is inevitable to return at times like this.  Her calmness had left with Nayeon. She still doesn't know what's going on and is afraid of making a mistake with Jihyo that will take her back to square one or much worse. She's willing to do everything in her power to avoid it, but it's definitely a possibility considering she's never seen Jihyo like this. 
"Ji I swear- ".
"Don't even think of calling me that" she raises her tone. "Stop lying, cut the act, Nayeon is not here."
"Why don't you tell me what happened?" the other tries again. "I know you're completely confident that I know but maybe it's good to talk things out for once."
"Oh this will be a good conversation because I would really like to know why you are a backstabbing bitch who is capable of betraying me again."
Maybe it's not in the best of circumstances, but Jihyo finally says it. The time has finally come to talk about the subject that both of them have been purposely ignoring. They never talked about it when it happened and neither did they talk about it at the restaurant, in Jeongyeon's living room, in her bed or the next day while having breakfast. They talked about many other things and talked about the past but this was a badly healed wound that no one dared to touch. 
"Finally you say it, I knew you haven't let it go, are you still angry about it?"
"I'm not, but even if I were you would have no right to judge me. Tell me what kind of friend would take advantage of the moment I was going through for her own benefit."
"That's not what happened, there's a reason."
"Jeongyeon..." he spits out her name while getting as close as the table between the two of them allows her. "This isn't about having different opinions, it's about facts and the facts speak for themselves. My father died, you stood by me through the entire funeral, you hugged me and promised to be there for whatever I needed" she says as angry tears build up in her eyes. "Overnight you cut off all contact with me and a month later ZoneTech released an announcement informing that Yoo Jeongyeon was taking over as CEO of the company." 
Our brains have a tendency to forget the bad times so that we can move on, but for Jihyo it was impossible to forget everything that happened during one of the darkest chapters of her life. She was only 22 years old, studying abroad about to graduate from a prestigious foreign university. One day while studying in the library for the first exams of the term she got a call from her mother crying inconsolably telling her that her father had suffered a heart attack. She still remembers the cry of pain her mother let out when she asked if he was okay, if he was in the hospital. Her father had died on the spot and there was nothing they could do. She left everything immediately and thanks to a family friend she was able to go on a private flight back to Korea a few hours after the call. 
During those days she did not shed a tear, but she knew that if at any time tears came to her eyes Nayeon and even Jeongyeon would be there to offer her a shoulder to cry on. It had been a while since the relationship between her and Jeongyeon had changed and they were becoming more and more distant, but she was the first to let her know that she was there for whatever he needed and she proved it by not leaving his side during the funeral and even during the opening of the will in which only the closest family members were allowed to be there.
No one expects to have to read the will of someone as young as Jihyo's father, not even Jihyo herself. When he named Jihyo as the sole heir and manager of the company and the family estate, he believed that when the time came for them to open her will, she would already have a successful career within the company and maybe even a family to take care of. However, that was not the case, so his daughter was forced to leave her new life as a student abroad with all her new friends and aspirations to return home and take the reins of a technology empire and one of the largest fortunes in the country while maintaining her excellent academic record as a model student in a new university.
Needless to say, it was difficult and she even paid for it with her health at times as she did not eat properly, she was overworked and under-rested. Despite having people who could do a lot of things for her, she needed to keep her mind busy because on top of her father's death there was the uproar with the press and media when some of the details of the will came to light. A few days later her friend and unconditional support during this hard process, Jeongyeon had started to avoid her and Nayeon from one day to another without giving any explanation.
The reason was discovered soon after through Signal Systems' statement, after that it was Jihyo who decided not to talk to Jeongyeon ever again unless there were cameras, potential partners or important clients in front of them. 
Jeongyeon sighs because despite having good reasons that back up her decisions, she didn't act wisely and now she knows it, but that still doesn't explain why Jihyo has suddenly stormed into her office accusing her of betraying her. Before sharing her side of the story and asking for explanations she steps out from behind her desk to continue the conversation on the couch she has for more informal meetings. When she puts her hand on Jihyo's arm inviting her to make herself comfortable, she moves her arm away and mumbles, "Don't touch me". She is hurt, maybe even more hurt than angry. 
Being aware of the younger girl's hostility, Jeongyeon believes it is a must to calm the situation down if she wants Jihyo to listen to her instead of looking for the perfect opportunity to elevate the conflict to another level, fearing that everything will end up exploding hurting the two of them and by extension Nayeon.
She takes the first step by offering her a tissue with her still shaking hands to wipe away her tears and offers her a smile. Jihyo immediately notices the shaking hands and all the alarms go off in her head, she had forgotten that sometimes in stressful situations Jeongyeon suffers anxiety attacks if she wasn't starting to have one already. Even if she feels absolute disgust towards her right now, she would hate herself if she triggered an anxiety or panic attack.
"I'm fine," Jeongyeon assures her, noticing the panic in her eyes, "but we both need to calm down and since it's too early for a beer I'll ask my secretary to make us some tea," she concludes.
Reluctantly Jihyo agrees and in a few minutes they are seated drinking tea in silence, thinking about how they got to this point. They have always had problems with communication, and although it has been between yelling, this is the first time they have been so honest with each other. Not keeping up appearances, not ignoring each other's problems, and not bottling up their feelings. They haven't done it in the most healthy or civilized way, but it's a start. 
After several sips Jeongyeon's hands stop shaking, but Jihyo shifts on her seat impatiently. 
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you what I did to make you like this" the older one breaks the ice "as you pointed out I can be quite dense" she says shyly. "If this is all about the deal I offered and the lawsuit, I-"
"Stop! Do you really think I'm worried about a lawsuit right now when you just fucking hacked me?" she asks, losing her temper again, but she doesn't mind, it hurts so much that she couldn't care less if Jeongyeon sees her like this or if everyone in this building could hear her. "You sleep with me, and once again you suddenly disappear. Today when I got to work they hacked ZoneTech and when I got here there's Nayeon. You had it all planned" she accuses her directly as tears start to fall from her eyes. "I just asked you not to hurt me and you ruined me" she says trying to hold back the tears. 
It takes Jeongyeon a moment to process and react to all the information Jihyo has given her between screams and tears. She doesn't understand anything that has happened, but it breaks her heart to see Jihyo. Not even during her father's funeral did she cry or when he first broke her heart and now she has her in front of her telling her that she has ruined his life. It hurts her that Jihyo might actually think she would do something like that, but seeing her sobbing with her mascara smeared and her eyes bloodshot from anger and crying makes her chest hurt.
Despite her fear of how she might react, she wraps her arms around her and finally speaks “Ji, trust me one more time and believe me when I tell you that I had nothing to do with this and I know deep down you know that I wouldn't be able to do something like this. I would never hurt you" she whispers softly in her ear trying to soothe her, but Jihyo's crying only increases soaking her shirt on the part of her chest where her head is resting. 
The sobs get louder and she begins to hear Jihyo cursing at her and telling her that she hates her, but she can't blame her. It's been some unfortunate coincidences and no wonder Jihyo has thought the worst. 
"Stop treating me like an idiot, you already did it once" she manages to say between sobs. 
Jeongyeon sighs as she continues to hug her and caress her back "I think it's time to explain everything that happened" she says as she pulls away from Jihyo to look at her face and grabs her hands so as not to lose contact with her skin. She looks away, unable to look at her because of the pain, anger and embarrassment she feels.
"I told you the other day and I will tell you as many times as necessary until you believe it. I don't hate you and I have never hated you, nor have I ever wanted to hurt you. I love you, I always have and I'm so afraid of what you make me feel that all this time I thought that by pushing you away I was protecting both myself and you as well" she sighs. "Our lives are so complicated and I thought that someday these feelings would go away" she looks at her anxiously looking for a reaction in Jihyo, who still won't look at her, but at least the crying is more controlled. "I thought what I felt for you was a high school crush that could ruin everything for me, but it's not like that and running away from you and everything you make me feel almost ruined my happiness." 
Until now Jeongyeon had never been clear with her feelings, but that's not all. "I thought that by running away from me I was doing you a favor and that if you hated me everything would be easier. That's why I never gave you the reasons or explanations you deserve and now I know it was a huge mistake, but after everything that has happened I wouldn't forgive myself for pushing you away from me again, because I know that this time it would be the final one. If you are willing to listen to me, I will tell you everything, but I promise you that I have nothing to do with this hacker attack you have suffered."
Jihyo is not sure, experience, all the times she ended up calling Nayeon crying, all the times she ended up in bed with strangers and the times she got drunk looking for some relief tell her to be smarter, that this time she should be the one to end it all instead of staying to suffer another disappointment. However, the more irrational part of her, the part that still thinks there is a possibility of a future together, begs her to stay and listen to her.
She looks down at her hands between Jeongyeon and when he manages to calm her breathing she looks up at her not quite sure of what to do or what to say even though she has already made up her mind. 
"You look awful" Jeongyeon tells her in a pointless attempt to tease that almost bring Jihyo to tears again "Fuck- sorry I was trying to joke, Ji" she says nervously repeating the affectionate nickname once more. With one of her hands she tries to fix the mess of her makeup and with all the gentleness in the world she reaches over and kisses the tears still left on her cheeks. "There's a restroom over there, take your time" and Jihyo just nods, too defeated to refuse.
Just as he told her, she takes her time and manages her best to clean her face, fix her hair and clothes trying to pull herself together. After Jeongyeon has seen her like this, she feels pathetic. Until her breathing returns to normal she doesn't come out of the restroom, though her red and puffy eyes give her away. 
"About the hacking let me take care of it, we'll find the culprits and I'll do my best to fix it and prove to you that it wasn't me."
"I believe you" Jihyo finally speaks and the relief is so great that Jeongyeon can't help but let out the breath she has been holding. "This morning when Hirai Momo came to my office I assumed it was your doing, the attack has been stopped, but when I left they didn't know what its origin was or what exactly they did."
"I will talk to Momo, it will be solved today" she assures her while holding her hand. 
Before continuing with their unfinished conversation, Jeongyeon calls Hirai Momo and makes her look for Myoui Mina and also Minatozaki Sana who, to Jihyo's surprise, is also some computer expert. After listening to too many technical words, Jihyo was finally able to participate in the conversation and they ended up making a deal: if they managed to find out who was responsible in 24 hours, they can keep working in the company and they will not have to go back to Japan as she had warned Momo and Sana hours before. Jeongyeon, in her efforts to show Jihyo that things would be different from now on if she trusted her, encouraged them with the promise of inviting them to dinner at the best restaurant in the country.
Once she hangs up the phone she directs her gaze towards Jihyo "What do you say? Let's get out of here, grab some food and I'll take you wherever you tell me so I can explain everything to you. I'll even burn paper by paper all the evidence of the lawsuit if I have to because I don't plan to lose you and take the risk of Nayeon killing me."
This time Jihyo smiles and nods, taking her hand "Come on, but if you give me reason to be suspicious I'm telling Nayeon" she jokingly warns her.
So that's what they did, Jeongyeon told Dahyun to cancel everything on her schedule for the rest of the day and hoping to get lucky, she also told her to let her know if they have to cancel their meetings the next day. Of course Kim Dahyun did that and rearranged his schedule but not before opening the group chat with Chayeoung and Tzuyu to tell them everything she had overheard, especially the mention of Minatozaki Sana, Chaeyoung's situationship.
They end up at Jeongyeon's house as well, although the purpose is quite different this time. Jeongyeon explains to her the reason behind each time she broke his heart. She explains how her father did everything he could to keep her away from Jihyo, even forcing her to study abroad. She tells her that that kiss she gave her after receiving her bouquet of flowers and her confession on her graduation day was sincere, but knowing that she would be away for so many years at a university thousands of miles away she didn't want to take away her opportunity to have a first high school love and maybe to find someone who was really good for her, someone who wasn't afraid to love her. She reveals to her each of the events that led her to accept the CEO position after finding out that her father would do everything in his power to end ZoneTech by taking advantage of the instability he thought Mr. Park’s death would bring. She did that in an attempt to protect her but it didn't last long since she was forced to respond to the constant attacks that Jihyo initiated once she settled into the position. And of course she makes it clear to her that this last week of silence had been an attempt to give her space when the truth is that she was dying to talk to her, to listen to her, to see her and to feel her in her arms again.
When the conversation ends, it's already dark and Jihyo goes back to sleep in Jeongyeon's bed, but tonight they just share kisses, secrets, apologies and the promise of a future together. Before sleep overcomes them Jeongyeon whispers in her ear "Don't go to work tomorrow, let me take you on a date to make up for my mistakes and to start making up for time we wasted".
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totowlff · 11 months
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a thirsty tuesday
➝ producing content for mercedes' social media is always a challenge, especially given the demand. however, having a desired boss is always a good asset.
➝ word count: 1,8k
➝ warnings: implied sexual acts, a lot of second-hand embarassment, boss-employee dynamics
➝ author’s note: well, it's been a long time since i was last here. unfortunately, i didn't have more time to dedicate myself the way i would like to my stories. however, i feel stronger and safer to come back here and continue writing. i hope you still want to read it.
— Y/N, this is completely ridiculous — Toto said, looking up from the sheet in his hand towards your face. His expression was serious, skepticism written in the way he raised his eyebrows at you.
You gave a smile, feeling a little embarrassed to be presenting that content idea to him. After recording a video analyzing the most striking images of the ten years he was at the head of the team, the idea was that he would react to some tweets that the marketing team had selected.
In this case, you.
— That's what our audience cares about, Toto.
— Are you serious? They want to see me reading — he hesitated, looking down at the paper again — Thirsty tweets?
— Sure, why do you think I would suggest that?
Toto sighed. He was definitely upset.
— I could fire you, you know? — the team principal murmured, the shadow of a smile on his face.
— You would never do that — you replied, full of confidence.
 — How can you be so sure?
— Because, without me, you only speak bullshit.
He laughed. That was an indisputable fact: without you by his side, Toto simply lost his filters, especially in front of the microphones. The images of you elbowing the team principal in the arm when he started a sentence that would probably generate thousands of clicks on specialized sites, as well as rude responses from other team bosses.
— Okay, you got a good point — Toto said, crossing his arms. Your eyes flickered for a few seconds to the veins that were prominent over his skin, before looking into his brown eyes again.
— So, let’s do it?
— Yeah. But if you have any bullshit…
— Toto, anything that isn't business or lap times is classified as bullshit for you.
— Well, bigger bullshit. I don't want my kids to see this and think I'm weird.
— It's easier for them to think the people who wrote these stuff weird — you muttered, as you took the sheet from his hand. Toto raised a suspicious eyebrow.
— Now I'm really worried about doing this, Y/N.
— It's going to be alright, now, sit there and just be a lovely person.
— I'm always a lovely person.
— Yeah, Christian Horner agrees with you — you said, laughing, as you walked to Stephen's side, who looked less than pleased with the camera angle. After requesting changes and having Toto sit on a bench so that half of his head wasn't cut off in the image, you handed over the sheets of printed tweets, asking him not to peek at the tweets.
— What if I peek?
— You’ll ruin everyone's recording day — you replied.
— That would be a shame — he muttered, giving her a mischievous little smile.
— Indeed. But I'm sure you'll be a good boy.
You had the impression that Toto had blushed, but you didn't have time to point that out before Stephen asked you to leave the set to start filming. After a few more instructions, he signaled that he was recording.
— Hi, I'm Toto Wolff and today, I'm going to read… What is it again?
— Thirsty tweets — you said, rolling your eyes.
— Oh yeah, thirsty tweets — he said, grinning at the camera. The image caused something strange to spread inside your chest.
After repeating the take twice more, Toto finally caught the first tweet, reading it silently for a few seconds, eyes widening.
— Out loud, Toto.
— I'm not going to read this, Y/N.
— You will — you yelled, from behind the camera.
— But it's ridiculous — he exclaimed.
— You said you'd read it, you'll read it.
Sighing, the team principal paused for a few seconds before reading what was on the sheet.
— "I don't even know how, but I want to suck Toto Wolff's arms".
— What do you think?
— Well, ridiculous.
— People like your arms — you said — Doesn't it make you happy?
— They’re arms.
— But they are pretty arms.
He blinked.
— Do you think my arms are pretty? — Toto questioned.
Your face heated up. You definitely weren't ready for that question.
— Doesn't matter, go to the next one.
He chuckled before looking down at the sheet in his hands.
— “Toto Wolff could come up to me, punch me in the face for any reason and, honestly, I would probably apologize to him” — Toto read, looking up at you — Well, I would never hit anyone, so I'm really sorry.
— Not even if they asked? — you asked in a teasing tone.
— I'm too polite a man for that.
— Too bad — you laughed — Next.
— “I would call Toto Wolff daddy in front of my own dad”. I just hope my kids never do this, it must be extremely embarrassing.
You couldn't hold back a laugh at that comment.
— I thought you didn't want them to watch this video.
— And they won't watch it, I'm sure of it — Toto replied, laughing — Imagine them watching their father reading things like “I'd let Toto break my back like a glowstick”?
— I would think it's cool. In fact, I'm thinking it's cool.
— Of course you do, you chose these tweets.
— Could you go on? — you asked, making him move on to the next sheet.
— “Me: I watch Drive To Survive for the content. The content: Toto Wolff”. We can't deny that I bring content to this series, can we?
— So much content that I spent almost a month listening to people asking me to change my car if I had a problem with it.
— Did Checo say it was fucked? — he asked with a mischievous smile.
— I think I'm going to have to speak to my drivers about that — you replied, chuckling — Go on to the next one.
— “I want my juice box to be Toto Wolff's new pillow” — he read, raising an eyebrow — But what's a juice box?
— Vagina — Stephen muttered, before realizing everyone was staring at him, Toto with a particularly shocked expression — What? I lived in the States, they say that, is a slang.
— Okay, I really didn't expect that — the team principal muttered — Did you know that, Y/N?
— No — you replied, trying to sound as innocent as possible. Of course you knew what it meant, you weren't an idiot. Besides, you knew it was going to surprise him. You just didn't expect him to look so shocked — But, are you surprised?
— I didn't expect something so — Toto hesitated for a few seconds — Explicit.
— Then you'll love the next ones.
Passing the sheet, you noticed the team principal's face turn red.
— Y/N, I can't say that.
— You can, I checked with our legal team.
— Y/N…
— Read it now.
— “I want Toto Wolff to destroy my insides” — he said, before looking up at you — This is awful.
— Well, it's what you do to them.
Toto stared at the sheet for a few seconds.
— I'm feeling flattered right now — he said, in a sort of sarcastic way.
The film crew erupted in laughter as the team boss looked at you, who shook your head.
— Well, let's go on — he said, moving on to the next page — "Toto Wolff is so hot, I want to have his babies”. Unfortunately it won't be possible, I stopped at the second one. But if I may say so, both my children are very beautiful so I take great pride in that.
— Actually, Rosi is adorable.
— Thanks to her mom's genes — Toto answered you, before moving on to the next tweet — “My sexuality is Toto Wolff”. I'm pretty sure there's no TW in the LGBTQIA+ acronym, but…
— Maybe it's been updated? — you suggested.
— I need to talk to the Racing Pride people about this — he said, smiling — Well, I think that's the last one, “The best part of working at Mercedes is saying 'yes, sir' to Toto. I will not elaborate”.
You couldn't help but smile when he looked up at you.
— I believe there are other advantages to working at Mercedes, but I pride myself on being a good boss — Toto said, before ending the video with one of those smiles that made your chest warm.
While the crew set up the studio for the recording with Lewis, which would take place in half an hour, you and Toto headed back to his office. The team leader had already removed the microphone that was attached to his shirt and was reading something intently on the phone before handing it to you. Inside the room, he walked around the pale wood table and stopped beside the chair.
— It was kind of fun recording — Toto said, bringing his hands to his chest and undoing the top button of his shirt — I thought this thirsty tweets thing was going to be a lot worse.
Your eyes dropped to his fingers, which deftly parted the shirt, revealing the firm muscles beneath.
— Well, I'm glad you like it — you managed to reply, your mouth dry as the fabric slid down his arms. You had seen him topless before, but the feeling was always the same. The heat in your face, the tingling in your belly, the heavier heartbeat in your chest.
— But, I have a question about a thing — he continued, grabbing the baby blue shirt he was wearing before the shoot and putting it on — That last tweet…
— Yeah?
— Did you write it?
You swallowed hard.
— All tweets were posted by real users, Toto…
— But the last one is yours.
— Of course not…
— Y/N, you know I follow you, right?
You blinked, staring at the team leader in disbelief.
— You don’t have…
— Yes I do. I use it to observe things, see what people are saying, these things — Toto replied, while closing the last buttons of his shirt — I follow Lewis, George, Mick, Jonathan from engineering, Kawka and I followed your account recently. I recognized the profile picture even though it was blurry on the printed sheet.
— I apologize profusely about this, Toto…
He laughed.
— No problem, Y/N…
— It's completely inappropriate to say that kind of thing on the internet, and what's more, considering you read…
— Y/N, it's okay — he cut her off as he put on his blazer — You seem like a lot of fun outside the office.
— You think so?
  I do. Although I have a question about that tweet.
— What would it be?
— Would you mind elaborating on why that's the best part of your job?
You felt your cheeks heat up.
— Is like I’ve said, I won't elaborate, Toto.
— Not even at dinner this Friday?
Your mind short-circuited, your mouth opening slightly.
You were sure this was a hallucination.
— Are you asking me out?
— Yeah — he replied, his voice full of confidence — What do you think?
“Yes, say yes, yes!”, someone screamed in the back of your mind, while you stared at him.
— With a condition.
— Which is?
— No pizza — you said — Every time we have dinner, you insist on having pizza and still complain about my order.
— Of course, you like that atrocity with pineapple…
— Just don't eat.
— It's still disgusting, Y/N — he said — But, okay, no pizza. Do you accept?
— Yeah, sure — you answered, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
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tradesignalsbusiness · 7 months
Forex trading signals for part-time traders
Forex trading can be a lucrative venture, even for those with limited time on their hands. Part-time traders often face the challenge of managing their trades efficiently. In this article, we'll explore the world of Forex trading signals and how they can be a valuable tool for part-time traders.
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What are Forex Trading Signals?
Forex trading signals are indicators or notifications that suggest optimal times to enter or exit a trade. These signals are generated through thorough market analysis by professional traders or automated systems. For part-time traders, relying on these signals can save time and provide valuable insights into the market.
Here are some tips for part-time traders:
Choose a Reliable Signal Provider: There are various signal providers in the market. Do your research and select a provider with a proven track record of accuracy.
Understand the Signals: It's essential to comprehend the signals you receive. This includes understanding the risk associated with each signal and how it aligns with your trading strategy.
Time Management: Part-time traders must efficiently manage their time. Set specific periods for analyzing signals, and stick to your trading plan.
Remember, while trading signals can be beneficial, they are not foolproof. It's crucial to combine them with your analysis and stay informed about market trends. Successful trading requires a combination of strategy, discipline, and continuous learning.
Happy trading!
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Michael Esposito Staten Island - Influencer Marketing the Future of Engagement? Exploring its Impact & What We Can Expect
In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to engage with their target audience. Michael Esposito Staten Island — How Influencer Marketing Revolutionizes Brand Engagement demonstrates the transformative potential of this approach. As the digital realm continues to expand, the integration of influencer marketing and SEO is proving to be a game-changer, offering brands amplified awareness, improved engagement metrics, and a boost in conversion rates. Let's delve into the latest trends and insights to understand the impact of influencer marketing and what we can expect in the future.
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The Rise of Influencer Marketing
In recent years, influencer marketing has experienced tremendous growth, with an estimated surge from $4 billion in 2022 to over $6 billion in 2025. This surge is not only fueled by direct partnerships but also by the increasing adoption of influencer marketing by brands, with 68% planning to increase their influencer marketing budgets. Additionally, the shift towards social commerce strategies has attributed 29% of sales to social commerce, further underlining the impact of influencers in driving consumer engagement and sales.
Moreover, the influence of influencers is not restricted to specific demographics, as 63% of internet users of all ages have engaged with a sponsored influencer post at some point 3. This demonstrates the widespread impact and reach of influencer marketing across diverse consumer segments.
The Convergence of Influencer Marketing and SEO
As consumers seek authentic content based on real experiences with products and services, the convergence of influencer marketing and SEO has become increasingly evident. This convergence presents an opportunity for brands to leverage influencer content to bolster their SEO strategies and enhance their online visibility.
How Influencer Marketing Impacts SEO
The relationship between influencer marketing and SEO is complex yet complementary. Influencer partnerships can drive engagement, authority, and trust signals that are crucial for SEO. Positive influencer endorsements can build trust with their audience, which can translate to trust in the brand itself. Furthermore, influencers creating valuable content featuring the brand can be leveraged for SEO benefits, including the acquisition of high-quality backlinks.
Future Expectations
Looking ahead, influencer marketing is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of engagement for brands. The integration of influencer content with SEO strategies is expected to further elevate optimization and rankings, ultimately enhancing brand authority and trust signals. Brands that capitalize on this convergence and provide authentic value to their audiences are likely to reap substantial rewards.
Influencer Marketing and SEO: A Symphony of Success
In the journey towards maximizing the potential of influencer marketing and SEO, there are actionable steps that brands can take to craft a strategy that amplifies their brand's reach and builds lasting organic visibility:
1. Aligning Influencers with SEO Goals
Considering micro-influencers who engage in deeper connections with their audiences and create authentic content.
Prioritizing content quality over reach, focusing on informative, engaging content that optimizes for relevant keywords.
Investing in evergreen topics that offer lasting value to the audience and search engines alike.
2. Capitalizing on Content Synergies and Measuring Impact
Repurposing influencer-generated content and optimizing it for relevant keywords.
Leveraging backlinks from influencer partnerships to boost SEO ranking.
Tracking and analyzing influencer campaigns using analytics tools to monitor audience engagement and organic search traffic.
3. Building a Robust SEO Foundation
Optimizing the website for technical soundness, fast loading times, and mobile-friendliness.
Focusing on quality backlinks beyond influencer partnerships, actively pursuing high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the niche.
In addition to these steps, brands are encouraged to develop always-on influencer partnerships, coordinate integrated content strategies, encourage backlinks, build internal influencers, monitor optimization for E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), and leverage video content to bolster reach and visibility.
In conclusion, the future of influencer marketing is bright, with an increasing number of brands recognizing its potential as a valuable marketing tool. Michael Esposito Staten Island - The Impact and Future of Influencer Marketing underscores the significant role this strategy plays in modern marketing. As the integration of influencer marketing and SEO continues to evolve, brands have the opportunity to drive real business impact by leveraging influencers' authenticity and social proof to elevate optimization and rankings. By embracing this convergence and providing authentic value to their audiences, brands can expect to see their authority, trust signals, and conversions surge over competitors.
In essence, influencer marketing is not just a passing trend but an integral component of the marketing landscape, offering brands the potential for sustained engagement, improved visibility, and significant returns on investment.
By aligning influencer marketing with SEO goals and embracing the convergence of these strategies, brands can position themselves for success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. As the relationship between influencer marketing and SEO continues to evolve, the future indeed favors those who recognize and capitalize on this intrinsic link.
For brands looking to stay ahead of the curve, an integrated approach that leverages the power of influencer marketing and SEO is key to unlocking the full potential of both strategies.
In essence, influencer marketing is not just a passing trend but an integral component of the marketing landscape, offering brands the potential for sustained engagement, improved visibility, and significant returns on investment. By aligning influencer marketing with SEO goals and embracing the convergence of these strategies, brands can position themselves for success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. As the relationship between influencer marketing and SEO continues to evolve, the future indeed favors those who recognize and capitalize on this intrinsic link.
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gigglystudent · 3 months
Mastering Economics Homework: Unveiling Complex Queries and Solutions
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Entering the realm of economics, one often encounters challenging questions that demand critical thinking and analytical prowess. As students navigate through their coursework, they may find themselves pondering, Can I pay someone to do my economics homework? While this query reflects a common concern among students, the journey toward mastering economics involves far more than outsourcing assignments. In this blog, we delve into a master level question, providing an insightful answer that illuminates key concepts in economics.
Question: Consider a scenario where a country experiences a sudden increase in its money supply due to monetary policy interventions. Analyze the potential short-term and long-term effects of this increase on key economic variables such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
Answer: The scenario described presents a classic case of the macroeconomic impact of monetary policy actions, particularly focusing on the consequences of an expansionary monetary policy characterized by an increase in the money supply. Let's dissect the potential short-term and long-term effects on key economic variables:
Short-term Effects: In the short term, the injection of additional money into the economy is likely to stimulate aggregate demand. With more money circulating, consumers and businesses may increase spending, leading to a rise in aggregate demand. This surge in demand could have several immediate effects:
Inflationary Pressure: One of the primary short-term effects of an increase in the money supply is the potential for inflationary pressure. As demand outstrips supply in various sectors of the economy, prices may begin to rise. This inflationary effect is driven by the classical quantity theory of money, which posits a direct relationship between the money supply and the price level in the economy.
Decrease in Unemployment: The boost in aggregate demand resulting from the expansionary monetary policy could lead to increased production and hiring by firms to meet the higher levels of demand. As businesses expand operations and hire more workers, unemployment rates may decline in the short run.
Economic Growth: The initial impact of the increase in the money supply is likely to spur economic growth, as higher levels of spending stimulate production and investment. This short-term boost in economic activity can contribute to an uptick in the overall GDP growth rate.
Long-term Effects: While the short-term effects of monetary expansion may seem favorable, it is essential to consider the potential long-term repercussions:
Inflationary Expectations: Persistent increases in the money supply can lead to changes in inflation expectations among households, businesses, and financial markets. If economic agents anticipate continued inflationary pressures, it may influence their behavior, leading to wage-price spirals and further exacerbating inflationary trends.
Resource Misallocation: Over time, prolonged monetary expansion can distort price signals and lead to misallocation of resources in the economy. Excessive money creation may artificially stimulate certain sectors while neglecting others, resulting in inefficiencies and imbalances in resource allocation.
Long-Term Unemployment: While expansionary monetary policy may initially reduce unemployment, sustained inflationary pressures could undermine long-term employment stability. Businesses may become wary of hiring additional workers amid uncertain economic conditions, leading to prolonged periods of unemployment.
Diminished Purchasing Power: Continual inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, reducing the real value of savings and fixed-income assets over time. This erosion in purchasing power can disproportionately affect individuals on fixed incomes, retirees, and low-income households.
In conclusion, the effects of an increase in the money supply due to monetary policy interventions are multifaceted, encompassing both short-term stimuli and long-term challenges. While such policies can effectively mitigate economic downturns and stimulate growth in the short run, policymakers must carefully balance the trade-offs and consider the long-term implications for inflation, unemployment, and overall economic stability. Mastering the complexities of monetary policy requires a deep understanding of economic theory and empirical evidence, underscoring the importance of rigorous study and critical analysis in the field of economics.
In crafting this comprehensive response, we've explored the intricate dynamics at play in the realm of macroeconomics, highlighting the nuanced interplay between monetary policy actions and key economic variables. By dissecting this master level question and providing a thorough answer, we've shed light on the complexities inherent in economics homework assignments, reinforcing the value of academic rigor and analytical thinking in mastering the discipline.
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omegaphilosophia · 3 months
Theories of the Philosophy of Microeconomics
The philosophy of microeconomics encompasses various theories and approaches that seek to understand the principles, assumptions, and implications of individual decision-making within the context of markets and economic systems. Some key theories in the philosophy of microeconomics include:
Rational Choice Theory: Rational choice theory posits that individuals make decisions by maximizing utility or satisfaction given their preferences, constraints, and available information. It assumes that individuals act in their self-interest and make choices that maximize their well-being.
Marginalism: Marginalism examines how individuals make decisions at the margin, weighing the benefits and costs of small changes or incremental units of goods and services. It emphasizes the importance of marginal analysis in determining optimal decision-making and resource allocation.
Utility Theory: Utility theory explores the concept of utility as a measure of satisfaction or happiness derived from consuming goods and services. It investigates how individuals allocate their limited resources to maximize utility, subject to budget constraints and preferences.
Consumer Choice Theory: Consumer choice theory analyzes how consumers make decisions about what goods and services to purchase based on their preferences, budget constraints, and the prices of goods in the market. It explores consumer behavior, demand curves, and the determinants of consumer choice.
Production Theory: Production theory examines the behavior of firms and producers in allocating resources to produce goods and services. It analyzes the relationship between inputs (such as labor and capital) and outputs, the concept of production functions, and the factors influencing production decisions.
Market Equilibrium: Market equilibrium theory explores the interaction of supply and demand in determining prices and quantities exchanged in markets. It examines how markets reach equilibrium through the adjustment of prices and quantities to balance supply and demand.
Game Theory: Game theory studies strategic interactions between rational decision-makers, such as individuals, firms, or governments, in competitive or cooperative settings. It analyzes the outcomes of strategic interactions, including the Nash equilibrium, cooperation, and competition.
Information Economics: Information economics investigates the role of information and uncertainty in economic decision-making. It examines how individuals gather, process, and act on information in markets, the impact of asymmetric information on market outcomes, and the role of signaling and screening mechanisms.
Behavioral Economics: Behavioral economics integrates insights from psychology and economics to study how cognitive biases, heuristics, and social factors influence economic behavior. It challenges the assumptions of rationality and explores deviations from standard economic models.
Welfare Economics: Welfare economics evaluates the efficiency and equity of resource allocation in economic systems. It assesses the welfare implications of market outcomes, including market failures, externalities, income distribution, and the role of government intervention.
These theories and approaches in the philosophy of microeconomics provide frameworks for understanding individual decision-making, market dynamics, and the allocation of resources in economic systems.
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notafuckingflower · 3 months
Asians in Porn
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When we want to talk about the fetishization of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders we need to discuss the portrayals of ourselves in porn. Our portrayals in media matter in how many of us are perceived as we interpret media as realistic portrayals of life. Leaving out porn in our discussion of representation in media would be a poor decision as porn websites get more traffic a month than many of the worlds most popular apps, like Tik Tok or Amazon. So how have Asians been portrayed in porn in the past and present?
Yellowface in Stag Pornography
According to The Museum of Sex, stag films were "[produced in the] early 1900s until the late 1960s" and "were predominantly short, black-and-white, and anonymously produced". In order to look at the historical portrayal of Asian Women in porn, we have to look at how Asians are portrayed and racialized in early stag films.
Celine Parreñas Shimizu discusses and analyzes Yellowface in stag pornography in her book "The Hypersexuality of Race" in Chapter Four "Racial Threat or Racial Treat? Preforming Yellowface". She finds in her viewings of stag pornography that the sexuality of Asian women is racialized in these films. As the actresses portraying the "Asian" women in this films are white, stereotypical, orientialist props are used to racialize the actresses. Kimonos, chopsticks, flowing robes, and specific hairstyles such as buns are stereotypically used to racialize the actresses.
"Making fun of Asians indicates the place of Asian women in the stag film. Their bodies are made into cultural objects for the viewers’ pleasure and/or ridicule. Their difference provides visual pleasure that comes from seeing objects from afar: exotic items previously unseen for they belong somewhere out there"
Genitalia also becomes a sight for racialization as closeup shots of penetration (also known as "money shots") serve to not just show the act of sex but also the differences in skin color, and sometimes even the anatomy of genitalia to differentiate race.
Many of these stag films end with messages of racial harmony, using sex to show the indifference between races. Yet these films depend on racial differences to drive the stories and arousal in their films. The sexuality of Asian women is exotic and fetishized in order to turn racial panic (Yellow Peril) in racial pleasure (Yellow Pleasure) to appeal to a white male gaze at the time. Through this analysis, we can see how the sexuality of Asian women has been purposely differed and stereotyped in order to appeal to sexual fantasies of the white male gaze.
"the stags offer a pornotopia that says that sex universalizes racial difference" "Race signals perversity. If the sex acts are equally the same, as the films ultimately argue, the marketing of racial difference seems to be contradicted. If Asian women do not ‘do’ sex differently, what’s the big deal? Race functions as a part of the narrative in the commodification of sex"
Portrayal in Porn Today
We can see how the exaggeration and usage of race to translate to sexual pleasure is presently used in porn. "Asian" is often its own category in porn and represents more of just Asians having sex. Porn including Asians is often racialized and stereotypical, as Asians continue to be portrayed as "doing sex differently". Asian women in particular continue to be portrayed as small, submissive, infantile, and exotic. Not only have these portrayals continued, but the popularity of Asian porn has skyrocketed.
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According to PornHub Insights for 2023, we can see how Asian categories or "Asian-related" categories (categories associated with Asian and Asian produced media) have been extremely popular in porn search history and viewership. For me this not only reflects a growing interest in Asian porn but may also indicate the consumership of sterotypical and fetishizating behavior towards Asian women today.
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joecliiox22 · 1 month
ChatGPT 3.5
Here are some reasons why Shopify store owners might struggle to make sales:
Lack of Targeted Traffic: Without a well-defined audience and effective marketing strategies, getting the right people to visit the store can be challenging.
Poor Website Design/User Experience: If the website is difficult to navigate, loads slowly, or lacks trust-building elements like customer reviews and security badges, visitors are less likely to make a purchase.
Weak Product Offering: Products may not be unique, high-quality, or priced competitively enough to stand out in the market.
Inadequate Product Descriptions and Visuals: Clear, compelling product descriptions and high-quality images are essential for conveying value and persuading customers to buy.
Lack of Trust Signals: Trust is crucial for online shoppers. Without trust signals such as secure payment options, return policies, and customer support, visitors may hesitate to make a purchase.
Insufficient Customer Engagement: Failing to engage with customers through email marketing, social media, or customer support can result in missed opportunities for sales and relationship-building.
Ineffective SEO: Poor search engine optimization means potential customers may struggle to find the store in online searches, limiting organic traffic.
Ignoring Analytics and Data: Not analyzing website and marketing performance data prevents store owners from identifying what's working and what needs improvement.
Lack of Differentiation: Without a unique selling proposition or competitive advantage, it's difficult to stand out in a crowded market.
Underestimating Competition: Failing to research and understand competitors can result in being outmaneuvered in terms of pricing, product offerings, and marketing tactics.
If you want to know how you can make things right by improving your sales impression, kindly message me https://wa.me/message/DFOT5GS3D37OB1
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ngcgpt · 2 months
Ngcgpt-Wb3 intelligent robot
Ngcgpt-Wb3 intelligent quantitative trading is an efficient and systematic trading method that uses complex mathematical models and big data analysis to discover market opportunities and achieve profits. Although quantitative trading has the advantages of high efficiency and objectivity, always pay attention to changes in models and markets. Provide investors with a powerful intelligent robot to increase their investment returns.
Ngcgpt-Wb3 The basis of intelligent quantitative trading
The core of intelligent quantitative trading lies in establishing reliable and efficient mathematical models. These models are able to analyze large amounts of historical and real-time data, including virtual currency prices, market indexes, macroeconomic indicators, etc., to identify market trends and potential trading opportunities.
Data analysis and processing: The first step in intelligent quantitative trading is to collect and process data. This includes obtaining historical and real-time data from global financial markets and making it suitable for model analysis through data cleaning, normalization and other processing steps.
Model building: Build models through intelligent robots. Used to predict market movements or identify trading opportunities.
Strategy development: Automatically develop specific trading strategies based on the intelligent robot model. These strategies decide when to buy or sell an asset based on signals provided by the model.
Ngcgpt-Wb3 advantages:
High efficiency: Quantitative trading can quickly analyze large amounts of data and make trading decisions quickly.
Strong objectivity: Based on mathematical models and algorithms, it reduces the impact of human emotions and biases.
Scalability: Once established, smart quantitative strategies can be applied to virtual markets on different platforms.
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tradesignalsbusiness · 7 months
Unlocking consistent returns: the power of forex signals
Understanding Forex Signals:
Forex signals are indicators or recommendations that provide insights into potential trading opportunities. These signals can be generated through manual analysis by experienced traders or through automated systems. The primary aim of these signals is to alert traders to potentially profitable trades based on specific criteria.
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Types of Forex Signals:
Manual Signals:
Expert Analysis: Skilled and experienced traders analyze the market and provide signals based on their insights and strategies.
News-Based Signals: Events and economic indicators can significantly impact currency values. Manual signals may be based on breaking news and economic reports.
Automated Signals:
Algorithmic Trading: Using pre-programmed algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades automatically.
Copy Trading: Traders can automatically copy the trades of successful signal providers.
Advantages of Forex Signals:
Time Efficiency:
Forex signals save time by providing traders with pre-analyzed opportunities, eliminating the need for extensive market research.
Expert Guidance:
Access to the expertise of seasoned traders allows less experienced individuals to benefit from the knowledge of professionals.
Emotion Management:
Emotions can cloud judgment in trading. Following signals allows traders to stick to a predefined strategy without being swayed by emotions like fear or greed.
Signals often cover a range of currency pairs, providing diversification benefits and reducing risk.
Key Factors for Consistent Returns:
Risk Management:
Regardless of the accuracy of signals, risk management is crucial. Setting stop-loss orders and controlling the size of trades helps protect against significant losses.
Traders should understand the basics of forex trading to make informed decisions, even when using signals. Knowledge enhances the ability to assess and filter signals effectively.
Continuous Monitoring:
Markets can change rapidly. Regularly monitoring trades and adjusting strategies based on changing conditions is essential for consistent returns.
Choosing Reliable Signal Providers:
Not all signal providers are equal. Researching and choosing reputable providers with a track record of success is vital.
Challenges and Risks:
Market Conditions:
Signals may not perform well in all market conditions. Understanding the strengths and limitations of the chosen signals is crucial.
Overreliance on signals without understanding the underlying market dynamics can lead to losses.
The forex market is not immune to scams. Traders should be cautious and choose signal providers carefully to avoid fraudulent schemes.
While forex signals offer a valuable tool for traders seeking consistent returns, they are not a guaranteed pathway to success. Successful trading requires a holistic approach that includes a blend of education, strategic thinking, and effective risk management. Traders should view signals as part of their toolkit and not as a standalone solution. When used wisely, forex signals can indeed contribute to achieving more consistent returns in the ever-evolving world of forex trading.
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ajcook0622 · 2 months
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Link Building: Building Digital Bridges
Link Building is a strategic process of acquiring high-quality backlinks (inbound links) from reputable and relevant websites to improve a website's authority, credibility, and search engine rankings. The quality and quantity of backlinks play a crucial role in determining a website's perceived value and authority by search engines. Key aspects of Link Building include:
Quality Backlinks: Obtaining backlinks from authoritative, industry-related websites with high domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) signals to search engines that your website is a trusted and valuable resource.
Natural Link Acquisition: Focusing on natural link acquisition through content creation, outreach, guest blogging, influencer collaborations, and partnerships rather than resorting to manipulative or spammy tactics.
Anchor Text Optimization: Using relevant and descriptive anchor text when linking to your website from external sources to indicate the context and relevance of the linked content.
Diverse Link Profile: Building a diverse link profile with a mix of do-follow and no-follow links, a variety of anchor texts, and links from different types of websites (blogs, news sites, directories, social platforms, etc.).
Competitor Analysis: Analyzing competitor backlink profiles to identify potential link opportunities, industry trends, and best practices for effective link building strategies.
Strategic link building enhances website authority, boosts search engine rankings, and drives referral traffic from external sources. However, to maximize the impact of link building efforts, it must be integrated with a robust content marketing strategy.
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barrybulakites · 2 months
Navigating the Path to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to a Career as a Financial Consultant
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the role of a financial consultant has emerged as pivotal. Balancing analytical prowess with an empathetic approach to client needs, financial consultants are the navigators in the complex world of personal and corporate finance. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of pursuing a career as a financial consultant, outlining the steps to success, the skills required, and the impact one can make in this dynamic profession.
The Blueprint to Becoming a Financial Consultant
Educational Foundations
The journey begins with solid educational foundations. A bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business administration, or a related field is typically the minimum requirement. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning, and risk management provide a strong base. Advanced degrees or certifications, such as a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) or becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), can significantly enhance one's prospects and credibility.
Gaining the Right Experience
Hands-on experience is invaluable. Internships or entry-level positions in banking, insurance, or investment firms offer a practical understanding of financial products, market strategies, and client relations. Experience in customer service roles can also be beneficial, as they develop the interpersonal skills crucial for consulting.
Licensing and Certification
Depending on the services offered, financial consultants may need to obtain specific licenses. For example, selling insurance products requires a license in the relevant state, while offering investment advice might necessitate Series 7 and Series 66 licenses. Pursuing certifications like CFP or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) not only legitimizes expertise but also signals commitment to professional development.
Essential Skills for a Flourishing Career
Analytical Acumen
At the core of financial consulting is the ability to analyze complex financial data. Consultants must interpret market trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and understand regulatory impacts to provide sound advice.
Communication Mastery
Translating complex financial concepts into understandable advice is an art. Practical communication skills ensure that clients are informed and comfortable with their financial decisions.
Ethical Integrity
Trust is the cornerstone of a financial consultant-client relationship. Upholding high ethical standards and transparency is essential for building and maintaining this trust.
The financial landscape is continuously changing. Successful consultants stay abreast of new regulations, products, and market dynamics. They adapt their strategies to serve their client's evolving needs best.
The Impact of a Financial Consultant
Financial consultants make a significant impact on their client's lives and financial health. They guide individuals through life's financial milestones—be it saving for education, planning for retirement, or managing wealth. For businesses, consultants can optimize financial performance through strategic planning and risk management.
Navigating Challenges
Like any career, financial consulting comes with its challenges. Economic downturns, market volatility, and evolving financial regulations can test a consultant's resilience and adaptability. Building a client base takes time and requires consistent effort in networking and reputation management.
The Road Ahead
The demand for financial consultants is expected to grow as individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of finance in an uncertain world. Embracing technology, staying informed about global economic trends, and prioritizing continuous learning are keys to a prosperous career in financial consulting.
A career as a financial consultant offers a blend of analytical challenge and personal satisfaction. By guiding clients towards financial security and prosperity, consultants play a crucial role in the economic landscape. The path to becoming a successful financial consultant involves a commitment to education, ethical practice, and a deep understanding of financial markets. With the right skills and dedication, the journey can be both rewarding and impactful.
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seostart · 2 months
Unleashing the SEO Potential of Magazine Websites: Harnessing Their Unique Features
In the realm of digital marketing, mastering SEO optimization is akin to unlocking the gateway to online success. Amidst the vast array of online platforms, magazine websites emerge as hidden gems, offering a treasure trove of opportunities for bolstering SEO strategies. Let's explore further how these dynamic platforms can be harnessed to maximize SEO potential. mamkft.hu
Niche-Specific Targeting: Magazine websites are often tailored to specific niches, catering to audiences with distinct interests and preferences. This targeted approach presents businesses with a golden opportunity to align their SEO efforts with relevant niche markets. By strategically selecting magazine websites that resonate with their target audience, businesses can effectively tailor their content and keywords, thereby optimizing their SEO performance within specific niches.
Long-Form Content Advantage: Magazine websites are renowned for their in-depth and comprehensive articles, often delving into complex topics with thorough analysis and insights. Long-form content not only provides value to readers but also offers ample opportunities for integrating targeted keywords and phrases naturally. Search engines tend to favor long-form content, considering it as authoritative and informative, thereby enhancing its visibility in search results.
Cross-Platform Promotion: Magazine websites often have a strong presence across various digital platforms, including social media, email newsletters, and syndicated content networks. Leveraging these cross-platform promotion channels can significantly amplify the reach and visibility of businesses' content. By strategically syndicating content across different platforms, businesses can enhance brand exposure, attract inbound links, and ultimately boost their SEO performance through increased online visibility.
Visual Storytelling Capabilities: In addition to textual content, magazine websites excel in visual storytelling through captivating imagery, infographics, and multimedia presentations. Visual content not only enhances user engagement but also presents unique opportunities for SEO optimization. Optimizing image alt text, captions, and metadata allows search engines to better understand and index visual content, thereby improving overall SEO performance and driving traffic to the website.
Community Engagement and User-Generated Content: Magazine websites often foster vibrant communities of readers, contributors, and commentators. Encouraging user-generated content such as reviews, testimonials, and discussions can enrich the website's content ecosystem and foster deeper engagement with the audience. User-generated content not only enhances the authenticity and credibility of the website but also generates valuable user signals that contribute to improved SEO rankings.
Data-Driven Insights and Analytics: Magazine websites typically employ advanced analytics tools to track user behavior, preferences, and interactions. Harnessing these data-driven insights can inform businesses' SEO strategies and content optimization efforts. By analyzing user engagement metrics, keyword performance, and traffic patterns, businesses can identify opportunities for improvement and refine their SEO tactics to better align with audience needs and preferences.
Evergreen Content Strategy: Magazine websites often feature evergreen content that remains relevant and valuable to readers over time. Incorporating evergreen topics and articles into SEO strategies can yield long-term benefits by driving sustained organic traffic to the website. Evergreen content not only attracts inbound links and social shares but also establishes the website as a trusted resource within its niche, thereby enhancing its authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.
In essence, magazine websites offer a myriad of unique features and opportunities for enhancing SEO performance. By strategically harnessing these features, businesses can unlock the full potential of magazine websites as powerful tools for driving organic traffic, increasing online visibility, and ultimately achieving digital marketing success. Embracing magazine websites as integral components of SEO strategies is key to staying ahead of the curve in today's competitive online landscape.
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cryptotraders1 · 3 months
Understanding How Cryptocurrency Trading Signals Work
Cryptocurrency trading is like a wild rollercoaster ride. Prices can shoot up or plummet in no time, leaving traders feeling lost and unsure about what to do. That's where trading signals come in. These signals are like helpful tips based on studying the market closely. They give traders advice on when to buy or sell cryptocurrency trading on cryptocurrency signals so they can make smart decisions and hopefully make some money.
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Exploring the Different Types of  Trading Signals
signals come in different flavors, customized to how different people like to trade. Here are the main types:
1] Technical Analysis Signals: These signals use fancy math and past price data to guess where prices might go next. They look at things like patterns on charts and indicators like moving averages or RSI to find trading chances.
2] Fundamental Analysis Signals: These signals look at the real value of a cryptocurrency, considering factors such as the technology behind it, its adoption rate, the expertise of its development team, and the current demand for it. They care more about what's under the hood than just the current prices of cryptocurrency.
3] Sentiment Analysis Signals: These signals check what people are saying on social media, news, and forums about cryptocurrency trading signals. By understanding how people feel, traders can get an idea of where prices might go, even if they're not looking at the current prices of cryptocurrency.
4] Hybrid Signals: Some signals mix it up, using both technical and fundamental analysis. This gives traders a wider view of what's happening in the market, hopefully helping them make better decisions.
The Benefits of Trading Signals
Using trading signals can help traders in many ways:
1] Making More Money: Following these signals, which are based on careful research, can increase the chances of making profitable trades and getting more money from investments.
2] Reducing Risks: Signals give insights into possible risks and where the market might be heading. This helps traders manage their risks better and avoid losing too much money.
3] Saving Time: Traders don't have to spend as much time analyzing the market because signals have already done that work for them. They can focus on actually making trades and managing their investments.
4] Learning: New traders can learn a lot from signals. They get to see how experts analyze the market and can pick up useful tips for their trading. Over time, they become better traders themselves.
Choosing the Right Trading Signal Provider
When picking a signal provider, it's important to think about a few things to make sure you're getting the right one:
1] Reputation and Trustworthiness: Look for providers that have a good reputation for being reliable and honest in trading on cryptocurrency. Check their track record to see if they've consistently given out accurate signals.
2] Accuracy: Check how often their signals have been right in the past in trading on cryptocurrency trading signals. You want signals that are good at predicting where prices will go.
3] Transparency: Make sure the provider is clear about how they come up with their signals and how well they've done in the past. You should be able to easily see how accurate their signals have been.
4] Cost: Think about how much it costs to use their service and whether it fits your budget. Make sure the price is worth it for the quality of signals you're getting.
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Cryptocurrency Trading Signals
To get the most out of  signals, here are some easy tips to follow:
1] Know What's Going On: Keep up with what's happening in the market. Understand trends and how prices are changing so you can make smart decisions.
2] Use Signals Smartly: Think of signals as helpful tools, not the only thing you rely on. Do your research too, and use signals to confirm your ideas.
3] Get Signals from Different Places: Don't rely on just one signal provider. Subscribe to a few different ones to get different perspectives and make your decisions more reliable.
4] Stay Flexible: Keep an eye on what's happening and be ready to change your strategies. Markets can shift quickly, so be ready to adjust your plans accordingly.
Understanding the Risks Associated with Signals
While using cryptocurrency trading signals has its advantages, it's important to know the risks too:
1] Depending Too Much on Signals: If you rely too heavily on signals without really understanding how the market works, you might end up making bad decisions and losing money.
2] Getting Bad Signals: Sometimes, signals can be wrong or misleading. If you don't check them carefully, you could end up losing money. It's crucial to do your homework and make sure the signals are trustworthy.
3] Risk of Market Manipulation: Sometimes, people might give out false signals to trick traders into making certain trades. This could lead to losses if you're not careful. So, it's important to be cautious and not blindly follow every signal you see.
Exploring the Future of  Trading Signals
The future of signals is set to see big changes, thanks to technology and rules getting better. Here are some important things to watch out for:
1] Smarter Signals with AI: As technology gets better, signals will become more accurate and helpful. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will help generate signals that give traders better insights, helping them make smarter decisions.
2] Trading Bots Working with Signals: Signals will work hand-in-hand with automated trading bots. This means trades can happen automatically based on signal recommendations. It'll make trading faster and easier, with less manual work.
3] Rules Getting Clearer: As the trading on cryptocurrency signals market grows, there will be more rules for signal providers. This will make sure they're transparent and accountable for the signals they give out, giving traders more confidence in using them.
1. Are trading signals always accurate?
Ans : While signals can provide valuable insights, they are not infallible. Traders should exercise diligence and verify signals before acting on them.
2. Can I rely solely on signals for trading decisions?
Ans : It's not advisable to rely solely on signals for trading decisions. Traders should supplement signals with their own analysis and market research.
3. How often should I review my trading strategy based on signals?
Ans : Traders should regularly review and adjust their trading strategies based on the latest market developments and signal performance.
4. Are there free signal providers available?
Ans : Yes, some providers offer free cryptocurrency trading signals, but they may not always be as reliable or accurate as paid services.
5. What precautions should I take when using signals?
Ans : Traders should verify the credibility of signal providers, diversify signal sources, and be cautious of blindly following signals without understanding the underlying market conditions.
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