zlouimaze · 7 months
A substantial change was made to the Philippines' educational system with the implementation of Senior High School (SHS), Republic Act No.10533. The K–12 peducational program included this change as part of its efforts to raise educational standards and bring the Philippine educational system in line with global norms. We were introduced with different tracks and strands such as, (1) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), (2) Accounting Business Management (ABM), (3) Humanities, and Social Science (HUMSS), (4) General Academic Strand (GAS), and lastly (5) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) (Llego,teacherph). The various types of strands make the students decides better career choices that best suits your interest, talents, and strength, which eventually helps them get ready for college.
Among the strands, STEM fields are often the most popular choices or in-demand strand (Rask,2010) for education and career paths for several reasons, some of these are because of Job opportunities, Innovation and Process, Gender and Ethnicity, Personality and Socioeconomic Factors and Pop Culture, peer and parental influence (Madriaga et.al., 2022). The knowledge and skills acquired in these disciplines are often transferable and relevant worldwide, making it easier to find opportunities in different countries. Others took educational opportunity (free) given by the government. As the name suggest, classes or subjects are incorporated mostly with science and math.
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I’m currently in my first year in Senior High School under STEM strand. I chose the strand because the possible courses I might get fall under her. I was hesitant to pick ABM strand because it only focusses in accounting and business. So, I eventually chose this strand not only because people sometimes refer it to “safe” strand but also because of its flexibility, that’s making it beautifully unique. It wouldn’t be a problem if you change your mind ~ from engineering courses to medical courses or the other way around. And as said earlier one of the reasons of STEM’s popularity, I was influenced of the idea by my peers.
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alvarezven · 7 months
What is STEM?
One of the four strands offered for senior high school in the Philippines is the STEM strand, which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. In the Philippines, SHS students are able to select their own track. Some people may have already made a decision regarding their college education and future employment. Other students use SHS as a place to research various topics and increase their expertise.
STEM in SHS is an inquiry - and research - based program. It seeks to lay the groundwork for students' future college degrees by exposing them to more difficult mathematical and scientific ideas.
Students gain problem-solving abilities where they may use scientific, technological, mathematical, and engineering concepts through numerous projects and research that is required.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It incorporates these four disciplines and takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning and problem-solving.
SCIENCE: Involves the study of the natural world, which includes environmental science, biology, chemistry, and physics. It is important to comprehend how and why things operate.
TECHNOLOGY: Emphasizes the use of devices, programs, and systems to solve issues and enhance operations. Programming, computer science, and discoveries that spur advancement are all included.
ENGINEERING: Designing, constructing, and maintaining machines, systems, and processes are all part of engineering. Science and math concepts are used by engineers to develop workable solutions.
MATHEMATICS: For analyzing and interpreting data, solving problems, and making predictions, mathematics provides the language and instruments. To comprehend and put scientific principles into practice, that it is essential.
The study of STEM fosters creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It prepares people for a variety of occupations in a variety of fields, including robotics, healthcare, software development, environmental science, and more. In addition, it's regarded as crucial for tackling global issues, fostering creativity, and advancing technology.
Why is STEM important?
More and more people are realizing the value of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education in impacting both the future of education and the global economy. In a world that is continuously evolving, STEM teaches students essential information as well as crucial 21st-century skills like critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and problem-solving.
However, if STEM education is to truly empower students and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead, it must go beyond its basic disciplines and include sustainability and environmental education.
Why choose STEM?
The STEM strand aims to develop students' problem-solving, communication, and curiosity skills in senior high school. Graduates with the STEM focus to:
Have improved their imagination and resourcefulness, which are crucial for developing creative ideas and improvements.
Be more willing to take risks and be more experimental.
Be able to use what they have learned in the classroom in real-world situations, especially in their future courses.
What is the advantage of taking the STEM Strand?
Compared to other SHS strands, the STEM strand includes a wide range of subjects. The students are thus exposed to a wide range of concepts and ideas that they can employ in both their current study and future careers.
Ability to solve issues. The STEM strand contains a lot of hands-on courses. In this lesson, teachers show their pupils how to solve a variety of problems logically. When speculating, doing experiments, analyzing data, and coming to conclusions, students must adhere to the correct scientific procedure.
This method of instruction stimulates students' curiosity, encouraging them to experiment and develop original hypotheses and solutions.
Collaboration and communication. Students are provided several chances to collaborate with their peers in an inquiry-based learning approach. They can practice active listening as a result and improve their interpersonal communication. Additionally, they learn how to interact with their classmates with patience and empathy.
In addition, they can focus on their formal presentations. Here, a different channel of contact is opened up. Students can practice public speaking with numerous experiments and projects.
A readiness to change. Students learn how to adapt to change through lessons in the STEM curriculum. As they provide their peers solutions to these problems, they learn how to deal with a variety of obstacles.
Trial-and-error methods are necessary for many lessons. They develop the tenacity and self-assurance necessary to push through challenging assignments and classes as a result of their ongoing exposure to these. They develop their flexibility and resilience as they learn how to overcome these challenges.
Possible Courses and Careers Under STEM Strand:
Senior High School Students that pursue the STEM strand are more inclined towards complex scientific advancements and the future of modern technology.
Many of our STEM students go on to apply for undergraduate programs and explore their preferred specialized fields. Through the courses under the STEM strands, these students continue to grow into the country’s future scientists, engineers, programmers, and trailblazers within their niche. The STEM strand course list can include the following degree programs:
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science / Data Science
Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology / Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences / Life Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
Bachelor of Science in Biology / Biochemistry / Chemistry
Possible Jobs in the STEM Strand. Senior High School Students go on to find relevant STEM strand jobs that match the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired from our curriculum. They will find plenty of opportunities, both in employment and in further studies in higher education. Senior high school graduates have found fulfilling and successful careers in the following jobs in the STEM strand:
Industrial Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Marine Engineer
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dustinthemoonlight · 8 months
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Today officially marks my 6th week in senior high school.
It feels surreal to finally be here, at this stage of life. When I reflect on the difficulties I've had to get where I am now, I could only feel one thing: determination.
My journey, though it has only begun, is marked by uncertainties. This I am sure of, and haunts me in both my waking days and dreams. I am unsure of my course, my mental capacity, and capability to handle the academic pressure. But as I walk along the campus paths marked by solitude, a strange energy surges through me that reminds me of why I am here in the first place.
I am here to learn. I am here to discover myself to the best of my potential.                                            
I may be distracted by all sorts of challenges, hardships, and bitterness, but I will not let that hinder my passion to learn.
The cold is here, so it's time to light candles and study in bed and complain about the weather. I'm trying my best to learn all the things I have doubts about, but it's a long list.
As the weather gets colder, things also get harder. I'm trying to be more gentle with myself. Constantly reminding my silly mind that there's no rush. The place is here, the time is now.
Which also reminds me… hey, you, to the one reading this, you know you should be doing The Thing. I don't want to do The Thing, either. But we can sit down and do it for 2 minutes together. Then we can do it for 5 minutes. Then 10. And so on, and so forth until it is done. I'll be coming back to reiterate this.
To whoever needs to hear it: it does not have to be perfect. It does not have to be world altering. It just needs to be done. And I'll sit with you while you do The Thing.
Now go. Stop scrolling. Go work on The Thing. I'll be back to check on you and cheer us both on.
Lastly, I want to remind you that there is nothing wrong with being mediocre. There is nothing wrong with not being the best at everything you do. There is no guilt in doing the bare minimum because you have no energy to do more than that. “Living your life to the fullest” can mean different things for you at different times in your life. Sometimes, it is achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose, and sometimes, it is allowing yourself to rest and just get through it.
You deserve the space to simply be. To exist, to witness, to breathe, and to find peace.
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imohdy · 2 years
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X MIPA 3 masuk tahun 2021 dan merupakan generasi terakhir kurikulum 2013 Waktu itu foto diambil saat momen mereka usai menjadi petugas upacara bendera. Kelas ini dalam satu tahun pelajaran memiliki dua wali kelas dikerenakan ada perombakan birokrasi yang awalnya Pak @adisupri1102 dan dilimpahkan ke saya. Mereka generasi yang luar biasa dengan bermacam potensi yang dipunya. Terus gali dan optimalkan segala kebaikan yang melekat pada diri kalian. #sman1singgahan #smansing #sma #seniorhighschool #belajar #pelajar #imohdy (di SMA Negeri 1 Singgahan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChUlTqMvzAN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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acsec · 2 years
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Congratulations on your well-deserved success! 🎓🎉 École Vianney Batch 2022 Air Link International Aviation College ✈️ #amazingadventuresofbeaujethro #ecolevianney #airlinkinternationalaviationcollege #aliac #airlink #seniorhighschool #graduation #commencement #guestspeaker #congratulations #education (at ALIAC - Air Link International Aviation College) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfd3cV0r1vB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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newshuntermag · 8 months
NAGRAT Calls for Immediate Termination of Double-Track System in Senior High Schools    
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eroj4d3 · 6 months
Why We Choosed the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand in our Senior High School?
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Choosing a strand in our senior high school can be a difficult decision, as each one offers its own unique advantages.
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However, we're interested in developing a broad range of our skills and knowledge, that is why the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand is the right choice us. In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why we choosed the HUMSS strand and how it can be beneficial for our education and future career.
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The Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
The HUMSS strand offers a broad range of subject areas, including languages,religion, social sciences, and humanities. These subject areas provide students with a well-rounded education that can be applied to a variety of professions, from journalism and social work to marketing and diplomacy. By studying the humanities and social sciences, students develop their critical thinking and analysis skills, which are essential in a variety of fields. Additionally, we gain a better understanding of how society works and how people interact with each other, which can be beneficial in a variety of professions.
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Why we Choose the HUMSS Strand?
A lot of us are interested in developing a wide range of skills and knowledge, that is why HUMSS strand can help us have a well-rounded education that can be applied to a variety of professions. That is why by studying the humanities and social sciences it can help totally help us develop our communication, creativity, and critical thinking skills, which are essential in a variety of fields. Additionally, the HUMSS strand can also provides us with a deeper understanding of different cultures and ways of life, which can be beneficial in a variety of professions, from diplomacy to marketing.
Choosing a strand in our senior high school is a difficult decision, but by considering the advantages of the HUMSS strand,we know that this is the right choice. The HUMSS strand offers a well-rounded education that can be applied to a variety of professions, and by studying the humanities and social sciences, students develop their critical thinking, communication, and cultural awareness skills, which can be useful throughout our lives and for the near future.
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Tips and Guide for those students who want to choose the HUMMS strand on their Senior Highschool:
The choice of the HUMMS strand is a strategic decision that requires a lot of thought and research. By following your interests and strengths, preparing to read and write extensively, and taking up extracurricular activities, you will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges that come with the HUMMS strand. Remember, while the HUMMS strand might not be for everyone, it is a great option for students who are passionate about topics like literature, history, religion, and social sciences, the HUMMS strand can be a rewarding and engaging option that will help prepare them for a successful future.
Ernest Jyd Llauderes
Yvone Vivit
Redd Jazz Llegue
Edgie Marcelo
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mackiee · 7 months
What is STEM?
  STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is a strand in Senior High School that aims to enhance the problem-solving, critical thinking, evaluation and knowledge of the students who want to take this strand. Also, it is the fast-growing strand among others because of many courses that belongs in it. Furthermore, students who take STEM in their Senior High School are more likely to get into College Universities because it is a major qualification for College and very in demand these days.
  STEM is an abbreviation for a significant and vibrant group of scholarly and professional subjects. Individually and collectively, these professions have a significant impact on how our modern world is shaped, how innovation is fostered, and how difficult challenges are resolved. As society's reliance on technology and scientific innovation continues to increase, STEM education and vocations have grown in prominence in recent years.
What are STEM Subjects?
  STEM has an extensive range of academic disciplines that fall under that abbreviation. Besides, as previously mentioned, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The following are some of the STEM subjects you could study:
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
  In addition to this, Science involves understanding the natural world and conducting experiments to gain knowledge about our surroundings. Technology focuses on utilizing scientific knowledge for practical applications, often involving the development of tools, machines, and software. Knowing our world today, most of us starts to depend our daily life on technologies. Considering this, technology does play a crucial role in our society not only today but also in the future. Meanwhile, Engineering uses science and math to design and build things that solve real world problems. Lastly, Mathematics; this offers the methods and language to analyze and comprehend patterns, quantities, and relationships in different situations. Based on what was mentioned above, STEM strand can be a big help to those students who want to take up courses that are related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics as this can serve as their stepping stone into achieving their life goals.
The common programs that you can take under STEM strand are the following:
1. Engineering
2. Medical Sciences (Nursing, Medical Allied Programs)
3. Information Technology
4. Computer Science
5. Architecture
6. Teacher Major in Science and Math
The strand holds the immense importance in our modern world. These fields are the driving force behind innovation, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible. They equip individuals with invaluable problem-solving skills, enabling them to address complex challenges in various aspects of life, generating jobs and fostering entrepreneurship. Nations that invest in STEM education and research tend to be more competitive on the global stage, both economically and technologically. It is also plays a pivotal role in addressing pressing global issues, such as environmental sustainability and healthcare advancements. Furthermore, it prepares students for future careers, ensuring a skilled workforce for emerging job opportunities.
  In conclusion, STEM is the bedrock of progress in the 21st century, underpinning technological advancements, fostering innovation, and offering solutions to global challenges, making it vital for individual success, national development, and a sustainable future.
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SUBJECT: Empowerment Technologies
DATE: October 15, 2023
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nba24highlights · 1 year
TOP 10 BEST HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF ALL TIME! 🏀🤯🔥😤💨👀💯 #top10hsballers #top10highschoolbasketballplayersofalltime #highschoolbasketball #fup #fyp #viral #nba #highschoolhoops #highschoolbball #highschoolballers #highschoolbasket #highschoolball #highschoolballers #highschoolballin #nba24highlights #nbahighlights #highschoolhighlights #highschoolhighlightsbasketball #highschoolbasketballhighlights #viralhighschool #viralhighschoolballers #CapCut #high #highschool #school #12thgrade #senior #senioryear #seniorhigh #seniorhighschool
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – ‘Anyone Can Play A Role In #SuicidePrevention’
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MSU-Mankato family #nurse practitioner offers advice on dealing with preventing #suicide LOCAL NEWS FRITZ BUSCH [email protected] Photo by Fritz Busch 2B Continued founder Tammy Diehn of Arlington describes the journey to #mentalwellness at a Farm City Hub Club Farm Show seminar at the New Ulm Civic Center on Friday. NEW ULM — A Minnesota State University Mankato #Student Health Services family #nurse practitioner who lost her sister to #suicide, who was a #mentalhealth #nurse, talked about the journey to #mental wellness at the Farm City Hub Club Farm Show Friday. Lester Prairie native Tammy Diehn of rural Arlington founded the non-profit organization 2B CONTINUED in memory of Shelly “Teuby” Teubert, who was also a hospice and homecare #nurse. “After my sister’s death, I was determined to gain a better understanding of #mentalhealth and raise awareness for #suicideprevention,” said Diehn. “I shared my story and connected with others touched by #suicide loss. The connections have been therapeutic for my personal #grief recovery.” Diehn said people have told her others have benefited from her efforts. “I believe it’s important to talk about #mentalhealth,” she added. “Anyone can play a role in #suicideprevention. Together, we can make a difference.” Diehn said the organization she founded in 2019, 2B CONTINUED, offers #school programs being taught to #seniorhighschool #students a number of area #schools including Sleepy Eye and Sibley East High #Schools. Other #schools are on a waiting list. Programs are designed for #parents, #teachers and #students. The organization’s mission is to increase awareness of #suicideprevention, #mentalhealth and wellness through advocacy, education and outreach. A #suicide loss bereavement support group meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month in Hutchinson. Diehn’s #mentalhealth action plan includes QPR (question, persuade and refer) #suicideprevention training. “QPR saves lives,” Diehn said. “Hope prevents #suicide. In the #UnitedStates, a #suicide happens every 11 minutes. #Suicide is very complex. #Mentalhealth barriers include difficulty in asking for help. Sobriety is important.” Diehn said #suicide can be seen as a solution to a perceived, unsolvable problem. People with untreated #depression are at higher risk. She said asking a person if they are unhappy or thinking of #suicide can prevent it. “Be persestant. Even ask a stranger, to save a life. Show concern,” Diehn said. “Listen to people’s problems. Don’t judge. Offer hope. Refer people to someone who can help. We have mobile crisis teams. Make arrangements to get help, give referral information.” #Suicide warning signs include #suicide threats, previous attempts, #alcohol or #drugabuse, sudden #behavior changes, prolonged #depression, buying a gun or stockpiling pills. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Read the full article
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oelctam2307 · 1 year
Seniorhighschool sa likod akyat 4rth floor magpahangin
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thewriterofthought · 4 years
This is not the end
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setiaterpendam · 4 years
Halo! Maafkan aku yang tidak bisa menyebutkan nama asli, tapi jika berkenan panggil saja aku Atthena. Aku remaja tujuh belas tahun yang sebentar lagi akan duduk di bangku kelas tiga SMA. Aku gadis yang cukup terkenal di sekolah, aku adalah salah satu anggota OSIS dan menjabat sebagai wakil ketua extrakulikuler. Mereka bilang hidupku terlalu menyenangkan, sampai-sampai banyak yang iri kepadaku. Ada yang pernah bilang, "Apa yang kamu lakukan? Bisa-bisanya kamu bak tokoh utama wattpad." Well, sebenarnya agak kurang setuju dengan itu. Tapi jika memang terlihatnya begitu ya sudah tidak apa-apa.
Semenjak aku menjadi kakak pendamping murid baru, semuanya berubah. Hampir setiap detik handphoneku selalu dimasuki oleh papan pemberitahuan. Iya, mereka memberi pesan pribadi kepadaku. Menanyakan kabar, sudah makan atau belum, sudah punya pasangan atau belum, dsb. Saat itu rasanya benar-benar bahagia sekali. Ternyata orang sepertiku ini bisa mendapat perhatian dari calon murid baru. "Jadi seperti ini ya dimodusin sama adik kelas," pikirku saat itu. Tapi rasanya biasa saja, tidak ada yang membuatku tertarik karena memang saat itu aku sudah punya pasangan. Tunggu, "Emang benar dia pasanganku?"
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dtjanpink · 4 years
I decided not to.
Yesterday, I decided not to talk to her through facebook messenger.
It kinda feels like she is forced to reply to my message because of the things I’ve done for her.
I don’t know why but, she sometimes left me on read and put facebook messenger reactions on my last chat. 
It just feels weird for me, so yesterday I had the urge to send her a message but,
I decided not to.
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danafash · 4 years
A Case Study on the Online Shopping Behavior of the Senior High School Students from Immaculate Conception School of Malolos
As the world paves it way to modernization, the internet offers more convenience to individuals. With the help of it, merchants are able to sell their products easier to their catered customers. Online shopping attracts people for it’s convenience and time saving benefits. It is defined as the process of searching and purchasing goods and services over the internet through the use of a web browser or an application. The researcher aims to determine the possible reasons as to why the senior high school students of Immaculate Conception School of Malolos prefer online shopping rather than physical stores.
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My Best friend's Testimony
        I interviewed a girl named, Shemaiah Francisco. She was a loving girl that grew up with her grandparents ever since she was a child. Her grandparents serves as the greatest blessing that God has given to her for they played an important role in her life, they’re the ones who fulfilled the love and joy that she didn’t feel with her parents, and who supported her in everything she do even from the start.
        Shemaiah wants to pay back for what her grandparents have done to her, she is focusing on her studies and making her grandparents proud. She joined a lot of extracurricular activities, and is also active in her ACADS.
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        When you see her, you might think that she has a strong personality, and that she can do things without being doubtful or confused by herself.
        But no, most of the time she doubt herself to think that maybe she’ll do a mistake, and when she found out of what everyone else thought, she gets confused. There’s a time that she wants to give up and thinking to do nothing, because she thought that she can’t manage her time and do the two things at the same time, (ACADS and extracurricular activities) but still, she’s fighting for her dreams and especially for her grandparents, knowing that God is beside her.
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         I just want to raise awareness to every student who’s experiencing the same way she feels, that we should not give up and just hold on to our dreams. Trust in the Lord, and also it says in the bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Everything happens for a reason, and anything happens for good. 
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     Believe in yourself! Enjoy the moment because you only live once. Just hold on to God, and trust His process.       
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