#Senior health care
comfikarehomecaremd · 5 months
Essential Skills in the Activities of Daily Living | IADLs
Essential Skills in the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are essential tasks for independent living, including mobility, feeding, dressing, hygiene, continence, and toileting. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) involve difficult skills like managing finances, cooking, shopping, and transportation. Follow this to learn how homecare agencies provide invaluable support to help individuals maintain their independence and well-being.
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thrivehomecare · 2 years
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If your aging parents’ incontinence is getting hard to manage due to having increased urination, it might be because of something they consume regularly that has negatively affected their bladder.
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handtohandhat · 2 years
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Hand to Hand Homecare offer services that monitor and support seniors in maintaining a comfortable environment and alleviate their feelings of loneliness.
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What supportive care do senior snakes require? Like, as they reach their later years, what should a responsible keeper do to keep them comfortable and thriving?
Great question!
The single most important thing that can be done for a senior snake is ensuring they have regular vet visits. A good yearly (or even twice yearly) check-up can do wonders for spotting common issues before they cause the snake any discomfort.
In general, here's what I do for senior snakes to make sure they stay healthy and happy!
Senior snakes will often have mobility issues. Their skin and muscles aren't as stretchy as they used to be! Thicker climbing branches that are easier to hold onto, shorter vertical enrichment that's closer to the ground, and softer substrate (working moss into your regular substrate is easy and effective) can help prevent injury from falls.
Senior snakes might have trouble digesting large food items. Cutting down on the size can help the snake digest comfortably and prevent regurgitations.
Taking them out for short handling sessions to get their bodies moving encourages exercise and keeps those muscles healthier for longer!
Senior snakes often have trouble shedding. Extra humidity boosts during shed cycles are often appreciated.
Senior snakes' immune systems aren't as strong as they used to be, so it's important to make sure your enclosure stays clean!
Supplementing their meals with vitamins can help keep their bones, muscles, and organs going strong! Ask your vet about good liquid multivitamins that can be injected into their meals. Even just an occasional calcium supplement can help keep their bones healthy.
With any senior pet, it's important to keep track of how they're doing. I recommend keeping a journal to track their feeding habits, shedding, and activity levels. Be sure to watch for any signs that your snake is in pain. Many senior snakes still have many happy and healthy years ahead of them, so it's important to do all you can to keep them comfortable and thriving!
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moderat50 · 2 months
Several Republicans & Trump Proposing To Change Social Security & Medicare Benefits
Increasing the qualified retirement age is one possibility. Must be older to retire & qualify. What about increasing the income tax threshold so the very wealthy contribute more into the funds? That is not being proposed by the Republicans.
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genx3791 · 4 months
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Age is a risk factor for dementia, which impacts memory and cognitive function. Some studies estimate that one in every ten adults over 65 years old experiences some form of dementia or memory issue. We offer assisted living in Salem, Oregon, to help improve the quality of life for seniors with memory struggles.
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Supporting Our Elders: Charities Easing Financial Burdens for Seniors
Life can be tough, especially for our seniors who are like the seasoned threads holding our society together. With healthcare costs going up and pensions not always cutting, a lot of them are struggling to make ends meet. Luckily, there are these awesome charities for seniors that have stepped up to help. They're like a friendly hand reaching out to make things a bit easier for our elders. So, let's check out some of these charities that are all about giving financial support to seniors, and helping them get through life with dignity and grace.
The Rising Financial Challenges for Seniors
Before delving into the charities making a difference, it's crucial to understand the landscape of financial challenges faced by seniors today. As medical expenses soar and the cost of living continues to rise, a significant number of older adults find themselves struggling to make ends meet. Fixed incomes, often derived from pensions or Social Security, may not be sufficient to cover the burgeoning expenses of healthcare, housing, and daily living.
Meals on Wheels: Nourishing the Body and Soul
Meals on Wheels is a renowned charity that operates across the United States, dedicated to addressing the nutritional needs of seniors who face financial difficulties. The organization delivers nutritious meals to the doorsteps of older adults, ensuring they receive the sustenance necessary for a healthy life. This not only addresses the physical well-being of seniors but also provides them with a sense of connection and community.
The National Council on Aging: Empowering Seniors Financially
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is committed to empowering seniors through a variety of financial assistance programs. From benefits enrollment assistance to initiatives aimed at reducing healthcare costs, NCOA works tirelessly to improve the economic well-being of older adults. By connecting seniors with available resources and advocating for policies that support their financial security, NCOA plays a crucial role in ensuring seniors can enjoy their later years with peace of mind.
AARP Foundation: Creating Opportunities for Seniors
The AARP Foundation, an arm of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), focuses on creating opportunities and solving the challenges faced by seniors in various aspects of their lives. Through initiatives like the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), the foundation helps older adults find employment opportunities that align with their skills and interests. By fostering financial independence through employment, AARP Foundation contributes significantly to enhancing the quality of life for seniors.
Benevolent Societies and Local Community Charities
In addition to nationally recognized organizations, local benevolent societies and community charities often play a vital role in supporting seniors facing financial difficulties. These organizations may provide direct financial assistance, cover essential expenses, or organize community events to foster a sense of belonging. Their localized approach allows them to tailor their assistance to the specific needs of seniors in their communities, ensuring a more personal and impactful connection.
Senior Affordable Housing Programs
Housing is a significant concern for many seniors, especially those on fixed incomes. Charities that focus on affordable housing for seniors contribute immensely to addressing this critical need. By partnering with developers, community organizations, and government agencies, these charities work towards creating affordable housing options that allow seniors to maintain their independence and live in safe, comfortable environments.
Financial Education Initiatives for Seniors
Charities dedicated to providing financial education to seniors are instrumental in equipping older adults with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their finances effectively. Workshops, seminars, and one-on-one counseling sessions offered by these organizations empower seniors to make informed decisions about budgeting, investments, and retirement planning. By enhancing financial literacy, these charities contribute to the long-term financial well-being of seniors.
Connecting Through Technology: Cyber-Seniors Programs
As technology becomes increasingly integral to daily life, charities that focus on connecting seniors with the digital world play a crucial role. Cyber-Seniors programs teach older adults how to use smartphones, computers, and the internet, opening new avenues for communication, entertainment, and even employment. By bridging the digital divide, these charities empower seniors to access online resources that can alleviate financial burdens and improve their overall quality of life.
The Importance of Volunteering: RSVP and Senior Corps
Charities like the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and the Senior Corps recognize the wealth of experience and knowledge that seniors bring to their communities. These organizations facilitate volunteer opportunities for older adults, allowing them to give back to society while staying active and engaged. Through volunteer work, seniors not only contribute to the well-being of others but also find a renewed sense of purpose, which can positively impact their mental and emotional health.
Navigating the Application Process: Benefits Outreach Programs
Many seniors are eligible for various government assistance programs and benefits, but navigating the application process can be daunting. Charities specializing in benefits outreach help seniors understand their entitlements and assist them in completing the necessary paperwork. By simplifying complex processes and ensuring that seniors receive the financial support they are entitled to, these charities make a significant difference in the lives of older adults.
There are these cool charities that are all about helping older folks dealing with money problems, and they add some crucial elements to this whole song we're jamming to, making our society more caring and in sync.
We should take a moment to give a shoutout to our older peeps for all the cool stuff they've done and been through. It's on us to make sure they get the backup they need to deal with all the money stuff that comes with getting older. Supporting these charities and what they're about isn't just good for our seniors; it's like adding some extra strength to the whole human connection thing we've got going on.
Welcome to Stepping Up for Seniors, a dedicated organization committed to making a positive impact in the lives of low-income seniors who require assistance yet lack the essential family support and financial resources to access the help they need. Our mission is simple but profound - to provide a helping hand and bring hope to those in their golden years who might otherwise be left without the vital support they deserve.
Our organization is not just a helping hand; we are a lifeline for low-income seniors seeking support and care. With a team of dedicated professionals and a network of compassionate volunteers, we work tirelessly to make a meaningful difference in the lives of seniors who have walked a long and challenging journey.
Join us in our mission to lift the spirits of low-income seniors and provide them with the care and resources they deserve. Together, we can make a profound impact, ensuring that every senior in our community can enjoy their golden years with grace, respect, and joy.
Explore our website to learn more about our programs and discover how you can get involved in Stepping Up for Seniors. Let's step up together for those who have paved the way for us and deserve to be cherished in their retirement years.
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arvitoursandtravels · 6 months
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Discover the world anew with Arvi Tours and Travels, where every journey is a celebration of life's most cherished moments. As seasoned experts in creating tailor-made senior citizen group tours, we specialise in crafting experiences that blend comfort, camaraderie, and exploration. Embark on worry-free adventures: From breathtaking landscapes to cultural gems, our meticulously planned tours cater to the unique needs and preferences of our senior travelers. We prioritize safety, accessibility, and seamless logistics, ensuring you can focus on the joy of discovery.
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elektroyu · 7 months
Health logistics stuff under the cut
Sooo my psychiatrist (where I get my sick leave slips) would like me to get into some sort of psychosomatic clinic, or if I don't want that, at least would like me to do some sort of ambulant psychotherapy. I definitely don't want to do the former because I don't see how that would NOT crush what little bit of energy I still have.
You see, I like being able to dress myself, make myself meals, get myself some tea or water when needed, get groceries like once a week etc etc, and I also like being able to do a little bit of creative work for a little bit of extra cash here and there, and care for my pets myself, even though all of those things juuuust barely are what I can manage on my own. But I CAN still manage that on my own somehow.
Now if you add anything on top of that, even just a little chill birthday party with closest family or a doc or vet appointment, the scales already begin to tip and I need to adjust my routine to get lots of extra rest for a couple days. Or extra weeks if it's bad.
That said, to be thrown into a whole new environment with all the unfamiliar stimuli that would need extra processing from the brain, completely different routines that don't take into account the pacing needs of someone with ME/CFS, potential logistics issues if you can walk only short distances for limited amounts per day with breaks in between for like 3 hours, also with it's new people - especially medical personnel which may or may not know what ME/CFS is and thus may or may not know what pacing in that context means plus the potential catastrophic consequences of pushing such a patient over what they're able to do, which thus may or may not result in having to get into arguments with them about my safety - I honestly don't see me benefitting at all from such an arrangement. So I'll refuse that however I can. It's simply not an option. I want to continue being able to care for myself as much as possible.
That leaves me with normal ambulant psychotherapy. Which in theory? I don't mind doing it, I'm actually having fun exploring myself and working on myself to get better at life, so from that point of view - sure, bring it on! But even that is difficult for me to do, because even back when I was much better than I'm now this was already taking a toll on me if it was every week. Every 2 weeks was better, but still hard to do. And then there's the question of how do I even get there regularly? I definitely can't pay for taxis each week 😂 but I also can't use public transport because I'd need to walk further than I'm able to without worsening my symptoms. Now usually my sister drives me to appointments, or at least she used to. But now her working schedule changed and she doesn't have the time anymore to drive me somewhere each week (not to mention, she has her own life lol). I do have that scooter mobility aid, but that's not reliable enough because it's not weatherproof 🙄 it's only made for dry days lol and I paid for that thing on my own so if it breaks I'm simply fucked (and idk if I'm physically even able to use it for longer distances in the first place - never got to try that out because never had the spoons left; works great on short distances if the weather allows though).
So what does that leave me with? Idk tbh. At the end of the month I have another appointment at the psychiatrist, but it's a substitute doc again I think, so idk how helpful they can be. We'll see, I guess. 🤷
Then there's the question of: cognitive behavioral therapy or depth psychological therapy? Which would be better in my case (ignoring the logistics issues)?
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hissterical-nyaan · 2 years
Was watching 3 idiots just now and when that guy commits suicide bhai dil pe jo lagi hai....it really changes when you grow up huh
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comfikarehomecaremd · 6 months
Struggling with managing the medication of your loved one? | Comfikare Homecare
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Struggling with managing the medication of your loved one? Don't worry connect with Comfikare Homecare. We are a home care agency that provides Medication Management services for seniors. Our caregivers are trained to work with client-specific medication profiles to ensure all medication is organized and taken as prescribed at the correct time every day. Comfikare’s in-home care services allow seniors to age with value, dignity, integrity, and emotional freedom, all from the comfort of their homes.
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thrivehomecare · 2 years
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Due to aging, seniors are usually prone to various diseases, especially flu. And according to some reports, the flu virus affects people of all ages every year. Although it may not cause serious problems for some, there’s a risk of complications among older adults. So if you are elderly, make sure to strengthen your immune system.
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amarcare · 7 months
Expert Family & Elderly Care Specialist for Your Loved Ones
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Caring for our family members is a responsibility that we hold dear to our hearts. When it comes to the well-being and comfort of our loved ones, we want nothing but the best. That's where an Expert Family & Elderly Care Specialist comes in.
At Amar Care, we understand the unique needs and challenges faced by families and older adults. Our highly trained and experienced specialist is dedicated to providing exceptional care for your loved ones, ensuring their happiness, health, and overall quality of life.
What sets our Specialist apart is their deep understanding of the intricacies involved in family and elderly care. They approach each individual with compassion, respect, and empathy, recognizing that each person has their own set of needs and preferences. With a personalized approach, our Specialist works closely with families to develop tailored care plans that address the specific requirements of their loved ones.
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verticalmomentum1 · 8 months
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🙏 Thank You Joel Stewart For Having Richard Kaufman Veteran-Keynote speaker-Comeback Coach Host Of The Vertical Momentum Resiliency Podcast On Your Amazing Podcast.
🌟 Let's come together and remember that mental health matters, especially for our veterans and senior citizens.
🤝 They've given so much to our nation, and it's our turn to support them.
💙 Please watch this podcast episode to gain insights and help create a more compassionate society. 🎙️
To Watch-Listen https://signalhg.com/suicide-prevention-for-seniors-and-veterans-with-richard-kaufman/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
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countryhousecheney · 1 year
As Memorial Day approaches and summer begins, seniors must prioritize their mental and physical well-being. Our senior living community in Lincoln, NE, offers helpful tips to ensure a safe and healthy season. Firstly, limit sun exposure by dressing appropriately and applying sunscreen regularly. Stay hydrated, even if you don't feel thirsty, and incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Enjoy the benefits of fresh air while being mindful of sun exposure. Engage in outdoor activities like walks, yoga, and picnics to promote socialization and make new friends. Experience the best senior living in Lincoln, NE, where wellness is prioritized at every step. If you want to know more about our Senior Living Community, go through the link below.
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