#Secrets of Dumbledore spoilers
letthewhumpbegin · 7 months
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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
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screenmovie · 11 months
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Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander,
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, directed by David Yates and written by Steve Kloves & J.K. Rowling (2022).
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gellertsvision · 2 years
I simply loved Newt's participation on Fantastic Beasts and the Divorce of Grindeldore.
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tolazehtolivelife · 2 years
I can’t believe I went into the newest Fantastic Beasts movie expecting the only mention of Grindelwald’s and Dumbledore’s relationship being that one scene in the restaurant and having my whole world flipped upside down. Holy shit was I surprised. Not only was that the FIRST scene but their relationship was literally mentioned in every other scene.
Literally me during the credits:
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alphaalnitak · 2 years
So there is no way the Qilin bowed before dumbledore because he's pure of heart (I love him but dude fell for a literal nazi and is a top teir manipulator) so I recon the all seeing fawn just looked around and went 'hmmm who would piss the fucking nazi that killed my mom and twin off most??? Ah, the ex-husband!'
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starkcontrasts · 2 years
something abt theseus scamander in the new fantastic beast movie showing up just to look good, visibly judge both dumbledore and dumbledore's taste in men, be the Super Official Liaison�� so they could get in to the election party without questions asked, get damseled then saved by his baby brother, prove he'd make a lovely dad and that he does in fact have at least a bit of newt's affinity for animals just. yeah. love that for king
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I hate the last Fantastic Beasts movie, because it has Jude Law and Mads Mikkelsen playing exes but the plot/writing is so bad that I can't even enjoy it. 😭😭😭😭
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I thought of you when the Qilin bowed to Dumbledore. I went "Ha, Blair's going to hate this."
Oh my goodness anon. You do me great honor. And yes, yes, I hate it. The saddest part is that I thought this movie was actually pretty good. Better than the second film, not quite as good as the first. It had some genuinely beautiful moments, some others not so great. (Lally needs to be mainstay. She's such a delight, they better not bench her like they did to Tina, or kill her off like they did Leta.)
Truly, it was shaping up to be a great movie. But then they did that. And completely fumbled the climax.
I kid you not, when the Qilin bowed to Dumbledore I started laughing so hard that I accidentally woke up my kitty. I had to pause the movie, as I laughed for a full minute, give or take. Something tells me that I'm not supposed to laugh at that moment. That it's supposed to be poignant and powerful. But seriously, seriously. Seriously. This movie expects me to buy that Albus War Crimes Abuse Apologist Child Groomer Dumbledore (Those are his middle names, right?) is pure of heart...? Give me a break, Rowling.
First of all, nobody is. Everyone has flaws, everyone's got demons. Not being pure doesn't mean you aren't a good person. This is just like the idea that only the pure of heart can cast a Patronus. Even if I accept the existence of "pure hearts," that is still balderdash of the highest caliber - fucking Umbridge could cast a Patronus. Even children aren't pure of heart, though I could be a bit more understanding if that was the take the series went with. You can call this a personal belief on my part, and fine, it is...but the movie says so too. Literally in the very scene when they establish the Qilin's powers, Lally clarifies that obviously, no one is actually pure-hearted. This is contradictory to what they go with later. Fine, for the sake of argument, let's say I accept that in this world, some people just have totally pure hearts. 
But do not try to tell me that Albus Dumbledore is one of them. Albus Dumbledore, who plotted a fascist takeover with Grindelwald, who was complicit in the imprisonment of his sister and is at least indirectly responsible for her death (all of which the movie itself discusses) who refused to face Grindelwald out of shame, who never warned anyone about young Tom Riddle's behavior, who kidnapped infant Harry and then imprisoned him with abusive relatives, who left Sirius to rot in prison, who lied to Harry for years and groomed him into becoming a martyr at seventeen, who employed and constantly defended an unrepentant child abuser, and guilted Harry when he complained, who showed blatant favoritism for Order families, who hired a fraud to teach at Hogwarts for no other reason than to expose him, who kept the truth about the prophecy from Harry for years, who forced Sirius to live in the house he was abused in...
...Need I go on?
This man is not pure of heart. I recognize that I am pretty biased as a Dumbledore-Anti and one could make a case for him being more of a mixed bag. Fine, I acknowledge that one could make that case, that Dumbledore is a character who is more in the gray. I don't agree, but I get why people might see him as such. But someone who falls into shades of gray is not "pure of heart." That's the entire point. Not that it even matters because, as we seen, the Qilin itself is not infallible, nor do I understand why anyone thinks it would be? It's still a living creature. (Or a dead one, in Grindelwald's case.) It can be influenced just like anyone else. It's a baby for goodness' sake. Animals can be trained. Animals can be replaced with duplicates - would anyone apart from Newt be able to spot a dressed up fawn from a real Qilin? How many wizards on average even known what a Qilin is? Animals can also make mistakes just like humans - and Newt's Qilin clearly did.
But you know what's even worse than that? There's someone else at that ceremony who the Qilin should have bowed to. Someone better. In hindsight, it feels very obvious. The Qilin should have bowed to Jacob. No, but seriously, think about it. How many times did this movie make a point to mention how big Jacob's heart is, what a good person he is? I could have accepted this. Even moments before the Qilin takes her bow, Dumbledore himself is complimenting Jacob. Why doesn't the Qilin sense the purity in Jacob's heart? If she had bowed to him...can you imagine it? A Qilin bowing to a muggle, in front of all those people? Would leave all of Grindelwald's rhetoric totally discredited. Especially since he had just tortured said muggle with an illegal curse no less, but I guess everyone just ignored that?  It would do far more damage to his cause.
I feel very strongly about this.
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gelbusfan · 2 years
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hashtagfangirling · 2 years
My thoughts after watching Secrets of Dumbledore
Loved all of the fantastic beasts 
Picket and Teddy 
All the relationships thoroughly pulled at my heart
The mirrors
Lally’s introduction scene
Jacob’s solution to everything being just confront and yell at people
Newt being a Magizoologist Midwife
The guy who had to get the other guy out of the wall
Aberforth’s mirror
Jacob being Jacob
Credence’s identity and the baby swap storyline
No hate to the character but we got Lally and Bunty storylines over previous characters like Nagini or more relevent characters like Queenie
Events and timelines 
Maybe i’m just thick but half the time I had no idea what anything had to do with anything else or the plot
Questions weren’t answered and more were brought up
Side note: I know I had a con about irrelevent characters but I wanted to see Edith kick some butt and save Jacob or something. I was also expecting the frying pan to come back as a weapon. Both missed opportunities in my opinion. Also the constant mention of tea. Is this an inside British joke or something?
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greenmoons · 2 years
Too Many Things Got Released in 19 July 2022
Can someone explain me why in the 19 of July 2022 so many things got out?!
Why the screenplay of Fantastic Beasts, the graphic novel of the Dragon Prince and the book about Yangchen got released in the same date?! They coordinate it?
I know the screenplay date was in July because the movie was suppose to get out around this time and they decided to keep the release date of the screenplay there (even though the movie is out for three months!) But what happened with The Dragon Prince and Avatar? The creators tried to teased each other? The Dragon Prince creator was part of the Avatar writers so it could be teasing but who decided on this date first?
And where do I find all of this things?! It is too much information to collect! I don't have enough time to research for information from the script, the novel and the book. And there isn't enough information yet in the internet. I need to read these things, not to be desperate for tidbits of new things.
In the end, the three of them will be in the internet on the same time and I won't be able to decided where to begin! I need the screenplay to write more fanfics about Gelbus and I need the graphic novel to do a rewatch for Dragon Prince before the fourth season and I just love Yangchen and need to read this book!
I need to read but I'll do for now with spoilers but why I barely find any?! I want to know what's going on, please at least give me spoilers!
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screenmovie · 11 months
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Mads Mikkelsen as Gellert Grindelwald,
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, directed by David Yates and written by Steve Kloves & J.K. Rowling (2022).
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gellertsvision · 2 years
what he said: "Who will love you now, Dumbledore?"
what he meant: Who will love you now that you broke our fucking pact that I kept for thirty fucking years. The only proof of love that I have made in my whole fucking life, now we're just two fucking single idiots because you're a gay disaster who couldn't help yourself but I love you anyway
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wilwywaylan · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Credence Barebone & Aberforth Dumbledore Characters: Credence Barebone, Aberforth Dumbledore Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, post-FB3, mindful fluff, Found Family, I have feelings okay, Mentions of past abuse Summary:
What if you had a chance ? A chance to make everything right ? What if, for once, life was kind to you ?
Beta-ed by the amazing @calimera62 !
It had taken approximatively five hours for the rumor to go round the whole school. The older students had not even crossed the threshold, back from their day in Hogsmeade, that already the word had spread, through the corridors, up the stairs, down the passages, reaching the owlery and the greenhouses, slipping through the shelves in the library, climbing to the higher towers. Five hours later, every last student had heard everything about the new, shiny, exciting gossip, every last word about the new Hogsmeade inhabitant. Which, of course, was the cause of a great deal of frustration, because the large majority of them would have to wait two whole months before getting to see him.
It started with a group of Ravenclaws, who talked breathlessly about a mysterious, almost shadowy person they glimpsed. They couldn't agree on the location, some said at the Hog's Head, some in a field, behind the farthest row of houses, and according to one, hiding in the owlery in a way that was very ominous. Their bickering could have become a full-blown fight, had a few Hufflepuffs (and one Ravenclaw) not burst into the scene and confirmed that they too had seen the person, and that not only did they appear in both the Hog's Head and the overgrown garden just behind it, but it was a boy.
The new clue sent every student who heard it into a frenzy. They were falling over each other to bring to the table the juiciest tidbit of information, each trying to out-gossip the last. The boy was tall, he was strong, he was drop-dead handsome, he was dangerous, he was lonely, he was agressive, and silent, and talkative and...
At the end of the day, no one knew exactly what the boy was like, or who it was, or even if he was a boy, a man, a professor or a centaur. The students seemed to have reached a consensus, that the mysterious stranger was tall, younger than Dumbledore, and seemed to have dark hair at least longer than most of them had, hiding most of his face, making it harder to get a good look at him. Any more information would be a riddle for the ages, or at least for the very long two months before finally being able to see him with their own two eyes.
Credence slipped a piece of paper between the pages of his book and set it on the windowsill, away from the rain. He stretched his back, throwing his arms above his head, until his back gave a satisfying, painless crack. Just one year before, the gesture would have been followed by a sharp pain up his back, that, on bad days, would explode in his head in a flurry of sparks. Getting to sleep on a good mattress instead of a hard floor might have already played a role in his recovery, but it couldn't do much for that tingling at the back of his neck, that foreboding feeling that never receeded, dogging his every step. In all these years, he'd never been alone, the shadow over his shoulder always looking, always present, pulling at his neck, coiling around his ribs, crushing his breath inside his chest. A needle at the back of his mind, always in the red, always ready to burst, to flood his mind, lock him in place as terror overcame him. And that thing, that creature that was always ready to jump out when it did, raising mayhem and leaving him exhausted, alone and terrified. A neverending fear, of her, of himself, of all of them. And loneliness, almost as deafening as the screeches of the creature. Always with him, the only one to never leave him.
As with the pain in his back, being (troubled) (manipulated) (lied to) taken in by Grindelwald had only made it a little better. The bed might have been more comfortable, but the sensation was always there, a threat hanging above his head. The roaring at the back of his mind, if now tamed, was still as furious, ready to lash out at the slightest occasion, at him or at everything around him. Ready to turn into a beacon of destruction again, to make him an object of fear, of revulsion. The one you drive away, the one you beat, the one you kill. He'd been alone there too, followed but feared, surrounded, but enclosed. A wild card, a weapon, a tool of war more than a person. Even as a part of him now, the Obscurus had traced a line around him, a line that no one had dared to cut.
Not even Grindelwald. He knew it now. Grindelwald had watched him from afar, pretending to care about him, about his pain, about the emptiness inside him, when he'd never stepped close to him, never crossed that line. Never reached out to him. He gave him what Credence wanted - or thought he wanted -, crumbs of affection and answers made of lies. To better keep him at his heel.
It had hurt so much, when Credence finally realized it. Finally realized that it was all just the same, that it was just another person lying to him, leading him on to make him complacent. Someone else that saw nothing more in him than someone to be used, to do their biding while keeping him on a leash. A leash made of words, instead of fear and blood, but nothing more than a leash wrapped around his neck, that Grindelwald tried to tighten when Credence started to fight back, holding him at his heel like a dog. A dog, and nothing more.
A dog that bit back too late, he thought at he climbed the grassy slope leading back to the Hog's Head. Something moved on his left, a curtain as if waving in the breeze. But the chilly air was still, and the window was closed. Credence didn't pay it any mind. He'd grown used to moving curtains and ajar doors quickly closing when he went past. The news of his arrival certainly did get tongues running. Could he really blame them ? He didn't know. A part of him wanted to ; it had been very uncomfortable, on the first days, to feel those eyes on him, on his every move. A taste of the past that kept him inside, away from them.
He had been so scared, on those first days. Scared to have made the wrong choice all over again, to have given his trust blindingly, to have followed a man that would, once again, take advantage of him. Once, (Mother) (the Devil) (heartless) Mary-Lou told him that he would never manage to get free of his sins unless he stopped being so stubborn and submitted to God's will. He had tried, again and again, of course, but not once had she accepted his efforts. He'd always be the black sheep, the sinner, in her eyes... and maybe in his own too. Maybe that's why he surrendered, in the end. Maybe that was the path he was forced to thread, again and again, until the end of times.
 The wall behind him is cold, seeping through his coat to chill him to the bone. He tries to gather himself, to stop his mind from spinning. He'd never get used to that way of moving, and he has been grabbed way too fast for him to get ready for it. He leans against the stone, trying to ignore the sharp ridges digging into his skin. The voice in his mind is roaring, stronger than ever, ready to break through the shreds of his barriers, to take over again, to destroy them. To destroy him. It takes everything he has, every little ounce of energy left to keep it at bay, just a bit longer. He's going to collapse in a few seconds, and  it will come out. Maybe for the last time. The thought is not as scary as it once was. He's exhausted. He just wants it to end. To stop, once and for all. It's not comforting, just... sad. Empty.
 A hand grasps his arm. He doesn't jump because there's just nothing in him that can get scared anymore, just looks up wearily. The man, the one he's been writing to through the mirrors, the one that protected him a few seconds ago from Grindelwald, is here. He's looking at him, and from so close, the worry creasing his forehead, filling his eyes, looks genuine. Credence stares back, tries to read his face. He's trying to see something of himself in him, something that would confirm that all of this is not a cruel lie, a new ploy from Grindelwald. That this strange man, the one who, not long ago, was an enemy, is who he claims to be. He can't see it ; the man looks a lot like the one he fought earlier, but nothing like him. Still, he's looking at him with a kindness that Credence suddenly really wants to be genuine.
 - Did you ever think of me ?
 The question has escaped him. There are a lot of things he wants to know, about that man, about what he wants and what he's going to do, and if he can trust him, but the words jumped out. The man gives him a sad smile, and squeezes his shoulder.
 - Always.
 His voice is hoarse, but there's no harshness in it, no bite. It's as soft, as gentle as he had imagined when he allowed himself to think about it. Credence can feel tears starting to roll on his cheeks, but he doesn't wipe them out. The man doesn't mention them, doesn't scold him for crying.
 - Come home, he only says.
 The words ring in Credence's mind, his own words, the ones he wanted so much to hear, reducing the roaring to nothing more than a whisper.
 He nods.
The Hog's Head was almost silent when he pushed the door. Only two men were sitting in the back, too caught in their conversation to even acknowledge him. The woman near the garden window did look up briefly, but she went back to her book just as fast. Good. His novelty might have worn out, finally. Several times now, Credence had not felt the urge to hover near the door, trying to see if the room was clear before coming inside, to avoid the curiosity of strangers. Not a bad thing.
The man behind the counter looked up when he heard the door close. He gave him an encouraging smile that Credence tried to mirror, but didn't ask him anything. For this, Credence was grateful. Not that the attention was uncomfortable, of course not, but it was a bit... overwhelming. Going from being mostly ignored to the center of attention, even of one person, brought back memories that were better left to rest and burried under a stone. Not to mention the awkwardness of the situation between them. A few weeks before, the man was a total stranger, as Credence was to him. Just a few faceless words on a mirror, a few pleading, yearning sentences hastly wiped away. He'd wondered so much about this mysterious man, what he looked like, how he sounded. Would there be kindness in his eyes ? Would his voice be soft ? Would they look alike ? Or not at all ?
A cup was put on the counter in front of him. The clear liquid in it was still steaming, and smelled strongly of mint. Credence didn't even need to taste it to know it had been sweetened as he liked. He nodded in thanks. After pondering for a second if he would be better sitting in the kitchen, he pulled a stool and sat at the counter, his back turned to the room. Not his prefered spot, nor position, but for once, he didn't feel like locking himself away. He'd done it enough when arriving here, when he all but hid in his room and didn't meet anyone until at least one week had passed. But where he was expecting a rebuttal, a threat, maybe, or a promise of punishment, he was met only with silence. Food was deposited in front of his door, along with everything he might have needed, and no blame was given.
He did get out, sneaking out on the fourth day, around 2 AM, when he was sure no one was around. Why, he didn't really know. Fear of being caught was twisting in his chest, and he had to stop every two steps to listen for the slightest noise that would indicate another person awake. But he needed to get out of the room. He'd stepped along the corridor, trying to make himself as small and silent as a mouse. The old stairs had creaked a little under his feet, but hadn't gave him away. He'd stopped at the bottom, trying to figure what to do and where to go. Trying not to panic and run, too. To anyone, this would have looked like someone running away from home. It had brought to his mind memories of when he'd tried to leave the Second Salem's Church. He hadn't gone very far, and the very fleeting feeling of freedom hadn't been worth it.
But he hadn't meant to run away, not yet at least. Just... He hadn't known at the time, and he didn't know now. Maybe it was just a way of reassuring himself. Testing if the doors were locked as in Nurmengard, carefully coralling in the direction he was meant to, without giving him any choice. But all the doors were unlocked, including the one closing the pantry. Credence had been tempted to raid it, grab what he could and hole up in his room again, but he wasn't the hungry kid anymore, and that might have reflected poorly on him. Instead, he went to try the front door, and was bewildered to find it unlocked too. The little bit he'd seen of Hogsmeade hadn't given him the impression of a dangerous place, more like a small community. But still, to leave the door leading outside open to everyone... Everyone, including him. He could have left here and there, without glancing back. He could have left this place, try to find his place in this world again, away from everyone who may have known the old him and try to hold him back. Start anew, with a blank slate. There might have been a place where no one would know his secrets, and wouldn't care enough to find about them.
But he hadn't left, of course. Something had held him back as he tried to step over the treshold. A very slight hope that, maybe, this place could hold something for him. Not happiness, of course. This, he didn't hope for anymore. But maybe some kind of solace. A place to rest, after all these years spent running. A place where he shouldn't need to look over his shoulder. And so, he had closed the door, walked back to his room, careful not to make any noise, and went back to bed. Sleep didn't come until the small hours of the dawn, but it came, at last, and for the first time since he didn't even remember when, he didn't dream.
Things were not the same, after that. Slowly, Credence had started to feel more at ease in this house. Less jittery, less skittish. It wasn't a familiarity, not yet, but it was better. In no small way, it was helped by (his father) Aberforth, who was doing his best. He probably didn't know how to act like a father, who just got saddled with an adult man. Credence could have told him that his standards were so low that just being half-decent would have been miles above what he was used to. But that was not something he was ready to talk about yet. Later, maybe, when he'd feel comfortable enough. He didn't want to be pitied, and he didn't want Aberforth to feel forced to compensate for what he'd been through. Because he didn't need to. It wouldn't fix anything.
And if he kept just being there, and being patient, maybe there wouldn't be a need to fix it. Maybe, he thought while sipping a bit of the still-too-hot tea, maybe it would be enough, to stay here and just... be around. Why not ? Lately, he'd started to think about it, allow himself to carefully build a little fantasy. Nothing like the hazy half-wishes he'd kept well-hidden when in Nurmengard, or the stray thoughts that had made him felt so guilty when he was still with the Salemers. Nothing extravagant, either, just some wishful thinking. That, maybe, he could stay here, at the Hog's Head, and not leave again. He could work here, help with the customers, or clean the dishes if it prove too much for him. He'd go on walks around the village, explore the countryside that was brimming with things he'd never seen before, having spent all his life in the city. He could build a relationship with Aberforth, and with Albus too, maybe. Perhaps with the strange man with the suitcase, who came from time to time and sat alone in the corner. About him, Credence wasn't too sure yet. But when it came floating at the surface of his mind, he allowed himself the idea that he'd have the time to see.
Because yes, he'd have the time, if things turned in his favor for once. And why shouldn't they ? Why, for once in his life, couldn't he have a bit of luck, just a little bit ? He didn't ask for much, after all. Nothing but a little bit of peace, a little space for himself and that strange family he'd starting to gather. He could make himself a little life here. Not the kind he dreamed of when he was still very young and believed in fairytales, or the kind that Grindelwald had promised him. He didn't wish for a castle, power or money. Just a little life here, working in a pub like any other man out there. Learning magic didn't come up as often, it was still a part of his heritage he was wary of, but it had a certain allure. Especially when he could witness a feat of magic, either from Aberforth or from one of the kids that invaded the village from time to time. He could get a few lessons, enough to put it to use in his everyday life. Albus had offered to let him borrow as many books in the school's library, and he really wanted to take advantage of the offer. Just sit in a chair by the fire, with a good book, and take the time to just be.
So yes, maybe finally, things could get better, here in this strange little village lost in the mountains. Maybe he could stop being someone's tool, someone's monster, and start becoming Credence. Or Aurelius. After all, they were the same person, the one he could become, given time and just a little bit of happiness. And maybe, just maybe, he would find them there.
With the hint of a smile, Credence picked up his cup and saucer, brought them to the kitchen, and put them near the already full sink. He tied an apron around his waist, pulled his hair back, and started to clean the dishes, humming a little under his breath. Yes, happiness was within his reach, and he was going to take it. And maybe everything would turn out well for him. Not in the end, because that wasn't the end. It was a beginning. And maybe for him, it would be a happy one.
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svcuriosities · 1 year
I'm sorry your illegitimate son is played by a creep, Aberforth.
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weasleyreidstyles · 4 months
Serendipity; Tulips & Starlight
series masterlist
i decided to make it super fluffy and cute - to make up for the angst to come (ig thats a spoiler?? but not really). if you want more one shots for this series send me a request because this was actually so fun 😁😁
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Every year, without fail, the castle halls were full to the brim with wreathes of glittering hearts and ribbons of all sorts of reds, pinks and whites. The Hogwarts student body made a huge deal of Valentines Day every year – the muggleborn students had the most fun with the aspects that made it all the more magical. Each year, Professor Dumbledore would employ a series of real life Cupids to fly about the castle shooting 'arrows of love' towards their targets for the price of five whole Galleons.
Every year you find it sickening. This year is no different.
The Great Hall is swarming with people during breakfast and flying among the swooping owls are at least thirty or so Cupids who drift above the tables, skimming people's heads with the tips of their wrinkled feet. In place of the enchanted sky in the ceiling, red hearts have been enchanted to cascade like rain fall, bursting into balls of sparkling light that falls softly onto the tables, which are decorated in the same shade rather than the traditional scarlet, emerald, navy and yellow of the House colours.
You walk into the Great Hall, followed closely by Theo and Pansy, with distain painted across your face. Theo snickers as Pansy gushes silently over the Valentines decor.
"This is disgusting." You say with a scowl as the three of you wander in behind a group of giggling second year girls. Theo's snickering turns into a full on laughter as Pansy's head whips in your direction, disbelief written on her face.
"How can you possibly hate this?" she asks with wide eyes, as if you're committing some form of treason for hating this muggle holiday. "I think it's an endearing little thing."
"At least it's only for one day, tesoro." Theodore teases sarcastically, moving away just in time to avoid your swatting hand. "Don't you want to be swooned with flowers and chocolate?"
You curse his words as you part ways to the Ravenclaw table, shooting him daggers when he speaks to you in your mind as he sits down.
I wonder...should I pay one of those ugly Cupids to shoot an arrow at Matt for you? He smirks mischievously as said boy wanders into the Great Hall, deep brown eyes immediately seeking you out before he finds his friends.
You send him a smile, that goes unnoticed by everyone but him, before shooting as many cuss words you know towards Theo, who only laughs in response.
I'll take that as a no, then. Enjoy your breakfast, tesoro. Is all he can say before you kick him from your mind with a forceful shove.
He turns to Mattheo and they begin to have a lengthy discussion, but you're not curious enough to find out what it is, more content with drowning yourself in caffeine, if only to fuel your need to survive through the day.
The Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is possibly the only room in the castle that doesn't reflect the rest of the hallways. You should be glad that it no longer looks like Saint Valentine threw up in every single crevice, but the gloomy atmosphere actually makes your mood deplete. Mattheo had been sending you secretive looks all day and you had to admit that you were curious.
He was definitely planning something; it made you nervous, butterflies fluttering anxiously in your stomach.
Professor Snape was still yet to make his dramatic entrance to the classroom; you were chatting with Hermione, Ron and Harry as you waited impatiently for the lesson to start when Harry pointed to something fluttering above your head.
It's not a Cupid. Thank Merlin. But it's still happening in front of so many people and you want the ground to swallow you whole, until you make eye contact with its sender, who was smirking into the crook of his elbow, avoiding your narrowed gaze.
Mattheo had somehow gotten some faeries to flutter about your head, silent and imposing as one by one, they made about a dozen tulips of varying shades of red, purple and yellow, appear on your desk. You bite the inside of your cheek hard to stop the smile spreading across your face, but it doesn't hinder the bright blush that floods your aching cheeks.
"What the fuck?" Ron guffaws loudly, drawing more attention to the four of you, but you ignore everyone in favour of the deep rasp of his voice that enters your mind.
Theo said it would be a hard no if I paid one of the Cupids to shoot an arrow at you. He says, voice filled with mirth.
Yes. I would've run out of this classroom and you would never see me again. You respond with sparkling eyes.
Well I'm glad I listened to him, for once. Do you like them? The flowers, I mean? He sounds almost... insecure; nervous. Two things Mattheo Riddle is not. Your expression softens.
I love them. Did you know that tulips are my favourite flower?
I asked little Weasley for some help with that one. I'm glad you like them, love. His smirk has transformed into a genuine smile as you brave looking at him amidst the sea of your peers, including the eyes of your three best friends.
Within your conversation that only took mere minutes, rather than the eternity you wished it was, the faeries flittered towards your books and rested upon your desk infront of you, bounding the fallen tulips into an intricate bouquet, bound by what looked like a string of glitter, but you knew better.
You and Hermione gasp simultaneously, along with the other girls in the near vicinity of your desk. Harry and Ron only look more baffled.
"I-is that starlight?" Mione whispers in awe as you both stare down at the faeries who grin up at you with sparkling teeth as the bright silvery light acts like a beacon amidst the darkness of the classroom. "Whoever this is has gone beyond what I thought possible for your attention."
"Yeah." you reply with glistening eyes that flick to Mattheo who looks like he's sat on the edge of his seat.
He sees it in your eyes. The emotion that neither of you have dared to voice, too scared to step even further over the line that you were already holding onto for dear life, but that grip was slipping with every passing day.
Mattheo knew then that he would gift you the world if you asked for it; he would give you anything, even something as rare and beautiful as starlight.
The rest of the day is a blur for you. You hardly notice the eyesores that are Cupids flying around like headless chickens, chasing people around the grounds. All you can think about are the Tulips wrapped up in glistening starlight that sit safely in a vase in your dorm room.
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower – M
The lone note, that sits on your bedside table, reads. It was not there when you returned from dinner earlier, so it had appeared during the time you've spent in the company of your friends since then.
The day is almost over, the Grandfather clock in the common room is distantly chiming that it is eleven at night, marking one more hour of the day.
You had woken up in a sour mood over what you would have to endure from overbearing couples and lovesick idiots all day. But you had been pleasantly surprised by just how thoughtful Mattheo had been.
And you were not expecting it at all.
Mattheo Riddle who portrayed this persona of pure evil, stoicism and nonchalance to the world had gone above and beyond your expectations of Valentines Day and turned it into something truely magical.
You turn to look at your chest of drawers, where the tulips rest in a glass vase, starlight pooling around them, and into the air, casting a pleasant glow around your room. You had quickly discovered that he had also charmed the tulips to last forever. So they would never die; symbolic true love forever bathed in breathtaking starlight that was bestowed upon the bouquet like faery dust infront of your very eyes.
Quickly you changed into presentable, but comfortable clothes: Black flared leggings and you covered your cold arms with a fluffy jumper that cropped just above your belly button shoving on a pair of dark trainers before you made the short journey out of the Ravenclaw common room towards the neighbouring Astronomy tower.
It only took you ten slow minutes to sneak across corridors, silently praying the Filch and Mrs. Norris didn't turn the corners when you did. But you got to the Astronomy tower without a hitch and descended the steep staircase, wrapping your arms tighter around yourself at the bite of the cold.
"You came." his voice is a soft caress against the wind and you find yourself immediately wrapped up in his strong arms.
"Of course, I did." you mumble into his chest, hugging him tighter as a gust of wind circles the two of you. "I've been thinking about you all day."
"Have you now?" He asks with a smirk that turns into a startled chuckle as you shove against his chest with a laugh of your own.
It's only when you step out of his embrace that you see what he had planned. Your mouth gapes as you take in the scene in front of you.
Set up in the centre of the open room, surrounded by telescope's and magical orreries, is a red and white gingham picnic blanket surrounded by dazzling balls of light that cascade down the stone walls like fairy lights. There are candles dotted about the room, casting a warm glow.
"Matt-" you start but the feeling of his chest pressing into your back has your voice quieting as he presses languid kisses to your exposed neck. You sigh as you relax into his hold. "How long did this take you?"
"Not long. Pansy helped me with the decorations while I got food from the kitchens. Dobby heard your name and went all out." he chuckles quietly as he gently guides you towards the blanket, where a dark brown picnic basket sits among a series of long candlesticks.
"It looks lovely." you say as you move to sit down, Mattheo following closely behind.
Your thigh presses against his as he reaches into the basket, pulling out a bottle of sparkling wine. You smile as he turns to you with a cheeky grin.
"Ready to be wined and dined, sweetheart?" he asks with a smirk as he pops the cork and pours both of you a generous amount. Your smile gives way to a delightful giggle as you clink your glasses together, pulling out a series of food that Dobby had generously prepared for the two of you.
"How did you manage to plan all this? From the tulips to the starlight to...to this? It's all so perfect." you ask as you take a bit out of a chocolate covered strawberry.
"Well...Weasley told me about your favourite flowers and their meaning and I figured out how to bargain with the faeries from the forest for the starlight."
"How?" you were intrigued.
"That's my secret, love." he teases. "I'm not allowed to say."
"Not even to me?" you pout and he laughs as he takes a bit out of the pumpkin pasty on his plate.
"Not even you. I can't break a faerie's promise. You know that."
You could reason with that, you supposed. Faerie promises were sacred in the wizarding world.
"I think this is our first real date." you say contently, as you lean back on your elbows, staring at the side of his chiselled face.
"It is, isn't it." he says, nodding his head. One of his hands rests idly against your thigh, thumb occasionally stroking against the fabric of your leggings. "Well I must say, I don't think you'll ever top this."
You let out a loud laugh at his arrogance that has Mattheo swooning as he stares at you.
"What?" you ask, face wide with a smile as you reach up to brush your hands against your mouth. "Do I have something on my face?"
He leans in closer, voice barely a whisper.
"Yeah, you have an eyelash right here-" he reaches his hand to brush away the stray lash that had fallen onto your cheek but before he does, he presses a searing kiss to your lips.
Momentarily stunned, you react a second late before you wrap your arms around his neck, letting him lay you across the gingham blanket. He smiles against your lips and you can't help but lick at the seam of them until he lets you explore his mouth with your tongue, groaning as he grinds his hips against your's.
The peaceful atmosphere is disrupted by the incessant flapping of wings that has you detaching your lips from his. Looking around curiously you spot the intruder floating around in your peripheral.
"I thought I made it clear that I abhored the idea of a Cupid shooting an arrow at us." you say with a huff as the angel like creature lines up it's bow and arrow. To his credit, Mattheo actually looks confused as he swivels his head in the direction you're looking in.
"I- I didn't-" he pauses before shooting a scathing look towards the door. "Fucking Theodore thinks he's so funny."
The Cupid's arrow makes it's mark and all you feel is a pinch, no less painful than a pin prick, before the loud laughter of your friend is heard from behind the door. You'd find it hillarious if it was anyone else, but not while you were having such an intimate moment.
Mattheo looks about ready to maim his best friend, but you stop him by wrapping your legs around his hips.
"Leave it, Théo. He's just being a dick because he's got no Valentine this year." you say, making your voice louder so that Theo can hear you clearly. You hear his receding footsteps along with his echoing laughter that has Mattheo easing up, but he's clearly speaking to Theo as there's a clouded look in his raging onyx eyes.
"Sorry love." he says as he presses kisses down your neck, reaching for the hem of your jumper that is quickly discarded. You look up at him with an expression that has him melting into you instantly. The words are on the tip of your tongue, but something was stopping you; you knew it was irrational, knew that he felt the same way about you.
But you wanted to tell him when the time was right, and no matter how perfect, you knew that this wasn't that moment. You were content in bathing in his otherworldly presence, pressing kisses to his mouth, nose, cheeks and neck as he worshipped you under the stars.
Your time together was a reprieve from everything happening around you; there was a darkness looming about the castle, but in Mattheo's arms you felt infinitely safe.
(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff @babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony @dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf @devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira @foxboyapologist @lafrone @lovely-maryj @nromanovaswife @leeknows-wife @dracygf @wildlyobserving @ravenclawprincess33 @melllinaa @vellicora @lantsovheiress @emiliahoward @stunkbiggu @vcosette @prongsprincessworld @mattiesgirl @rachmmb @x-kermit-x @sun-fiower-seed @cas-planet @certaindreampost @weirdowithnobeardo @mikalovesicecream @benwadsworthsgf @rainy-darling @faeriepigeons @lovely-blackinnon @hiireadstuff @gimalo135 @elsafromcabinsix @moonlightreader649 @blueshome @nopedefe @spencerreidsthings @navs-bhat @agent-tempest @magimtz23 @y0urm0m12 @sbrn0905 @leona-hawthorne @whatsupb18 @moni-cah @taylorann2013 @unstablereader @gisellesprettylies @nat1221
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