#Sandra Caldwell
yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Sandra Caldwell
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 27 February 1952
Ethnicity: African American
Occupation: Actress, singer, songwriter, writer
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frontmezzjunkies · 7 months
"The Guide to Being Fabulous" Glides Gloriously at Soulpepper Toronto
#frontmezzjunkies reviews: #TheGuideToBeingFabulous @soulpepper #theatre #Toronto created by/starring #SandraCaldwell w/ #TiffanyDeriveau & #MissNikiNikita d: #WeyniMengesha #SoulpepperTheatre #spFabulous ph: @DahliaKatz
Sandra Caldwell and company members, Tiffany Deriveau and Miss Niki Nikita in Soulpepper Theatre’s THE GUIDE TO BEING FABULOUS. Photo by Dahlia Katz. The Toronto Theatre Review: Soulpepper Theatre’s The Guide to Being Fabulous By Ross The energy in the room is infectious, with cabaret-style tables and chairs lining the runway of a stage at Soulpepper Theatre on the opening night of the…
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I made a Paul McCartney relationship timeline after checking out several sources. And oh my God it was exhausting. Also I could not find enough info about Graciela Borges and she refuses to give out much info outside of the fact that she had a romantic encounter with Paul so take that with a grain of salt. I also couldn’t find much info on Elizabeth Aronsson. The rest is pretty spot on. Keep in mind too, I’m also including rebounds, flings, and friends with benefits, not just serious romantic relationships. Do I have a too much time in my hands? Yes. 😂 But so did Paul apparently lmao
Link of the overall list
Layla/Julie Arthur
Dot Rhone
Erika Hübers
Iris Caldwell
Sandra Cogan
Thelma Pickles
Anita Cochrane
Jane Asher
Jill Haworth
Peggy Lipton
Gloria Mackh
Julie Felix
Maggie McGivern
Elizabeth Aronsson
Francie Schwartz
Winona Williams
Linda McCartney
Graciela Borges
Heather Mills
Christie Brinkley
Sabrina Guiness
Elle McPherson/Renée Zellweger
Rosanna Arquette
Nancy Shevell
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 months
The Net (1995) Review
Angela Bennett is a computer expert working as a programmer and stumbles across some government secrets and then finds herself being targetted by an unknown enemy and when everything is saved online it can be changed … ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Net (1995) Review
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camyfilms · 1 year
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If the sun were to explode, you wouldn't even know about it for eight minutes because thats how long it takes for light to travel to us. For eight minutes the world would still be bright and it would still feel warm.
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banamine-bananime · 5 months
the blues dogified according to me
tldr: caboose = komodor (or great pyr), tucker = mini bull terrier (or westie or fox terrier), tex = cane corso/dogo argentino, church = australian cattle dog, kai (and grif) = english bulldog, wash = malinois. bangs gavel.
caboose: i see great dane i do. i get it. it makes sense. however caboose refuses to make sense so i think it's way funnier if he's an LGD breed with the most baffling temperament for an LGD. why is he so cuddly and human-attached and goofy and Making Poor Decisions?? he's got the guarding drive but it's like AUGH SO SMALL I MUST. PROTECT IT. WITH MY MOUTH. WHY IS IT NOT MOVING ANYMORE. UHHH IT WASN'T ME. great pyr would be good but consider: komodor
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photo: Laszlo Balogh
tucker: absolutely a horrible little terrier. annoying, cocky, mischievous, extremely yappy thing with no trainability that seems totally useless for anything but humping pillows, until, suddenly, he locks onto some goal with terrifying singleminded determination, persistence, scrappiness, and competence that you would never fucking expect. and then it's done and he's an idiot again. mini bull terrier or westie or fox terrier
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photo: Otsphoto
Tex: powerful, large, extremely active, and will play rough and assert dominance and test boundaries. got a healthy dose of "chill, total doofus" in her, too. the kinda dog some moron (i'm not talking about the director nooooo /s) gets as a guard dog, not realizing she's less made to be singlemindedly, territorially dedicated to one person and one place and more to - despite being very loyal and affectionate to her people - not be tied down to them, needing the thrill of running and chasing and catching prey. the kinda dog some asshole gets for bite sports and his ego, not realizing one day she'll get fed up with his chains and shock-collars and cesar milan-ass "training" and play bite-sports with his organs (<- me being extremely Normal about tex getting bloody revenge). i was caught between cane corso for the looks and dogo argentino for the historical purpose of hunting and catching large game, so let's say a mix of them.
vvv tex's silly side and scary side battling for dominance vvv
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photo: cannot find source :(
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photo: Dogo Argentino Kennel Club
church: i thought about husky for the aloof pissiness, needing a job but assigning it to himself and being fucking crazy about it, and unrelenting loud and weird complaining, but i think husky assignments should be reserved for characters with a very particular and truly insane kinda energy. australian cattle dog works quite well imo: WILL NOT SHUT UP (lol "Potential for excessive barking, often in a high-pitched voice"), velcro dog to His Person, super smart yet also somehow extremely dumb and gets dumber the longer he's left without stimulation to spiral, STUBBORN, suspicious of strangers and Very Not Friendly
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photo: Sandra Caldwell (lmao this dog looks so done with it all.)
kai: i considered her and grif together and have decided: Old English Bulldogs. for grif, the sleepy laziness and messiness. for kai, the happy, outgoing friendliness. for both of them, the lack of any trainability or motivation to do what someone says to do Just Because and thus seeming to be dumb as hell to humans who base that on how well they Do What Human Wants, until suddenly there's a way to get out of doing something they don't want to do or of getting something they actually care about and suddenly they're the smartest dogs on earth.
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photo: IrynaKabuliuk
wash: he is SO cop-dog coded. i don't mean that like oh he's like a cop so as a dog he's a cop-dog. that would be boring and also incorrect. i mean cop-dog coded like having someone look at your suspicious, reactive nature, resulting anxiety and difficulty living In A Society because everything is a potential threat or insult and you have to defend yourself and deal with the Anger through violence, and say, "Oh yeah we can enhance and exploit the fuck out of this". *points* MALINOIS. if malinois had opposable thumbs they would throw a lot more knives and if wash didn't have a helmet he would bite a lot more people. anyways, i can't put it better than "Sometimes playing the mischievous clown, yet more often serious, the Belgian Shepherd is highly observant with strangers, typically reserved and aloof, and has strong protective instincts. As such, Belgian Shepherds need more extensive socialization than most breeds so that their watchfulness doesn't become suspiciousness or sharpness." also the athleticism.
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carolina: don't have an individual breed assignment for her bc church and tex are the same breeds as the director and allison. she's got the ACD/general herding breed athleticism (it skipped a generation) and FASSSSSST and bidability and eagerness to Achieve and Win. she's got the cane corso/dogo argentino aggression and power and loyalty and guarding instinct. supermutt as in like superwoman.
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riverblujay · 1 year
You just reblogged my FHSY post with some EXCELLENT tags and I wanted to say you're so right the pair the spare stuff was bizarre. I ended up liking where Sandra Lynn and Jawbone went in SY but at the end of FY it's so weird. Also I'm following you now because you're a self proclaimed Murph girlie and SPMGs like us need to stick together
(aforementioned tags)
ty bestie!!
truly TRULY the worst part of FY for me. like, i super get that they were trying to wrap stuff up after having a super intense combat, so i also don't, like, hold it against d20 that much?? and maybe it would be even less tasteful to me if we didn't have icon and aroace ally murph (and brennan ig but murph like. INITIATED this plot line) giving us Allo/Amatonormativity Personified as baron.
fwiw, im not 100% romance repulsed either. and i GET that teen romance is part of the genre they're trying to convey in fh!! i just think maybe it should have been limited to the teens, at the very least in FY. it's SO awkward and personally i think reads as "brennan had some (head)canons abt who got together with who, eventually, but it's the last episode so there's no time to seed that in a graceful way if he wants his two cents out there." which is his right to have ideas for who among the adults get together, but like--the entire focus of the whole season was the bad kids, not their parents. so it feels weird when your thoughts abt who ends up dating, even if there is SO MUCH context and build up in brennan's head, are presented as a loose thread being tied up in a bow.
ignoring my complicated and by no means exhaustive feelings/rambling on the topic, if you have not listened to naddpod yet i cannot recommend it enough!!!! yes im a murph girlie and i LOVE his dm style (recently saw a comment on a post saying naddpod has less patrons than wbn bc "brennan is a better dm" and it made me FERAL. i get it i shouldn't have read the comments in the first place, and also you (the commenter) hate consequences and dope encounters. literally no one can say a DROP of MURPH SLANDER unless they have listened to eldermourne finale AND c3e27 the king of dragons. combat and encounter design dm of all time FR!!!!)
but i just love how despite naddpods tight editing, you can tell just how much murph, emily, caldwell, and jake care abt each other both as people and as their pcs. emily has literally said the way jake INSTANTLY decided that hardwon loved the crick made her feel always welcome at a table with him. how much the cast makes each other laugh, or cry, or feel any kind of emotion.
ALSO moonshine is SO aroallo coded to me. axmurph aspec allies fr fr. naddpod dnd podcast of all time in my heart <3
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
caroline cossey, sandra caldwell, elizabeth coffey, you truly have been doing the most. 
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byneddiedingo · 4 months
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Louise Smith in Working Girls (Lizzie Borden, 1986)
Cast: Louise Smith, Ellen McElduff, Amanda Goodwin, Deborah Banks, Liz Caldwell, Marusia Zach, Boomer Tibbs, Frederick Neumann, Carla-Maria Sorey. Screenplay: Lizzie Borden, Sandra Kay. Cinematography: Judy Irola. Production design: Kurt Ossefort. Film editing: Lizzie Borden. Music: David Van Tieghem.
Working Girls puts the emphasis on the "work" in "sex work." All work is alienating in that we do it out of necessity rather than choice. Even the most enjoyable job involves the submission of self to the demands of the boss, the client, and time itself. That alienation is key to Lizzie Borden's deglamorizng of the profession of sex worker. The film's protagonist, Molly (Louise Smith) is a sensible, well-educated (if we take her at her word that she went to Yale) woman who has somehow become a prostitute in a New York City brothel, to which she commutes by bicycle through the city streets. For most of the film she is confined to a windowless apartment -- a feeling of claustrophobia develops through every scene in that setting -- where she services a series of men, feigning interest in them as well as orgasms. The men are ordinary, middle-class, mostly unthreatening business types with a few hangups and predilections. Molly collects her fees and sets aside part of the money for the madam, Lucy (Ellen McElduff), a giddy, vain, but shrewd businesswoman. Molly's downtime is spent chatting and gossiping (usually about Lucy) with the other women who work there, some of them bitter, some naive. The boredom and frustration the women express are much like the ones you'd expect from office workers, schoolteachers, retail clerks, anyone with a job routine: financial problems, relationship issues, resentment of the boss, distaste for some of the regular clients, and so on. It's hard to make a movie about boredom without being boring, but Borden succeeds, if only because of the titillation involved in a movie that focuses on sex. Smith and McElduff give good performances, but some of the other actresses deliver their lines a little woodenly. There's not much in the way of plot, but it's a solid, well-crafted film that feels a little obligatory, as if designed to make a point about sex work and the media's portrayal of it rather than just to tell a good story.  
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rp-oc-bs · 9 months
A thing
Emma Molloy’s related people
Milly Shapiro
Miranda Lambert
Lucy Molloy
Abigail Shapiro
Carrie Underwood
Violet Wakeman
Emma Howard
Cassie Levy/Joanna Christie (Katie); daughter named Oona Nora with boyfriend Jeff Summers (Kai)
Cait Fairbanks (Christy)
Logan & Nora Wakeman - Christy & Kai
Gabriel Egbert & Jill Paice
Seth Monroe
Jack Broderick (Christy)
Santino Fontana (Kai)
Kendra Monroe - Kai
Analise Scarpaci
Annabelle Madden - Christy
Ava DeMary
Laura Osnes
Shiane Parkington / Ramsey - Katie
Beatrice Tulchin
Phillipa Soo
Charlotte Daaé
Oona Laurence
Samantha Hill (Katie)
Christine Dwyer (Kai)
Anjuli Kaur - Katie
Frenie Acoba
Aurora Hamilton / de Chagny - ???
Anna Kendrick
Melissa Frost - Christy
Bailey Ryon
Amelia St Clair
Sophia Gunnusa
Leonardo Ethernington - Kai
Natasha Alkaev/Ethernington - Katie
Jeanna de Waal
Hailey Leo - Kai
Hamlet Madden - Christy
Nathan Johnson
Kat Schwartz (m) - Kai
Marcus D’Angelo (child)
?? (adult)
Hayden Whittaker’s related people
John Lloyd Young
Charlotte Daaé - Katie
Oona Laurence
Samantha Hill
Allegra McKenna - Katie
Erin Mackey
Devonnny Hamilton - Katie
Hayley Westenra
Dimitri Saylor
Jarrod Spector
Andy Jay Matthews
Shonn Wiley
Zachary Davison
Erich Bergen
Carson Spencer’s related people
Corey Cott
Ellie McDaniel - Katie
Kara Lindsay
Jeremy Wakeman - Christy?
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Irena Klein - Katie
Laura Osnes
Katherine Erwin - Katie
Hannah Elless
Amanda Wells’ related people
Lisa O’Hare
Ariana Wakeman - Kai
Lauren Worsham
Dustin Wind - Christy
Bryce Pinkham
Autumn Wadsworth - Christy
Catherine Walker
Emily Webster
Kristen Beth Williams
Misc people, different full name
Joshua Abram Hoff
Matthew Hydzik
Alix Heisburg - Katie
Autumn Hurlbert
Timothy Andersen
Wesley Taylor
Athena Gomez - Avery
Krysta Rodriguez
Ellie Wilson - Avery
Sandra Mae Frank
Elijah Marlow
Kevin Massey
Samantha Underwood
Alex Caldwell
Megan Kaufman
Veronica J Kuehn
Adrian Gardiner
Reeve Carney
Lillian Bishop-Levitt - ???
Annika Larsen
Charissa Hogeland
Adrian Blakeney - Katie
Carrie Hope Fletcher
Penelope Bernardi - Avery
Jennifer Damiano
Emi Hashimoto
Yuga Yamato
Sylvia Morris
Ruby Lewis
Ariana Wakeman - Kai
Gabriella Pizzolo
Lauren Worsham
Josiane Richard - ???
Kara Lindsay
0 notes
abcnewspr · 1 year
‘The Freedom to Exist – A Soul of a Nation Presentation’ Airs Tuesday, June 6 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), Next Day on Hulu 
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ABC/Richard Harbaugh* To honor and celebrate Pride Month, ABC News will have month-long coverage highlighting the LGBTQ+ community, including a one-hour primetime special from ABC News Studios’ Emmy® and GLAAD Award-winning series “Soul of a Nation” with “The Freedom to Exist.” “The Freedom to Exist” will take an in-depth look at the transgender community and features a broadcast exclusive interview with Oscar-nominated actor Elliot Page, who bravely came out as transgender in 2020 and was the first openly trans man to appear on the cover of TIME Magazine. With the release of his new book, “Pageboy: A Memoir,” Page discusses his difficult journey to standing in his truth and how he hopes to champion inclusivity in Hollywood. The conversation, which includes audio excerpts from his memoir, also unpacks sexuality and gender identity. 
The special will report on the state-wide bans across the country and how they are impacting families and conversations in schools; access to books; the banning or restricting drag queens from performing; and gender-affirming care. The special will also cover the LGBTQ+ community and allies, including State Sen. Karen Berg (D-Ky.), who lost her trans son late last year, and those working to protect rights. 
“The Freedom to Exist” will include interviews with Sasha Colby, winner of season 15 of RuPaul’s Drag Race; actress Angelica Ross from the hit FX series “Pose” and “American Horror Story”; Chase Strangio, ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice; Nicole Maines, the first actress to portray a live-action transgender superhero on television; Dr. Jules Gill-Peterson, professor at Johns Hopkins University; animator ND Stevenson; Dr. Ben Hoffman, president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Raquel Willis, activist and author of “The Risk It Takes to Bloom”; model Laith Ashley; and actress and singer Sandra Caldwell. 
“The Freedom to Exist: A Soul of a Nation Presentation” is executive produced by Robert Zepeda and Catherine McKenzie. Tine is the series director. David Sloan is the senior executive producer of ABC News Studios. ABC News Studios is led by Mike Kelley. 
ABC News will also have dedicated coverage across programs and platforms for Pride Month, including the following: 
“Good Morning America” will spotlight the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month with its “GMA Out Loud” series, kicking off on Thursday, June 1. “GMA Out Loud” explores a wide range of topics and issues impacting the LGBTQ+ community, with contributing correspondent Becky Worley reporting on a local drag queen making a difference in their hometown. “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang meets with families as they offer insight on trans participation in sports, while senior national correspondent Steve Osunsami highlights the 50th anniversary of the PFLAG organization. “GMA Out Loud” continues with a special segment on a teacher who receives a full makeover from celebrity hairstylist Andrew Fitzsimons, makeup artist and influencer Patrick Starr, and stylist to the stars Scot Louie. Additional guests and interviews with influential LGBTQ+ figures include Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka for their new Hulu series “Drag Me to Dinner,” Elton John in recognition of National AIDS Day, Page on his new memoir, and Sean Hayes on his debut novel “Timed Out.” Plus, “GMA” will feature music performances by Lily Rose and Adam Lambert. 
“World News Tonight” will spotlight key figures in the LGBTQ+ community within its “America Strong” and “Person of the Week” segments. 
“Nightline” will present special content and features surrounding LGBTQ+ Pride Month throughout June. 
“This Week with George Stephanopoulos” will preview “The Freedom to Exist” and look at the personal fight for legislators fighting for trans rights, including Sen. Berg. The program will also highlight which states are banning gender-affirming care and how it is affecting the LGBTQ+ community. 
“GMA3: What You Need to Know” will celebrate Pride Month by shining a light on the LGBTQ+ community with special guests and dedicated segments covering food, fashion, newsmakers, celebrities and more. 
“The View” will honor Pride Month by highlighting the achievements and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, kicking off the month with Montana State Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who was barred from the state House floor for opposing multiple anti-LBGTQ+ bills; Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka for their new series, “Drag Me to Dinner”; and Page with his new book. 
ABC News Live will have LGBTQ+ content across the channel throughout the month of June. On June 19, ABC News Live will debut a half-hour “Soul of the Nation” special featuring Page’s interview. On June 25, the channel will present an unprecedented five-hour anchored “Pride Across America” extravaganza, which will also stream live to all Hulu subscribers. In partnership with Hulu and owned stations WABC (New York), WLS (Chicago) and KGO (San Francisco), ABC News Live will cover three of the nation’s largest Pride marches on one program with ABC News anchors fanned out across the country.  “Pride Across America” will begin June 25 at 11 a.m. EDT with a pre-show in advance of the New York City march featuring special guests and inspiring content.
“GMA” Digital and ABC News Digital will present a series called “Protecting Pride: Resilience After Tragedy,” featuring personal stories from survivors of the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs and a group dedicated to safeguarding LGBTQ+ youth. The series will highlight the community’s strength and unity in the face of anti-LGBTQ+ laws and nationwide tragedies, exploring the concept of safety and the community’s collective progress. 
ABC Audio will have special segments in “Perspective,” ABC News Radio’s weekly newsmagazine, as well as reporting highlights in hourly newscasts from ABC News programs and platforms 
ABC News Studios, inspired by ABC News’ trusted reporting, is a premium, narrative non-fiction original production house and commissioning partner of series and specials. ABC News Studios champions untold and authentic stories driving the cultural zeitgeist spanning true-crime, investigations, pop culture and news-adjacent stories. ABC News Studios’ original titles include critically acclaimed documentaries “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields,” “The Lady Bird Diaries,” “Aftershock” and “The Murders Before the Marathon” as well as compelling docu-series, including “Killing County,” “Wild Crime,” “Death in the Dorms” and “Mormon No More.” 
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. 
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Anna Negrón
-- ABC -- 
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karen-anti-r-cml · 1 year
November 22, 2022: Actually Rung In Our New Year Of Justice
And So Far...
2023: Is Off To A Good Year. The oath keepers, confederate maga loyalist and Insurrectionist Traders Of January 6, 2021 Are Falling and Is Their Leader, trump Helping Them... No... He's Begging Them To Do It Again!
The Rarely Used Civil War-Era Sedition Charge Is, As It Should Be, Being Used. It carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.
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November 22, 2022: Convicted Their Leader, stewart rhodes, kelly meggs, thomas caldwell, kenneth harrelson and jessica watkins,
The Jury Convicted All 5 Of Obstructing An Official Proceeding: The Certification Of President Joe Biden's Election Victory.
November 5, 2020: rhodes Said In A Message To His Followers "We aren't getting through this without a civil war,"
He Was Convicted Of Seditious Conspiracy.
watkins and meggs Convicted Of Conspiring To Obstruct An Official Proceeding
caldwell Convicted Of Tampering With Potential Evidence
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January 23, 2023: Convicted roberto minuta, joseph hackett, david moerschel and edward vallejo
The Jury Convicted All 4 Members For Seditious Conspiracy To Disrupt The Electoral College Certification of President Biden's Election, Preventing A Member Of Congress From Discharging Their Duties, Conspiring and Obstructing An Official Proceeding.
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March 20, 2023: Convicted sandra parker, bennie parker, laura steele, william isaacs, michael greene and connie meggs
The Jury Convicted All 6 Of A Trespassing Offense.
isaacs, steele, s. parker and c. meggs Convicted Of Conspiracy To Obstruct An Official Proceeding and Other Felony Charges.
isaacs, steele, s. parker and c. meggs
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That's where we are for now
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lindaseccaspina · 1 year
Heath Flint -- CPHS 1996/1997 "Freezing Tag" Short Story
I found this in a Carleton Place High School Publication from 1996/1997 thanks to Glenda Mahoney. I was just amazed by the writing and asked Sandra Hurdis Finnigan if Heath was a writer now. Sarah Cavanagh   ·  Grade 3/4 — with Heath Flint and Joe Reid. Michelle Adey-Rickard   ·  Grade 1 – Mrs. Ward’s class – Caldwell Street Public School Heath Flint 2015 The Things I did in…
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zipperwillow4 · 2 years
Sweet Pea Stamps - Rebecca Sinz
If you're a stamper, you've likely heard of Sweet Pea Stamps, but have you seen their Rebecca Sinz collection? This new release features 10 images created by artist Sandra Caldwell and is available at 15% off! Today, you can try this stamp set for free by visiting the Sweetpea Stamps blog. To enter, you must comment on each blog, and you can win a $10 gift certificate to the Sweetpea Stamps store. All Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps are UNMOUNTED - that is, they are unmounted, which means you need to add a Cling Cushion to your craft supplies, or mount them onto a wooden block, as described above. You can also order stamp sets separately, so you can create more personalized crafts. If you prefer, you can also buy the Sweetpea Rubber Stamps as a package. You can even order individual stamps or a collection of different designs. When purchasing Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps, be sure to check the size of your chosen stamp. Most of the images are large enough to be used on a variety of different projects, from scrapbooks to cards and other small-batch handmade items. However, if you don't need a large number of stamps, you can order the set separately. The stamps come in a convenient storage pouch. This is a great way to organize your supplies and stamps! To use Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps, you need to have an unmounted rubber stamp and a block of wood. Then, mount it onto the wooden block to make your projects more sturdy. To mount the rubber stamps, you need to add a Cling Cushion to your craft project. After Learn More added your Cling Cushion, you can then use your Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps to make beautiful cards and other handmade items. You can find Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps in many styles and sizes. The stamps are unmounted and can be mounted to a block of wood or to a Cling Cushion. You can also buy the dies separately. You can choose the image that best suits your needs and create your projects. The sweet pea stamps are ideal for scrapbooking. They are also perfect for scrapbooking. There are also lots of other products available from SugarPea Designs. Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps come in unmounted form. This means that you can add them to a Cling Cushion to make a beautiful handmade card. You can also mount them to a wood block to use for reselling. These stamps are perfect for scrapbooking or any other type of papercrafting. Just be sure to plan your project carefully and follow the directions carefully. They'll have no problem creating the designs you want. Learn More are unmounted, and you can use them with your favorite stamping technique. You can mount them on a wood block or a Cling Cushion for your crafting needs. The clear polymer images are made with precision, and are suitable for scrapbooking and cardmaking. You can also get them mounted on a wooden block to make unique gifts and resale them. If you're a crafter, Sweet Pea Stamps are definitely worth checking out. If you're a crafter, Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps can help you create unique handmade cards and gifts. These stamps are available in both rubber and clear varieties and can be used as a traditional clear-polymer stamp set. This design is perfect for scrapbooking, and can be printed onto cards and other papercrafts. In addition to being fun to look at, Sweetpea Stamps can also be used to make a beautiful card. Sweet Pea Stamps are sold in an exclusive Cling Cushion or in bare rubber. The stamps are ready to use. You can add them to your Cling Cushion or mount them on a wooden block for more versatility. You can also use them on your own. You can choose the type of paper you prefer to make your card. If you're not a crafter, SweetPea Stamps are a great option for beginners. Sweet Pea Rubber Stamps are not clear, and therefore, they can be used as a Cling Cushion. They can be mounted on a wood block or added to a Cling Cushion for a more permanent stamping surface. Whether you're a hobbyist or an experienced crafter, SweetPEA has a stamp for every project! The images are available in various colors and sizes, so you're sure to find something you love!
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cancertwist4 · 2 years
Sweet Pea Stamps Review
Whether you are a new or veteran crafter, Sweet Pea Stamps is an excellent place to start. Their line of unmounted rubber stamps features beautiful images designed by Sandra Caldwell. All stamps are ready to use. You can add them to a Cling Cushion for added convenience or mount them onto a block of wood for additional permanence and durability. And, since they are not sold in traditional clear polymer sets, they can only be used for personal projects and small batches of handmade items. When you purchase your first set of Sweet Pea Stamps, you'll be greeted with a lovely package. Learn More comes with a patented storage pouch made of 9 mil thick, waterproof, archival-quality material. The bag is designed with reinforced edges and rounded corners for added strength. It also has a specially designed flap for easy and secure storage. Your stamps will remain protected for years to come with this beautiful set of dies! Sweet Pea Stamps products are available in a wide variety of styles, colors, and price ranges. These stamps are incredibly versatile and are perfect for any occasion. You'll be able to create unique cards, envelopes, and gifts with no trouble. The set also contains a variety of clear and rubber stamps and dies, as well as stencils and embossing folders. No matter what your craft style is, you're sure to find a Sweet Pea Stamps product that matches your needs. SugarPea Designs offers an array of craft products, including clear and rubber stamps, dies, embossing folders, stencils, and more. Whether you're an advanced crafter or a beginner, there's a Sweet Pea Stamps product to suit your needs. Just remember to buy your Sweet Pea Stamps kit if you're ready to make some unique cards. These stamps can be purchased individually, or in sets of multiple stamps. If you're not sure which one to buy, check out the various options. There's something for every crafter! Whether you're looking for a stamp to create a card or an entire collection of papercrafting products, Sweet Pea Designs has something for you. And, of course, they're all available on the internet. Sweet Pea Designs stamps are available in a variety of forms. The most common form is clear stamps. However, if you're using rubber stamps, you'll need to remove them from their pods before you can use them. If you're creating a card for a friend, you can also create a personalized greeting card that matches their gift. This is the perfect way to express your love for someone. The quality of the stamps is second to none. You'll love how they look and feel, and they are designed to last a long time. Aside from that, they're waterproof and archival, making them a great choice for crafters. And the variety of designs available is endless. Regardless of your craft style, you'll love how versatile your Sweet Pea Stamps are. You'll love how they make your crafts stand out and get compliments from your friends. Whether you want to create a card or create a home decor piece, Sweet Pea Stamps are the perfect choice. These versatile products are great for cards and scrapbooking and are a great way to personalize your space. They're also a great place to store your dies. The storage pouches are 9 mil thick, waterproof, and archival quality. And they're very versatile. If you're a stamp lover, you'll love the Sweet Pea Stamps collection. Among their products are clear stamps, rubber stamps, and stencils. They are ideal for card-making projects and are available in a variety of sizes. When you're ready to use the SweetPea Stamps and Die Sets, you'll love how easy it is to create your own personalized cards and decorations. The stamps and die sets are available in many different varieties, including clear and rubber. Besides being archival, they're waterproof and archival quality. They're also a great addition to your craft stash. You'll have many creative ideas to make beautiful cards with these amazing products. These products will help you create unique and beautiful creations! Don't forget to visit the SugarPea website for more information on all of their products and services.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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An Australian huntsman spider.
(Image credit: Sandra Caldwell / Shutterstock)
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