demonstars · 3 months
dnf stars and “i know how to help you now, find me in the future”
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#DREAM: Why are you finally revealing your face? (...) And it's 'cause George!
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Sophie hurries up and holds her arms out. "Hey Dwyer, lemme carry you!"
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--- Oh god...oh no.... "Er..sophie..I uh..." He starts backing away from her. Why does she want to carry him? He feels suspicious of this. "I don't uh...I don't think-"
He's scooped right up as if he weight literally nothing. Oh no.
From: @sweptawxy || To: Dwyer!
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thefanboyhub · 3 months
Bronte headcanons?!??!
(Sorry if I've already asked you that)
Do you want to give Bronte a kiss on the forehead and cuddles???
He started the whole vampire shit with humans. He was so emo and brooding and all that silly stuff when humans were around and it made the myth/legend of vampires.
He actually loves his curly hair but refuses to be taken as a joke so he keeps his hair buzzed. (Too many people said he looked soft with his curly hair long)
If he were to step down from the council it would be to adopt a child. DONT ASK ME WHY I JUST HAVE A FEELING HE WOULD OK.
Use to be reckless and wild until he accident hurt people he cares about which set him down the path to becoming what he is today.
Is more up to date with the times than any other ancient elf. He is actually surprisingly patient and loves to learn the new stuff no matter how hard he tries to bullshit it and say he doesn't care and all that emo bs.
If he cares about you he's very attentive and does a lot of silent acts of service; like making food and having it sent to you and all that jazz. But it's hard for anyone to get in his heart, mostly because he takes his job seriously.
Definitely not straight. His sassy ass is most definitely bisexual but also not really into anyone. He just thinks everyone is hot and doesn't think much farther than that.
The OG emo/goth but when he was younger he was the OG punk/scene kid. Don't ask, I just know it ok.
When not sober he's literally the softest and silliest guy ever: one time he flirted with Emery while drunk (he made an excuse the next day saying he thought Emery was a women while drunk. It was a lie. He knew.)
Switches from the parent of the council to the bratty child who doesn't like complying with the group.
Very close with Oralie, even before Sophie. He was one of the few people to support her and actively gossips with her. They are besties your honor.
He used to be much sillier and laid back when he first joined the council but after the thousands of years and all that he's seen he learned to become cold and do what has to do.
Out of all the council he would be the least likely to have his mind shatter from guilt: especially if the guilt would be murder of any kind. He's seen a lot and he's desensitized to it in a sense. He wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt if it was to protect the helpless.
He is very against hurting helpless people in any kind. He was only aggressive with Sophie because he knew she wasn't helpless and that she was probably dangerous; He never wished her to be harmed in the way she was. Even when inflicting he went easy on her.
I also think he only basically bullied Sophie to push her to be better to prove him wrong. He did not want her to be evil, so he was the bad that pushed her to do good ifykwim.
Likes to nap any chance he gets. He just likes how comfy his bed is tbh.
Not fond of land animals unless they're fluffy as all hell and adores sea creatures.
Use to hate change when he was younger and now he's so used to change that he handles it the best out of anyone on the council.
Mourns his old friends as if they were dead because he cannot connect with anyone due to his job. Secretly thinks of Oralie and Emery as his friends but never tell him. (They know and they also don't say anything.)
Emery and Him have kissed. I just know it.
Disassociates a lot. Dawg is traumatized, like he's been alive for how long? Ain't no way he ain't traumatized.
That's all <3
(I could make this man smile I swear I could. Like I could make him happy. Once chance Bronte PLEASE. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER 😭/J)
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meow-and-ink-demon · 7 months
No I'm not Meow
I'm Sophie. You know, creator of the blog? HUMAN? REAL ME???
So as you can see on my pinned post - Meow and I have birthday the same day. But not really. Because I didn't created Meow in my birthday
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Meow was very excited for this day
Meow reaction on this day:
So she decided to make a fun game!!
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Have fun :)
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cabinetkillerz · 2 years
SO many of my pals ocs buuuut outside of the... jack n rosemary walten from twf! in regards to a hc my s/i for jack n rose have known em since college but lost touch shortly after their wedding. they reconnect when sophie is a toddler and thus the integration into a polycule begins
YESSSSSSS the polycules are always my absolute fav <3
also jack n rosemary u have the most supreme taste . me too
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
i was brainstorming with my friend and instead of being a hatmaker mumbo makes clocks and other little mechanisms n has a little clock shop i need to think about this so much more yo studio ghibli au fr
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prrcyjacksons · 2 years
Yes! I've watched season 2. Did I not go to sleep till 3:30 am yes, yes I did 😅
It was great!
Can't wait for sweet boy Benedict to meet Sophie!!!
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I was really hoping for them to leave some hints as to who Sophie would be but I guess we should all just suffer, wait and find out 😩😂
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gins-potter · 3 years
Hey! Do you have a fancast for the Winx, the Trix, and the Specialists? I’d like to see how you, as the author, imagine the characters of you fic to look like. I tend to picture Flora looking like Isabela Moner, Stella looking like Sophie Turner or Florence Pugh, Bloom like a redhead Jenna Coleman, Tecna like Dove Cameron, Aisha like Zoë Kravitz, Musa like Jessie Mei Li (I know she’s only half-Asian, but she’s got too much Musa energy).
Tbh anon, I actually don't have a fancast, mostly because I'm very picky and not very good at making them. I do have some inspo pics/face claims which you can find here but I'm not happy with them anymore and I want to update them.
On an aesthetic level, I love Isabela Moner as Flora, especially in this picture here:
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Although I would probably prefer her actress to be Puerto Rican as Flora is based on Jennifer Lopez, but in terms of her look, yesssssss 100%.
I'd probably go for Sophie Turner over Florence Pugh for Stella, but even then I'm not totally convinced. Florence is beautiful but does not give me Stella vibes at all. Stella's a hard one to pin down for me, personally.
Jenna Coleman as Bloom..... ehhhhhhh maybe? She's a little too idk dainty? I imagine Bloom being a little more idk.
Dove Cameron as Tecna is an absolutely not for me.
Zoe Kravitz is a little too old for me to even consider for Layla and I also imagine Layla's skin tone to be closer to Precious Mustapha (actually she might be one of the Fate casting choices that I actually don't mind).
And finally Jessie Mei Li, I could see it ngl. I absolutely love Jessie, she was excellent in Shadow and Bone, and not only is she half-Chinese, but her personal style is not dissimilar to how I image Musa. So yeah, could definitely get behind this casting.
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touchmycoat · 3 years
HX/LCG!Anon: one thing I love about their dynamic is the contrast - HX is so alone at the end of tgcf. LQG is a lone wolf type (fights alone/ leaves the sect for a month at a time) but he is demonstrably not alone. He has the support of YYX, LMY, YQY, his other martial sibs, his disciples, etc. He's got strong ties. I imagine as HX and LQG get closer (and he reads LMY's book!!! :P), HX finds himself with more community than he expects, even beyond just the team. (cont'd)
HX/LQG contd: like, YQY and LQG go way back and is now his arms supplier, and HX finds he now gets the family and friends discount, as well as the family and friends interrogation. HX's family was taken from him and his pain and suspicion kept him isolated, but things are changing and he's not ready for it. Anyway, I have lots of FEELS. But I also really just want a honeypot to go wrong bc the mark doesn't want the aggressively flirting hunk but the quiet hottie holding up the wall, (cont2/3)
HX/LQG cont (3/3): and HX has to watch HC talk LQG through a seduction (though really since the mark's the pursuer, LQG does a lot of playing hard to get). Argh - I never expected to have so many thoughts about such an extreme rarepair, but I really love the idea of HX falling for loyal and steadfast LQG and finding a family around him as well.
BABE YESsSSSSS fuck this ship & AU has been all I could think about lmfao. The end of The Underground Job, and we have LQG going into the mine to get a vaguely injured HX out. HX's like "for someone who says he doesn't like kids you sure adopt one every job" and LQG's like "for someone who says he doesn't care about us you sure put yourself in danger for our sake a lot." God i LOVE that, the whole thing is about the found family. LQG may be a bit socially unlubricated but he actually has such a large social circle! And all the kids all the time see him and go It's Free Brother, like how all the disciples worship Baizhan (and how Eliot has a soft spot for kids). HX's pathetically weak to that. And LQG may not even realize it, but he pings HX immediately as Someone Who Needs To Be Adopted and just steadycore goes for it.
YQY AS THE ARMS SUPPLIER. that's fucking hilarious we gotta come up with something that references him having a sword that can't be drawn. Oh my god, can YQY be the personal job that LQG brings to HX? Maybe SJ had bad connects and did some bad things but went down for a crime to clear his name. Five years later, he's finally being released from prison, and YQY has cleaned up their operation and has been waiting for him all this time. But something goes wrong though, and YQY comes to LQG for help, who in turn takes YQY to the most reliable guy he knows *~* In return, YQY becomes a recurring side character who provides them the Stuff They Need.
It's so funny 'cause they have such a range for honeypots. Most of the time it's HC, who's tantalizing in a way that's difficult for nearly all their marks to resist. But if they need to, they slide in Bingmei, who does the teary-eyed bishounen thing VERY well. SQQ is very good for the "ah I'm so clumsy, gosh I'm so embarrassed" seductions because of all his milf energy. HX avoids it when he can (which is almost always), but if a mark already likes him and he can use it, he's very much the Tall Dark and Mysterious man who can make marks melt with one almost-smile and not-mean comment.
The most wild card honeypot of them all though, of course, is LQG, 'cause the most LQG will do is "but what if I show you around the city?" and stare real intently like he's trying to convey deep feelings. But at the same time, HX also believes in the power of just whoring out his good looks—basically LQG gets the job of bumping into the mark a lot, and they keep going the same way, and the mark just keeps staring at his face and giggling and saying "oops" when they bump into his tiddies. (LBH would also be very very good at this. He can be trusted to deploy it as a maneuver on his own though.)
(Also, I had a moment today—HC isn't Sophie, he's fucking Tara. Sometimes, XL slides in and does the Sophie gigs. But the King George Job, right? XL brings them a case about an antique smuggler that requires him to use a "cover" from his past as royalty of a kingdom????)
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the-bike-of-crime · 3 years
Hardison's speech at the end of ep 1!! His lil wink!!! Everyone so comfy with each other and doing their in jokes and personal references and physical affection oh my GOD it's perfect 🥰🥰🥰🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🔪🔪Parker got so many vents and Eliot got to punch and evaluate some guys!! Sophie is a queen as always!!!! Yesssssss yes yes yes
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ohbaby-obeyme · 3 years
Good morning sweetie💖 I saw plushie talk last night and I recently bought a big one! There is this one called djungelskog that is always in memes... and I bought it! I called him solomon and he is the best purchase I ever made! It's like cuddling with a tiny person💕
I also have one of those soft chonky seals and he is the softest baby called Paul💕
I have another really big one, a dog, who doesn't have a name yet. But he is fluffy~
The other two big ones I have are a panda and a fox, called sophie and peach💕
Other than that I have many small ones~ Plenty to cuddle with! I love plushies haha
yesssSSSS i am LOVING this!! i love that y’all name your plushies dkfkskdks i simply. don’t. they’re named after what they are 😛 fox is fox. ghost is ghost.
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woozapooza · 5 years
Versailles: The Verdict
Okay first things first, my memory of the first two seasons of this show is TERRIBLE, so I probably shouldn’t try to say much about whether the whole show hangs together.
Was Madame de Maintenon in the second season? I literally don’t remember. Okay I looked it up and apparently she was. As I said, memory terrible.
This is one of the only shows I’ve ever watched where I literally wasn’t spoiled for anything! What a wild experience!
Favorite character: Philippe
Other faves: Liselotte, the Chevalier, Sophie, Fabien
HAPPY ENDING FOR THE PHILIPPES YESSSSSSS! I really didn’t think it was going to happen! I wish their reconciliation hadn’t been so hasty but I’m not gonna complain too much.
Wow the Chevalier came a long way. Was it Fabien who in season 1 said “I have killed rabbits with more courage than you”?
I never particularly cared about Louis but he sure did reach new lows in the third season. I guess if you’re making a show about a historical person who did bad things, it’s hard to make the audience care to see what happens to them without sanitizing them. I think The Tudors handled that same problem a lot better, but I can’t explain how.
I literally forgot about the dauphin’s existence until he showed up in the finale. I don’t even know his name but I’m guessing it’s Louis.
I expected more of a resolution for Sophie’s storyline. She just kind of...did her thing and left.
In the final episode I was STILL getting Bontemps and Colbert confused
I enjoyed the whole rebellion plot in the third season but it always felt a little awkward to me, I think maybe because it felt distant from Louis himself. I mean, it just kind of ended without him, like, reacting. What’s the moral of the story? Don’t attempt regicide? If your subjects are angry at you, don’t go into their midst?
I feel like they tried to give Fabien more conflict this season. I applaud their efforts.
Pretty costumes
Overall grade: B+
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mayatravesta · 6 years
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Sophie yesssssss!!!!!!! ...
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fanvergent-glader · 3 years
Omg omg yesssssss
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creednight · 6 years
Cute idea incoming! A street urchin working for the Frye twins totally diving behind Jacob or Evie when a group of older kids pick on him/her, clutching their jacket and everything
Yesssssss!!! I love the whole protective older sib thing!
Sophie was a quiet, shy girl. Unassuming, but wise beyond her years and one of Clara’s best spies. If there were anyone in the streets that could find the most cash, the best kept secrets or even swipe the most food, it was Sophie. Having come from a home of many siblings, she knew she was invisible to her parents and used that as a guide to get what Clara needed.
When it came time to work with the Assassin’s, she always looked forward to see either twin running down the street. She’d toss them a bag of medicine or some supplies. On other days, she slip them a sweet bun or would ask Evie for a lesson in writing and reading. 
“Oi! You kids better get outta here!” some young man yells at Sophie and her little group.
She turns to look at him, ready to fight back when she sees five of them rearing up behind the leader. Urging the other kids away, she finds herself alone in the alleyway watching them snicker at her. They mimic crying sounds as she slowly backs up onto the sidewalk and into someone.
“Oof! Hey, be car- Sophie?” Evie’s voice greets her. Glancing up, Sophie seizes the chance to hide behind the Assassin while pointing at the bullies still making their way out of the alley. Evie follows her finger and frowns, “What’s that you’re saying?”
“Look, she got her mum! What a baby!” one of the boys laughs.
“That’s right, she did,” Evie laughs with them, lifting up her hands in a shrugging gesture. The hidden blades activate and the boys fall silent, their eyes wide with fear. “She told me it’s time to take out some trash, so, where do I start? Or are you going to apologize and leave her alone?”
The boys glance at the leader, their eyes pleading with him to let the issue go while Sophie is trying not to laugh from behind Evie’s coat. The leader stammers out an apology and high tails it out of there with the others close behind. 
Evie brings her arms down and pats Sophie on the top of her head, laughing. “I think you won’t be seeing them around any time soon.”
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averyconfusedpanda · 7 years
Yesssssss Sophie!!
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