#SJM did him dirty in this book
dreamingwmeg · 2 years
Cassian saying that seeing nesta crawl up the stairs sweaty and gaunt made his day better really reminds me of how much I hate him in this book
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
phone rings Lucien: *picks up* hello? Killer: i see you Lucien: Killer: Lucien: Killer: Lucien:... do i look good?
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emmitaaa4 · 3 months
“Elriel is too predictable! It’s boring & lazy writing!”
… 🧍‍♂️
My brother in Christ. You call SJM the fated mates author. Through 15+ books and 3 series she hasn’t diverged from that trope. Elain has a “mate”.
If an Elriel outcome is predictable, it’s because the author willed it so and therefore ✨wrote scenes✨ to ✨develop their relationship✨.
and by that i mean…
(long post ahead…. bear with me)
SJM wrote Mr. “I don’t need to resort to poetry” going all Azriel Allan Poe, flustered as he tells Elain “we are born hearing the song of the wind”. She wrote him uncharacteristically open & talkative, while when he 1st met Feyre he deferred all her questions to others.
SJM wrote that despite how different they may look, Elain does not balk from Az. She never has: from their 1st meeting she finds comfort in him, and he in turn notices her—she’s never been afraid of him, he has always seen her.
SJM wrote the 1st coherent thing to come out of Elain’s mouth in WaR to be “beautiful” as she beholds Azriel’s scarred hands. In turn, she wrote our gardener not minding imperfections on hers, for despite her lady-like conditioning, she prefers to get her hands dirty.
SJM wrote Az spending time with her in the sunshine: no forced conversation, no one hEaLinG anyone, just them both doing their own thing as a relaxed Az suns his wings. Just two pals comfortable with one another… which SJM foreshadowed in MaF through Feyre’s “Elain would likely cling to Az for some peace and quiet”.
SJM wrote Az and Cass both stilling at the sight of El & Nes, she wrote Az cutting in to set Elain up in her garden even as Feyre was about to do it, she wrote the mention that Elain was safe after the twin raven’s attack bc Az had stayed with her at the townhouse.
SJM wrote Azriel’s eyes churning as he looks at Elain and her too-thin body, before abruptly winnowing away, and we’re left with Mor looking at the spot where he left. Wonder what that was about (it certainly did not remind me of Rhys in TaR).
You know, Elriels are not just making stuff up and theorizing about the E/ucien bond cause we’re desperately pulling at straws…
SJM had Madja say “a mate would know if something is amiss”, then wrote a scene juxtaposing both Lucien’s and Azriel’s reactions/assessments of what was going on with Elain… and she had Azriel be the one to know nothing was “wrong” with her—no, she just had rare powers and needed to be heard, to be taken seriously. He didn't let her be misunderstood, for he was the ONLY one that listened to her, that took her visions/ramblings seriously right from the get go. And so he gave Elain the understanding she needed to free herself from the dream-like murky realm she was trapped in. Through it all, SJM emphasizes that Azriel also understands what it is like to struggle with rare, strange, prized powers in silence; what it’s like to be othered by them. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: she sees everything and he hears everything.
SJM wrote that “Elain had hoped that love would trump even a mating bond” and had her characters question the Cauldron in relation to Elucien *twice* (years apart!).
SJM wrote Az being the only one—in a room full of Made beings speaking of being Made—to notice that Elain was missing. A reassuring but empty statement by Cass that they’d get her back….but then it was Azriel that stated, eyes glowing golden, that HE would be getting her back, despite the girl’s own sister discouraging him & telling him he’d die. Hell, Feyre had this whole deliberation on whether she’d join him only after he’d say he’d go. His initiative.
The Hybern scene is too long to add, but this post and this theory break it all down brilliantly.
Yes, Az has sacrificial tendencies. Yes, he’d risk his life for loved ones in general. But we have never seen him this affected, and it is because SJM purposely used language to emphasize Elain and Azriel’s meaningful reactions to the other… despite it being wholly “unnecessary”
It is all intentional… lazy’s antonym.
SJM wrote the Truthteller scene. She emphasized the exchange, which left Cassian gasping and Rhys flabbergasted; it also left Feyre with a significant painting in her mind. It lead to Elain, aka “my God has answered me,” stepping out of a shadow to save her sister. Azriel, aka “God is my help”, indeed helped armed Elain so she could answer her sisters prayers.
SJM ended WaR with Elain’s smile literally lighting up Az’s shadows.
SJM had Elain’s thoughtful gift to him make his eyes the brightest we’ve seen—and by doing so gave us the most beautiful description of his earthy eyes, “the hues of green amid the brown and gray like veins of emerald.” We have never seen Az so joyful & carefree throughout the entire series.
SJM wrote that Azriel beat Feyre to Elain’s side as she was looking out into the night. She wrote Elain stilling at the sight of a dashing Azriel—her throat bobbing—while Az “just moved towards her”.
SJM wrote the potato scene—“sit i’ll take care of it”—Azriel again being the one to respect Elain’s presence & contribution as he makes a room full of his “superiors” wait until Elain finishes tidying herself up (cause girlie wanted to look put together for a certain shadowsinger). Mor gapes, Amren smirks, Rhys talks of Az’s mom… all because of that surprising, singular behaviour from him.
SJM wrote Az making a joke at Amren’s expense upon noticing Elain’s discomfort; our girl’s shoulders indeed relax in relief. THE LIGHT RETURNS IN HER EYES.
SJM has Azriel staying up past 3am with Elain, listening to her speak of something she is passionate of.
SJM wrote Azriel spending an entire convo with his brothers looking out into the garden from the window (SJM mentioned it 4 times yet some still missed it).
SJM wrote Rhys goading Az for a reaction as he quizzes him on Lucien and Grayson; wrote Rhys realizing that Azriel did not want to know what Elain did with Lucien (in the case she did anything). She wrote Azriel nervously stuttering as he asks risks if they need to get the sisters a present… I wonder why.
And Rosehall… SJM wrote ROSEhall: cracktheory this cracktheory that, to the gwonriels I’d say we both know you wouldn’t say it’s irrelevant had SJM chosen to call his estate Tealhall.
Keep in mind: SJM could have written those significant scenes and ultimately kept it PG: she could have chosen language that built up a profound platonic relationship.
Yet… in MaF she has Feyre comment that they would be good together—as in make a good *couple*. WaR roles in and they’re both dealing with the very public rejections they went through—but SJM had them build a quiet companionship in the background, while giving them a wealth of scenes of great significance for both their characters, and while using language like “she DEVOURED the sight of him” “he CRADLED her to his chest”. In FaS they are slowly but surely getting over their last loves, and SJM continues developing their connection.
And in ACOSF, in the book that supposedly “ended” Elriel…
SJM wrote Az following the sound of her laugh (😭). “ It’s just lust” PLEASE BFFR.
SJM chose to remind us—THREE times—of the Hybern rescue scene... then had Az tell Cass that he’d know, in his chest, if something happened to Nesta.
SJM had Az longingly stare at the gift Elain gave him every night for a YEAR—mind plagued by thoughts of her—made him so affected by her that he had reactions to every mention of her name in SF, so affected that it took Nes one look at them to notice his feelings, to reach out in comfort upon noticing the pain that keeping himself apart from to her caused him. As SJM said she would, Nes saw through his secret in ACOSF, still it is “his secret to tell, never hers”. After Solstice we are met with a grumpy Azriel, who lost the snowball fight for the 1st time in centuries (i wonder why…).
SJM chose to link his every secret back to his feelings for Elain, as per the bonus . Why does he stay up so late and wake up so early? He longs for Elain so much he can’t sleep. Why is he staying in the HoW? It is too hard to be close to Elain given their circumstances; he must physically distance himself from her. Why has he moved on from Mor after centuries? Elain. Why is he grumpy post Solstice? The argument with Rhys concerning Elain.
Ultimately, SJM wrote for Elriel:
- Complementary imagery (flowers and death? light and dark blending together to form something new… DUSK, anyone?)
- AND plot altering scenes
- AND chose to liken them to one another multiple times
- AND genuine moments of companionship that slowly bloomed into something more…
… Is it so insane to believe that maybe SJM spent so much page time and effort building connections & common ground between them because she intends for elain & az to find peace and quiet within one another?
Or idk, maybe it was all for shits and giggles… and if it was i salute her commitment to the shits and the giggles🫡
Either way, it is the opposite of lazy writing…
It’s SJM’s world & words, and we are just reading them.
P.S: This was all just typed on my cell phone from the top of my head… yes remembering all this is probs concerning, yes I am obsessed. Please correct me if I got anything wrong.
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Under a Star-Flecked Sky
Author's Note: This was supposed to be some Rhysand x Reader fluff, but the depression brain-rot got the better of me and I wrote some angsty, post-UtM Rhys moments instead (don't worry there is some fluff at the end). My baby just needs a hug, and honestly I think SJM did him dirty by brushing his trauma Under the Mountain under the rug.
Warnings: Mentions of Amarantha, Rhys' Post-UtM Trauma
Summary: You're Rhys' mate, having already been with him before the Mountain, and are navigating Rhys' healing journey as best you can.
The bed was cold; the realization jarring you from the deep clutches of sleep. Your bed was never cold, not when your mate was in it. Rhysand ran warm, your own personal heater, usually spending the night curled around you, cocooned inside the safety of his wings, but those great wings and the male attached to them were nowhere to be seen. His side of the bed empty, the sheets rumpled, blanket haphazardly clinging to the side of the mattress like he'd flung it off in a hurry, even though you hadn't heard him get up.
You sat up, shivering in the chill coming through the open windows, the satin curtains billowing in the autumn breeze. It would be too cold to leave them open soon, a fact you knew often put your mate on edge, especially after...
You called for him down the bond you shared with your mate, worried. It had been a couple months since Rhys had returned home to Velaris after Amarantha; the nightmares had been constant the first couple of weeks, at one point they had gotten so bad he'd started spending the night at the Moonstone Palace, claiming he had work to do to avoid you and the rest of the Inner Circle from seeing him like that, but with some help from Madja and some other healers in the city he'd been able to get a handle on it. Usually. Some nights were worse than others. You'd tried to be as supportive as possible, even going down to the Library to read up on ways to help. There were calming teas you'd started making for him before bed, the recipe tucked in one of those old books, but you suspected Rhys drank it just to make you feel like you were helping, the cup still half full on the bedside table. You'd drifted off shortly after handing it to him last night.
When there was no answer down the bond, you crawled out of the bed, dragging the blanket with you. The black silk slip you wore did nothing to stave off the cold, you'd worn the birthday gift from Rhys down to its threads over the years he was gone. He'd offered to buy you a new one--multiple in more colors--but you'd refused. It was your favorite, you'd find some magic to keep it held together if you had to. Still, it was the wrong time of the year for it, and you opted to stay warm under the blanket instead of pausing to change into something else as you left the room in search of your mate, still calling for him down the bond.
He gave no answer, his end silent. As silent as it had been for the last 50 years, that great, formidable wall of adamant shielding him from you.
You bit your lip as you checked each room in the house, all empty, save for the one Cassian was snoring in at the end of the Hall. They'd started taking turns sleeping over, keeping an eye on their brother. Azriel had stayed the night before, Mor the night before that. They stole your wine and played old board games until the early hours of the morning, trying to get Rhys' to laugh, or smile at the least. He didn't do a lot of that these days.
Your heart clenched painfully in your chest. He'd been through so much and half the time he'd just shut down and shut you out, unable to explain what had happened. What she had done to him. Most nights you wondered if there was a way to let you into Hell, just so you could kill her a second time. You'd had a long time to think about what you'd do if you ever had the chance to get your hands on her. Not that it mattered in the end, you'd never been able to get into the Mountain. You'd failed him then and it was starting to feel like you were failing him again now as you all but sprinted through the house.
It took longer than you would like to admit to notice that the balcony doors in the living room were open. Rhys left the windows open, never the doors, even if Velaris was the safest place in Prythian, he'd never leave you vulnerable like that, not unless he was nearby.
Tears pricked your eyes, your lower lip bleeding from how hard you'd been biting down on it as you stepped out into the frigid night air. The lounge chairs and tables along the edge were all empty, no glass of Rhys' favorite whiskey in sight.
Your heart thundered in your ears, thoughts racing. Where the hell was he? Had something happened? Was he in danger?
You were about to start calling his name in desperation before a shifting tile on the roof caught your attention. One of the pieces had been knocked loose--a new occurrence because you'd had to replace them after a drunk Cassian had tried to do a back flip off it last week.
Clutching the blanket around your shoulders with one hand, you used the other to pull a chair over to where the corner of the roof hung over the balcony, and carefully climbed up. The townhouse roof was not as steep as the Palace roof, or even the cabin in Illyria, where you and your mate used to sit and talk about all his plans for his city and his people.
That ache in your chest returned tenfold as you spotted your mate, sitting at the highest point of the roof, knees to his chest, wings wrapped around himself to fight against the cold. His head was tucked against his knees, ebony hair covering his eyes. This was not his spot to stargaze. This was not like all those times you'd sat together, whispering your dreams to the stars, so hopeful and eager for the future. This was not the ambitious and hopeful High Lord who had swept you into the glittering world of the Night Court and mapped out a future among the stars with you all those years ago. You had gone to the cabin in Illyria only once while he was away, and the loss of him, the bond so quite and empty and cold in the place you had formed it had been so devastating you'd almost ripped the place apart one wood plank at a time. At the time you had been so sure you had lost him forever that you'd nearly ripped everything you had built together apart in your grief. You had left all those dreams you shared in those woods and vowed that you would never whisper any prayers to the stars ever again. Not if their heir was gone and their reflection in his violet eyes would never look your way again. You had stopped dreaming in his absence. Nights like this you wondered if he had too. Perhaps the Mountain had taken more from both of you then you dared to admit, even to each other. What good were dreams if the stars no longer listened, if they would no longer answer you?
It was an easy climb to him compared to all the other roofs you had climbed to sit with him in the past, even with the blanket still clutched around your shoulders.
Rhys didn't look up. You weren't even sure he'd heard you. Still, you lowered yourself to sit next to him, the worry swirling in the pit of your stomach only beginning to settle as you took in the jasmine and citrus scent of him. This was the part where you said something witty, threw the blanket around him and chastised him for leaving you alone, but maybe those were games for the people you were before. The last time he hadn't heard you coming, too caught up in his own head to hear you, he'd flinched so hard his powers had knocked a bookshelf over, panic flooding the bond. He accidentally showed you a flash of red hair and pointed nails, scratching at his back before he'd ripped the memory away and locked himself in the bathroom. You'd been trying to find ways to avoid doing it ever again.
It was a long, tense few minutes before Rhys lifted his head off his knees just enough to look at you. "Did I wake you?" His voice was raw, like he'd been screaming.
You wanted to touch him, to hold him in your arms and stroke his hair and make it all better, as his touch had always done for you, but everything was so different. Sometimes you were sure he let you hold his hands because he knew you wanted to, not because he wanted to.
It had been a long couple months, you'd been weighing and measuring every word, trying not to startle him, trying not to make him feel any guilt or shame. He had saved you, and your family, had given everything he'd had to ensure that she didn't taint any bit of your home, you owed him a solid front, a shoulder to lean on. You had not spoken of how scared you had been, how cold and empty and wretched you had felt for every moment of the last fifty years. You'd crafted a nice mask for the court to see, holding steady in his absence, not taking it off, even after his return in hopes that it would ease his burden. But the words came tumbling out of you, the tidal wave of emotions bubbling up and bursting out in a rush, "You scared me."
He sat up a little straighter, pain flashing across his star flecked eyes.
"The bond was quite," tears pricked your eyes. "Cold. You wouldn't answer me. You'd shut me out." It was that last bit more than anything. You could handle the nightmares. You could handle this new version of your mate, because truth be told there had been times you weren't sure he was ever coming back, whatever shape he was in was irrelevant in the long run as long as he was alive. All the newness, the unease and uncertainty, the new quite version of him was easy to handle. But the quiet, knowing he'd shut you out again...
"I know that you need time, and space, and I'm trying to give that to you, Rhys, but..."
He unfurled his wings enough to wrap one around you, an arm sliding around your waist to pull you against his side. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he whispered against your temple, planting gentle, feather light kisses against your skin as you buried your face in he crook of his neck.
He was here. He was safe. This was real. All things you often had to remind yourself of.
"Please don't shut me out like that," you whispered, the tears falling freely down your cheeks. "Not again. I can bear a lot, Rhys, but not any more of that."
His wings came back around to cover both of you as he stroked a hand through your hair. Still, aside from a few more whispered apologies, he didn't speak, didn't attempt to explain himself. You tried to tell yourself it was fine, he didn't have to explain, he'd earned the right to keep whatever he needed to to himself, if he wanted to tell you he would. But he still had not lowered his shields, did not project anything down the bond. A part of you wanted to scream, grab onto that tether that linked your souls together and shake it like you could somehow force life back into it. Maybe things would be better if you could. Maybe they'd be worse. You tried to tell yourself this was enough.
"There are things," he said finally, his voice pained like he was having trouble putting it together, no sign of that silver tongue of his. "Things I can't... can't talk about."
You laid your hand over his heart, feeling the uneven beat. It was rare for Rhys to be so obviously anxious.
"Things I won't talk about."
"It's not healthy-"
"No," he growled, tightening his grip on your waist to keep you from pulling back to look him in the eyes. By the uneasiness of his breathing you thought he might be crying himself. "You do not need to know. You will hear enough of my sins from everyone else."
Sins, as if he had done any of it willingly, as if he'd had any choice in it.
"You didn't have a choice," you began.
"It doesn't matter," Rhys countered. "That is not the story they will tell."
He would be the villain, the little lackey that did her dirty work, the monster that ripped people's minds apart for his evil queen. You'd heard the story in the High Lord's meetings over and over again--and worse, especially from Beron and Tamlin. "I don't believe anyone else's stories. I don't care what they think you've done, or why you'd done it. I don't care, Rhys, because it's not true."
He buried his head in the top of you hair, a shuttering breath ripping out his chest.
You shot as much understanding and love down the bond as you could, hoping some of it would eventually break through that wall between you. "I love you, I'll always love you, Rhys, nothing will change that."
His wings tightened around you, soft moonlight shining through the soft membrane, highlighting centuries worth of nicks and battle scars. You longed to run your fingers over them, familiarize yourself once again with the patterns and feelings you had forgotten in the last fifty years.
"But how are we supposed to move forward if we don't talk to each other?" You whispered. "I miss you. I miss talking to you. You're my best friend, my mate, we promised to always be honest and open with each other."
You twisted to be able to look at him, pulling away just enough to catch the glimmer of tears in his eyes. You reached out gently to wipe one off his cheek and he shuttered at the contact.
"It doesn't have to be tonight. Or tomorrow. Or next week. I know that you need time, and I am not asking you to give me details you don't want to, but there's gotta be some way for us to talk to each other again, isn't there?"
He tilted his head to kiss your fingertips. "I'm sorry, I know I've hurt you," he murmured against your fingertips, his lips soft and warm against your chilled skin. "I'm trying." He moved his lips to your palm, placing featherlight kisses on the way down, his offering of another apology, as if to tell you he was sorry you had to be there to wipe away any tears. He'd been like that before, but not this bad.
"I know," you said, "but in the mean time, can I at least have a thought for a thought?"
He hummed against your palm. "You first."
"I'm thinking we really should have put in more comfortable roof tiles," you said, twisting against the tile that was biting into the underside of your thighs.
He shifted and pulled you to sit in his lap with a huff of what was almost a laugh. The shift in conversation was good, kept you both from spiraling further into all the uncertainty the future still held. If you couldn't talk about the past, at least there were things in the present to talk about.
"And I'm thinking," you added as you settled against his strong chest, his heartbeat a bit more steady against you now. "That you make a very comfortable seat."
"That's two."
"First one was free," you say, resting your head against his shoulder.
He was quiet for a long moment, just the two of you wrapped in each other under the stars.
"I'm thinking..." his arms wrapped around your waist, his hands finding yours so you could intertwine them. "That I clearly need to get you some new socks, your feet are freezing!"
He was clad in nothing but his underwear, you only now realized, and you had instinctively wrapped your legs around his, seeking any kind of warmth you could find. There wasn't a full sleep set between the two of you.
You couldn't help but laugh, even if this wasn't how you'd hoped the conversation would go, at least it was a conversation. "You know I hate sleeping with socks on, that's not fair."
"Slippers than," he conceded.
You intentionally brushed your cold feet up the side of his leg. "Fuzzy ones. And only if they're bright pink."
"Ridiculous," he huffed, "but if you insist."
"I want them to look like cats too."
"Pink cats?"
"Pink cats."
"Pink cats it is then."
You grinned at that. "We can go to the Rainbow tomorrow for them?"
"First thing in the morning," he promised as he settled his chin on your shoulder.
"We should go for breakfast. There's a new bakery on the Sidra. Well, new as in neither of us have been there, it's technically been open for awhile."
"You didn't go?"
You two had met in a bakery in Illyria, had fought over the last chocolate croissant until the shop owner had kicked both you out for scarring the other customers, it had become something of a weekly tradition to find which shop in Velaris had the best ones since. "I was waiting for you."
The arms around your middle squeezed a little tighter.
"I have a list of things for us to do, actually. A lot changed and I thought if, maybe I kept making a list it gave the Mother a reason to bring you back to me." It felt stupid, now that you'd said it aloud that you had hoped depriving yourself of a chocolate croissant would somehow force the Mother to bring your mate home, but you had been desperate, you weren't always thinking clearly.
Rhys nuzzled into the side of your neck. "Thank you, for waiting." You knew him well enough to know he wasn't talking about the bakery or the croissants.
"I would have waited a thousand years for you," you whispered.
"That's a long time without chocolate croissants," he teased.
"They're worth the wait," you replied, hoping he knew you well enough to know you weren't talking about croissants either.
He merely hummed understandingly as he settled against your shoulder, his breathing evening out against your back. You relished in the rise and fall of his chest, of his warm breath against your throat. He was alive, he was here, he'd made it home.
"What else is on this list of yours?"
"There's a new dinner cruise around the Sidra, an art exhibit in the Rainbow, three new plays," you counted them off on your fingers, trying to remember all of them now. Sleep was beginning to beckon again, your eyes heavy, speech slowing. "The Night Orchestra is coming back into town, you missed them twice. There's a new ice cream shop to try..." there was something else, but your mind was growing hazy. A yawn escaped you.
Rhys tried to stand, but you grabbed frantically at his wrists. "I'm ok. Wanna stay here with you."
He settled back against the roof, laying back now with you tucked into his side. The blanket had gotten twisted between the two of you, doing little to keep out the bite of the roof tiles. You didn't care.
"Oh! There's a new place that sells some lacy things I think you'd like," you mumbled as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck and breathed in deep.
"For you or me?" He teased.
"For you to rip off of me," you said.
He kissed your temple, "We'll definitely have to stop there then."
You were trying your hardest to keep your eyes open, really you were, but they were growing heavier and heavier, the stars over head blurring in your vision. Maybe you had been wrong to stop wishing on them, despite all your pain, your mate had still returned to you, that dream had still been answered.
"We're gonna be ok, you know," You murmured into his neck.
"You think so?" He whispered.
"I'll wish it onto every star I see until it's answered," you vowed.
Rhys gripped you a little tighter, you gripped him back, eyes drifting shut fully now.
"Maybe I'll start making wishes again too," he said in your ear. You hoped, as you drifted off, that the stars heard him and would answer this wish too.
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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fandom-pantheon · 1 month
Oh, this will be a rant. Bear with me, or ignore me. You can either argue or agree… However, if you want to read, it will be a freaking essay. Just a warning.
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1. MATES! Or better yet, the whole thing about mates being rare and the SJM being like: “You get a mate, and you get a mate, and you get aaaaaaa MATE, etc”, makes perfect sense. Like in ACOTAR you have a world divided in half. Literally half the population is separated by a freaking wall. If Feyre didn’t cross the wall, and eventually became Fae, Rhysand would never found his mate. Nor would Cassian or Lucien. Rhysand father was over 900, when he found his mother. Do you have any idea how many times he could have died??? In ToG, you don’t have winnowing, or teleportation. Traveling the world for weeks on end? Months? Years? Which human will do that? How many of them? And if Aelin and Rowan didn’t find each other, neither would Lorcan and Elide. For example. And in CC? Their powers were corrupted, and with that their senses as well. So yeah. MATES ARE RARE!!!!
2. The whole critique of HOFAS. I get it if you don’t like it. That’s perfectly fine. However, there is no reason attacking some of the well established characters like Nesta and Azriel. First thing first. Nesta, and the whole story how SJM just ruined the ending of ACOSF, cause Nesta was all healed and whatnot. Depression is a serious illness, that is far from easy to beat. And even if you “beat it”, it does not end overnight. Yes, she had an amazing story of overcoming all that was there, but still, it did not disappear. And it probably never will. There can be days, weeks and months that it can take hold of you. That is perfectly normal, and fine, and Nesta falling again, does not mean she is back there. She has her family, her friends and her mate to help pick her up, and having a bad day or two, or a week is NORMAL. Even for people who do not suffer from depression, let alone the one who does. So don’t attack with the whole “ruined the journey of Nesta”, cause it ain’t true. We do not know what is happening in Pyrithian yeat, so chill.
3. I’ll make it a new point. AZRIEL!!! My baby. If SJM stays true to her words, my little kinky baby! 😜 Why the freaking f*ck, is it weird to have Az there instead of Cass? Like yeah, Nesta and Cass are mates, but that does not mean they are joined by umbilical cord for f*ck sake! Az is a spymaster, and it makes perfect sense for him to be trailing them. Being found out however, by accident or on purpose is questionable, but it makes so much more sense for him to be there and get as much info about this new person from different world. If there was a battle, full on war, yeah, I would expect Cass, freaking GENERAL of Night Court ARMIES, there, but for this mission?? People, have you heard of common sense?? Just cause you want to see more of Cass and Nesta, does not make it a good idea for running a court as High Lord. Deal!
4. Az and Nesta friendship? Amazing. The way he calmed her down, with mentions of Cass and Nyx. Amazing! And it is established in ACOSF that there was friendship between the two, so why the fuck are ppl freaking out? Is it because of the fantasy of threesome?? Excuse you!!! Get your mind out of the fucking gutter prudes! Just because Cass was the main love interest and turned out to be her mate, does not mean she cannot enjoy her own imagination. For fuck sake, woman keeps reading smutty books, of course she has a dirty mind. And at least 1/4 of those books have 3somes in it, if not the whole reverse harem!!!! What women (in her sexual prime, like she’s 25 or something) would not enjoy 2 hunks worshipping her??? If you wouldn’t, well… keep lying to yourself. The rest of us know the truth.
5. AZ DESERVES A MATE! Now repeat after me! AZ DESERVES A MATE! No, not Elain. Gods not that bitch. And she will turn out to be a bitch I’m 99.99% sure of it. As Rhysand mentioned, even roses have thorns. And we still have to see what she has to show. I’m sure it’s foreshadowing. Nobody is that nice. Or better said, nobody is that nice for a long time. I’m not even sold on the idea of Lucien and Elain, let alone Az and her. Be it Gwyn, Eris, Helion or Mother herself, Az deserves a mate! A mate who will love him! All of him, good and bad, and icy. And no, not the one that will “melt his ice” but the one who will embrace it. Cause it won’t be Az anymore. I didn’t see Nesta taming Cassians wild side, but going along with it, enjoying it. So why would Az mate “melt his ice”??? The mate his shadows will feel comfortable with. Where he can go through his day and find shadows missing, finding them with him/her/them. Doesn’t matter. He needs his own journey, full of trials and errors, and full on f*ck ups, for his happy ending. I believe it will be Gwyn. But it can be anyone but Elain. She will never love him fully. She will always, even when she refuses Lucien, feel the mating bond, and I cannot explain how badly I don’t want that to happen to Az. Cause HE will wake up every morning thinking: “ Is this the day she leaves me for her mate?”. And seeing his brothers happiness with their mates, he will ask this. And he deserves so much better!
6. RHYSAND! Just that! FREAKING RHYSAND! Why the f*ck are ppl freaking out about his behavior in ACOSF and HOFAS??? Let’s start from the beginning. RHYSAND is a well established character. And he is the same from start to now. He is a manipulative, scheming bastard, secretly trying to do good things, by whichever means necessary! Good or bad. For f*ck sake, he was Amarathas 2nd in command and her whore for 50 years… Like, yeah, he is good, and he is a feminist, and he is all of this and that, but he is still just… him! That won’t change, and I don’t want it to change, cause I really like his character as it is. (You have every right to hate him, but not on the account of him “changing”) Him threatening Nesta when she revealed the risk of pregnancy! YES, YES, and YES! He had every right to do so, and him telling Cass to get her out of there, was more than I would have done. (And no, I am not talking about the moral dilemma of him not telling Feyre in the first place, cause that was bad, however, what would you do? We can discuss morality all day long, and everybody would take the high road until it’s time, sooooo… Don’t!) Oh, and him reprimanding Nesta in the extra in HOFAS. Again spot on. Because, if Az or Cass have done something sooooooo stupid, he would have beaten them in the training ring to the inch of their life. Mor would probably take the full burn of his power. And Amren… Well let’s not go there. Most of the ppl started talking shit about Rhys and his behavior in HOFAS, however I was pissed, and I’m still pissed at Feyre.
7. Feyre!!! Oh my Gods!!! I’m starting to hate her. I liked her so much. Strong FMC, overcoming her obstacles, trying to do good for her family and friends and mate. But HOFAS! So mad!!!!! YOU ARE A F*CKING HIGH LADY! Your damn sister just gave one of the deadliest weapons to basically complete stranger, who btw, came to your house and wrecked PRISON of all places… In Midgard Avallen island changed completely. What the f*ck happened to the prison when she took part of the star??? She f*cking freed the Asteri/Dalgan in you house, and you sister was like: “Yeah, sure, take the mask, please don’t die or fall prey to the Asteri”. And you give shit to your MATE and a f*cking HIGH LORD of the court for reprimanding you damn sister??? Like f*ck off bi*ch. I’m all for feminism and females supporting each other, but this is politics! This is a leader talking to his subject, not a f*cking family show on air. Honestly, it’s starting to look like Feyre is abusing Rhys, and using his feelings for her and their mate bond to do things the way she wants them to be done. And I hate that it looks that way.
8. This is the last one for now. Az and Rhys interaction in extra in ACOSF. AGAIN, ppl say it with me… RHYSAND IS A HIGH LORD OF THE NIGHT COURT!!! So yes, they are friends and all of that, but at the end of the day, Rhys is the leader, and he knows his shit. And he has every right to say that shit to Az. However, I do think it is misleading. We will see if I’m right, but. If Gwyn is Az mate, I believe she knows. And I believe Rhys knows as well. I really think they are friends. (Especially over the things that happened to them, and knowing who their mates are, but not telling them, since they weren’t/aren’t ready. The whole scene of Rhysand telling Nesta to be respectful to Gwyn kinda gives me that vibe). So him telling Az “he will make him regret it”, kinda comes from that. However, I get a feeling (again might be wrong, time and SJM will tell), that making Az regret his action will involve his mother. We had mentions of her, sooooo. (I have this reoccurring thought, about a random attack, that Az takes care of, on one of his spying missions, and the enemy mentions that they will take his mate or something like that. Az coming back to Velaris, and freaking out about Elain being in danger, and everybody freaking out as well. Until Rhys asks to look at what happened, and realizes that the enemy was not saying Elain, but his mate, and runs of in search of Gwyn, who’s been attacked or kidnapped… Yeah, just there sitting in my head. Does not want to leave.)
Anyway, that’s it for now. There are much more points I would like to make, but I’ll leave it for some other time.
It took way longer than anticipated to write this. And I’m sorry for any grammatical error or misspelling. English is my second language.
If you stuck till the end, thank you, and let me know what your thoughts are??? I would appreciate discussion over open war, but go ahead and do what you like….
Lady Tina
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you on your last ask.
"SJM did say she's excited to write Az's journey. But she's tricky with her words and just because she said "when you get to the end of SF I think you'll know who the next book is about and Az's journey is one I'm very excited to write about."
Because SJM is tricky with words, she could be telling us that Elain's book is next, she'll end up with Lucien and during their book she will continue laying crumbs for Az's journey as she's excited to begin the groundwork for his eventual book."
please... she is not THAT tricky. She also said multiple times Hunt and Bryce are mates, and that she wanted to change up her usual formula by making the first LI in CC to be the endgame, still many doubted her words and guess what? Hunt and Bryce are endgame, just as she said. Was she also tricky when she talked about Elucien being mates? Or is she not tricky with her words when it supports your narrative?...
And to be exact, this was the question from the interview you quoted:
"Will Azriel get his own book in the future?" to which Sarah answered: "I can't say anything officially right now... but when you get to the end of ACOSF I think you'll know who the next book is about... Azriel's journey is one I'm very excited to write about..." - mind you, the question wasn't about who's book is next, just if Azriel will get a book, ever. And her answer was this. She brought up the next book. How do you even interpret an answer like this as, "Elain's book is next"? Sorry, but it's not tricky at all, it's basic comprehension to assume Azriel's book is next based on her answer to the question. Also, even though the bonus takes place during solstice, bonus chapters are placed physically at the end of the book, no?? So...
Let's face it, Lucien and Elain had no major impact on the plot of acosf (they were barely present in the book actually), but Az was included heavily in the valkyrie training (along with a certain other redhead), and then now he's in CC3 too (in which Elucien were absent yet again). He's featured in two bonus chapters, one is from his own POV. Clearly, there is a lot of focus put on him right now, intentionally. From a marketing point of view, after all of this, another couple's book being next who are simply absent from the last two books makes no sense at all.
You really started to twisting everything to fit your own narrative, just as E/riels. :/
You're really quite aggressive over my thinking Elain is getting the next book.
Regardless of what your interpretation of that particular interview is, I've also got plenty of others that strongly suggest Elain was getting the book after Nesta.
"I've always wanted to write books about her sisters".
"I know who the first two spin-offs are about but I'm leaving the third open".
At one point the third was even possibly going to be a book set in the past and in a special edition of ACOFAS, she wrote about the research she had done for Elain's book. Not Az's.
"My initial plan for the spin-offs didn't change but the world expanded".
And you're silly to think that "from a marketing perspective Elain's absence in the crossover means she can't get the next book."
Was Chaol not absent in the book before TOD?
You're clearly only on the side of your narrative when you say Elain was absent in SF.
Did she and Nesta not have two big arguments?
Did Elain not volunteer to search for the Trove?
Did Feyre and Rhys not have a conversation about her getting her hands dirty in Feyre's bonus? How maybe she's only acted a certain way for fear of disappointing them?
Did Feyre not mention how she's got Az beat for secret keeping?
Did Amren not tell them not to underestimate her?
Did Nesta not take her wooden carving back to the HOW with her, staring at it after placing it near a figure of a Goddess, then end the series by placing it on her father's grave?
Nesta's arc could not have happened if Elain was by her side because Nesta needed to learn who she was outside of being Elain's protector but that doesn't mean Elain did not regularly come into her thoughts, with SJM using those moments to build her story (like Spring being made for her). That does not mean SJM didn't find ways of telling us exactly where her character is going and the fact that she's now ready for more or that she doesn't belong in the NC.
You are free to feel Az is next, I even admit I could be wrong about Elucien though I still feel strongly that they're a contender for the next book. But you claiming he's next as fact makes you no different than e/riels who claim their ship as fact.
And bonus chapters are placed at the end of the book because they don't want to interrupt the flow of the main characters pov..??
What is your point? It doesn't change where it falls on the timeline and the events that came after.
I'd be curious to know what major impact on the plot you feel Az had in SF outside of training the Valkyries because Cassian said Nesta wouldn't be ready for battle training for years. An ACOTAR book. Not a book from a different series that not every ACOTAR reader will read. Lucien was set up for more than Az what with him being stationed in Spring, commanding Cassian with a single word, the fact that his father now wants to ally with Koschei, that he was "setting his sights" across the continent.
Az...... sulked about not getting a bond? Played sidekick to Cassian? Yes he's training the Valkyries and will continue to do so but the main issues in the ACOTAR world at the end of SF were Koschei - Vassa's captor (Vassa, Lucien's roommate and the one Elain had visions of) , Beron - Lucien's "father", Spring - a Lucien plot and the treaty (I don't see Az treating for peace, do you?) and Elucien is more strongly connected to those things than Az. And yes, SJM admitted that Bryce and Hunt were mates because she wasn't keeping it a secret? And she openly spoke of Elucien as mates back before she signed on for the spin-offs and therefore was allowed to talk about the future of the characters? Those are not the same things as the announcment of the next book as the next book is supposed to be a surprise, otherwise it would have already been announced. She wouldn't have said, "and that's all I'm saying about that."
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gwyns · 3 months
How much of a “freak” do you think Azriel actually is? While I think he might be into some bdsm, I don’t think it would be anything too hardcore. Like whipping, face slapping, degradation, and carving into skin (some people are into that). I could see bondage, blindfolds, dirty talk/praise, maybe spanking and light choking, and maybe sex toys (if those exist in that world).
I definitely see Gwyn being the one to bring this stuff up if she’s curious about it. She’ll make the first move and I can see Azriel guiding her, making her feel comfortable and confident in herself, him treating her with respect. Safe words could be brought up. After a while, I could see Azriel giving up control and even letting Gwyn tie his hands to the headboard. Sometimes I wonder if Az is a dominant who wants to be taken care of every now and then.
I think with Gwyn, who I believe is his mate, and only with Gwyn would he let himself give up complete control. I 100% believe that Gwyn could be a brat in the bedroom and she will provoke/tease Az.
Example: Azriel tastes Gwyn and when she moans, he asks “did you like that?” and then Gwyn will go down on Az and when he moans, she asks “did you like that?”
She would be such a brat and match his energy. Every time they have sex won’t always be “freaky”, it will also be comforting, safe, healing, and passionate, especially when they accept that mating bond. I don’t think Azriel has ever let himself be on the submissive end, but with Gwyn he would be more than willing.
look i know sarah herself called az a "freak" but i genuinely don't think he's as freaky as others think he is lol. i agree with everything you've said! i definitely think he's just into bdsm and dominating and would alternate as a sub for gwyn/his mate. i feel the first couple of times they do anything it'd be kind of slow and just getting acquainted with one another, but after they've grown comfortable? oh boy... nessian will definitely need ear plugs of their own
he's absolutely into dirty and praise talk. especially the praise talk, both giving and receiving (although i'm sure he wouldn't outright admit this but the first time gwyn uses it he about cums right then and there). we all know how az views himself, and while i do think that'll improve with his book, he'd still really fucking enjoy being called good. it's like a drug to him. trust will be a big thing for az and his love interest, that's why i think it'd be so sexy if he did let go of control for her and was content to just let her do whatever she wanted to him
i loooove gwyn being a brat. especially if you think about her doing it all throughout the day, like she purposely pushes his buttons and argues and teases and then when they're finally alone... oh az will have her begging for it
i also like the idea of, let's say az, telling gwyn what to do. not to himself but to herself. like he tells her to touch herself and he guides her through that, telling her exactly how she should do it, how fast, when to cum, the whole shebang, ya know??
god i love thinking about their dynamic. sjm has the power to make my dream smut book with gwynriel and i'm (not so) patiently waiting for it
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐳𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ female reader, reader / y/n is of ambiguous race. Requests are open!
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋  
・You met Azriel when Rhysand needed your services. The career you chose might be an odd one in the human world, but living with the fae meant magic was everywhere. 
・So in your many years, you started a shop filled with witchy things; herbs, crystals, divination tools, books, candles, flowers, oils, fragrances, etc,
・You were also a collector of magical items - ones that the High Lord himself required. 
・So in comes this tall, beautiful, fearsome man you had only seen from afar. In his usual Spymaster garb, Azriel looked magnificent and it took all your strength not to gasp.
・Were you intimidated? Yes. Did you show it? Also yes, but you tried your best not to. 
・It needs to be mentioned that you weren’t scared though! You knew of Azriel’s reputation, but his face, his height, his wingspan. You were overwhelmed. 
・Okay so further along down the track ... Az had been coming to the shop weekly. Under the pretence that the High Lord liked your products and wished for more (lies, Rhysand only needed like 2 things and that was it.) 
・Az just wanted a reason to keep coming. Because he felt ... welcomed. Like he wasn’t a monster. Or someone to be feared. His shadows felt connected to you somehow. 
・Moving in together when you realise that you have so much stuff at each other’s places. 
・You’re such a patient, kind, and generous person that Az feels overwhelmed with love
・Can you imagine snuggling into his chest at night, window open while the stars twinkle above you???
・You guys also have cute date nights; no matter WHAT you have to spend time together because life gets busy. 
・Mor absolutely adores you 
・Amren loves that you have such ancient books, and is constantly buying them from you/borrowing. 
・Rhysand approves of you, and thinks you’re pretty awesome. If Az is happy then so is he
・Cassian is literally like a big brother to you - constantly trying to ruffle your hair and rile you up. 
・Feyre LOVES LOVES LOVES YOU. She is over the moon that Az has someone and has been hoping for you guys to get together. (BTW She’s the one that told Rhysand to make up a story about how he needed something from your shop ... yeah ... she orchestrated the whole thing)
・You have so much incense in the home 
・Az likes the smell of Cinnamon, Mint, Cardamom and All Spice
・He actually loves to cook 
・Telling you about his awful background and you nearly crying because how could someone hurt another person like that? 
・Training you with basic skills on how to protect yourself; knife, hand to hand, sword, bow and arrow etc. If you wanted to train more, he would be so happy to help
・Making him crappy birthday cakes on his birthday but he absolutely LOVES THEM
・Oh and his favourite things are handmade items - knitted sweaters/scarfs, baked cookies, drawings, notes/letters, etc. 
NSFW 18+
・ 👀 yeah ... the sex is ... mindblowing. 
・He lasts for a really, really long time. Az is super patient ...
・He likes to edge you; being in charge of when you cum. The spymaster likes to hear you whine; hear you beg for release. 
・Az is most definitely dominate but LOVES when you’re in charge. Adores when you push him onto the bed, tying his hands so he has no control
・He isn’t one for dirty talk (of himself) but he does love it when you talk dirty to him. 
・SJM made Illyrian wings sensitive FOR A REASON, and that reason is so their lovers can absolutely take advantage of it. 
・He loves to leave hickies everywhere; legs, thighs, arms, neck, chest, ass. 
・Likes to take baths, and showers together. 
・ Wing cleaning
・Hair washing
・Lathering the soap ... everywhere ...
・He also likes to bring toys into the bedroom, vibrators, dildos etc. he doesn’t feel threatened with them in the slightest
・Likes to smack your ass whenever you walk by him (never in front of people though) 
・Both taking aphrodesiacs to see what would happen - if your sex would be better or the same (no way could it be WORSE dude c’mon)
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Everytime I open something on insta regarding acotar/Azriel, like just 2 minutes ago I opened a post where a quote from SJM regarding that Az is a freak in bed and she imagined him already in spicy scenes. The top comment ALWAYS is something related to; "I hope its not with Elain", "I cant imagine him with Elain", "Gwyn and Az are meant to be" and then they furthermore argue that it indeed cant be her, because she already has Lucien and that she belongs to him. I just hate it so much, and it irritates me more every day. This fandom really needs the next book announcement just so they can all shut their mouths!
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They actually think theyre right! How did they read these books!!!
Yeah, when I think of Gwyn I immediately think of kinky sex with ties and toys and lots of spit and biting.
Sounds gross, right?
I get how people might have a difficult time imagining Elain in that situation too, but let's be honest--NO ONE can actually seriously imagine Gwyn 'I need to cut the ribbon and love baby pegasus' Berdara getting fucked in the ass.
Yeah, it sounds crude, but that's part of dirty freaky sex. Sorry. That's how it is.
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wolfnesta · 2 years
Nesta’s self loathing is a pretty big highlight in her healing journey and by the end of acosf a reader can assess Nesta is doing better mentally—she’s no longer starving herself drinking and having sex with people to numb herself, she’s a training Valkyrie that uses mind stilling and breathing to center herself, has learned to let her walls down especially with Cassian etc.— But really in the end all I saw was how much she still didn’t validate her emotions and above all how she still felt so undeserving. Like how is that healing when the main problem is still there? I don’t know if SJM meant this on purpose and honestly the worst part is we’ll probably never find out. Nesta doesn’t validate herself through out most of her self loathing written throughout the book but I’ll focus on the last part written in the very last few pages of acosf because really this is it. As far as we know this is the ending of Nesta’s so called ‘arc’.
When Nesta sends Cassian away after his mate declaration— where he shouts at her about being shackled to her— this is what SJM proceeds to give us in Nesta POV:
‘Mor had winnowed her here without a question, without so much as a glance of disapproval.’
Notice Nesta thinks Mor should glance at her disapprovingly but why does she believe that? Because she made perfectly valid points to Cassian and had him give her time to sort out her emotions? Instead of this being acknowledged and validated we get this shortly after:
‘she’d apologize for using their bargain to send him away, and not stop apologizing until he smiled again’
I know Nesta loves Cassian and that’s why she’s saying this but I have the impression now that Nesta truly doesn’t see she had perfectly good reasons to hesitate much less see it should be Cassian apologizing to her, first, for making her clearly uncomfortable in public, and then, for lashing out and hurting her. Not only that but we also get this within the same page:
‘but if she did fall… he’d be waiting for her at the top again. Hand outstretched. She didn’t deserve it, but she’d endeavor to be worthy of him’
it’s just so alarming to me. I don’t know if SJM meant to write Nesta this way and call it OK or if she plans on working on her further (which I highly doubt) but not only does Nesta not see where her partner did her wrong but she also feels she needs to work to be ‘deserving’ of him. If that doesn’t scream low self esteem—I just. It’s just definitely not a healthy indicator of one’s mental health. And again let me stress that this is the ending of acosf. After we can presume she’s doing better because, ya know, it’s the ending of her book??? But it gets worse:
‘Her father had died for her, with love in his heart, and though she might not have deserved it then… she would do all could now to earn it. To deserve not just his love, but that of those around her. Of Cassian’
this was literally one of the last sentences in the book. Her feeling undeserving of her father— the neglectful man that everyone can atleast agree was a shitty human??? —And of those around her. Just no. Nesta might have gotten better but she DID NOT HEAL.
Anyhow, I’m aware these characters aren’t real and I myself am surprised as to why I put in so much energy in analyzing the texts that SJM decided to publish, but alas here I am. And a side note: anyone can interpret my opinion in whatever way they wish but my point isn’t to call out any of the characters in particular, but more pointing out how SJM did Nesta super dirty. Really the main reason why I’m still clinging to her future work is to see if she can fix the wrong that she did to a wonderful character she created.
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shallyne · 11 months
SJM Crackshipmonth: Disney AU
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Tangled in Vines
It's the first day of @sjmcrackshipmonth YAY! Let's get started with Elain x Ithan in a Tangled AU
Words: 1,329
TW: none
Elain is trapped in the the four stone walls surrounding her cottage until one day a stranger falls into her garden.
Elain wiped the sweat off her brow as she finally planted the last glower, looking up only to be greeted by the same gray brick wall that she had stared at the last few weeks. She couldn't remember how it felt to have any freedom, those days were long gone since that sorcerer infiltrated the human isle. At least she still had her little garden that she could tend to. The work was always the same, everyday. Waking up, getting ready, cleaning the cabin, reading a book, gardening, maybe reading another book. Just killing time. Sighing, she stood and picked up the shovel from the ground when she heard a commotion outside of the wall. Gripping the shovel harder, she neared that wall, trying to make out what the fuss is about. She could hear hear hooves clacking on the ground, there was a horse right in front of the wall and some farther away. Elain debated saying something, maybe asking for help, but before she could, a man climbed over the wall and fell into her previous rose bushes. Gasping, she stepped closer, eyeing the man suspiciously. He was dressed in brown, baggy pants, a white tunic and a red vest. Almost like a pirate but his clothes seemed finer, a traveler then. When her turned his head, a strand of his brown hair fell into his face and his chestnut brown eyes fixed on hers. In a panic, Elain raised her shovel and hit him. She cursed when his head fell back, Elain rendered this stranger unconscious but fortunately alive. She pulled the sleeves of her dress up and dragged that man into the cottage by his feet. It was hard to get him onto the chair but in the end, she managed. Sighing, she took the scissors and cut her dear burlap sacks, which she used then to tie that man on the chair. A few knots and Elain was confident that he would not be able to escape her. While Elain applied the healing salve on his wound, she found a necklace in the pocket of his vest. It was a beautiful gold chain with a rose pendant. Looking around, she found a little vase where she could hide the necklace. Maybe she could use it.
She sat down on a little stool, waiting for that man to wake up.
It was about half an hour until he opened his eyes, groaning. Slowly he looked around until he found Elain.
"Hello." she stood as confidently as she could. "Struggling is pointless."
"I'm not–"
"I don't know why you're here but I'm not afraid of you." she said, standing straighter. Elain held the shovel in her hand again, weirdly enough it did give her comfort. "Who are you? How did you get here?" The man looked at her, from her ripped shoes, to her dirty dress up to her face. "Answer me." Elain demanded.
He cleared his throat, trying to raise his hand but failing because of her self made ropes. She bit down a smug smile at that. "I know not who you are," he said, his voice a little raspy. Maybe Elain should give him some water. "Nor how I came to find you but may I just say…" he took a deep breath as he lowered his head, then looked up at Elain and smirked. "Hi."
Elain huffed, waving the shovel in front of his face. "Who else is roaming this isle?"
"Listen, dear–"
"Okay. Here is the situation: I was traveling east when I found this island. I was just looking around, seeing what was going on around here when I found this gray stone palace, kind of like your wall, where this super grumpy dude resided."
"Koschei?" Elain asked.
"Gesundheit." he replied. "Well, he was rude so I…found a way inside. There was this trove and…wait. Where is the necklace?"
Elain crossed her arm, this time she was smirking down at him. "I hid it, somewhere you will never find it." He looked around frantically, trying to find where exactly Elain could have hidden this necklace. "Tell me, what's your name?"
"Ithan." he grumbled. Elain raised an eyebrow. "Ithan Holstrom."
"Listen, Ithan, you're going to tell my know why you would enter an mostly empty island and break into the house of an unmarried woman? What is you…goal?"
His eyes went wide and he started shaking his head. "I– that's not why I climbed over the wall! I didn't even know someone was living here! I got chased and I just needed a place to hide, I didn't have any I'll intent–"
"You don't want to–"
"No! I don't!" he said. "All I want is to get out of these ties, get my necklace and go home."
Elain started walking around him. He seemed genuine but was that enough? It had to be, he was her only ticket out of this place. She took a look at her reflection, cringing. Elain knew she was pretty, it wasn't a secret but right now she looked…rough. An exhaustion weighing on her shoulders that no sleep in the world would get rid off. Her hair was a mess, even though she tried to brush it everyday. Her clothes were torn from the garden work. Swallowing, her eyes turned to painting that Feyre had given her so, so long ago before they were brutally separated. Elain didn't have any other choice if she wanted to leaves this place.
"Okay, Ithan Holstrom," she said, turning back around to him. "Do you know what these are?" she pointed to the painting with her shovel.
"Flowers?" Ithan answered. "Looks like the flower fields on the continent."
"The flower fields in the continent." Elain echoed quietly to herself. "Well, Ithan, spring is in bloom and you Will get me to the continent, to these flower fields you just told me about." she said it so confidently, letting no room for any discussions. The hem of her purple dress swished on the floor as she took a step closer. "You will guide me to the flower fields and return me here," she wouldn't fall it home, "safely, and only then you will get your necklace back. This is my bargain."
"Yeah, no. I can't to that." Ithan said. "Unfortunately, an evil woman who listens to the name Sabine would send a bounty after me the minute I step foot on the continent. We aren't exactly on good terms."
Anger flared inside of Elain as she took a step forward. No wasn't an option. "Something brought you here, Flynn Ryder," she said, propping her hand on the top of the back of his chair, their faces only a few inches apart, "Call it what you will. Fate. Destiny."
"A bloodhound." he mumbled.
"So I have made the decision to trust you."
"A horrible decision, really,"
She ignored him. "But trust me, when I tell you this," she hissed. "You could take this tower apart but you won't find this necklace, not without my help."
"Let me get this straight," he cleared his throat, "I will take you to the flower fields on the continent, bring you back here and you will give me back the necklace?"
"Mhm," Elain hummed. "I promise." he looked at her incredulously, she sighed. "When I promise something, I will never, ever, break that promise. Ever."
Ithan looked at her, putting on his most charming smile, "Or you could just let me go, give me the necklace and we will forget this day ever happened."
Elain only stared at him, stared him right in the eyes.
"Damn, usually the ladies can't resist my smile." Ithan said, sighing dramatically. "FINE! I will take you to the continent to see the flower fields.
"Really?" Elain squeaked, letting go of the chair so abruptly that Ithan feel backwards groaning. "Oh no." she helped him back up and then threw her arms around him. "We're going to see the continent!"
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tcursebreaker · 2 years
Let’s talk about Elain
*everyone has the right to their own opinion but I also have the right to think yours is 💐stupid💐 hahaha*
I truly cannot wrap my mind around the Elain hate whatsoever.
Just like the rest of the sisters Elain had her entire world turned upside down. Think of her position, she was in love and soon to be married, and I’m not defending Graysen at all but he was described as “a mortal idea of a knight who would swoop a beautiful maiden onto his horse and ride off into the sunset” Like imagine her heartbreak. Him yelling about her mate and to take the ring off when none of this was her fault or what she chose. Having a clear vision (ironic lol) of how her life will go and that being ripped away never to return to normal.
But everything she did was for her sisters. Getting everyone to leave so they could use the house to meet with the Queens, asking for asylum even knowing how much Graysen and his father hates faeries, helping during the War to find the Suriel, ending up getting KIDNAPPED by the enemy. And STILL offering herself to help AFTER. She is always there and willing to help. Even standing up and saying I am apart of this court when she could’ve took the easy out, But no she walked up apart of the royal family in the Court of Nightmares. And like during Feyre’s pregnancy, Elain being the first one to notice with so many other people who know and love Feyre who could’ve noticed something was off. And with Nesta, even when she pushed her away, Elain was always there for her.
Moving on I just absolutely hate that Antis downplay her trauma. All three sisters have trauma, and each deal with it in their own ways. Each had so much shit happen to them, stop trying to skip over hers. She lost her fiancé (whether he’s good or bad she still loved him) , got dunked into the freaking Cauldron and came out a different species and with magical powers leaving her dazed and confused for so long, got kidnapped, watched her father die, literally killed the King of Hybern.So when people say she got it good or got it easy???
Next people love to call Elain a “boring gardener” but let’s talk about 1. This has been her favorite hobby since the beginning, even when having nothing she found happiness in this. Like idk it seems like a trend to hate the sisters hobbies for some reason??? I don’t get it. Let Feyre paint, Nesta read, and Elain garden in PEACE! 2. She gets her hands DIRTY! She’s not just cutting one rose and calling it a day. We all know L*cien got her the gloves but she likes the scars and pricks and really feeling her hard work. It’s not as easy as everyone makes it out to be. And if it makes her happy why shame it? I think it’s adorable to think about her in a floppy hat working hard to make gardens beautiful and having the cuts on her pretty hands to show it.
Also it’s just the funniest thing on one hand Elain is soooo boring and does nothing but flowers n bake but then suddenly she’s this super suspicious spiteful woman?? Of course she mourns her past life but she’s been making progress, she doesn’t cry over Graysen anymore, she found a purpose at the NC helping people with gardening ect. She has a newfound family, brother in laws, a baby nephew, good friends to enjoy her hobbies with ! Like why do anti’s try to make her out to be this vicious ugly-hearted evil person? And for the suspicious part it kinda makes me laugh because I feel like it’s obvious, mentioning Elain being more stealth and secret keeping like Spy arc lol
Bottom line even though we haven’t gotten Elain’s book or her POV yet, I honestly love her character a lot. There’s way more to her than people give her credit for, and I cannot wait for SJM to showcase her in an amazing light. I truly think Elain’s book has so much potential like DO not say this lightly but I think this could be one of SJM best books. There is so so much material, I know the storyline is gonna be great like love, pain, adventure, destiny vs choice and just all the wonderful Elriel tropes; light vs dark, star crossed lovers, boy obsessed plus way more. Literally this book is gonna have it all!! And I definitely think a lot of people are gonna change their opinion on her very quickly. I know I sound a bit overboard, she is fictional but it’s so sad to see all of the hate she gets for no reason. She is always sweet and helpful and strong even though we haven’t seen the peak of it yet. There is just wayyy more then what meets the eye and ugh I’m so excited
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heycasper22 · 1 year
Elucien Mating bond theories/descriptors
Elain will reject the mating bond.
And regret it.
Some people argue that if Elain's book is next, why not set up Elucien at all.
I believe that she did? It's a great set up for Elain rejecting the bond. Brilliant drama.
The thing is
I think that some people look at Elain's connection with her gardens and flowers at face value but if you would join me in looking at the vocabulary that occurs, I feel this is really what foreshadows Elain's romantic journey.
Rhys has already stated that Elain could reject the bond, but it would still be a bond, but however weak it is, it would trail her for the rest of her existence!
So even rejected, it is still there.
I won't presume to know what scenario will bring Lucien and Elain in proximity (probably forced, perhaps some mission on the continent)
But I believe she will fall in love with him. He will get under her skin like a thorn, but the love will creep and twine around her heart.
And she will have to grow that bond back. Get her hands dirty.
It will be wilting, and withering
And she will tend and nurture it, nourish it.
It will grow strong, bud and flourish and blossom, into the beautiful strong mating bonds we see on the rest of the series.
This is just a little theory that I love as these kinds of descriptors make up a lot of SJM's books.
There are so many amazing, clever theories, citing mythology and retellings that I love reading.
This isn't that, this is simply a personal observation of someone's writing style.
I don't believe that an author who enjoys HEA's would burden Elain with something that would "trail her for the rest of her existence"
That's not a pleasant description at all.
She needs someone to see her.
Sure, you could say that could be Az. He sees a lot.
But to me that's the brilliant thing.
Because he who See's everything won't see what's right in front of his face.
The drama!
Whatever happens I can't wait!
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
The whole thing with Azriel pining for Mor for 500 years is bullshit. There's not enought evidence in the book for me to back it up. Instead we're told by everyone that he's pining. And it's told in a way that always paints Mor as the victim. I also see it as a way for being in controll. A way of placing Azriel in a box. We all know how bad the night court is with change.
I think a lot of it is due to SJM's retcons. Moriel is set up initially - and there is a lot of artwork from when ACOMAF came out. It was built up as if they have this tension to be overcome - and that's the staple of SJM ships usually. As if Mor isn't quite ready to settle down despite liking him.
“You have a lot of nerve mocking my sisters when your own friends have equally as much melodrama.” His brows lifted in silent question. I snorted. “Oh, so you haven’t noticed the way Azriel looks at Mor? Or how she sometimes watches him, defends him? And how both of them do such a good job letting Cassian be a buffer between them most of the time?”
But Azriel—Azriel said, his eyes wholly on Mor, “I’m in.”
Unsurprisingly, Az won every round. But at least he was smiling by the end of the night—to Mor’s delight when she’d stumbled back to our table to chug another drink before prancing onto the dance floor again
Mor closed her eyes as she tipped back her head, sunning her golden face with the same irreverence that Cassian perhaps sought to shield Azriel from—and Mor herself perhaps tried to shield Azriel from as well.
Getting Azriel to take any time for himself that didn’t involve work or training was nearly impossible. And when I pointed out that he did go to Rita’s with her whenever she asked, Mor simply informed me that it had taken her four centuries to get him to do that
Mor saw, though—even if Azriel didn’t bother to acknowledge her concerned stare, the hand that she kept looking at as if she’d touch, but thought better of it.
There are a few more examples like on the first Starfall Feyre attends where Azriel gazes at Mor - but also a lot of examples where she is tactile with him.
SJM gets a bit of heat due to lack of representation in her books and decides Mor likes women.
SJM did Azriel soooo dirty with that retcon because:
He's spymaster but cannot pick up on a hint in 500 years
Rhys explains that Azriel has such a low opinion of himself that "he thinks she's happier without him. He thinks he's unworthy of her."
He tried to tell Mor how he felt after he'd found her in the woods and she just walked away - (very) bad timing on his part but her walking away should have been clue enough
None of his family care enough about him to tell him he's completely wasting his time
Mor doesn't need to come out to her family - nobody is ever obligated to come out - but it does baffle me how they're this close, found family and she still cannot come out to them (but can tell Feyre who she's known for a few months)
Further, Azriel doesn't think she's playing hard to get, he believes himself to be so low in society that she shouldn't stoop to his level - and nobody is correcting that narrative. It's not you, it's me. Literally. Being a bastard from Illyria is not the issue for Mor whereas to Azriel, that is the obstacle.
It's just such horrible writing to shoehorn Mor as LGBT and let one of your POC believe they don't deserve someone because of their heritage
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brieq · 2 years
my acotar unpopular opinions
I got bored so, i decided to make this, with some of these i use the word “unpopular” lightly 
i love all the archeron sisters 
nesta is my favorite archeron sister
i love feyre on her own and w/ rhys however, i do think acosf did her dirty at times
speaking of acosf...feysand was done dirty in this book. like what was the point of putting them through more emotional turmoil, especially feyre. it also went back on both feyre and rhys character decisions made in maf and war (im not saying that were acting ooc though) feysand deserved a peaceful pregnancy, which couldve happened in the background while nesta’s story still happened. 
which leads me to my next point, nesta deserved to not have her story be overshadowed by that shit baby plot 
the intervention scene should’ve only been nesta and her sisters 
my favorite characters are nesta, rhys, gwyn, honorable mentions are lucien, eris, cassian and feyre
this is probably rlly unpopular after acosf but my favorite bat boy is still rhys
azriel is my least favorite of the bat boys 
i dont think tamlin is a bad person and id like to see him get better for himself and others. i think he should get an arc
technically all the acotar characters are morally grey (well maybe except gwyn, emerie and tarquin..lucien too i guess)
i know there’s debates on whether rhys can be considered one but I think he is. the issue is sjm wrote the acotar world very black and white. sometimes she picks and chooses when her characters are allowed to be morally grey and this happens a lot with rhys (honestly with tamlin and nesta..etc. practically where we see odd double standards) this honeslty does a disservice to rhys’s character and the others as well
i’m not saying that tamlin didnt abuse feyre because he did but it’s pretty clear that he gets over demonized a bit
rhys may be one of my favs but im fully aware that he’s been abusive at times and isnt not a perfect character (clearly). i dont think he was ever meant to be technically.
i feel like a lot of the male characters trauma gets swept under the rug. (Lucien, Rhys, Cassian and even Tamlin) idk about azriel yet tbh
for some reason im obsessed with vassa and jurian..honestly the band of exiles in general. i cant wait to see more of them
i hope elain ends up with lucien and the band of exiles
i know a lot of ppl hate the idea of nesta or gwyn getting to some degree with rhys but i think it’ll be good for him bc they’d give it too him straight (maybe even elain tbh)
you know how cassian and feyre have special friendship as well as nesta and azriel...i’d like to see that with rhys and someone (most likely gwyn, i think she makes more sense than elain..plus they have more in common)
im not anti any characters. i like all of them but ill still call them out on their shit when warranted 
my least favorite character in general is amren tho
the most believable friendships in the IC are the bat boys (rhys, cassian and azriel) and cassian and feyre (maybe feyre and mor)
i do think azriel and rhys are in a rough patch atm tho (doesnt mean that they dont love each other tho)
id like to see feyre make friends outside of the IC (im not saying that mor has been terrible to her but she should branch out)
the valkyries definitely have a healthier full group
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