#Rollo birthday takeover
I'm not good at writing these but can we please see an interaction between Rollo and Trein and maybe Lucius? I really like the idea of Trein being a mentor figure to Rollo since Trein says he will keep an eye on him at the end of Glorious Masquerade. I don't know how the interaction would be structured but I'll leave that up to you if you choose to write this!
Yessss 😭 YOU GET IT, Trein could be a great mentor to Rollo…
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For the last hour, Rollo had been nursing a growing migraine. The bumping music, the horde of guests, his inner voice counting off all the work still yet to be done. Each was another icy nail driven into his skull. Two glasses of grape juice were not enough to dull that buzz that clouded his mind.
Rollo had excused himself from making social rounds to fill up on refreshments—but he knew it wouldn't be long before someone came by to drag him back into the fray.
He slumped forward in his seat, catching his forehead with one hand. In his other hand, he clutched onto his third serving of grape juice. His only solace in these trying times.
Rollo exhaled deeply, squeezing his eyes shut. A silent prayer was at his lips.
Lord help me persevere. I am surrounded by idiots, beseeched to engage with them…!! Why must I endure this madness?!
A sudden softness came down on his nose.
Startled, Rollo immediately shot up. His grape juice nearly spilled, had a quick paw not catch the rim and keep it upright.
A plump cat had appeared on the table, staring at Rollo through sharp golden eyes. Its coat was a glossy black, the tip of its fluffy tail, chest, and muzzle a fine white. The cat meowed again, releasing its hold on the almost-fallen cup.
“Good day to you, Flamme.”
An older man appeared, scooping up the feline in his arms. His stern, bony face had been carved out with lines like the rings in a tree's core, his hair--streaked in shades of salt and pepper--slicked back from his forehead. He was dressed in a sharp suit and cravat, long maroon robes spilling over them.
“Mozus-sensei.” Rollo automatically straightened. “I was not aware that you were among those in attendance. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
"Quite a large number of students wished to leave campus for an important function. I am serving as the chaperone to them. Were it only one or two boys wishing to leave, I would not be needed to supervise." Trein gave a papery smile. "Ah, but it looks as though you have too many companions to keep them away."
Rollo attempted at a polite laugh behind his handkerchief. “Yes, it seems they feel the need to shower me with their attention.”
“I take it you do not favor these circumstances.”
“… Is it that easy to tell? I thought I was hiding it as best as I could.”
“You are sitting alone in a corner with nothing more than a drink in hand to keep you company,” Trein tactfully pointed out. “I understand. These events have the potential to wear one down. A moment of peace and quiet can be restorative.
"As for myself, I find that sitting down and stroking my dear Lucius helps after a long day. Would you like to give it a try? It just may soothe you as well."
Trein shifted, holding out Lucius to Rollo. The cat stared expectantly at the student, its tail swishing back and forth like a metronome.
Rollo's eyes widened. “What? No, I couldn't possibly...!"
Too late, Lucius had already been placed into his lap. The cat's body was almost liquid, pooling and settling into his new resting spot. Lucius was warm and soft, like the wings of an angel.
Rollo grimaced.
A familiar was on him, some mangy animal that had been mucking around who knows where before making contact.
"He likes to be scratched behind the ears and under the chin," Trein coaxed, demonstrating. "The head and back are safe too."
Rollo reluctantly followed Trein's instructions, his fingers sinking into the depths of Lucius's fur and awkwardly petting. Soon, the cat was purring contentedly.
“Aaah, Lucius. You’re so adorable and good with children," Trein cooed. "I think he likes you, Flamme."
"Does he?" Rollo looked doubtful--not that he had any particular interest in befriending a mage's familiar to begin with. Am I meant to feel flattered by that comment?
"Of course. I don't mind if you wish to stay a little longer and become better acquainted with Lucius." Trein motioned to the empty seat across from Rollo. "May I join you?"
He hesitated, considering. Between returning to the raging party and remaining in respite... Rollo warily glanced between his two options, and his answer immediately became clear.
"... I don't see why not," he said at last, relenting. Rollo had a fistful of Lucius's fur in his hand as he got the words out.
"Excellent. I've been meaning to catch up with you." Trein sank into the chair and folded his hands together. "Now then, how have you been? It's been a while."
The conversation that followed flowed like wine. Easily poured, and just as easily downed. It tasted clean and smooth upon his palate, clearing away the bitterness that had pervaded all day.
The glass of grape juice sat there, forgotten.
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Since Malleus is already here might as well have him, Azul, and Idia come together to give Rollo a group hug to make the birthday boy feel extra welcome!
Hold up, I need a hazmat suit before writing this 💀 cuz this whole interaction is going to be toxic for my health/j
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Making eye contact with Azul was, like many things Rollo had experienced that day, a grave mistake.
Adopting a too-synthetic smile and lidding his gaze, the merman called out to him before he could hurry off. Rollo silently rued his very existence.
"Ah, there's the birthday boy!" Azul purred, over to Rollo. A flicker of unadulterated rage tightened the host's otherwise reserved expression. "Happy birthday, my dear, dear friend." Then, to a nearby peer, "Idia-san! Where are your manners? Come and greet the birthday boy."
"H-Happy bday... I guess," Idia grumbled. His pinprick eyes darted away, uncomfortable with lingering on Rollo's. "Kk, I'm done here. C-Can I go home now?"
"You've only just arrived, Shroud," a deep, elegant voice gently scolded him. It belonged to the horned shadow towering over them all. "Stay. Enjoy the evening and its offerings. It's not every day that we gather to celebrate a most momentous occasion such as this."
"... Azul-kun." Rollo's eyes slid to the ghostly hunched over figure beside the second year. His hair was bright blue, aflame. "Idia-kun."
Rollo sucked in a breath through his teeth when he arrived at the shadow. "Malleus Draconia."
"Flamme." Malleus smiled. Mysterious, some may have called it. Rollo saw the challenge in it. "How do you fare? Are you pleased with the party?"
"It was tolerable until you three showed your faces," Rollo hissed.
"My, is that any way to speak to your friends? Friends that guard your most cherished secret at no cost at all?" Azul asked coolly. He scanned the room, then let himself settle back on Rollo. "It would be a shame if there were a slip of the tongue here and now."
"Are you blackmailing me?" Rollo demanded. "On my birthday, no less?"
"Goodness, no! I'd never consider such a thing!" His mouth cocked into a smirk. "After all, we did all agree to what your punishment would be for all the trouble you caused. I won't walk back on our vow."
"How generous of you." Sarcasm oozed from every syllable.
At this point, Idia had gone from pale to paler, sweat beading on his forehead and dampening his palms. During Azul and Rollo's passive-aggressive exchange, he had been trying his darndest to sidle out of the situation--only to find that Azul's leg or arm had shifted to block his escape, or that Malleus loomed like a sleep paralysis demon dutiful guardian.
Azul sent an intentional, scathing smile his way. Idia shoved a frustrated squeak down.
"You seem tense, Flamme," Malleus was saying.
"I wonder why," Rollo retorted.
"Surely you do not still hold any ill will or animosity toward us?" The question was teasing, nearing a song.
"Debatable, Draconia."
Malleus chuckled darkly. "Worry not. I know what will make amends. Lilia has imparted wisdom of a ritual of reconciliation unto me. Perhaps you've heard of it." His eyes shone with mischief. "It is known as a 'group hug'."
Idia and Rollo exploded at the same time.
"Wh-Wh-What?! A-A group hug?! Y-You don't REALLY expect me to get all touchy-feely with any of you normies, do you?!"
"Have you lost your mind?! In what world do you think I would stand by and allow you detestable villains to put your hands on me?! Are you no longer satisfied with just acts of psychological torture...?!"
One voice of dissent arose, cutting through their complaints.
"A most excellent idea, Malleus-san!" Azul gushed. "There's nothing that can't be smoothed over with a group hug."
"Wh-Who are you, and what have you done with the REAL Azul-shi?!" Idia sputtered, jabbing an accusatory finger at the merman. "The real Azul-shi would charge an arm and a leg for that kind of fanservice!!"
A hand clamped down hard on one of Idia's wrists.
"Come now, Idia-san," Azul coaxed cheerily--though there was a new edge to his words. "It won't do to sit out on a valuable friendship-building activity."
"This is getting ridiculous!" Rollo angrily huffed. "I refuse to participate in this charade."
He turned away--and stormed right into a black curtain. Arms encircled him, ensnaring Rollo like a bear trap's metal teeth sinking into prey. Malleus's command came, clear and resonant.
"Now, Ashengrotto."
"As you wish, Malleus-san."
Azul dragging Idia, Malleus dragging Rollo, the four boys collided in what could only be described as a tangle of flailing limbs and protests. Rollo found himself smushed against Idia, with Azul and Malleus forming the strong outer ring that encased them, squeezing tight.
Idia's face, a blue screen of death. His jaw hung open, seemingly unable to close--slack and frozen. Pupils, pinpricks of panic. He was a useless sack of meat and bones, his mind completely dissociating from the hug.
Suddenly, everything was too close, too hot.
Like fire, hellfire, burning under his skin.
Rollo fought against it, refusing to be succumb to the inferno. "Unhand me, you FIENDS!!" he growled.
Malleus leaned in and grinned wickedly.
"Many birthday blessings to you," the fae prince murmured, "and many more to come in your future, Flamme."
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We come to a close.
I had to get this out several days after his actual birthday 😅 It was hard since I also had to account for Cater’s birthday on the 4th and got busy irl… I also had to skip responding to some interactions or else we’d have like an extra week of 3-4 Rollos per day.
So sorry for that!! 💦 I hope you at least enjoy this brief closing piece before we go back to our regularly scheduled TWST brain rot and ramblings.
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At last.
He had endured.
Now the sun was setting, and soon the stars would come out to play. The guests had departed one by one, Noble Bell College students retreating to their own lodging, Night Raven College students returning to their own campus. The student council's chambers were bereft of the souls that had filled and warmed it mere moments ago.
What remained of the celebration were the fun bits and bobs, confetti scattered on the floor and decorations still hung up. There was leftover cake and wrapping yet to be discarded, a pile of opened presents to organize.
An entire mess.
Rollo reflexively reached for a broom and dustpan only for another hand to come down upon his. He looked up into the gentle face of his vice president.
"Let me get that for you."
Rollo frowned. "I am perfectly capable of assisting with cleaning."
His vice gave him a sympathetic smile as he eased the broom and dustpan out of Rollo's grasp. "I've never doubted that for one second, Mister President—but the clock hasn't quite struck midnight yet."
"That's right," the aide chimed in from atop a stepladder. He was busy unpinning a banner that ran across the doorway. "You should head home early for once. We've got this covered."
"I can see that you two remain stubborn about this matter up until the last second," Rollo said tightly. How irksome.
He had hit a brick wall—and his patience was worn down to its last leg. Swallowing his pride, he relented. "... Very well, I will retire for the evening then. However, I expect to see this room spic and span tomorrow morning for our regular activities.”
"You got it, Mister President!"
He briskly made his exit, leaving the student council members to their duties.
His steps were neat and fleet, leaving not a sound nor a scuff in his path. Quiet as a mouse—or rat—skittering under the cover of night.
At this hour, the halls were dark and desolate, save for the pale moonlight through stained glass. When he passed the windows, their colors flickered, sliced by shadow. The corridor spilled into an atrium, empty like the rest of the school—
Rollo’s footsteps came to a halt. He caught himself on a pillar, his breath hitching.
White ones.
They flooded the atrium, covering the floors and snaking up columns, stairways, and bannisters. Curled petals up to his ankles, the color of them pure as fresh snow, untainted by outside forces. They were shaped like trumpets, filaments sticking out in fanfare.
Lilies, white lilies.
And the light trace of magic in the air, the feeling akin to soap bubbles popping on the skin. A tingle, a sampling of something rich and dark and wrong.
Rollo scowled at the field of flowers. He had no doubt in his mind where the flowers had come from.
A voice called out to him.
"What do you think of my parting gift, Flamme?"
"... Malleus Draconia."
At the name, a pair of luminous green eyes appeared in the darkness. The fairy prince, wearing a bemused grin, emerged from his hiding place. He was across the way from Rollo, poised like a marble statue under a silver spotlight.
“Come to get one last jab in before you crawl home?” Rollo demanded with a scowl. His polite pretenses were cast aside—his true face showing. He approached his archnemesis, not caring that he trampled flora underneath his heel. “The white flowers are a touch dramatic.”
“I thought you would like them.”
“What would give you that impression?”
Malleus laughed, clear and resonant in the large room. He casually stroked a lily climbing up to the ceiling. “I mulled over what your gift should be for the longest time. I finally came to the conclusion that the color white suits you best.”
“I prefer red,” Rollo snapped back, “and no flowers at all if they are to come from you.”
“Ah, but is white not the color of a saint? That is what you are in their eyes.” Malleus showed his teeth. His incisors were like knives. “A savior, a blessing... hence the white. Red is for sinners.”
A chill raced down Rollo’s spine.
Sins crawling on his back.
Discomfort and confusion twisted in his gut. The color crimson, a hot imprint in his heart. Rights and wrongs looked so similar viewed under the same red-colored lenses.
He clenched his fists.
“… You are not welcome here. Get out,” Rollo spat. “Get out now. I do not have the time to take heed of your inane ramblings and attempts at deception…!”
He was getting frantic, his volume growing louder and louder. At the height of the crescendo, it suddenly dropped to a sputter.
Blink, and Malleus was gone. Blink, and the space where he once stood was nothing more than twinkling green lights.
… and Rollo was alone among the flowers.
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Ortho: Happy birthday, Rollo! I am excited to see you again eventhough my brother kept saying we shouldn't come. I don't care and I wanted to give you this.
Gives Rollo a fancy picture frame...
Ortho: It's hard to pick a gift best suited you and the result came because I know what you can do with the picture frame.
[Pspsppspss you should read these headcanons 👀 I will be basing Rollo and Ortho’s interaction here on these previous interactions.]
I tried to write about the trauma that Rollo and Idia experienced like how TWST itself does (ie not explicitly mentioning death but using language which implies it). I hope I did well!
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“This is…”
Rollo ran a thumb along the small frame. An intricate pattern of twisting flowers made up the lower half. The foliage stretched up into clouds and strings of bells suspended in the sky of the upper half.
It was a garden and the heavens that watched over it. An untouched paradise.
He fell eerily quiet.
Ortho spoke up, a report at the ready.
"According to the data, Rollo Flamme-san has a preference for items with practical uses. Purchase history is mainly composed of necessities and minimalistic stationary items: ink and letter sets bought at the same store at the same time every day. This matches my projections based on your coursework and administrative student council activities."
Rollo's hollow eyes followed the android as he floated, encircling him. The look had been there long before Ortho had started reciting purchasing habits and academic life. The child's blue flames were indicative of some lost soul come to pay a visit.
"I wanted to locate an item that isn't finite. Something you can always keep with you when you're writing at your desk, but still practical. I ran multiple algorithms and considered all the possibilities... and this is the result!"
"A photo frame." Rollo's words were flat, not a single telltale emotion on his face. "You got me a photo frame."
"Yes!" Ortho chuckled. "Do you like it?"
"I don't understand." Rollo's expression contorted, his voice strangled. "Why this?!"
“It’s a place to put someone to look to when you’re lost,” Ortho replied softly, “someone that reminds you of your humanity."
Rollo’s thumbs bit into the frame, his nails leaving their mark. A single question tore through his mind:
Who is the monster and who is the man?
“… Can it achieve such effects, I wonder?”
“You won’t know until you try!” Ortho paused. “Oh, Nii-san says it helps keep him motivated too. He has acrylic stands that are similar. They hold his favorite paper goods and VA autographs!”
Rollo scowled at the mention of the elder Shroud. He pictured his peer’s pale face twisted into a jeering grin—and quietly seethed at the mental image. “… I believe Idia-kun and I have very different views on constitutes as appropriate material to put on display.”
“Probably!” Ortho smiled like a seraph, light catching in his lashes and golden irises. "I hope you’ll give your photo frame its own happy home, Rollo Flamme-san!!”
One look at that pure, sweet child, and he softened. A twinge of envy marred his happiness.
Idia-kun is very fortunate to have someone like Ortho-kun watching over him.
“Yes, I will do my utmost to ensure that.” He attempted to return the young boy’s smile, and only achieved a slight one.
It was the thought that counted, he supposed.
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Welcome Bienvenue, Rollo.
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{January 30th to February 2nd}
Please read the Birthday Blog Takeover Submission Rules. Yes, I’m reviving this from 2020-2021 just to honor Roro—
Something was amiss.
Of that, Rollo was certain.
The air at Noble Bell College had been strained all day, pulled taut like the tightened strings on a violin. Every so often, those strings would be plucked, sending a wave of tension rippling through the campus and setting his bones shaking. There were whispers passed, quick glimpses made, stifled laughs shared between his aide and vice president.
But the instant he so much as cocked his head in the direction of the guilty parties, they would nervously retreat out of sight. Alas, no chance for a proper chiding--nor to divulge their secret.
What do I care of their matters? Rollo scoffed, dismissing the idea of pursuing them. He made his way down the hallway and to the student council's quarters. So long as it does not interfere with my duties or cause a commotion, there is no reason for me to step in. Leave fools to their foolishness.
Rollo swung the door open and stared into an abyss. The fireplace that normally warmed the space had been extinguished, leaving the room blanketed in darkness.
He sighed, running a hand along the wall. His fingers met the light switch and flipped it, light flooding his field of view.
Students, his aide and vice president among them, sprung out from behind furniture. Gargoyles swooped down from the ceiling. Each grinned and chorused, "SURPRISE!!"
Pop, pop, pop!! Crackling, colorful confetti rained down, settling on Rollo's robes and inside of the large brim of his headwear.
He blinked, dazed as the students descended on him. One offered a party hat, another ferried a platter of petit fours, and several more bore wrapped boxes topped with bows. Excited chatter on all sides, eager eyes in every direction.
"... What is this fanfare?" Rollo demanded warily.
"It's your birthday, Mister President!" his aide beamed. "Don't tell us you forgot."
"It isn't that I forgot," Rollo massaged his temples. His growing frown was difficult to conceal with a single folded square of cloth. "It's that I had plans to tend to some important documents today. This is... an unprecedented turn of events."
"You're always working so hard for Noble Bell College and your peers, putting work before yourself," his vice president said.
"We've never seen you have fun your birthday once in all the time we've known you," a gargoyle added.
The aide nodded. "That's why we decided to throw this special celebration in your honor! Let us handle your duties for the day while you relax with your friends.”
"No, I couldn't possibly allow for you to..." Rollo's voice trailed off as realization set in. "Wait one moment. When you say 'friends', who exactly are you referring to?"
“Oh, we were in correspondence with them to prepare for the party,” explained the vice president. “They should be joining us soon. It’s just a short trip for them through the mirror.”
Through the mirror? His gut wrenched with dread. No, it can’t be…! Not possible!!
He turned at the voice calling his name, looking as though he had seen a ghost.
Faintness overcame him, and the handkerchief which he reverently clasped to his face fluttered to the ground. Rollo’s face was a show of open shock. “Y-You…!!”
There, in the doorway, was a gaggle of boys in black uniforms edged with golden trim. A band in various colors and a unique emblem was proudly displayed on every left arm. Seven variants, seven dorms.
At the front of the pack was a horned man dripping in black.
They're here. He's here.
Searing bile rose in Rollo's throat.
The villains of Night Raven College. They've returned to torment me.
The horned man's lips pulled back, revealing blinding, knife-like incisors. His voice was a rumble that could shake the mountains. "It is a pleasure to see you again."
Rollo knitted his fingers together tightly, his knuckles going bone white. "Malleus Draconia and company. How kind of you to pay a visit to the City of Flowers."
"Well, it is an important acquaintance's day of birth." Malleus extended an arm to him. His smile was mocking, twisted at the corners. "It is good manners to come and greet the blessed boy."
Rollo snorted, careful to not let his expression sink into a too-obvious sneer--not in front of his classmates. "You will have to excuse me. I don't recall granting you such information."
"Ah, that," Malleus chuckled darkly. "One could say... a little bird told me. Excitable creatures, those. I do believe she is in attendance as well--likely lost in this sea of guests. Do remember to give your gratitude for organizing this get-together, for now you have no need to fear being alone on this momentous occasion."
That Malleus Draconis, he's patronizing me!! Rollo snarled internally. Bells played a resounding war ballad in his head. Were his rage any greater, steam would be pouring out of his ears. How dare he...
Before he could get a word in, his aide and vice president excitedly flanked him.
"Isn't this great, Mister President?" the vice president asked, heartily smacking Rollo on the shoulder. "All your friends gathered in one place to celebrate you and your achievements."
"We worked really hard to put this together," the aide chimed in. "We hope you enjoy it."
"This is our thanks to you!" A line of gargoyles bounced up and down--perhaps the most animated he had ever witnessed the slabs of stone. "Happy birthday, Rollo!"
The words shriveled in his mouth.
He took one look at his fellow student council members. Their jubilant, shining faces met him. He looked at the waiting Noble Bell College students behind them, and then the Night Raven College students walling off his only route of escape. They wore smirks in varying shades. And the dancing gargoyles.
Rollo was caught like a mouse in a trap.
A monstrous roar ripped through the room. "Let's get this party started!!"
"Yes, quite..." Rollo muttered unenthusiastically. He was easily drowned out by his overjoyed classmates.
Rollo glowered to himself as he bent to retrieve his fallen handkerchief. His harsh glare burned a hole in the floor.
The man's carefully crafted schedule, interrupted. Peace and quiet, shattered. His worst enemies in his sanctuary. And he, tiredly relenting and resigning to it all.
What am I going to do with these charlatans...?!
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(This is my first ask, like ever. Sorry if it’s messy! I wanted to give rollo a present!)
Hi Hii! look Rollo! I know it’s not much but I thought you might like it *Holds up bouquet of (fake) crimson flowers, delicately crafted from varying types of paper.*
the paper cuts were worth it.
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The bouquet was beautiful.
Each crimson flower was expertly crafted. Petals in an array of solid red shades folded to sharp points cupped their centers. You had taken glimmering tissue paper--pale yellow, orange, and pink-- and swathed each flower with them, creating the illusion of a halo of light.
Just like that of the real fire lotuses.
A reminder of his failure, a fistful of salt rubbed in a raw wound.
Rollo scoffed at the irony. The students of Night Raven College truly do excel at the art of torment.
"Is this your idea of a joke?" he demanded.
You met him with a face like an open book, shining with innocence (or, as Rollo interpreted it, ignorance). "Neither of us is laughing, so I'd say I'm being pretty serious!"
You raised a hand and gave your fingers a playful wiggle. Band-aids with cartoonish depictions of the Great Seven wrapped around most of your digits.
"The paper cuts were worth it! The flowers came out great."
Rollo's eyes burned with suspicion. "And what, may I ask, was the rationale in gifting a paper bouquet?"
A taunting hiss curled by his ear. Liar, phony, deceiver, sinner. You avert your gaze from the truth.
“I wanted to give you actual flowers, but I figured those aren’t a good metaphor for a long-standing relationship,” you confessed with a light laugh. "You know, since they'd wither and die.”
You indicated the bouquet. "That's why I went with paper ones. They're flowers that will never fade--so our friendship will never fade either!"
He frowned. "Excuse me? I do not recall acknowledging you in that kind of capacity.”
“Oh, don’t worry! I know you’ll warm up to me eventually.”
Grinning, you let the bouquet fall into Rollo’s arms. The flowers were almost weightless and without sound, only a soft rustle to them as they found their new home.
With him, the harbinger of the fire lotuses.
“Now that was most certainly a joke,” Rollo grumbled.
He was no less amused than he had been at the very start. Again, the irony of it was not lost on him.
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(Hands Rollo a small box wrapped in black wrapping with a starry ribbon and retreats back into the crowd. Inside is a stress ball with a note "you're definitely a busy guy who has some stress and issues he's been hiding. Maybe this'll help with the stress relief, even if a bit")
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Stress? Issues? Rollo scowled at the implications of the letter as he shoved it aside. The audacity of the sender to slander him with such labels!
He angrily rifled through the wrapping until he came upon an of little thing. A gag gift, he suspected, judging by the contents of the note that had arrived with it.
The stress ball was contained in the belly of a rubbery, dragon-shaped shell. The creature lacked any fearsome features—instead, it boasted a goofy grin, blunt claws, and lopsided eyes (one pupil looked as though it was melting out of its socket). It was less dragon and more cartoon lizard.
Rollo gave the stress ball a cursory squeeze. The dragon’s insides protruded from large holes sawed into its stomach region. Its eyes, too, bulged, as though the poor animal was being strangled within an inch of its life.
“… Rather interesting choice for the shape,” Rollo murmured. A sinister shine had settled into his oh-so-dark pupils. “Fufufu, I just may get use out of this yet.”
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*sticks a candle into a croissant* Hhere is your birthday quaso, Rollo!! 🥐 You told me before that you have one on special occasions and well, today's definitely a veeeery special occasion :))
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You held out the croissant to the birthday boy. The flame that crowned its candle created a small circle of light, accentuating the shadows that fell across his face, and the dark circles under his eyes. The wax was melting fast, the wick chasing after it, pooling where it had been stabbed into the bread.
In the ring of candlelight, Rollo seemed much older—like an elderly man warming his decrepit form by the fireplace, clinging to his final vestiges of life on a cold winter's night. Haunted by ghosts of the past, present, and future.
Here he stood while another laid in a grave. He had survived, and they hadn't. He could afford to see this birthday, to mark off another year and count his blessings.
His insides curdled.
But there is no joy in that.
Rollo pinched his mouth, as though bracing himself against a chill. “A birthday is one's date of birth. Each and every living being has one. That hardly constitutes as special."
You paused, the unaccepted croissant hovering in the space between you and him. Hardly a moment had skipped before you bounced right back.
"Sure, there might be lots of birthdays," you admitted with an easy shrug, “but there's only one of you. You're here, with us. That's something worth celebrating.”
You offered the croissant again. The fire drew closer, warming his skin and down to his bones. The candle, half of its original height.
Time running out.
“Go on,” you encouraged. “Make your wish.”
Rollo’s brows knitted. He made no move to reach for the baked good—but his lips pulled into a slight sneer.
“You’re a sentimental fool.”
“You could do with being a little more sentimental and foolish yourself.”
Not waiting for a response this time, you thrusted the croissant into his hands. The candle was hardly there anymore, but to fire warmly embraced him all the same.
“Come on, don’t spoil your own party. Close your eyes and make a wish~”
“I fail to see the point in that,” he protested. “A birthday wish has no more of a chance to come true than any other wish.”
A lash of sorrow and frustration stuck him.
For him, wishes never came true.
“It doesn’t hurt to try. Maybe start with something small, something achievable.”
Small, achievable.
Rollo glanced around the room. The bodies writhing, the chatter rising. Annoyance shot through his blood, spiking its temperature.
He begrudgingly leaned into the waning candlelight. As his breath passed over the flame, causing it to quiver, he made his futile prayer.
… I wish this hellish event would be over sooner.
And out went the fire.
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Hi, prez! I made you something for your birthday. Look, it's a handbell I made all by myself, just for you! Of course, it doesn't ring as loudly as your more professionally made bells, and it definitely doesn't look as pretty... but it's the thought that counts, right?
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Your chest swelled with pride and nerves seeing your handcrafted bell in Rollo’s grasp. The instrument was only as good as its player, and there was no better musician—no, master—of the handbells than Noble Bell’s very own student council president.
You could only hope to live up to his expectations.
“You’ve made this yourself?” He gave a flick of his wrist for a test—and a note rang out, small yet clear. “My, it works like a charm. How wonderful.”
“It’s not too plain for you, sir?” you asked, anxiously twiddling your fingers. “Or too soft?”
“It is adequate in its current state.”
“Are you sure? I can always take it back and workshop it until it’s perfect for you. Just say the word and I’ll…”
“You misunderstand.” Rollo drew out a long sigh. “There is no need to adjustments. This bell is serving its purpose.”
You blinked. “It… is?”
“That is correct.”
As if on cue, a low, dulcet ring rippled through the air. The Bell of Salvation in the afternoon—a simple, captivating song.
“Bells come in many shapes and sized, each with its own distinctive voice, and each with its role in a choir,” Rollo continued. He lifted and spread out both arms, as though he were a priest conducting a sermon. “One should not be callously dismiss a single bell on the grounds of design or volume. Granted the opportunity, it will find itself in song.”
“Oooh,” you marveled, “I understand now!! You’re so wise, Rollo-san! I would have never thought of it like that.”
At this, he chuckled dryly. “… People and bells are entirely different matters. Bell know when they must ring and when they must stay silent.”
People, unfortunately, do not.
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President Rollo, if you have a moment we both pitched in to get this for you! (NBC Aide-kun and Vice President-kun reveal a fancy suit complete with a mask! It's a masquerade outfit made just for Rollo.) You didn't get the chance to dress up for the ball we had, so we got you one for your birthday. We hope you like it!!
Not me greedily shoveling Rollo masquerade wear fan art into my mouth 😭 I was intentionally vague with the description for the new outfit so that you can superimpose whatever fan artist's depictions of masquerade design for Rollo is your favorite! I did try to include common design elements I saw across the fan arts though.
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“Presenting… Mister President’s very own masquerade costume!!” his aide and vice declared in unison.
They gestured toward a mannequin upon which the outfit was suspended. The suit was constructed in the colors and the modest style of Noble Bell College robes in mind. Slashes of shimmering thread and beading wove complex patterns, tiny bells and polished brass buttons shining against the dark fabric that made up the body of the ensemble.
A hat with a massive brim and a train of feathers was cocked at a teasing angle atop the mannequin's head--and his aide whipped out a mask just as showy. Twisting black and gold formed lovely bell-shaped flowers that fanned into flames as they transitioned to the other eye.
Rollo pinched at a sleeve with his thumb and index finger, grimacing at the embellishments.
Altogether, too gaudy for his taste. Far too gaudy.
"Everyone dreams of taking a break from their chores, getting all dressed up, and going to a ball," he had been told. "We decided to become your fairy godmothers and make that possible for you too.”
This felt more like nightmare.
Rollo had to make a painful, conscious effort to mask his disgust. With his other hand shaking, he clenched his handkerchief to his face.
“You... shouldn’t have," he said weakly.
You really shouldn’t have.
To his fellow student council members, hidden mouth and dilated pupils were signs of shock and bashfulness. Fitting for their humble leader.
"Oh, thank goodness you like it!!" his vice president sighed. "We spent so long debating about the design and what would suit you best, sir."
"Don't be shy then! Please feel free to change into your new outfit and show it off," his aide suggested. "It's all ready to be worn!"
"Of all times, now?" Rollo folded his arms. "Surely not. The occasion is not so grand as to call for formal wear. Besides, to take a moment away from receiving guests is the epitome of rudeness."
The aide and vice glanced at one another, then back at Rollo. To his horror, they produced their magical pens, faces glowing from within.
“Leave that to us, Mister President!”
Rollo’s stomach dropped.
Oh no.
A veil fell upon him, tingling sparkles catching on his skin and hair. Light exuded from his clothing, a warm and writhing mass reshaping itself into attire fit for a masquerade--while his school uniform knitted itself over the mannequin. Their places, magically swapped.
It took only a few seconds for the switch to settle, leaving Rollo in a mask and an extravagant ensemble. He looked positively mortified.
"There you go! You're all ready for the 'ball'." The student council duo looked rather pleased with their work. "Go enjoy yourself now, Mister President! The night's still young!"
And yet I feel as though I already have one foot in the grave...
"Thank you." He forced a tight-lipped smile at his colleagues. "Of course, I will make the best of this."
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happy birthday, rollo! today, i gift you this journal that only unlocks if one happens to get the set code correct. i heard from... a couple ravens... that you're quite fond of writing down your thoughts and woes with ink and paper (in full detail, might i add).
i figured you'd want to keep your secrets under lock and key, so i brought you one with a lock!
i hope this makes an adequate gift, sir president. i wish you many wonderful birthdays for years to come!
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The journal fit perfectly in Rollo’s hands. It was small enough to fit comfortably when tucked under one arm, but large enough to provide an ample canvas to scrawl down his thoughts. Most importantly, the lock on the book’s cover was sturdy and secure.
Ideal for keeping the ilk of the world out.
“Ah, what appropriate timing.” There was a trace of a smile in the dispassionate mask he called his face. “This was just the thing I needed to avoid any… unwanted nuisances sticking their noses where they don’t belong.”
His tone turned biting at the mention of unwanted nuisances. Lip curling, Rollo’s gaze darted accusingly to a few faces in the crowd of guests. You didn’t have to follow him to know who he had directed his glare at.
“Tsk. Unfortunately, select individuals take it upon themselves to breach common courtesy and snoop in others’ private affairs. How utterly discourteous.”
He concealed his glower with his handkerchief—but his eyes still burned with obvious disdain.
“I certainly hope you haven’t heard anything… untoward spilling from those blathering villains and their talkative ravens. If you have, I would advise that you pay them no mind. Their words will only serve to further poison and cloud your mind.”
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(so happy your bringing back the birthday takeover interactions for Rollo/Roro/Rolo/Lolo (i give up) i just want to remind you that I love you Miss Raven🫂)
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO OUR DEAREST PRESIDENT!!! Ehem, excuse my volume, just doing my best to keep the joyous atmosphere.
I hope the decorations are all to your liking, the others and I have done our outmost to keep the room neatly decorated😌 Though... I couldn't stop those Night Raven College students, it was his idea not mine.
*points at NBC Vice President*
As for my gift to you~ Here~
*presents a tiny music box, when turned plays the instrumental to 'Everyone Go Yahoo!' by Neige and the Dwarfs from VDC*
And once again, Happy Birthday to you!
The wording on this interaction is a little confusing; I'm not sure if it comes from a general NBC mob, the student council aide, or another NRC student??? For ease of writing, I'm write from the perspective of a NBC mob. (Fun fact, the Snow White music box image I used for this post is a rare item that sells for several hundreds of dollars 🤑)
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Rollo produced his handkerchief and coughed stiffly into it. “I understand what you are trying to communicate. There is no need to raise your voice. As for the decorations…”
He gave the looks a cursory glance—to give the impression of evaluating it.
There had been painstaking care in the color coordination of the balloons, streamers, and banners: Noble Bell College’s violet, maroon, and black, spackled with golden glitter. Confetti had made its home on the rug and crevices of the floor, and his desk and coffee table hosted platters of cake, bread, cheeses, and grapes. A large bell-shaped piñata hung overhead, waiting to be batted around. And flowers—flowers everywhere.
“… It is beyond my expectations,” he said carefully. Yes, it is beyond my expectations because I never expected this interruption to begin with!! “I must thank you and the others for organizing this celebration. I am humbled to have received such thoughtful attention.”
You flushed with pride at his praise, not recognizing it for the tailored politeness that it was: an act. Your president had always been cool, reserved, and controlled with his emotions.
His face subtly shifted when you presented him with your gift. A slight widening of the eyes, a tick in his jaw. This, you knew, was his “surprised”.
The music box was a marvel. Shaped like a sturdy coffin, it was painted in the earth browns of tree bark, the blues of halcyon skies, and the greens of open grassy fields. Detailed animals eagerly climbed up its sides, while a parade of seven dwarves adorned the lid. The craftsmanship—as much as Rollo loathed to admit it—was impressive.
When you turned the crank to demonstrate its song, the box sprang open, revealing a tiny prince and princess set spinning in an eternal dance. A familiar tune flitted out, at once nostalgic and cheery to the ear. Rollo recognized it immediately.
“This is that popular children’s song.”
“Yeah! It’s going though a huge resurgence in popularity right now. Have you heard the cover Neige and his friends performed of it? It’s sooo cute!!” you gushed.
“Cover?” Rollo’s brow creased. “I apologize. I’m not aware of what you’re referring to, this… Neige-kun character.”
You did a double take. “Wait, seriously? He’s, like, THE biggest celebrity right now! All the outlets call him ‘the fairest one of all’.”
“I’ve never heard of him.”
Your jaw dropped.
Rollo-senpai is such a workaholic that he doesn’t even know Neige at all?! What dedication…! I only wish I could work half as hard as he does!!
Your admiration for him kindled anew.
“Oh gosh… You’re missing out then, Prez! You need to give it a listen when you can. It’ll get the song stuck in your head all over again!”
“I find that I am not a fan of modern renditions of the classics.” Rollo offered a strained smile. “Perhaps I can give it a chance when I can find the time in my busy schedule.”
He doubted it.
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First of all, I wish you a happy birthday. May it be a good time for you to reflect and improve even further.
I remember you expressing an interest in some of the books in the library during your past visit of Night Raven College. While it is indeed impossible from your current location to borrow them -- and, more importantly, return them-- I thought it appropriate to give you something along that theme.
So, here is a collection of 11 books, telling the story of the Righteous Judge, in pristine condition. I found it to be an interesting read back when I borrowed them. It is not the edition available in the library, but hopefully it will be to your taste.
On another note, I would like to compete with you in an equestrian race someday.
Give my regards to your vice-president and your aide for me.
Riddle Rosehearts.
If anyone is wondering why Riddle specifically gifted Rollo 11 books, I believe it’s because the original written version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame was contained in 11 volumes of varying lengths. Anon was most likely making a reference to that.
Anyway <3 I love writing passive aggressive dialogue... (It's not much of a fun reaction from Rollo if Riddle isn't actually there, so I decided to change the ask from a letter format to Riddle being present and speaking to him.)
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"May it be a good time for you to reflect and improve even further."
Rollo pursed his lips.
Riddle was straightforward with his wishes, but there was no mistaking the underlying sternness to every syllable he strung together. After all, he had been present when the City of Flowers was burning. He and Rollo exchanged strained, knowing looks as the tower of tomes changed possession.
"Thank you for the new reading materials. I've been looking everywhere for this series," the birthday boy said, setting the books down on a nearby table.
He was just as selective with his own choice of words as Riddle was with his. The room and everything in it was glass, and he and Riddle, the occupants tiptoeing to avoid shattering any of it.
"I was not aware that you too had an appreciation for history."
"Of course I do. Learning history is vital to ensuring that we do not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors--or our own blunders," Riddle emphasized. "... I'm certainly no stranger to the concept."
Rollo bristled.
He didn’t make mistakes. He was staring at one—a miscreant that had toppled his grand plans. Boiling venom rose up.
"How fortunate for you that you have access to Night Raven College's extensive archives," Rollo purred snidely. "You have ample opportunity to study its materials to reflect and improve even further."
Riddle's face collapsed into a frown. "Well! Perhaps it would do you some good to study a bit more yourself."
"Bold words coming from the man who claimed to have the equestrian abilities to outperform me--only to fall short. Now you come back challenging me a second time in hopes of regaining glory. Before making such demands of others, might I suggest partaking in the act of introspection?"
"We were neck-and-neck in dressage, and you know it!!" Riddle snapped, his cheeks heating with anger. "You were no more or less skilled than I! We stood on equal grounds. Next time, I swear to defeat you and demonstrate the strength of Night Raven College's Equestrian Club!!"
"Fufu, I would like to see you try." Rollo smirked, spreading his arms out. To the layman, it may have appeared like an invitation for a hug--but no, Riddle saw it for the taunt it truly was. "I refuse to be defeated by the likes of villains like yourself."
“Villains…!” Riddle huffed. He aggressively shook his head. “I almost feel sympathy for those in your student council. They’re blinded by whatever heavenly light they’re convinced you exude. You are nowhere close to reaching that pinnacle!”
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Heya, Rollo-san! Happy birthday! Since you like grapes so much, I've got you the freshest grape juice I could find! I propose a toast to our friendship and your good health, my friend! Cheers!
I know the ask says grape juice but I went with fresh grapes for the image since that’s more visually interesting 🍇
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Rollo reluctantly tapped his glass against yours. The grape juice in each cup glistened, its bright aroma livening up the room.
You knocked your glass back, enthusiastically chugging the wine-colored liquid. It almost bubbled as it went down, dancing and effervescent even without carbonation.
Rollo was more cautious with his consumption, taking a sniff before coolly sipping at his share. He savored the flavor, the smell. In spite of himself, he breathed out a sigh of satisfaction.
“Whoo!! That’s some good stuff. No wonder why you like it so much,” you squealed with glee.
“… Are you drunk off of a non-alcoholic beverage?” Rollo asked suspiciously.
“No way, I’m just so glad I could be here to celebrate with ya!” you cried, throwing an arm around the birthday boy. Rollo shivered at the touch. “We’re such good pals, you and me!”
“Speak for yourself,” he grumbled.
You laughed out loud, waving your emptied glass around. “Let’s have another drink on me!! There’s plenty of it to go around.”
Rollo groaned. He’d need something far stronger than grape juice to make it through the rest of his birthday celebration.
So much for wishing for his good health.
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Hi, President Flamme. Happy Birthday! So, I'll admit I wasn't sure what you'd like for your birthday but I did hear that you like gardening and bells, so I figured maybe you might like these.
*brings out several flower pots with intricate paintings of flowers, bells and stars, each holding different kinds of bell-shaped flowers, from bluebells to angel trumpets to twinflowers*
Hope you like them but it's fine if you don't! I can send you different plants if you'd like (please pick ones within my budget haha)
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He held up a hand.
"No more," Rollo said plainly. "I assure you that this is more than enough flowers for the time being. An excess of material possessions does one no good."
He looked over the line of flowers. Each bell-shaped and beautiful. Periwinkle bluebells, creamy lily of the valley, lilac foxglove, deep grape hyacinths, blushing twinflowers, bright angel trumpets...
They would take up the windowsill and desk in his office, and then some. Already, Rollo's mind was considering an optimal configuration. Maximize sunlight, minimize the space the plants took up.
His eyes then settled on the pot and narrowed. A scattering of detailed stars, bells, and flowers decorated the containers. Rollo pointed to them.
“Are you responsible for painting these on?"
“I thought they needed a little more pizzazz since they’re a birthday gift,” you explained, giving jazz hands. “And I found some paint lying around, so I thought to use it for something.”
His brows creased.
"… The flourishes are not necessary,” Rollo replied sternly. “A flower pot still serves its purpose with or without decor. Do not trouble yourself with the additional effort.”
“Oh. Uh, okay?
Is this his way of saying he appreciates it? That he doesn’t like want me to overwork myself for his sake? you wondered. It was difficult to tell from his stony expressions.
But when in doubt, you liked to look on the bright side.
“I’ll try to keep that in mind for next time then,” you reassured him. “No extras, no frills, no bells and whistles.”
“Next time?” The crease on his forehead deepened. “What’s this about? That was not an invitation for any future visits or gifts.”
“Eheheh, well! You didn’t say to not drop in, only that I shouldn’t cram extra stuff into your presents. That’s one thing I won’t give up on!”
Being your friend.
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*blows a party noisemaker* Happiest of birthdays Rollo Flamme! May your upcoming year of life treat you of highest regards! *pushes a box wrapped in wrapping paper colored like his outfit, and upon opening it, you find some winter gloves with an embroidered bell on the backs of the hands, cupping what looks like a Keychain, shaped like a gladiolus flower.* The gladiolus means strength. And knowing how hard it is to be a club leader and a Student Council president, you're gonna need it! Greatest days, sir Flamme! *Oh hey, there was also a coupon for that bakery you liked! A free treat of your choice! Looks legit too.*
Imagine bells embroidered on the back of the image of the gloves—
Thank you to Omori for teaching me about the gladiolus 🫶
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You blew the party noisemaker again, extending its tail to brush against Rollo's nose and tickle it. He sniffed, unamused, and provided a thin smile.
"What practical choices for presents," he noted, running a hand along the winter gloves nestled in a bed of tissue paper. "The winters in the City of Flowers can be brutal and chilling. Protection against the elements is essential if one wishes to survive such a challenging time of year.
"This coupon will also see use, even if for a single transaction. The difference in money saved for the purchase of a croissant is meager, but it is money saved nevertheless."
"Why not use the coupon to try out a new bread or pastry that you wouldn't normally try?" you suggested, tapping at the coupon.
"What?" Rollo tapped one finger against the gift box--a sign of annoyance. "Do not speak such nonsense. I am very particular about what I consume and I do not stray from that. Perhaps indulgence is a worldly pleasure you Night Raven College students partake in, but not I."
"Ehhh, suit yourself." You shrugged, knowing that it was futile to try and change his mind. "What do you think about your last present? Do you like it as much as the others?"
"The keychain?" Rollo uttered the term as though it were a distant, estranged relative. "I am not an expert in aesthetics, and nor do I care to fixate on fashion. I typically find accessories to be needless add-ons."
Ouch. He doesn't mince his words.
He paused to clear his throat, a fist to his mouth.
"However... I do find the motif upon this keychain to be of interest. The gladiolus is also known as the 'sword flower', perhaps because of its similar shape when the flowers cluster. As you have said, they are meant to bestow strength upon the recipient.”
A small smile founds its way onto his face, though his eyes remained dark.
“Fufufu, it is a most considerate gift on your part. I could do with the strength.”
“Wow, Prez,” you marveled, “I didn't realize you were so knowledgeable about the language of flowers. I’m just glad you ended up liking the keychain after all! You had me worried there for a sec.”
“Hmph, indeed.”
He smirked to himself.
I will need the strength to persist through this birthday party.
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