#Robert Branche
katriniac · 6 months
Hi!! I hope the OC Questions are still up!
I wanted to know 4, 7, 16, 32 and E for Alyce!
Thank youuu
I did not notice I had any asks! I'm sorry for the wait, @itsmyara . Oh my gosh! Thanks for asking about Alyce. She's a warm, sunny, fun gal; I'm happy to talk about her at any time.
Here's a post I made about her bio:
4 - How easy is it to gain their trust?
She has a fairly open personality, so it's pretty easy to talk to her. However, she's not a door mat to be walked over, nor is she blindly innocent. She works in marketing and public relations, so she's used to people bullshitting her or trying to spin any conversation in their favor. Alyce herself is adept at navigating these conversations without growing jaded or annoyed. To her it's just ‘business’ and she knows it's not personal.
Building trust with her isn't that difficult; just be real and honest. Don't try to win her over with empty flattery, especially if it's about her looks (which she's very self-conscious about, and is immediately suspicious if someone compliments her appearance).
7 - What triggers nostalgia? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Having grown up on a sheep farm, she doesn't shy away from hard work. But now she has a desk job in the palace in the capitol of Rhodolite. So on the rare occasions when physical labor is needed, she enjoys the opportunity to use her muscles. Those moments are when good memories of the farm rise up.
The only unpleasant feelings of nostalgia are when she is given suggestions by nobility, ministers, or Prince Yves on how to make herself more ‘elegant’. That reminds her of her grandmother, who incessantly lectured Alyce about her weight, behavior, posture, appearance, and clothes.
16 - What makes their stomach turn?
Hearing nobility disregard the life of the commoners as if it was nothing. Seeing girls suffer under the stress of looking perfect at court by succumbing to an eating disorder.
As far as, like, creepy-crawlies or jump-scares? She's completely unafraid of things that would gross out most people. Dealing with births and deaths of livestock tend to keep you from being squeamish. She LOVES an adrenaline rush, so haunted houses and fast vehicles make her happy.
32 - What is their go-to story or joke in a conversation?
Alyce is a natural-born performer, so she has any number of jokes or anecdotes at the ready, depending on the company or situation. As a teenager she used to hang out at the theaters and socialize with traveling actors and musicians, and now as an adult she can be found at the rowdiest pubs. You can imagine the flavor of her humor, lol!
She's got a hilarious story about a circus performer trying to teach her how to juggle. And a sweet story about one of the farm-hands pretending to look for a lost sheep when he was actually out in the field practicing his marriage proposal speech. And she's got at least three ‘tasteful’ jokes about stuffy court ministers.
E - Would you get along with them? Would they get along with you?
Alyce has big ‘extrovert energy’, so I would have to take her in small doses. But I would absolutely love to hang out with her for a fun night at the club or karaoke. Or collaborate with her on a PR project. I would like to think she'd get along with me, but I'm the worst at gauging what people think of me 😅 She might think I'm boring.
A meme I made for Alyce 😆
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Bonus Fun Fact:
This version of Alyce Gardner is based on my first ever Ikemen OC I created in 2017. It was for a role-play story with someone writing as Robert Branche from the Cybird game Midnight Cinderella. That story didn't go far, but I thoroughly enjoyed her backstory so much that I had to bring her out again eventually.
I ship her with Clavis because I think the two of them would have fun getting into shenanigans, and their romance would take a looooooong time to bloom because she'd never believe someone as gorgeous as him could be serious with his over-the-top declarations of love and flattery. So … yeah, she takes a while to be convinced.
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The asks came from this post:
Please feel free to send me more asks from that list. I will try to be more vigilant in checking my account for asks.
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midcinmancave · 6 months
Story Prompt:  “Ok, Show Me”
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Summary:  The Princess is being childish about bandaging a cut. Complete Story Source
Fictober Submission #11 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  The Princess, An Unnamed Suitor Warnings:  Slight blood, minor cut Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Romance Writer:  Robert Branche's Admin
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alwaysbewoke · 14 days
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fab-livious · 5 months
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Broppy enchanted au, I have no idea if anyone has done this before but regardless I will make my own version
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robertpallesen · 2 months
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Branches, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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Justice Alito’s arrogance threatens the Court
May 30, 2024
In an act oozing with contempt for the American people and reckless disregard for the Supreme Court, Justice Alito refused to recuse himself from cases involving Trump's election interference and unlawful retention of national defense documents. Alito sent two letters to members of Congress asserting that “no reasonable person” would conclude that Alito is required to recuse himself. See Letter from Samuel Alito to Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse.
In his letter to Durbin and Whitehouse, Alito advances factual defenses that were shown to be false or misleading before Alito sent the letter to the Senators. As noted in articles in the NYTimes and Newsweek, Alito’s claim that the Stop the Steal flag was flown in retaliation after a dispute with a neighbor is false. Alito flew the Stop the Steal flag one month prior to the neighborhood dispute. See NYTimes, The Alitos, the Neighborhood Clash and the Upside-Down Flag (accessible to all) and Newsweek, Samuel Alito's Flag Claims Challenged.
Alito also seeks to avoid the controversy by claiming that
His wife is a co-owner of their Virginia home and owner of their beach house, so she “has the right to use the property as she sees fit.”
His “wife is a private citizen, and she possesses the same First Amendment, rights as every other American. She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.”
He “had no involvement in the decision to fly” the Appeal to Heaven flag.
He did not know that the Appeal to Heaven flag supported the “Stop the Steal” message.
His “wife likes flags,” while Alito “does not.”
It is a sad day when a Supreme Court justice lies to US Senators and the American people over a matter of national urgency. But even if we credit Alito’s falsehoods, the question of his recusal is not a close one.
Let’s make this easy. Suppose Alito’s wife flew a Swastika flag over their joint residence for three days. Alito then claims that he asked his wife to remove the flag but she refused. He also claims he did not understand the antisemitic meaning of the Nazi flag. He is then asked to recuse himself from a case before the Court that seeks to prohibit antisemitic speech. Alito could not credibly claim (as he does here) that “no reasonable person” would believe he is required to recuse himself.
The relevant canon of ethics provides:
A Justice should disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the Justice's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, that is, where an unbiased and reasonable person who is aware of all relevant circumstances would doubt that the Justice could fairly discharge his or her duties.” Canon 3(B)(1)-(2), Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court.
Tens of millions of Americans reasonably doubt that Alito can fairly discharge his duties. Alito is gaslighting the American people—a technique he learned from Trump. Having been caught in his lie he is doubling down on the lie—while pretending to be aggrieved that Americans doubt his veracity.
This debacle is a stain on the Court and an indictment of Justice Robert’s leadership. His silence is an insult to the American people. He is the Chief Justice of the United States—not merely of the Supreme Court. He holds an office created by and mentioned in the Constitution. He has failed miserably in discharging his duties to oversee the courts of the United States.
What can we do? As always, we can gain control of Congress and the Presidency in order to expand the Court and impose an enforceable code of ethics on the Court.
But is there anything else? Representative Jamie Raskin penned an op-ed in the New York Times arguing that the other justices on the Court can force Alito to recuse himself. See Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases. (Accessible to all.)
Rep. Raskin writes that the DOJ “can petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law.”
Raskin continues:
The constitutional and statutory standards apply to Supreme Court justices. The Constitution, and the federal laws under it, is the “supreme law of the land,” and the recusal statute explicitly treats Supreme Court justices like other judges. This recusal statute, if triggered, is not a friendly suggestion. It is Congress’s command, binding on the justices, just as the due process clause is. The Supreme Court cannot disregard this law just because it directly affects one or two of its justices. When the arguments are properly before the court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh and Sonia Sotomayor will have both a constitutional obligation and a statutory obligation to enforce recusal standards.
Of course, Jamie Raskin’s approach calls for the cooperation of Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, as well as Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson. Will that happen? Doubtful, but public pressure may bring about that result.
At a meeting with the newsletter's Founding Members on Wednesday, a reader who is a member of the Supreme Court Bar said that he had just sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts tendering his resignation. The reader no longer practices before the Supreme Court, so resigning will not interfere with his livelihood.
There are tens of thousands of lawyers in a similar position—they were admitted to the Supreme Court as a ceremonial matter or in connection with briefing on which they appeared. If tens of thousands of lawyers sent similar letters of resignation to Justice Roberts—and published those letters in local newspapers and major media outlets—it would increase pressure on Roberts and focus public attention on the ethics scandal on the Supreme Court.
Sounds like something a lawyer’s group defending American democracy should take on as a project! See also, Slate, (3/13/2020), Judge James Dannenberg writes John Roberts a letter resigning from the Supreme Court Bar.
Sadly, it will likely get worse before it gets better. It will get better, but not before tens of millions of Americans believe they should take to streets in protest. The Supreme Court is systematically stripping Americans of civil liberties and constitutional rights for the first time in the history of our nation. That is worth peaceful protests to protect our rights.
It will take time, but the American people will awaken. Justice Alito is pouring accelerant on the conflagration engulfing the Court. It will take more outrageous decisions and arrogant behavior by Alito, Thomas, and Roberts, but the time will come. Until then, each of us must elevate the crisis on the Supreme Court as an issue that deserves our undivided attention in 2024.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
ok peanut au but with the jobros watching the joestars
Oh god the angst and crack insanity that would go down
now, I don't know if you meant just the One True Jobro™ but my brain had the idea of it being ALL of them
no one has any clue what's going on, or why they're stuck around this Weird Blue Haired Kid, but eh they can't do much about it so they're stuck I guess. Then Shit Starts To Go Sideways, they meet some new people, and wamp wah Jonathan dies, but THEN shit continues and the Part 2 teammates disappear and then Speedwagon and Zeppeli show up except Wait Hold On A Second Isn't That Second Guy Supposed To Be Dead-
the second they put together exactly why they're all here and how fucking cursed this family is they collectively decide "okay, let's try to make this family less cursed and avoid dying because I don't know about you, but I prefer being alive thanks"
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Three Goldcrests on Pine Branch   -    Léo Paul Robert , 1916.
Swiss,  1851-1923
Gouache , :31 x 17 cm.    12.2 x 6.7 in.
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jonny-versace · 6 months
Charity: what's he trying to do here?
Aaron: fucked if I know *goes back to playing Mario with Seb*
Liv: it's supposed to go on the top
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ratuszarsenal · 11 months
honestly who among us hasn't pushed the boundaries of medical hazard for the sake of wearing a binder just a bit longer. like when you're running from redcoats through scottish deserts after escaping a slaver ship and you have this tory acquaintance with you and you're not sure how he would react to you having naturals all of a sudden. like you might as well keep it on right
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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Cross section of a blue spruce (Picea pungens) branch. The image is a panorama of several photos that were focus stacked and captured with a 5X objective.
By Robert Berdan (Canada).
Light Microscopy Awards
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sicc-nasti · 1 year
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Shoehorned my oc Robert into the Inside Job universe cuz he would absolutely perfectly fit there as an accountant. A working professional!!! Except he’s now a chupacabra. Kinda like all the “thrilling” parts of a vampire and werewolf mixed together. But now with added anxiety, none of the charisma and animal blood in a mug!
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midcinmancave · 6 months
Story Prompt:  “I may not get another chance to say this.”
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Summary:  The Princess’s midnight escapades turn frightening. Complete Story Source
Fictober Submission #16 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Robert Branche, The Princess Warnings:  None Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Slight Thriller, Mostly Comedy Writer:  Robert Branche's Admin
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hiimlesphotos · 6 months
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Well Fed
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Spring Into Love 2024 Lineup - Hallmark Channel
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Shifting Gears Premieres Saturday, March 23 8pm/7c (Was set to have an early premiere on Hallmark Movies Now on March 7, but not sure that's still a go.) Starring Tyler Hynes and Katherine Barrell After female mechanic Jess (Barrell) reluctantly agrees to participate in a car restoration show, she is shocked to learn that her ex-boyfriend, Luke (Hynes), is her main competitor. Will sparks reignite?
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An Easter Bloom Premieres Saturday, March 30 8pm/7c Starring Aimeé Teegarden and Benjamin Hollingsworth A young gardener Amanda (Teegarden) sets out to save her family farm by entering a floral competition for Easter. She meets a local pastor along the way, Derrick (Hollingsworth), who helps her restore the hope she lost.
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Blind Date Book Club Premieres Saturday, April 6 8pm/7c Starring Erin Krakow and Robert Buckley Meg Tompkins (Krakow) is torn between taking over her late mother’s bookstore and pursuing her collegiate dream. At the bookstore, she starts a successful “blind date book club.” The idea is readers pick a book mysteriously wrapped in brown paper with only a few key descriptors on it; Meg then hosts interactive discussions where all the readers get to talk about Meg’s book of choice. Meanwhile, book author Graham Sterling (Buckley) is given hard advice about his most recent manuscript. He hears an interview with Meg on the radio and seeks her out to audition his new novel. Graham has been advised to avoid writing about a subject of which he knows nothing, which is also Meg’s recommendation. Against her better judgment, she agrees to the book discussion idea. In spending time together, Meg and Graham begin to fall in love. As they draw closer, Meg discovers that taking over the bookstore is ultimately what makes her happy. Graham realizes the advice that is hard to hear is what will make him a better writer.
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Legend of the Lost Locket Premieres Saturday, April 13 8pm/7c Starring Natasha Burnett and Viv Leacock London-based antiques expert Amelia (Burnett) is on the hunt for a long-lost antique locket that legend says will grant the wearer true love. Her late mother started the quest and Amelia is bound and determined to see it through. Amelia’s search takes her to a small town in Massachusetts, where she immediately clashes with Sheriff Marcus Forrest (Leacock), who questions her motives and interest in the town’s history. After a somewhat rocky start, Sheriff Forrest begins to recognize what acquiring the iconic locket can mean to the local community, so he joins Amelia in the race to find the antique before any of the competition can decipher the clues and beat them to the treasure. As their pursuit of the locket intensifies, so do their feelings for each other. From the Boston art world to participation in the town’s annual Founder’s Day costume ball, their search for the fabled locket inspires Amelia and Marcus to follow their hearts to the ultimate treasure: true love.
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Falling in Love in Niagara Premieres Saturday, April 20 8pm/7c Premieres March 14 on Hallmark Movies Now Starring Jocelyn Hudon and Dan Jeannotte After her fiancé leaves her before their wedding, Madeline (Hudon) goes to Niagara Falls to honeymoon without him. There, she reconnects with her adventurous side, learns to let go, and finds new love with Mike (Jeannotte).
Branching Out Premieres Saturday, April 27 8pm/7c Starring Sarah Drew and Juan Pablo Di Pace Ten years ago, Amelia Webber (Drew) had a baby on her own through IVF. Today, Amelia’s charming daughter Ruby is her everything. When Ruby gets a school assignment exploring heritage and creating family trees, she notices hers is small and sparse. With the help of a DNA test, Amelia learns that Ruby’s father T.J. Cota (Di Pace) lives nearby. Meanwhile, the endearing T.J. is a professional guitarist who hasn’t found success the way he always dreamed. Amelia makes contact, and to her surprise, T.J. wants to meet Ruby. T.J. has a huge family, and suddenly Ruby’s family tree has sprouted leaves! Romance take flight as Amelia gets to know T.J. and is invited to take part in his family’s Mexican traditions. Along the way, Amelia’s protective instincts — both for herself and her daughter — are challenged, especially when T.J. gets the chance of a lifetime to join a major musical tour. With the help of an adorable little girl who has a big heart and a thousand questions, Amelia and T.J. discover that family trees can be complicated and wonderfully unique, especially when love is what ties everyone together.
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robertpallesen · 2 months
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Branches, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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