#Rhys and Cassian try to beat the kids at their own game
areyoudreaminof · 3 months
The First Annual Starfall Snipe Hunt: Chapter 1
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Nyx is ready for the best Starfall ever! His cousins are coming in from the Day Court for two weeks of fun. But when Papa and Uncle Cass suggest something called a Snipe Hunt, Nyx doesn’t know what to think. Will this be the best Starfall ever? Or the worst?
Nyx gave his room one last look, making sure any loose clothes were safely hidden in the closet. He wasn’t exactly sure why he had to clean his room every single time his cousins visited, but his parents insisted. Scanning the carpet and desk, Nyx thought it looked clean enough. They would all be too busy to hang around in his room anyways.
He flung open the door, checking the clock as he raced down the hall, one minute and thirty seconds until they were scheduled to winnow in. Nyx took the shortcut through the kitchens, skidding out into the garden with fifty nine seconds to spare. Mama was waiting there, a giddy smile on her face.
“It feels like we haven’t seen them in so long.” Mama breathed with excitement as she bounced on her toes. Nyx grinned broadly, “Me too. And it’s Froggy’s first Starfall! She was sick last year, remember?”
Mama laughed, “She’s been to two Starfall’s already, Nyx.”
“Yeah, but she was a baby, Mama. She’s old enough to know what’s going on now!” Nyx scoffed. He did remember when Froggy tried catching the falling stars in her chubby baby fists those first two years. Last year, she got some sort of fever, so Cricket and High Lord Helion came by themselves, and only for the night. Nyx and Cricket had fun, but they felt a bit guilty about it.
“Can the girls and I get our own balcony this year?” Nyx asked, breathless.
“We‘ll see.” Papa said out of nowhere. He seemed to have winnowed in when Nyx wasn’t paying attention. Papa looked at the small pocket watch in his hand. “Thirty seconds.”
The booming flap of wings sounded from above them. A large shadow blocked Nyx’s view as he heard Aunt Nesta’s voice ring out, “Just in time!” Nyx could see she was still dressed in her training leathers as Uncle Cass set her down.
“Sorry we’re late.” she said as she gave Nyx a kiss on his forehead. “We got wrapped up with some training.”
Uncle Cass was breathing hard as he drew his wings in slowly. “I don’t think I’ve flown down that fast in my life.” he whispered to Nyx, exaggerating breaths huffing in his chest.
“Ten seconds.” Papa said with a grin.
It had been two long months since Nyx saw his cousins last, when they visited the Day Court for three whole weeks. Nyx and the girls spent the whole time going to festivals and the beach, and getting into mischief. He got to train with Uncle Lucien and Helion, and got to visit the Lady of Day, who Nyx called Grandmother. He made some friends with some boys his age too, and he had been writing to them frequently.
The Day Court was incredible, but there was always something fun about the girls coming to the Night Court, no matter how often they visited.
He felt a buzzing in the air and in his fingertips. It was time. Nyx held his breath as he blinked. Then, he launched himself forward, crashing into his cousins for a hug.
With a tangle of limbs, Nyx had managed to hug Cricket around her neck, while Froggy had jumped up like a spider monkey and locked her legs around his waist. Giggles and screams sounded out through the garden as the cousins greeted each other.
“How come you’re taller than me now?” Cricket exclaimed, as she stood on her toes. Her short, curly red hair added a good inch to her height, but Nyx had grown a bit since he last saw her.
“All that training I guess.” Nyx hummed.
“You live in the library, but you keep telling yourself that.” She teased brightly, as she ran off to his parents for hugs and kisses.
“I missed you so much, Nyxie!” Froggy squealed as she smacked a big kiss on his cheek. Her sheet of dark golden hair was tied up with a sparkly yellow ribbon. She was tiny, but smarter than Nyx and Cricket combined.
“I missed you too! Are you excited for Starfall?” Nyx asked as he set her down.
“Oh, yes!” she said, bouncing on her toes. She opened her mouth to say something else, but Uncle Cass swooped in and snatched her up. Froggy squealed out another set of giggles. “There’s my little cupcake!” He roared as he threw her into the air.
He gave his Aunt Elain a big hug, savoring her honey and floral scent as she kissed him. He threw his arms around Uncle Lucien. “I’ve been practicing my combat forms!” he said, with excitement, “I’m getting pretty good at close combat.”
Uncle Lucien beamed, “Are you now? Sword or spear?”
“Sword! But only because we don’t have spears at the training ring.” Nyx said, he swooped down into a crouch, extending his arms into a strike. Uncle Lucien dodged but Nyx caught his arm before Uncle Lucien could really block the strike. Uncle Lucien laughed as he ruffled Nyx’s hair and pulled him in for another hug.
Finally reunited, the family made their way into the house. Nyx grabbed Aunt Elain’s bag to help take upstairs to the guest rooms with Uncle Lucien, while his father took the girls by the hand, leading them inside to the living room.
“Are Aunt Mor and Aunt Emerie here? ” Cricket asked without stopping to breathe. “What about Uncle Az and Aunt Gwyn?”
“Aunt Mor and Emerie are finishing up closing the shop in Illyria, Cuddlebug.” Mama said. “And Gwyn and Az will be here tomorrow too. They’re doing some extra work at the camps.” Nyx noticed his parents shooting worried looks at each other. Uncle Azriel and Aunt Gwyn had been keeping a close eye on Illyria, going up for missions frequently.
“Is Amren here too?” Froggy asked, ever the polite little lady who refused to let anyone be left out.
“She’s joining after dinner.” His father said as they all took their places on the sofas and chairs. Turning to Uncle Lucien, he asked. “How was the winnow? Are you feeling alright?”
Uncle Lucien shrugged, “It was fine. I think leaving the dog at home made a difference.”
Nyx now noticed that Cricket’s large smoke hound wasn’t with them. “You left Trajan behind?” he asked Cricket, who had flopped down on the sofa next to him.
“Yeah. It’s hard to winnow with all of us. And he keeps barfing when we take him. So, he’s with Grandmother and Grandpapa. When they come up here, Master Dimitriou will take care of him.” Cricket replied with some sadness.
She was so attached to the hound, that he slept in her bed and followed her everywhere at the Day Court. Her Uncle Eris, the High Lord of Autumn had gifted her the pup a few years ago. Now, Froggy waited patiently for a hound of her own.
“He’ll be okay.” Nyx said, patting her shoulder. Cricket gave a little smirk, before she changed the subject.
“We’re staying two weeks. What’s the plan?” She asked with sneaky grin.
“I think we’ll just hang around until Starfall. Then Uncle Cass and Aunt Nesta are gonna do some training with the Valkyries and we’re allowed to go.” Cricket rubbed her hands together excitedly.
“Mama said she and Aunt Mor are taking us all to the Rainbow too at some point.” He racked his brain, trying to think of what else had been planned. “Froggy, I think Aunt Gwyn wanted to show you some new stuff from the library?”
“You can come with me to class, too.” Mama said.
“We’ll take it all day by day, like we always do.” Aunt Elain hummed, before she excused herself into the kitchen. Probably to see the twins, Nyx guessed.
“Well, in a few nights, Rhys and I will take you children out on a snipe hunt.” Uncle Cass announced loudly.
Cricket and Nyx whipped their heads around, while Froggy, who had been cuddled between Uncle Cass and Aunt Nesta, looked up at him with big, curious eyes.
“A what hunt?” Cricket asked incredulously, her nose wrinkling in utter confusion.
“A snipe hunt.” Papa replied, “It’s something we did in Illyria as boys, and you’re old enough.”
“What’s a snipe?” Nyx asked incredulously.
“Just a nocturnal animal. A little feral, but they’re fun to hunt. Hard to catch.”
“I didn’t know they had snipes this far north.” Uncle Lucien said with a smirk. Aunt Nesta and Mama looked confused, while Uncle Cass and Papa just grinned. “We can talk about it later.” Papa said, turning his attention to the twins, who had glided in to announce dinner.
“What’s a snipe anyways?” Cricket whispered over the din of the adults. “I’ve never heard of them.”
Nyx shrugged, “I don’t know. Papa said they were in Illyria but I never saw them at the camps the entire time I was there. And I definitely never heard of them. There were lots of owls though.”
“Do you think they’re even real? Or are they just teasing us? Uncle Cass does this all the time.” Cricket grumbled as she tore apart a roll, slapping a thick pad of butter in the middle. “Remember when he told us those kebabs at the Children’s Festival were made of dogmeat after we each ate two?”
“Yeah, but your grandfather was in on it too,” Nyx replied. “and he made it worse by saying they were puppies.”
“You think he’s getting us back for the library prank?” Cricket asked as she eyed Uncle Cass with wariness.
“Maybe. He hasn’t mentioned it since.” Nyx and Cricket may have heard that Cassian was terrified of something that had lived in the library. So they might have lured him down a level or two and jumped out and scared him, and they possibly made Uncle Cass scream.
It was hilarious, but Nyx and Cricket had been punished the rest of the week, cleaning the kitchen and the studio after classes. Even Aunt Elain made them pull weeds for hours in every single house garden.
“If they are planning something, won’t your parents get mad?” Nyx asked, stealing a glance at Aunt Elain and Uncle Lucien who were talking and eating like nothing was wrong.
“Papa will probably think it’s funny, whatever it is.” Cricket hissed. “I fell off Meallan’s back last week and landed in manure and Papa laughed about it for days and told everyone .” Nyx held back a snort, choosing to cough instead, “Were you hurt?” he asked.
“No, but there was poop in my hair and in my ears and all down my clothes! Do you know how many baths I had to take to get the stink off?” she stuffed half of the roll into her mouth as her face reddened with embarrassment. “Four!” she said, her cheeks packed in with bread. “Four baths, Nyx!”
“That’s terrible Cricket. Really.” Nyx promised, trying desperately not to laugh.
“Either way, I smell a rat. They’re up to something and I don’t like it.” Cricket mumbled as she shoved the rest of the roll into her mouth. “Go check their minds.” She ordered as she chewed.
“No! Papa knows when I slip in, plus if they’re planning something their walls will be up.” Nyx hissed. “It can’t be big, Starfall is in two days. It’s probably silly. We just have to be on our guard.”
“Speaking of being on your guard, I wonder what terrible outfit Aunt Mor got us for Starfall.” Cricket snickered. Nyx shuddered.
Last year's ruffled monstrosity was a velvet suit with breeches that cut off above the knee in a jeweled purple color. Cricket got stuck with a frilly pink thing that looked more like a cake than a dress, and clashed horribly with her red hair. Only little Froggy made it out unscathed.
But the children were stuck wearing whatever Aunt Mor got them. She was fun and silly, but she had terrible taste in clothes, Nyx thought.
On his left, Froggy pushed food around her plate in silence. Nyx didn’t need to slip into her mind to tell she was nervous.
“You don’t want your mashed sweet potatoes, Froggy?” he asked her with a little nudge. “I was going to give you mine.”
“I’m not hungry.” she mumbled, not meeting his eyes. “My tummy hurts.”
“Don’t listen to Papa or Uncle Cass. They’re just being stupid.” Nyx said with assurance. “And if there’s ever danger, I’ll fly you away and Cricket will kick their butts!” Cricket gave a little punch to the air to emphasize his point.
Froggy halfheartedly laughed, but didn’t say anything as she pushed her food around her plate.
“We’re getting to the bottom of this,” Cricket hissed, as her russet eyes blazed with that look. The one that meant she was planning something.
“Let’s do it.” Nyx said, but not before he booped his baby cousin on the nose. “We can scare them first,” He whispered as Froggy giggled.
Flesh eating animals didn’t live in the woods, Nyx though. Right?
TAGLIST: @wilde-knight @mossytrashcan @born-to-riot @secret-third-thing @kataravimes-of-the-shire @octobers-veryown @foundress0fnothing @vulpes-fennec @popjunkie42 @xtaketwox @labellefleur-sauvage @pretty-little-blue-sky @reverie-tales @asnowfern @witch-and-her-witcher @iftheshoef1tz @thelovelymadone @itsthedoodle @thesistersarcheron @the-lonelybarricade @chunkypossum
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aoibhinnslater04 · 3 days
Chapter 9: The deal’s the deal
Word count:2985
I've also started posting this on ao3
Jesper didn’t know how he was going to react when he saw Rhysand and his gang today. He hadn’t been able to sleep all night, choosing instead to go watch the sunrise on Inej’s favourite roof ledge. She had brought him here before, when it was just Jesper, Inej and Kaz, after a particularly frustrating night of Kaz refusing to tell them anything he had planned for a job, just expecting they would trust him blindly. They had, and it had worked out, but Inej and Jesper had sat up all night, discussing how to tell their boss that he could never do that again without angering him, before watching the sunrise together. 
He didn’t know when he had started seeing Inej like the sunrise, dark and hidden at times, but when she was happy she was radiant, she brightened the whole sky. He really hoped she was ok.
Kaz had known, from the moment he answered the phone, the caller ID saying ‘Inej’, that they held the upper hand over Rhysand. How, Jesper would never understand. Rhysand held their friend’s mind in his hands. She could have been killed many times, especially once he realised she had called them to beg for help. Jesper would never forget the terrified sobs from that call. If there was one thing Inej needed, it was control over her own body, especially after her years under Tante Heleen’s thumb. And it had been taken away from her in a single moment. 
But Kaz had managed to get them to agree to his choice of venue for the parley, as well as allowing Inej to go free for the simple price of agreeing to hear them out. They clearly were desperate, only asking for the dagger Inej had stolen in return. 
So tonight, Kaz, Nina, Wylan, Matthias and Jesper would go to Black Veil Island. Tamar and Tolya, who had just returned with a letter addressed to Inej from Queen Zoya, as well as their captain “Sturmhond”, would be waiting in their ship in Fifth Harbour to hear from the Crows, so if Rhysand decided to kill them or steal their minds, at least they would be aware. But they had brought something else of value also: they had brought the secrets of a technique called ‘mental shielding’, which should protect them from Rhysand.
The game was on.
Cassian watched his brother pace back and forth, his face like thunder and a swirl of shadows swirling around around his legs, like the darkness was trying to soothe him. Kaz Brekker held all the cards and Rhys knew it. The Crows were a bunch of kids, but they were resourceful and knew Ketterdam better than they ever could. If anyone could help get Nyx back, it was likely to be them, but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it. Cassian was currently on ‘get Rhys to get his shit together’ duty, but if Feyre couldn’t get him to pull himself together (and honestly he didn’t want to know what she tried, cause his imagination could do a lot with what he heard from the next room- no way anyone could beat that), then no one could.
“Rhys,” he said, going for the safe option that likely wouldn’t get him thrown in the river by his balls. But Rhys did not answer.
 “Rhysie poo?” he tried, smirking a little before Rhys actually did whirl to meet his gaze. That smirk fell flat awfully fast. The fire in Rhys’s eyes… shit, Cassian thought the reason Nesta and Rhys didn’t get on was because they were too alike, and this was just more proof of his theory.
He gulped quickly before rushing on. “We need to get going. The Crows are going to be waiting, and you’ve been wallowing long enough.”
“They can wait,” Rhys responded, icily. “They won’t move against us when we have Inej.”
Cassian glanced quickly at the girl who sat calmly on the couch, ignoring them. Rhys hadn’t let her mind go yet, despite it being part of the conditions from the call with Kaz. 
“Don’t you think we should let her go first? Obviously not to go bolting off again, but so she’s aware of what’s going on? They won’t see us as potential allies if we’re keeping their friend under our control. Let’s just go in, with her free, as a gesture of good faith. We can’t afford new enemies if we already have some we don’t know anything about.”
Rhys glared at him, but there was less fire in it, as he sighed and released Inej. She blinked a couple of times, and glanced around, before her entire body stilled as she took in the two winged males before her. Cassian couldn’t be sure she was breathing, if he was being honest.
 She had the stillness of the Fae, but her eyes were human. And they were terrified. 
Rhys took a step back, his wings disappearing, before he gestured to Cassian, a silent not my monkey not my zoo, although Cassian would argue it was very much his zoo, and they were all definitely clowns. They thought this change would be so simple, and everything would be better. It’s just been getting so much harder, and not only for them, he realised, before tucking in his wings and crouching to be less imposing for poor Inej, one of the casualties in their dream. 
She stiffened slightly, but it was like she had completely given up. She wasn’t trying to run, probably because she realised Rhys could just stop her again. She was right, but it broke Cassian’s heart to realise how poorly she viewed his kind hearted brother, and honestly, all of his family. And his heart only cracked more when he realised how they had taken this teenager and broke her trust in herself completely. She wouldn’t be the same person after all this was over, and they all knew it. 
He touched her knee gently, and she flinched slightly but didn’t move. “It’s ok, Inej. We’re gonna meet with your friends now. You’re gonna be home, and Rhys will stay out of your head. Ok?”
Her voice cracked slightly when she answered, as her gaze flicked between him and Rhys. ”Why? What are they giving you in exchange for me?”
Ah, Ketterdam. A place where nothing good came without a catch, clearly. 
Cassian turned to glare at Rhys, who was looming imposingly against the back wall, and he could swear that Rhys was making the room darker on purpose, before turning back to the Wraith. “Nothing, Inej. It’s a show of good faith. We need some help, and we offered you back if they would just hear us out.”
“I’m not some collectible that you can trade back and forth. I’m a person!” she bit back, tears threatening to fall.
Cassian glanced helplessly back, but Rhys already had moved forward and crouched beside him. Inej went deathly still again, but this time he could hear how fast she was breathing. The girl was close to a panic attack before anything really had been said, and he had no idea how to help. She was hardly likely to agree to train with him in this state, right?
But Rhys was answering her now, his tone smooth and gentle, like he was trying to soothe a frightened animal. “You are, Inej. I’m sorry that this went so far. I thought Kaz had taken something from me, and I wanted to take something from him in return, and I thought you would be the most useful to me. And I was right, but I couldn’t understand how you of all people didn’t know where he was. Until you and Az went into that house. And I saw your memories from it. He’s not with your Kaz. He’s with them.”
“Who’s with them?” she whispered, her eyes not moving away from Rhys’s, like if they did, he would attack. 
“My son”, he finally responded. “They took my son.”
Feyre finished tying her braid, then stepped back, regarding herself in the mirror. Her face was drained of colour, and the dark rings under her eyes said plenty about her current sleep habits. Oh, what an impression she would make on the Crows. She jumped as her door swung open, Nesta striding in.
"Oh good, your hair is done. That only leaves the makeup to do."
Feyre shook her head in disbelief. "What do you mean, Nesta? I'm ready, I wasn't planning on wearing makeup."
Nesta grabbed Feyre's shoulders, holding her still as she looked her up and down, something like sympathy in her gaze. "Feyre. You look like shit. You are High Lady of the Night Court, and no matter how little that means here, it means a lot to all of us. You are a leader, and for anyone else to believe it, you need to believe it first." She sat down, patting the piece of bed beside her, before noting Feyre's hesitance, and she sighed. "You're hurting. I know. I miss him too, and we'll bring down hell until Nyx is back. But you need to keep your armour up until we get home. You can scream, and cry, and do whatever will make you feel better then, but for now? Armour up."
Nesta finished Feyre's makeup quickly, and stood up, checking her watch, before informing her they were to leave in ten minutes. She turned to leave, before hesitating. "I love you Feyre." Feyre smiled sadly at her older sister, who still struggled to say those three words aloud. But she was trying. Feyre was trying too. "I love you too."
Nina was wringing her hands in anticipation as the other Crows stood tense beside her. She had the Shadowsinger's blade in her belt, the only weapon other than Inej's knives, which should be returning with her, that were allowed. That being said, Jesper and Wylan had spent all morning hiding some of Wylan's bombs and Jesper's pair of guns, if things went wrong, just in case. It wasn't like the Court of Dreams didn't have their own powers to protect themselves, anyway. Better safe than sorry, after all.
There was no sign of any boat coming, but she had no doubt the Fae could come up with their own impressive entrance, if only to prove how much lesser the Crows were to them. And sure enough, with a sudden shift in the air, there came a group of tall, beautiful people who did not look of this world. Kaz didn't wait for a second before stepping forward, Saints bless him.
"Rhysand", he greeted, somehow looking down on the male who stepped forward, power rippling off of him. "I believe you have someone of mine?"
Inej crept forward from where she was hidden within the crowd, bolting across as soon as she was over an arm's length away, to where Jesper was waiting, who pulled her into a bear hug, before pulling back and looking her up and down.
"She hasn't been harmed, Jesper," came Rhysand's cold, amused voice, the darkness in it sending a chill down Nina's back. Inej shrank behind Jesper at the sound. "Of course, why would I ever think that? You only kidnapped her and kept her under your control for how long, exactly?" Jesper snapped back, his anger only seeming to amuse Rhysand further.
"You've all got mental shields up now", he observed. "How... Quaint. I could break through them without much more than a thought, but the effort is appreciated."
Nina grabbed Inej's hand, and squeezed it tight. She couldn't tell if it was Inej or herself that was trembling. They had been preparing for this meeting since Inej had called them, they had done their research and did everything they could to get their mental shields ready for his inevitable attack, but it was a lot harder to keep it up when they were standing in front of him. He had hundreds of years of experience, they had only been practising for a few days. But they weren't planning on backing down now. Inej had needed them, and this old bastard would not be the end of them yet.
The Fae lady beside him stepped forward, her hands lifted in a peaceful gesture. She was thin, and pale, and had so much pain in her eyes, but the other Fae beside her stepped back, looking at her with so much respect that this could only be their High Lady, Feyre. "We don't intend on breaking through your shields", she said, throwing a glare towards Rhysand. "I'm sure Rhys only meant that as a warning, should you face any other daemati, right, Rhys?"
Rhysand lowered his gaze sheepishly and picked at the shoulder of his dark suit. "Of course, darling." He turns to speak directly to the Crows. "My apologies. Although I would appreciate at least an attempt to keep them up when you’re all screaming ‘old bastard’ towards me. Please?”
Nina glanced uneasily around at the rest of the Crows. Apparently it’s more difficult to keep a mental shield up than they thought. Who knew?
Kaz kept his expression cold as he stared down Rhysand. He could feel the tension in his Crows, and he wasn’t going to let that OLD FAE BASTARD (Coincidentally, said Fae bastard winced at this exact moment) screw with them. The Fae lost every bit of leverage they had when they gave Inej back, and so Kaz would let them say their piece, as he had agreed, but if they didn’t get started soon, he would be taking his Crows and leaving.
Feyre shot a look at Rhysand, and Kaz could almost hear their silent, mental argument, before Feyre turned back towards them with a quick smile. “Thank you for agreeing to hear us out. We-”
“Don’t make that sound so civil,” Kaz interrupted. “You had taken my Wraith hostage, we only agreed to hear you out in order to get her back. Let’s not try to appear like any of us wanted this. You were desperate. Likely because whatever happened in that house left Inej with free will, the free will YOU took away from her. Now I’m guessing there’s more to it than that. Probably you wouldn’t have let her in without an escort, likely your shadowsinger -by the way Nina, he’s probably eager for his dagger back- but something happened in that house. Something which blocked your power over Inej, and probably affected your shadowsinger’s powers too. There is something in that house which you want, something you can’t get to, and you need non-Fae people who aren’t under your power to get it. So that means you have to trust us. My only question is why, in the name of all the Saints, you thought WE would be willing to help you, after everything you’ve done to us.”
Feyre’s mouth had fallen open, and Rhysand had gradually gotten paler with every word. Saints, he loved being underestimated. It made beating high-power people so much more entertaining when they didn’t see it coming. But even though he had a little smirk on his face, he raised his eyebrow in a clear challenge. Feyre coughed slightly to clear her throat, before she hurriedly continued. “We know it mightn’t be…the MOST appealing of jobs. But we can pay well, and…”
“And what makes you think we want your money?” Jesper interrupted. Usually Kaz would stop him here, but he and Jesper had talked on the way over to Black Veil Island, and both agreed that they would rather not accept the job than just roll over at the mere mention of kruge. The damage between both gangs ran too deep, and they wouldn’t make Inej work with them because of greed. “Don’t think just because you’re desperate, and sorry, and whatever, that it makes up for what you did. You took Inej-”
“And they took our son!” “And why would we care about anything to do with your family?”
“We thought YOU had taken him!”
“So taking Inej was your solution?”
“You don’t know what you would do in that situation.” “Sure we do, we’ve done it before. All we did was take Wy’s stepmother, and we gave her cookies, and let her sing, despite how shit it was, and-”
“You clearly don’t know shit about family, and what you should do for them.”
At this Kaz’s cane banged on the ground, and everyone, even the huge Fae, fell silent. He stalked forward between the groups, and turned to the Fae. “We know what we would do for our family. You TOOK part of our family, and we are here, listening to you, because of it. You started this war between us, and you came to regret it. That? It’s not our problem. As far as I’m concerned, you haven’t suffered enough,” he said, his voice as cold as ice. 
Rhysand stepped forward, his face white with rage, and Nina quickly threw her hands up, slowing his heart before he could do anything. The two Illyrians snarled and ran at her, but Matthias blocked their way with a roar of rage as they began to fight. Jesper and Wylan ran forward to grab him when he was knocked to the ground, leaving a crater in his wake. Those Batboys clearly weren’t holding back. Nina growled with anger, not loosening her grip on Rhysand as the bones of the dead began crawling towards them, and they began to move hurriedly backwards yelling at her, but before anything else could happen, Inej stepped forward, and all the Crows turned to look at her. She was shaking, and Kaz reached out towards her without thinking but she raised her voice over all the commotion. 
“Enough!” She looked at Kaz, a plea in her gaze. “Can we talk?”
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queen-archeron · 6 years
Laser Tag
Tagging @eternally-reading ❤︎
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Nesta had never lost a single game of laser tag in all of her 23 years of life.
It didn’t matter what day it was, or what time it was, or where it was, she always won, and she wasn’t plan on breaking her winning streak anytime soon.
Cassian held her hand, their fingers interlaced, as they made their way through the arcade in the small town of Velaris. The rest of the inner circle trailed behind them, pointing out fun games to play after the laser tag was over.
Cassian had insisted on bringing everyone here today because they needed some “quality family time” together. Nesta had only rolled her eyes and agreed to join, but when he brought up laser tag, she got excited.
She had never played laser tag since she and Cassian had started dating, and she thought it was a perfect time to put him in his place. He was always cocky, and said he never lost, but Nesta was going to change that.
The smell of pizza filled the air, and children shouting around the room made her cringe in annoyance. She hated everything about arcades except laser tag. There were too many germs and loose kids running all over the place, and she may or may not be responsible for breaking one’s wrist a few months ago.
In her defense, the little boy had been running right in the path of her foot which was sticking out of the booth she sat at. It was all his fault.
She sighed when they reached the door to enter the laser tag game and released Cassian’s hand to turn to the rest of the group. “You all know how to play, right?”
She scanned everyone as they nodded, her attention snagging on Elain as she made a confused face, but Azriel whispered in her ear and she nodded.
Good enough, she thought.
Cassian opened the door for everyone and as she passed him he murmured, “Ready to lose?”
She snarled and leaned in closer. “I don’t lose, Cass. You do.”
With that, she turned away and headed inside to get ready with the others.
“Come on, Nesta!” Rhys whined as she gained yet another point. Rhys’s equipment dimmed and she turned a corner to look out for the others.
So far, she had only been shot twice—both times by Mor—and she couldn’t risk it happening again. She glanced at the score board that was placed on the back wall and smiled when she spotted her name in first place. She wasn’t surprised.
She heard movement and whipped around, shooting her gun until she heard the familiar beep coming from someone’s gear, letting them know they’d been caught. Azriel stepped out of the shadows and grinned.
“I guess you are pretty good at this, huh?” He asked, making his way past her.
She shrugged and ran away before he was able to shoot again.
Where was Cassian? According to the scoreboard he was in third place, and she had to make sure it stayed that way. Feyre was between them in second, and Nesta growled.
“Look out!”
Nesta turned and saw Elain throw herself in front of her to block a shot from Feyre. Their younger sister laughed and quickly ran away before Elain or Nesta could get her.
“Elain, you realize that you aren’t supposed to be helping me…right?” Nesta rose a brow and her sister stood up from the floor with a grin.
“I know, but I’m bored and I don’t care if I win or lose. Besides, you have a streak so I want to help you keep it,” she winked.
Nesta chuckled. “Thank you, but hurry up and go before anyone finds us.”
Elain made a salute and ran off in the other direction, probably going to find Azriel so they could make out. The thought made her roll her eyes and shake her head.
A three minute warning was announced and Nesta could hear Feyre scream in frustration from across the room. She couldn’t tell where exactly she was, so Nesta made her way up a ramp towards the corner of the course, high enough so she could see everyone else below.
She spotted Azriel and Elain leaning against a wall just talking like they weren’t in the middle of a game, but Mor came around a corner and shot them both with a victory yell. That yell quickly disappeared when Amren shot Mor and gained a point.
Nesta couldn’t spot Feyre, Rhys, or Cassian, and when she glanced at the scoreboard, her eyes went wide.
Her and Cassian were tied with only two minutes left in the game.
She growled and quickly turned the corner, only to run right into Cassian. She gasped and raised her gun to shoot, but he grabbed her hand and pulled it down, pushing her up against the nearest wall and pressing his lips to hers.
At first, she didn’t respond, but he moved his hands to her hips to hold her in place, and she melted in his arms. She released her gun in one of her hands and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer, ignoring the sound of the one minute warning.
His tongue brushed hers and she let out a groan from the back of her throat. One of Cassian’s hands slid to her thigh, lifting one of her legs up to hook around his waist as he kissed her even deeper, savoring the warmth and closeness of her body.
Nesta was completely dazed when he pulled away slowly, keeping his eyes on her. A smirk formed on his lips and she looked up at the clock on the wall next to the scoreboard.
10 seconds.
They were both breathing heavy, and Nesta didn’t have time to comprehend what was happening before Cassian grabbed his gun and shot her, gaining a point, and beating her.
Nesta gaped and stumbled to grab her own gun, but the timer went off and the lights in the big room turned on, making it much easier to see Cassian grinning like a child.
“I thought you said you didn’t lose, sweetheart,” he teased, leaning forward to kiss her again.
She smacked his chest and pushed him away in frustration. “You asshole, that’s cheating. You tried to distract me—“
“Oh, I didn’t try. I succeeded.”
She let out an angry growl and stormed away from him, down the ramp and into the room where she had to return her gear. Cassian came up behind her when she had put all of the equipment away and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“You know I’m never going to let you forget this, right?” He murmured, kissing her neck.
She sighed in defeat, but turned in his arms to face him. His eyes shined with happiness, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“I love you,” she whispered, rising on her toes to kiss him sweetly. “But you’re an ass,” she mumbled against his lips.
“I know,” he chuckled as she pulled away.
“Get a room you two,” Feyre called from where she stood across the room. Nesta narrowed her eyes at her sister and smiled.
“Feyre,” she drawled, making her sister turn toward her with a lifted brow. “You’re shirt’s on inside out.”
Feyre glanced down and cursed, looking over to where Rhys was clearly trying to hide his laughter.
“Maybe you guys need to get a room, too,” Nesta grinned, and everyone burst into laughter as Feyre’s face turned a bright red color.
Cassian pulled Nesta close and kissed her forehead gently, and Nesta decided that they would definitely be having a rematch.
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theladyofdeath · 7 years
Castaway {ACOTAR/Chapter 3}
Word Count: 2,223
Summary:  A modern-day University AU, from the A Court of Thorns and Roses universe. All characters belong to Sarah J. Maas. The idea for this fanfic hailed from prompts sent in by Anonymous, and @queen-archeron. You can read previous chapters here.
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, you may ask in my ask box! If I’ve missed tagging you, it wasn’t intentional, I just didn’t see it, so feel free to ask again. Also, let me know what you think. :) P.S. Feyre is a big fan of Van Gogh. She loves the classics.
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September 4 – the day I questioned everything
I was pissed, and confused, and worried….but he had a hold on me.
I had never been good at telling people no. I was a people pleaser, I wanted to be able to do it all. Especially when I cared about them.
Like my dad, for example.
My dad hadn’t worked in years. He relied on the rest of us to help make ends meet. For a while, after mom died, it was Nesta. She was the oldest. It was her duty.
But then, Nesta got so pissed off at dad for being a lazy ass (her words – although we all had our own lovely nickname for the bastard), and gave up. The day she turned eighteen, she was out of that little shithole town.
I was only thirteen.
Elain did her best, but she was always caught up in her designs. She worked hard for her money, and saved most of it for herself, to open her own business.
I encouraged her to do so. I could see how much she wanted it. Elain is a small, rare piece of beauty in the world. She deserved better than the shithole, too. The day she turned eighteen, she was headed to Velaris.
I was only fourteen.
It was up to me, after that. I felt it my responsibility, ignoring the fact that I was just a kid. I went to school, I went to work wherever I could find anyone that would pay me.
I couldn’t say no to him.
I hated him, most days, but I couldn’t say no to my father, because I loved him, despite everything.
There were only four people who ever had that hold on me: my dad, Elain, Nesta…..
And Tamlin.
The girl who can’t say no
 The moment Feyre’s eyes opened from the early morning sun streaming through the curtains, memories from the night before flooded her mind.
Rhysand, the beautiful male, saving her from those two guys, members of Tamlin’s fraternity, who wanted to use her as a prop in whatever twisted game they had planned.
Tamlin, when he found Feyre and Rhysand alone by the steps of the front porch, utter rage consuming his intoxicated body. His fist hitting Rhysand’s eye – Feyre, trying to pull him back, trying to calm him down, trying not to be afraid.
Rhysand was innocent, though. She tried to tell Tamlin as much, but he wouldn’t listen, he was too far gone – from alcohol or rage, she wasn’t sure.
Rhysand didn’t seem surprised, though, and if he was, he hid it well. He simply rose to his feet, gave Tamlin an extremely vulgar gesture, and walked away.
After the incident, Tamlin had grabbed Feyre by the arm and brought her upstairs, locking them inside of his bedroom.
She watched him pace for a solid twenty minutes before he apologized. I shouldn’t have acted like that. I’m sorry. I thought he was hurting you. I’m sorry, Feyre, I’m so sorry.
I told you that he wasn’t hurting me, Feyre had replied, her voice hard, cold, distant. I told you that we were just talking. He saved me, actually.
Tamlin had halted, at that. Saved you?
Yes, Feyre rose to her feet and crossed her arms. Two of your loyal frat guys attempted to assault me.
Feyre didn’t know what she expected him to do, but laughing wasn’t at the top of her guessing list.
Must be some of the new recruits. Tamlin shook his head. They can get a little handsy.
Infuriated, Feyre began to grab her things.
Feyre. Tamlin spoke her name like a demand, but his hands were soft as they wrapped around her waist. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. The point is, they didn’t touch you, did they?
They grabbed my arm, but that’s it. Feyre shook her head. But that’s because Rhy-
Besides, Tamlin kissed her nose, softly, when you leave your dorm wearing something like this – he ran the tips of his fingers down the low neckline of her dress – you can’t blame a man for being unable to keep his distance.
Feyre wanted to say a thousand things. She wanted to curse, and demand that he hunts them down, and defends her honor. But all those thoughts disappeared the moment his lips pressed into hers, and her dress fell to the ground as she fell into his touch.
The thoughts didn’t resurface until morning came, when she looked at Tamlin lying bare beside her in his bed, the scent of beer still lingering on his breath.
Maybe it was the alcohol, Feyre thought. Maybe if he didn’t drink…..
She didn’t dare continue the thought as she climbed over her boyfriend, and began to redress herself. Once her dress was pulled back on, Tamlin stirred.
So much for trying to leave before he woke.
“Hey,” he smiled, then followed it with a groan.
“Good morning,” Feyre mumbled. “Headache?”
He sat up, slowly, and rubbed his eyes, then took Feyre in. “I’m sorry.”
“Do you even remember what for?”
He hesitated.
Feyre let out a humorless laugh before grabbing her shoes.
“Feyre.” He was out of bed, and standing before her in less than a second. Feyre tried to ignore the sight of him before her, bare and hard, but she couldn’t. “I do remember that I hurt you, that I made you mad, and I’m sorry. And, if the ache in my knuckles is any indication….”
“You punched a guy.”
“I do remember that,” he sighed, running a hand through his eye-length, golden hair. “Forgive me, and give me another chance. Please. I was drunk, and stupid.”
“Yes, you were.”
“Come back after class?”
She didn’t say yes right away, didn’t say anything. But, she couldn’t say no to him, to the man that she cared so deeply for. Especially when he was standing nude in front of her, with those big, pleading eyes.
He smiled, and kissed her, gently. Feyre tried not to gag from the smell of his breath.
“I’ll see you later.” Feyre closed his door behind her before sneaking through the silent fraternity house.
She should have asked him for a ride, because the walk back to her dorm was humiliating.
She knew she looked horrendous, with her wrinkled dress, bare feet, messy hair, and smudged make up. Thank the mother it was only seven in the morning, and all she passed were joggers and professors on their way to work.
Unfortunately, the amount of college students who went for morning jogs was far too many.
It didn’t get any more comfortable once she reached her dorm.
She unlocked her door and threw it open. Mor, the early riser she was, was already showered and applying her makeup in the floor length mirror that was attached to the closet door.
“Good morning,” she smiled, observing Feyre from her reflection in the mirror.
“Good morning,” Feyre replied, as politely as she could.
“The walk of shame looks good on you.” Amren grinned, devilishly, from her bottom bunk.
Feyre scowled.
“We heard you had quite the night last night,” Mor said, the grin she had let out instantly vanishing.
Feyre opened her drawer and pulled out her make up remover wipes. “Does news travel that quickly?”
“Oh, no, don’t worry,” Amren continued, dully. “You’re not front page news. We heard from a friend, who your boyfriend happened to punch in the face.”
Feyre froze. “He’s your friend?”
“My brother,” Mor said. “He called from the car last night asking if Tamlin’s girlfriend, who he knew was our roommate, was named Feyre. And if she’d returned to the dorm yet. He wanted to be sure you were okay, for some reason. Then he told us a lovely little tale that ended with his face getting punched.”
Why would he even care?
Feyre’s heart sank into her stomach. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Amren spat. “That’s all you have to say?”
“It’s not my fault he got punched. Okay? None of this is my fault.” Although, there was a small voice in the back of her head telling her that it was.
 Elain knocked on the door that sat across the hall from her own. 21A.
When he didn’t answer, she knocked again.
As she was about to walk away, ready to give up, she heard the lock sliding out of the door, and let out a shaky breath.
Azriel appeared before her, shirtless, hair a mess, and wrapped in a thin, fuzzy blanket.
“Elain?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. “Hey. What are you doing here so early?”
Elain caught sight of the time in bulky, red letters on the microwave behind him, in the kitchen. 7:45 a.m.
“Sorry,” Elain blushed, then held up a small box, wrapped in a bow. “I didn’t sleep much last night.”
“What’s this?” then, as if he realized what she had said, his eyes grew wide. “Wait – what?”
“No!” Elain shook her head, hectically. “Not because of Lucien! I, uh, I meant because I felt guilty.”
Those hazel eyes softened as he took the box she was holding out, and opened it. “Is this an apology muffin?”
“It is an apology muffin,” she confirmed. “I’m sorry.”
“You have no reason to apologize,” he smiled, gently. “I was acting like……I was out of line.”
“Is that Elain?”
Elain’s eyebrows rose from the deep voice that came from within the apartment.
“Cassian’s staying with me until he heals a bit,” Azriel explained. “And yes, he is a pain in the ass when he’s injured.”
Elain chuckled. “Well, I may as well come in and help you make breakfast, then.”
Azriel moved out of the doorway. “I was hoping you would.”
Cassian was lying on the pulled-out couch, his foot resting on a pillow. Elain gasped when she saw him, only because he was far more beat up than Azriel led on.
His face was bruised and battered, along with his arms.
“Oh, I’m fine,” Cassian grinned. “Nothing a little tender love and care can’t heal.” He winked at Az.
Azriel rolled his eyes, draping the blanket over the back of a kitchen chair.
Elain had seen Azriel without his shirt on before, but there was something intimate about the fact that he’d just rolled out of bed. Cassian had to clear his throat before she realized she was staring.
Azriel didn’t seem to notice. “So, how’d the date go?”
“Oh,” Elain sighed, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of eggs. Azriel took them from her and motioned for her to sit down. “No, I’m helping you cook.”
“No, you are taking a seat and letting me make you breakfast.”
With a fond roll of her eyes, Elain sat.
“Are you avoiding the question?”
Yes. “No,” Elain began, reluctantly. “He’s perfect on paper. He’s handsome, he comes from a great family, he has a good job, he’s extremely nice….”
“But,” Elain shook her head. “I don’t know. There wasn’t a spark.”
Elain had high standards, and she always had, but she was beginning to think she would never find someone who took away the shadows that hovered around her soul.
“Oh?” Azriel said from the stove, as he poured the scrambled eggs into the frying pan.
“We’re going out again on Saturday, though,” Elain continued. “Maybe it just takes time, you know?”
“Yeah,” Azriel replied, too quickly, and too happily. “Maybe.”
“Um, guys…..” Cassian began from the couch.
“I mean, this could be the guy I’m supposed to marry.”
“Maybe,” Azriel repeated, flipping the eggs one too many times.
“Uh, guys?”
“Do you think I set my standards too high?”
“What?” Azriel spun around. “No! Your standards should be high. In fact, I say raise them.”
“I just don’t want to walk away from something that could turn out to be amazing.”
Azriel nodded. “Whatever you decide, I…..fully support you.”
Elain smiled just as a wretch snapped them out of their personal discussion.
Cassian was sitting up, holding a flower pot over his lap that was sitting on the coffee table, hurling into it, profusely.
Elain instantly ran to him and began to hold back his shoulder length hair. “Az, get a cold rag?”
After turning off the burner, Azriel had a cabinet open, grabbing a washcloth.
He twirled when Elain gasped. On Cassian’s abdomen was a massive rash of little, raised bumps. “Uh, get him some clothes while you’re at it. We’re taking him to the hospital.”
 “Allergic reaction. Room 9.” Viviane handed Nesta a clipboard.
Nesta sighed. She wasn’t used to being on her feet so much, or working such long hours. She was exhausted.
But she woke right up when she made it to room 9.
Her sister sat in one of the chairs, the other occupied by Azriel. And, lying on the cot….
“Ah, there’s my future wife.”
Nesta groaned.
“Nes?” Elain asked, looking back and forth between her and Cassian. “You two know each other?”
“No,” Nesta said, just as Cassian said, “Yes.”
“Will you be on our date tomorrow?” Cassian asked.
Nesta hadn’t forgotten that he’d told her that he would be waiting at the park for her on Thursday, no matter how hard she tried.
Ignoring his question, she handed him his visit summary. “You had an allergic reaction. We’re going to try a new medication, and we’ve also sent in a cream for your rash.”
He grinned. “Will you apply it for me, Nurse Nesta?”
Nesta just blinked, and looked to Elain. “The company you’ve surrounded yourself with concerns me.”
She rolled her eyes. “Will you still be at dinner on Friday?”
“Yes, I don’t work,” she said, handing Cassian her clipboard and a pen. “Sign stating that I gave you your summary.”
He did. “Wait, how do you two know each other?”
Nesta glanced at Elain, as her younger sister replied, “Nesta is my sister.”
“You’re Elain’s sister?” Cassian’s eyebrows practically shot into his hairline.
“What?” Nesta demanded. “Is that so hard to believe?”
“No, no,” Cassian said, under his breath. “Elain is just so sweet, and you’re so….”
Nesta’s eyes turned to daggers.
“- different,” Cassian finished.
Nesta stared at the injured man for longer than necessary. “If there are no more questions, you are free to go.”
“Thank you,” Azriel said, hauling Cassian to his feet.
Nesta was thankful he was fully clothed this time, in his baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts.
Elain gave her sister a hug, before grabbing Cassian’s papers from him so that he could operate his crutches.
“I’ll see you on our date tomorrow,” Cassian winked, before walking out of the room.
Elain gave her a curious glance.
Nesta simply shook her head. “I’ll call you tonight.”
Elain eyed her sister. “You better.”
Feyre was shocked that she made it to her nine-a.m. art class on time.
She was even more shocked when she walked into the classroom, and saw him.
He looked the same as he did the night before, only with a swollen eye surrounded in black, blue, and purple splotches.
She froze. I have to spend an entire semester with him? Seriously?
Feyre sat next to a girl on the other side of the room, who instantly cleared her throat. “Um, we have assigned seats.”
Sure enough, the name Clarrisa was taped to the easel in front of her. After a curse, Feyre rose to her feet and began her search.
As if fate or destiny or Satan himself had planned it out, she found her name directly next to his.
It wasn’t until Feyre threw her bag on the floor, and sat on her stool, that Rhysand faced her. His happy demeanor changed, his light-hearted smile becoming one of utter distaste. “Oh. Hello, Feyre, darling.”
She rolled her eyes.
He scoffed. “I’m not sure why I’m earning that reaction from you. Don’t you have something to say to me? Like….thank you? Or, I’m sorry my asshat of a boyfriend punched you in the face for no reason...?”
“There’s no need to act like a prick,” she snapped.
Rhysand held his hands up in surrender. “You were much more pleasant last night.”
“Find your seats, please,” the instructor came to the center of the front of the classroom. “I am Helion. You may call me by that name, I am not a fan of official titles. I know what you’re thinking – why am I in college with an assigned seat? Solid question.” A soft, comfortable round of chuckles surrounded Feyre. “I’ve arranged you with a partner. This is your first official assignment: paint one another doing ten different activities. College is the time to meet people, and discover new things. Get to know your partner, and it will show in your art. Get together outside of class over the next few weeks. This project is due on the first of November.”
Feyre didn’t have to look at Rhysand to know that he was grinning like a fool.
Feyre, on the other hand, felt like she was going to be sick.
  @wingedillyrian @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @photofeesh @southern-by-gods-mercy @randomfanficshit @high-lady-of-perranth @ifinallygavein @xmanorianx @eleniherondale @eye-of-elena @feyreismeiamfeyre @littlehoneyybee @turtlesnook @willsrune @gcarroll @tiny1hallie @iwouldtrusthagridwithmylife @my-parabatai-is-a-herondale @highlady-of-slytherin @fireflyangelxx @theantisocialbookworm310 @redqueenfandom @aelinxfeyre @saybell1994 @nofantasynolife @priyahayes @fireheartbitch @live-the-fangirl-life @rishorro 
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