#Resigning fish
froskii · 6 months
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very inspired by this channel
and made little fan designs for the lorre fishies :3 aaa a i llove gradients
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Three! Three Peter Lorre fishies!
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lorre-logic · 1 year
I need someone to tell me what kind of fish the original Peter Lorre fish is
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What species?? PLEASE
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angelamontoo · 7 months
There's officially 4 Peter Lorre fish now.
The resigning fish (Horton Hatches an egg)
The Staring Herring (The Beany and Cecil Show)
Slappy Laszlo and Slippy Lotte (Spongebob Squarepants and The Patrick Star Show)
Technically 7 if we count the Slappy clones from that one Patrick Show episode.
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Dang, the doof meme cannot keep up with all of these guys lol
On the plus side, it's nice to have enough lorre homages for a little peter lorre aquarium. Also thankyou for using my name for the horton fish lol
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y-akkun · 7 months
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Millie redesign; nearly her 5 year anniversary!
[Previous designs under the cut!]
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^First version from October 16th, 2018!
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^Cropped art from June 19th, 2019!
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el-im · 11 months
personally it's hard to feel excited for snw when it just feels so hollow? im not sure if it's the pacing or what but it feels ungenuine? and beyond that people's characters feel rushed? like i know hemmer had to be replaced but like we could've spent way more time on his character! he was interesting! (i might be biased bc i love the andorians) and not even touching whatevers going on with spock. or chapel. this is the least of my grievances but when they put that black undershirt on pikes green wraparound...hate crime.
yeah, I mean. whatever. I watched it in a single sitting when I was sick and it beat laying in bed looking up at the whitewashed ceiling.
I agree the exposition of characters seem very rushed. It kind of violated the “show, don’t tell” rule, particularly w la’an, who was kind of put in a position that needed her to air her dirty laundry in front of the whole crew. I wish they’d had time to create narratives around past experiences, kind of like they did with Kirk/Tarsus in TOS, in which his participation in a historical event was made relevant by whatever was going on in the ep. (This was kind of(?) done in the Jurassic Park Knockoff Ep they did but not super successfully). I do believe it’s a pacing issue.
That said, I will say that I appreciate it being (more, at least, than the other new treks I’ve seen… which is… only Picard) episodic. I love that they’ve got some new task to handle, some new planet to explore in each ep. In that sense, it’s much more similar to TOS than I could have hoped for, general relationship arcs aside. (But wrt pacing, sometimes I think this works against them bc of how the show is written. They could do a self contained so w a lot of backstory in TOS, but bc of how this show is written, it’s more difficult to accomplish all that in a single ep. Like M’Benga’s daughter? In that specific instance I wish they’d shown him talking about her in previous episodes, and people asking if she was back on earth w his partner or… and him going quiet. Or Hemmer trying to fix the medical transporter in an earlier ep and him freaking out, but not having that immediately resolved… the same goes for discovering Una is… whatever species she is. Would have LOVED to see some xenophobia first—the crew making jokes when they come across some anomaly that it must have been caused by them, or something, and her looking uncomfortable/chastising them/whatever. Or the demonstrated persecution of them broadcast from some federation planet… if we had more context for these stories, if their roots were better established, they’d land harder. But they don’t). So sometimes that episodic formula kind of works against them, but ! like I said. whatever.
frankly, I was ambivalent abt the whole enterprise (la de da) to begin with, so wasn’t expecting much and was pleasantly surprised by it, on the whole. A friend of mine has seen Disco and didn’t think I’d enjoy it, so I haven’t seen that, and I’m not inclined toward watching animation if I can help it so haven’t seen LWD or prodigy, the second of which is literally made for babies but. Yanno. I liked SNW. I didn’t love it, I don’t agree with a lot of decisions they made, but I can see their intentions/where they’re coming from. I LOVE this spock, though think you have to see him as separate from the Spock we see in TOS (like in AOS, you kind of have to appreciate their differences as characters, and learn to love them not as the same person, but as branching extensions from a stem). I also LOVE Pike. I had a lot of hopes about him going into it because I thought the original storyline for him in TOS was done so well in that two part ep that included the original footage from “The Cage”, and I think they did an excellent job tailoring Mount’s Pike to the character laid out there, all the while fleshing him out into a fully fledged captain.
further, I’ve gotta say, I love the antics/shenanigans, and how much everyone seems to like each other. I don’t get the point of rough and tumble, cynical sci fi 24/7. (I do—it has its place, but it shouldn’t be in Star Trek). Even DS9, which as we all know tackled huge narratives abt power dynamics and prejudice and genocide… had episodes where they played baseball. And fishing mini games. Picard, which I’m comparing it to bc, again, it’s the only other trek I’ve seen that’s been produced since AOS (I think), seems similarly jam-packed with shit. Ohh the Borg and here and so are the romulans and Deanna’s son died somehow and the Android suppression as a weird metaphor for ?? Revolution? Workers rights? Idfk? And there’s time travel and fascism and section 31 and corruption at the highest levels of Starfleet which only peepaw and his dog, tintin, can root out. And there’s his mother, for some fucking reason, and-
And it’s all horrible. Everyone’s cynical and mean and/or gratingly stupid/infantile (AGNES!!!!!!). It was refreshing to see something that… wasn’t… that.
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fern-pajamabrain · 6 months
anyways guys, did your minister of foreign relations resign after recordings came out of him asking his former deputy minister to act as if she had lost her phone because she had texts compromising the president in the scandal of an important drug trafficker (who is wanted by interpol) getting an uruguayan passport (thru less than legal means) so he could get out of jail in dubai, who would later be a suspect on the murder of a colombian prosecutor and who spent a few months in bolivia under a fake name playing football in a local league, or is your government normal?
Reference list El País. (2023, July 21). Political scandal rocks Uruguay after passport issued to ‘dangerous and influential’ drug trafficker. https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-07-21/political-scandal-rocks-uruguay-after-passport-issued-to-dangerous-and-influential-drug-trafficker.html Insight Crime. (2023, July 31). Uruguay’s Top Trafficker Disappears Yet Again in Bolivia. https://insightcrime.org/news/uruguay-trafficker-sebastian-marset-story/ Associated Press. (2023, November 1). Uruguay’s foreign minister resigns following leak of audios related to a passport scandal. https://apnews.com/article/bustillo-marset-passport-uruguay-94a90a6eb0a0669462e7758c96924c83
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
I’m being a silly guy again don’t mind me. but my problem is that I’m entirely too willing to devote ungodly amounts of time to thinking about ichinose and his problems because I think. it’s been established. that I like weird guys. but it’s HARD to do that because a) he doesn’t show up nearly as much as masato does b) not as much to work with* and c) The dorm manager doesn’t have a fucking name. so. I don’t know Still might do it though
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daisychainsandbowties · 6 months
well i hope this isnt disappointing but my sushi order is just veggie sushi. so cucumber avocado egg my beloveds <3
also only a 10k? thats so long!!! i could never. back in my running days i maxed out at like 6/7k. good luck on the race tomorrow!
that’s fair that’s fair i was vegetarian for… six years? so i can appreciate some veggie sushi 🥰 (minus the cucumber sorry but that’s my enemy. that’s not my bestie cucumber is what the girls in school used to eat constantly, and while stealing food from them was intellectually rewarding i did not enjoy the spoils of that misadventure 😔)
10k is pushing it for me since i’m only back running for a few weeks following a 6-month casper-sucks-at-self-maintainence break, but i have my little code so they can record my time and i figure i might as well stretch the old don’t die don’t die don’t die chant that’s a hallmark of the 7-9km mark
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
44 TORY MP RESIGNATIONS IN ONE DAY I’M FUCKING WHEEZING. How do you come back from that? If that happened to me I’d just walk into the fucking ocean, that’s so embarrassing
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robofile · 7 months
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Drove to the urgent care cuz I have a painfull infection and I didn't have any masks in my car and I had to drive home and not I don't have the fucking spoons to go back to the fucking urgent care
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froskii · 6 months
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Help pink guy
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spongebob-connoisseur · 6 months
The misery x cpr x reeces puffs meme is kinda outdated but if i was to redo it, I'd like to do so with the 4 Peter Lorre fish.
Resigning fish will always be misery. He literally offs himself
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Slappy is cpr cuz
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The Staring Herring and Slippy would be reeces puffs cuz they both silly :)
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lorre-logic · 6 months
Made by @froskii
Peter Lorre fish fight! The Starring Herring vs The resigning Fish
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bobthebobking · 2 years
been thinking about how both Ralph and Marin ask Link not to forget them but I don't know what to do with this knowledge
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
ok here's what I'm picturing went down before conrad went to earth
ulrike: conrart you've been chosen to deliver julia's soul into an unborn baby from another dimension
conrad: sure but while I'm there can I leave an irreversible stain on the baby's parents' marriage because his mother will forever compare her husband to me and he will inevitably always come up short?
ulrike: of course. your mother will be so proud
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