#Resident evil male vs female polls
tyanis · 3 months
The Resident Evil Male vs Female "Results" Polls 51-100
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
Colors symbolize the victors of the polls and all links are under the cut.
Red = Female | Blue = Male | Purple = Mixed
51. Saw a Ghost (tie)
52. Most Superstitious
53. Best Pumpkin Carver
54. Ghostbusters Team
55. Followed a Will-o-Wisp
56. Turned into a Toad
57. Summoned a Demon
58. Stumbled into an Alternate Dimension
59. Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension
60. Neighborhood Vandals
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61. Best Halloween Party Host
62. Ate The Most Halloween Candy
63. Halloween Party Clean Up
64. Musical Chairs Champion
65. Best Soccer Team
66. Biggest Prankster
67. Who Got Scammed?
68. Who Scammed Steve?
69. Trapped in a Corn Maze
70. Crop Circle Artists
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71. Best Homemade Pie
72. Brunch Brawl
73. Flag Football Team
74. Escape Room Masters
75. UNO Agony
76. MMO Royalty
77. Figure Skating Duo
78. Ice Hockey Team
79. Mountaineering Team
80. Best Snowboarder
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81. Soup Chef
82. Cutest Gingerbread House
83. Ballet Troupe
84. Snowball Fight
85. Most Questionable Snowman
86. Ugliest Sweater
87. Got a Lump of Coal
88. Best Gifters
89. Unicorn Believer
90. Cold/Flu Spreader
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91. Resolution Keepers
92. Frozen Pole Dare
93. Crack Fic Writer
94. Watercolor Artist
95. Guest House Builders
96. Van Repair Team
97. Road Trip Survivors
98. Charades Winners (tie)
99. Bingo!
100. Won the Final Poll
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7 notes · View notes
tyanis · 6 months
The Resident Evil Male vs Female "Results" Polls 1-50
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
The 51-100 polls will obviously be posted once the final poll ends.
Colors symbolize the victors of the polls and all links are under the cut.
Red = Female | Blue = Male | Purple = Mixed
1. Dance Dance Revolution
2. Best Singer
3. Best Streamer
4. Mechanical Bull Riding
5. Monopoly Champion
6. Pyramid Scheme Victim
7. Best Surfer
8. Beach Volleyball Team
9. Best Sand Castle
10. Shoulder Wars Team
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11. Worst Sunburn
12. Biggest Bookworm
13. Most Annoying Memes
14. Best Dodgeball Team
15. Best Roller Derby Team
16. Best Cake Decorator
17. Best 80s Hair Metal Band
18. Fastest Tent Pitching
19. Best Campfire Story
20. Best Hiking Team
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21. Most Bug Bites
22. Best Shelf Building Team
23. Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang
24. Lost The Poll
25. Best Baseball Team
26. Best Trivia Team
27. Chess Champion
28. Best Poets
29. Knitting Gang
30. Best Tennis Pair
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31. Best Basketball Team
32. Best Bowling Team
33. Late To Class
34. School Napper
35. Teacher's Pet
36. Cheerleading Team
37. Best School Mascot
38. Best Axe Thrower
39. Best Crosscut Sawing Team
40. Best Chainsaw Wood Carver
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41. Log Rolling Champion
42. Went On The Most Fair Rides
43. Trapped In A Mirror Maze
44. Carnival Game Master
45. Ate The Most Fair Food
46. Apple Bobbing Champion
47. Halloween Decorating Team
48. Horror Movie Connoisseur
49. Abducted By Aliens
50. Haunted House Dare
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tyanis · 5 months
Poll: Which female Resident Evil character is winning this poll?
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This is poll 100 out of 100!
The male vs female polls have neared the end. The gang is finally free to leave the mansion or linger behind if they so wish.
Some reunite with the guest characters. Some of the adult members maybe pair off into whatever your favorite ship is. Hell, there may even be talks of forming some kind of polycule amongst some of the adult members. Whatever floats your boat.
And some vow to never see the others ever again.
But, before they go, there is one last poll to attend to...
Who is winning the final poll?
That's it. That's the poll.
Feel free to vote for your favorite. Or maybe just a character you think deserves it. Vote for the obvious choice... Or maybe campaign for an underdog.
You'll have a week to find a winner so make sure to spread this around with some propaganda over who you want to win. Just be nice about it.
I wish all the characters good luck and I'll see you all in a week!
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Winner goes on to face the winner of the male poll so make sure to vote in both!
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tyanis · 5 months
Poll: Which male Resident Evil character is winning this poll?
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This is poll 100 out of 100!
The male vs female polls have neared the end. The gang is finally free to leave the mansion or linger behind if they so wish.
Some reunite with the guest characters. Some of the adult members maybe pair off into whatever your favorite ship is. Hell, there may even be talks of forming some kind of polycule amongst some of the adult members. Whatever floats your boat.
And some vow to never see the others ever again.
But, before they go, there is one last poll to attend to...
Who is winning the final poll?
That's it. That's the poll.
Feel free to vote for your favorite. Or maybe just a character you think deserves it. Vote for the obvious choice... Or maybe campaign for an underdog.
You'll have a week to find a winner so make sure to spread this around with some propaganda over who you want to win. Just be nice about it.
I wish all the characters good luck and I'll see you all in a week!
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Winner goes on to face the winner of the female poll so make sure to vote in both!
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tyanis · 7 months
The Toad Ethan Saga.
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So, probably the funniest... or stupidest thing to come out of my Resident Evil male vs female polls was that week Ethan got turned into a toad.
I decided to gather links to those polls as a little reminder that this was a thing that happened.
Now, the catalyst for all of this was Rose following a will-o-wisp into some haunted woods.
The rest of the gang went after her only to discover that she'd stumbled upon a witch's cabin. The witch, annoyed at having so many strangers in her house, threatened to turn them into toads.
Most left pretty quickly but Ashley and Ethan were a little too slow.
And that is how we got Toad Ethan.
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Taking the witch at her word that the spell would only last a week, the gang headed home and chose to just continue life as normal. Unfortunately, one of them swiped an ancient artifact from the witch's cabin.
Back at home, both Ashley and Toad Ethan ended up messing around with these artifacts without knowing what they were.
And then Toad Ethan accidentally summoned a demon.
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Hunk, Ashley, and Steve barricade said demon in a room, never to speak of it again. But not long after, some strange occurances started happening in the house...
As Toad Ethan hopped near a dangerous gas leak in the basement, Rose heard something strange behind a bookshelf.
After Steve rescued Toad Ethan from the gas leak, the group realized that Rose was gone, having stepped into an alternate dimension.
Acting quickly, the group began to organize a rescue party.
Unfortunately, a second gas leak was discovered and more people had to stay behind, leaving only six brave souls to enter the alternate dimension to save Rose.
They had a terrible time. Luckily(?) thanks to the trauma of being in the hellscape and then being chucked out of it by Chris, Toad Ethan finally went back to being just regular Ethan.
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And that's the story of the most magical week of my polls. I will not be able to top this level of stupidity.
I hope...
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tyanis · 11 months
Resident Evil male vs female poll stats.
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More record keeping for my dumb polls.
Kinda lengthy so stats are under the cut.
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Wins: 10
Individual: Carnival Games Master
Team: Beach Volleyball, Shoulder Wars, Roller Derby, Baseball, Ghostbusters, Crop Circle Artists, Flag Football Team, Snowball Fight, Guest House Builders
Final Round Appearances: 22
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Wins: 18
Individual: Most Annoying Memes, Bingo!
Team: Dodgeball, Best 80s Hair Metal Band, Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang, Knitting Gang, Basketball Team, Bowling Team, Cheerleading Team, Haunted House Dare, Ghostbusters, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Soccer Team, Trapped in a Corn Maze, Figure Skating Duo, Hockey Team, Road Trip Survivors, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 30
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Wins: 17
Individual: DDR, Surfing, Most Fair Rides, Horror Movie Connoisseur, Best Snowboarder
Team: Roller Derby, Safest Hiker, Baseball, Tennis Team, Cheerleading Team, Ghostbusters, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Neighborhood Vandal, Flag Football Team, Ballet Troupe, Guest House Builders, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 30
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Wins: 10
Individual: School Napper, Best School Mascot, Ate The Most Fair Food, Ate The Most Halloween Candy
Team: Dodgeball, Basketball Team, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Soccer Team, Resolution Keepers, Guest House Builders
Final Round Appearances: 20
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Wins: 9
Individual: None
Team: Shelf Building, Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang, Baseball, Knitting Gang, Cheerleading Team, Ballet Troupe, Snowball Fight, Best Gifters, Resolution Keepers
Final Round Appearances: 18
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Wins: 13
Individual: King of the Pies
Team: Dodgeball, Best 80s Hair Metal Band, Best Poets, Basketball Team, Bowling Team, Cheerleading Team, Crosscut Sawing, Soccer Team, Mountaineering Team, Best Gifters, Guest House Builders, Road Trip Survivors
Final Round Appearances: 26
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Wins: 11
Individual: Monopoly Queen, Log Rolling, Musical Chairs Champion
Team: Roller Derby, Trivia Team, Tennis Team, Crop Circle Artists, Flag Football Team, Escape Room Masters, Ballet Troupe, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 17
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Wins: 6
Individual: Most Superstitious
Team: Best 80s Hair Metal Band, Best Poets, Soccer Team, Figure Skating Duo, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 17
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Wins: 23
Individual: Best Singer, Worst Sunburn, Biggest Bookworm, Chess Champion, Best Pumpkin Carver, Best Halloween Host, UNO Agony, Watercolor Artist
Team: Beach Volleyball, Shoulder Wars, Baseball, Trivia Team, Best Poets, Knitting Gang, Halloween Decorating Team, Haunted House Dare, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Crop Circle Artists, Flag Football Team, Snowball Fight, Best Gifters, Guest House Builders, Road Trip Survivors
Final Round Appearances: 33
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Wins: 14
Individual: Pyramid Scheme Victim, Saw a Ghost, Turned into a Toad, Summoned a Demon, Halloween Mess Cleanup, Soup Chef, Cold/Flu Spreader
Team: Best Poets, Knitting Gang, Bowling Team, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Trapped in a Corn Maze, Hockey Team, Best Gifters
Final Round Appearances: 25
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Wins: 9
Individual: Best Sand Castle, Cutest Cake, Least Votes
Team: Best Poets, Knitting Gang, Cutest Gingerbread House, Ballet Troupe, Snowball Fight, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 13
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Wins: 4
Individual: None
Team: Cheerleading Team, Soccer Team, Resolution Keepers, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 16
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Wins: 7
Individual: None
Team: Roller Derby, Safest Hiker, Shelf Building, Baseball, Halloween Decorating Team, Flag Football Team, Escape Room Masters
Final Round Appearances: 13
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Wins: 9
Individual: Got a Lump of Coal
Team: Dodgeball, Haunted House Dare, Soccer Team, Brunch Brawlers, Hockey Team, Ballet Troupe, Resolution Keepers, Road Trip Survivors
Final Round Appearances: 22
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Wins: 7
Individual: Best Streamer, Most Bug Bites
Team: Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang, Knitting Gang, Cheerleading Team, Cutest Gingerbread House, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 20
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Wins: 8
Individual: Late to School, Trapped in a Mirror Maze, Abducted by Aliens, Got Scammed, Unicorn Believer, Got Tongue Stuck to a Frozen Pole
Team: Soccer Team, Brunch Brawlers
Final Round Appearances: 14
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Wins: 6
Individual: Followed a Will-O-Wisp, Stumbled into an Alternate Dimension
Team: Baseball, Trivia Team , Halloween Decorating Team, Snowball Fight
Final Round Appearances: 13
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Wins: 14
Individual: Mechanical Bull Riding, Spookiest Campfire Story, Axe Throwing, Biggest Prankster, Most Questionable Snowman, Crack Fic Writer
Team: Best 80s Hair Metal Band, Haunted House Dare, Soccer Team, Brunch Brawlers, Hockey Team, Mountaineering Team, Guest House Builders, Van Repair Team
Final Round Appearances: 22
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Wins: 6
Individual: MMO Queen
Team: Baseball, Trivia Team, Halloween Decorating Team, Crop Circle Artists, Resolution Keepers
Final Round Appearances: 10
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Wins: 8
Individual: Fastest Tent Pitching
Team: Dodgeball, Best 80s Hair Metal Band, Soccer Team, Brunch Brawlers, Hockey Team, Ballet Troupe, Charades Winners
Final Round Appearances: 12
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Wins: 4
Individual: None
Team: Roller Derby, Baseball, Flag Football Team, Snowball Fight
Final Round Appearances: 8
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Wins: 6
Individual: None
Team: Basketball Team, Neighborhood Vandal, Soccer Team, Hockey Team, Ballet Troupe, Van Repair Team
Final Round Appearances: 11
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Wins: 6
Individual: Chainsaw Wood Carving, Also Saw a Ghost
Team: Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang, Baseball, Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension, Flag Football Team
Final Round Appearances: 16
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Wins: 8
Individual: None
Team: Basketball Team, Bowling Team, Crosscut Sawing, Haunted House Dare, Ghostbusters, Soccer Team, Mountaineering Team, Road Trip Survivors
Final Round Appearances: 13
Guest Character Stats:
Wins: 0
Individual: None
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 2
Wins: 2
Individual: Teacher's Pet
Team: Mountaineering Team
Final Round Appearances: 4
Wins: 0
Individual: None
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 3
Wins: 0
Individual: None
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 1
Wins: 1
Individual: Scammed Steve
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 1
Wins: 0
Individual: None
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 2
Wins: 0
Individual: None
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 1
Wins: 1
Individual: Ugliest Sweater
Team: None
Final Round Appearances: 1
43 notes · View notes
tyanis · 7 months
Concerning my Resident Evil male vs female polls...
Ok so... I'm gonna run out of material for these eventually. And don't get me wrong, I love doing them but they take up a surprising amount of time every day.
There's also the fact that my polls tend to clog up the tags of some of the less popular characters...
Now, I do plan on doing them til the end of the year. After that? I don't know.
My ask box is open in case you have any ideas for polls you would really like to see. Just keep in mind that a couple of the contestants are minors so there's certain things I won't do.
Also, feel free to do your own version of these polls. They ARE really fun.
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tyanis · 11 months
Poll: Help me figure out the top ten women for my male vs female polls!
So, Helena and Sheva have been lagging a bit behind the other contestants and as badly as I want to keep them, I want as much competition as possible.
I've gathered up a few more female Resident Evil characters alongside Helena and Sheva and I want you guys to vote on the one you either like the most or the one you think has the most potential for my polls. Top TWO will either get or keep their spot on the list.
I may do this from time to time whenever the roster feels stagnant.
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17 notes · View notes
tyanis · 3 months
The Resident Evil Male vs Female "Finals" Polls 51-100
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
Links to the polls under the cut.
51. Saw a Ghost
52. Most Superstitious
53. Best Pumpkin Carver
54. Ghostbusters Team
55. Followed a Will-o-Wisp
56. Turned into a Toad
57. Summoned a Demon
58. Stumbled into an Alternate Dimension
59. Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension
60. Neighborhood Vandals
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61. Best Halloween Party Host
62. Ate The Most Halloween Candy
63. Halloween Party Clean Up
64. Musical Chairs Champion
65. Best Soccer Team
66. Biggest Prankster
67. Who Got Scammed?
68. Who Scammed Steve?
69. Trapped in a Corn Maze
70. Crop Circle Artists
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71. Best Homemade Pie
72. Brunch Brawl
73. Flag Football Team
74. Escape Room Masters
75. UNO Agony
76. MMO Royalty
77. Figure Skating Duo
78. Ice Hockey Team
79. Mountaineering Team
80. Best Snowboarder
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81. Soup Chef
82. Cutest Gingerbread House
83. Ballet Troupe
84. Snowball Fight
85. Most Questionable Snowman
86. Ugliest Sweater
87. Got a Lump of Coal
88. Best Gifters
89. Unicorn Believer
90. Cold/Flu Spreader
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91. Resolution Keepers
92. Frozen Pole Dare
93. Crack Fic Writer
94. Watercolor Artist
95. Guest House Builders
96. Van Repair Team
97. Road Trip Survivors
98. Charades Winners
99. Bingo!
100. Won the Final Poll
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3 notes · View notes
tyanis · 3 months
The Resident Evil Male Character Polls 51-100
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
Links to the polls under the cut.
51. Saw a Ghost
52. Most Superstitious
53. Best Pumpkin Carver
54. Ghostbusters Team
55. Followed a Will-o-Wisp
56. Turned into a Toad
57. Summoned a Demon
58. Stumbled into an Alternate Dimension
59. Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension
60. Neighborhood Vandals
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61. Best Halloween Party Host
62. Ate The Most Halloween Candy
63. Halloween Party Clean Up
64. Musical Chairs Champion
65. Best Soccer Team
66. Biggest Prankster
67. Who Got Scammed?
68. Who Scammed Steve?
69. Trapped in a Corn Maze
70. Crop Circle Artists
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71. Best Homemade Pie
72. Brunch Brawl
73. Flag Football Team
74. Escape Room Masters
75. UNO Agony
76. MMO Royalty
77. Figure Skating Duo
78. Ice Hockey Team
79. Mountaineering Team
80. Best Snowboarder
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81. Soup Chef
82. Cutest Gingerbread House
83. Ballet Troupe
84. Snowball Fight
85. Most Questionable Snowman
86. Ugliest Sweater
87. Got a Lump of Coal
88. Best Gifters
89. Unicorn Believer
90. Cold/Flu Spreader
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91. Resolution Keepers
92. Frozen Pole Dare
93. Crack Fic Writer
94. Watercolor Artist
95. Guest House Builders
96. Van Repair Team
97. Road Trip Survivors
98. Charades Winners
99. Bingo!
100. Won the Final Poll
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3 notes · View notes
tyanis · 3 months
The Resident Evil Female Character Polls 51-100
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
Links to the polls under the cut.
51. Saw a Ghost
52. Most Superstitious
53. Best Pumpkin Carver
54. Ghostbusters Team
55. Followed a Will-o-Wisp
56. Turned into a Toad
57. Summoned a Demon
58. Stumbled into an Alternate Dimension
59. Saved Rose from an Alternate Dimension
60. Neighborhood Vandals
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61. Best Halloween Party Host
62. Ate The Most Halloween Candy
63. Halloween Party Clean Up
64. Musical Chairs Champion
65. Best Soccer Team
66. Biggest Prankster
67. Who Got Scammed?
68. Who Scammed Steve?
69. Trapped in a Corn Maze
70. Crop Circle Artists
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71. Best Homemade Pie
72. Brunch Brawl
73. Flag Football Team
74. Escape Room Masters
75. UNO Agony
76. MMO Royalty
77. Figure Skating Duo
78. Ice Hockey Team
79. Mountaineering Team
80. Best Snowboarder
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81. Soup Chef
82. Cutest Gingerbread House
83. Ballet Troupe
84. Snowball Fight
85. Most Questionable Snowman
86. Ugliest Sweater
87. Got a Lump of Coal
88. Best Gifters
89. Unicorn Believer
90. Cold/Flu Spreader
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91. Resolution Keepers
92. Frozen Pole Dare
93. Crack Fic Writer
94. Watercolor Artist
95. Guest House Builders
96. Van Repair Team
97. Road Trip Survivors
98. Charades Winners
99. Bingo!
100. Won the Last Poll
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2 notes · View notes
tyanis · 6 months
The Resident Evil Male Character Polls 1-50
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
The 51-100 polls will obviously be posted once the final poll ends.
Links to the polls under the cut.
1. Dance Dance Revolution
2. Best Singer
3. Best Streamer
4. Mechanical Bull Riding
5. Monopoly Champion
6. Pyramid Scheme Victim
7. Best Surfer
8. Beach Volleyball Team
9. Best Sand Castle
10. Shoulder Wars Team
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11. Worst Sunburn
12. Biggest Bookworm
13. Most Annoying Memes
14. Best Dodgeball Team
15. Best Roller Derby Team
16. Best Cake Decorator
17. Best 80s Hair Metal Band
18. Fastest Tent Pitching
19. Best Campfire Story
20. Best Hiking Team
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21. Most Bug Bites
22. Best Shelf Building Team
23. Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang
24. Lost The Poll
25. Best Baseball Team
26. Best Trivia Team
27. Chess Champion
28. Best Poets
29. Knitting Gang
30. Best Tennis Pair
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31. Best Basketball Team
32. Best Bowling Team
33. Late To Class
34. School Napper
35. Teacher's Pet
36. Cheerleading Team
37. Best School Mascot
38. Best Axe Thrower
39. Best Crosscut Sawing Team
40. Best Chainsaw Wood Carver
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41. Log Rolling Champion
42. Went On The Most Fair Rides
43. Trapped In A Mirror Maze
44. Carnival Game Master
45. Ate The Most Fair Food
46. Apple Bobbing Champion
47. Halloween Decorating Team
48. Horror Movie Connoisseur
49. Abducted By Aliens
50. Haunted House Dare
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4 notes · View notes
tyanis · 6 months
The Resident Evil Female Character Polls 1-50
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
The 51-100 polls will obviously be posted once the final poll ends.
Links to the polls under the cut.
1. Dance Dance Revolution
2. Best Singer
3. Best Streamer
4. Mechanical Bull Riding
5. Monopoly Champion
6. Pyramid Scheme Victim
7. Best Surfer
8. Beach Volleyball Team
9. Best Sand Castle
10. Shoulder Wars Team
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11. Worst Sunburn
12. Biggest Bookworm
13. Most Annoying Memes
14. Best Dodgeball Team
15. Best Roller Derby Team
16. Best Cake Decorator
17. Best 80s Hair Metal Band
18. Fastest Tent Pitching
19. Best Campfire Story
20. Best Hiking Team
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21. Most Bug Bites
22. Best Shelf Building Team
23. Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang
24. Lost The Poll
25. Best Baseball Team
26. Best Trivia Team
27. Chess Champion
28. Best Poets
29. Knitting Gang
30. Best Tennis Pair
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31. Best Basketball Team
32. Best Bowling Team
33. Late To Class
34. School Napper
35. Teacher's Pet
36. Cheerleading Team
37. Best School Mascot
38. Best Axe Thrower
39. Best Crosscut Sawing Team
40. Best Chainsaw Wood Carver
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41. Log Rolling Champion
42. Went On The Most Fair Rides
43. Trapped In A Mirror Maze
44. Carnival Game Master
45. Ate The Most Fair Food
46. Apple Bobbing Champion
47. Halloween Decorating Team
48. Horror Movie Connoisseur
49. Abducted By Aliens
50. Haunted House Dare
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3 notes · View notes
tyanis · 6 months
The Resident Evil Male vs Female "Finals" Polls 1-50
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Because tumblr's archive system is a joke, I've taken it upon myself to catalogue all of my "male vs female" polls. This is mostly for my own benefit but it has also been fun to reminisce.
The 51-100 polls will obviously be posted once the final poll ends.
Links to the polls under the cut.
1. Dance Dance Revolution
2. Best Singer
3. Best Streamer
4. Mechanical Bull Riding
5. Monopoly Champion
6. Pyramid Scheme Victim
7. Best Surfer
8. Beach Volleyball Team
9. Best Sand Castle
10. Shoulder Wars Team
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11. Worst Sunburn
12. Biggest Bookworm
13. Most Annoying Memes
14. Best Dodgeball Team
15. Best Roller Derby Team
16. Best Cake Decorator
17. Best 80s Hair Metal Band
18. Fastest Tent Pitching
19. Best Campfire Story
20. Best Hiking Team
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21. Most Bug Bites
22. Best Shelf Building Team
23. Orange Mocha Frappuccino Gang
24. Lost The Poll
25. Best Baseball Team
26. Best Trivia Team
27. Chess Champion
28. Best Poets
29. Knitting Gang
30. Best Tennis Pair
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31. Best Basketball Team
32. Best Bowling Team
33. Late To Class
34. School Napper
35. Teacher's Pet
36. Cheerleading Team
37. Best School Mascot
38. Best Axe Thrower
39. Best Crosscut Sawing Team
40. Best Chainsaw Wood Carver
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41. Log Rolling Champion
42. Went On The Most Fair Rides
43. Trapped In A Mirror Maze
44. Carnival Game Master
45. Ate The Most Fair Food
46. Apple Bobbing Champion
47. Halloween Decorating Team
48. Horror Movie Connoisseur
49. Abducted By Aliens
50. Haunted House Dare
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2 notes · View notes
tyanis · 11 months
The Resident Evil male vs female competition results. Batch One.
Every ten polls or so I'm going to gather up the results and post links for record keeping.
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tyanis · 11 months
I feel I should mention that I consider cheating to be a 100% valid strategy when it comes to my Resident Evil male vs female polls.
So keep that in mind going forward (especially for the poll coming after the mechanical bull one wraps up).
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