#Red Dropplets Sanji
romanxeisdeadbutimnot · 4 months
Vamp!Sanji x Zoro au drabble // (I've made lore to this specific au I still need to come up with a name for it)
Abandonment was a theme all too familiar to Sanji - his younger years were none to bright, and the outside world was known to be cruel. Immortals were not immune to the harshness of life, and Sanji was filled to the brim with scars.
The place he stayed at, the large mansion that had once belonged to his family, was his own sanctuary. Rarely leaving, Sanji knew the place better than his own name.
His body was weak at the moment. It was disgusting, how the blood of humans was the only thing that kept his body from turning into a beast of unlovable value.
Weakness meant Sanji couldn't stay his normal self. His taller body, his regular old self couldn't be sustained. His body would revert back into those forms, the ones that revealed the parts of Sanji that he either feared or couldn't leave behind.
Sitting on the windowsill, Sanji watched as the sun slowly started setting. The shade from the roof's edge kept Sanji safe, hidden from the harsh rays of the star.
Nobody ever visited. Not like Sanji had anyone to visit, anyway. As much as it pained him, he refrained from even speaking to the lovely ladies that caught his eye.
He couldn't get close to anyone. But that was a story for later.
In the distance of the forest, there was visible movement.
How odd. To see it from this distance, there must be something going on. Sanji had eyes everywhere around his end of this deadly forest, and yet he knew of nothing that could cause such ruckus.
The rare occasion of a visitor? Of perhaps, a lost soul viable for his next meal? Sanji wouldn't have to go hunting for small creatures all night, if he got lucky.
Little did Sanji know, that the visitor he would get would change everything.
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