#Raymond Boombox
astralbondpro · 1 year
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Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy // S01E01: Pele
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grimmars · 1 year
Noel fielding character sexuality headcanons!
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Richmond Avenal:
Amab non-binary (they/them) - Bisexual
Gay posh vampire fits the bill
Vince Noir:
Afab genderfiuld (any pronouns) - Bisexual
Doesn't really mind being called a girl
Thought he was only into girls before they entered the goth scene
Noel (Luxury comedy):
Amab libramasculine (they/he) - Pansexual
No one on this show has a gender (except for dolly and maybe raymond boombox)
Mtf trans woman (she/her) - Unlabelled
Dickie was the only one I got stuck on sexuality wise, I don't know what she'd be into considering the area she's in isn't giving many options
Plus, she needs mad therapy I feel bad for my queen
Noel (Mint royale - Blue):
Ftm trans man (he/him) - Gay-Polyamorous
100% in a poly relationship with the robbers
They give him a cut for t-shots and saving for surgery
Had a punk phase and may or may not still be going through it
Noel (Wuthering Heights):
Mtf trans woman (she/her) - Lesbian
She's really sweet and gets really shy when girls call her pretty
Loves cottagecore and fairycore aesthetics
(I chose to ignore the kiss on the judges cheek for my headcanon)
If there was a spider-verse for noel fielding characters, Wuthering heights and Mint royale would be besties.
Ed Banger:
Cis man (he/him) - Gay
No one remembers Ed but he was the first noel character I ever saw and my life changed forever
He has no personality but is gay cause he's a rock star played by noel so duh
Pete Sweet:
Cis man (he/him) - Bisexual - Polyamorous
Is probably married to stitch like 20 years later
Maybe they added a third to their relationship at one point
I like to imagine that sweet is an au of mighty boosh where everything is the same but no fantasy stuff happens, they just work in a shop and love each other
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lazyrants · 1 month
Dear Diary (prod 118)
Original airdate: June 7, 2005
Story by Hanna Maja
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Raymond P. Le Gue
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Amanda Maddock
The first season of LazyTown was ordered 40 episodes, but the producers met their deadline and only produced 35. Thus being why there are four clip shows in this seasons - and I remember not being very fond of this one.
The episode begins with a recycled cold open from the episode before this - The Laziest Town. Only the banana scene plays and we get a new shot of the peel falling onto the ping pong ball, but couldn't they have just filmed a new one or just recycled from an even OLDER episode? Taking it from the previous one is just.. Lazy in LazyTown.
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Stephanie is in her room with her diary and Milford has messed up the laundry - his pants shrunk & one of his socks are pink. He offers to give it to her, but she is writing in her diary about everything that happens in LazyTown and she shows Milford a page about the first day she was in town (Welcome to LazyTown).
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Then a page about when Milford spilled Bessie's drink and when he nearly fell from the ladder (Sportafake), and then when they played against the Soccer Bot (Soccer Sucker). That scene just grinds my gears, spoilers! Soccer Sucker is the TWENTY FOURTH episode of LazyTown. THIS IS THE SIXTEENTH.
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Milford asks about how Stephanie has time to write in her diary (she looks at the clock, durr) because she's full of energy, and then she remembers the time they sang a song about it (Sports Day). Meanwhile, Robbie is eavesdropping on Stingy and Trixie fighting over a basketball.
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Stephanie pops up and they stop talking to each other. Trixie asks Stephanie to prove that Stingy says everything is his a lot - like the time he said the seesaw was his (Welcome to LazyTown), the time he said the ladder was his (Sportafake), the time he said Ziggy's candy maker was his (Happy Brush Day) and the song he made about it (It's Mine!) which is genuinely amazing. Not because of the memes or anything. Then they mock the song and Stingy says that it's his song (which he's right, but the thing is they changed up the lyrics to 'absolutely definitely mine')
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Stephanie says she writes everything good in her diary, and then she flips to a page with the song 'Step by Step' (Hero for a Day) and when they built the treehouse. So 75% of this episode is recycled footage and shots. How annoying. So they go to a bench and decide to do some cartwheeling with music. Stephanie goes to get the boombox and Trixie says 'Oh, well I guess I'll just stay here, okay'. It wasn't really that funny, but the way 'Ok' is said really topped it off. LOLZ.
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Robbie wants to stop this icky friendness (Stefan Karl himself said deep down Robbie wants some friends) so he gets a pink piece of paper that was coincidentally next to him that he didn't have at all before this scene and writes the following words- 'DEAR DIARY. MY WORST FRIEND IS TRIXIE MY SECOND WORST FRIEND IS PIXEL MY 3.RD WORST FRIEND IS ZIGGY AND MY 4.TH WORST FRIEND IS PIXEL'. He puts the slip of paper on the bench and Trixie reads it.
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It's funny because even a blind person could tell that's not Stephanie's cursive handwriting.. It's not even in cursive. Not to mention, no idiot actually writes secrets in a diary. It's not like the book has a high tech security system. The plan succeeds and Trixie reads it to everyone. Ziggy is pumped when Trixie says Ziggy is her 3rd favourite and starts bragging. LOL!!
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Anyways, they all are super mad at her and Stephanie is sulking in her bedroom. Meanwhile Milford has washed his shirt and turned the letters on it upside down (how do you even do that..??).
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He says he will use it when he will stand on his head (kinda funny) but Stephanie is too sad to respond. He asks what is wrong and Stephanie says Trixie is being mean to her for no reason (she does have a reason, so Stephanie is WRONG!!).
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The above screenshot makes me realize that Stephanie's eyelashes look really stupid. She's obviously got her eyes open, but you can't see them because of the stupid eyelashes. It looks like she's crying black tears - 'Loud House' style. Anyways, Milford's advice is to ask her other friends what's going on and Stephanie says Milford is the best. Maybe not in laundry, but, eh.
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So Stephanie walks in Pixel's house and they all shuffle to the other side of his couch and everyone is avoiding face contact and nobody'll talk to her. She is pissed and walks off 'angry-black-mom' style. I don't blame her.
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An instrumental version of 'Have you Never Been Sad' plays over clips of Stephanie walking slowly and sadly. I nearly got teary eyed myself, but Sportacus came to the rescue. Enough crying. I need to see his backflips.
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Stephanie tells the whole story to Sportacus and how she gives up on the whole thing. Sportacus then comes back with her own argument - Always a Way (Defeeted). After the song finishes, Sportacus goes to Pixel's house to see what's wrong and they say that she said mean things about them all. Then Stingy shows Sportacus the note.
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But he doesn't believe Stephanie wrote it (more proof for my headcanon Stephanie is Sporty's favourite of the childs). He tells them to go talk to Stephanie about it, and Stephanie says she didn't do it while Robbie is watching.
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Her first piece of proof - her diary paper is white. Her second piece of proof - she only writes nice stuff - e.g. Stingy returning Sportacus' crystal (The Great Crystal Caper), Pixel making the treehouse blueprint, when Ziggy worked out with Sportacus (Super Hero for a Day), and when Trixie saved her (Lazy Scouts). She should be a lawyer. While they are all hugging, Robbie snatches the diary again.
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Except, this time, he is gonna write bad stuff about Sportacus ('Sportacus is SO annoying!') But he gets distracted by a page Stephanie has written about him. She has written the following: 'Robbie really likes cake (Swiped Sweets). Sometimes he does funny stuff (falling in Welcome to LazyTown). Other times, he just wants to relax (Super Hero for a Day). But mostly, I think he's a big softie.' What a kind soul. Meanwhile, the kids notice it is lost and start looking for it. Robbie proves the 'softie' statement by giving the diary back.
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Robbie is curious as if she is gonna write about him and he puts his finger in the diary. Then she closes it and Robbie just says he's curious. Aw, man, I feel bad for him. He did something nice then right after it Stephanie thinks he's gonna snoop. ): To answer the question, Stephanie writes the following: 'Robbie Rotten can be super sneaky. One time he'. Then Bing Bang plays - a montage of scenes from the past 15 episodes in a 'sitcom finale' style. (This is recycled for 'Greatest Hits'.) Maybe this would've fit better as the finale of Season 1 over Sportacus on the Move! The episode ends with Stephanie closing her diary on a page that says 'Living in Lazytown is great! Living in Lazytown is great! Living in Lazytown is great! Living in Lazytown is great!' No joke.
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This is one of those episodes that become better once you watch it more. Kinda like with some Sports Candy.
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z34l0t · 1 year
"What happens when the dark, pathetic lives of two losers are swallowed by pop culture and morphed into an exercise in art, irony, and merchandising?"
"Peter J. Haskett has indeed become a pop-culture artifact. But that's the extent of Rosenthal's metaphor. The object of today's search is no fiction. Haskett's life has been appropriated, edited, turned into absurdist theater, packaged, and sold over and over again. But he is very real, a fact Rosenthal and I will learn when we finally track him down in a lonely Tenderloin hotel room."
"There, bathed in the aroma of booze, coagulated cooking grease, and GPC menthol cigarettes, the movie producer will finally meet the 67-year-old former advertising executive and convince him to sign over the rights to his life story for an undisclosed amount of money. Rosenthal will also confront for the first time the imponderable sorrow of the life he's purchased and the story he's committed himself to tell."
"By the time we found our front-row seats, Raymond and Peter were already on the verge of underground fame. Their role as the Abbott and Costello of boozing had already been fixed in 1987 when two twentysomethings, Eddie Lee Sausage and Mitchell D., moved in next door. (Eddie Lee and Mitchell asked to be identified by their long-standing pseudonyms.)"
"Two recent college graduates from the University of Wisconsin, Eddie Lee and Mitchell took the first apartment they saw when they moved out to San Francisco. Only after they signed the lease did the landlady mention the "loud neighbors.""
"Soon Eddie, whose paper-thin bedroom wall abutted Raymond and Peter's living room, was being roused from slumber by brawls next door. Eddie Lee says he went by one evening to ask for some peace and quiet and Ray threatened to kill him."
"I was a killer before you were born, and I'll be a killer after you die, Eddie Lee recalls Raymond saying."
"This encounter, coupled with the skull Raymond and Peter kept in their window, frightened him, Eddie Lee says. To amass evidence of threats, Eddie Lee and Mitchell say they began taping the fights next door with a crude boombox. They went as far as to dangle a microphone into Raymond and Peter's window."
"By 1989, when they left the apartment, Eddie Lee and Mitchell had become completely obsessed with Raymond and Peter."
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gacktova · 6 years
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gigabats · 6 years
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Sgt Raymond Boombox, the only good cop
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boosh-moodboards · 6 years
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♥✩ Boosh Mood Boards ✩♥
#37: Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy (Season 1)
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Boombox on live gig
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heckoffmate · 6 years
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The rainbow of Noel Fielding characters! A random idea I had and wanted to make.
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blackaproncraft · 6 years
Boombox: Now you report to your local precinct, 6am for weapons training!
Dolly: Oh, come on, I can't get up that early. Besides I already have a job.
Boombox: Oh really. What is it you do ma'am?
Dolly: I'm a slasher.
Boombox: A what?
Dolly: You know: a DJ, slash knit wear designer, slash model. Plus I do pop up stores where I sell my own jewelry.
Boombox: Ma'am with all due respect none of those things are real jobs.
Too real, Luxury Comedy. Too real.
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laufire · 4 years
Rules: describe yourself with 10 pictures you already have. No downloading or searching for new ones. Then tag 10.
tagged by the lovely @wonderdoves (thank you <3)
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[ID: Marina and the Diamonds meme template. A first picture where she looks shocked, holding a mic, and a second one where she pulls it closer and smirks, interested.]
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[ID: “you’re so relaxed. Nothing seems to bother you.” Me: *picture of plates inside a glass case, pressed precariously against its door and ready to fall and crash as soon as it opens*]
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[ID: Martin Prince from The Simpsons saying “I brought this on myself.”]
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[ID: Doctor House dancing with a boombox on his shoulder and ridiculous plastic glasses.]
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[ID: Chloe from Don’t Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 saying “Fake sarcastic shock, I was right?!”]
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[ID: Emily Gilmore in Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life saying “I can’t spend any more time and energy on artifice and bullshit.”]
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[ID: Raymond Holt from Brooklyn Nine Nine yelling “VINDICATION!”.]
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[ID: gif of Stephen Amnell jumping from the audience into a fighting ring.]
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[ID: Mitchell from Gilmore Girls saying “Get off my side immediately.”]
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[ID: Nick Miller from New Girl freaking out over not receiving notes (on his book). “No notes. No notes?!”; “No notes? WHAT DOES ‘NO NOTES’ EVEN MEAN?”.]
tagging: @bergmancapa @bombshellsandbluebells @equusgirl​ @magalimoons​ @missbrunettebarbie @nectargrapes @obijuanjabroni @punishandenslavesuckers @richiesseth @zombiescorp​. And if someone else wants to do it, go ahead ^-^
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quiltsugar02 · 2 years
Skywalker Av Supply
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 7 years
My StEx OC’s
To say that these are my “OC’s” is not to imply that I have fully crafted character bios and sketches of each one. Only a few are ones that I’ve actually developed (like the fanbabies, e.g. Rusty’s kids, Ashton and Starla). Mostly I keep this list for when I need a character. “Oh, I need a repair truck in this scene -- I’ll use Emma the M.O.W. car.” “There should be some kind of food-service vehicle -- let’s use Olive the dining car.” “Poppa needs to mention an old friend in his story -- how about Malachi the Mallet?”
Locomotives Bernadette the steam engine Big Roy the Big Boy steam engine Sandy the sea-side train engine Malachi the Mallet Warren the Warbonnet diesel engine (Santa Fe) Eris the atmospheric train Bonnie the female Warbonnet diesel engine Jammer the female diesel (roller derby) Alpha the A-Unit engine Beta the B-Unit engine Bill the Billboard freight engine (Santa Fe) Amber the electric engine Juice Jack the electric engine Davenport the female electric Columbia the Columbian steam engine Watson the electric engine Gina the steam engine Raymond the solar-powered engine Coltrane -- coal train locomotive Shock the electric engine (contributed by little brother) Miles the long-haul train Pilot the switch engine Bumper the switch engine Ilene the tilting train
Non-Locos and Associates Taxi the cab car Ella the L Train Coleman the tender (coal car) Colette the tender Nicole the tender Hep Cat the H.E.P. car (head-end power) Jenny the steam-generator car
Head-End Equipment (Passenger Cars that Don’t Carry Guests) Millie the milk car Darian the milk car Maylee the mail car Posie the postal car Arthur the RPO (mail) Arlene the RPO Travis the Traveling Post Office car Otto the autorack car Zipporah the baggage car Sue Casey the baggage car Handel the baggage car Dorothy the dormitory car Marian the horse car Clydesdale the horse car (partner with Bonnie: "Bonnie and Clydesdale")
Passenger Coaches (Non-Sleeper) Corrie/Cordelia the corridor car Charity the chair car Priscilla "Miss Priss" the private car Penny the open car Opal the open car Columbine the combine car Cassie the casino car Cynthia the cinema car Emily the emigrant car Collin the colonist car Daisy the day coach Mark 3 the British carriage Peace the quiet car Seymour the observation car Prima the first-class car Parthenia the parlor car Lora the parlor car Sofia the lounge car
Food Service Cars Mitropa the German dining car Mikki McTrain the McDonald's dining car Kitty the kitchen car Kappa the kitchen car Barney the bar car Ginny the tavern car Beverly the beverage car Barbie the grill car Bebe Queue the grill car Fred Harvey the dining car Delicia the dessert car Barbara the lounge car (with a barber shop) Libby the library lounge car Mimi the piano-bar car Ladonna the ladies lounge car Sally the saloon car Phryne the grill car (fry-knee) Olive the dining car Ambrosia the dining car
Earl Lee the breakfast diner (on sleeper trains that leave too late to serve dinner)
Sleepers Daytona Beach the Pullman sun-lounge car Delray Beach aka "Sundrop" the Pullman sun-lounge car Sunrise Beach the Pullman sun-lounge car The 2 twin twinette sleepers Obed the male sleeper Tori the tourist car Lacey the sleeping car Lunette the sleeping car Eve the sleeping car Andromeda the sleeping car (though you can basically use any constellation for sleepers, can't you?) Leah the sleeping car ("lay-ah")
Freight Trucks Minnie the mineral wagon Hermione the mine car Flo the water truck (tank car) Clayton the quarry train Diggory the mine train Digby the mine train Cornelia the vegetable truck Stix the lumber truck (like Trax, get it?) Holly the lumber truck Pip the Tropicana Juice Train reefer Blocker the female boxcar (sister of Jammer) Boombox the boxcar Roxy the hopper Agatha the aggregate hopper Heidi the high car Julie 4 the firecracker truck Bobby the bobber (caboose) Ruby the red caboose Captain the crew car Isis the freezer truck Wayne the way car Baxter the caboose (BACKster) Snowdrop the freezer truck Spumoni the freezer truck
Work Trucks Billie the revenue car (money truck) Persephone the money truck Clarence the clearance car Speedy the speeder Fraiser the crane car (he's the repair truck for the mind) Squeaky the hand car Laurice the lorry Mr. Plow the snow plow Emma the MOW truck
Component OC's Bolt the repair truck Dynamo the work truck Prada the wardrobe truck (baggage car) Julian
National OC's Lady Luna the royal saloon car (races with Prince of Wales) The City of Carlisle the APT-P power/motor car (races with the City of Milton Keynes) Herr Schnell, the German train Roulette the TGV carriage (races with Bobo) Siesta the sleeping car (from Spain) Europa Siegfried the ICE car (races with Ruhrgold) Hashiko the Shinkansen restaurant car (races with Hashamoto) Orka the Swedish vehicle Isabella the Swedish freezer truck (Isabella = is, which is Swedish for ice) Thanks to @tussockpride for her help.
Espresso's train (i.e. the other six cars on a Settebello) Rapido the Settebello (from the other side of Espresso's train) Cuscino the Settebello car Mangia the Settebello dining car Deliziosa the Settebello kitchen car Bottega the Settebello boutique car Compartimento the Settebello car
Fan babies Thundersnow - Electra's son by Volta, an electric-steam locomotive Candy the snack car -- Dinah and CB's daughter Starla -- Rusty's daughter, a coach Ashton -- Rusty's son, a steam engine Puff-Top the sleeping car -- Flat-Top and Duvay's daughter Rockabye - Rocky 2 and 2nd-class sleeper's daughter (So, would that make her a box-bed? Bah dum tish!) Rock'n'roll -- a Rocky and a food service car's child Rocky Road - a Rocky and a freezer truck's child Snow-in-Summer the freezer truck
Misc. Copper the railroad police caboose Sam Spade the murder-mystery train Carla the railway car Vanessa the railway van Gunther the railway gun Lt. Aimee the railway gun/armaments carrier Doggett the animal truck Katrina the animal truck Trixi the German, Trix-built vehicle (Trix being a toy manufacturer) Buddy the Budd-built vehicle Messenger of Hope the Baptist chapel car Sister Mary the Catholic chapel car Slammer the prison car Diana the funeral car Morgana the funeral car Mortimer the funeral-train engine
Buffet Bunny (avatar OC) Rosie the geekaboose
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gacktova · 7 years
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pclutz-blog · 6 years
Advantages Of Dance Class For Youngsters
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Usher Raymond IV is a multi award winning R&B music superstar renowned for his fashionable dance moves, classic R&B songs and stylish Usher music videos. Friday and Saturday nights attract younger crowds than the rest of the week, but what ever variety of music turns you on, Arena will present it. This dance type has not too long ago evolved from becoming only associated to strip clubs to some thing that is now deemed an art kind in itself. It was a rainy, miserable Friday night but with Bar Kick and Queen of Hoxton on the agenda I knew the climate wouldn't be capable to dampen our spirits. Also, the class embraces the dancing style discovered at the clubs to make sure that the enthusiast is well equipped to occupy the dance floor at the a variety of clubs. Quite a few people today are taking up dancing in London, each to keep fit as properly as for fun. What is accurate is that London's housing crisis - it has the second-most over-valued property marketplace on the planet, and the typical residence now charges 14 times far more than the typical annual wage - has had a dramatic impact on Tilbury. For a notorious evening out where anything goes stop by BoomBox at Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen. The globe-renowned Heaven nightclub is one of the longest-running gay dance venues in Europe. DanceSF is the San Francisco Bay Area's top Dance College for club style social dancing. Libertine is open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and their ‘From Paris to London' Saturday evening is certain to provide a chic however electrifying evening out. On weekends the dance clubs are open into the wee hours of the morning. The nightclub pays homage to its whereabouts, historically inhabited by Masons and dating back to 1773, the club resembles a Masonic Temple exactly where you can party in front of a gothic style DJ booth, surrounded by candlelight. On any given night Cirque plays a range of residence music, with ‘Hype-Hop Wednesdays', recognized for playing hip-hop and R&B. You can stop by the clubs and restaurants that flood the location. Recently london escorts guide voted one of the very best clubs in the planet, BCM in Magaluf, Mallorca is situated suitable in the centre of this vacation hotspot. There is no need to have to go to the bars or clubs to come across your mate or companion. With people becoming increasingly conscious of the connotation of holidays in their lives, blissful tourist destinations such as Phuket is witnessing a huge inflow of travelers which too is escalating every single year.
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saloodivine-blog · 6 years
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"BOOMBOX" Wednesday is back and happening tonight ! A mid-week party not to be missed !! Join us as DJ SHAWN and DJ RAYMOND are all set to keep you partying all night long! (at Why Not Kitchen+Bar)
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