blunderbred · 8 months
Thinking about my Tief, Rashna who was stuck in Stygia for a few centuries and can't ever get warmer than ice now giving Karlach a hug after they've both had a long day and need a break.
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theflyingfruitbowl · 12 days
I am influenced by rich childhood experiences in East Africa. In adulthood, I am further inspired by my surroundings, people, places, behaviour and emotion. My art is a representation of my perception of life—dynamic, complex and yet simple. Vibrant colours are the main substance of my art works. Construct/deconstruct is my process. ​ My paintings have been featured in 4 Saatchi catalogues,…
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goffjames · 1 year
Spotlight Art - Anything is Possible with a Little Lipstick - Painting of the Day by Rashna Hackett
Painting Attribution © Rashna Hackett, Anything is Possible with a Little Lipstick, 2023 Source Attribution https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Anything-is-Possible-with-aLittle-Lipstick/792749/10152993/view View more works from the Spotlight Art Gallery Thank you for your visit goffjamesart.wordpress.com Art Music Photography Poetry Quotations
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intolerancecare · 6 months
Did you make me a buffer? I'll get the key, give it to me. I want to see then leave.
I hate that my distinct hand gesture nowadays is similar to that Cherry.
Did you think that telling me who you are with... It didn't help. Why bombard me with stories about who you with? You didn't say it? Who did aside from cherry? Kuya Mon? Arjun?
The only truth is the one that Rashna announced? If it's also a lie you're with someone new?
Just let me see, so I can move on.
Let me mourn for something that I always cover, brush off or runaway from. Something that I always keep at the middle of my throat.
Kindly remove the anger, let me mourn then I'll move on.
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fathomingnarrative · 2 years
“The child is the repository of myths, the embodiment of narratives of time and place, the persona, the guise, and the pretext ... Children’s literature can simply reflect prevailing ideologies or it can become an instrument for their implementation, an agent of institutional power in itself.”
Goodly is our Heritage: Children's literature, empire, and the certitude of character by Rashna B. Singh
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infozonepk · 2 years
SeePrime Set to release new Short Film "Sufiya Ki RozaKhushai"
SeePrime Set to release new Short Film “Sufiya Ki RozaKhushai”
SeePrime; Seeme Group of companies’ latest entertainment platform, is set to release another short feature, “Sufiya Ki RozaKhushai”. Seeme Group of companies, one of the most esteemed full-service production companies in Pakistan, had recently launched their newest entertainment medium SeePrime on YouTube; with the aim of altering the digital entertainment landscape. Written by Rashna Abidi,…
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities + indian and bulgarian forenames
Abendraz Abhurena Ablellair Acyujay Adamma Addhupanu Adkolagi Adurna Agalaina Aibini Ajesharu Akshnu Albeiant Alenara Amani Amila Ammeod Anamurga Andarya Andend Andorta Anjith Ankitari Annabji Apadi Aragan Araji Arambijag Arasha Arathya Arezhir Arshma Artin Arudaraj Arudmanka Aryakana Aspan Aspanda Asparunda Asvara Asvenupan Atanithil Ayanvi Basit Belakeya Beliish Bhahar Bhandiya Bhani Bhanu Bharamika Bhitri Bhusha Bikara Bilan Binageshi Binia Bogda Bolen Bolesimir Boyada Boyala Boykamuni Bragiu Brahus Brazi Budevayko Budma Budmar Bulgar Chana Charta Chika Deelyan Dendin Deslaksh Deslen Desmitin Devail Devin Devina Devna Dezharacy Dhalagan Dhanti Dharik Dhusa Dimha Diminod Downlosh Dranka Edimir Ekamaheka Ekkolarji Elesil Elinati Emani Emira Eraksh Eravinana Evelata Feben Febena Fichaka Ficti Fidey Ganatar Garika Gavar Gedeepani Gentefan Geodonti Ghana Giraharan Gosse Guaga Gupti Gurazis Gushalli Haladumit Harmayuta Harti Henkarya Hridanu Hrisla Iashirava Iasish Iaskan Iglitei Ilina Inathya Inaya Ineha Inettandi Iorida Iransh Iravoria Irigo Irisla Isuddha Isujal Iuliiana Iuraj Iuravani Jacedeza Jaganila Jaganka Jarudev Jayaz Jesisha Jessimira Jivkashi Joranu Jorata Jubra Jumuil Jumunan Kanuzhdar Kanya Karth Katan Kater Kathi Kathya Katinja Katurcho Khivakar Khrigopin Khrin Khrinimir Khriyangi Khrun Kiratik Kiria Kithoka Kitur Koshnal Kranihara Kranuma Krianka Krishin Krivana Kubraj Kumahi Kumav Kumir Kunleia Lajit Laksh Lalla Lamani Lekhin Lendurna Lenup Leshanira Leshnu Lilavesho Liubei Liuddha Liuddhara Liudmir Ljulen Lyubooba Lyubra Maceni Mahbomil Mahera Makhbooka Malko Manit Manya Marmi Marna Marnagup Maruna Mathupriy Matya Mavail Mavanka Mavinarma Mayana Maykari Meorna Milal Minder Minibha Mirab Mirit Mitan Modorgini Momita Montaliza Muddha Mudmira Mukarya Mukya Mundev Munevin Munihont Murgina Murvan Muthya Nadelia Nadhana Nadosla Nagar Nakal Nalina Navam Nazko Nedipa Nehan Nelin Nesha Nevethur Nikarshiv Nikesh Niraniia Nirti Nivana Nivanar Nivko Nodakha Norkaravi Ognesh Ognya Othana Padha Pakana Panka Panmodor Parth Pashista Penodor Pentcha Pesla Petanka Petul Phaipa Phapath Plati Pooka Praslav Pravas Pravayaja Pushi Puswamya Rabhandi Radeja Radera Radit Radoratri Radra Radri Ragiudeya Rahavena Rahirrit Rahmaha Rahmahav Rajes Ralki Ramankan Ramanyana Ramrili Ranan Rangal Rashna Ravibicy Rayan Rbariana Rbhaliia Rbhita Reber Renta Revat Rezabeia Rezhit Ripesh Roslad Rossimi Roumilati Rourna Rumahanna Rumav Sabeli Sacedev Sacedipa Sacti Sahin Sahnan Sakali Salav Samalkir Samavli Samayan Sammava Samutan Sarnetta Sashanti Sathith Savay Savettant Savinathi Seshiras Sesish Shaksh Shana Shati Shava Shiruh Shnasto Shvaka Shvivash Shwet Simith Simukey Skarat Snelliza Snesh Sneshna Somahanu Souma Srishwiko Stefkari Steil Stergi Stoianu Subelin Subet Suddhita Sudmiran Sundars Sundeem Suneshiva Supash Surga Surkeya Surtala Suruna Svendra Sveta Swara Swetana Symeod Tanaish Tanatulee Tanya Tarma Teraja Terajit Terana Todnika Trida Trina Trish Tsvetanu Tvasvekhi Tzoni Tzonko Unata Unatanta Upera Upeshan Uptan Uretahna Usekkole Usekrith Usenukey Usmen Vananka Varamana Varda Vashated Vaydeva Veeline Vekhay Vekhi Velya Venapur Venik Venits Veshreya Vetana Vetlavar Vibazish Vinanil Vindnahen Vinivko Vithin Vitrish Vlata Waranti Yasiliza Yavidya Yayyani Yelianka Yorajeshi Yuben Yubookas Yudminil Yulgan Zlabhar Zlavijan Zorozd
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scypere · 6 years
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Day: 5
Words Written: 1777
Total Words Written: 9369
Words left: 40,631
Unedited Excerpt:
“I have heard the men wondering about your resolve. Your decision to release the sails, to nearly capsize the ship for the channel… It worries them.”
“It was nothing different than what you were planning on doing.” Val’s eyes were focused clearly on Keant, but her brows were furrowed together.
Keant leaned forward after the doctor had finished wrapping his head. He clasped his hands together. “I am their captain. They will follow me to their deaths. You? You are as unnatural to them as the sea was today.”
“The waves today are fierce, but they are natural. I am the same.”
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meatcritter · 6 years
first impression: i rlly liked your blog for a long time and the first message you sent me had a keysmash so i was immediately comforted by the presence of a fellow gay fsjgdfg idk you seemed very welcoming and funny to me! its still very true but now i know youre also v smart and a good listener and the list goes on
truth is: i dont really know that much about you but at the same time its super easy for me to tell you anything 
how old do you look: from what i know youre pretty short so in real life you might look younger but from what pictures ive seen you look like youre between 16 and 19 (thats such a bs range sfjghk im bad at this kinda thing sorry)
have you ever made me laugh: of course!! 
have you ever made me mad: youre maybe the most valid person i know and youve never even given me a single reason to be angry 
best feature: i think you have such gorgeous eyes and eyebrows! also the shape of your face and your hair are vvvv pretty. overall your whole face: 11/10 angelic kdfhj
have i ever had a crush on you: nah but im full of platonic love
youre my: fuckin cinnamon apple 
(send me a “hey” and ill do this)
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issyscribbles · 7 years
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Inktober 5 - Orc
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blunderbred · 8 months
I should learn to draw just so I can make art of grandpa Rashna giving everyone's blorbos and brainrots hugs. I don't think enough OC's have been hugged recently and I feel the need to do something about it.
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torsamors · 4 years
@libraah is a tiktoker now
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goffjames · 2 years
Spotlight Art - By the Casuarina Tree - Painting of the Day by Rashna Hackett
Spotlight Art – By the Casuarina Tree – Painting of the Day by Rashna Hackett
Painting Attribution © Rashna Hackett, By the Casuarina Tree, 2021 Source Attribution https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-By-the-Casuarina-Tree/792749/8230309/view View more works from the Spotlight Art Gallery Thank you for your visit goffjamesart.wordpress.com Art Music Photography Poetry Quotations
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minalovebot · 5 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
skshsksg alright..
1. i'm p good in school (usually)
2. i'm like decent looking...
3. i'm a good listener!
4. i try to be nice to everyone
5. i'm a ONCE which is in fact a personality trait and it's my best one 😌
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fathomingnarrative · 2 years
Today’s reading list
Singh, Rashna B. Goodly is our Heritage (The Scarecrow Press, 2004)
I’m reading this to find information and background for an essay about colonialist identity in children’s literature - this book provides context for how colonialist ideology still inhabits children’s literature today.
Kipling, Rudyard The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows (Penguin Classics, 2015)
Same essay as above - one of the text’s I’m looking at is Kipling’s Kim and I think this very short book will be helpful context there. 
Wilchins, Riki Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An instant primer (Alyson Books, 2004)
Different topic! I’m also looking into retellings of fairy tales with specific, overt ideological messages, and I needed more context on what queer theory actually is, beyond just ‘queering a text’. This was recommended from Barry’s Beginning Theory, and I’m finding it very helpful so far.
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rashnamaheshwari · 4 years
Hi everyone
Click on this link and like share and subscribe.
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