#Q Gardens
seraphica · 6 months
Playbills: A Broadway Poster Show
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velnna · 4 months
Hyello. I have a question, if you'd be alright answering. How do you draw bodies? Or how do you sketch them? Pleaseimstruggling-
I don't have any proper tip other than the usual "separate bodies into parts and approximate them with simple shapes" etc, so I'll leave a timelapse so you can see the process I guess?
At this point in my art journey I've got so much practice on me that most of the time I don't need to think very hard about what a body's supposed to look like, but it's definitely something that takes a while to learn
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monokkuro · 9 months
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honeytearays · 3 months
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A colorful day in Tokyo 🌿
My Instagram
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3gremlins · 28 days
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wanted to participate in @storybookhawke 's DA met gala themed thing so here's a quick merrill piece (i kinda forgot until the reblog reminder went around so this was a pretty quick sketchy painting :3). haven't done DA art in ages so this was fun in the story ( the met gala theme is based on a j.g ballard short story called "the garden of time", which you can read here if you want!) the characters are trying to push off their inevitable downfall by picking the flowers that briefly stop time. the more flowers they pick, the sparser and less beautiful their garden looks- until eventually doom reaches them as there are no more flowers. i thought it did sort of fit with merrill's character arc a lot of her character arc is partially in her trying to balance the use of blood magic with her personal magic and how she's always tempted by demons (and how even success is tainted and doomed). She's always pulled by two sides- a more innocent, noble side that just wants to preserve her people's heritage and the other where she's willing to make deals without fully understanding the consequences. Every thing she does in the story line kind of pushes her closer towards the inevitable conflict (she can't push off the demon forever/will run out of time)
ALSO i really liked the flower theme and wanted to draw merrill in a pretty yet kinda sexy dress and it fits with her skill tree aesthetic (which is all about plant growth and nature magic). prob not the most avant garde thing but w/e. I know she's usually more associated with daisies but I liked the drama of roses and then contrasted it with the floatier lighter skirt on the other side (in the story the flowers are crystalline so this was a bit of a nod) here's the 15 sec time lapse if anyone's been interested
anyway this was really fun and i might do more but i def won't finish them in time (obvs). it was nice to do an au fashiony design again too, i've missed it
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goatpaste · 2 months
So what actually goes on in jojolion? What's that one about?
Ohhh brudder jojolion is probably my personal favirote jojo part
I love it so much, its unfortunately got some rough spots especially at the start with the character daiya. But as for the story at whole its really great
Its about a man who wakes up with no memories of you he is, where he came from, or why he was buried in the dirt. It's about the journey of this man as he discorves who he was to those around him before he lost his memories. It's about a man deciding who he wants to be in an ocean of perspectives of his character from others.
It's about family and the unbreakable bond with your mother no matter where you go and what happens. Even if that means doing things that no one else will understand or even hate you for doing.
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datshitrandom · 5 months
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Darren Criss | 2023 | PHOTOSHOOTS
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nocontextpoirot · 9 months
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wormwoodandhoney · 10 months
Hi Laura! Have you any book recs similar to Over the Garden Wall?
absolutely i do! i made a video once of them back when i was trying making video content... i can't find it now!
Small Spaces by Katherine Arden is a middle grade novel, about a young girl on a field trip who becomes the target of a villain called the Smiling Man. Scarecrows follow. Think Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee, but scary. This is the first in a series, with each book in a season. This one is the fall book, of course.
The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury a group of boys attempt to save a friend while learning about the history of Halloween. A classic. (Also, Something Wicked This Way Comes by the same author and I actually liked better.)
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly is NOT a children's book- it is absolutely an adult book about a child. A young boy mourns the death of his mother while traveling through a fairy tale world. I'd take a look at the trigger warnings for this just in case, as it's been years since I read this.
If you want an adult traveling through a magical world with scary elements, the Changeling by Victor LaValle is a very interesting horror that is about to be a streaming show starring Lakeith Stanfield! Trigger warnings abound for that one.
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mistressemmedi · 11 days
do we think monaco man will be at the race this weekend? i feel like lewis saying his name out loud in imola will have summoned him back like his own version of the bat signal lol
Man is💯 going to be there, most likely hop on Sky and do 'A lap around Monaco' like "This is where I went to school, this is where I had a fight with Lewis, this is where I grocery shop, this is where I also had a fight with Lewis, this is the best bakery in town, and this corner? Yup, where I also had a psychosexual fight with Lewis". And all while Monaco man is going on and on, Crofty is having an aneurysm on live tv in 4k HD for our viewing pleasure
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
Since it seems like Mychael has been alive for a long time, how much does he know of human customs/cooking/inventions? And does he like/dislike some of them? Thanks in advance!
He knows enough to make a living for himself, to answer without spoilers! He's really into DIY and crafting, but if anything gets more complex to the point it goes over his head he'd just abandon it.
As for human customs he knows even less; it's kinda touch and go what he does and doesn't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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velnna · 4 months
Hi! Hope you are well! I’ve been really enjoying your art and wanted to check out your comics. I understand that Stray Souls is on Webtoon but where can one read The Under Garden? So sorry if this is a dumb question but I looked around and couldn’t figure it out. Cheers!
Hello! Happy you've been enjoying my stuff 💕
The Under Garden is currently available both on patreon (for $5+ tiers) and on Gumroad (each chapter is around 1€ I think?).
We decided to keep it behind a small paywall for now because up until recently I didn't really have a lot of room to wiggle with original comics aside from Stray Souls (and that one's sort of dying out anyways). The plan is to eventually release some or all of it at a different pace in its own website once we've got some availability to set it up
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monokkuro · 9 months
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honeytearays · 1 year
*Affectionately pats plants*
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qjaidenhere · 2 months
BEGGING to hear about ur familoier au plssss
Okok so!! This is a Jaiden and Bobby centric au with some Roier (I mostly came up with this au because I was sad about Jaiden and Bobby and wanted them to be happy) it’s very slice of life fluffy modern au- just them being happy together :]] just know this is extremely self indulgent because I want them to be happy and if feels ooc or something no it doesn’t :]
much more under cut
Bobby often goes to the park with his family!! He likes to brings his fake sword and swing it at anything and everything he sees. he also likes to pick the many flowers around the park to make flower crowns!! It’s rare for a friend (or parent) of Bobby’s to not have at least one of his flower crowns (and his parents often have at least one flower of his on them all the time)
Bobby also loves to paint with his family!! He will draw on canvas, walls, his own skin, whatever, so he often has doodles up and down his arms. The family will often put aside time in the day for them to paint together (at Bobby’s request) and it’s often his highlight of the day :D he likes to copy Jaiden’s arm tattoos with his drawings on his arms (though he won’t admit it to her) and he often draws his family or his friends!!
Bobby also has two dogs- a big brown newfoundland named Oso and his husky named Tripita (he’s also named the two raccoons outside and sometimes tries to take them inside but they always escape)
Jaiden is a freelance artist who works on commission who is roommates with Roier. She is learning Spanish for both Roier and Bobby (who is bilingual) and they both encourage and help her while she’s learning! She went to law school for a bit when she was younger- but ended up dropping out.
all the eggs go to the same school and are all in the same class (for the older eggs) and the younger eggs (when they come into the story) often hang out with them at lunch and such :D Roier also babysits Tilin on the weekends so they and Bobby are pretty good friends (though they sometimes joke at being rivals) and Dapper sometimes comes over for sleepovers!
All the eggs are kind of close which means that their parents also all know each other because of their kids- it’s how some of them get to know each other at first but a fair few knew each other beforehand!
Misc thingys:
-the city is name quesadilla city
-jaiden once spent a day going from store to store to find the specific brand of french fries that she and Bobby likes lmao
-Jaiden often shows Bobby the basics of her job/s because of his interest in art
-Bobby is in awe of Juannaflippa because of her nerf gun
-all of the eggs are around 8-10 in this au I think but I’m still figuring out ages
-the au is called a garden of missed promises
-jaiden dyes her hair and convinces Roier to get a streak (she wanted him to get blue but they settled on red) and Bobby begged enough that they got him a blue underside of his hair
-they love to go biking together around the city
-the federation is kinda just the government for now,, they’re not nearly as bad as the canon federation and mostly are just in the background
-when they save up enough money they sometimes go out to a cottage on the countryside and hang around there
-Bobby and Tilin originally met when they had a fight at school that turned into their Roier and Q fighting over who has the best kid (they mostly made up though)
also it’s a sort of fantasy modern au only in that they are still hybrids instead of all being human- Jaiden is a parrot hybrid, Roier is a spider hybrid, Bobby is a dragon hybrid, pretty standard (not all the eggs are dragon hybrids though)
it’s VERY early qsmp based if you couldn’t tell already though I do want to add some of the other language creators (especially cellbit for spiderbit) but I’m still working on figuring out how they would work in this au! also Pepito and Empanada are going to be confusing to fit into this au- I don’t want to not include them but idk,, if y’all have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated
also people who expressed interest: (sorry for tag! I won’t do it again I just wanted to show y’all in all the same place)
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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