#Pulse of Dubai
premiersourcefornew · 4 months
Dubai Dispatch: Pulse, Your Daily Dispatch of Unmissable News
Welcome to Dubai Dispatch: Pulse, your daily dispatch of unmissable news from the heart of the UAE. Pulse of Dubai stands as your trusted courier, delivering a comprehensive roundup of the day's most significant events, developments, and insights. With a commitment to excellence, we ensure that every dispatch is meticulously curated to provide you with the latest updates and essential stories, ensuring you're always in the know. Join us on this journey where Dubai Dispatch isn't just news delivery; it's your daily companion, guiding you through the dynamic landscape of Dubai's unfolding stories with precision, reliability, and unmissable insights.
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966412 · 7 months
For the ADIPEC 2023 Conference, Abu Dhabi Bans Trucks and Worker-Buses Temporarily, Ensuring Smooth Traffic Flow and Dedication to Hosting a Global Event
In preparation for the upcoming ADIPEC 2023 conference, Abu Dhabi has implemented a temporary entry ban on trucks and worker-buses to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and facilitate the seamless operation of the event. With the aim of minimizing potential congestion and maintaining efficient transportation logistics, the temporary measures underscore Abu Dhabi's commitment to hosting a successful global event while prioritizing the convenience and accessibility of the city for attendees and residents alike. The proactive approach taken by the authorities reflects their dedication to providing a conducive environment for the conference, fostering an atmosphere conducive to networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange within the energy industry. Learn More: https://pulseofdubai.ae/blog/abu-dhabi-implements-temporary-entry-ban/
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cvhightech · 11 months
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We export to UK, USA, Newzealand, Saudia Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Somalia, Djibouti, Canada, and many more countries all over the world.
For Enquiries
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Whatsapp us - +91 879 028 3445
Email  - [email protected] Visit our Website  - https://www.cvhightech.com/pulses
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seoblogger · 1 year
Makhani Gravy| Green Chilli Paste | Hummus Recipe-Angtnonions
Our unique Hummus recipe is something to write home about! Our delectable Hummus contains the perfect mix of creamy garbanzo beans and zesty Angtnonions. It's the perfect mix of flavors that tantalizes taste buds from around the world. We are passionate about crafting the perfect blend of traditional and innovative flavors that is sure to please everyone. We believe that it's our delicious recipes that will keep your taste buds coming back for more!
Humus is aHealthy and flavorful condiment that can be used on a variety of dishes. It is a natural source of dietary fiber and antioxidants, making it an ideal way to increase your health. Angtnonions offers a delicious and healthy Recipe for Hummus that will make your meal more enjoyable.
Angtnonions is a hummus recipe that is made with tahini and lemon juice. It is a healthy snack option that can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a salad.
Recipes for different types of hummus
Humus is a condiment that can be used on its own, as part of a salad or sandwich filling, or in place of mayonnaise for a more healthy option. There are many different types of humus, and each has its own unique properties and uses. Here are four recipes for different types of humus.
Humus is one of the most popular foods in the world. It has a rich flavor and can be used to add flavor to many dishes. There are many different ways to make humus, but the way I make it is with angtnonions.
Angtnonions are a type of onion that has been processed into a juice or paste. They have a strong flavor and can be used in place of other onions in recipes. I like to use angtnonions in savory dishes as well as sweet dishes. They add a lot of flavor and texture to meals.
What kind of ingredients do you need for a Hummus Recipe?
Humus is a type of sauce made from chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. It's a popular condiment on many boards and in many kitchens. One key thing to keep in mind when making your Humus Recipe is that you need to use afilter to remove any foreign objects before adding the ingredients. Another important thing to note is that you want the Humus to be thick so it can be absorbed into your food.
In conclusion,hummus is a great condiment to have on hand for any meal. It can be used as a dip, as a spread, or as a topdressing for salads. The Angtnonions recipe provides a simple and delicious way to enjoy hummus without having to go too far in the kitchen.
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aleizbaporperties · 1 year
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gerizimmount · 1 year
Buy Cashew Online in UAE
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Visit us- Buy cashew in UAE
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The Pulse Beachfront by Dubai South
The Pulse Beachfront by Dubai South
The Pulse Residences by Dubai South features three, four and five-bedroom Villas. The mixed development is designed with warmth and ease, so the citizens can enjoy the last luxurious lifestyle during the year. This residential place within the masterplan community is designed via maintaining in thoughts their international-magnificence structure, advanced creation first-rate and a wide range of…
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
I saw in an interview they’ll be putting some of the Armand/Devil’s Minion scenes in the present day instead of the 70s and 80s. (Other than Armand turning Daniel) what sorts of things do you think we can expect to see in Dubai?
... well.
I mean, Daniel already suspects at the very least, so even if we do not get the whole breadth of it in s2 ...
I do think the "general audience" will be flashed if they make it clear Armand wants Daniel. And old Daniel at that. (And I do think that the show won't shy away from that!) And that is why I think that will be one of the revelations in s2. (And that Daniel loves Armand.)
So... personally... I hope/think that we might see a version of this:
Armand's lips had moved in a soft, slightly concealed smile. And then his eyes had misted and closed. He had bent close to Daniel, pressed his lips to Daniel's neck. And once again, as he had in a little room on Divisadero Street in San Francisco with the vampire Louis, Daniel felt the sharp teeth pierce the surface of his skin. Sudden pain and throbbing warmth. "Are you killing me finally?" He grew drowsy, on fire, filled with love. "Do it, yes." But Armand had taken only a few droplets. He'd released Daniel and pressed gently on his shoulders, forcing Daniel down to his knees. Daniel had looked up to see the blood flowing from Armand's wrist. Great electric shocks had passed through Daniel at the taste of that blood. It had seemed in a flash that the city of Pompeii was full of a whispering, a crying, some vague and pulsing imprint of long-ago suffering and death. Thousands perishing in smoke and ash. Thousands dying together. Together. Daniel had clung to Armand. But the blood was gone. Only a taste-no more. "You are mine, beautiful boy," Armand had said.
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I think there might be a high chance that we will get that line in s2. :)
(Which fits with Rolin's statement that the Dubai scenes are way hotter this season^^)
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Optimism dries up in Amazon as Lula drifts from climate priorities
Brazil’s president inspired hope a year ago but approval of a new highway shows he remains a concrete-and-oil state builder
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What a difference a year makes in the Brazilian Amazon. At the start of 2023, I wrote about the green shoots of the rainy season and feelings of hope inspired by the new president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who promised to strengthen Indigenous rights and aim for zero deforestation. Twelve months on, both the vegetation and political optimism are drying up.
The most severe drought in living memory has finally been broken, but the rains are late and weak compared with previous years. The Xingu River is far lower than normal for January. The pulse of forest growth is also fainter – the new vegetation does not push out as far into the road as it did last January. The neighbouring cattle pasture is faring even worse. The forage grasses, known as capim, were so severely burned that they have not grown back, leaving the hillsides brown and the cows emaciated. Several of the poor, skeletal beasts have escaped their fields and wandered towards our community in search of food. Local people say more than a dozen cows have died of starvation at this one ranch, and countless others elsewhere.
Less obvious, but in many ways more worrying, is the dearth of leafcutter ants. These large-mandibled insects are usually everywhere, slicing and carrying vegetation in columns to create fungal gardens in their nests, which spread out over dozens of metres in Gaudi-esque towers and mounds. Entomologists say these ants have the second most-complex societies on Earth, after humans, and they are the dominant herbivores in the South American tropics, trimming about a sixth of all the leaves produced in the forest. This stimulates new plant growth and enriches the soil. Not for nothing have these ants been described as ecosystem engineers.
Each day, I pass three big nests of leafcutters on my daily walk with the dogs. Just over a year ago, I ventured too close during the annual revoada, when the winged females set out on their nuptial flights followed by clouds of males. It is a sensitive time for the insects and the soldier ants were in fiercely protective mode. I was driven away with my foot bloodied and me howling with pain. Despite this, I have never ceased to admire these tiny, powerful creatures so I was dismayed to discover that all four nests are apparently lifeless. The mounds appear deflated, there is no newly excavated soil at the entrances, and not a single leafcutter ant to be seen. This is bizarre as a healthy colony can have 3.5 million members and they never previously stopped working. Entomologists tell me they may have relocated or been wiped out by the prolonged dry season. It is an alarming reminder that the weakening of forest resilience takes many forms and the impact of the drought remains incalculable.
Human-caused global heating and deforestation are parching the forest – and not just over the last year. Scientists have found the Amazonian dry season is getting hotter, drier and longer. Fifty years ago, it lasted four months. Now, it is five. This is causing a die-back of trees and other species that are being pushed beyond their survival thresholds. An ecosystem-wide collapse that would turn the Amazon into a savanna draws ever closer.
Lula knows this. In a speech at Cop28 in Dubai last November he told the world he was shocked that the region’s rivers, which are the greatest freshwater source in the world, are at their lowest level for more than 120 years. He said this was a global climate problem and called on other countries to make a greater effort. “Even if we do not cut down any more trees, the Amazon could reach its point of no return if other countries do not do their part.”
But his own government’s efforts to protect the forest and its people have been mixed. A first-year report card for Lula would show progress compared with the low benchmark set by the previous far-right administration of Jair Bolsonaro, but also failed promises, political weakness and worrying signs of regression.
Continue reading.
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aaskiran · 1 month
Who is Aaskiran singh virk?
Introduction: At just 17 years old, Aaskiran Singh Virk has already made a significant mark on the business world, defying age norms and amassing wealth through his entrepreneurial ventures. Based in the bustling metropolis of Dubai, Aaskiran's story is one of ambition, innovation, and relentless determination.
Early Life and Background: Born and raised in Dubai, Aaskiran Singh Virk was exposed to the vibrant atmosphere of business and commerce from a young age. Growing up in a city known for its entrepreneurial spirit, he was inspired by the diverse array of opportunities surrounding him. Despite his youth, Aaskiran displayed a keen interest in business and finance, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.
Entrepreneurial Ventures: Driven by a desire to carve his own path, Aaskiran embarked on his entrepreneurial journey with a focus on dropshipping and trading. Leveraging the power of e-commerce and digital marketing, he quickly identified lucrative niches and capitalized on emerging trends. With a sharp eye for opportunity and a willingness to take calculated risks, Aaskiran navigated the competitive landscape of online retail with finesse, achieving impressive results along the way.
Achievements and Successes: Aaskiran's entrepreneurial prowess soon translated into tangible success, catapulting him into the ranks of the wealthy elite at a remarkably young age. Through strategic investments and shrewd decision-making, he amassed a multi-million-dollar fortune, establishing himself as a formidable force in the business world. As the CEO of his own enterprise, Aaskiran demonstrated leadership beyond his years, overseeing operations with a blend of innovation and pragmatism.
Challenges and Lessons Learned: Of course, Aaskiran's journey to success was not without its challenges. Like any entrepreneur, he faced setbacks and obstacles along the way, from logistical hurdles to market fluctuations. Yet, it was his resilience in the face of adversity that ultimately set him apart. Embracing failure as an opportunity for growth, Aaskiran emerged stronger and more determined, armed with invaluable lessons learned from each experience.
Philosophy and Vision: Central to Aaskiran's entrepreneurial philosophy is a steadfast belief in the power of innovation and disruption. He envisions a future where boundaries are continually pushed, and traditional paradigms are challenged. With a finger on the pulse of emerging technologies and consumer trends, Aaskiran remains at the forefront of innovation, constantly seeking new avenues for growth and expansion.
Impact and Influence: Beyond his personal success, Aaskiran's influence extends far beyond the boardroom. As a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs, he inspires others to dream big and pursue their passions with unwavering determination. His impact on the entrepreneurial community in Dubai and beyond is undeniable, serving as a beacon of hope for the next generation of business leaders.
Conclusion: In Aaskiran Singh Virk, we find a shining example of youthful ambition and entrepreneurial spirit. His journey from humble beginnings to entrepreneurial stardom serves as a testament to the limitless possibilities of the digital age. As he continues to chart new territories and push the boundaries of success, one thing remains certain: Aaskiran Singh Virk is a force to be reckoned with in the world of business, and his story is only just beginning.
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premiersourcefornew · 4 months
Dubai Dynamics: Pulse, News Unveiled, Momentum Gained
Dive into the dynamic rhythm of Dubai's narrative with 'Dubai Dynamics: Pulse, News Unveiled, Momentum Gained' on the Pulse of Dubai platform. Beyond a conventional news source, it's a journey through the city's evolution, where each update unveils the next chapter of innovation, culture, and breaking stories. Pulse becomes your compass, guiding you through the momentum of Dubai's narrative with precision and insight. Join us on this dynamic expedition where Dubai Dynamics isn't just news; it's a force propelling you forward, ensuring you gain momentum and stay ahead in the vibrant pulse of Dubai's unfolding stories.
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heliza24 · 1 year
A Roundup Post (Of all my fanworks for easy reference!)
Interview with the Vampire
the past's a bitch (but what can you do?) - Daniel keeps a journal documenting his Parkinson’s symptoms, the strange pull he feels towards Armand, and his interview with Louis. During his time in Dubai he unravels the truth behind his fractured memory, and comes to understand himself and his family in new ways. Rated mature, 10,011 words.
Smart Boy - Daniel is looking for an escape from the generational curses he seems unable to stop himself from repeating, and Armand can help him forget. He isn't sure what makes Armand so interested in him- maybe Armand wants someone who can teach him about humanity or someone who will see past his old defenses. Or maybe Armand just wants a relationship where he can be fully in control. Either way, their strange arrangement works for them (until it doesn't). Or, one way that the 1970s Devil's Minion era could have gone. Rated explicit, 14,982 words.
Daniel and disability and the way the show deals with eugenics
Daniel, Armand, and Keats???
Armand analysis: Before season 2, after episode 2.1, hair and costume stuff
Armand and Unbreakable Cycles
Louis, Armand, Visual Art, and Vulnerability
Lestat (Leyendecker robe): Part 1 and Part 2 (at Lestat's house in New Orleans!)
Young Royals:
Heart and Homeland- @bluedalahorse's and my epic Regency era historical AU, complete with slow burn romance, political intrigue, and a sprinkling of spice. Rated M, still updating.
Radical Acceptance and Simon's Arc in Season 2
Analyzing the sex scenes in Young Royals (using cinematic language!)- Part 1
Analyzing the sex scenes in Young Royals (using cinematic language!)- Part 2
On the cinematography of season 2
Let's talk about the music in Young Royals! (Part 1)
Let's talk about the music in Young Royals (Part 2)
Analyzing the Lucia intimacy scene
Analyzing the Simon/Marcus intimacy scene
Analyzing Marcus Part 1 (Via class and personal experience)
Analyzing Marcus Part 2 (Via heteronormativity and race)
Analyzing Marcus Part 3, or a lesson in dramatic writing
Simon's trauma and Wilhelm and Sara as co-protagonists
On Felice, or the Lack Thereof, in Season 2
The Radical Act of Quitting (and Wilhelm)
Wilhelm Closing the Curtains
Simon Doesn't Repress His Emotions, Actually
Shakespeare Comparisons: Young Royals and the Henriad
Wilhelm and Sara as A Plot and B Plot Protagonists repost
heliza writes Young Royals season 3
Wilhelm, The Look (™), and Endings
Wilhelm's Journey of Radical Forgiveness in Season 3
Wilhelm and Sara parallels in season 3
Wilhelm- Be Safe Be Good- Ride the Cyclone
Erik/Wilhelm/Simon (and what it takes to break a cycle) - Man - quinnie
Dimension 20
Various thoughts on A Court of Fey and Flowers
Character arcs and Themes in The Seven
FHJY: Eps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and Kristen/Cassandra
Being a physically disabled D20 fan breaks my heart sometimes and Lydia and disability rep and Dropout and general accessibility
Imelda Pulse from Mentopolis
The Bad Kids from Fantasy High
Andhera and Binx from A Court of Fey and Flowers
(Other fics for various other fandoms on my AO3!)
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cvhightech · 11 months
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Best Quality Green Gram Whole available for Export
Available for Export from India at best Price
We export to the UK, USA, Newzealand, Saudia Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Somalia, Djibouti, Canada, and many more countries all over the world.
For Enquiries
Please call   📞 : +91 77020 63689,79958 33007
Whatsapp us - +91 879 028 3445
Or Visit our Website  - https://www.cvhightech.com/pulses
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prodeskk · 4 months
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Expo 2020 and Beyond: Seize the Moment with PRO Desk's Investor Visa Solutions
As the excitement mounts with Expo 2020 on the horizon, brace yourself for the pulse of anticipation coursing through the UAE's thriving economy! If you're a forward-thinking investor, eyeing the boundless opportunities within Dubai's bustling business landscape, get ready for a thrilling ride. Welcome to your pathway to prosperity: PRO Desk, your trusted ally in securing that coveted Provision of Investor Visa in Dubai.
We're not just another business solution – we're your indispensable partner on the road to success. With a rock-solid foundation of self-assurance and a treasure trove of experience garnered over the years, we're committed to delivering excellence at every turn. Whether you're embarking on an entrepreneurial journey or aiming to establish a new company, consider us your go-to resource.
Smooth Sailing to Your Investor Visa
Dive into Real Estate
Who doesn't dream of owning a slice of paradise in Dubai's pulsating heart? Investing in real estate isn't just about securing your visa; it's about planting your flag in a city where luxury living meets limitless possibilities. From sleek city apartments to beachfront havens, the options are as vast as the desert horizon. And with PRO Desk as your trusty navigator, the journey from property prospecting to visa victory is as smooth as a dhow sailing the Dubai Creek.
Make Moves in Dubai's Business Scene
Ready to make waves in the corporate world? Investing in a Dubai-based company opens doors to a world of opportunities. Whether you're drawn to the tech boom, the hospitality haven, or the ever-evolving retail realm, Dubai's business landscape offers something for every entrepreneurial soul. And with our knack for company setup and visa wizardry, bidding adieu to bureaucratic headaches is a breeze, leaving you free to chart your course to success in the City of Dreams.
Guiding Your Journey, Every Step of the Way
Embarking on the quest for your investor visa may seem daunting, but fear not – we've got your back. We're not just about paperwork; we're about personalized guidance, seamless processes, and transforming your Dubai dreams into reality. From initial consultation to visa stamping, our dedicated team ensures you're supported at every twist and turn, making the entire experience a breeze – and maybe even a bit exhilarating!
So, what are you waiting for? The time to invest in your future in the UAE is now, and with PRO Desk as your trusted companion, the sky's the limit. Say hello to your investor visa and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime in the land of endless possibilities!
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aleizbaporperties · 1 year
Al-eizba is your trusted partner for all your home property needs in Dubai South. We specialize in matching clients with properties that meet their unique needs and preferences. Located between Sheikh Zayed Road and Emirates Road, Dubai South offers a range of facilities, including schools, hospitals, retail outlets, and entertainment options. Trust us to guide you through buying, renting, or selling a property in south Dubai
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
Indian Rap Heroes DIVINE & Karan Aujla are Anime Action Stars in "HISAAB" Video
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DIVINE and Karan Aujla are heroes in the fast-growing Indian hip-hop scene. The groundbreaking duo puts their power into action in "HISAAB," a new anime-influenced video from their new collaborative album Street Dreams. "HISAAB" mixes traditional Indian instrumentation with a hip-hop pulse, as DIVINE and Karan Aujla trade bars–DIVINE rapping in Hindi, Karan Aujla rapping and singing in Punjabi–to examine the price of fame and the responsibilities incurred. Directed by Debjyoti Saha for Goppo Animation, the video for "HISAAB" is a visually-striking, action-packed, Anime-influenced short film. DIVINE and Karan attempt to escape from a surreal asylum, full of autonomous soldiers and giant cobra snakes, in an effort to save their freedom and sanity in the harsh world. The video surpassed 1 million views in just 12 hours and is currently in the Top 10 of YouTube's Trending Chart.
Last week, DIVINE and Karan Aujla shared Street Dreams, a 7-track effort that demonstrates why they are among the most exciting artists in the Indian scene. Out now via Mass Appeal India, Street Dreams had an extremely successful debut, reaching #1 on Apple Music within 24 hours of release, and taking over the number one spot on Apple Music's Album Charts in 40 countries, including India, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. All seven songs from Street Dreams charted on Spotify's Daily Top Songs in India, and are currently trending on Instagram. 
is a relentless effort, bringing bilingual bars that express sentiments that need no translation. The album features production from Western heavy-hitters like Boi-1da, WondaGurl, Harry Fraud, Leven Kali, and Trox, who deliver premium productions for Karan and DIVINE to annihilate, along with hip-hop producers from the Indian scene. "Hisaab" finds the two artists counting their myriad accomplishments in 6/8 time, taunting any comer who can't match their quick maths, while "Top Class / Overseas" lays playful strings atop sliding 808s as DIVINE and Karan proclaim their valedictory status. "Yaad," meanwhile displays a softer side of the duo, as they trade off vocals with Indian-Canadian singer Jonita Gandhi. 
Also among the highlights is "100 Million," the tape's lead single and music video, which made waves across the globe. Defined by nostalgic hip-hop production reminiscent of Y2K-era Dr. Dre, in this case produced by American producer Trox (50 Cent, Cordae), “100 Million” is an anthem for those with grand dreams, the two icons reflecting on the enduring habits that propelled them to greatness. The song arrived in mid-January, with a video filmed in Dubai and directed by Karan Aujla’s long-time collaborators Rupan Bal, Dilpreetvfx and Anmol Raina. The song and video immediately became a huge success–the song reached the #1 spot of the YouTube Trending Charts in India, and reached the Top 10 in countries including Canada (#2), New Zealand (#4), UK (#6), Australia (#8) and the UAE (#8). Overall, the song racked up over 21 million YouTube views to date, as well as over 6 million Spotify streams. 
Karan Aujla and DIVINE have individually topped several charts across India with their albums and songs such as Karan's “Softly”, “White Brown Black”, “Mexico,” and “Players,” and DIVINE's “Mirchi”, “359 AM”, “Baazigar” (80 million YouTube views), and “Kaam 25” (65 million YouTube views). Their upcoming collaborative project is the first of its kind in the Indian music space and is poised to be a landmark moment in Indian music history. 
With Street Dreams out now, the dynamic duo prepares to make their presence felt on American shores. Stay tuned for more videos and announcements from DIVINE and Karan Aujla in the near future.
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