danhsachvang · 19 days
Tủy răng bị viêm nhiễm nếu không tiến hành điều trị sớm có để gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm, thậm chí là mất răng làm ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến thẩm mỹ và ăn uống. Nếu đang rơi vào tình trạng này, hãy tham khảo ngay 10 Phòng khám Nha khoa chữa tủy răng ở TPHCM được đánh giá uy tín, có chuyên môn cao, nhiều phương pháp điều trị đa dạng để loại bỏ tình trạng này nhanh chóng, an toàn nhất.
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haridiva · 3 months
Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran (PNPK) Tata Laksana Pulpa Periradikuler
Apakah Anda seorang dokter gigi yang ingin memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pasien Anda? Apakah Anda ingin mengetahui standar pelayanan kedokteran yang sesuai dengan pedoman nasional? Jika ya, maka Anda perlu membaca Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/1492/2023 tentang Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran Tata Laksana Penyakit/Kelainan Jaringan Pulpa dan…
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georgemiser · 1 year
8 more days before having my irreversibly infected pulp drilled out. Someone pray for me. Please?
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lastrega71 · 8 months
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Le illazioni in anonimo, sono al pari del giudizio senza onor del vero...
Come ho già detto in passato... accetto prediche ma... seleziono i pulpiti!
Dolce notte anime in pena.
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mucillo · 3 months
( by Paz)
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A tutti i perfettini di sto cazzo!
A tutte le persone ipocrite!
A tutti i santoni senza aureola!
A tutti i grandi uomini senza palle!
A tutti i finti amori, le finte promesse e le grandi bugie!
A tutti quei giudizi dati a caso, alle prediche venute da pulpiti inesistenti!
A tutte le persone che coprono il loro volto di finti sorrisi affogati nella rabbia che gli logora l'anima!
A tutti quelli che credono di essere migliori, che credono che come sono loro non c'è nessuno!
A tutte queste persone noi, noi persone umili e vere diciamo:
Perché dei vostri percorsi, delle vostre lodi non ce ne frega un cazzo!
A noi piace dimostrare di esserlo senza il bisogno di dirlo!
Dal web
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black--sunflower · 9 months
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Alle prediche, preferisco i pulpiti..
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Quando si pensa al "Rinascimento" in Italia, le espressioni si fanno idillio.
Ovviamente, è un errore.
Velato dalla bellezza delle arti plastiche e pittoriche in anni di densa produzione e di "maestri" inarrivabili, paradigmi della successiva "maniera".
Ma nell'Europa del Nord, la crisi spirituale e con essa il rivolgimento delle società e degli individui, la cui collocazione al centro della vita è già indice della modernità, si afferma senza infingimenti.
Nessuna illusione, neanche qui: si tratta di un'altra forma di retorica, severa, austera, grigia.
No, ancora di più: tormentata, angosciata, ossessionata.
L'intero vecchio continente ne verrà stravolto: l'età protestante, la riforma, la reazione delle gerarchie romane, le lotte di potere, il fanatismo religioso, la guerra, fino al "Sacco di Roma", avvenimento spartiacque che segna la fine della centralità della Chiesa cattolica e, paradossalmente, anche la fine dell'Impero incarnato da Carlo V.
Entrambe le istituzioni protagoniste della storia stanno per subire l'avvento delle Nazioni.
Lunga fu la scia, si estenderà per tutto il XVI secolo fino alla Guerra dei Trent'anni tra il 1618 e il 1648 e alla pace di Vestfalia che darà un nuovo assetto all'Europa.
La Germania rimarrà frammentata in Stati che potranno trovare unità solo oltre due secoli dopo.
È il riflesso del passaggio dall'unità religiosa alla fede vissuta come traccia individuale.
Ma non regge al fanatismo della verità: questi, non conosce la tolleranza.
E incombe, dai nuovi pulpiti.
Come il cavaliere attraversa saldo nella sua armatura di fede il dramma della morte e l'incombere del male, così l'uomo che l'arte del Nord immagina, è figura della solitudine e del sacrificio, eroe della lotta: l'unico affidavit è riposto in se stesso.
Dürer intuisce, come ogni vero artista, l'avvento di un modello diverso di umanità: più libera, cosciente.
Ma sa anche che questo modello richiede la ricostruzione di principi guida, di un'identità che dall'individuo passi alla dimensione collettiva: ecco la crisi.
La città, sul picco della montagna, è un enigma lontano, silenzioso.
Il cavaliere, meditabondo nella sua dignità di spada e di obblighi, segue il cammino e i suoi pericoli.
Li attraversa, non li teme.
Perché ne riconosce l'essenza: è identica alla sua.
Uno stanco mendicare che ha solo l'apparente baldanza muscolare di un cavallo al trotto e l'incosciente vitalità di un cane.
L'esteso simbolismo dell'immagine è anch'esso un barlume che non riesce a mascherare il senso di rassegnazione delle tre figure: fiacche comparse in un circo abbandonato al "memento mori".
Come radici senza più terra, abbarbicate sulla roccia.
Scenario estremo che nulla potrà accogliere.
- Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528): "Il cavaliere, la morte e il diavolo", 1513, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe (Germany)
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misterpuca · 5 days
I am in need of dental treatment that is urgent but unfortunately, the cost is beyond my current means.
I had gotten a dental treatment plan drawn up in late December 2023 after not seeing a dentist due to Covid and as reported by BBC the impossible waits for dental care in the UK.
I managed to sell some of my things and have a donation from my family of £300 towards this care, but I still need to raise more and save what I can from my job and slling my clothes on depop and vinted.
I've attached photos of treatment plans, receipts to the link at top.
If I don’t get the 2 crowns done they will have to pull the teeth out. I already lost 4 teeth and when you loose a tooth - the ones left open beside are more prone to disease. So I can’t just ignore this its at breaking point.
My dentist was discussing my medical history last week and because I have a connective tissue disease this makes me prone to more things such as pulpitis which leads to teeth being removed. This is news to me, but it explains why I had teeth randomly break and pulpitis etc.
Link to the Go Fund Me
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charlesoberonn · 2 years
I have pulpitis. Not pleasant, but I'm handling it.
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mancino · 1 year
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Da certi pulpiti ammiro il coraggio con cui si sputtanano da soli .
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animaespirito · 5 months
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A tutti i perfettini di sto c@zzo!
A tutte le madonnine dello spirito santo!
A tutte le persone ipocrite!
A tutti i santoni senza aureola!
A tutti i grandi uomini senza p@lle!
A tutti i finti amori, le finte promesse e le grandi bugie!
A tutti quei giudizi dati a caso, alle prediche venute da pulpiti inesistenti!
A tutte le persone che coprono il loro volto di finti sorrisi affogati nella rabbia che gli logora l'anima!
A tutti quelli che credono di essere migliori, che credono che come sono loro non c'è nessuno!
A tutte queste persone noi, noi persone umili e vere diciamo fottetevi!
Perché dei vostri percorsi, delle vostre lodi non ce ne frega un c@zzo!
A noi piace dimostrare di esserlo senza il bisogno di dirlo!
A casa nostra: "chi si loda... s'imbroda"!
Silvia Nelli
La forza e l'amor proprio
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anja-anja · 1 year
Accetto prediche, ma seleziono i pulpiti...
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vecchiorovere-blog · 2 years
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A tutti i grandi uomini senza palle! A tutti i finti amori, le finte promesse e le grandi bugie! A tutti quei giudizi dati a caso, alle prediche venute da pulpiti inesistenti! A tutte le persone che coprono il loro volto di finti sorrisi affogati nella rabbia che gli logora l'anima! A tutti quelli che credono di essere migliori, che credono che come sono loro non c'è nessuno! A tutte queste persone noi, noi persone umili e vere diciamo fottetevi! Perché dei vostri percorsi, delle vostre lodi non ce ne frega un cazzo! A noi piace dimostrare di esserlo senza il bisogno di dirlo! A casa nostra: "chi si loda, s'imbroda"!
Silvia Nelli
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patchoulism · 2 years
I’m suspecting I have pulpitis, but I’ll see what the doctor will say next week when we meet.
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smilewellness2 · 10 days
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure often associated with adults, but it’s not uncommon for children to require this treatment as well. While the thought of a root canal might be daunting, understanding when it’s necessary for children can help alleviate concerns and ensure proper dental care. In this blog post, we’ll explore the circumstances under which root canal treatment doctors in Thane might be needed for children and why it’s essential for their oral health.
Understanding Root Canal Treatment:
A root canal is a dental procedure performed to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp from inside the tooth, cleans and disinfects the area, and then seals it to prevent further infection. While root canals are commonly associated with adult teeth, they can also be necessary for children under certain circumstances.
When Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary for Children?
Severe Tooth Decay: If a child’s tooth has severe decay that has reached the inner pulp, a root canal may be necessary to remove the infected tissue and save the tooth.
Trauma: Children are prone to accidents and injuries, which can sometimes result in damage to the tooth pulp. If a tooth is cracked or fractured, exposing the pulp, a root canal may be needed to repair the damage and prevent infection.
Pulpitis: Pulpitis is inflammation of the dental pulp and can occur in children due to untreated cavities or trauma to the tooth. If left untreated, pulpitis can lead to severe pain and infection, necessitating a root canal to alleviate symptoms and save the tooth.
Abscess: In some cases, untreated tooth decay or trauma can lead to the formation of an abscess, a painful infection at the root of the tooth. A root canal may be necessary to remove the infected tissue and prevent the spread of infection.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment for Children:
Preserves Natural Teeth: One of the primary benefits of root canal treatment for children is that it preserves their natural teeth. Saving a tooth through a root canal helps maintain proper chewing function and prevents the need for more invasive treatments like tooth extraction.
Prevents Further Complications: Untreated dental infections can lead to serious health complications, including the spread of infection to other parts of the body. By performing a root canal, dentists can effectively remove the source of infection and prevent it from spreading.
Relieves Pain: Dental infections can cause significant pain and discomfort for children. Root canal treatment helps alleviate this pain by removing the infected tissue and restoring the tooth to health.
Your Path to a Healthy Smile Begins Here:
Whether you’re experiencing tooth pain or have been advised to undergo root canal therapy, Smile Wellness is here to guide you every step of the way. Our dedicated team of root canal treatment doctors in Thane is committed to restoring your oral health and helping you regain confidence in your smile.
Don’t let dental issues hold you back – schedule your consultation with Smile Wellness today and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile!
To Know More: https://www.smilewellness.co.in/blog/root-canal-treatment-for-children-when-is-it-necessary/
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trendtrackershq · 20 days
Endodontics Market: Exploring Growth Opportunities and Trends
Endodontics, a specialized branch of dentistry focusing on the study and treatment of dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of teeth, has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. The field encompasses a range of procedures aimed at preserving natural dentition, alleviating dental pain, and restoring oral health. As advancements in technology and research continue to reshape the dental landscape, the Endodontics Market is witnessing unprecedented growth and innovation. This comprehensive article aims to explore the various growth opportunities and emerging trends driving the Endodontics Market forward.
According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Endodontics Market size is predicted to reach USD 3.20 billion with a CAGR of 5.6% by 2030.
Request for a sample, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/endodontics-market/request-sample
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Rising Demand for Endodontic Procedures:
The demand for endodontic treatments is on the rise, fueled by several factors including the aging population, changing dietary habits, and increasing awareness of oral health. Dental diseases such as dental caries, pulpitis, and apical periodontitis are prevalent globally, leading to an increased need for root canal therapy and other endodontic interventions. Additionally, the growing emphasis on preventive dental care has prompted individuals to seek early intervention for dental issues, further contributing to the demand for endodontic procedures.
Furthermore, the rise in dental tourism, especially in countries offering high-quality yet cost-effective dental services, has expanded access to endodontic treatments for patients worldwide. This trend underscores the importance of addressing the growing demand for endodontic services and the need for continuous advancements in treatment modalities to meet evolving patient needs.
Technological Advancements Driving Innovation:
Technological innovations have revolutionized the field of Endodontics, offering practitioners advanced tools and techniques to enhance treatment outcomes and patient experiences. Imaging technologies such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital radiography enable clinicians to obtain detailed 3D images of the teeth and surrounding structures, facilitating accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Moreover, advancements in instrumentation, including rotary files, apex locators, and dental lasers, have transformed root canal therapy, making it more efficient and predictable. Rotary instruments, made from nickel-titanium alloys, allow for precise and controlled canal preparation, reducing procedural errors and treatment time. Apex locators aid in determining the working length of the root canal, ensuring thorough cleaning and shaping of the root canal system.
Dental lasers, such as erbium lasers and diode lasers, offer minimally invasive alternatives for disinfection and debridement of the root canal system, resulting in reduced postoperative pain and faster healing. Additionally, technologies like magnification and illumination systems have enhanced the visibility and precision of endodontic procedures, enabling clinicians to achieve optimal results while preserving healthy dental tissues.
Expanding Applications of Regenerative Endodontics:
Regenerative endodontics, an emerging field within Endodontics, focuses on harnessing the innate regenerative capacity of dental tissues to promote healing and tissue repair. This approach is particularly relevant in cases of dental trauma, pulp necrosis, and apical periodontitis, where conventional treatment options may be limited.
One of the key strategies in regenerative endodontics involves the use of bioactive materials such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide, which have demonstrated favorable biocompatibility and regenerative properties. These materials stimulate the formation of dentin-like tissue and promote the recruitment of stem cells, facilitating pulp revascularization and tissue regeneration.
Furthermore, advancements in stem cell therapy and tissue engineering hold promise for enhancing the regenerative potential of dental pulp tissues. Stem cells derived from dental pulp, apical papilla, and periodontal ligament possess multipotent differentiation capabilities, allowing them to differentiate into odontoblasts and other dental cell types essential for tissue repair.
Biomaterial scaffolds, growth factors, and signaling molecules are also being explored to create conducive microenvironments for tissue regeneration within the root canal space. By combining regenerative techniques with traditional endodontic procedures, clinicians can optimize outcomes and preserve the natural dentition in young patients with immature teeth and open apexes.
Inquire before buying, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/endodontics-market/inquire-before-buying
Growing Emphasis on Minimally Invasive Endodontics:
Minimally invasive endodontic techniques have gained popularity among patients and practitioners alike, owing to their ability to preserve tooth structure, minimize trauma, and expedite healing. These techniques prioritize the conservation of healthy dental tissues while effectively treating the underlying pathology, thereby enhancing the longevity of the tooth and reducing the need for extensive restorative procedures.
Microscopic endodontics, facilitated by high-powered magnification and illumination systems, enables clinicians to visualize and treat intricate root canal anatomy with unparalleled precision. The use of dental operating microscopes allows for enhanced visualization of canal orifices, isthmuses, and accessory canals, thereby reducing the risk of procedural errors and ensuring thorough cleaning and shaping of the root canal system.
Additionally, ultrasonic instruments and nickel-titanium rotary files offer efficient and controlled canal preparation while preserving dentin integrity and minimizing the risk of instrument separation. These instruments utilize ultrasonic vibrations and rotational motion to remove infected dentin and debris from the root canal space, facilitating thorough disinfection and obturation.
Furthermore, advancements in irrigation techniques, such as passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) and sonic agitation, enhance the efficacy of antimicrobial solutions and facilitate the removal of organic debris from the root canal system. By adopting minimally invasive approaches, clinicians can minimize patient discomfort, reduce treatment time, and optimize long-term outcomes in endodontic therapy.
Emerging Trends in Endodontic Materials and Biomimetic Therapies:
Endodontic materials play a critical role in ensuring the success and longevity of endodontic treatments, providing a seal against bacterial ingress and supporting the healing of periapical tissues. Traditional materials such as gutta-percha and resin-based sealers have been widely used for root canal obturation, offering predictable outcomes and long-term stability.
However, the emergence of bioactive materials and biomimetic therapies has expanded the repertoire of materials available to clinicians, offering enhanced biocompatibility, antimicrobial properties, and regenerative potential. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), a bioactive cement derived from Portland cement, has gained popularity for its excellent sealing properties and ability to stimulate tissue repair and mineralization.
Bioceramic sealers, composed of calcium silicates and calcium phosphates, exhibit superior biocompatibility and bioactivity, promoting the formation of hydroxyapatite and facilitating the healing of periapical tissues. These materials form a chemical bond with dentin and provide a hermetic seal against bacterial ingress, reducing the risk of microleakage and recurrent infection.
Furthermore, biomimetic approaches inspired by the natural structure and composition of dentin aim to mimic the biological processes of dentinogenesis and dentin remineralization. Calcium-based remineralizing agents, such as bioactive glass and calcium phosphate nanoparticles, facilitate the deposition of mineral ions within the dentin matrix, strengthening the tooth structure and reducing susceptibility to secondary caries.
The Endodontics Market is experiencing unprecedented growth and innovation, driven by technological advancements, expanding applications of regenerative therapies, and the growing emphasis on minimally invasive treatment modalities. As dental professionals continue to embrace innovation and adopt evidence-based practices, the Endodontics Market will witness sustained expansion, offering patients enhanced treatment options and improved oral health outcomes.
By staying abreast of emerging trends and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, stakeholders can capitalize on the myriad growth opportunities within the dynamic landscape of Endodontics. As the field continues to evolve, collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and industry stakeholders will be essential to drive innovation, improve treatment outcomes, and ultimately enhance the quality of patient care in Endodontics.
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