#Proverbs 2
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Listen to Wisdom
1 My son, pay attention to what I say. Remember my commands. 2 Listen to wisdom, and do your best to understand. 3 Ask for good judgment. Cry out for understanding. 4 Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. 5 If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God.
6 The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. 7 He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right. 8 He makes sure that people are treated fairly. He watches over his loyal followers.
9 If you listen to him, you will understand what is just and fair and how to do what is right. 10 You will gain wisdom, and knowledge will bring you joy.
11 Planning ahead will protect you, and understanding will guard you. 12 These will keep you from following the wrong path and will protect you from those who have evil plans. 13 Such people have left the straight path and now walk in darkness. 14 They enjoy doing evil and are happy with the confusion it brings. 15 Their ways are crooked; they lie and cheat.
16 Wisdom will save you from that other woman, another man’s wife, who tempts you with sweet words. 17 She married when she was young, but then she left her husband. She forgot the marriage vows she made before God. 18 Going into her house leads to death. She will lead you to the grave. 19 All who enter lose their life and never return.
20 Wisdom will help you follow the example of good people and stay on the right path. 21 Honest people will live in the land, and those who do right will remain there. 22 But the wicked will be forced to leave. Those who lie and cheat will be thrown out of the land. — Proverbs 2 | Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) The Holy Bible, Easy-to-Read Version Copyright © 2006 by Bible League International. Cross References: Genesis 2:24; Genesis 49:15; Deuteronomy 28:63; 1 Samuel 2:9; 1 Kings 3:9; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 84:11; Psalm 90:12; Psalm 125:5; Proverbs 1:3-4; Proverbs 1:7; Proverbs 4:1; Proverbs 4:6; Proverbs 5:3; Proverbs 6:12; proverbs 28:10; Jeremiah 11:15; Matthew 13:44; John 3:19-20; Hebrews 6:12; James 1:5
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search for it as for hidden treasures ♥
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s-o-a-p-ing · 1 year
Tuesday, 2/14/23
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.   ~ Proverbs 2:2
Tune my ears - Like a radio, I'll get static and/or things I don't want if I'm not purposeful about what I want to hear...
...and as I drive away from the "station" - the source - I lose the message - the song, the news...
To whom am I tuning my ears? My heart?
Wisdom - In response to something I read yesterday I "came up" with a kind of definition - Wisdom is rough knowledge polished by experience... I can gain it by listening or by repeatedly skinning my knee or burning my hand or breaking my heart...
Concentrate on understanding - which is tough these days when so many want to purposefully misunderstand - It’s not just gonna come “on it’s own....”
Like in the New Testament - “Knock and the door will be opened, Ask and you will be given, Seek and you will find...”
Tune my ears...
To wisdom...
Concentrate on understanding...
Understanding Father God - Too many times I seek my own understanding and try to tune out the Spirit's quiet speaking of Your wisdom into my life... I ask forgiveness for this selfish disobedience, and give You thanks for the times that You have worked through Him to lead me to better things than I would have found for myself on my own... May I continue to seek concentration on Your grace and understanding of Your Word and love for You and others as Jesus lived and showed me how to do it... I His Name, Father God, and for Your glory and honor and praise in all things at all times...
Gratefully and joyfully yours - in Him;
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fardell24b · 1 year
Church notes - 29th January 2023
29th James 3:13 - 18
Wisdom Earthly wisdom vs Godly Wisdom Earthly wisdom Disorderly and destructive.
Godly Wisdom Pure, peace-loving.
Wisdom from below Stong envy
Wisdom from above. Pure - No secret motivation. No pride or self-promotion.
We need to back up everything we hear from the Bible.
1 John 4:1
Ask God for Wisdom.
Proverbs 2:3 - 6
James 1:5, 6
We have to put our trust in Him.
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wiirocku · 4 months
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Proverbs 18:2 (NLT) - Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions.
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honestlyvan · 5 months
If you're specifically looking to write Ahti, don't rely on machine translation. Finnish is a notoriously bastard language to approximate statistically because of our dozen noun cases, inconsistent and dialect-dependent spelling and extremely fast and loose compound word rules.
Rather, go on Wiktionary's Finnish Proverbs and Finnish Idioms pages, and look for anything that looks funny (with a side-order of mentioning that it's a western Finnish/Bothnian thing, for character consistency), because Finns are also extremely overrepresented on the English-speaking internet.
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nightvale-outofcontext · 11 months
Proverb: Men are from Mars; women are from Venus; Earth is a hallucination; podcasts are dreams.
— July 1st, 2012 - Glow Cloud
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saifdev · 8 days
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Ephesians propaganda: none
Proverbs propaganda:
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walkswithmyfather · 7 months
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“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.” —2 Chronicles 20:17 (NIV)
“It’s discouraging to feel depleted and think, This was not supposed to be my story. Whether it’s the doctor’s report we never thought we would receive, the ending of a relationship we thought would last forever, or maybe the job we worked so hard for that is not turning out the way we expected, we often cannot escape the wars we feel raging in and around us. Yet we wish we could hide rather than face them.
Thankfully, God gave us the beautiful story of King Jehoshaphat that can help teach us how to deal with our problems His way.
In 2 Chronicles 20, we meet Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. He had just received word that a vast army was coming to destroy him and his people.
Jehoshaphat pleaded to the Lord: “For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12b, NIV).
God’s gentle response settled the king’s anxious heart: “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you” (2 Chronicles 20:17).
God cares about our safety and well-being, and often He does provide a way of escape from danger; in this story, though, God called the king to face his problem with praise. And as he began to sing of God's glory, the enemy began to fall (2 Chronicles 20:21-22).
God didn’t tell Jehoshaphat to fight his problem, and He didn’t tell him to flee; He told him to face it with God by his side. The king faced his impossible situation and responded with praise before he even knew the outcome. 
In moments where you find yourself in a seemingly impossible situation and you’re not sure whether to fight, flee or face it, you can invite God into that space too. Even if all you have left is a whisper, whisper His name.
One simple decision helped me face the battle with my job: I decided to start listening to worship music on my way to work in the morning. Not just as background music — I would sing out loud with the words. You don’t have to have a perfect voice to praise. Praise is a posture, not a performance. The choice to face each day with praise gave me the reminder that God was in the car with me and would walk into work with me every single day. This sounds easier said than done, but as we acknowledge His presence, we then notice His power. Our battle cry is the name of Jesus.
As we begin to sing, we can trust that God has already begun His work. By the time we get to the edge of our battlefield, we will see the Lord has already won.
Father, give me the strength to face this day with praise. Help me to remember this battle is not mine but Yours. Help me to keep my eyes on You through every situation I face. I praise You, Father, for Your goodness. Thank You for defeating all my enemies. Thank You for keeping me safe. Thank You for loving me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”
—Taylor Stuart
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septembersghost · 6 months
my queue was supposed to run out tonight (11/19) - i'm nothing if not someone who clings to dates and anniversaries, and exactly a month ago, i realized i had enough posts stowed in it to last until today. of all the days. kismet. you know when it's time to go. but i ended up adding some posts from my (still copious) drafts, and no matter how i finagled it, it was impossible to make them all fit by the time today ended. so it gets a little bit of extra time. maybe, in honor of this blog's existence, that's fitting.
you all know this, i've said it, typically in gratitude, many times already. this blog was never meant to last. i came back in november 2020 expecting a couple of months, maybe to be here until the new year. i told very few people, anticipating the goodbye, not wanting to cause anyone undue anguish when i had to vanish again. something i didn't expect was the sheer (admittedly devasting) emotion that would tie itself to those two weeks when i started interacting again, nor that it would have any outreach or impact, but somehow it did. then time kept spinning on, extending itself, gossamer threads unfurling each day. my following kept growing, far beyond what i could have anticipated, greater than i'd ever established on any of my previous blogs. moving around is unfortunately a pattern at this point, every time for reasons that felt quietly catastrophic. not being able to pay bills for a while. angel's death and the ensuing difficult circumstances. so here, i kept anxiously imagining why i'd eventually have to leave, how to plan for it. poverty issues. the homelessness we were facing through the entirety of a couple of years until last august (and my dad having to be the saving grace). worsening health issues. i never knew, i couldn't predict it, i just worried about it. often tried to brace for it. maybe i got too comfortable this year, because this was when i started to think it wouldn't happen, that i really could stay. little did i know. and the reasons...are not reasons i ever fathomed, why would i have? how could i have? i wish it weren't so. (i wish a lot of things.)
i thought sometimes about the words i would leave you with, none of which are suitable now. i almost wrote nothing, yet found that feeling wrong, couldn't leave without something about parting.
thus it turns out i'm leaving before it's strictly necessary, before it's the fear of personal catastrophe coming to fruition, not knowing what i'll do or where i'll metaphorically go, as that is the downside of chronic illness and isolation narrowing this to my sole outlet. (lyrics keep running through my mind, there are always lyrics stuck in my head. no matter where i go, there'll be memories that tug at my sleeve, but there will also be more to question, yet more to believe...teach me to be more adaptive...help me say goodbye). my body is in such a fragile state right now (my mind not far behind) that maybe what i need to do is rest. just rest for a while.
this blog was never meant to grow the way it did, to take asks and have conversations like i did, that was a somewhat new (sometimes scary! often fun) experience for me. it's one that will never be replicated. to my loyal and lovely anons, i'm so sorry that i had to cut you off unexpectedly and couldn't reinstate communication - i know that you weren't able to reach out to me as soon as i did that, and that certainly wasn't your fault, it was a response to the tenor of this website. i apologize for the hundreds of messages i never had the chance to answer. i'm appreciative of the things you shared with me and all the times we got to talk.
i sincerely hope some of you learn to be kinder and wiser and less reactionary and more willing to learn and to listen rather than to attack those who have never wronged you and who do not deserve that. i'm being too nice, but i hope you learn that misusing your supposed social justice to do harm and foment hatred and stew in ignorant cruelty makes any principles you purport to have utterly void. my hope for that is low at the moment, but it's still got to be there. waiting to be found.
to those of you who have never been anything but kind, you are true treasures, the lights in the darkness, the loving and compassionate embodiment of human spirit. some of you have (quite literally) helped keep my mom and me alive, and i can never repay that or do enough in this life to quantify it. some of you have been here for me every single day, to listen and laugh and cry and understand. i don't think i would've bothered to fight through these past three years had i not had your presences in my life. i wouldn't have had as much of a reason. there are times when i still haven't felt like i had a reason, i struggle through so many varied griefs, but then i continued to wake up, and would come on here and find something joyful or beautiful or affirming that someone had sent or posted, and it gave me an anchor. there are passions and interests i shared or discovered here that were so uplifting and enlightening, and i will carry them in my heart always. being here to find those was such a blessing. being here with you to indulge in them was such a blessing. thank you. i pray your continued paths have more of that ahead. look at all the things you've done for me. there are certain things that once you have no time can wear away.
you know that line from the wizard of oz?: hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable. maybe that isn't true, maybe our hearts being broken is proof of something. there are people who hurt me on such a profound level who i know weren't affected by it at all, but i refuse to define my sensitivity as a negative. my softness (too soft for all of it, indeed) does not quite provide me with a weapon, but it doesn't crumple. hearts can be broken repeatedly and still beat, which i've thought about a lot lately. shattered souls just make a new mosaic. it's a different picture than it was before, but the color and light persists. and in the remains of that, a handful of people have shown me depths of caring and resilience that i wouldn't have gotten to hold onto otherwise, which is an extraordinary thing. the precious rarities have to mean something more, don't they? i would think so. i believe it. or i'm trying. i keep trying with all my might.
maybe i stayed too long at the fair. maybe this is a consequence of overplaying my hand, gambling a little too much with time to where it had to teach me something. maybe i needed the reminder that sometimes we have to fight to retain our spirits, and other times we have to retreat. maybe i needed a reminder that all that extra time was a miracle. i don't take it for granted.
whether we've spoken directly, be that consistently or in scattered flurries, whether we've interacted in very personal ways or simply in liked hearts on the dash, i hope there was goodness and light in it. i hope there's a memory i leave here that's sweet. (as long as i'm borrowing phrases, i hope you'll think of me fondly sometimes.) i hope there was something warm and enriching here. i hope you know what you've been and meant to me. i said so many times that this blog was my cozy haunted house - the ghosts will linger here forever, and i know they'll never mind if you want to step in and visit.
with all my heart, i love so many of you so dearly. i am so lucky to have your friendships. please move gently through life. please hold onto the things that illuminate it for you, and provide that where you can. please do your best to repair even the smallest of tears in the world. you are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
there must be lights burning brighter somewhere.
something yet remains. i remain. and i do my best to be brave.
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‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭2:6‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
[6] For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
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When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
(Proverbs 29:2, ESV)
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For He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones.
Proverbs 2:8
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fardell24b · 1 year
Church notes - 15th January 2023
15th Exodus 34:6, 7
Psalm 139
Communion 1 Peter 1:3 - 9 1 Peter 1:18
Sermon James A Beautiful Punch to the Gut James 1:1 - 18
James the just James the camel kneed - Continually on his knees in prayer for his brothers and sisters in Christ. vs 1 A servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ His purpose - to serve God and Christ
The joy we have in Christ helps us grow in our faith as we go through trials. The temptations we face don't come from God. vs 13 - 15
Proverbs 8 Proverbs 2:1 - 5
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wiirocku · 3 months
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Proverbs 2:6 (NKJV) - For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
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