#Pompous pep
ryntaia · 2 days
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Pompep sketchbook dump time
Probably will line and color the first one, lyrics are from the song *The Spy and The Liar* from the game *I Expect You to Die 2*.
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Ill be real I just like how Danny came out in this one, especially in the face
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ghostbunnyboy · 2 days
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The Lovers
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vladdyissues · 22 hours
Hi, I'm asking this question because I'm genuinely afraid. I want to post art I did/I commissioned a different artist of Pompous Pep on my blog, but I'm terrified of others attacking me. I've always liked this ship since I was kid and didn't it was considered taboo until I was older. How do you deal with hate? Would it be better to post on a side blog? My main DP AU does have Pompous Pep when Danny is in his early to mid 20s.
I answered a similar ask here, but this one also deserves its own answer. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself from hate:
✦ Turn off anonymous asks. That curbs 99.9999% of abuse, because haters are too chickenshit to send stuff that they can get reported for and possibly have their account terminated. If you do decide to open anonymous asks at some point and receive hate, you can still report it. More on blocking here.
✦ Make sure you tag your post with "pompous pep" so those who love the ship can find it and those who have the tag blocked can avoid it.
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✦ As you can see, there are quite a few of us Pompep fans here on Tumblr, and it's good to be part of a community. Being able to laugh off anon hate with one another is a superb morale-booster. (If you spend any amount of time on Discord, DM me. We have a server, and you'd be very welcome there.)
Bottom line: Haters will always find a reason to hate something they don't like. You can never "perform" purely enough to please them, so don't even try. If you age up Danny and Vlad, they'll still bitch about the age gap. If you make them the same age, they'll bitch about the "toxic dynamic" of Enemies to Lovers. If you make an AU where they've always been friends and are the exact same age, they'll still accuse you of Shipping Crimes™ because it's still the same characters—even if all the obstacles that made the ship problematic have been removed. All you'll do is wear yourself out trying to conform to their standards, so just say "fuck em" and do what you want.
Me, personally, I've been in fandom too long to be bothered by anon hate. I report them, block them, and delete the message, and I don't waste any more energy than necessary. I also follow the golden rule of Don't Feed the Trolls. Haters thrive on attention, and if they get no response from you, they'll eventually give up their attack and move on.
I'm sorry that the actions of an idiotic, vocal minority have made you afraid to participate in fandom activities. No one should ever feel that way. Just remember that you're not alone. Almost all of us Pompep fans have dealt with negativity at some point in our lives, but that hasn't stopped us at all. We're still here, and we'll always be here.
✦ As for sideblogs, they're great if you want to keep certain stuff separate from your main blog, but it's totally up to you. Just keep in mind, if you want to block anyone from seeing your sideblog, it must be done from the Blog Settings of that particular sideblog. More on sideblogs here.
I hope this post answered your questions and eased some of your fears. If you have any further comments or questions, you know how to reach me :)
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acetheripper · 2 days
Danny didn't even remember how he got into this situation. He had just been flying around when an ecto blast from a gun had hit him mid-flight. At first, he thought his parents had found him, but when he looked again, the Guys In White were trying to pin him down. He glared down at them and tried to dodge them, but it seemed like they kept coming. He growled softly and tried to fly away. He had almost gotten away when he heard another ghost cry out. Danny glanced behind him and saw a young looking ghost, possibly a child and something in Danny snapped and he flew at them, tackling one of them over and trying to get them off the child.
"Go! Get out of here!" He cried to the ghost as the men started to swarm him. The young ghost seemed reluctant at first but one roar from Danny made the boy fly off. Danny groaned in pain as they kept shooting at him, several hitting him. Danny tried to fly off, but his tail got grabbed and he was thrown to the floor. Danny let our a cry of pain as he glared at the men and shot at their guns, growling as he at least tried to get an opening to fly away.
I'll get it done tomorrow, I swear lol
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icedghostlatte-art · 3 months
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bi11i0naire · 5 months
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stardust-of-dreamers · 3 months
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It’s you Danny,you’re his new obsession.
(Vlad’s thoughts after knowing Danny is a halfa like him in ‘Bitter Reunions’)
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mr-mcqueen · 3 months
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*crunchy crunch* damn.. pompep brainrot is real and it's eating my brain for a half of year now (help?)
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chief-kett · 4 months
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I found old sketches that would be nice to publish too.
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ecto-stone · 28 days
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Couple Goal
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pomeplica · 1 month
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Inspired by a conversation with my boo on Zalo. They said that
Danny ghost sense come out looking like steam caused His breath is colder then the Air.
Vlad ghost Sense come out looking like steam caused his breath is hotter then the air. If they Kiss! their ghost sense combined would caused a Steammy Explosion !!!
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ghostbunnyboy · 18 days
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference. If u know, u know.
Not Dannymay, just found a sketch I wanted to clean up
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vladdyissues · 7 months
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Based on this
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j3lly-t1n · 1 month
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posessive old man save me
save me
save me possessive old man
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icedghostlatte-art · 17 days
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Happy Mermay!
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bi11i0naire · 3 months
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