#Personal PSA
nkjemisin · 1 year
Please don’t send me business/solicitation asks here
Hi folks. Just putting this here because a few folks have sent me appearance requests or anthology solicitations or whatever via my asks, and... please don’t. Tumblr is where I come to play and yell at bigots, and even I get tired of yelling at bigots. I’m not interested in doing business here at all.
I have a business email (nkjemisin at gmail) monitored by my assistant. I also have a website with a lot of the stuff that people request from me, already posted, like my press kit. Please use those avenues for business stuff!
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trannydean-moved · 8 months
okay this is an actual big thing. i am planning on running away from my current household within the next month or two, before winter sets in. there are too many things that could go wrong if i wait till next may like i have been planning, so i am just going to run away to west virginia as soon as i can.
i'll give an update for when i am planning on leaving, so there'll be more to come probably soon. meanwhile, i will still be active as of right now. i think it'll be understandable when i am offline for a few days while in the middle of running. i'll let you guys know when i'm planning on doing that.
i'm going to be incredibly stressed before i run away, so please be patient with me. i will do my best to reply to anything as soon as i can, but if i fail to do so, it will probably be because of this. i am not going to use this as an excuse for any potentially rude or short-tempered behavior i might exhibit, rather than a reason. i apologize if i'm an asshole to anyone, this is just the most stressful thing i've gone through so far in my life and i am unsure how i'm going to act and react to everything during the next several weeks.
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whump-queen · 1 year
personal psa—
I am once again getting overwhelmed with dms and rps atm — so I will be taking a step back from that for now.
I may still be answering asks and stuff intermittently but i have some of my own content I need to work on and I have a very hectic few days ahead of me irl.
wanna reassure y’all I love and appreciate you so much — if I don’t answer your messages for a while it’s not personal, I just have very little energy at the moment.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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A lot to unpack here, nonnie. Where to begin?
Why do I have fics on hiatus?
Many reasons. Time. My muse. I don't want to half-ass finish my stories simply for the sake of finishing them. When I return to them, I want them to be 100%.
I don't give you what you want.
I write what and who I want. Not every fic on my blog will be for you. When you go to a store, do you want every single item? No, you don't. You pick and choose. I'd like to think there's something here for each of my followers to pick and choose as well.
Bad Drabbles and people who suck?
I'm assuming that word is "suck". My writing may pale in comparison to some, but I love what I share. It isn't bad to me and that's what matters. As far as people who suck, again, I write who I want. I love Bucky and Steve and writing for them, but there are also thousands of fics out there for them. Maybe you're not a Scott fan or overlook Hal, but I have readers who appreciate that I write for them.
No wonder they tanked.
No, they didn't, nonnie. If a fic, imagine, anything of mine doesn't soar in terms of notes, sure. It may look like a failure. But reading the comments, even if they are few, they didn't fail in the slightest. They made someone happy or feel something. That's a win. Try looking at it from a different perspective before you tell me what's considered a win or a loss.
You love me, but I need to get it together.
Is this ask meant to portray love? I'm not feeling it. And get what together exactly? This is a hobby that I do for free. I write between working and raising my kids. My time is limited. Hell, I have mutuals and servers that I haven't talked to or interacted with in days or weeks because of lack of time and energy. This is on top of family emergencies that have happened this year. I'm trying my best.
Did that cover everything?
Frankly, I don't owe you an explanation, but I gave you one. This is my blog and a safe space to write when I can, thirst, support and have fun. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing!
To the lovelies who read my fics, interact with them and are patiently waiting for things, I appreciate you more than you know. ❤️ And, nonnie, try showing a writer or creator some actual love or check on them. Insulting them won't make them create any faster.
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mystra-midnight · 27 days
This is just a friendly reminder for anyone who is new to my blog or considering following: please include your age or an indication of your age on your blog.
It can be in the title, the description, or a pinned topic, but it must be there if you want to follow me. If you choose not to, please understand that you will be blocked.
This isn't a negotiation.
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leandra-winchester · 1 year
I was saving all of this for a longer post I wanted to write, a nice, calm and factually argued essay on why I do not support the current TRA movement (but do support trans people). I wanted to take time to point out how the TRA movement employs fascist and cultish methods to dictate a narrative, prevent any kind of criticism and critical thinking. I wanted to do all that, but no. That post just now drove me over the edge.
I could not bear seeing that on my dash without replying.
This is a PSA.
If you think this movement is right in the way it a) frames and b) executes its protests (i.e. dictating who to listen to and threatening women with rape and other violence, and even committing it sometimes), unfollow me.
If you think women do not deserve protections based on their biological sex (i.e. being fine with violent male rapists being sent to female prisons just because they claim to be trans women), unfollow me.
If you aren't even prepared to listen to detransitioners, to gender clinic whistleblowers and read recent studies and publications on the detrimental effects of puberty blockers; if you're not at least ready to re-assess the stance that children even as young as pre-teens should be affirmed in anything they say; if you cannot do that and admit that good intentions sometimes lead to bad conclusions, unfollow me.
But if there's even an ounce of doubt in you about any of those issues and whether the current movement is always so right, then please, please approach this with an open mind. Listen to other people. Read their accounts.
Listen to other trans people, too, those who are not inside this TRA bubble, like Buck Angel, Debby Hayton (and yes, Blair White, controversial as she is and as much as I don't agree with her on many things).
This movement harms trans people TOO! Do you seriously want to lumped into the same category as people like Barbie Kardashian or Jessica Yaniv? Do you want the general public to see you as that - as what are clearly men abusing the flawed self-ID system? Do you think honoring their chosen identities and pronouns - as the media and authorities do - is more important and noble than siding with the victims of their crimes? You cannot truly feel that way. I refuse to believe that the majority of you do not care about their victims.
We can still turn this around, we can go back to supporting each other and respecting each other despite our differences. But it's getting harder and harder to achieve the more damage these "activists" are doing.
I've been holding back for almost 3 years now. 3 years in which I've listened, read, watched and continuously re-assessed my own views based on the information - from ALL sides - I was able to obtain.
Please do the same. Form your own opinions, and don't just blindly follow the mob.
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nataliescatorccio · 11 months
little fyi that i am heading off for a work trip and won’t have access to a laptop for the next week plus generally have limited online time, so i may not be checking my tag or responding to messages. i’ll be back next thursday so see you then!
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sunfloraas · 10 months
Made a sideblogt for any interesting stuff so I can engage more but separate for portfolio organization and stuff! This Will just be for my stuff and art made for me in some way!
Sorry I keep forgetting about tags haha
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bd-bandkanon · 11 months
social hiatus
all online interaction will be limited to status updates, communicating with commission clients, and crucial messages & meetings until further notice
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suometar · 1 year
If you see me posting something inspirational, please check out my pinned post before following me.
I'm not posting JUST inspirational stuff (which I btw do very seldom). I'm mostly shitposting.
I will block accounts that look like bots or men trying to find something "real" here on tumblr (good luck with that lol).
Everyone else is welcomed here as they are.
I'm here mostly for me - I'm not looking for anything else but some connections with as deranged mutual as I am.
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forgottenluck · 2 years
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since im seeing it a lot today, here’s my take on DNIs.
I know i said a few months ago i have a DNI list, but i actually don’t. At the time, i didn’t realize tumblr savior was up and working, so now i just...put in what i don’t wanna see.
So yeah, uh. Hot take; DNIs are stupid cuz one of the things tumblr is actually good at is making sure you don’t see posts you don’t wanna see. I understand the original purpose of them, and I do think that they serve a purpose to an extent....but basically telling people “hey, i’m going to punish YOU in particular for interacting with a person I may find problematic to me” is.....not what we should be here for. There are certain times that this is acceptable, like if a user is a known abuser or something....but if you just have beef with someone particular, please don’t punish other users just for interacting....
It’s like saying “You looked at me wrong now i’m going to cause a scene!”....
Please, just use tumblr savior if you can. It works on Chrome and Firefox, which is what most people use. If you’re a mobile user (though most rp people aren’t that i know of) then I’m sorry.
I’m going to interact with people who I want too, and If that’s a problem for you, then you can leave. Keep your beef with yourself and them, please don’t force me to choose over something that can be resolved with a conversation or a mutual block.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
I hope you aren't offended by me asking, but do you plan to stick around? I've noticed more and more writers leaving and it breaks my heart. 😢
Hi, nonnie! I'm not offended by you asked. The short answer: Yes.
But it's not THAT simple. It never is. I apologize for the lengthy reply.
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I've been writing here for over 2 years and have gone through some ups and downs with tumblr. I love it overall. I wouldn't trade any of the experiences, even the bad ones. I debated earlier this year what I wanted to continues sharing here. I'm in a great headspace with my writing, but the question of what I want to share is coming up again for a different reason: time and energy.
My team is doing an entire restructure and I'm taking on new tasks and responsibilities. It's exciting for my job, but it's also going to be tedious and tiring. When I'm not working, a good chunk of my time is dedicated to my kids. I also want to work on original pieces.
What does that mean for my blog? It means there may be stretches of time where I don't produce much at all and I may not be able to interact as often here or through discord. I'm already lacking, and have been for months, on reading and reblogging for other writers. I know it is NOT an obligation, but I know the importance of sharing for other writers and creators.
Am I going to stop writing? No. I love sharing with all of you. Do I want to interact? Absolutely. Is FOMO creeping up? Yes. 😂 I still want my blog to be a fun, safe space. I need to be kind to myself and not feel guilty if there are stretches where I can't be here as often. ❤️
For the writers and blogs who have left, it really is heartbreaking. I know some were met with hate, some felt phased out, a few have explored other fandoms and others fell out of love with their hobbies. I've heard a few say that tumblr isn't the same as it used to be. I hope everyone can get back to a place of fun, support and thirsting, but I also know everyone has to do what's best for them.
I'm sending good vibes to anyone on the fence. I also wish for people to stop sending hate and demanding content from creators. Show some love instead and tell a creator why you like their stuff. We aren't machines. We aren't numbers. Give us some grace and know that we appreciate the love you share.
If I can ask you to do one thing, please show another blog some love. They may need it. ❤️ And if you need anything, I'm not going anywhere.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
“friendly” reminder that if you are a part of any boundry breaking/problematic shipping communities that my fics/blog are not for you and that you need to fucking block me. I write queerplatonic c!benchtrio fics because it makes me feel better about canon and serves as a comforting way to explore my own identity along with giving happiness to c!Tommy(as well as readers whom relate to him and share a similar identity).
My fics are not for /r shippers who apply that shit to the CCs.
My fics are not for poppytwt or whatever the fuck.
My fics aren’t for truthers of any variety.
If you are someone who willfully and knowingly crosses any boundaries that have been set by ANY of the CCs, please please PLEASE stay the fuck away from me. Stay away from my fics, blogs, ANYTHING to do with me. Fuck off! Feel bad about that shit!
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nataliescatorccio · 11 months
just wanted to drop a small psa that i’m on holiday this week and well, carrier pidgeons would be faster than the internet speed so if i’m not reblogging tagged sets/responding to asks and messages that’s why
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fandom-madness69 · 16 days
I ran the first two chapters of my story through Grammarly, and I promise they will be much more tolerable now! Both chapters can be found pinned on my writing side blog.
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the-catbeast-lawfirm · 2 months
It won’t let me boop
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You may boop me by sending me a ‘boop’ or a =^•.•^= in my ask hole
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