#Paradox Live Stage battle WILL
tima520 · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐱 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞                   𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋
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koumeowkami · 1 year
no thoughts head empty. only kanata with a man bun
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fullmetalgirl98 · 18 days
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 14: favorite battle
💿 獄Luck vs 悪漢奴等 (Round 1 - "RAGE")
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It couldn't help but be this one, considering it's the stage battle that pits my two favorite groups against each other. When the pairings came out, I seriously hoped that these two would face each other, because the implications were so many and all extremely interesting! (the drama confirmed) We have the interaction between Satsuki and Ryoga, the one between Zen (and by extension, Iori, who is being a very kick-ass leader here) and Hancho, the comedy of the interface between Reo and Kenta…and then, of course, the HokuShion. You will now understand how there couldn't have been a more obvious choice for me. But leaving aside the plot entanglements, it was just the music clash that triggered me so much! As I have already expressed abundantly in previous days, AKYR and GL are the groups whose music is for me absolutely the best. AKYR are part of the 4 bigs, while GL are part of the 4 new groups, so it would be natural to think of AKYR winning hands down. WELL, THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Among the 4 new groups, GL overwhelmingly stood out, imo, with a clearly superior musical quality as well as a strong musical personality. They went at it from the start without sparing themselves, and so it happened in this battle as well. When the two units came out with their respective songs, Fight for Liberty and 大火傷 -License To Kill-, I swear to you that I had a very hard time deciding which one I preferred and consequently couldn't even make clear predictions about the winner! (and the ever-present sense of guilt, "but if I chose GL I would betray AKYR!!!" or "but AKYR slapped, how can I not choose them?!") Of course, AKYR have a very loyal audience on their side, so it was obvious that they would win…but may I say that GL didn't disfigure at all and showed themselves perfectly equal to their opponent? Idk about you, but this battle for me was pure adrenaline. GL's rockin' and aggressive style was perfect to counteract the badassery with which AKYR showed up (and let me say that when AKYR drop songs different from their usual cheerful mood, they can be very fearsome).
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jalapenobee · 3 months
one day kenta will find out that reo told kanata (and by extension, nayuta) that they were rivals and there will be violence
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kumikomochidesu · 2 years
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*crack my knuckles* You know the drill~ 🐍💜
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shrewmingledotcom · 1 year
bro the difference between units in paradox live is insane like i could be listening to endless dream and then boom trigger plays like a full fucking 180 turn from a cute idol vibe to dogs barking 
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always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
Enstars characters get a mess of a school full of traumatised boys who monologue and act like they're way older than they actually are while they put on performances as idols. Paradox Live characters get some advanced trauma-based hallucination magic and rap battles. Revue Starlight characters get codependent 17 year old girls who get temporarily isekaied into a hell stage overseen by a creepy giraffe.
And then there's Project SEKAI characters who get Hatsune Miku therapy in their own little pocket dimension
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teamcuriosity · 7 months
On "Uncatchable" Pokemon
No matter your views on battle culture, and particularly trainer culture, it would be outright ignorant to say that it hasn't improved vastly over the past couple decades. From wild captures being significantly less common and more regulated overall to the death of the "gotta catch 'em all" mentality in most regions, trainer culture has globally become more and more conscious to the needs of the pokemon over the benefits to the human trainer. However, there is one aspect of trainer culture that, the niche, has remained persistent and problematic throughout years and years of improvement in nearly every other department. This aspect is the concept of "Uncatchable" pokemon.
Now, to clarify, when I refer to "Uncatchable pokemon", I'm not referring to pokemon of legend status, mythic status, extrauniversal pokemon (commonly referred to as Ultra Beasts), or the Paradox pokemon generated by Professor Sada and Professor Turo's experimentation. These pokemon, though extremely powerful with capture heavily regulated by law, do not fall under the trainer-defined category of "Uncatchable". An "Uncatchable" pokemon is one that cannot be captured or otherwise raised independently. More often than not, this is because the Pokemon in question has a parasitic, symbiotic, or parent-child relationship with another Pokemon that would make it unhealthy or even fatal to force independence.
Two pokemon that fall into the latter category, and are often unfairly targeted by poachers and irresponsible trainers, are the infant forms of Kangaskhan and Rellor. Particularly, these pokemon are often targeted by competitive trainers participating in what are known as "little cup" tournaments—often unofficial tournaments where the primary rule is that only very young, low-level, first-stage pokemon may be used. Though these tournaments do have positive aspects, namely their ability to allow beginner trainers to get a foothold in concepts of battle strategy without feeling intimidated, like all aspects of competitive battling, there are a large subset of trainers who are simply in it to win it all costs with no regard to the pokemon that they use.
Baby Kangaskhan is viewed as a potential meta-changer due to the sheer power of its adult form. However, all known instances of separation between mother and child Kangaskhan have led to severe drops in quality of life for the baby that make it impossible for this pokemon to be a viable battler. The only instance in which a baby Kangaskhan can battle healthily is alongside and through the mega evolution of its parent, and ethics of this practice are hotly debated as there are several cases in which the mother Kangaskhan shows the stress at the side of its child fighting. Though these cases may be chalked up to personality differences between different Kangaskhan, the same cannot be said for separation cases.
Nearly 100% of wild separation cases are fatal, with the sparse few survivors living much shorter and unhealthier lives than their properly raised counterparts. With human intervention, the fatality rate goes down, but the baby Kangaskhan still exhibit symptoms of PTSD, as well as severe mental and physical developmental disorders that leave it essentially stuck in a child-like state for its entire life. Even with human intervention, the separated baby will never learn how to battle, and all moves learned will be ineffective. Many separated babies do not even attempt to battle, perpetually expecting their mother to guard them even though she's gone. Physically, even if these babies make it to adulthood, there will be much more frail and susceptible to illness than their parented counterparts. They will also never develop their adult scales, leaving them more prone to accidental injury and infection. The theories on why this occurs range from the baby having a latent psychic connection to the mother to maternal connection simply being a requirement for healthy development in this particular species, but regardless of what the truth is, all separation cases are harmful to the baby, and throughout the rntire history of training as a sport, no progress has been made in changing this. It is hotly debated whether or not it is ethical to raise a separated baby Kangaskhan to adulthood as a result.
Infant Rellor is even worse. Though Rellor itself is currently viable by most little cup standards, it is also disqualified in many unofficial tournaments due to the existence of infant Rellor and the insistence that, since it is such a vastly different form, Rellor as an independent pokemon is an evolution and cannot qualify. However, this is an entirely unfair and harmful assessment to make, as this infant form cannot exist separately from the parent Rabsca, or even the dung ball it exists within. If the infant Rellor is broken out of this dung ball too early in development, it will die in 95% of cases. The sparse few recorded survival cases have only occurred as result of two factors: a Rabsca (not necessarily the original parent) quickly forming a new dung ball around the infant, and human intervention. Even with these factors at play, survival is still dependent on the stage of development of the infant, any injuries sustained during the removal from the dung ball, and the speed at which it is transported either back into a dung ball or into an artificial gestation tank. Infants broken out of their done ball early also tend to exhibit higher rates of developmental disorders, physical disabilities, and neurological disorders. Universally, their ability to manipulate psychic energy is severely impaired, and many do not exhibit the ability to evolve into Rabsca.
Shellder is a different story. It is a commonly known fact that Shellder experiences drastic physiological changes after clamping onto a host Slowpoke—changes drastic enough to be considered an evolution by some. In certain trainer circles, this debated evolution is known as "Turban", both in reference to the shells of some non-pokemon mollusks as well as the headwear of the same name. With the form-altering venom produced by these pokemon as well as the sharp teeth and powerful jaws, it's been theorized that this form of Shellder may have a water/poison typing and be able to battle if selectively bred and raised to do so.
Unfortunately for the Shellder and Slowpoke evolutions involved in this debate, separation of a Shellder and Slowpoke after evolution is universally detrimental. The Shellder itself will always die unless it is reattached to another Slowpoke, and will be in severe distress the entire time it is detached. It cannot reattach itself due to its body losing the ability to move, and it will not listen to orders from its trainer, blindly biting the air until a new Slowpoke is found. If it is reattached within a few days, it will more than likely survive, but it will produce higher amounts of venom and exert a notably higher bite force in order to ensure it does not get detached again. This often leads to higher levels of intelligence in the Slowpoke evolution, but also higher levels of aggression and resentment towards other living species, particularly the species that separated it. One case documented a Slowking resulting from a detached Shellder that wiped out an entire seaside town in rage-fueled psychic storm. Though it was eventually captured and sent off to a sanctuary, it never fully regained trust in humans.
Comparatively, the Slowpoke experiencing detachment suffers a much harsher fate. There is a persistent belief that Slowbro will harmlessly devolve back into Slowpoke if separated. Though it will eventually devolve—being the only pokemon known to do so—this process is highly stressful to the Slowbro and may result in death. This is due to withdrawals from the Shellder venom as well as neurological and physiological decay. The symptoms can be as mild as flu-like symptoms such as headaches and nausea to as severe as heart palpitations and seizures. It will also lose the ability to walk in a bipedal manner, and will need to re-learn how to fish using its tail.
Slowking separation is almost always fatal for the Slowking. Unlike Slowbro, it is incapable of devolution due to the Shellder venom being a requirement for proper neurological function, and the Shellder is fused to the skull, causing grievous bodily harm once removed. Galarian Slowking have far higher rates of immediate fatality than Kantonian Slowking, but both pokemon will suffer a drastic drop in quality of life after the separation event. Like separated Kangaskhan, it is widely considered unethical to keep a Slowking alive post-separation as it will be unable to maintain a humane quality of life. It will be unable to communicate its needs, unable to eat or drink without assistance, unable to groom itself, incapable of locomotion beyond a flailing crawl, suffer frequent seizures, and be at a high risk of meningitis among many other complications. Though some pokemon rights activists insist that a separated Slowking can be given a new Shellder or even kept alive without one and still live a happy life, these claims are unfounded in veterinary medicine, and the damage caused by a separation event is largely irreversible.
In conclusion, for the health of these pokemon, we need to demystify the concept of "Uncatchable" pokemon. You may have noticed me using quotation marks around the word "Uncatchable" for the duration of this essay. This is because I firmly believe we should not be using this term, as it generates a sense of challenge for a community notorious for enjoying insurmountable challenges. I propose we push to change the terminology to "unethical pokemon" in order to dispell any sense of challenge or mystique. These pokemon are not physically uncatchable. They are simply doomed to suffer if not kept in their pair bond. For trainer culture to move past this stopping block, this is a fact that must be acknowledged.
—Professor Violite Schist (it/they/fae)
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charismaofobedience · 11 months
im still not over in-universe paralive fandom. can you fucking imagine being a visty stan and out of nowhere the ex leader appears and you learn he was a fucking human experiment of phantomental in a facility and he left to save others??? AND you get to watch this shit happening live THROUGH A RAP BATTLE ???? (???)
don't even get me started on gokuluck. I can fully see the fucking paradox live in-uni fandom DEBACLE OF THE CENTURY over how "it's bad to stan gklk they're criminals and that's BAD you shouldn't support literal criminals!!!" And then the reply to it is "acab lmao". can you all imagine the in-universe shion simps considering the irl ones. (((((do NOT mention my current theme.))))) CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FUCKING PEOPLE DIAGNOSING YUTO W DID??? "ok but yuto shows really big signals of having a dissociative identity disorder specially when they go on stage!!! :/" "Stop trying to put headcanons on real life idols 😭" "IT'S NOT A HEADCANON IM TRYING TO PSYCHOANALYZE HIM KILL YOURSELF." kenta stans on their way to try and argue that actually he should have gone forward n hacked all governments
czmz fans after learning the twins low-key work under a gang whenever iori appears w them. bae fans learning anne works in a host club AND that iori lowkey owns said host club.
I wish I could have a glimpse of in-universe paralive fandom so badly.
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lyraofthestarsss · 8 months
Reasons Why BAE Deserves to Win the Road To Legend Paradox Live Competition
They were the first group to be introduced in the original competition lineup
They were the first group to do a stage battle. And against Cozmez
BAE got second place in the finale, lost to Cozmez by just a few 100,000 points
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Allen IS the Bible
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princess-sof-time · 10 months
I wanna request headcanons for Aqua and Ruby with s/o who is in a rap battle team (take as ejemples the franchises hypnosis mic and paradox live)
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• Amidst the world of rap battles, Aqua's presence goes beyond just being a supportive partner; they embody the essence of serenity and strength, guiding your s/o through the ups and downs of this competitive world. As the beats drop and the adrenaline builds, Aqua's comforting aura envelops her partner, creating an oasis of calm amidst the storm of battle.
• In the quiet corners of their shared space, Aqua's pen dances gracefully across the paper, weaving heartfelt lines that pay homage to her S/O's talents, struggles and triumphs. Each line is a tribute to the fire that burns within your partner, recognizing your partner's glow and inspiring you to reach new heights. Though they don't utter the words onstage, Aqua's heartfelt poetry serves as a powerful encouraging force that fuels her S/O's determination.
• When it comes to the actual rap battles, Aqua may not be part of the official team, but she is an indispensable member of the support team. On days of battle, they sneak in like a shadow, armed with a bag of snacks and their s/o's favorite drinks. With a gentle smile, they provide the much-needed sustenance and emotional boost, ensuring their partner is physically and mentally prepared to shine.
• As her S/O takes the stage, Aqua watches with a mixture of pride and awe. His analytical mind is always attentive, capturing every nuance of the performance. After the battle, they gently offer constructive feedback, always highlighting their s/o's strengths and finding ways to further hone their skills. With Aqua's guidance, your partner grows not only as a rapper, but as an artist and performer.
• But it's not just about the rap battles; Aqua's unwavering dedication extends to all aspects of the relationship. They celebrate wins together, big or small, and offer unwavering support through challenging times. Aqua's ability to listen with an open heart creates a safe space for your significant other to share your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to navigate life's uncertainties hand in hand.
• In quieter moments, Aqua and her partner find solace in each other's company. They often spend hours discussing lyrics, analyzing beats and trading ideas. This shared passion for music and poetry deepens their bond, creating an unbreakable connection strengthened by mutual respect and admiration.
• In the end, Aqua and her s/o are an unstoppable duo, not just on the battle-rapping stage, but in love and life as well. Together, they find harmony in the chaos, drawing strength from each other to face whatever challenges may come their way. As the world of rap battles continues to challenge them, Aqua's steadfast presence remains the anchor that keeps their s/o grounded and their love blossoming, united forever in the pursuit of artistic excellence and emotional fulfillment.
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• Ruby's energetic and enthusiastic personality makes them the go-to person for their partner's rap battles. They take the role seriously and go all out, pumping up the crowd with their infectious energy. Their wild and lively antics create an electrifying atmosphere, getting everyone fired up and ready for an unforgettable show.
• In addition to official rap battles, Ruby and her s/o engage in freestyle sessions as a way to relax and have fun. These impromptu rap battles become a regular part of their daily lives, with both exchanging witty and hilarious lines, causing laughter and joy in the air. It's a special bonding experience that strengthens your relationship and fosters a deeper understanding of each other's creative expressions.
• Ruby and her boyfriend are not only partners in love, but partners in art as well. They spend hours exploring different rap styles and experimenting with different beats together. Their passion for music and performance fuels their collaborations, and they are often surprised by new elements and ideas during their rap battles. This dynamic partnership sets them apart from other teams, making them a force to be reckoned with in the rap battle scene.
• Ruby's protective nature shines through when it comes to her love relationship. They are fiercely dedicated and will always stand up for their partner, especially if anyone dares to question or undermine their partner's talent. Ruby becomes a formidable shield against negativity, wiping out enemies with her confidence and unwavering support.
• Outside the world of rap battles, Ruby and her girlfriend enjoy peaceful, intimate moments together. They find solace in each other's arms, with Ruby using her enthusiasm to bring comfort and joy into her partner's life. Her S/O, in turn, provides a calming presence that helps Ruby find balance amidst her energetic nature. They are the perfect complement to each other, balancing passion and tranquility in their relationship.
• As Ruby and her s/o continue to grow together, they embark on a journey of artistic exploration. They collaborate not only on rap battles, but also on creating original songs, finding a harmonious blend of their individual styles. Their evolving synergy becomes a source of inspiration for others, and they become role models for aspiring rappers and artists alike.
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ecargmura · 8 months
Paradox Live The Animation Episode 3 Review - The Found Family
TCW have such a calm and soothing vibe; they’re so warm and adorable too! Compared to BAE who are a group of inseparable besties and cozmez who are actual brothers, TCW feel like a little family with Saimon as the dad, Yohei as the mom, and Shiki and Ryu are their kids. It feels like a nice change in tone from the energetic vibes that the youngsters of BAE and cozmez gave off. Maybe it’s because TCW have actual working adults in the fray?
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Speaking of which, BAE vs cozmez ended with the former as winners, but why did TCW vs Akan Yatsura already spoil the results after the opening sequence? That’s no fun! However, I do think that the prime focus wasn’t about their rap battle but the group as a whole and plot related stuff. The main focus of this episode is like a snippet of TCW’s daily lives with Ryu finding a cat one day and Shiki trying to recover from his trap reactions and anxieties over his mistakes on stage.
Saimon is the gentle father figure to the kids and loyal and trustworthy confidant of Yohei. He’s definitely the glue that sticks them together because he’s the one who found all of them one day, pertaining to his bad habit of picking up strays. I do find him adorable as heck with the way he gets swayed by Ryu’s puppy eyes and the Kurobuchi’s kitty eyes combination and asks Yohei if they can keep the cat. Yohei’s the caring but nagging mother hen who acts like he doesn’t care but truly does. I do wonder how these two met because they seem to be long time friends. Regardless, whoever designed these two and the kids deserve a raise because they’re all so gorgeous. Like, Paradox Live doesn’t skimp with the designs. They’re all legit 10/10’s.
Shiki is very anxious. He has very poor reactions to phantometals and his trap reactions probably are worse than Allen’s. The way he screamed in the middle of the night was really hard to watch. I do wonder what his connection is to Nayuta. Are his reactions related to Nayuta? Other than his trap reactions, Shiki as a character is a very meek individual. He’s insecure, has low self-esteem and always holds back. From what I know, all Paradox Live characters have sad backstories, so I assume the same for Shiki.
Ryu’s the biggest mystery in the group. Nothing is known about him. He has no memories nor a given age. I’m not even sure if Ryu is his actual name. Eccentricities and enigmas aside, Ryu’s biggest unique factor is his inability to have trap reactions. He can use phantometals all he wants and he won’t get withdrawals from them. While Shiki states that it’s a gift, it makes him different from the rest and that worries Ryu. It seems that Ryu’s biggest worries is being ostracized as an anomaly. There are glimpses of his memories as he seemed to have once been a lab rat and ran away. Is he related to Alter Trigger in a way? I have to say, Ryu’s my favorite of TCW despite me simping for how fine Saimon is at times. I think that his positivity is infectious and the way he described Akan Yatsura as Momotaro characters and Zen as muscles was hilarious.
Speaking of which, Akan Yatsura, from their brief screen time, also gives me big family vibes. Given how Iori and Yohei are connected, it’s like Akan Yatsura had a family outing and went to visit Yohei’s bar as a detour. I do wonder if these two groups will focus more on the darker side of this show’s story.
Also, I heard Akira Ishida as the crazy scientist in that one brief sequence change. They legit got a well-known VA like Ishida in this anime as well as Kenta Miyake as the Paradox Devil. They’re not playing around with the VAs at all. Heck, TCW’s voice cast list is pretty stacked. Saimon’s voiced by Ryota Takeuchi; Yohei’s voiced by Yuu Hayashi; Ryu’s VA is Natsuki Hanae and Shiki’s Junta Terashima. I’m familiar with all four VAs, so it feels great that they’re showing off more of their talents.
TCW’s song gives more of a jazz bar vibe and I like it a lot! It’s a lot different from the loud and fast tempo BAE and cozmez songs had. It matches their vibes a lot. Are all of their songs like this?
Anyways, this was a good episode and it makes me want to see more of this adorable family. I’m assuming next episode is focused on Akan Yatsura, and I’m excited to learn about them too! I feel like these episodes are more focused on characterization rather than singing and I’m not too sure how I feel about that. On one hand, it’s nice to learn about the characters and not get the songs overshadowing them. On the other hand, I don’t like that the rapping is always towards the end. Anyways, what are your thoughts about this episode?
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fullmetalgirl98 · 12 days
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 20: a song that reminds you of summertime
💿 「AmBitious!!!」 - BAE
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I had more than one option, actually, but I decided to stick with the very first song that gave me that impression in chronological order. AmBitious!!! is a song I particularly love and has long been my absolute favorite BAE song. The very first time I heard it was spring but the beat immediately transported me to summer. I think it's because of the saxophones (?? I'm not really sure what instrument it is) with which it opens and which serve as the basis for the whole musical rhythm, but the feeling they give me is that of a summer festival in a tropical island ahah Every time I listen to this song, I project myself into the mid-summer evenings of where I live, with the beach platforms pumping loud music on the shore from 7 p.m. until the early hours of the morning. AmBitious!!! gives me just that vibe, particularly is the part that goes "Blah Blah Blast It Off! Blah Blah Blast Off!" that immediately sends my mind back to summer evenings.
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akihabaradivision · 2 months
Division Battle Anthem+ (Otaku Corps & Oculus Ver.)
Bring the Beat!
Grown beyond the nest, I fly solo, no jest
Like Bulma's genius, I've passed every test
Mother's guidance? No longer the best
I'm the rising sun, outshining the west
Ash without Pikachu, I've started my quest
My intellect's sharp, no need to be pressed
In this anime of life, I'm not a side quest
I'm the hero, smarter, no longer oppressed!
The scientist they feared, intellect they couldn't mirror
Ousted from the group, their motives couldn't be clearer
Like a serpent in the grass, I've been lying in wait
Plotting my return, to seal their fate
They thought they could stop me, but my mind's too slick
Concocting a comeback, I'm ready to strike quick
With every experiment, my legend grows
Foolish spider, you chose the wrong foe!
— [All:] —
Rise up, gladiator!
Back off, wussy hater!
The Hypnosis Mic is mightier than the sword
The punchline decides winners and losers
You have no choice, it's kill or get killed
Don't look back!
Welcome to the division
Welcome to the division (Oh yeah)
Welcome to the division
Hypnosis busting out this masterpiece!
Remember, don't look back!
Call me Paradox, in the unknown I trust
Parents vanished, left a void, a must to adjust
In every shadow, every lore, I thrust
Seeking answers, in the paranormal I'm robust!
Through the veil of night, my quest unfurls
Chasing whispers of the otherworld
Otaku Corps, allies in the spectral twirl
Arcane's dance, our flag's proudly furled!
I'm Bloody Mary, in 86's light!
Metal's my rally, my voice takes flight!
Preaching self-reliance, in the roaring crowd's sight
Life's a riff, so I'll play all fucking night!
From the stage I scream, "Be your own damn might,"
Living my dream, in the mosh pit's delight
No more shadows, I'm in the bright
Life's a concert, and I'm the fucking highlight!
— [All:] —
Rise up, gladiator!
Back off, wussy hater!
The Hypnosis Mic is mightier than the sword
The punchline decides winners and losers
You have no choice, it's kill or get killed
Don't look back!
Welcome to the division
Welcome to the division (Oh yeah)
Welcome to the division
Hypnosis busting out this masterpiece!
Remember, don't look back!
Pixel queen, the real world's a snore
Life's a game, so I got the high score
Real's too small, in the digital I soar
In the land of code, my spirit's never sore
Battling dragons, while reality's a chore
I dodge the mundane, it's the fantasy I adore
From Zelda to Halo, my adventures pour
In this game of life, I always crave more
Vivian Vixen, living life fast
Fuck the law, yeah, I'm breaking the past
Hit the party, got your thing in my hand
Sparks fly, got the whole place in a trance
Sippin', trippin', feelin' like a queen
Oculus, the baddest team on the scene
Fuck the haters, they just weaklings
Live it up, yeah, that's the only meaning!
You're the only one that I will not lose to!
Prepare yourself for a hard lesson!
My lovelies, it's dinner time
Victory is ours, and that's no question!
I'm ready for you!
Let's hurry and do this
I won't hold back!
How disappointing
Your end is near
I never lose!
You're now departed!
Let's get this started!
[Otaku Corps:]
Roar, my Hypnosis Mic!
Kneel down and beg for forgiveness!
— [All:] —
Rise up, Gladiator!
Back off, wussy hater!
The Hypnosis Mic is mightier than the sword
The punchline decides winners and losers
You have no choice, it's kill or get killed
Don't look back!
We've got major beef, now we settle it
Roar, my Hypnosis Mic
Customized to reach your mind directly
Rhymes to stir up your brain fluids
We're the Trinity, it's showtime
We'll rock you with our vibes
Hypnosis busting out this masterpiece!
Remember, don't look back
It's kill or get killed
So don't look back!
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'After making his name battling zombies in 28 Days Later and ruling a ruthless gang in Peaky Blinders, Cillian Murphy has now been recognised as a Hollywood heavyweight after winning his first Oscar for playing the father of the atomic bomb in Oppenheimer.
As an actor with a serious reputation and a serious talent, it was refreshing that the first thing to come out of Murphy's mouth when he went on stage to accept his best actor statuette was a joyful laugh.
Not someone usually given to public displays of emotion, it was clear how much winning an Oscar meant.
He may have been the frontrunner to win throughout awards season, but he was still "a little overwhelmed" to have the Oscar in his hand, he told the audience.
Declaring himself "a very proud Irishman" - the first Irish-born star to win best actor at the Oscars, in fact - he did then get serious.
Clearly conscious of his winning role as J Robert Oppenheimer, the US theoretical physicist whose work gave humanity the potential for nuclear annihilation, he dedicated the award to "the peacemakers everywhere".
As ITV's Oscars night host Jonathan Ross said, it was "nice for him to use that moment to point out that we are living in a world which is forever changed by what that film's about".
Ross added: "That's one of the problems I had with the film, that it sort of lionised that man without really forcing the audience to look at what he'd done, even though he was going through that anguish."
Although the early part of the film focuses on the creation and development of the atomic bomb, the last hour sees Oppenheimer grappling with what he's done, as he comes to terms with the many lives lost as a result of his work.
"This is actually a very human story," Murphy told BBC culture editor Katie Razzall last month.
"And if you think about the sort of dilemmas they were wrestling with at the time, they are the biggest, most profound, most paradoxical, most important kind of moral dilemmas that we're still wrestling with as a race and as the world."...
Oppenheimer was released last July - on the same day as Barbie - and the resulting Barbenheimer phenomenon helped propel both to box office success.
Commercial success came with high critical acclaim for Oppenheimer, and it has now cleaned up at the Oscars, with trophies for Murphy and Nolan among seven wins.
The actor already has his next film in the pipeline. Small Things Like These, an intense drama in which he plays a taciturn coal merchant in 1985 Ireland - earned glowing reviews when it opened the Berlin Film Festival last month.
As Hollywood now knows, Murphy is an actor who brings gravitas to every performance - but can still allow himself a well-deserved laugh.'
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Meet the Seiyuu: Cater Diamond
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Cater's voice actor Kobayashi Tatsuyuki is a singer and musical theater actor. He has been appearing on albums for King of Prism, Prism Paradise, REALIVE! and more since 2014. 
Cater is his first and only lead role in a video game and only his third-ever lead voice acting role overall. 
Kobayashi explains that he enjoyed anime as a child but was embarrassed to admit it to his friends, who all enjoyed sports, so he joined a sports club to fit. In university a friend convinced him to stop being embarrassed of his interests, inspiring him to become a singer for anime theme songs.
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He participated in a national anime song Grand Prix competition in 2012 but did not make it to the final round. He spent a year doing voice and physical training, participated again in 2013 and won the competition, being picked up by his current agency.
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Kobayashi’s debut single was the opening theme to 2014’s Battle Spirits Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero.
Kobayashi has been appearing in musical theater since 2016 and performed on-stage in IdolTimePripara alongside Ace's VA in 2020. 
His musical theater appearances include roles in 100 Sleeping Princes & The Kingdom of Dreams, King of Prism Shiny Rose Stars and Paradox Live on Stage.
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