#Pacific Rim 2013
monsterblogging · 3 months
"I think Pacific Rim is unrealistic now because instead of everyone banding together to defeat COVID, the governments just gave up and abandoned everybody-"
Are you kidding me? Pacific Rim 100% predicted this kind of thing. That's literally what the Pacific Perimeter Program was about. Once the PPDC decided fighting kaiju was too expensive, they just gave up and chose to ignore the problem by putting it behind a big wall. Pacific Rim is literally about the people who were abandoned by the institutions that were supposed to protect them and kept on trying anyway.
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hydravns · 27 days
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PACIFIC RIM (2013) Dir. Guillermo Del Toro
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drrav3nb · 5 months
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CHARLIE HUNNAM and RINKO KIKUCHI | Shatterdome Ranger Roll Call
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driftwithme · 2 months
Pacific Rim was great because they showed the government representatives for like two seconds and then the rest of the movie was about the common people becoming extraordinary in the face of extinction.
Selfish rich people build walls to keep the world out, but the ones with the courage to go out there to fight, reclaim and perish for their lands are the orphans who lost everything to war, the fathers that want their children to have a future, the kids that want their parents to get old, the soldiers that won't abandon the people and would disobey any orders demanding them to do so, the lovers who would rather die fighting beside each other, the siblings who won't dishonor their home, the weirdos, the outcasts, the has-beens, the broken, the obsessed. The ones who know that the planet and its people are worth dying for and are not afraid to lose all they have to keep humanity safe.
Pacific Rim completely erases the ones in power in favor of bowing to the courage of the people in the streets...
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saijuana · 3 months
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spring break 🌷🌿
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eeriedragone · 4 months
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Be gay, do science (and crime)
Studies based on some screenshots from the film
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skellabelle · 3 months
hermann is no longer amused by newts shenanigans
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sennamaticart · 7 months
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I can finally share my finished piece for the @edgeofhopezine
Sasha and Aleksis were always my favorite pilots in the movie, they're so cool, and Cherno Alpha is such a neat mech design! I had a great time channeling some vintage poster aesthetics for this one <3
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pacrim-drift-swap · 21 days
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Everything is up and ready for our event to begin! Interest checks will be open for 3 MORE DAYS, and then sign ups will begin! Our 2024 Schedule:
☆ Interest check (CLOSED): May 1st–14th
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Below are Event Links!
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☆ AO3 Collection [Closed until March 30th] Mods: @thegaysinmyhead, @lixxen
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sonicasura · 1 month
Every time I remember an Autobot or Decepticon bitch about being stuck on Earth, Animated and Prime are the most frequent, it makes me laugh thinking how easy they got it. Imagine any iteration ending up on a version that is much more chaotic than the norm. Especially if the dangers are hidden or completely normal to humans.
We got JoJo's Bizarre Adventure where you literally can't trust even a simple POWER OUTLET. From stone masks that could turn people into eldritch vampire, pieces of Jesus Christ could give people powers, and martial arts which either turn the circulatory system into a sunlight generator (Hamon) or using the Golden Ratio to shred even dimensions (Spin).
I'm not forgetting about Stand Users either. Every sentient creature could become a Stand User, someone who can project a psychic manifestation of their fighting spirits that could look like anything with abilities that range from giving positive encouragement to stopping time. That weird individual on the street could dissect Megatron into pieces with fucking zippers through their Stand.
How about Resident Evil where the constant threat is viral infections? I'm not talking about the standard zombie virus either. We got mutant undead creating ones, parasitic worms/insects, to fucking hivemind mold. All guaranteed to least spawn mutants like giant man eating salamanders, evolving fanged blobs and even an eldritch dinosaur.
They have to constantly decontaminate base than just troops as a simple small strain could turn a rat into a dog sized menace. Plus all those zombies guts and blood they have to clean up if an infected did get inside. I'm pretty damn sure humans are no longer the gross squishies compared to that.
Last best addition to add is the 'Kaiju Series' i.e Kaiju No. 8, Godzilla/King Kong Monsterverse, and Pacific Rim. Normal Earth fauna doesn't cause much compared to this as kaiju practically made themselves home here. The bots aren't exactly prepared for megafauna being a constant presence and frequent threat.
Kaiju are territorial so their respective ships will get attacked if spotted too close to the creatures' home. Some may also feed on metal and think either faction are potential food. The humans here could potentially kick their afts like Kaiju No 8's Defense Force or Pacific Rim's Jaeger Pilots.
Never take what you have for granted. In the Autobots and Decepticons cases, that is a normal simple Earth. The other possibilities could be much worse.
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monsterblogging · 3 months
Links to Pacific Rim creator Travis Beacham's own posts on drift compatibility and drifting
Drift compatibility is psychological, not genetic
The better you know someone, the more likely you are to be drift compatible
Drift compatibility is potential, not fate
Drift compatibility can be a choice
Friendship is the foundation of drift compatibility
The drift requires trust
Trust is fundamental; also drift compatibility can be determined with anything that tests how well you can anticipate each others' moves
That even includes multiplayer video games
Many cadets wash out during Pons training when secrets come out in the drift and shatter their relationships
A lot of pilots get messed up by flinching over sexual thoughts
Trying to avoid thoughts just makes them worse
Not everything you see in the drift is always real; also the way to deal with thoughts is just let them flow by
Pilots communicate through "headspace"
Illustration of a conversation in headspace
First drifts can be very confusing, because partners don't understand each others' minds very well yet
The drift exposes pilots to each others' raw, unfiltered thoughts
Raleigh knew what Yancy was going to say
The drift doesn't let you read your partner's mind like a database, and you may not necessarily understand what you see. Also when Pentecost says he carries nothing into the drift he means he's calm and stable.
Pentecost gained this calmness through meditation
Trying to block your partner from your mind will make you lose control of the Jaeger
Pilots who fall below 90% sync will be in trouble
General information plus info on RABITs
You can chase your partner's RABIT
Another post confirming you can chase your partner's RABIT
More RABIT info
More general information
Travis Beacham defines ghost drifting
Partners' personalities can rub off on each other
Neural overload doesn't hit you all at once; it accumulates
The time a pilot can go solo varies, and it's a steep curve from fine to dead
More info on solo piloting
Being high in the drift probably makes it harder to avoid chasing the RABIT
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hydravns · 2 months
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LEATHERBACK KAIJU in PACIFIC RIM (2013) Dir. Guillermo Del Toro
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drrav3nb · 6 months
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CHARLIE HUNNAM as Raleigh Becket RINKO KIKUCHI as Mako Mori PACIFIC RIM (2013) dir. Guillermo del Toro
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driftwithme · 9 months
I love that Guillermo del Toro didn't want Pacific Rim to be all about the military, so he ended up giving the PPDC ranks based on cowboy imagery: ranger, marshall, etc.
It makes me think about some of the most beloved characters by the narrative are the ones who rebel agonist the military way of doing stuff: characters like Newt and Raleigh for example. Because well, characters like Mako and Hermann are rebellious but only due the influence of Newt and Raleigh -- and characters like Herc and Chuck seem to be rebellious in parallel to Raleigh too, like some contagious virtue on the loose.
It's palpable in two of their most famous lines on the movie: when Newton talks about how fortune favors the brave and when Raleigh tells Mako that in real life you make decisions and you have to learn to keep living with the consequences. Everyone around them looks down at them at some point for being what they'd call reckless, but Raleigh and Newt are aware of the risks, they are not kids. Which is funny because in contrast, they even do that to each other: the perception of the other as a fool of some sort.
And yet, without Newt and Raleigh tendency of disobeying, they'd all be dead and gone.
Without Raleigh insitance on having Mako as his co-pilot and his demand to get G. Danger deployed, the Double Event would had been the catastrophe that ended their last run to the Breach before it started. Without Newt's crazy plan of drifting with a kaiju, they would had perish due the lack or information.
Twice Raleigh piloted solo and twice Newt drifted with a kaiju. In one of those ocassion they had to give a part of themselves that they would never get back (a part of Newt's sanity, Yancy's life). After the first time, both emphasize to Pentecost that they can't do it again. They can, technically, but now they've done it once and it hurt.
Still they do it and it saves the world.
The man who was good for nothing except to hold his own on a fight and the guy who was destined to love fictitious monsters in every universe except that one. In any other world or timeline, Newtom and Raleigh would have been the losers. They were still somehow the losers on Pacrim, a has-been pilot turnes into a builder and a scientist perceive as another sick kaiju groupie. They weren't disciplined like the others yet they were a bit obsessive, they were the sort of ambitious that makes people doubt, stubborn and arrogant in their convictions, totally unapologetic in knowing themselves.
Sure, they have to pay the price in double, but at the end of the day, they are champs of fortune: they do the impossible and survive to tell their stories, breaking every rule and winning the faith of those around them.
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2buns-1burger · 15 days
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I made the silly fake tweets of our babies 🧍🏼‍♂️
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eeriedragone · 2 months
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Otachi best Kaiju
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