#PJ Library
writersrumpus · 1 year
by Danna Zeiger Dear Kidlit Community,Unfortunately, Writers’ Rumpus was not able to air this post earlier in the month for logistical reasons. For this, I would personally like to apologize to the Jewish Kidlit community, as I would have liked to have seen both AAPHI and JAHM honored together. There have been many community discussions highlighting the lack of JAHM recognition and awareness…
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graphicpolicy · 7 months
PJ Library and the Center for Jewish History's JewCE convention team for Wham! Bam! Pow! Creating Comic Book Characters for Kids
PJ Library and the Center for Jewish History's JewCE convention team for Wham! Bam! Pow! Creating Comic Book Characters for Kids #comics #comicbooks #nyc
PJ Library in New York has announced an interactive event for young comic book enthusiasts. On Sunday, November 19th, budding artists and storytellers aged 9-12 are invited to “Wham! Bam! Pow! Creating Comic Book Characters,” a unique workshop exploring the art of character development and illustration led by PJ Our Way author Dov Smiley. Participants will learn the secrets of bringing characters…
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I love how the past 2 showrunners themselves teamed up for the first time in almost exactly 16 years to give us back-to-back episodes of "the Doctor steps on something and Ruby dies"
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thedennysmanager · 2 years
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Monstertober Day 8: Vampire + Teeth
The blood - in its purest and clearest form! Bring me eternal happiness!
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megahorous · 1 year
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Lammy shelving/ PaRappa and PJ
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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stinkrascal · 7 months
aww im so excited, me and bf decided we want to reread the entire percy jackson series together and have our own bookclub (thats just us lol) discussing the themes of the series. im gonna cry, 12 yr old me is swooning right now 😭❤️
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paintalyx · 2 years
there's not a single thing that i need in life more than an hours long video explaining the pj moon iceberg in great detail
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kpop-bbg · 1 year
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auspices · 2 years
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Old Birmingham Library
My conversation with Artificial Reality, 2022
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kakusu-shipping · 15 days
I can't decide if I should be funny and write Cap as a leering Perv possessive kind of guy or stick closer to his personality and have him be a gentleman/chivalrous kind of guy.
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closeted-goth · 5 months
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clownhubris · 6 months
I hate the midnight productivity spike
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squishycheekanon · 30 days
Stalker John Price thot🩵🌼
Stalker John Price who firsts sees you in the library, cute little sundress rising up your thighs as your strain to reach for pride and prejudice on a shelf that’s much too high for you to even try to reach.
Stalker John price who goes behind the shelf and pushes the book out from out from the other side, you thankfully catch it before it falls on your head.
Stalker John Price who uses his military experience to stalk you and not get caught.
Stalker John Price who examines your house while you’re at work to find the perfect hiding spots for him and placing the tiniest cameras around.
Stalker John Price who knows how wrong it is when he’s quick to dart into one of those hiding spaces as you open the door sighing from a long day at work but can’t seem to find a reason to care when you start to strip off your work clothes and change into your fuzzy stitch pj bottoms and hoodie.
Stalker John Price who thinks you look so fucking cute in your pjs. He leans forward almost making the house creak wanting to see more of you. He moves when you do, watching with a grin on his face as you cook your dinner while shaking your hips to music that’s blaring through your speaker.
Stalker John Price who smiles softly when you stuff your face full of pasta, your eyes never leaving the tv screen and soon end up falling asleep on your sofa. He feels it’s safe enough for him to come out.
Stalker John Price who presses a sweet little kiss to your cheek and then leaves your house to go home and set up all the cameras on his computer. He smiles seeing you clear as day on the screen in the same position as before, fast asleep on the sofa.
Stalker John Price who knows exactly how you like your morning coffee. He’s watched you make it 1000 times.
Stalker John Price who notes down in his notebook what your favourite foods and drinks are so he doesn’t forget.
Stalker John Price who confides in Simon about what’s he’s doing only for Simon to assure him he’s doing nothing wrong and it’s all normal even if he feels it’s wrong.
Stalker John Price who goes round your house more often after speaking to Simon.
Stalker John Price who gets painfully hard when you’re first out the shower, fluffy white towel wrapped around your wet body. His blue eyes never leaving your figure as you massage lotion into your skin and spray body mist all over. He inhales holding back from groaning at the scent that clings to you.
Stalker John price who watches you through the crack in your wardrobe doors as you pant and whine and buck your hips against the vibrator buzzing hastily against your little clit.
Stalker John Price who is practically drooling when he thinks you’re done, satisfied but watches you reach for the dildo in your bedside drawer. He was in for a long night of restraint.
Stalker John price who comes up with a plan to be a part of your life because he can’t keep going on without having you for himself. Without keeping you.
Stalker John Price who ‘bumps’ into at your local grocery store and the library and your local bar. Eventual you think it’s fate. Never suspecting he would be a stalker. He’s such a nice, sweet guy.
Stalker John Price who is giddy with excitement when you agree to go on a date with him. He makes it the best damn date you’d ever been on. Dinner, dancing and a show.
Stalker John Price who groans, “Fill my hands with you finally.” When you do eventually let him touch you, his large calloused hands grabbing at every part of you he can. “Finally gonna let me take care of you huh love?” He’ll grin down at you as you nod, so whiny and needy for him. “So fucking perfect and all mine.”
Stalker John Price who marries you.
Stalker John Price who cries when you show him the positive pregnancy test.
Stalker John Price who laughs loudly when your children say that daddy is obsessed with their mommy.
Stalker John Price who after thirty years of marriage, three children and 5 grandchildren never admits that he stalked you but tells you everyday how much he loves you.
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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jjunae · 2 months
❔the small things jay does for his partner ・ heavy inspo off these warnings! slight mentions of skinship, jay w glasses (?) ( LIBRARY )
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park jongseong, who's extremely paranoid about the maintenance of his glasses
park jongseong, who hates it when people try to wear his glasses, because it stretches out the bands of the glass-frames
park jongseong, who doesn't like when people try to brush through his hair, because it falls over the lenses of his glasses
park jongseong, who limits his screen-time and has a proper sleep schedule, just to keep the power of his eyes standard
park jongsong, who doesn't like the feeling of kisses, since the squashing of his glasses against his face make him feel uncomfortable. taking them off aren't an option either, he's afraid they might get dirty, with his fingerprints all over the lenses
then, there's park jay, who only makes exceptions for you
jay, who thinks he (somewhat) looks like a geek with his glasses on, but wears them anyway, since you said he looked "exceedingly handsome" with them on
jay, who'd let you play with his hair and brush through it as much as you'd like, just to see you smile
jay, who stays up night-long, watching movies with you in the dark, so that you'll fall asleep on his shoulders
jay, who thinks it's peak romance if he lets you select frames for him, so he always brings you along when he's shopping for new glasses (he also likes it when you gush over how good he looks in certain pairs; it makes him feel loved and confident)
jay, who, unexpectedly, loves the sensation of your lips pressing against his cheeks and forehead. so, he'll readily take off his glasses so it's easier for you to smooch him. plus, he's afraid the edges of his lenses might hurt you, and he doesn't want that.
park jongseong, who loves and cares for you so much, to the point that he's made changes in his strict and mundane routine, without even realizing it
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