kazzmcsass · 1 year
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PMD Ancient Revival is a webcomic based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games
Micah was not an adventures pokemon. But at the threat of becoming one of those lost to the Feral Sickness, and the strange return of long-gone legends, he will brave the untamed wilderness. Thankfully, he has an absolutely trustworthy umbreon to accompany him along the way.
While this comic does NOT contain explicit material, it is meant for a mature audience.
The comic can be read on DeviantArt and on ComicFury
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oliburring · 3 months
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"berry custard"
[4px / "classic" skin]
[3px / "slim" skin]
[4px / "classic" skin + reminder ribbon] 🎗️
[3px / "slim" skin + reminder ribbon] 🎗️
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huge thanks to Niestrat99 for the amazing image above!! :D
his youtube: https://youtube.com/niestrat99 his twitter: https://twitter.com/niestrat99
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gamers from left to right:
- eimbaud - oskarxd124 - sunxnaxttz - ThatsMusic99 - RangerDC - xMegan - Cakeinurface - IgnCreep - DessertSun - beebuilding - snowbows - Maddy67 - KyngDumbinate - KleinCitroentje - DontBelieve (thanks so much again y'all ♡)
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macman521 · 7 years
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Here’s the OLIBUR meme.
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ahskatano · 5 years
i don’t care about errorverse except legends for like 2 years now but i heard that olibur quen finally d worded, let’s celebrate that
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dsnnatroy · 5 years
Can you actually believe that there are people out there who think S*ra is the Black Canary or even argue that the source is following or beneath her? Some F*licity fans try this for her too, arguing such for her in regards to Black Canary and Batgirl. Considering that, those people considering cw's Olibur as a good interpretation and counterpart is beliveable.
It’s laughable at this point, the consistent try to diminish Laurel’s importance and steal her persona after all those years. Even the arrow writers have confirmed that sara was never bc. Sure she was cool and badass but that was all she ever was to me, I never saw comic Dinah in her, unlike Laurel. Plus the fact that she is running around as whitewashed white canary really bothers me. But I guess people are entitled to their wrong opinions lolI’m not gonna even bother with felicity, like the vast majority of her fanbase despises Laurel just for breathing, hates comics but at the same time want to convince us olibur is a great green arrow and felicity an amazing powerful, flawless woman (which btw is utterly boring) and she should be a part of ga comics, like what?? Also the AUDACITY to put felicity and batgirl in the same phrase is unbeliavable! I’m honestly so glad arrow is ending it has done so much damage to my soul
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laurelwinchester · 5 years
I have come to refer to CW's so-called "Oliver Queen" is Olibur K'when. You're welcome.
i’m partial to my nickname for him. which is just ‘’that jackass over there’’ but i feel it really captures who he is.
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stydias-westallen · 6 years
☕️ iris should never speak to fefe or olibur after the stunt they pulled at that wedding
AGREEEEEEE. Yo legit I YouTubed the vows part of the crossover recently just to punish myself and to see how gleeful my westallen babies were before felishitty pounced in out of nowhere still grinds my gears. I wanted Iris one-punch West to go make a guest appearance. Like who the fuck thinks the crossover was centered around those two asshats? Like enjoy your low rated tv pile of shit. Bye.
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queencanaries · 7 years
How is Olicity even gonna help The Flash get a ratings boost when Olicity can't even help Arrow get past 0.5 demo? They had Fefe and Olibur strip and fck but still couldn't do shit to increase ratings. lmao
Short answer: it’s not lmao
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it’s honestly a pain being someone who hates both olibur and fee but also thinks they could be better and would like that for both of them
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dsnnatroy · 5 years
Can you actually believe there are people out there that consider cw's olibur as the live action counterpart of oliver queen or even like a good interpretation of him,???
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queencanaries · 7 years
Like do u hate felicity bc she took laurels spot? Like cmon the chemistry between Stephen and KATIE just did not exist. It was bad. Like I love laurel, she was so much better apart. Also I'm sorry but Emily's acting is 100000x better than Katie's, katie is a brick. I'm not TRYNA hate but I just wanna understand why you're so hateful towards one female character? Why not just support both?
For starters, I don’t think Felicity “took Laurel’s spot.” The only character that exists to take Laurel’s spot is “Dinah Drake” and I have problems with that for reasons I’ve listed time and time again (and especially, most recently in a post that probably hasn’t escaped the first page of my blog). 
As for Felicity, there are a laundry list of reasons why I stopped enjoying the character. She’s a “reset to factory default settings” kind of character in that she’s one-dimensional and isn’t allowed to grow or evolve beyond what and who we’ve known her to be (which I think is a result of the writers thinking they’ve struck gold with her and don’t need to develop her). For a character to be that way, and get the level of attention/focus/screentime that she pulls week to week, it’s frustrating. There have been multiple instances where the writers have given her a great story, and chosen to do nothing with it, for example, when Felicity was attacked by Darhk and ended up in a wheelchair, the writers didn’t use it to propel her down an interesting, and character-building arc, instead they had a magical chip that restored her ability to walk and she was made to be completely fine — restored to factory default settings. I also find her to lack empathy, and empathy is a quality I admire in characters of fiction and people in real life, so it’s hard to relate to someone who refuses to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to understand their actions and their choices and somehow makes it all about themselves instead (eg. the entire situation with Samantha Clayton, and Oliver’s son). I think her storyline in Season 3 ruined her for me, specifically in her treatment of Ray. I will never understand how she could have played with his feelings like that and talked to Oliver as though she would drop Ray like a bag of shit the second he was willing to give in to his feelings for her (which she kind of ended up doing anyway). And to refuse telling Ray that she doesn’t love him, and has feelings for Oliver, but to still rock up at his place of business and be like, “hey can I borrow a jet?” And ya’ll can say “yeah but it was to save Thea” but she was like “lol let Thea die, it’s not worth it, Oliver.” Her entire romantic relationship with Oliver was forced and rushed and the feelings were fabricated for plot-purposes at the beginning of Season 3, and so it was impossible for me to enjoy them as a couple (and yes, it’s important to bring up because Felicity was basically just a love interest for Season 3 and Season 4). I also hate the fact that we’ve seen no fucking long-term consequences and/or guilt for her nuking Havenrock and for her losing Billy Malone. Ten thousand innocent lives are dead because of her, and she was guilt-ridden for a single scene in Season 5. And we had to see another shot of Emily Bett Rickards “trying to cry” over losing Billy, but we never got the time to invest in that relationship, and she never seems to acknowledge it in a real, human way but instead can use it as a way to justify being pushed into Helix? Again, it ties back to her being a “reset to default factory settings.” And most importantly, I hate that she never has to earn anything on the show — she never had to earn her job at Palmer Tech, or earn becoming CEO, she never had to earn being the main love interest of the show and that development is literally non-existent, she never had to earn being somewhat competent in the field to take on the League of Assassins or the Ghosts, or whoever else she’s fought, and in a show about earning your role as a hero and facing a crucible to become something else, she’s literally done shit all to get to where she’s been. And look, I was a huge fan of her in the first season. But I remember slowly getting sick of it in S2 because her dynamic, and her role was growing very stale. I know people like to think it’s because I’m a Laurel fan, and a Lauriver fan, but it’s not true. The reason I don’t like Felicity Smoak, in a nutshell, is because I fundamentally disagree with how she is written and until the writing changes to fix the issues that I have, there’s no way I can “support her.” But that’s the beauty of the world — we don’t all share the same opinion, and you coming into my inbox trying to say “support both” whilst not-so-subtly dragging Katie Cassidy... it’s not incentive for me to agree. 
I hope that answered the first part of your question. 
On the topic of terrible acting, my initial problem with Emily Bett Rickards was the way she spoke her lines — it often felt like she was reading off a script, and they were very monotonous and almost robotic. Moments where it felt a little better was when she was able to have some personality behind it, and/or some passion. And then it felt like she was improving (specifically the “keep fighting” scene in S2). But it’s still how she delivers the lines, and so I’m not a big fan of it. And beyond that, I don’t think she’s cut out to do serious and dramatic scenes that involve extreme emotions, like being distraught. As funny of a meme the “No, Ray, Olibur” thing is, it comes from a place of how awful the acting and the writing was in that scene to the point where it’s comical. But she’s great at comedy, and she’s great at being the comedic relief. I just don’t think she’s mastered the art of doing serious drama. I mean, did you see the episode of Legends where they tried to make her a superhero? Anyway, you opened the floor on discussing acting ability and so I thought I’d share as well :) 
Now, onto the chemistry part of the question. Chemistry is subjective. You don’t see it for Laurel and Oliver -- that’s fine! Frankly, when I look at Oliver and Felicity, it’s kind of awkward. She looks way too young for him, or he looks way too old for her, or maybe it’s both. And the truth is, I don’t see romantic chemistry between them. I see that it’s written in the script for them to kiss and say “I love you”, and that’s how it feels. Scripted. Forced. I like the kind of chemistry that isn’t one-dimensional. I like that Laurel and Oliver can fight, and scream and have conflict and drama because they’re mature about it and it feels real and it feels like there’s all this history between them that bubbles up to the surface during those heated moments. I like that when they are together, romantically, it feels and looks like they belong and all that history has culminated in something beautiful and logical. I like that when they’re friends, you see a gentle side to them and a platform that was established and that will hold through anything. I don’t get that with Felicity and Oliver (mostly because the writing for them never warranted the relationship in the first place, but also because of the romantic chemistry lacking). But as I said, it’s subjective. You think Katie is a brick when she acts? Fine. I think Emily has very limited range and a lack of experience that shows in close to every episode. Each to their own. 
(I do want to say, though, that despite not being a fan of one’s acting ability, I have nothing against Emily Bett Rickards personally and actively do my part to make sure people from the LL don’t direct hate towards her on Twitter, which is more that I can say for the Olicity fandom that targets Katie)
Now, the reason I don’t and can’t support both is because I’m not willing to overlook serious flaws and spend my time on my blog being fake. If you go all the way back through my blog, you’ll see that I used to be a fan of both and I used to adore Felicity Smoak. I don’t anymore (for some of the reasons I mentioned above). Hope that answered your questions! 
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queencanaries · 7 years
Have you seen the ratings lately? OF stans claim that the ratings are shit because OF aren't together and they boycotted the show. Delusional. If there is even a slight truth in this, don't you think it only proves the fact that these people don't really give an eff about Fefe if she's not getting Olibur's D?
They say that yet the Olicity clan are still watching week to week and complaining about Susan and making gifsets of every scene where Oliver and Felicity are in the same vicinity as each other. No one left the show because they broke up. It’s not like Felicity died. They have had no impact on the ratings dropping whatsoever. Shippers watch to see their couple get together, and to see that journey. They don’t go “oh they broke up, I’m out.” They go “oh, I wonder when they’ll get back together.” And look at how all of them are singing that tune right now. 
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queencanaries · 7 years
I honestly feel embarrassed for David R. In every con he goes to, all he keeps talking about is OF. He talks about OF more than the actors who play the characters. Like dude, your character legit doesn't serve any purpose on the show and you keep babbling about one of the worst pairings on tv. His OTA jabbers don't do him any good either. OFs don't give a shit about him unless its about Fefe and Olibur. (e.g diggle's tag here) He spends more time gushing over a ship than his own damn character.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that, too. 
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