#Oh I just remembered that I’m supposed to be phoning a drug manufacturer for something.
benechillax · 4 months
can’t make my brain do anything today 👍 nice nice nice
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gayenerd · 3 years
I just realized I didn’t post that 2007 Rolling Stone article I posted about here. 
Billie Joe Armstrong
The Green Day leader talks Bush, Britney and being a middle-aged punk for our 40th anniversary.
Posted Nov 01, 2007 8:19 AM
You have two young sons. What kind of America will they inherit?
This war has to finish before something new blossoms. There's no draft — that's why none of the kids give a shit. They'd rather watch videos on YouTube. It's hard to tell what's next — there is so much information out there with no power to it. Everything is in transition, including our government. Next year, it's someone else in the White House. There's no way to define anything. It's Generation Zero. But you gotta start at zero to get to something.
Is there anyone now running for president who gives you hope for the future?
Barack Obama, but it's a bit early to tell if this is the guy I like. I get sick of the religious-figure thing. People don't question their rulers, these political figures, just as they don't question their ministers and priests. They're not going to question George Bush, especially if he goes around talking about God — "I'm going to let God decide this for me. He's going to give me the answer." The fear of God keeps people silent.
When did you first vote in a presidential election?
In 1992. I was twenty. I voted for Clinton.
Did you feel like you made a difference?
Yeah. The Eighties sucked. There was so much bullshit that went along with that decade. I felt like Clinton was a fresh face with fresh ideas. There were times when he was dropping bombs, and I'm thinking, "What the fuck are you doing?" But he became a target. We have this puritanical vision of what a leader is supposed to be, and that's what makes us the biggest hypocrites in the world. We got so inside this guy's sexual habits. Now we have a president going around, killing in the name of what? In the name of nothing.
What did you accomplish with your 2004 anti-Bush album, "American Idiot"? He was re-elected anyway, and the war in Iraq is still going on.
I found a voice. There may have been people disenfranchised by it. People have a hard time with that kind of writing: "Why are you preaching to me?" It does sound preachy, a bit. I'm a musician, and I want to say positive things. If it's about self-indulgent depression or overthrowing the government, it's gotta come from my heart. And when you say "Fuck George W. Bush" in a packed arena in Texas, that's an accomplishment, because you're saying it to the unconverted.
Do you think selling nearly 6 million copies of that album might have an effect on the 2008 election? A kid who bought it at fifteen will be voting age next year.
I hope so. I made it to give people a reason to think for themselves. It was supposed to be a catalyst. Maybe that's one reason why it's difficult for me to write about politics now. A lot of things on that record are still relevant. It's like we have this monarchy in politics — the passing of the baton between the Clintons and the Bushes. That's frightening. What needs to happen is a complete change, a person coming from the outside with a new perspective on all the fucked-up problems we have.
How would you describe the state of pop culture?
People want blood. They want to see other people thrown to the lions. Do audiences want rock stars? I can't tell. You have information coming at you from so many areas — YouTube, the Internet, tabloids. Watching Britney Spears the other night [on the MTV Video Music Awards] was like watching a public execution. How could the people at MTV, the people around her, not know this girl was fucked up? People came in expecting a train wreck, and they got more than they bargained for.
She was a willing conspirator. She didn't say no.
She is a manufactured child. She has come up through this Disney perspective, thinking that all life is about is to be the most ridiculous star you could be. But it's also about what we look at as entertainment — watching somebody go through that.
How do you decide what your children can see on TV or the Internet? As a dad, even a punk-rock dad, that can make you conservative in your choices.
I want to protect them from garbage. It's not necessarily the sex and drugs. It's bad drugs and bad sex, the violence you see on television and in the news. I want to protect them from being desensitized. I want them to realize this is real life, not a video game.
The main thing I want them to have is a good education, because that's something I never had. Get smart. Educate yourself as much as you can, and get as much out of it, even if the teacher is an asshole.
Do you regret dropping out of high school?
Life in high school sucks. I bucked the system. I also got lucky. My wife has a degree in sociology, and there are conversations she has — I don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about. College — I could have learned from that.
But I was the last of six kids. At that point, my mother was fifty-eight, and she threw up her hands — "I'm through with this parenting thing." Also, I could not handle authority figures. But I wouldn't say I'm an authority figure for my kids. I provide guidelines, not rules.
What is it like being a middle-aged punk? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
It's about the energy you bring with you, the pulse inside your head. I want to get older. I don't want to be twenty-one again. Screw that. My twenties were a difficult time — where my band was at, getting married, having a child. I remember walking out of a gig in Chicago, past these screaming kids. There were these punks, real ones, sitting outside our tour bus. One girl had a forty-ouncer, and she goes, "Billie Joe, come drink with us." I said, "I can't, I've got my family on the bus." She goes, "Well, fuck you then." I get on the bus, and my wife says, "Did that bitch just tell you to fuck off? I'm gonna kick her ass right now." I'm holding her back, while my child is naked, jumping on the couch: "Hi, Daddy!" That was my whole life right there — screaming kids, punks telling me to fuck off, my wife getting pissed, my naked son waiting to get into his pajamas.
There's nothing wrong with being twenty-one. It's the lessons you learn. At thirty, you think, "Why did I worry so much about this shit?" When I hit forty, I'll say the same thing: "Why did I worry about this shit in my thirties?"
What have you learned about yourself?
There is more to life than trying to find your way through self-destruction or throwing yourself into the fire all the time. Nihilism in punk rock can be a cliché. I need to give myself more room to breathe, to allow my thoughts to catch up with the rest of me.
Before Dookie, I wasn't married and I didn't have kids. I had a guitar, a bag of clothes and a four-track recorder. There are ways you don't want to change. You don't want to lose your spark. But I need silence more than I did before. I need to get away from the static and noise, whereas before, I thrived on it.
Are you ready for the end of the music business? The technology and its effect on sales have changed dramatically since Green Days' debut EP — on vinyl — in 1989.
Technology now and the way people put out records — everything comes at you so fast, you don't know what you're investigating. You can't identify with it — at least I can't. With American Idiot, we made a conscious effort to give people an experience they could remember for the rest of their lives. It wasn't just the content. It was the artwork, the three acts — the way you could read it all like someone's story.
Is music simply not important to young people now the way it was to you as a kid?
People get addicted to garbage they don't need. At shows, they gotta talk on their phones to their friend who's in the next aisle. I was watching this documentary on Jeff Tweedy of Wilco [Sunken Treasure]. He was playing acoustic, and he ends up screaming at the audience: "Your fucking conversation can wait. I'm up here singing a song — get involved." He wasn't being an asshole. He was like, "Leave your bullshit behind. Let's celebrate what's happening now."
We need music, and we need it good. I took it very seriously. There's a side of me where music will always send chills up my spine, make me cry, make me want to get up and do Pete Townshend windmills. In a lot of ways, I was in a minority when I was young. There are people who go, "Oh, that's a snappy tune." I listen to it and go, "That's the greatest fucking song ever. That is the song I want played at my funeral."
Now that you've brought it up, what song do you want played at your funeral?
It keeps changing. "Life on Mars?" by David Bowie. "In My Life," by the Beatles. "Love," by John Lennon.
Those are all reflective ballads, not punk.
I disagree. They are all honest in their reflection. The punk bands I liked were the ones who didn't fall into clichés — the Clash, the Ramones. The Ramones wrote beautiful love songs. They also invented punk rock. I'd have to add "Blitzkrieg Bop" to the list.
What is the future of punk rock? Will it still be a voice of rebellion in twenty years?
It's categorized in so many different ways. You've got the MySpace punks. But there is always the subculture of it — the rats in the walls, pounding the pavement and booking their own live shows. It comes down to the people who are willing to do something different from everybody else.
You are in a different, platinum-album world now. What makes you so sure that spirit survives?
I'm going on faith — because I was there. Gilman Street [the Berkeley, California, club where Green Day played early shows] is still around. And that's a hard task, because there is no bar — it's a nonprofit cooperative. It's like a commune — this feeling of bucking the system together, surviving and thriving on art. Punk, as an underground, pushes for the generation gap. As soon as you're twenty-five years old, there's a group of sixteen-year-olds coming to kick your ass. And you have to pass the torch on. It's a trip to have seen it happen so many times. It gives me goose bumps — punk is something that survives on its own.
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Love In Sin
Chapter 5
Summary - Special Agent Winchester is forced to go undercover with his frenemy Special Agent L/N when they try to track down a notorious drug dealer. How will Y/N and Dean complete their task? Will their relationship worsen or will new feelings emerge between them?
Pairing -AU Detective!Dean Winchester x Reader
Series Warnings - Angst, Slow burn, Fluff, Implied Smut, Mentions of crime and drug, Swearing.
Chapter Warnings - Slow burn, Swearing
Word Count - 2.3k (this is probably the longest chapter in the series)
A/N - I was supposed to post this in two parts but here ya go folks!
Beta'd by the amazing @deanwanddamons (she is awesome)
The dividers by the talented @talesmaniac89
Series Masterlist
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“I'm never organising a party again! I am exhausted!” you exclaimed sitting on the floor.
Dean let out a low whistle as he looked around the room full of streamers. He had been out to do the grocery shopping in the meantime. He came back with a bunch of food items and pie. That man really loved his pie.
“I knew you worked better with food in your system” he laughed.
“Shut up!” you grumbled, “we need to go and meet the neighbours now. Let them know about our party.”
“Now?” Dean raised an eyebrow at you.
“Dean, the party is tomorrow.”
“Why can't I get some alone time with my wife?” He pouted.
“You know we haven't christened the bedroom yet,” he wiggled his brows, making you roll your eyes.
“Don't you think you are taking this undercover a bit too seriously?” Raising your finger, you poke his chest. He immediately grabbed your hand, pulling you close.
“I like roleplay,” he smirked. You jerked your handout of his grip and glared at him.
“Okay, okay. Let's go.”
You got up and went to your room to get changed into something better than the pants and oversized t-shirt you were wearing.
“Where ya goin’?” Dean asked, following you into the room.
“Get out, Winchester. I need to change,” you said and pushed him out of the room.
“You know I am your hus-” He started saying in a cocky tone, but was cut off by you yelling ‘Shut up’ to him.
You changed into jeans and a flannel and finally came out of your room.
“You look great.”
“Thanks,” you said blushing slightly. Can this man just stop complimenting you every now and then?
You and Dean approached the first house which was apparently Castiel’s .
You rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door.
“Yes?” A young boy of around twenty opened the door..
“Hey, is Castiel there?” you asked.
“Dad? Yeah sure. Wait here. Let me get him,” the boy said and went back inside the house, leaving you standing in front of the door which he had closed with a slam.
“Who's ask-oh hey! The Campbells right? That was my son, Jack. Come on in,” Cas said and gestured at you to follow him.
You went inside the house and took a seat on the couch. Castiel's house was beautiful. It was full of antique collections. There were also beautiful antique portraits on the wall.
“Hey! Cas told me you guys moved in here today. I'm Meg,” The woman greeted you both, and took a seat on another couch in front of you.
“Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N and he's Dean. You have a really beautiful house.”
“Thank you. It's all because of Cas. He loves to collect antique pieces and now our house looks like a museum. You just got married right? That's a really beautiful ring,” Meg said, glancing at the ring on your hand.
“Thank you but it was actually his choice,” you said looking at Dean, “so he deserves all the credit.”
“You two make a cute couple,” Meg grinned. You blushed at her words and nervously tucked your hair behind your ears.
“Thanks. We are actually here to invite you and Cas to our housewarming party. Tomorrow at seven,” Dean said.
“Oh we will be there, for sure!” Cas smiled.
“Awesome. So, as we are new here, can you tell us anything about the other neighbours?” Dean asked, hoping to get some information out of Meg and Cas.
“We have been living in this area for almost two years now. It may come off as a beautiful neighbourhood but actually it's the worst. No one talks to anyone and some of the neighbours are downright rude,” Meg said, clearly annoyed by her neighbours.
“Yes. There is Rowena. She lives two houses down from us. She is extremely sophisticated, she is the CEO of the company called Herbs and Magic.It's a company which produces organic skin care products,” Meg said. She definitely had a lot of information about the people living in the area.
“So, she is like the queen bitch,” you joked.
“No. Actually she is kind of polite. The queen bitch is Amara. She lives with her brother Chuck . I think you may know Amara. She worked on “Love in Sin” and a bunch of other films.”
“Yeah, I have heard of that film, not that I have watched it. This neighbourhood is really one of a kind,” you chuckled.
“Tell me about it,” Cas laughed along with you, “I don't know why Meg loves this neighbourhood so much. All the people who live here are assholes.”
“Hey! Not all of them. There is Mick Davies and Arthur Ketch - they seem like nice people and you know why I chose this place. It's easier to get to work from here.”
“Well Mick and Arthur haven't talked to us at all,” Cas rolled his eyes.
“Where do you work?” You asked.
“I work at Chuck's company.” You shared a look with Dean.
“Chuck Shurley? The producer of the film Love in Sin?"
“Yeah that and he is like the God of the business industry!” Meg exclaimed, "You know about the Carver Industries which deals with automobile manufactures?"
“Uh-yeah, of course we have heard of him,” Dean said, "Rich neighbourhood!"
“Anyways, thank you so much Meg. We have wasted a lot of your precious time. We should go now. We have others to invite too,” you said and got up from the couch.
“It was so nice to talk to you. Let's meet up some other time. You know, just a girl's day out,” Meg said.
“Definitely! I love to have a girl's day out with you,” you said and Meg pulled you in a hug.
“And they are already making plans,” Dean joked, making Cas laugh out loud.
You and Dean left the Novak household and went to invite the other neighbours - all of them definitely lived up to their reputation.
“Well, that was interesting. The Novaks don't seem like someone to be the right hand person of Crowley. Rowena is the CEO of a company - why would she need to be partnered up with a drug dealer? And the Shurley’s? How did the bureau forget to mention such an important detail?” You asked.
You had ordered a pizza because you neither had the energy nor the will to cook.
Dean hummed at your words and bit into a slice of pizza. “We need to keep a close eye on all of them. The Shurleys are our top priority.”
“Yup,” you said and noticed Dean typing on his phone after he was done eating.
“I have briefed Mr. Singer about today's incidents. Let's call it a night. We have to be on our toes the whole day tomorrow,” Dean said, making you nod in agreement.
Your eyes trailed up his body as he stretched his hands, his biceps flexing under the thin material of his unbuttoned flannel. You continued to stare as he yawned and shook his head.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” Dean said, a stupid smirk on his face. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you blushed at him - this man was surely doing things to you.
“Shut up,” you grumbled and left to go back to your room.
“Night!” You heard Dean call out to you.
“Night,” you replied to him.
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You woke up in the morning to find an arm draped over your stomach. You froze when you realised it was Dean's arm. What was he doing in your bed? You remember clearly you went to bed alone in your own fucking room.
Dean was still asleep. He was spooning you from behind, his hot breath fanning against your bare skin which was not covered by your tank top. Goosebumps erupted on your skin. So he was a cuddler - no that's not the important thing now. Why was he in your bed?
You tried to remove his arm from your stomach and started to stir beside you.
“Hey, morning,” Dean said in a gruff voice. You looked back and saw him greeting you with his eyes closed. Damn that son of bitch for looking like a model from one of the fashion magazines in the morning whereas you looked like you had just fought a war.
“Morning. What are you doing in my bed?”
“You don't remember?” Dean asked, finally opening up his eyes - he really did have beautiful eyes.
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’.
“So all that effort went to waste? Awesome,” Dean groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed.
“What happened Dean Winchester?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“You had a nightmare. I woke up to hear you yelling and then your gorgeous mouth started saying my name. I tried to wake you up but you had turned into a sleeping beauty and I was too tired to kiss you awake so I climbed into the bed with you and voila! You calmed down and I think I fell asleep here,” Dean shrugged.
You observed him for a moment. He was straight up lying to you. If you had a nightmare that bad you would have remembered it. Why was he lying to you or maybe you really didn't remember? You wanted to ask him, but instead decided to drop the subject.
“Well then thanks. My nightmares are pretty intense,” you played along, “ready for today?”
Dean nodded and got out of your bed but stopped at the doorway and turned towards you.
“If you want to talk to me about your nightmares, I'm here for you, sweetheart,” he gave you a small smile.
You both got freshened up and Dean offered to cook you breakfast. You came down to the kitchen after some time to find Dean setting a plate of homemade waffles on the table.
“Smells nice in here,” you said.
“It tastes even better,” Dean gloated.
“Okay smartass,” you mumbled and sat down at the table. You ate a piece of the waffle.
“God Dean, these are so good,” you moaned, “you are an amazing cook.”
“I know,” Dean chuckled when you kept moaning after eating every piece of the waffle. You looked up at Dean and saw the tips of his ears had turned bright red and he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. You immediately became embarrassed when you realised what you were doing. Your face became hot with embarrassment.
Dean cleared his throat and got up from his chair.
“I am going to take a shower,” he said.
“But you didn't eat your waffles.”
“I-uh,” he cleared his throat once again, “I'll eat those later.” Dean left the room in a hurry. You kept eating your breakfast in silence and decided to take a shower and get ready for the day after you were done with your food.
You went up to your room and grabbed a pair of fresh pants and a sweatshirt. You made your way towards the bathroom but before you could go into the shower, you collided with Dean, falling ungraciously on your ass.
“Shit, sorry,” he said and extended his hands at you.
You looked up at Dean and swallowed hard. He was shirtless and only in a towel. He had just come out of the shower and his hair was still wet, tiny droplets of water lining his hair and chest. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up to your feet.
“Sorry, fault’s all mine. I-” your eyes travelled down to his body. You saw him smirk a little. That cocky bastard.
“My eyes are up her L/N,” Dean said.
“I-I should go,” you said, picking your belongings up from the floor and going to the bathroom.
The rest of the day until the party started was uneventful. You lazed around the house, occasionally asking about each other's lives and discussing about the case. Dean said since he was ‘the best husband in the world’ - his words, not yours- he would cook for the guests and you agreed with him, knowing you were a terrible cook yourself.
It was almost an hour before the party started, so you decided to start dressing up for the party. You decided to keep it simple and also because you had one dress with you. You chose a navy blue cocktail dress and paired it with some blue earrings. You looked at yourself in the mirror and your attention went to the diamond ring on your finger. It was for a job, but it still felt weird to look at the ring.
“You ready?” Dean knocked on your bedroom door.
“People have started to co-” Dean's words got stuck in his throat as he let his eyes roam your body.
“You,” Dean cleared his throat, “you look beautiful sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” you bit your lip to stop the blush which was threatening to spread on your face, “I'm almost done.”
You gave the final touches to your makeup - you chose to go for a light makeup. You took your phone from the nightstand and stepped your foot out of the room but was immediately pulled back by Dean, turning you around so fast that you almost had whiplash.
“Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you,” Dean said, “we are newly married, we should be a little handsy - honeymoon phase, as they call it. Maybe we have to kiss when we are downstairs,” Dean reasoned.
“Okay,” you said, nodding your head.
You left the room, swaying your hips a little but you couldn't hear the groan that left Dean’s lips.
“Hey gorgeous! You look lovely,” Meg exclaimed and pulled you into a hug as soon as she saw you coming down the stairs. That girl was such a hugger.
“Thanks Meg. Right back at you.. Where's Cas?” You asked looking around the room.
“Looking for me?” Cas popped up behind you, startling you, “you guys got yourself a lovely home.”
“Thank you guys!”
“Hey! Sorry but can I borrow Y/N for a second?” Dean came down the stairs and asked your neighbours.
“Yeah sure, Campbell,” Cas said and you followed Dean into a secluded corner of the house.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in the series!
Feedback is appreciated!
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prewars · 6 years
heres that list of unsolicited fic recs that ive amassed over the past few years when i get certain itches to deep-dive ao3 and be disappointed, this isnt everything but these are ones over 5k, mostly over 10k, thanks for the unnecessary encouragement @sonnywortzik @becominganoven @donotloseme @dicktective
Crossed in the places that you never knew to get through by noelia_g (generation kill)
It's not the real beginning. Things have happened before that led to this, things thousands years in the making and things quite recent, like the wound still bleeding, dark blood seeping into the dirt. But it's a beginning nonetheless. Right here, right now, this happens.
Après moi le deluge by beyond_belief (gen kill)
He can pop Motrin for the pain but there's nothing to be done for his jagged nerves. Rudy suggests more yoga, his mom suggests meditation, Patrick suggests he get laid. The Corps suggests a promotion, and Nate finds himself a Captain. There's a small voice in the back of his head that says, This isn't what you want, and it's getting louder day by day.
Aftermath, USA by traveller (gen kill)
The morning of the assassination, Patti Jankowski got up, took a long shower and towel dried her hair before braiding it into two long ropes that hung over her shoulders. She put on jeans, a t-shirt that showed Mickey Mouse saluting the American Flag, a light tan windbreaker and her comfortable blue SAS sneakers. In her shoulder bag she put a Smith and Wesson .22 caliber revolver, and an umbrella. The forecast was for a 62% chance of rain.
Adrift by visiblemarket (constantine)
Time was, Chas would’ve offered John the bed to make sure he rested, then crammed himself atop the sagging, scratchy, ancient cushions instead. That time has clearly passed. John tries not to let it bother him, but he’s had a hard enough time sleeping lately, and as soft and warm as the blanket Chas tossed him the night before was, it hadn’t much helped. And so he awakens to birds chirping, sun streaming through big airy windows, and a colossal headache.
to know me as hardly golden is to know me all wrong by norgbelulah (justified)
The God’s honest truth of it was that he didn’t want to be whatever Boyd was, he didn’t want to be Boyd Crowder’s friend, and he didn’t want to follow him down into the darkness that was always waiting for them both. And he knew if he stayed, he would be all of those things and learn not to mind them.
I Have Always Lived in the Moment by scioscribe (justified)
Tim says that technically he was only mostly dead, and mostly dead is still slightly alive. The witty repartee would be more convincing if Tim could get some color back into his face. Raylan remembers an overwhelming whiteness. Art wants to know: Like the tunnel with the light at the end of it? No, Raylan says, blander than that, and icier, too. Like an afterlife manufactured by IKEA.
To Call the Darkness Home by scioscribe (justified)
After a time, even the nightmares stopped, and he started bitching like an ordinary person about the low pay and the roaches, exactly as if Lexington hadn’t been his longed-for salvation. But there must have been some uneasiness in him that he just hadn’t paid any mind, because every time he had left, he had gone farther and farther away, until he had threatened to run right off the coast into the Atlantic.
Where's Waldo? by swamplamp (better call saul)
Jesse Pinkman manifests on his doorstep like a wet dream that nobody asked for. It's 4 AM. "You're a sight for sore eyes," Saul remarks flatly, squinting out towards that semi-familiar face. Seeing Pinkman lets old feelings roll back in and isn't that a shame? Saul makes to shut the door and go back to a kinder slumber. But he stops. Saul feels a twinge of sympathy worming its way into his chest before he can start pulling the door closed. They stand there for a moment, steeped in caution and confusion.
By daybreak we'll be gone by storm_petrel (the losers)
Clay has a handful of life philosophies that he’s gained though years of extremely hard-won experience. Sleep when you can.  Keep track of where you stash your boots and dog tags, because they don’t come with you.  Trust the people who earn your trust.  When in doubt, and in the absence of a proper machine gun, go for a sidearm with more than ten rounds in the magazine and minimum .38 calibre for decent stopping power. If still in doubt, shift out and go for the jugular.
In All the Tongues of Men and Angels by coinin (the losers)
Carlos Alvarez, first son after three daughters, was not supposed to join the Army. Carlos Alvarez was supposed to go to college, major in something useful like business or civil engineering, graduate with honors, marry a nice Catholic girl, and provide his parents with grandchildren while establishing himself in a respectable field of employment. Unfortunately for his parents, Carlos Alvarez was of the opinion that the suburban American ideal could go fuck itself.
the prisoner's dilemma by arbitrarily (free fire)
“Jesus Christ. What the fuck happened to you two?”
“First date,” Justine says.
“Went dutch,” Chris says.
Places We Don't Belong by easternepiphany (community)
Yesterday they went hiking in the Sandia Mountains, made it to the top of the trail, and celebrated by making out against a tree, slick with sweat. They were caught by a family of four, two parents and a son and a daughter, all who looked on in horror. The mother asked, in a stern and angry voice, weren’t they a little old for such antics. “Probably,” he said with a shrug and she bit her lip to keep from laughing.
A Fool For Your Face by Ghostcat (you’re the worst)
The days after Becca and Vernon’s shitstorm of a party were golden, as if he and Gretchen were finally alone. As if her depression had moved house, left the country, waved goodbye. They laughed and fucked, got drunk or didn't. Did drugs or went dry. Or kissed. For hours. Leaning against the brick wall of some local dive turned glorious oasis because of her lips.
But the walls are giving way by FanchonMoreau (mozart in the jungle)
“You don’t have to feel obligated to stay with us,” Cynthia tells him. “But you’re my orchestra,” Rodrigo insists. She smiles. “We’re big kids. We can take care of ourselves. Take a gig somewhere else if you need to. Trust me, we’ve got this.” He does trust her, and he trusts his orchestra. And he’s not stupid enough to miss the implication that perhaps he’s not wanted here, at this particular moment.
the grave robbers by arbitrarily (american gods)
“Okay, fine. I liked vodka and I liked whiskey. I didn’t even like the top shelf shit — I liked the cheap stuff, the stuff that burned on its way down. I liked it when I felt like it could make me choke. I liked when my bedsheets were tucked in so tight I could barely crawl in under the covers and I slept like I was trapped. I liked the smell of bug spray. I liked the burn of that, too. I liked when I stayed in the tub too long and my skin went all wrinkly and gross, and okay, I get the fucking irony of that now — no need to remind me. I liked when glue dried on my fingers and I’d peel it off. I liked angel food cake. I liked when I’d lay in bed at night sometimes and be just about to fall asleep, but then, I’d jolt awake, like I was falling down a flight of stairs or something in my almost dreams. Or whatever. You know — everyone knows that feeling.”
Reconstruction Site by disco_vendetta (pacific rim)
One day he looks up from the scaffolding and realizes that he’s almost exactly at Jaeger height and has to wrap his hand tight against the metal to keep from stepping out into the air. Not because he wants to kill himself or anything, just because for a split second his mind felt that old equilibrium and he just knew he should be able to, should be able to walk straight across the valley in front of him and out into the sea and on forever until he finds whatever’s next.
Benediction by sistermercury (the exorcist)
“I had to see.” Tomas starts weakly, and something inside Marcus begs for both of them to stop; Begging Tomas because he doesn’t want to know, can’t hear about another goddamn vision, not tonight. Begging himself, because something’s gone wrong and his self-righteousness can wait. It won’t be the first time Marcus fails to follow his own good advice.
he's alive! i'm alive! we're all alive! (oh, this case just got busted wide open) by rustykitchenscissors (mcu)
The next day, he rides his new motorcycle downtown and walks around until he sees a store full of the kinds of phones the other Avengers use. They’re all so thin he thinks they’ll break the moment he picks them up. Like how Bucky said for a while after, “I bet you met your old self like this, you’d break all his bones just going for a handshake, huh?” Only when drunk, of course. That mix of bitter and wonderstruck, hair scrambled across his forehead. “I bet you’ll snap me in half without thinking one of these days.” And Steve would throw an arm across his shoulders and pull him in tight to make sure he knew, Look, fuck that. I swear to God you’re steel to your core.
a tree grows in brooklyn by newsbypostcard (mcu)
"It's done, Buck," he says painfully, lying himself back on the ground. "All that's left is to leave." They don't leave. He can't. His chest rises and falls, too hard and too obvious.
Responsible Science by lettered (mcu)
Three weeks after Bruce left New York, Black Widow found him in Honduras.
the blackberries in the thickets by newsbypostcard (mcu)
"You are James Buchanan -- like the President -- from Illinois, Nevada, California, and New Jersey. I am Grant Stevens -- wanted to be Ulysses Grant, but Nat said two dead presidents living at the same address might sound a little fishy -- from Florida, Connecticut, Washington, and New York."
Bucky frowns at him. "How come you get New York?"
"Just worked out that way."
Life of Crime by neveralarch (mcu)
It's really hard to run through Boston when you're carrying a quiver on your back, a bow in one hand, and a huge bag of money in the other. Still, Clint's doing fine—he's had a ton of practice, after all. He's never going to win any Olympic medals (for, okay, lots of reasons), but he's fast enough for a guy on foot. Doesn't matter, because this chick's gaining on him anyway. Fucking flying. It's gotta be cheating.
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aristeiadeluca · 7 years
Play to Kill (Update)
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Genre: Modern/Noir
Summary: Lavellan solves a murder case with Deputy Chief Iron Bull.
Rating: M (For blood and violence)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (New!)
CHAPTER 12: Current Affairs
Skyhold Summer Bazaar Expo, Midtown Skyhold City, 6:57pm
It took nearly two hours to get Bull to agree to wear something decent enough to attend the gala.
He insisted on wearing button-downs but only buttoned the bottom two clasps, leaving his chest bare to the public, something Nymeria tried to explain was not appropriate at the kind of event they were attending. When his fussing started to annoy Nymeria she rolled her eyes and pushed him into the dressing room anyway (Krem was thoroughly entertained throughout).
As he huffed his way into the dressing room for the umpteenth time that afternoon, Nymeria busied herself with the screen on her phone. Krem had gone to do a little shopping himself and told her to keep an eye on Bull.
Keep an eye on him? What am I, his keeper? She thought to herself, rolling her eyes. He was the Chief of Police for the entire city of Skyhold. She couldn’t stop him even if she tried.
Yawning, she scrolled through yet another article on the status of current elvhen affairs:
Fen’Harel Strikes Again: Fereldan Blackpowder Facility Robbed
The Redcliffe Blackpowder Facility was robbed last night by the notorious thief, Fen’Harel, and Fereldan Police are left baffled with no leads. The public is now demanding answers on the low security placed in the hazardous factory responsible for manufacturing much of Fereldan’s weaponry.
Once again, Fen’Harel has become a tense subject for public relations between Fereldan and Orlais. Although Fereldan has much control over Vinmark Penitentiary, where the Evanuris are serving life in prison, Orlais has voiced their concern for the loose thief multiple times, especially following his infamous conquest of an ancient elvhen treasure from the Orlesian Fine Arts Museum three months ago.
Chief of FPD Cullen Rutherford has declined to further comment on the situation.
Great. Nymeria rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
Nymeria hadn’t realized Krem had come back from his short browse in the ‘Clearance’ section and nearly fell out of her stool in front of the dressing rooms.
“Nothing,” She replied, turning off her phone. “Just reading some news about the robbery in Fereldan.”
Krem snorted. “Which one?”
“You know, ‘the Dread Wolf’s latest conquest’.” She used air quotes.
Krem rose a brow and crossed his arms. “Oh, that one. That is serious. The robbing of the Fereldan Blackpowder Facility is a federal crime that can lead to a life sentence without parole…”
“Not that that’s ever stopped Fen’Harel.” Nymeria frowned. “The fact that he’s robbing a Blackpowder facility isn’t a good sign though. Explosives can be smuggled anywhere nowadays, even on airplanes if you’re clever enough. Definitely not a good sign...”
“I agree. Curious though: are you not an advocate of his?”
She stared at him, taken aback for a second. “No. Why do you assume I would be?”
“I don’t mean to offend you - I suppose I just assumed you’d be a advocate of Fen’Harel because - well, you know - you’re Dalish. From what I’ve read, Fen’Harel only means to take back the elvhen goods that have been lost to his people from the invasion.”
“At the expense of other innocent bystanders, you mean.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything of your character.” Krem quickly added. “I’m only recently gotten well-versed in Elvhen culture.”
“Because of your girlfriend?”
Krem shifted uncomfortably where he stood. “She’s not actually my girlfriend anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry…”
“Nah, don’t be. We had only gone out a few times.” Krem blushed slightly. “But I am trying to learn more. You know, just to have something to talk about.”
“That’s thoughtful of you,” Nymeria nodded. “Although, most Dalish condemn the Dread Wolf for his actions and hold him responsible for the fall of Elvhenan. If he hadn’t outed the Evanuris for corruption and their underground activities, they wouldn’t have been put away and Arlathan would not be under Imperium jurisdiction.”
“There’s some truth in that, I guess. But the Evanuris were also charged with corruption and orchestrated murder. Wait, or was it attempted murder?”
“Yeah, well…” She paused and looked pensive for a second. “I suppose the only thing I can applaud Fen’Harel for is raising awareness of the escalating elvhen-human relations.”
“Well said.” Iron Bull emerged from the dressing room, pulling his suit jacket over his shoulders again. “Besides, that case isn’t in our jurisdiction anyway.”
“Case? What case?” Nymeria asked.
“The robbery.” Bull replied. “The one you were reading about. Cullen called us about it this morning. But it’s not promising. No one’s been able to catch Fen’Harel. He’s a damned phantom thief. Waste of time to chase after a shadow without knowing its source.”
“Well, if Fen’Harel’s got his hands on explosives no one’s safe. Remember Wycome City?”
Nymeria shuddered visibly.
Remember? I’ll never forget. She wanted to say.
“Maybe the Elven Relations Ambassador will be able to contribute to our efforts? If we could all work together, it would be so much easier…” Krem shifted his weight.
“Easier said than done.” Nymeria stood and pulled her bag over her shoulder. “There is no appointed Elven Ambassador because the Dalish can’t come to terms with who to appoint.”
“Then who’s spearheading the elven operations?” Bull got in the checkout line. The benefits of shopping midday was the significantly shorter line. There was one two people in front of him.
“The Evanuris were responsible for creating the ongoing elven resistance rallies. They were powerful individuals - our politicians, albeit not acknowledged as such worldwide.”
“Hard to believe that was only 20 years ago…”
“This all sounds pretty damn dysfunctional to me. Maybe the elves were probably better off when the Evanuris were there to lead them. Now they barely have a place to live. Just have Tevinter give them back their damned land and be done with it.”
“Wow. Did you just say that? Can I get a direct quote on that for the papers tomorrow?” Nymeria nudged him, smirking.
Bull gave her a look of apprehension.
“I was kidding, geez.” She rolled her eyes again.
“Well, there’s the Elven Rights Council, right? We’ll be able to catch Fen’Harel with their help since they despise him. I’m sure they won’t want another elven city in danger’s way.”
“They’re unofficial. Plus, they offer no lucrative solution to the anti-elven agenda; their ideas are never cohesive or unified enough to get anything properly done for their people. We knew what was going on in Wycome City before it even happened. But that didn’t change anything.” There was as bitterness in Nymeria’s words.
”The Elven Rights Council members butt heads with each other often and would sooner create more problems rather than solve the ones that currently exist.”
Bull noted this was the first time Nymeria spoke anything of her past. He pulled up to the counter without saying a word about it though.
“Eh, I’m not interested in all this political crap anyway. How do you even know this shit, Krem? Can’t have learned all that from the news…”
Krem rolled his eyes. “My ex, you big lug.”
They were out of the department store under a minute. Nymeria was surprised Bull didn’t throw a fuss at the high price tag on his express tailored suit. It would’ve broken her piggy bank for the next three months. If it bothered him, Bull certainly didn’t show it.
Nymeria stared out the window as they drove, hand tucked under her chin. Buildings merged together before her eyes like a soft pastel painting. Her mind started to drift, mesmerized by the city’s colorfully blended light show.
“Anyway,” Bull studied the rearview mirror for a second. His drug-enforcement background made him feel weary that someone was following them, even though that was seldom ever the case. “I’m not interested in the robbery right now. I’d rather finish what we’ve got going on right now before we handle that.”
“Understood. I’ll keep you updated if Commander Cullen reports anything else.”
“Cullen used to serve in the Fereldan Marines.” Bull told her. “He lived through the Fifth Blight in Fereldan too.”
“Oh, that’s terrible…”
“Yeah, but he has some good drinking stories.” Bull shrugged.
The radio blared on in Bull’s black sedan and Nymeria was trying to listen intently on any news of the current Valmont family situation.
The way the media’s covering the Valmont family, you’d think they were Antivan royalty… She rolled her eyes. Then again, I guess they kinda are the Orlesian equivalent of royalty…. Especially if Celene secedes Clarisse’s position as President of Orlais...
Bull interrupted her thoughts:
“Briala’s going to be staying downtown until there’s a proper hearing, by the way.”
“What? Why?” Nymeria replied, frowning. “You’ve got nothing on her!”
“Well, you can take that up to the Valmonts’ attorney.” Bull told her. “I tried to make my case for a defense, but I’m not a lawyer. Plus, Vivienne de Fer scares the hell out of me. I had a call from her this morning.”
Nymeria rolled her eyes. “So you’re keeping Briala in jail indefinitely? Without bail?”
“Bail, I believe, is set at ten thousand.” Bull replied.
“That’s absurd. No one could afford that!”
“I think that’s the point, Krem.” Bull sighed.
“Well, you’ve got me; I can help. Besides, we’ve got sufficient evidence to prove otherwise. This case isn’t as open-and-shut as Madame de Fer’s going to make it.” Nymeria told them.
“What have we got that will be enough to make a case for her?” Bull sounded skeptical.
“Well,” Nymeria went through her notebook. “There’s plenty of suspicious clues left at the scene of the crime. Want me to go through them?”
“Wouldn’t hurt, I suppose.”
“We can review everything on the way to the gallery.”
“Well, first off. The only clear clue pointing to Briala’s guilt is the brooch. The flower pin that was left near the door.”
“But it was clean and could’ve been planted there to frame her.”
“Exactly. Then, there’s the black plastic coated with Selenium, used for treating Tinea Versicolor.”
“That could be nothing.” Bull told her. “The lab results didn’t come back with Florian having used any though, even though he does appear to have some eczema. But his condition wasn’t severe enough to use anything that strong.”
“I’m more concerned with the black plastic we found. Could it have been something that broke off the murder weapon during their struggle?” Nymeria wondered aloud.
“We established the murder weapon was one of Reynaud woodworking knives.” Bull reminded her. “The precision of the wound and the size match the one he's missing too perfectly. It most definitely is the murder weapon.”
“So maybe the plastic was something that could be found on the murderer’s belongings?”
“If so, we didn’t find anything suspicious. Everything they had on them was harmless. I even checked the sharpest things in their bags - pens, needles, you name it.”
“So what happened to the woodworking knife? The murderer is one of the Valmonts. They were with us the entire time. They couldn’t have thrown it away while we searched the hotel.”
“Well, wherever it was hidden, it's probably gone by now.”
“Most likely. But we still have plenty of other things to go on.” Nymeria frowned. “And I have a lot I want to follow up on.”
“Like what?” She saw Bull raise a brow in the rearview mirror.
“The newspapers Florian had on him are too suspicious. Why bring a bunch of old newspapers if you're going on a business conference and high key art auction? He had to have brought it for a reason.”
“Paparazzi, maybe? Or blackmail? They’re a prominent, rich, Orlesian family.” Krem pondered.
“Blackmail for whom? The firefighters? The photographs depict only good deeds being done.” Bull said pointedly.
“Well if the photos are staged, which seems plausible to me, then the Valmonts would have a scandal on the hands.” Nymeria looked through her photocopies of the articles found in Florian Valmont’s case.
“But what proof so you have that the photos are fake?” Bull asked her.
“None. Yet.” She told him.
“If it's really blackmail, then the only one this would hurt is the Valmont name, mainly Gaspard. Why would Florian have that on him? Even if he didn't approve of Gaspard's lifestyle, I'm sure Florian wouldn't want to sully the family name.”
Bull turned into the Skyohld Police Department parking lot and parked in his usual spot.
“I doubt Mantillon would even let him if he tried.” Nymeria replied, unclipping her seatbelt.
“Then maybe the clippings were information he collected from a potential client? Someone he met with earlier that day? Someone he made a deal with? Someone who was trying to get a rise out of him? Or blackmail the Valmonts? Maybe he paid off his blackmailer but the deed went south at the end?”
“Whoever would try that would have to be rich, ballsy, or incredibly stupid.”
“Either way, I agree. You have a good point. We’ll investigate the photos.”
She stared at him. “We? I thought you didn’t think the clippings were important…”
“I had a night to think about it.” He told her. “Besides, if you’re going to try getting information on those fires, you’ll need me to access them at the station anyway.”
“You… have a fair point.” She acknowledged, following him into the Police Station.
"Alright then, we've got some time to kill before the exhibition. Let's plan this shit out."
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terryballs · 3 years
What I Did In My Midlife Crisis by Sally Sparrow, Chapter 7
“So,” asked Sally. They were back in the TARDIS, and the Doctor was rooting around in his book case. “How are you going to infiltrate the Kerblam! depot? We can’t exactly use the psychic paper again. They’ll recognise us.”
“I have something I’ve been saving,” said the Doctor. “Extremely dangerous stuff. Bit of a nuclear option. Ah! Here we go.” He pulled a dusty glass vial sealed with a rubber stopper out of the gap between book and shelf.
“There’s nothing in there,” said Sally. Then the Doctor moved slightly and the vial caught the light. “Wait… no, it’s just dust.”
“That’s not dust, Sally Sparrow,” said the Doctor. “Those are suggestibility mites. Horrible creatures. Cousins of the Vashta Nerada, actually. Or I might have made that up. Maybe they are from the same planet as Memory Worms. It doesn’t matter. Point is, in their natural form, they release a signalling chemical that, by sheer coincidence, makes human beings less aggressive when you breathe it in.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“No, you’re right. And the human scientists who discovered them didn’t think they were bad either. But these aren’t the natural form. These have been bioengineered to release extremely high concentrations of the signalling chemicals. They don’t just calm you down, they make you extremely suggestible. You do whatever you’re told. You believe whatever you’re told. You might even start to hallucinate. They shape your very perception of reality. They’re classed as a Category 5 Biological Agent by the Shadow Proclamation – illegal to manufacture.”
“Why would anyone manufacture them in the first place?”
“Well, at first politicians thought that making people a little more docile and suggestible would help their election chances, but of course the politicians themselves ended up being the ones who got the highest doses – nearly collapsed multiple governments. Then… well, you might find this hard to believe, but there are some people who are even worse than politicians. People would use them… well…” the Doctor looked away from Sally, “…late at night.”
“Oh god,” Sally’s stomach churned.
“I’m afraid so. That was when I got involved. Put a stop to the whole affair, made sure those responsible were punished. So, like I said, I kept these for dire emergencies. These days I think people mostly use them on themselves. Recreational hallucinogens. I don’t support drug control usually, but, well, this was a necessary exception.”
“Right,” said Sally. “So you’ll use this to clear out the Kerblam! security?”
“Well, not just the security, everyone on site,” said the Doctor.
“You’re going to roofie a bunch of low-paid workers and leave them to their fates?”
“OK, I see the flaw now. Fine, we will need to take care of them. That will use up a lot of time. But the effects don’t last long. We should be able to stop anyone coming to harm.”
“Assuming the Angels don’t double cross us.”
“Don’t worry, I am prepared for that eventuality. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.”
They waited until night time and crept up to the staff entrance of the perimeter fence at the Kerblam! Depot. The two Angels waited just out of eyeshot.
“Passes, please,” said the security guard by the entrance. He was a middle-aged Asian man, with a narrow face, fine cheekbones, and a black goatee. “Hang on a second, aren’t you…”
“Think fast!” said the Doctor, unstoppering the Suggestibility Mites and throwing them over the guard. A contented smile spread across the guard’s face.
“What’s your name?” asked the Doctor.
“Virat Patel,” he said.
“Well, Virat,” said the Doctor. “Won’t you help us get inside?”
“Hmm… yeah, sure, I’ve got nothing else to do.”
“Doctor,” hissed Sally, “did you waste our whole supply on this guy?”
“He’s the one we need to keep under the longest,” said the Doctor. “And he can approach the others without them getting suspicious. Spread the mites onto them.” There was a draught of wind and the Angels appeared just behind them. “You two keep to the shadows until we give you the all clear. We don’t want to cause a panic.”
They approached the warehouse itself over the parking lot, using the cover of darkness. A couple of security guards stood by the entrance. Kerblam! was a 24/7 company, and the night shift was busily fulfilling orders so they could be shipped first thing in the morning.
“You know those security guards, Virat?” asked the Doctor.
“Emma and Janava.”
“Great. You go and tell Emma and Janava that, for security reasons, they need to tell everyone to stop what they’re doing and immediately stand facing the nearest wall.” He glanced at Sally. “Unless they need to go to the toilet, or get something to eat or drink, or experience a medical emergency. Then they should do that as quickly as possible, without paying attention to anything unusual, like aliens or unauthorised intruders. Can you remember all of that?”
“I can. Not sure everyone else will, but let’s give it a try.”
Sally stuck her head into the warehouse a few minutes later. Everyone was stood happily facing a wall, chatting to the people next to them or looking at their phones. “All clear,” she said.
“Great. Where’s Virat? VIRAT?”
“Yes?” came a voice from the far wall. The Doctor and Sally ran over. “Virat, we would greatly appreciate it if you could let us downstairs to the prisoners.”
“I’d love to,” said Virat, not turning around to look at them, “but for security reasons I have to stand still facing this wall.”
“Er…” said Sally. “Virat, right now, you really need to go to the toilet.”
A panicked look came across Virat’s face. “You’re right, I do. That means…”
“That means you don’t have to keep facing the wall. It makes sense to let us downstairs and then go to the toilet.”
“I suppose you’re right,” said Virat. “Let’s go.”
Virat power-walked over to the door to the staircase. “I’m beginning to understand how the Master feels,” muttered the Doctor. The Angels trailed them. Sally didn’t feel entirely comfortable with their alliance, but the Doctor had proven that he could outthink them. She had to put her faith in him.
Virat unlocked the door and made to dash off to the toilet. “Come on, Virat, we need you down here,” said the Doctor. Virat spun around on the spot and followed them down. He didn’t pay any attention to the Angels as he passed them.
“Right, Virat, when I open this door, you go in there and tell all the scientists to face the wall as a security measure.”
“And then I can go to the toilet?”
“Yes, then you can go to the toilet.”
Virat scanned his retina on the door, and it clicked unlocked.
That’s weird, Sally thought, but she couldn’t pin down why. Virat pushed the door open.
“Hello, Virat,” said Mr Blamley. “We’ve been expecting you. Would you go and introduce yourself to our prisoners, please?”
0 notes
5.2.20. 2:17 AM
My broken heart cracks easily like an egg. My fragile exterior bursting revealing a beautiful yellow interior, splatting on the pan of my trauma, fried and gently placed over cheesy grits. The delicious combo of trauma that’s comforting and delicious yet not the best for my health over time. 
I’m gonna die of clogged arteries if I don’t chill out. I’ve been reading The Body Keeps The Score. It’s a book on how trauma literally affects every organ. 
I cannot fathom doing the things other people have done to me. I have exposed so many people for being shady or bad but I still feel this void within myself. The void of the sum of the things that they did to me that have made me feel small enough to fit into their empty places. 
I am a distraction. 
Much of my relationships have been distractions from my own success. It’s reciprocal. Much of my relationships were distractions from trauma. Toxic. Lusty. Short. Toxic. Forced. Toxic. Sexually charged and empty interactions to fill the time between silent realizations of unhappiness and incompatibility. 
For example: 
My exes have similar family backgrounds: Emotionally absent fathers with extensive trauma issues who coped with said trauma with some sort of substance abuse. A loving mother who stayed with their dad no matter what happened, lacked boundaries and were the “tough tom boys” of their families. These dudes were either the youngest or only child.
The only person who does not fit this description is the first guy I ever “dated.”
I analyze every person that comes into my life to protect myself. 
The more I know about the past and the reoccurring patterns that have adversely affected my life, the more likely I am to prevent them from happening again and causing further damage. That’s what healing is supposed to do. That’s stopping the cycle. That’s what years of therapy and journaling are supposed to do. Get you to analyze what you’re doing and the reasons why. 
You’re studying yourself.  
My failures or mediocrity have scared me into complacency. Once dysfunction becomes commonplace, it’s the norm. It becomes the daily grind. If you grow up in dysfunction, inevitably if not properly treated, you will become a toxic person. 
If you didn’t have the proper support after a traumatizing event, you are more likely to develop PTSD or other mental health issues. Toxicity will become a part of your relationships. If you do not know how to deal with trauma in a healthy way, self-sabotage will become a survival mechanism you will be unable to turn off. 
Drinking, drug use, gambling, copious amounts of sex, binge eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, excessive exercising, risky behaviors like speeding and etc, are not going to make you feel better and will only traumatize you more. 
Misery isn’t a vibe. Dysfunction doesn’t have to be a vibe. We can heal and it hurts different. It hurts less. It doesn’t hurt worse. 
When we journal, reach out, participate in the things we love, be creative, make goals, cut toxic people out of our lives and etc, we make space for growth. We pick up the clutter of our traumas, we weed out those memories and dispose of them with care, we have space for growth and good people in our lives who want healthy relationships with us and themselves. 
Right now, I’m blaring good music in my ear phones, typing at nearly 2 AM about how I feel while hoping it reaches someone that needs to hear it because it makes me feel good to know I’m helping someone heal by feeling less alone. 
Also, this is better than what self-destructive behavior I typically have no business engaging in at this time. 
Making a positive impact on the world before I die has got to be the biggest goal I have for myself. I want to be remembered as someone who tried their best but it’s difficult because I can’t be perfect. Eventually, I’m going to mess up or something will be revealed about me that disappoints people. What can I do about that? 
So *swerve* I can’t worry about that. What I can’t control in this life, I can’t ruminate on.   
What COVID-19 has taught me has been to move with the punches. You only can depend on yourself. Money really does help get what I need to get done, done. 
So, I have been applying to different places and got a job at a grocery store, the other day. I am attempting to secure employment during a pandemic because of the future economic collapse that is evolving before our eyes but I can’t freak out about that too much because I can only control what I got in front of me. 
I can’t make anyone love me. I can’t make a relationship work, one sided. I can’t expect myself to be perfect. I can’t control the economic future. 
I can control who I have in my life because I can positively affect my emotional well-being by cutting them out of my life. I can control how I react to adversity. Even if I feel out of control, I have every right to stop what I’m doing and do something more productive and conducive for my mental health. I don’t have to act crazy for attention. I can be myself and attract positive attention from people who like me instead of acting like a clown for one person. 
Just because you can make people laugh doesn’t mean they’re cheering you on. Some of them are so bored and/or apathetic, they don’t care that the clown has feelings. They don’t share your goofy nature. They think you’re weak and they prey on that perceived weakness. They see joy as naivety. They only want to be entertained and oh what fun it is to watch a train wreck of clowns. *cough cough* 
I can definitely say that I am a train wreck of clowns and I don’t want to be anymore but it’s a comfort zone for me. The dark humor doesn’t help. 
Love and attention are not the same things. 
If they care, they’ll be there for you. You shouldn’t have to show off for attention. You shouldn’t have to crash their crib or throw stuff at them for them to care about you. 
Plus, people experience their emotions in different ways. Some people shut down. Other people feel nothing. Some people stop caring about everything but then you can’t control how people react to life. 
Some people throw things. Yell. Get loud. 
But if you stop to think about why someone does something, it makes sense. I get loud when I argue with my partner because I feel unheard. I feel like what I have to say doesn’t matter to them and when I get angry I yell so they can hear what I have to say. Obviously, that’s not how one gets their point across. That’s the maturity talking. 
I have control of the volume of my voice and if I feel repeatedly insulted and unheard, I need to walk away depending on the type of relationship. Either, I have to walk away or make things work but if making things work didn’t work, I’m going to have to walk away. It’s simple, really. 
If you’re unheard, you’re being disrespected so WALK AWAY! 
If you know that someone will be unable to love you the way you deserve to be loved, walk away because that‘s the most selfish type of love. You know you can’t fix them. You know you can’t make them love you. How will they ever make you happy if they’re going to be miserable with you? 
Have you seen Bruce Almighty? Not even God can make someone love you. The Universe cannot create love. You are love.You have to find and create that for yourself.  
You have to love yourself and achieve your goals or you’ll never find happiness. You have to pursue your own joy in this life in order to feel fulfilled or you’ll never have fulfilling relationships. 
How do you expect a relationship to manufacture something you’ve never felt on your own? 
Whatever energy you put out into the Universe will come back to you. You are a part of Karma. Whatever good you put out there, will come back to you. Whatever bad, will go into the world and come back to you. That balance is what redeems the imperfection it is to be human. 
Life doesn’t have to be suffering but you need to focus on the rainbows. You have to cling onto the joyous moments that make you who you are today or you will be consumed by tragedy. You will become unrecognizable. 
Your identity will become trauma if you do not remember the good things that made you who you are today. Yes, the bad made you who you are too but so did the good. 
You’ll get sucked back into toxic relationships and repeat past traumas until you become aware of those patterns and offsetting them with who you actually are and what actually brings you joy. 
Do you like to paint? What hobbies did you have as a kid? Did you like being inside or outside more? Have you ever been interested in cooking? Do you like fashion? Have you ever wanted to play video games, soccer, DnD, go on a hike, try a new type of food and etc? Do it. 
Have you drank coffee by yourself in a restaurant? Gone to a movie by yourself? Whatever is the thing you want to do or try, do it because it will help you see your goals. It will help you feel fulfilled. 
If you were never loved by your parents or not properly loved or felt neglected in some way somehow by the important people in your life, of course you’re going to be conditioned to love in a dysfunctional way. 
But why be miserable?
Why be miserable because of that? 
Find yourself before you commit to someone who may potentially not value or love you the way you need to be valued and loved. You should not have to beg for love, act like a clown or hide yourself in some way to appease someone. 
Love you. 
0 notes
iameveryonesmom · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
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mikepepi · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes
indierecords · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes
axolotlottie · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
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thingyoungbright · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes
l4na-banana · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
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blaqroselive · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes
therankings · 6 years
best drone under 500
New Post has been published on http://utmostdrone.com/best-drone-under-500/
best drone under 500
The Best Drones Under $500 For 2018
  1. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K Camera & 3-Axis Gimbal Accessory Bundle – Includes Manufacturer Accessories, 64GB Micro SD Card, Drone Backpack, MORE
2. DJI Spark Drone Quadcopter (Alpine White) with 3 Batteries, Camera Gimbal Bundle Kit with MUST HAVE Accessories
3. DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera EVERYTHING YOU NEED Kit + Gimbal Guard, Lens Cap, Harness + SanDisk 32GB SD Card with USB 3.0 Card Reader + More
4. Rabing RC Drone FPV Wifi GPS Visual Tracking Quadcopter with 16MP Camera RC Quadcopter
  5. Holy Stone HS700 FPV Drone with 1080p HD Camera Live Video and GPS Return Home, RC Quadcopter for Adults Beginners with Brushless Motor, Follow Me, 5G WiFi Transmission, Compatible
6. 1080P Camera Drone,Holy Stone HS300 RC Quadcopter with 120° Wide-angle HD Camera 6-Axis gyro 2.4 GHz with Altitude hold, One Key Return and Headless Mode Function RTF Includes
7. UPair One Drone with Camera, Quadcopter drone, 2.7K HD Camera and GPS Drone with 7 inch FPV Screen with Camera Live Video/Altitude Hold/Headless Mode/GPS One Key Return Easy Use
  Pointers About Your Drone
A few months ago I bought this drone that’s called the DJI maverick probe this thing is a modern technological marvel like I still can’t really believe all the things this drone can do I mean it’s got a camera that shoots 4k video it can tilt it and then look anywhere it needs to keep it really stable I mean I could go on and on it’s an amazing a little piece of equipment
however there are some things that I think you should just be aware of and just some good practices to have if you’re going to buy a drone of any kind I’m going to cover some of those things in this article
okay so the first thing you should be aware of is that if you own a drone for any purpose whether you’re using it just for fun or if you’re using it for like commercial purposes to like shoot real estate videos or anything for that matter pretty much across the board and you’re in the United States you have to register your drone with the FAA and I’m going to put a link beneath this article so that you can get to the page where you have to do that if you’re still on this for like your own personal use like just for fun the cost is just five dollars to do that so it’s not for that big deal however if you’re doing this for commercial purposes the cost goes up substantially I think it’s like $199 or something like that so either way that’s just something you should be aware of the FAA can actually fine you and even put you in prison if you don’t register your drone they apparently have the right to do that so it’s not something you want to just ignore just definitely be sure to register your drone as soon as you get it so that you’re in compliance
with that the second thing I would urge you to be aware of is that whatever kind of drone you get make sure you just take some time and understand how the thing works I know that should seem obvious but man me when I get this thing I was so excited to just like make it fly and see what it could do and that’s understandable however you’re going to remember this is like an actual aircraft this thing can hurt people this thing can kill animals and kill birds if you run into them
I mean this thing could even like get in the way of an airplane and cause some kind of incident so it’s really important that even though this thing is fairly easy to fly take some time and go slow and make sure you understand how the thing is supposed to work
there’s actually some great YouTube videos out there that hugely helped with me when I was getting started so I’ll try to link up to those beneath this article as well in case you happen to get this particular drone they were super helpful to me but whatever kind of drone you get chances are if you just do a YouTube search you’ll find a lot of helpful tutorials out there about how to get started with whatever drone you’re using
another good idea that I’ve heard from some but I have not actually implemented myself yet is to get an alternative way of tracking this thing down if you ever lose it for example there are RFID stickers you can get and the app that you use with this drone which goes on your phone and you actually can control the drone with the controller which is hooked up to your phone it actually tells you where the drone is at all times however I can tell you I’ve already had a couple of really scary instances where at one point I was flying this thing over Lake Michigan and it was man a good 300 feet away from me at least in my phone for some reason disconnected from the drones so I couldn’t see the video feed on it anymore and I was like oh my word I’m about to lose my drone.  luckily the actual controller was still connected to it so I could ten up you know look at it all from the distance and get the drone back but you know it just kind of goes to show you can’t necessarily always rely on this thing to perform perfectly
I  wish you could it seems like that’s something you should be able to depend on but apparently you can’t so just make sure that whatever you’re flying this thing you always keep it within your own field of view like don’t go flying it three miles away where you can’t actually see it with your own eyes make sure you’re being careful of that and that’s actually one of the requirements and something that you need to be doing anyway if you have one of these things so just keep that in mind so that if for some reason the app disconnects on you you can get it back and track down
where it is another really good idea if you’re going to get a drone is to make sure you understand what kinds of accessories are available for your drone for this particular one it is possible to get a landing gear that sort of extends the feet which can be helpful just to make sure the camera doesn’t ever get in grass or get wet or anything like that you can also get water landing gear that goes on this .you can literally land it in a lake and it’s going to be okay
when I bought this particular drone I was fully aware that these batteries which are actually pretty good batteries they give you I think it’s about 27 minutes of flight time a really good piece of advice I heard is that it’s good to have a backup battery so that you don’t necessarily have to be done after those 27 minutes are up so I actually bought a package with this drone that came with not only the battery that’s on the drone but also to backup batteries so that effectively gives me like an hour and a half of flying time so I don’t have to you know stop go home recharge the battery and come back out so just be aware of the accessories that are out there because there are some really great things that can make the whole flying experience a lot better if you just have the tools that will really extend the usefulness of your drone
something else you should be aware of is that you can’t necessarily just take this drone and fly wherever you want to with it basically just sort of high-level rules are you can’t fly above 400 feet with this and you also can’t fly over people you can’t fly over big ass stadiums or crowds or events like that you’re obviously not supposed to be flying this thing when you’re under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol and then it’s very important that you only fly your drone within your own line of sight so even though it’s possible to go you know around the corner or so far away that you can’t even see it you’re not supposed to do that and I will say when you go to register your drone you actually have to agree to all these things before you can register for it so if you aren’t already aware of it you kind of have to agree to these things before you can complete the registration process.
so it’s just something to be aware of and lastly one other thing I’ll note is that this particular drone and the best of my knowledge all drones out there have limitations when it comes to how strong they are and what kind of wind and whether they can fly in I was trying to fly this thing in wind conditions that were about 20 miles an hour which as I learned is a terrible idea for the most part if when conditions are like 15 miles an hour or higher I would not recommend taking this thing out and flying it you can actually lose your drone because it can’t necessarily fight really strong winds and come back to wherever you’re at and luckily I don’t lose mind but when I was landing it the wind actually blew thrown into the side of a house and broke three propellers on my drone and it also ripped up the siding on this house luckily it didn’t break my drone I just had to buy a couple new propellers to put on their which was not a big deal at all but it could have been a lot worse
and just generally speaking it’s not a good idea to fly in conditions that this thing is not built to handle and the same thing goes for any drone out there they all have the limitations so just make sure you’re aware of what those are and don’t push it
all in all I am just like so impressed with this little piece of technology like I’m honestly kind of shocked that a consumer like me can have access to this kind of thing it almost seems like the technology only the military should have access to because it’s just like stunning how easy it is to control this thing everything it can do it’s amazing the time that we live in right now yeah I’m writing this article in mid 2018 my chances are if you’re reading this article in like 2020 or beyond you’re probably going to look at this kind of drone and think it’s like archaic because drone technology is innovating very quickly so it’s really exciting to just be in this world and watch where things are going
but in the meantime I’m just super impressed with this I think it’s an awesome little drone and it’s probably one of the most fun purchases I’ve made so far this year and I’m still learning a lot about how to fly it and get good cinematic shots one of those things where I don’t think it takes a lot of skill to use it but the more you are willing to put into you know figuring out how to fly this thing effectively the better and better shots you can get so if you’ve got the money to spend on the drone I think you should totally do it because there are a lot of fun but I should also say if you’re somebody like me who’s in the real estate world and you’re trying to get this for the purpose of shooting promotional real estate videos and getting good pictures of your properties you can totally do that with this however I don’t necessarily think it’s always worth that because when you consider the cost of buying the drone and then all of the commercial licensing you have to do in those situations it really kind of is a lot that you have to do and I don’t know that it necessarily justifies that unless you’re going to be doing it like as a business or with every single property you sell then it could be but practically speaking I don’t know that it always you know reasonably makes sense but if you just really want a drone and you want to get one go for it because there are a lot of fun and I think you could really give yourself a lot of good quality entertainment especially if you’re anything like me and you’re like this kind of thing so thanks for reading hopefully I’ll see you again the next article.
Register online (must weigh less than 55 pounds).
Register an unmanned aircraft by paper.
More information can be found here
0 notes