#Of course the bat clan will fight to get their brother / son back
moonlight-inthesky · 3 years
You know, as I've been catching up on Ducktales, I started thinking about Scrooge and the dynamic he has with his sisters, specifically the changes in them.
Obviously, the biggest change that caught me off guard was Matilda becoming the youngest sibling, with Hortense persumably becoming the middle child. At first, I had no idea why they made this change, but then I soon started to think about it and I realized that the McDuck siblings might be parallels to the triplets.
More under the cut because this gets very long
Right off the bat, Scrooge and Matilda are both businesspeople, with Scrooge being a billionaire and Matilda just barely hanging on. From what little we know about Hortense, she apparently decided to settle down, marry, and have kids, with nothing suggesting she had a business as well.
Thinking about these aspects of the characters, as well as the changes in age order, made me think back to the duck triplets, with the changes made to their personalities in this iteration based on their age order, and of course I came to the logical conclusion that the McDuck siblings are supposed to be parallels to the duck triplets.
Think about it:
Scrooge and Huey, both the oldest, rely on their smarts to outsmart others and succeed. Also they wear red.
Matilda and Louie, both the youngest, are less than successful business owners and have to rely on schemes to succeed, and even then its not a guarantee. Matilda's shirt is also a yellowish-greenish color, and obviously Louie wears green.
And that leaves Dewey and Hortense, both the middle children. Again, we know next to nothing about Hortense. However, based on the patterns I found above, I may have an idea of what Hortense may be like as it will probably be revealed in future episodes.
Dewey, being the middle child, wants to stand out from his brothers, which explains why he so enthusiastic about adventure; he wants to make a name for himself and separate his identity from his brothers. Hortense, also probably being a middle child, might have had a similar problem, but taken to the opposite direction.
Okay, so we know Hortense started a family and apparently did not have a business, unlike her siblings (unless the theory that Ludwig's kids are also Matilda's is true), so those are the biggest differences. I'm thinking that Hortense wanted to separate her identity from her siblings by NOT standing out, a direct contrast from Dewey. She knew about her siblings' crazy business ventures and she didn't want to be associated with Clan McDuck if they were just going to be known as greedy, eccentric businesspeople. So, she decided she was going to settle down with Quackmore (and take his last name to further distance herself from her siblings) and have Donald and Della. No crazy adventures, no association with eccentric businesspeople, just a normal life with her family.
Of course we all know how that ended. However, if this is the case, this would make an interesting character study, a foil to most of the McDuck/Duck family, and a parallel to Donald, who had a similar goal after the SoS incident (like mother, like son, after all).
So bottom line: there's a lot more to the McDuck siblings that we just don't know yet, but we seem to have some clues that would suggest future revelations about them.
Also, I just remembered some pictures showed in "The Fight for Castle McDuck!" showed Scrooge and Matilda as around the same age, despite being oldest and youngest, respectively. So, this means that the two and Hortense were closer in age this time around...
...OR they were triplets as well. I actually really like that concept and it would only drive home the parallels between the McDuck siblings and Duck triplets even further.
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Hey, it’s me again! ^_^ I hope I don’t bother you too much with my requests, but your posts are so cool I just can’t help it. Upon completing Yakuza 4 I’ve had a lot of thoughts and feels about Daigo and how his character was handled across the series. To be honest, at first I didn’t like him much, because he seemed pretty bland (and his screen time leaves much to be desired), but soon enough he’s really grown on me. What is your opinion on him if you don’t mind me asking?
I definitely do not mind requests! Meta is my bread and butter c: I’ve just been busy for a few days, sorry ^^; And... my opinions on Daigo are not going to be as mindblowing or exciting as my opinions on Kiryu, I’ll be real ^^; And there’s a big advantage in Kiryu being the protag, All of the content is about him ^^; I do love Daigo, I think he’s a super interesting character, but his tragedy is just what you pointed out, he’s underutilized. And he isn’t set up very well to have the position he holds. 
But, so saying, let’s get into my essay on Daigo ^^; 
So, we meet Daigo properly in game 2. There’s little side stories with baby Daigo in Zero which helps build Daigo’s and Kiryu’s relationship and set up for what would later happen, but we don’t really know him until game 2. And game 2 is a LOT about Daigo and his arc and what he’s meant to be! There’s a tumblr text post meme somewhere with a pic of Daigo depressed in his little puffy white coat that says “And I’ll probably become the next chairman of the Tojo Clan. Things like that just happens to guys like me.” and that is totally accurate! Like, it’s a funny thing to complain about, but that’s obviously the struggle Daigo’s having, understanding from a young age that it was obviously his destiny to succeed Sohei, the only problem is uh... well... Kiryu. 
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Dojima Sohei never became chairman of the Tojo Clan. And that’s really wild thinking back to Zero and how powerful he was, he was all but a shoo in for chairman. But then, uh... Kiryu. Kiryu happened. Kiryu, and Majima I should say, are the reason Sera becomes chairman, not Sohei. Forever upsetting the wheels of fate. Given where we see Sohei next, I can’t imagine that he ever really recovered from that upset ^^; And I’m SURE it made him bitter towards Kiryu the rest of his life. And considering, again, where we see him next, I think the canon supports this ^^; 
So what becomes of Daigo’s destiny then? His father had victory snatched away, destiny denied, and everything he had slowly crumbles over time, leaving his son with less and less to inherit, but still with the ideology that he should take this over. That’s an awkward position to be in. 
And then Sera dies. Ooh, golly, I wonder who the next chairman’s gonna- it’s Kiryu. Of course it’s fucking Kiryu, how could it not be? It OBVIOUSLY should be Kiryu. He’s the strongest, the bravest, and who inspires the most loyalty. It doesn’t matter that Kiryu’s never been in leadership before, he TURNS people. Kiryu could get anyone on his side through sheer force of personality, which is hilarious to say about a guy with maybe 3 facial expressions. But tell me I’m wrong. I cannot count the number of part-time antagonists who turned on a dime because Kiryu beat their ass. And anyone who can do that can rule the world. Kiryu was absolutely the best pick for chairman and I will fight the world on this.
(Abbreviated for length, this is a LONG post)
But... then Kiryu makes the stupidest decision of his entire fucking life and renounces the chairmanship. And he has his reasons, feeling unworthy, traumatized from the events of Kiwami 1, unsure if he even wants to stay in the yakuza or if there’s maybe something else he wants to do with his life... he’s going through a lot of intense self-reflection and self-doubt and, I hate to harp on it, but fucking trauma. His brother blew himself up in front of him in a bid for redemption after all but telling Kiryu that all of his mistakes are Kiryu’s fault. Yeah, no, I’m sure Kiryu’s doing FINE with that. So, like, I can see why Kiryu said no, but it was still... fucking nuts. And it irrevocably changed the trajectory of everyone in this universe. Which Kiwami 2 goes out of its way to explore. Kiryu’s leaving? Majima fucking retires, Terada’s suspect, there aren’t any old, loyal hands left to lead the families, and we see how vulnerable the Tojo clan is on every side because Kiryu just up and fucked off. 
(I have A LOT of feelings about Kiryu being chairman and someday I will have the strength to write the AU we all deserve where Kiryu stays as chairman)
So... the wheel of fate turns and oh yeah remember Daigo? Dojima Sohei’s son Daigo? The kid who’s been raised his whole life to take over the clan only to be denied at every turn? How’s he doing? Not great! It turns out, not great! Kiryu, his father figure, killed his ACTUAL father, but didn’t really, took the blame for some other weird guy, leaving Daigo with one badass mother and very little direction in life. Daigo’s been brought up thinking he’ll take over a great kingdom but all that’s left now is a broken wreck about to be demolished and picked apart by scavengers. Great, yeah, just what any kid wants to inherit. And he wasn’t trained to fix this, it’s kinda shitty to saddle him with destiny and then not train him for the thing that actually has to be done and then do it anyway. It’s real shitty actually. And not many people help Daigo. 
Daigo couldn’t have taken the chairmanship directly from Sera, he was still just a teenager then. But it probably would have been nice if Kiryu checked in with him even fucking once since getting out of jail. But no, we never explain on screen to Daigo what happened as far as I can remember. Which, I feel, is a pretty fucking big oversight. How the fuck is Daigo supposed to trust you Kiryu? Or we’re supposed to believe he just figured it out off screen and holds no grudges? Like, I’m sure knowing Kiryu didn’t kill Sohei helps, but he couldn’t fucking tell you that himself? He couldn’t trust you with that information or that conversation? Fuck this. Very understandably, Daigo has his own crisis of faith about the yakuza, very much in parallel to Kiryu’s. Why the fuck SHOULD he go to bat for a crumbling organization that has only proven itself to be a dog chasing its own tail, willing to devour itself at the slightest provocation? It took his father, both his fathers, and he didn’t really get either of them back. Why the fuck should he try to fix that? 
And to its credit, Kiwami 2 does a decent job of articulating Daigo’s motivations there. I could have done with even more, but I think they do him credit in showing him as disenfranchised and lost. And I think it’s refreshing to see someone have to confront the consequences of what’s happened since Kiryu left. Because the games don’t do a good job of showing that this is Kiryu’s direct fault. They never like to make Kiryu’s decisions have consequence, which is poor use of a protag. Rightly or wrongly, their decisions ALWAYS have consequence, or they’re not the protag. You can’t have it both ways. If this person is going to matter then, guess what, their consequences matter. Kiryu turned away. Rightly or wrongly, he did that. Daigo will never get that opportunity. Child of destiny. Not only was he bred and raised for this, he doesn’t know how to do anything else either. He doesn’t have other options the way Kiryu does. And we’re in a terrible vacuum of power. Terada’s namely in charge, but no one’s loyal to him. Even if he wasn’t deliberately fostering this, the Tojo Clan can’t survive without faith in their leader. Daigo, by fact of being his fathers’ son, can bind what’s left. And he has to because Kiryu won’t. Which is... really shitty. So either Daigo does this, or we all hang. And we never quite articulate that this is on Kiryu’s say so. Kiryu could still take over now and fix it he just... won’t.
And on top of this already comfortably stressful situation... we set Daigo up to come into a stable situation of power, where his transition would be smooth. We didn’t give him the tools to know how to salvage. He’s not practiced negotiating with hostile entities or even just people who will resent him because he’s young. And he’s lost a lot of faith, without even charisma and willpower on his side, this is a massively uphill battle. If he doesn’t believe, who else will believe him? Daigo knows this. And we watch that struggle go on, all while Kiryu just cheerleads. He hasn’t decided yet if he’s gonna stay in the yakuza either and he’s lowkey depressed after Kiwami 1. Lowkey he’s just suffering depression and can’t do as much as he normally would. Not an excuse, but I think an important way to read how tired and reluctant he is. Some therapy would really fucking help. 
Anyway, we manage to get through Kiwami 2 and install Daigo as chairman, at which point Kiryu fucks off for good. Now, he kinda/sorta leaves some supports for Daigo, in Majima specifically, but also in Kashiwagi and I wanna believe in Daigo’s mom too. She was so cool and then we just... never talked about her again ^^; Laaaame *sigh* So, I guess, Kiryu did try to fulfill his remaining responsibilities as Daigo’s living father, but mostly it was just an excuse for him to leave and not feel guilty. Mostly it was him foisting off his duties onto someone else. He didn’t stay to teach Daigo everything he knew about the people Daigo would have to control. He didn’t teach Daigo and Majima how to talk to each other, a thing which REPEATEDLY comes back to bite us in the ass. He’s not there for Daigo to ask advice and help. Kiryu is full of confidence for Daigo, he’s not TRYING to make him fail, but Kiryu’s so caught up in his own need to leave, he neglects to people who need him. 
And Daigo, to his everlasting credit, does his best to get by without Kiryu’s help. As much as possible, he never calls to ask Kiryu for help. And he does grow into a quite competent chairman! He does successfully rehabilitate the Tojo Clan, he makes them profitable again, he insists on respect and people don’t run amok under him. He does it, he salvages a dying organization. And he may not even really believe in it, but he has such a sense of responsibility, he does it anyway. He knows there’s no one else. He knows if he goes to Kiryu and says I don’t want this, Kiryu won’t help him. Kiryu didn’t mean for it to happen this way, he didn’t mean to be selfish and put others in a bad position. But he wasn’t there to listen. And I think Kiryu eventually comes to rue that. 
The very unfortunate thing about Kiryu is... he is a dragon. Even though he is kind and generous and not greedy in a conventional sense, he is greedy. As much as Kiryu is a powerhouse because come hell or high water, he does what he thinks is right... this also makes him extremely selfish. He can be blind to other people’s needs and refused to be tied down. Again, for the best of reasons, because he’s trying to raise a family, because this environment is triggering for him, but he just hauls off and does things instead of talking to anyone which... makes him impossible to have a working relationship with. He has to learn to talk and to listen and that he can’t make all of the decisions by himself. The great irony being, Kiryu never wants to, but he doesn’t know how to ask for help. He’s so used to have everything put on him, he doesn’t realize it doesn’t have to be that way... but anyway, I’m getting caught up ^^; The point is, he thinks because he ditched the Tojo Clan they no longer care about him. Which is... naive at best. Of course people still care about you dumbass. Which makes Kiryu a massive vulnerability to the Tojo. In 3 and 4, Daigo makes stupid calls trying to protect Kiryu and trying to protect his interests. And because Kiryu hasn’t left open an avenue for them to talk, Daigo has to make these decisions on his own with bad information and he does his fucking best. But... he doesn’t know how to make the best of what he has, not like Kiryu would, and he fucks up sometimes. 
I really, really love game 4 for that reason. Daigo’s fuck up is SO understandable, SO reasonable. It sounded like a good idea, it sounded like peace and harmony. And he was left without a leg to stand on before he knew it. In many ways, it wasn’t his fault. Kiryu himself says as much. And I may never forgive the end of 4 for letting Kiryu REALIZE he defaulted on his responsibilities but then, instead of changing his behavior in any way, he fucks off back to Okinawa. God... *siiiigh* ANYWAY. 
And this struggle, this lack of communication, but unstated loyalty, comes full circle in game 5. When Daigo is literally drowning, literally knows he’s going to fail this time and there’s nothing he can do, and even when he’s with Kiryu, he can’t bring himself to ask for help. He knows Kiryu won’t or can’t. Instead he asks for absolution. He tries to tell his dad he’s just been doing his best and... he’s sorry for the terrible things that are about to happen. How gutting that Daigo can only see himself as a failure because... he’s not Kiryu. No one’s Kiryu. Even Kiryu refuses to be Kiryu. But Daigo knows if he was just Kiryu, things would be better. He’s not a legend. He’s not a god. He’s not all-powerful or crazy or impossible. He’s just a guy, doing his best because he had to. Because there was no one else. And some days Daigo does great, but a lot of days, he doesn’t measure up. And that eats at Daigo like mold. Kiryu would NEVER look at Daigo this way. Heck, most people at that point would never compare them. It’s in Daigo’s head, but it still hurts. He’s still, even now, looking up to Kiryu and he’ll just... never quite get there. 
This is the only good thing I will ever say about game 6, and it was still 2 or 3 games too late, but Kiryu finally acknowledging Daigo as his son was good. Kiryu saying he was proud and saying he was grateful was good. Again, several games late, but... it still mattered. It still mattered that, in the end, Kiryu recognized his legacy in Daigo. That he understood so much of what Daigo did and does and is and was is for him. That mattered. 
Daigo is a great chairman who takes care of his clan. But he was robbed of his relationship with his father. The games never work on the relationships that exist, strong relationships, for reasons I will never understand. Games 3, 4, and 5 would have been SO much more interesting if we had just like Kiryu talk to his fucking friends. Two would have been SO much easier if Kiryu had just been fucking chairman like he was fucking supposed to be and the transition of power to Daigo came later and smoother, with Kiryu helping to make it. Daigo tries his hardest every day and he’s an incredible negotiator and savior after all the shit he’s had to pull the Tojo Clan through, kicking and screaming and fighting to tear itself apart every damn day. The generation above him is all legends, Majima and Saejima and Kiryu. Daigo isn’t one of them. But he’s better because he was here and because he tries and because he succeeds. We need Daigo. We deserve him. 
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Werewolf-Vampire AU -SEQUEL VII: The Last War- ]
 by : Little1993lamb
for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter
Words count : 6378
Warning : long sequel is looong, super lame action scenes (i'm so sorry if it sucks!), slight satisfying gore scene in the end (you will know what is it! i promise it will satisfy you mmmh, especially if you hate the resident douchebag lol)
 Disclaimer: Gaman, the Batarou love child, is Original Character created by amazing @the-goddessfighter. Not mine, I just borrowed him temporarily for this story at her permission ;D
  @kaincuro @metalbatandzenko @dies-first @beautifulnightmareus @guppys-paw @ruby-ess
- VII -
Back to several minutes before, on the Fortress frontyard, Bang and Bomb along with their packs alliances successful on defeating the royal guards who were in charge on guarding the outside Fortress easily. Now they just waiting for Garou and the other rescue team to take Badd and Zenko back to home. But Bomb sensed there's something wrong with this situation, he'd heard with his werewolf's supersensitive ears that there's a horde of people coming towards them. And from the smell of it those scents were similar to pureblood vampire scent are, and it gets stronger as those people approaching them at a steady pace.
Bomb asked everyone to stay alert because these can be more dangerous than their previous opponents. Bang followed his brother's instruction and set his fighting stance right away with Bomb. A few seconds later, they saw an army of pureblood vampires marching towards them from the forest direction. Bang thought it seems that whoever instructed those army to come here, they have an intention to destroy the place or the people inside it. This cannot be good, Garou and the others still in the Fortress and they still haven't know what's happened on Badd's trial right now. Only one way to sort this out: fight those vampires back to prevent them entering the Fortress until everybody inside are already saved.
Finally the army of pureblood vampires stopped their march in the front Fortress gate. From the close distance, their appearance seemed like either trained assassins or mysterious stalkers, with all full body suit and black mantle plus half mask covering the upper part of their face, to prevent sunlight from touching their sensitive skin. On the mantle there's an insignia of highest rank of pureblood vampire family clan, to be exactly Amai Mask's own family.
That moment, Bang immediately understand what's actually happened here. Amai's family planned to wiped out every people in this Fortress along with the evidences so they could overthrow the royal family's Vampire Order. What a horrible clan, Bang thought. He knew from his life experiences that some of the vampire clan are nasty, but never once he encountered a clan nastier than this before. It disgusted him.
Anyways, he wont let those nasty people get their dirty hands on his family. Don't let the tragedy of Badd's own family repeated again now, his beloved son-in-law already suffered the loss and traumatic painful memories too much. He'll doing his best to prevent that from happening once more. With understanding nods to each other, Bang and Bomb ready to lead the packs alliances into the battle against the pureblood vampire army at the front line.
At the same time inside the Fortress, the rescue-fighter team trying to evacuate the royal family and all of the civillians to another solitude building in the back of Fortress which is looked more secure. The said building is the Imperial Palace, owned by the royal family as the authority of Vampire Council. Hopefully it could accommodate the refugees and hold back the treacherous clan army's invasion until the battle ended. Garou, Badd, and Gaman defended the civillians from the front side while the rest of rescue and evacuation team on the back side. Because there's also a group of pureblood vampires who sided with Amai's family clan and the remain of Amai's lackeys, they must protect the people from those enemies during moving from court house building to the Imperial Palace.
Currently, they still in the court room to open their way from the remaining enemies in there, so they can open their way to move forward towards the Fortress corridors. As expected, Amai's lackey attacked them from inside the room and from outside the room or from the corridors. In the front line, Garou and Gaman fighting side by side while Badd covering their back. It was amazing to see how those three in action as teamwork.
Garou was like the spear for them, excels in brute strength and flexibility, combinated with graceful movements using complicated techniques that has been perfected by him. Also, as a werewolf he has more powerful regenerative ability than any vampire ever have, so it doesn't really worrisome if he got wounded from enemies' offensive attack, because he wanted to protect Gaman who's still a child and Badd who's his vampire Mate. The protectiveness from being an Alpha Werewolf with a Mate strenghtened his skills and sharpen his natural instinct to keep his family safe no matter what happen.
And to do that thing, he doesn't mind to kill his enemies with his bare hands if it's absolutely necessary. Of course he still taught Gaman to not kill the opponent, same to Badd who's softhearted. Because of that, he wanted to spare them from the guilt of killing a person. Just him alone to shoulder the sin is enough for Garou, no need to made them a "killer".
Badd was like the shield for them, excels in defense or guarding especially to protect his beloved people, yet he also capable to deliver deathly blow if he wants with his metal bat. He's guarding the back of his Mate and his child from behind. Maybe Badd lacked the gracefulness and doesn't really have any technical martial arts, but he's very strong as powerhouse and he got excellent speed to deliver his attack during combat. Also, he could fights both on the ground and in the air because his ability to fly gives him a lot of advantages, especially to fight against his own kind like in this situation. Plus the activated "Fighting Spirit" made him very durable in combat with incredible amount of stamina during a battle.
Gaman's fighting style is more like his dad, with additional advantages which inherited from his father. As a WereVampire hybrid, he could combinated the gracefulness of Garou's martial arts and the hunting instict like what both his parents taught to him. After Gaman was transformed into his Awakening WereVampire form, he unlocked all of his hidden potential abilities such as flying with his vampiric wings, excellent eyesight of werewolf, heightened vampire and werewolf senses, got clawing hands and strong legs like a werewolf, also the most important is his leveled up "Fighting Spirit" which he inherited it from Badd with some upgraded element like glowing aura when it's activated.
So much like some choreographic battle dance, those three fighting along together against their opponents also protecting each other and the civillians at the same time. Garou opening the way by delivering offensive attacks towards enemies who blocking them, he prefer to aims for the vital points to make his enemies lose the ability to fight back very quickly, that way the evacuation process could be done much faster. Badd defends them at behind and at their side, also because he has incredible reflexes combinated with his sharpened vampire senses, he'd know if there's any opponents who's approaching them in the air using their wings or sneak around them. Badd would bashing his opponents into submission before they could even touch his family, the rescue team, or the civillians. Gaman fills the gap by attacking enemies who wanted to attack Garou's and Badd's blind spot, because Gaman is still small so he takes advantages on his agility and the ease of mobility he has during fighting.
They did all of that until there's no remaining enemies capable to fighting anymore from the inside Fortress. Finally all of them had reached the outside building and moving towards the Gate of Imperial Palace. Suddenly they heard loud battle cry from the frontyard area and realized that werewolf packs alliances were in the middle of battling the traitor pureblood vampire clan army. Some of them looked heavily injured but still continue to fight. Garou becomes worried for Bang and wanna joined him fighting at the frontyard with all the fighter team. Badd also want to follow Garou but Garou asked him to keep Gaman save on the back, guarding the Gate of Imperial Palace from enemies who intended to breach the evacuation area.
It's still too dangerous for Gaman to join fighting the most skillful assassin vampires like those army, moreover Gaman had just only transformed for the first time so Garou couldn't risk their son's life in the front lines. About Badd, Garou believed he absolutely capable to fight along with him. But he had to entrusted Gaman in Badd's hand, keeping their beloved son safe and sound. Also he didn't want to lose Badd again, worst if it's permanently. Both Badd and Gaman are very precious to Garou so he must protect them from any danger, included this kind of battle.
Garou said to Badd that he doesn't have to worry about him getting injured, he could heal very quickly and he's nearly invulnerable in his Alpha Werewolf form. Even if he's heavily injured, he still have great endurance to hold it until the battle ended. Only if Badd giving a good luck kiss again. Badd know Garou just teased him, but he's begrudgingly agreed with Garou's decision about coming to the front line alone without them.
With a wide smile, Garou hugged both his Mate and their son before departing to the battlefield. Once he released the hug, he kissed Badd deeply, taking it as his good luck charm from his lovely Mate, and as promise to come back for him again. With heavyness in his heart, Badd letting go of Garou and went separated way: Badd and Gaman rushed to the Gate of Imperial Palace, while Garou running towards the frontyard battlefield.
With the guarding from the rescue and evacuation team from werewolf alliances, the royal family and also all of civillians from the Fortress successfully moved into the Imperial Palace hall. For the injured vampire civillians or the werewolf alliances member were treated by the medic team who consists from a teamwork between vampire and werewolf medical staffs, including Zenko and Tareo. Zenko treated the internal injuries, while Tareo treated the external injuries. Both of them were very busy treating and healing the injured people, or assisting the others medical staffs. As teamwork, they're never differentiate the race of their patients, whoever needed health care will be treated equally.
On the outside of Palace, the werewolf alliances guarding at the gate so no enemies could entered it. Only medical team and injured people who need medical treatment allowed to enter. And that's where Badd and Gaman keep an eye for any intruders who's coming from the battlefront.
Since so many fighter team from werewolf alliances has fallen after demolishing a partial of the vampire army and couldn't keep watching the enemies anymore, either too exhausted or heavily injured, it opened the chance of the assassin vampires to infiltrating Fortress. Thus, the evacuation area become at risk as the next target of those army. Badd told Gaman to stay alert whenever there's enemy coming at any time right now.
They must be more careful because this time the enemy were not someone lackeys or unexperienced fighter anymore, those are professional killer thus the next level of dangerous. So they should protected themself, each other, the comrades, and the civillians in the Palace. But whatever happened later, Badd will always protected Gaman, as what Garou asked to him before. Understand fully about what his father saying, Gaman nodded to him as agreement. Both of them activated their "Fighting Spirit" to prepare the upcoming battle.
As the co-leader of the werewolf packs, Badd stood in the front of his team as the vanguard, while Gaman is right behind him. Like what they predicted before, there's a group of vampire assassins coming from the Fortress which already breached by them, not so many like on battlefront but still dangerous enough. Badd and the team were ready in their fighting stance, then they're moving forward to start attacking. The assassin vampires was indeed stronger than their previous opponents, made it difficult to won this battle easily. Even so, they also wont give up easily, too.
If Garou-Gaman-Badd combination fighting style was side-by-side or go around in circle outward-facing, then Badd-Gaman combination fighting style was back-to-back. Badd shielding Gaman from any offensive attacks while moving forward delivering his deathly blows towards enemies using his signature weapon metal bat, channeling his "Fighting Spirit" upon it for every smash of the metal bat. He will absorb all the damages that the opponents gave to him as long as they wont touch Gaman, then he bashed and smashed them out of his way, knocking them unconscious.
While Gaman keeping his father's back or his blind spot safe with his super-agile defensive attacks using his graceful martial arts taught by his dad, combined with his new unlocked werewolf power and vampire senses. Sometimes he'll flight towards the enemies to disarmed them, especially if they tried to sneakily delivering attack behind Badd's back or when he was busy smashing the enemies around. Gaman prefer to used his werewolf-like legs to plain kick, drop-kick, or choked his opponent's neck by swinging his legs and spinning them around when he's flying, because it's more easier to do in the air than delivering punches. Punches usually followed by some clawing to make the damages worse.
Many assassin vampire enemies were shocked about the new revelation of hybrid child's secret power. All they know about him from Amai was there's a werevamp hybrid child who looked like normal vampire kid and were taught martial arts by both his parents, but they never heard or known that this hybrid child already evolved into his awakening form. Especially when said child turned out to be more stronger than they've expected before. They also underestimate Badd's skills at being Fighter Vampire with inherited ability, come from the vampire clan who they've let it perished years ago.
It seems this time Badd wanted to repay what those pureblood vampire clan had done to his late family and his own current family, so delivered his ultimate attack to end this battle at once very quickly by wildly spins with his metal bat strong enough to create a small tornado, wiped out and destroying any opponents on his path. The result, he'd totally demolishing nearly half of army troop that come to evacuation area by himself with the help from Gaman. Such a tremendous power he had on that battle.
It finally ended after half an hour of fighting, with the result most of assassin vampire were killed or in unconscious state after suffering heavy injuries and already restained, many captured alive so they could be interrogated by the royal family's law enforcer. While nobody on the werewolf alliances side had died, many of them really need emergency medical treatment in the Palace so unfortunately the remaining guards keeping on the gate reduced by half.
Resting for a while after battling, Badd felt a bit tired from using too much "Fighting Spirit" today, unless he gulped some of Garou's blood again as his energy fuel. Gaman leaned on Badd, who's already back on his normal form, said he felt sleepy after fighting too much. Moreover, this was his first time using leveled up "Fighting Spirit" with his final transformation form, so it'd drained his energy rapidly.
Badd asked if he wanted to sleep in the evacuation area with Auntie Zenko's and Uncle Tareo's supervised him, Gaman answered no, he still wanted to be with Badd, accompanying him guarding the gate. Ruffling Gaman's hair fondly, Badd offering him his lap so he could sleep more comfortable. Gaman plopped on his father's lap with his head leaned on his father's chest, eyes already closed. Badd hugged Gaman from behind, keeping him warm, safe and secure in his embrace like a protective mother hen.
Back to his duty on keeping the gate with remaining rescue team, he listened the battle noises coming from the frontyard. It seems the war still hasn't ended yet. He's wondering what Garou does right now, so many thoughts invaded his mind: Is he still fighting with Bang? Is he hurt? Why is the battle still not done yet? Are the enemies in the frontyard are much harder to defeat than the ones he just defeated? He really wanted to meet Garou again...
Hopefully he's alright and will come back in one piece, because if it's not, Badd will personally bash Garou's stupid head with his goddamn bat and kick his sorry ass. He didn't want to worry his head off for Garou just to have him fatally injured, or worst, dying. But he trusted Garou's promise and will waiting for him on here with their son. Wishing everything's gonna be alright soon.
Meanwhile on the battlefront, Garou, Bang, and Bomb still fighting back the assassin vampires with all their might. The condition was so much worse in there than what Badd had experienced in front of the Imperial Palace's gate.
It seems most of the more skilled assassin vampire was placed in the frontline to fight werewolf alliances because the werewolfs are stronger, while the less experienced ones was instructed to infiltrate the Fortress and Imperial Palace because the royal family or the civillians are deemed weaker by them. Because of they're underestimating the unexpected situation, such as not knowing Badd the Fighter Vampire's and Gaman the Hybrid Child's participation on guarding the place, thus more easier to defeat by rescue team.
In this battle zone, it's more difficult because the experienced assassins were concentrated in the front line. There's already many werewolfs warrior in fighter team were killed, some of them were Garou's close friends and colleagues. But it doesn't mean the werewolf side was losing.
Despite of the situation, they're also be able to push back the army's advance until it just 1/3 of them who still remained capable of fighting, 2/3 of them either being killed or surrendered after suffering fatal damages on their bodies. It showed that the teamwork for werewolf alliances with Garou's leadership in this battle were quite successful, with the guidance from Bang and Bomb. The combination power from those three were devastating, considering they had same root on martial art styles but Garou had his own style already perfected. So, Bang and Bomb were become the shields for the fighter team as defensive forces while Garou becomes the spearhead for them as offensive force.
As the Alpha Werewolf who had his protective instinct heightened after having a Mate, a son, and a whole family packs, really made Garou becomes much more stronger than ever, compared with his past-self back then when he's still a youngling member of Bang's Alpha pack and a student in Bang's dojo. Being a family man truly suited Garou, his desire to protect everyone he loves strengthen him. Watching how Garou grow from an overly ambitious reckless kid who wants nothing but to challenge everyone he deemed strong, into a more matured humble young man who wants nothing but keeping his family safe, made Bang feel very proud of him.
Especially when he proved his amazing skills in this battlefield while they're doing teamwork together fighting those vampire army, Bang didn't regret teaching him his martial art and handing his leadership along with the packs to him. Now that Garou asking for his help to save his family, why not showing off all of his power in full capacity right there, so those nasty vampire clan will realized how to not messing with werewolf packs family, ever. Because Garou's family is also his family, too.
At some point, when Garou in the middle of demolishing vampire army, there's one assassin vampire behind a different kind of mask who's watching over him intensely from a close distance. That assassin looked like he's on stand by, ready to strike an attack towards Garou. Bomb was the first one aware of that, shouting a warning to Garou. At the same time, that assassin quickly swishing forward to attack Garou with sharp clawed hands. It happened so fast that Garou was late to respond or even ready to defend himself, but the blow was already deflected by Bang using his arm. He's not fatally injured but Bang felt something wrong with the wounds, as he becomes slightly dizzy. Was he poisoned? Were those claws coated with poison?
Bomb caught Bang before he could fall, he roared furiously at the assassin who's wounded his little brother. Garou couldn't believe he let his guard off that it would lead into Bang getting hurt. It's all his fault at being not aware his surrounding enough. Quickly Garou asked his subordinates to bring Bang as soon as possible into the Imperial Palace where the medical team could give Bang emergency treatment. Angrily, Garou barked at the assassin to reveal himself right now. He heard amused chuckling for a moment, then when the vampire assassin revealed himself, opened his hood and took his half-mask off, Garou becomes more enraged. It was Amai Mask! How dare he hurted his family again!!
Amai Mask let out cynical laughing once he looking at Garou's mad expression, said he already promised before to fight Garou once more again like the old day. It's unfortunate he couldn't deliver that surprise blow to Garou like what he's planned before, but he's happy somehow it still worked out fine. Afterall, the old man is Garou's close family, his father figure. Nice unexpected target and sacrificial pawn for Amai. Hearing Amai talking about Bang like that, Garou couldn't hold back his anger anymore. He transformed into his Alpha Werewolf form and ready on his fighting stance, intended to end this vampire's life right here and there. Glad his taunting works, Amai Mask responded back with his own transformation into Fighter Vampire mode.
Yes, not only Badd and his tame vampire family clan who could transformed into Fighter mode, Amai Mask's own family could transformed as well. But it's different. While tame clan had Brawler type Fighter mode, then his pureblood clan had Assassin type Fighter mode. It allowed them to move more gracefully while delivering deathly blow for minimal effort. Even though the form looked more nastier than Brawler type, with BrownBat wings, long clawed vampire hands and longer fangs also sharper face features made him less beautiful than usual, it gave him lots of convenience especially to fight Alpha Werewolf.
They clashed so fast, striking attacks to each other ceaselessly, with almost the same gracefulness, trying to suppress the other with murder intention. Because Garou didn't want to accidentally hurting his comrades who's also still in the middle of fighting assassin vampires around him, without ever stopping his strikes he changed his direction for combat location into the forest so he could attacking Amai Mask more freely. Amai sneered at him for being too soft, as expected from a family man and not a true warrior. Garou trying not to listen his taunting talk anymore, it's useless because he's already wanting to kill Amai quickly without any fuss, focused on finding Amai's weakness. Because of that, Garou find a chance to tricked him by giving wrong prediction for movement's direction so Amai become unguarded for a moment. At that time, Garou managed to pummel his body repeatedly before he send Amai flying towards nearby tree by strucked a werewolf kick hard in the face. It even caused the tree fall to pieces.
There was a moment of silence between them while the view obscured by the dust and dirt. When it's cleared off, Amai Mask trying to get up from his current position with enraged expression showed on his bloodied face. Garou ruined his beautiful face, how dare him! With a scream, Amai charging towards Garou again only to have him already moved fast behind Amai's back and kicked him hard on the nape with devastating impact. Garou thought it would killed him by that attack. But he's wrong. Amai still got up once again while laughing maniacally, couldn't believing himself to be cornered into taking his last resort. Confused, Garou asked what last resort. Amai only smiled and picking a small blood vial from the box inside his mantle.
Amai Mask said that it's a pureblood vampire blood, his father's blood. Same like tame vampire clan, when they drink a human's or another supernatural being's blood, they'd activated their "Fighting Spirit". This similar like pureblood vampire clan, but also different. Drinking human's blood just quench their thirst and satisfy their hunger, nothing else more. But when they drink a fellow pureblood vampire's blood? It'd boost their energy and raised their killer instinct into the fullest capacity, same like those "Fighting Spirit", but it's more like "Murdering Spirit" that truly fits for assassin clan like him. But the downfall from this, once they used last resort they wouldn't come back to normal anymore as they swallowed into insanity from drinking a fellow kin's blood. So if he could kill Garou with that form and have all of his plans worked smoothly, he doesn't mind getting a little bit insane. Amai then opened the vial and drink all the content.
Garou had a bad feeling about this, moreover he's already used a lot of his stamina for the battle before, he really needs a rest. And a homemade cooking meal. A cheer up charm hug from Gaman. A kiss of life from Badd. Badd. He really needs Badd right now. What's his Mate doing right now, is he alright? Garou hoped he could seeing Badd again after finishing his business with this maniacal vampire in front of him. A loud growl bring Garou back to reality, and he's shocked at what he saw. Amai transformed further more into an ugly monstrous creature, something like abominable thing that very far from his previous vampire appearance, also he looked like lost control of himself.
Not waiting any moment longer for Garou, Amai flight towards Garou swiftly and kicked him hard on his side as a payback from before. He isn't done yet, Amai continued to punch Garou several times before he lifted him up to the sky and smashed him down fastly onto the ground. Garou could feel his bones shattered by that consecutive attacks, luckily he got excellent regenerative ability so he could heal again at any time. But if Amai still continue to do this repeatedly, he's in fatal danger. Garou got up before Amai stomped his foot onto him, crushed the ground he previously lay on before. He spun around to deliver kicks and punches to Amai, but to no avail because Amai blocked all his attacks. Then Garou tried to clawed at his side only to be deflected by Amai, but he gave surprise attack by stepped onto Amai's arm, spun around in the air then clawed Amai's unprotected neck with his foot claws.
It worked, the vampire's blood gushed from the wound, shocking Amai for being caught off-guard again. It angered Amai. He grabbed Garou's head and smashed him on the nearby tree, hit him on the stomach, and stomped on his chest, leaving Garou unable to move. Not even giving Garou a break, he slashed Garou's torso with those sharp as knife claws repeatedly. That's really hurts, Garou feels like he's being torn apart. He screamed, trying to grab Amai's arms so he could be stopped but his own arms were restrained by Amai's legs. He can't move, his body numbed by the exhaustion and the sheer amount of pain that Amai's caused.
In a moment like this, why did he remember Badd's words? That a "Fighting Spirit" can be learned by anyone who has strong determination, not limited to his family clan only. What the hell was that? And what exactly is the "determination" itself? He started to see his entire life flashing in his mind, was it his time to die? NO! He didn't wanna die like this! Not before he could reunite again with his family, not before he could embrace his sweet Mate again. Badd. The love of his life who he found as the most beautiful being in the world.
Aah.. he could see Badd in his flashing memories. Their first time meeting. The agreement to become his Mates. His awkward courting phase. The moment Badd was finally falling in love with him. Their first time making love as they become Mates. Bang giving his blessing for his relationship witj Badd. Their wedding. All the times he and Badd working as co-leader of their family packs. Badd's surprising pregnancy. All the time he's being a try-hard protective husband to Badd. Gaman's birth. Raising Gaman together as new parents. All the years he watching Gaman grow up along with Badd. Their family moment together with Gaman in the wood, or when just two of them making love all night under the moonlight. His promise to Badd to come back for Badd alive. Badd, who's with heavy heart letting Garou go to the battlefield, he must be so worried right now.
All of his family packs waiting for him. Bomb. Bang. Tareo. Zenko. Gaman. Badd. He wanted to come back alive so he can be always protecting his family. He wanted to save his family. Don't really care if his body was being ripped apart. He had to do it NOW!
As soon as he thought of his final decision, Garou feels a new surge of energy and his regenerative ability kicked back in, healing any injuries and damages he suffered from Amai Mask's attacks. He could feels his entire being humming with new power he unconsciously activated, as the glowing bright aura emanated from his body. His mind also becomes more clearer, his eyes not clouded anymore. Garou could move his body again until he could rise up from his former position. Amai's eyes were wide with shock as his mouth gaped at the sight of Garou's rapidly recovering state. He just watched him in disbelief, because he was sure Garou was supposed to be death now, with all the poisoning from the poison-coated claws he used to slashed Garou's body.
Garou wondering why did he suddenly got this power, but seeing it's so similar with the ones Badd and Gaman had, there's only one answer: [ Is this the so-called "Fighting Spirit"? ] He smiled at the thought of it, because now he finally learned how to achieve the legendary power of "Fighting Spirit": it's a Power of Love. Born from the strong determination to protect the beloved ones or people, with the pure good intention to always keeping them safe.
Garou truly understand it now, how Badd always capable to activate his own power at ease everytime someone in their family need his help. Or how Gaman suddenly could transformed when Badd need their help after nearly assassinated. Or how he finally obtained it after he remembered his promise to Badd to come back safely, reminded his oath and vow to always protecting his whole family. It was because of LOVE. Afterall, Love is the strongest force in the earth!
Garou smiling even wider, borderline smirking. Now the table has turned, time to payback then ended this battle as soon as possible. Then when he goes back to Badd, he will thanking him for teaching him the most important knowledge. Thank you Badd.
Already having new energy to transform back to his Alpha Werewolf form, he's setting up his usual fighting stance. This time Garou prepared to end Amai Mask's life. Couldn't accept his failed plan, Amai charged towards Garou while roaring his frustation. Garou, who got enhanced senses, instinct and reflexes, could predicted Amai's movement pattern so he quickly dodges his attack, grab his arm and twist it hard until it break. Amai yelled in pain. Seeing Amai being distracted by the sudden pain, Garou struck Amai's body by kicking Amai's torso with tremendous power he had until he's slammed back onto the nearby huge trees, collapsing the whole rows of them that caused a huge blast of dust and dirt in the air. Garou just waiting any moment Amai decided to get up again.
And as expected, Amai flapped his huge BrownBat wings to clear the view from the dust so he could located where Garou is and try to give his final blow. But suddenly Garou vanished from his vision, it shocked Amai. Without any warning, Garou appeared from the ground below Amai and uppercut punched him so hard it send him flying and broke Amai's jaw instantly. Then Garou moving forward to deliver the consecutive attacks using his fists, strike him on every vital points of Amai's body so the result of damages become more devastating.
Still didn't want to lose by the werewolf even though his body is beyond broken, Amai decided to attack him from the above in the air using his wings. He'd soar into the sky then diving down fastly towards the werewolf to slash him with his clawed hands or high speed slammed him down to the ground then crushed his body. But before he could do any of that, with the enhanced speed Garou grabbed one of Amai's wing then smashed him first to the ground repeatedly. Not finished yet, Garou threw Amai to the air then he jumped from the ground so Garou slammed Amai right on the back with his strong werewolf leg, and smashed him again on the ground.
Paralyzed and unable to move after Garou got his spine broken in pieces, he just laying down while trembling from the sheer amount of pain. Garou landed beside him while watching Amai with killing intent. He stomped on Amai's broken back, then he ripped his wings apart one by one. Not even the ear-deafening screaming coming from Amai's throat made Garou feel satisfied. The hatred in his heart for this nasty vampire who harmed and hurted his family for so many times after all this year, causing so much pain and grief for Badd, and nearly killing Gaman, not to mention he still doesn't know Bang's fate. All of those because of this scumbag he called himself a noble man. Noble from where?? All what he did were just inflicting pain to others to satisfy his ego and pride. Even willing to do it once more, adding more people to suffer. Now it's Garou chance to end the cycle, so nobody will suffer from Amai's wrongdoing anymore.
Garou threw the ripped wings on the ground, then kicked Amai's side hard enough so he's on his back now. Nearly on the death's door, Amai Mask glared at Garou, insulting words already on the tip of tongue but couldn't speak it out loud because the pain he suffered succumbed him into silence. Garou started to speak, why did Amai doing all of those malevolent acts towards Badd? Was the massacre of Badd's entire family clan not enough to him? Did he held some grudge for Badd? Because Garou was sure Badd never wronged the people around him, even when he did he never get himself away without some sincere apologize first. He demanded Amai's answer.
Spitting blood from his mouth to Garou's feet, Amai hissed his answer, that he just hate weakness those tame vampire clan showed to Vampire Order. He's not talking about their physical power's weakness, for they possessed incredible inherited traits same as his family clan, but he's talking about tolerance and the willingness to lower themself on the same level with any peasants people that have lower social status than them. Not to mention they had been too soft at handling the problem Vampire Order had about the rivalry between vampire race and werewolf tribes. Suggesting that vampires should getting along and coexist together with savage barbaric werewolfs? It must be a joke! He wanted to throw up thinking about that. Just like their namesake, tame vampire clan, they're really too tame to have a dignity as superior vampire race. Too weak for possesing a great power in their hands, too soft to deserve an honourable position in Vampire Order. He hates it so much. They deserve to be just perished.
Garou narrowed his eyes dangerously, snarling at Amai once he implied Badd's family tragedy. But he quickly calmed himself, no need to be more angrier than now at the eventually dying vampire in front of him. Garou coldly explained to Amai, that what Badd and his family did was not a weakness, it's called COMPASSION, something Amai would never comprehend. The feeling to symphatize and emphatize for the other, putting aside the differences between each other, so they can coexist together to make peaceful and better life. That's why tame vampire clan got their strength from, the LOVE, to protect their beloved one and keeping them safe. Even Garou as a member of werewolf tribe could easily understand that. There's nobody would fits the job to guard royal family and their community except the tame vampire clan, his own Mate's clan. And Amai Mask's family dared to make them cruelly murdered! Mentally traumatized Badd and Zenko for their entire life! Garou couldn't forgive him!
So, to make Badd's suffering end, Garou would dirtying his hand. Calmly, he stepped on Amai's heavily damaged body, bend over slightly towards Amai's chest area. With sharpened claws, Garou impaled his chest and grasped the heart, pulled it out forcibly. Leaving Amai Mask gasped from the sudden force while coughing his remaining blood out, struggling to take his last dying breath. Garou clutched Amai Mask's still beating heart, waiting for it stopped as he watched Amai's struggle gasping finally have ceased and his blood red eyes gradually becomes dull. Now the cruel vampire who tortured Badd's life has died, in his hand. Garou made Amai Mask's last moment of life into what he was when he's still alive: a HEARTLESS MONSTER, both figuratively and literally. What a poetic justice, Garou thinks. That bastard totally deserved it. He wondered if the battle has already ended or not, maybe it's time to go back to his family, his son Gaman, and his mate Badd. Badd. Finally Badd is free now, noone will torture him, not anymore. With a soft smile, Garou rushing back to the Vampire Council Fortress to reunite with his family again.
YOOO we have 3 awesome family moments of them fighting together as a team! We have:
1. Garou-Badd-Gaman teamwork (badass WereVamp family!)
2. Badd-Gaman teamwork (duo father-son!)
3. Bang-Bomb-Garou teamwork (Alpha Werewolfs united!)
I love all of three scenes because it showed how badass they're as fighter family. But I also like soft moment like when Gaman sleeping on Badd's lap while Badd hugged him with so much care. Awww.. motherly love from Badd is beautiful! 😍💕💖
 And in the end we have Garou vs. Amai Mask with satisfying ending. Are you enjoyed it, too?? RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU AGREE! 🙋😆Huehehehehe... *villainy laughter* 😈😈😈
Yeah I kinda like to make Amai to become a super douchebag bish in this story, so I could killed him as a "Heartless Monster" in the end of the story. No excuse to let Amai get away from his wrongdoing, so no sobs story from him, just pure evil. See? He's figuratively known as a Heartless Monster, now he died as literally a "HEARTLESS" Monster. And Garou is totally me in here (yes I'm projecting myself, lol!) 😈
Plus I added some canon moment in here like when Garou discovering himself capable to use "Fighting Spirit" like Badd. I really love that! Thank you Murata for Batarou canon crumbs!! 😭💗💘
And I like to think that "Fighting Spirit" is the Power of Love, always adored this kind of theory. Besides, it fits Badd's protective personality! And to make Gaman and Garou used this too are so hearttouching, they're truly love each other as family awww... 😚💕💞
I'm so sorry if all the fighting scenes are so lame! I never write any action scenarios before so this was my 1st attempt. Forgive meeee aaaaa---!! 😭🙏🙇
Sorry for too long sequel, I was meant to split it to become two parts but it would decrease the tension of story. So, this is the result: gigantic sequel exclusive for battle scenes 😅
Next part is the conclusion of the story, which will showing situation after the war, Batarou family reunion, Garou giving a present for Badd (GUESS WHAT IS IT?), royal family thanking Batarou family, Gaman's recognization, and many more!
Thank you so much for reading this sequel, please keep stay tune with me until the end! 😊😘💕💞💓💖
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But I Don’t Want to be a Sensei Pt 1 (ARCHIVED)
Chapters 1 thru 7
Chapter 1: Of Arrogant Uncles and Annoying Brothers
My mouth dropped open as I regarded my clan leader, “You want me to do what?!” I screeched. Fugaku-sama didn't seem impressed by my breech in conduct. Feeling sheepish under his fierce gaze, I ducked my head. Damn the Uchiha Main Branch and their ability to cower anyone with a look. Usually I was unaffected by glares, being an Uchiha and all, but Fugaku and his family seemed to be the exception to that rule.
 “I will not repeat myself.” Fugaku-sama stated, crossing his arms and leveling a nasty look at me. Of course he wouldn't. My clan leader may have had a change of heart but he was still an arrogant asshole... not that I'd ever tell him that. I wasn't that insane, not matter what other people said.
 Still, my common sense didn't prevent me from keeping my mouth shut; Nii-san always did say that I had no concept of the art. Funny, since it was coming from him, “Well you damn well better repeat yourself, because I thought I heard you say that you want me to babysit your brat!” I snapped. I got extreme satisfaction in seeing Fugaku's eyes widen at my blatant disrespect. Whatever punishment I was about to receive was worth it.
 Fugaku-sama's Sharingan flashed, but being an Uchiha gave me some resistance to the intimidation of glowing red eyes. “You will not take that tone with me, Uchiha Yanagi, is that understood?” Fugaku ground out in that stern voice of his. Some deaf idiot might call it fatherly, but I could hear the cold undertone. If I stepped out of line again, I would probably be denounced as an Uchiha, if I was that lucky.
 I decided not to push my luck.
 I bowed low, “Apologizes, Uchiha-sama, I did not mean to offend.” I said in a false humble voice. Fugaku and I both knew that I had meant every word out of my mouth. I wasn't known as blunt and opinionated for nothing. Still, it was all a matter of pride. If I apologized then I would get an explanation from the infuriating man. That was the unspoken rule.
 Fugaku made me grovel a moment longer before sighing. “I want you to be a jounin sensei.” He stated again. Right off the bat, another sucker-punch. My clan leader didn't believe in sugarcoating words, that much was true.
 I bit my lip to keep the retort that was begging to be said in.
 “My eldest son's efforts to bring the Uchiha clan closer to the village are starting to fall short.” No surprise there, Konohagakure didn't trust the Uchiha clan for whatever absurd reason, and visa-versa. Five years ago the Uchiha clan had planned a coup d'état, I still do not understand the reasoning behind the Uchiha's actions. Luckily for the Uchiha clan, Fugaku's eldest son Itachi, and his friend Shisui, managed to stop the coup d'état before anything happened. Since then, the Uchiha and Konoha have been working hard to make past amends.
 And according to Fugaku, those amends weren't doing jack.
 “What does that have to do with me?” I asked, struggling hard to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. I was already in hot water as it was. I didn't need to accidentally take a flying leap over the edge. The man gave me a displeased scowl, which I had a suspicion that he was just doing it because he wanted to. Fugaku seemed to be that kind of man.
 “The Hokage has recently thought up of a new plan to bring the clan closer to the village. We are to implement our teachings into the new generation that is graduating from the Academy. You are to be the first Uchiha jounin sensei.” Was it bad that this village had been around for a long time and I was the first ever Uchiha to be a sensei? I wanted to roll my eyes, but didn't. I could see through that false pride in a heartbeat. And I didn't need my Sharingan to do that.
 I sat back, seeing no need to keep bowing like some groveling peasant, and crossed my arms, “I still don't see what this has to do with me. Why not someone else? Itachi-san, perhaps. I'm sure he'd love to teach his younger brother.” Okay, the sarcasm was starting to show.
 “It is because of Itachi's relation to Sasuke that he is unable to be a jounin sensei.” And my relation to Sasuke wasn't? I was his first cousin, damn it! I couldn't help but notice that Fugaku failed to mention why I was the person chosen to be the glorious Uchiha sensei.
 Sometimes I think Fugaku should have been named 'weasel' instead of his eldest son.
 Before I could open my mouth, Fugaku waved his hand and turned his head away to find something new to occupy his attention, “Go. The class graduates tomorrow, you are to pick your team up the day after. The information packet will be sent to your house.” Damn old codger. He just had to change the subject before I could grill him some more. I gave a smart, slightly mocking, bow and marched out of the room. I just hoped that nothing else bad happened.
 Apparently it wasn't my lucky day.
 “Oof!” I ran smack into a hard body. Damn it, I wanted to get home and be as sarcastic and hateful as I wanted, not playing nice to more pompous Uchiha men! I took a step back and glared up at the person I had run into. I groaned wordlessly when I saw who it was and ground my teeth together so I wouldn't speak.
 Shisui gave me an easy smile, “Yanagi...” He acknowledged with an amused tone. His dark eyes darted to the room I had just exited, then back to me, “Have a good argument?” The man asked teasingly. If anyone knew I liked arguing with my betters, it was Shisui. Sometimes I think he was the reason why I argued so much. I glared at him and made to walk past him, but he stepped in my path, “Ah, don't be mean, Yagi... You know I love you.” Shisui whined in a playful tone.
 I intensified my glare and punched Shisui in the gut. I was the only person allowed to physically hit Uchiha Shisui and get away with it, and I took advantage of my privileges. Like usual, Shisui took the blow with a good-natured chuckle, “Still giving me the silent treatment, eh? Yagi, I think you hold the record for holding grudges.”
 My jaw worked as I thought about breaking my five year silence towards the goofy Uchiha. His comment did deserve a response, but if I did say something he would only tease me about breaking my silence. I really wanted to slap him for using that stupid childhood name too, we weren't kids anymore; but I doubt Shisui would be very amused with a slap to the face. Hitting yes, slapping... not so much.
 I was saved from making the choice when Fugaku-sama called from inside his office, “Shisui!” The old codger barked like the badger he was. Still, he saved me from dealing with the stupid Uchiha before me, so I'd let him off the hook this one time. I gave Shisui a self-satisfied smirk, which he returned with a wink and a mocking little bow, as I dodged around the twenty-three year old man and took off like there was no tomorrow.
 Of all the Uchiha, Shisui was probably the one who annoyed me the most, even more so than my brother.
 “YANAGI!!! Close the damn door!” My brother screeched like an old wife when I walked in the house we lived in. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut. I had just walked in and he was acting like I had left the door open for hours, not mere seconds.
 “I didn't have the chance before you started yelling at me!” I yelled back as I sat down to take off my sandals. Calmly I put the black shoes neatly on the floor where I could shove my feet in them if I was in a hurry and kicked Nii-san's shoes out of the way. My brother was a slob and he proudly admitted to it. There was a reason why I didn't get along with him, we were too different; we were almost opposite in every way.
 Obito cursed and stomped into the living room, his one eye livid, “You're late and I'm hungry. Get in the kitchen!” Nii-san said, half playfully, throwing his head back and pointing a rigid finger towards the kitchen.
 “Go shove ramen down your throat. I'm not cooking.” I hissed as I started for my room. I wasn't Obito's slave, there was no way I was going to do anything I didn't want to.
 Of course Obito wasn't going to have any of that. Before I could get three feet from him, Nii-san had his arms wrapped around my waist and was bodily dragging me to the kitchen. “Food, now! Smartass comments later.” He ordered. I made sure to fight him all the way, if Obito was determined to get me to cook, he was going to regret every second of it.
 I wondered if Kakashi left that poison around from the last mission...
 “I already got rid of the poison. Nice try.” Obito said dully as he shoved me through the doorway to the kitchen. I groaned, he knew me too well. “Now do your womanly duties!”
 My eyes narrowed as I glared at my brother, “Does that include providing someone with children?” I asked sarcastically. I could predict what Obito would do. He would go into a tirade how no man was to touch me until I was forty, and even then it was to be with a fifty foot pole. My brother was more overprotective than a father would be. No father in their right mind would attempt to order a twenty-one year old jounin around, but Obito did and he somehow got away with it. The only people of the male persuasion who were allowed withing a ten foot radius of me when Nii-san was around was himself and Kakashi, who was basically another brother to me–I only liked him more.
 As I predicted, Obito immediately went on defense, “Why, has anyone asked? Cuz I'll skin them alive, castrate them with a rusty kunai, rip their spine out and choke them with it! And in that order!”
 I rolled my eyes at my brother's exuberant behavior as I bent down to dig around in the cupboards before I found the pot I wanted. “Alright, Nii-san, don't go on another man hunt. The Hokage said no more.”
 Obito crossed his arms with a pout, “I didn't hurt that one guy that bad...” He grumbled.
 “You put him in the hospital!”
 “He's the one who tripped.”
 “And fell off the roof that you had cornered him on.”
 “It's his own fault, he shouldn't have tried to run.”
 My right eye twitched as I turned away and slammed the pot down on the stove, just pretending that the stove was Obito's head and I was bashing it in. My anger still not spent, I went around the kitchen making Miso soup and imagining every ingredient I used was Obito's head. I especially liked it when I was dicing the green onions. My brother was too protective when it came to my romantic life–though, thanks to Obito, my romantic life was practically nonexistent. The man that had fallen off the building during Obito's last man hunt hadn't even been really into me. He was just flirting for the sake of flirting. I could see that in his eyes. But of course my brother didn't bother to think about it. He just charged in without thinking.
 And people wondered why I didn't like my brother.
 Obito, being the perceptive Uchiha that he was, said, “Stop beating my imaginary head in. Kakashi-baka is coming to dinner.”
 “And what does Kakashi coming over have to do with me crushing your skull?” I asked testily.
 For the first time since I had been home, Obito finally cracked a smile. It wasn't as goofy as it could be, more cynical, “Because Kakashi-baka might try and make it into a reality! You're making Miso soup right?” Miso soup was the only dish that I could make that met Kakashi's snooty taste buds. I swear the man was more picky than Fugaku-sama, who was legendary when it came to being a picky eater.
 “I was going to make it anyway. It's easy and fast and you hate it.” I snapped playfully. Obito only pouted, which meant he knew I was teasing. If he thought I had been serious we would already be fighting again.
 Nii-san reached over and tugged hard on my ponytail, “Watch it brat, or I might handcuff you to Shisui.” I shivered at the thought. Being handcuffed to someone I wasn't speaking to wouldn't be fun, especially since they would do everything in their power to make me talk. Obito laughed at my expression of horror, “Why do you hate him anyway?” He asked.
 I shot Nii-san a glare, “I don't hate Shisui... he just reminds me of you too much.”
 Obito gave a sly smile, “So you do hate him.” He stated.
 “No, I don't. I hate his personality.”
 “That's the same as hating him.”
 “Uchiha Obito, do not incur my wrath, it will be the end of you!”
 Obito smirked and sang teasingly, “You're just proving my point by changing the subject~!” He barely dodged the ladle I threw at him, considering it was at point blank I was rather impressed by my brother's evading skills. We were too busy glaring at each other now to pay attention to where the ladle went.
 “Yo! Is this a bad time?” Kakashi's voice said behind Obito. My eyes widened as I looked over my brother's shoulder at his best friend and old teammate. He was twirling the ladle around his right index finger, his only visible eye closed in an eye-smile. Behind Kakashi, Rin was giggling at the scene before her, her fingers pressed against her lips.
 Obito immediately spun around at the sound of Kakashi's voice, his single eye zeroing in on Rin. I sighed, though Obito said he was over Rin I suspected my brother still loved the twit. I never really liked her that much. She was nice and friendly, I admit; but there was no way she could be oblivious to my brother's aberrant affection, not without having to be a nitwit. So either she was stupid for not noticing that Obito loved her, or cruel enough to never dissuade him. I might not like my brother as some siblings did, but I still cared for him on some degree. And I didn't like how Rin treated him throughout their genin days. But for the sake of my brother's feelings, I never voiced my opinions.
 This silence was getting awkward as Obito just stared at Rin...
 “Ouch! Yanagi, what the hell was that for?!” Obito shouted, clutching the back of his head as he turned to glare at me. I smiled sweetly as I could and tossed the dented metal cooking spoon into the trash. Just because I cared for my brother's feelings to a degree didn't mean anything. I was still going to abuse my power as the younger sister.
 “Can't I be a pest without any reason?” I asked innocently as I poured four bowls of Miso soup and passed them out among the three former members of Team Minato, keeping one for myself. From the way Nii-san's eye narrowed I knew his answer was 'no I couldn't'. I grinned evilly at him, my brother didn't have a say in what I did anyway. If I wanted to hit him in the back of the head with a metal spoon, I would.
 Kakashi sighed at our antics, “You two are idiots.” He said dully, the cheerful nature he had been sporting disappearing to be replaced with his true personality. Obito of course started yelling at Kakashi while I just rolled my eyes. I loved to argue, but only when I got a reaction out of people. Kakashi wouldn't react if I lit his clothes on fire.
 I listened mildly as the two exchanged insults, Kakashi's were more subtle than Obito's, sipping periodically from my bowl. It was hard to believe that those two men were part of Konoha's elite ninja. They bickered like five year olds. I glanced over at Rin to see her right eye twitching in irritation. Ever since that S-ranked mission years ago during the Third Shinobi War, her personality had gone from timid and sweet to more assertive. My mouth twitched upwards, I could hardly remember the days when Rin unsuccessfully tried to reason with Kakashi and Obito. Now however...
 The brown haired woman reached across the table and grabbed both men by their ears, pulling hard, “Would you two behave?!” She snapped when she had their attention. Kakashi jerked his ear from her grasp and glared at her. Obito only whined like the baby he was. Soon all three of them were arguing. I snorted into my bowl. If there was one thing that could be said about my brother and his friends, it was they knew how to keep me entertained.
 Just as Obito threw the first kunai–which was a regular occurrence among these three–there was a knock at the door. All four of us stopped what we were doing to look at the door in confusion. It was rare that Obito or I got any visitors, much less ones who actually knocked on the door instead of walking in like they owned the place. After the scandal about Nii-san refusing to take his left sharingan back from Kakashi, the Uchiha clan pretty much isolated Obito and me.
 I went to answer the door and was surprised to see a Konoha official, not an Uchiha, standing there looking nervous. I really didn't blame him, Obito and I were known for our short tempers and brash behavior. We weren't exactly typical Uchiha clan members in that sense. Because of our reputation, I saw no need to be polite, “What do you want?” I asked shortly.
 The Konoha nin gulped and shoved a moderately thick packet at me, “Meeting is tomorrow at the Hokage's office. Good day, Uchiha-san.” The man said quickly then high tailed it out of there.
 Obito was on my case the second I closed the door, “What's all that about? Why does the Hokage want you? Speak, imoto!” My brother said his single eye staring intensely at the packet in my hands. I shoved past him, ignoring his questions. If Obito knew that Fugaku-sama was forcing me to be a jounin sensei, I would never hear the end of it.
 I forgot about Kakashi.
 “You're going to be a jounin sensei?” The white haired nin asked curiously. He recognized the packet, having been almost a jounin sensei himself a couple of occasions. Kakashi always failed the potential genin and went back to being an ANBU captain. He was infamous for failing ever single student. I didn't know why the Hokage continuously tried to make Kakashi a sensei when he clearly didn't want to be one.
 That made two of us.
 “WHAT?!” Obito screeched and the three of us winced at his tone. I sighed as I tucked the packet under my arm. This was going to be a long day.
  Chapter 2: Last Day of Freedom
“There's that kid... You know I heard he's the only one who failed.”
 “Hmph, serves him right.”
 “Can you imagine what would happen if he became an ninja?”
 I opened my eyes as my ears picked up on the conversation among the happy parents celebrating their brats' graduation. Turning my head slightly to the left and looking down, I could see the object of the women's conversation straddling the swing hanging from the tree I was lounging in. I felt no pity for him. I had chased after the yellow haired menace too many times for disruption of the peace and defacing public property; since part of the Konoha Police Force's job was to watch over the brat and make sure nothing befell him as well as keep him from pranking.
 The little fox brat always managed slipped past the Police Force squads and caused a ruckus anyway.
 I glanced over my shoulder at my teammate sitting in the same tree I was. Ibo was watching the gossiping peahens with fierce intensity. Should either of the women make a threatening move towards Naruto, the white haired Uchiha would step in and 'dissuade' them from continuing their attack. Ibo glanced at me when he felt my gaze. I wordlessly lifted my hand and made a series of quick one handed signs. Ibo nodded silently and repeated the hand gestures to our other teammate who was on the ground, leaning in the shade of the Academy building.
 Ibo and I watched as Denryoku waded into the crowd of proud brats and mushy parents, his dark eyes on the two women. All conversation dwindled away as everyone watched the imposing man stalk towards the bimbos. Both women snapped their attention around to the Uchiha, but I was too far away to see their expression. Denryoku gave the two a polite smile and nod as he passed by them without a word, continuing down the street like he was going on patrol and nothing more. When he was gone, the woman bent closer together to whisper, eyes darting for any more signs of the police. I grinned a little to myself, nothing like reminding two idiots that the Konoha Police Force was always monitoring Naruto and any hint of revealing the secret about him.
 I stood and stretched my arms above my head, using chakra to keep me balanced on the slim tree branch, “Come on, Ibo, our work is finished.” I said dully.
 My more silent teammate shot me a glance as he too stood up. In a quick succession of hand signals, my teammate informed me that we weren't off duty yet. I rolled my eyes and pointed downwards, where the swing Naruto had been sitting on swung back and forth wildly. The kid had gone off with one of his teachers, he was safe and we didn't have to worry any more. Ibo still looked skeptical, but followed me nonetheless. I was captain of the squad for a reason.
 And it wasn't just because I was the only one who knew how to do paperwork correctly.
 Denryoku was flirting with a small crowd of girls when we walked up on him. I rolled my eyes. Like all Uchiha men, Denryoku had a fanclub. The only problem was, unlike most Uchiha, Denryoku adored his fans almost as much as they adored him.
 “Enjoying yourself?” I asked as Ibo and I walked up on our teammate. A few of his fangirls squealed when they saw Ibo standing beside me, but he ignored them.
 Denryoku gave me a cocky grin, his arms wrapped around the shoulders of two chesty and scantly clad women, “You know you want some of me too, Yanagi!”
 I stared at him expressionlessly.
 The flirty Uchiha stared back for a minute before hanging his head in defeat and cursing, “Damn it, Yanagi! Why do you have to be so intimidating?!” He growled as he stepped away from the sluts and crossed his arms with a pout.
 I grinned briefly before letting my face fall back into neutral, “It's a gift. Now we have to report, say goodbye to your girlfriends and hurry up.” I said and started to turn away, but Ibo grabbed my arm. Silently he pointed back towards the Academy. I followed his finger then groaned when I saw Fugaku-sama making his way towards us. Denryoku immediately leapt to our side when he saw our clan leader, scrubbing at his lipstick stained cheeks with the cuff of his sleeve. Fugaku was a bit of a prude and he thought that Uchiha shouldn't degrade themselves with vulgar behavior.
 It was a wonder how he managed to Mikoto-oba pregnant twice.
 The three of us bowed when Fugaku-sama stopped in front of us, though I didn't bow nearly as low as Ibo or Denryoku. Behind Fugaku stood his family, complete with the newly made genin brat that I would have the pleasure of torturing tomorrow.
 “Report.” Fugaku said, crossing his arms with a stern look he always wore when dealing with the Konoha Police Force squads. I stayed silent as Denryoku informed the Konoha Police Force Commander of all that had transpired. I wasn't going to speak unless my clan leader addressed my directly. And even then I might only yell at him for making me become a sensei. I loved my patrol, it was probably the only thing I enjoyed. And Fugaku-sama was taking that away all for the sake of his brat.
 My eyes darted towards the duckass boy, he was talking amiably to his older brother about whatever brats like to talk about. Tomorrow he wouldn't be smiling, I was going to make his life a living hell. Maybe he would actually quit being a ninja. I'd get a kick out of seeing how his family reacted to that.
 Sasuke must have felt my stare because he turned to me with questioning eyes. I held his gaze as my mouth tilted upwards into a sneer. I was starting to look forward to tomorrow and see how he reacted in knowing that I would be his sensei. I was even starting to hope that one of his more annoying fangirls got on the team, if only to torture Sasuke.
 Things were starting to look up.
 I was still smiling when Fugaku left my squad alone. Immediately after the Main Branch family left, Denryoku turned to me, “What sort of torture do you have planned for that poor kid?! You were practically scaring the shit out of Sasuke!” The loud mouth flirt exclaimed. Both my squad members knew of my involuntary retirement form the police force, they would be losing their captain after all. Even worse, while I was on my little quest to make the clan look good, Ibo and Denryoku would be on their own 'bring the Uchiha closer to the village' mission.
 I wouldn't return to the police force since I would be a permanent sensei, then a team leader if the genin made chunnin by some miracle. So Fugaku had found a replacement to take over my position as captain. Normally it wouldn't be that bad, but the great clan leader in all his infinite glory had decided to pull another jerk move on my poor teammates.
 They were getting an Hyuuga as a captain.
 All in the name of peace between the Uchiha and Konohagakure, at least that was what Fugaku-sama said. For years only Uchiha were trained as Konoha's police; but that lead to suspicion that the police were being biased towards the Uchiha clan, so Fugaku began granting admission to any who could make the cut. As a result there was an influx of many non-Uchiha police officers, but none had ever been given the rank of captain.
 Until now, apparently.
 Denryoku sighed and stuck his lower lip out in a pout, “Why do you have to go? Why can't it be Ibo? He's no fun.” Our silent teammate shot Denryoku a nasty look that was almost on par with mine, but as usual the abnormally white haired Uchiha said nothing.
 I rolled my eyes and stuffed my hands in my pockets, “Because then Ibo would have to actually talk. Besides, he hasn't activated the Sharingan, so he can't teach Sasuke. I have and I'm proficient with our Kekke Genkai, but I'm not powerful enough like Itachi-san or Shisui to matter if I become a jounin sensei.”
 “You know that question was rhetorical, right?” Denryoku asked drily, giving me a look out of the corner of his eye.
 I only shrugged. Denryoku was famous for asking a question he wanted to know the answer to then claiming it was rhetorical. I suspected he did that to seem smarter, especially when the answer was obvious. “Come on, let's celebrate our last night together as a squad and go drinking.” I said and threw my arms over my tall teammates shoulders. I was tall for a women, almost as tall as a man, and they were still taller than me. It wasn't fair!
 Ibo immediately shrugged my arm off and turned his head away from us. I'd bet a thousand ryo that the guy was blushing. Ibo was extremely shy, but he hid it underneath layers of neutral expressions and silence. It was one of the reasons why Fugaku paired Ibo with Denryoku and me, so that he would never have to speak and go outside of his comfort zone. Fugaku may be a grade-A jerk, but he stilled cared for his clan members.
 Denryoku wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer, “Sure! I love it when you get drunk! You're not a surly woman then.” He said cheerfully. I glared at him, contemplating whether that comment deserved setting Obito after my teammate or not. Denryoku seemed to catch on to what I was thinking, because he paled, “Not your brother...” He pleaded as he jerked his arm away from my waist.
 I grinned. It was nice to know that my teammate feared my brother enough that he would do anything I said if only to avoid the overprotective Uchiha. “Don't worry, Denryoku, I'm sure Nii-san won't hurt you too bad.” I said teasingly. Denryoku was starting to look ill.
 “You're terrible, Yanagi-san...” A soft barely audible voice said. Denryoku and I snapped our heads around to stare at Ibo, who was staring at his feet. Knowing the white haired Uchiha, he probably hadn't meant to say that out load. With shaking hands, Ibo quickly made the hand signals for an apology. Denryoku and I exchanged looks, our faces twisting up in amusement. When Fugaku had put the shy Uchiha on our squad after our last teammate retired, the clan leader had warned us about Ibo's habit to speak through jounin hand signals. We hadn't taken him seriously then.
 After three years of being on the same squad, Ibo had spoken maybe fifteen words, including the four he had just said, and used hand signs the rest of the time. It was his way of speaking.
 Denryoku pounced on Ibo, grabbing the younger Uchiha in a choke hold, “If you ever want to get a girl, you've gotta learn to talk to one, you know.” The flirt said as he ruffled Ibo's white hair with his knuckles. Ibo just took the treatment without struggle.
 I sighed, “You two are idiots. Come on, I want to drink. Maybe I'll get a hangover for tomorrow.” I said dully as I started for the nearest bar.
 Denryoku followed, Ibo still in his choke hold. “Fugaku-sama will kill you if you show up hungover tomorrow. We've all seen you the day after you're dead drunk, I can't think of anyone with a worse temper.” He pointed out.
 “Fine. I'll just get a little drunk.” I compromised.
 “Yeah right... someone is going to challenge you to a drinking game and you'll be stone drunk before you know it.” Denryoku countered drily. I glared at Denryoku, who went white and ducked behind Ibo. I felt proud that I could scare one of the physically strongest Uchiha in the clan with only a glare. Ibo sighed at the both of us and shook his head, probably wondering for the millionth time why Fugaku-sama put him on Konoha Police Squad 18.
 After flashing our ninja registration cards that showed we were all jounin at the bartender, Denryoku and I started our night getting drunk on sake. Ibo sat beside us, watching us out of the corner of his eye. Ibo never drank, having some medical condition that prevented him from partaking in the fun. Besides, we needed someone to make sure Denryoku and I didn't do something stupid.
 Half the time we did something stupid anyway.
 It took nearly two hours for Denryoku to get intoxicated, and soon after I joined him in that state of extreme happiness. I got a good laugh watching the older Uchiha flirt with anything that moved, even the bartender. I nearly fell off my stool at the expression of revulsion that the bartender sported when Denryoku asked him on a date.
 “Well you seem to be enjoying yourself.” A highly amused voice said behind me.
 I turned around with a grin, “ 'Kashi-nii-san! I didn't know you would be here, enjoying your last night of freedom too? Or did the Hokage finally learn his lesson and give up making you a jounin sensei?” I asked, my words only slightly slurred together.
 The grey haired male blinked his visible eye, from amusement or confusion that I was actually being friendly, I didn't know. He nodded towards a booth set in the back, where most of the other Jounin Elite sat chatting. My brother wasn't there luckily, he'd kill me if he knew I was drunk. I swear that man treated me like a five year old. “We're enjoying the night too.” Kakashi said mildly, not answer my question.
 Denryoku turned around, his right eye twitching in annoyance, “Hey... cool guy. My girlfriend, so back off.” The drunk Uchiha slurred. Ibo sighed and forcibly turned Denryoku back around, shooting an apologetic look at Kakashi.
 Kakashi watched my two teammates for a moment before turning to me, his visible eye questioning. I shrugged as I knocked back another shot of sake, “He's talking crazy, I'd never date him.” I dismissed the accusation easily.
 My drunk teammate turned to me, rivers of tears running down his cheeks, “Bu-but... Yanagiii... you said you loved me!” I rolled my eyes at him as I laughed out right. Only in his dreams would I ever say that I loved Denryoku, other than a friend. The Uchiha wailed loudly and threw himself all over poor Ibo, who's expression screamed 'do not want'. I laughed at their faces.
 The Hatake jounin scratched the back of his head nervously, “So this is why Uchiha never get drunk...” He said mostly to himself. I nodded happily, even though it wasn't a question. The Uchiha clan was so uptight that it had to take being stone drunk for them to relax.
 I leaned closer to Kakashi as if to share a secret, “Hey... do you think that Ibo-kun would be talkative if we got him drunk?” I asked in a loud whisper. The white haired Uchiha shot me a dirty look as he struggled to push Denryoku off of him.
 “Maybe. Let's not try it though. I think you should go home and rest up for tomorrow.” Kakashi hedged.
 My mood changed from happy to angry in .06 seconds. I glared at Kakashi, “Oh? Are you on 'Sister Duty'? Gotta make sure Obito's little sister behaves herself, huh? I'm a grown woman, Hatake Kakashi, I don't need you to tell me what to do!” Kakashi's hands went up in the air as he tried to defend himself. Outraged that he was lying, or so I thought in my hazy mind, I lashed out at him.
 “Whoever invented hangovers should be dragged out in the street and made into a senbon pincushion.” I growled as Kakashi and I stumbled into the Hokage's office the next morning. The man had to physically drag me out of bed and then threatened to take away my supply of candy if I didn't get dressed. Excuse me if I don't feel any sympathy towards the jerk.
 My brother's best friend/rival sighed as he let me lean on him, “That's what you get,” Kakashi grumbled. I wasn't very high on Kakashi's 'nice list' since I apparently had managed to land a punch to his face before he used his sharingan to knock me out. I don't remember ever doing anything of the sort, but everyone I asked confirmed that I had socked Kakashi in the jaw for what appeared to be nothing.
 If I wasn't so proud that I landed a hit on the infamous Copy-nin, I would feel bad.
 I glared at him, “Just for that I hope you get the Uzumaki brat.” I growled testily. I almost felt sorry for the genin I would have to teach. Today they were going to face me at my worst, not even Obito dared to argue with me when I was hungover.
 Before Kakashi could respond, the Third Hokage cleared his throat. Both of us turned to see the old man giving us a stern look, the rest of the jounin looking exasperated. Suddenly I realized how late the both of us were. I glared up at Kakashi, I could see that smirk through his face mask. Kakashi had gotten Obito's habit of showing up extremely late to anything. He knew that being late was one of my biggest pet peeves, which meant the Copy-nin had done it on purpose.
 “Remind me to murder you later on.” I growled darkly as I stepped away from Kakashi, swaying on my feet. The jerk only gave me an eye smile, confirming that he had made me late on purpose. Though, after punching him last night, I suppose I deserved it.
 Still didn't make me any less mad.
 The Hokage started off with the spiel about how being a sensei was a big responsibility and that we were in charge of the next generation of shinobi, which then turned into a big motivational speech about the importance of genin. I sighed as I stuffed my hands into my pockets, if I thought Fugaku-sama was a long winded old fool, he had nothing on the Sandaime Hokage. Sometimes I wondered if Lord Hiruzen was Hokage because he was boring enough to talk his enemies to death.
 I tucked my chin in and closed my eyes, half listening to the Hokage as he informed all the jounin present that we could use whatever teaching methods we wished, as long as it was ethical. I smirked at that. The Uchiha clan was famous for getting as close to unethical as we could and still not breaking the rules. Still, if Fugaku learned that I was torturing his duckass son, he'd kill me. Worse, Itachi-san would be after my blood as well. The whole clan knew how much Itachi loved his little brother. I really didn't need the Uchiha Prodigy and ANBU Black Ops captain out to kill me.
 I'd have to keep my teachings ethical to all my students, or it would seem like I was playing favoritism towards Sasuke. And that was something I didn't want anyone accusing me of.
  Chapter 3 Enter Team 7!
“Morning Sasuke-kun... mind if I sit next to you?” A girlish voice said.
 The Uchiha blinked and looked away from his conversation with his cousin, Netsui. His classmate Sakura stood at the end of the table, her hands clasped in front of her flat chest. Sasuke's right eye gave a miniscule twitch. He really didn't understand why all the fangirls flocked to him when they could easily chase after Netsui, who was easily more willing than Sasuke.
 Netsui sighed and threaded his fingers behind his head. He didn't understand why Sasuke got all the fangirls. Even his twin sister Nerai was a stupid fangirl! Though, Netsui didn't want his own sister to be his fangirl, that was just wrong. Still, it was unfair that the son of the Uchiha clan leader got all the girls and not one of the other boys got an admirer. Netsui watched with mild interest as the fangirls all got into a fight about who should get to sit next to Sasuke; even if Netsui would never know the bliss of girls fighting over him, it was still fun to watch.
 Sasuke glanced back at his pouting cousin, fully intending to ignore his rowdy fangirls. They would all just stand there and argue until Iruka-sensei came in, there was no point in listening to the girls squabble about who came in first and got first dibs on the chair next to Sasuke.
 “Aniki says they divide us into three man teams. Who do you think you'll get paired with?” Sasuke asked.
 The brown haired Uchiha shrugged as his eyes lingered on the crowd of fangirls, “I don't know. Iruka-sensei probably has our teams already figured out. We can't help who we get paired up with. It could be a complete randomization...”
 “Or it could be a complex system,” Sasuke finished, “But if that's true, then how would they separate us?”
 Netsui shrugged again. It was his nervous habit, every single time his mother yelled at him about something, he just started shrugging. Honestly, he couldn't name what was making him nervous at the moment. Netsui got along fine with Sasuke. They were friends, being the top two smartest students in the academy, plus the only two Uchiha in their class, not counting Netsui's boy crazed sister. “Possibly by age or personality. Skill would be kind of dumb, since the lowest of the class would be paired with each other and never get anything done.” Netsui answered Sasuke's question.
 Sasuke frowned, that made sense, but he felt that he was missing information. As an Uchiha, he didn't like not having all the facts. When he had asked his brother, all Itachi said was that he would be placed on a three man squad with a jounin sensei. Then there was yesterday...
 Sasuke folded his hands in front of his mouth as he pondered his cousin's actions from yesterday. Yanagi-itoko had given him such an evil grin, it had almost given him chills. Almost. That police officer knew something about today, the way her eyes gleamed spoke as much. And it didn't bode well with Sasuke at all from the looks of it.
 A foot landing on the desk in front of him startled Sasuke out of his thoughts. There was that dead last idiot, Naruto, squatting in front of Sasuke and glaring. Sasuke's eyes narrowed instantly. Normally he didn't care what the idiot did; and Sasuke was never impolite to Naruto or Mikoto would flay his hide. Still, there were certain boundaries that Naruto clearly didn't understand; and that was unforgivable.
 “Naruto! Hey stop glaring at Sasuke-kun!” Sakura shouted.
 Naruto looked around at Sakura confused. The blonde boy honestly didn't understand what Sakura saw in Sasuke. Sure, the midnight blue haired Uchiha wasn't as rude as some of the boys in their class, but he was still a prick to a degree. Naruto looked back at the impassive Uchiha in front of his face. Sasuke's eyes narrowed just a fraction of an inch, enough to be classified as a glare.
 It went down hill from there...
 vvv Normal POV vvv
 I was the only one who burst out laughing when Naruto and Sasuke accidentally kissed. I could just see all the blackmail use I could get out of it. Those two would practically be my slaves, and then if some dimwitted girl should fall in love with those bozos, I was so bringing this incident back up. I might even inform Sasuke's family just for the reactions I would get from Fugaku-sama and Itachi-san.
 Maybe there was justice in the world.
 The Hokage sighed, “As usual... Naruto is right in the middle of some kind of trouble.” The old man commented when Sasuke's fangirls proceeded to beat Naruto within an inch of his life. Honestly I was still dying over the fact that my younger cousin's 'first kiss' was stolen by a rowdy boy, I really didn't care what a bunch of vain brats did to the Kyuubi kid.
 Kakashi gave me a slightly annoyed look out of the corner of his eye and elbowed me in the side to get my attention. I bit down on my first knuckle to muffle the snickers still leaking out as the Hokage went on some long winded last minute detailing about some special team that Asuma was getting. It took the entirety of Hiruzen's speech, which was saying something, but I finally got my giggles under control.
 Hiruzen-sama motioned to one of the shinobi officials sitting beside him. The nondescript person, seriously I couldn't even tell if it was female or male, passed out even more packets to the jounin. The Lord Hokage explained as his assistant distributed the stacks of papers, “These are a basic outline of the students you will be assigned. It contains a brief overview of their academics, personality, and abilities so you can adjust your training to fit their goals.”
 I couldn't help but scoff softly at that. 'Adjust your training' my ass. The Uchiha didn't adjust training, the students adjusted to the training or they failed and became a disgrace to the clan. Still, I had to keep reminding myself that the parents of my students would murder me- Fugaku being at the front of the line- if I mistreated their brats.
 Rolling my eyes because I could, I reached into the large envelope as all the other jounin did the same, and pulled out a small stack of thick paper. Dropping the envelope to the floor now that I didn't need it, I began leaving through the pages. I skipped completely over Sasuke's overview, if he was anything like a normal Uchiha then I shouldn't have a problem teaching him.
 My mouth hit the floor when I saw the remaining teammates of the new Team 7.
 Screw justice, the karma demons hated me again.
 vvv 3rd Person vvv
 “...All the genin will be grouped into three man squads, each squad will be lead by a jounin- an elite ninja.” Iruka-sensei finished his little speech.
 Sakura and Ino perked up at the same time and the same thoughts ran through their minds. A three man squad... that meant that some lucky girl would be placed on Sasuke's team! Ino recovered first and quickly pulled her aloof mask back down on her expression. “Well someone's gotta be on Sasuke-kun's group, I wonder who it will be...?”
 The pink haired girl sitting in front of her glanced slightly over her shoulder and said coolly, “I don't know.” As if the thought of anyone other than Sakura herself didn't really matter to her, when in fact it did. She was bound and determined to be on Sasuke's team if it killed her, she was certain of it. After all, Sakura was smart enough to figure out how the teams were divided. It was a sure win that she would be on Sasuke-kun's team!
 Iruka-sensei grinned, “We separate the squads by strength and abilities, that will determine who you are teamed up with.” See? Just like Sakura predicted! Because she was the most intelligent she would be placed with the strongest fighter, which was Sasuke. The only problem was that whoever was the weakest would also be put on the team, to balance them out. Sakura glanced to her right to see Naruto looking deep in thought, most likely she would be placed with him as well. What a nightmare!
  Iruka-sensei lifted the papers that listed the teams and called out in a louder voice, “I will now announce the squads!”
 All across the class room, each new genin were going through their own mental list, trying to puzzle out who they would be teamed with, all the while being sure to listen for when their names were called. Sasuke sighed and folded his hands in front of his mouth, this wasn't good. He was one of the strongest in the class; as was his cousin Netsui, so that meant they probably wouldn't be put on a team. Well there went his one chance at being comfortable with his new team. Now he would actually have to speak the people he normally wouldn't, and the kunoichi would probably be a fangirl. Sasuke shuddered at the thought.
 “Team 7: Uzumaki Naruto...” Iruka said and the blonde boy perked up. This was his team, Naruto could only hope that they wouldn't hold him back or anything, since he was a kickass ninja! “Hyuuga Hinata...” The shy little heiress almost fainted then and there. Her wish had been granted, she was on the team with Naruto-kun! “and Uchiha Sasuke.”
 Sakura and Ino stared at the sensei with open mouths, they had been so sure that they would be the ones on Sasuke's team! It was almost fool proof, after all they were both the smartest in the class... in their own opinions. What was worse, they really couldn't begrudge Hinata for being on Sasuke's team. She was probably the only girl that wasn't a fangirl of Sasuke's. She probably didn't like any boy!
 Iruka continued, not even paying attention to the drama unfolding in front of him, “Next Team 8: Haruno Sakura... Inuzuka Kiba... and Aburame Shino,” Sakura paled at the thought of being on a team with the rowdy dog boy and the creepy bug boy. Still that wasn't as bad as being on the team with Naruto! At least she lucked out on that. Sensei just continued ripping apart dreams and making some of them come true, “Now Team 10: Yamanaka Ino... Nara Shikamaru... and Akimichi Chouji.” Ino nearly fainted. She was on a team with the laziest genin in the class and the fattest?! How did she end up with such weirdos?!
 Before Iruka could continue, Naruto stood up with an air of indignity, “Iruka-sensei! Why does someone as powerful as me have to be on a team with a slug like Sasuke?!” Sakura glared at him, fire burning in her green eyes, but Iruka spoke before Naruto Beat-down Two could commence.
 “Because Sasuke has the highest scores in all the graduating students. Naruto... you had the worst scores,” Iruka said with no mercy towards his surrogate little brother. The whole class, mostly Sasuke fangirls and a few Naruto-haters, laughed loudly at the blonde. “To be a balanced team,” Iruka continued over the laughing kids, cutting their mirth off quickly, “we put the best student with the worst student.”
 Naruto growled while Sasuke looked coolly out the window. Mikoto might kill him later, but Sasuke couldn't help but say, “Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser.” Oh yeah, Kaa-chan was definitely going to murder Sasuke. She couldn't stand her children saying anything mean about Naruto. Though... Mikoto never gave a reason why.
 “Hey what did you say?!”
 “Hard of hearing?” Sasuke retorted, slightly amused and the whole class burst out laughing again. Sakura tried to come to Sasuke's defense, but Iruka-sensei cleared his throat and ended all mischief.
 As the laughter slowly dwindled down, Iruka informed the new genin, “After lunch, you'll meet your new jounin teachers. Until then, class dismiss-”
 vvv Normal POV vvv
 Everyone whirled around when I slammed the classroom door open. Even Iruka, who should have been able to sense my chakra signatures, looked surprised. I still had a few minutes before my life officially became a living hell, maybe I should pull a classic Obito and screw with the minds of the impressionable brats, which included Iruka even though he was older than me. Without hesitation I started making jounin level hand signals telling the members of Team 7 to meet me on the roof.
 No one moved. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.
 “Uh... Uchiha-san... may I help you?” Iruka said hesitantly. He didn't seem to know who I was, otherwise he'd be a lot more fearful to have one of the two hot headed Uchiha in his classroom. Still he knew enough to know that having an Uchiha in the room was enough to exercise caution. Being genin teammates with Shisui must have taught him that. Even an Uchiha as goofy as Shisui could still be unpredictable. I almost grinned, but didn't to keep my emotionless expression in check.
 I rolled my eyes instead, “Honestly, are you all so stupid that you don't know a single jounin hand sign?” I asked, the contempt in my voice wasn't forced.
 The Kyuubi brat took offense to that of course, “Hey! I'm not an idiot, I'm going to be Hokage someday, ya know!” I nearly laughed at that and mentally added yet another name to the list of Hokage wannabes. First Minato-san, though I didn't mind Nii-san's sensei being Hokage, then Obito, for a while Shisui had the dream too–before the drama of the failed Uchiha coup d'état–and now the Kyuubi brat.
 Iruka was sweatdropping, “Er, Uchiha-san, they're only genin. They shouldn't have to-” He tried to explain.
 My eyes cut to the chunnin and he stopped talking, “I knew half the sign book by the time I graduated, and I became a genin at the age of nine. That's no excuse.” So I was bragging, so what? After growing up with a braggart crybaby for a brother, I was surprised I wasn't bragging more often then I actually did, which was still rare. Of course, my knowledge of hand signs probably came from a certain emotionally stunted silver haired ninja robot; but I wasn't going to tell anyone that.
 Iruka tried to speak up, but he was silenced each time I pointed out why this graduating class was lesser than most classes in the past. It was almost scary how wimpy these kids were compared to past genin. Iruka was looking more and more flustered while the brats shifted uncomfortably in their seats.
 Waving a hand, I dismissed the argument, “Whatever. Team 7 is to report to the roof, now. You're training begins.”
 The three genin soon to be under my thumb paled, “B-but... what about lunch?” Naruto asked, tears starting to prick his bright blue eyes. My eyebrows pinched together in a frown, why did I get the feeling that food and this kid was going to be a major problem?
 “I'm your jounin sensei. What I say goes... and I say get your asses up to the roof now or suffer.” I started to turn away, but not before I noticed that the three Uchiha genin in the room were slumping down in their seats, as if ashamed to be associated with me.
 Disrespect towards a hungover hot tempered Uchiha meant someone had a death wish.
 “SIT UP STRAIGHT YOU UCHIHA HEATHENS! WHAT, WERE YOU RAISED IN A BARN?!” I roared and got the extreme satisfaction of not only seeing the three dark haired kids pop back up, but everyone, including Iruka, stiffen at the command. “Now Team 7, you've got thirty seconds to get your worthless asses on the roof or I fail the lot of you.” I said more calmly, probably mentally scaring a lot of the brats. I wondered if Iruka was going to look into getting me committed to a jounin sanity test.
 As I shunshined out of the room and onto the roof, I smirked. If I was going to make this any more bearable, a few more required sanity test shouldn't be too much of a consequence.
 “Twenty-eight seconds, you're cutting it close.” I said mildly when the door to the academy roof burst open and my three precious little genin came tumbling out. For having ran up four flights of stairs in 28 seconds, I was slightly impressed that none of them were winded. But then Sasuke and the Hyuuga were clan kids and were already conditioned for harsher training exercises, and Naruto had run from many shinobi in the past during his pranks it was no surprise that he had stamina as well.
 I wordlessly motioned for them to take a seat, and spoke as they were flopping down on the ground, well Naruto flopped the other two sat down more gracefully. “Alright, since we're stuck together, tell me a little about yourselves. Name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams... crap like that.” I said dismissively, not even bothering to look at the three brats.
 The Hyuuga heiress raised her hand timidly. I raised an eyebrow at her juvenile behavior and rolled my eyes, making her blush even more than she already was. Exasperated I called on her and the shy Hyuuga stuttered out, “W-wi-will you g-g-go first s-s-s-sen-sensei?” I narrowed my eyes a fraction, first thing I was training her in was speech.
 “Fine. My name is Uchiha Yanagi, and yes I am related to Sasuke. I'm his cousin, as much as I don't want to be,” I added when I saw Naruto's confused face. “I like my Police Force patrol, which I was forced to retire from. I dislike stuttering timid kids,” Hinata's face lit up like a thermometer, “overly annoying blondes,” Naruto was too dumb to get the reverence towards him. I really shouldn't be that surprised, “younger family members... just kids in general.” Sasuke's dark eyes narrowed into an almost glare. I was tempted to return it with a full Uchiha Glare, but I didn't want to give him a heart attack.
 His family would kill me.
 “I also don't like my older brother or Uchiha Shisui, the clan in general, being a jounin sensei... and many other things. My hobbies... I have an indefinite amount of hobbies and none are your business. My dream is to get out of this hell that my clan leader forced me in and get back to my patrol.” Sasuke looked like he wanted to question me about my dislike for the clan, but I was already pointing at Hinata, “Stuttering kid, go.”
 Of course she turned an unhealthy shade of red. I was beginning to wonder if there was any blood left in her body or if it was all showing in her face. “M-m-my name is Hy-Hyuuga H-H-Hinata. I like... m-my f-fa-family a-and...” she got even brighter, “cinnamon rolls!” She finished in a squeaky tone. I raised an eyebrow at that, obviously she had been about to say something else. “I-I-I... don't real-really d-dis-dislike a-a-any-anything. My ho-hob-hobby i-i-is p-pres-pressing fl-flowers. And m-my d-d-d-dream is t-t-t-to-to be a g-gre-great n-nin-ninja!” I was almost tempted to make a fake snoring sound. How boring can a brat get?
 I was definitely signing her up for a speech therapist first thing in the morning. Even if she was a Hyuuga, this girl was my only semblance to sanity. Or she would be if I could cure her of that nasty stutter. I pressed my left fingers to my forehead as I pointed to the Kyuubi brat with my right hand, “Go.”
 “ALRIGHT!” The blonde haired idiots said and started moving his headband up and down like a weirdo, “I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I like instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka-sensei gave me. But I hate the three minutes I have to wait for the ramen to cook. My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them. And my future dream is... to be the greatest Hokage! That way everyone will start respecting me!”
 I couldn't help it, I facepalmed. This kid blabbed about nothing but ramen and then suddenly drops a bomb like wanting to be the next Hokage?! And I thought Obito was bad. I made a mental note to never introduce the two if I could help it. They would drive me over the edge if they started talking. Sighing, I waved a hand towards my relative, “Go, Uchiha brat.”
 Sasuke was sitting in his cool pose, where he got it from I would never know. Itachi and Shisui weren’t the ones to teach him, I knew that much! He glared at the name I gave him, “My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I don't particularly like or dislike anything.” I bet any fangirls hanging around the area were sobbing by now. A small joy to me. “My hobbies include walking and training with my Aniki. I don't have a dream, because I will make it into a reality. I'm going to become strong enough to beat my brother and be the strongest Uchiha in the clan.” Sasuke's eyes staring at me in an open challenge.
 I laughed out right and nearly fell off the railing, “Oh that's rich! Someone is delusional!” I shrieked. All three poor little genin looked confused, with just a smidgen of indignity on Sasuke's part. “Sorry, idiot, but I don't think your dream will become a 'reality.'”
 My younger cousin frowned, “How so?” He growled. Apparently someone didn't like being teased.
 Leaning forward I crossed my arms over my chest, “Simply because Itachi-san isn't the strongest Uchiha in the clan.” Boy I wish I had a camera to snap a picture of Sasuke's expression. I could totally use it as more blackmail.
 “T-t-then w-w-who is?” Hinata asked for Sasuke, since he was still shell shocked that his Nii-san wasn't the strongest in our clan, as he clearly believed. I wondered if Itachi was the one who put the idea in his head, or if it was simply idol worship.
 Sasuke actually sputtered, “What?! You're telling me that goofball is the strongest?” The poor boy asked incredulous. I laughed again, even though Sasuke practically grew up around some atypical Uchiha like my brother and Shisui, he was still a typical arrogant ass. So it was ten times more funny when his facade cracked.
 I sneered at the still disbelieving boy, “Believe it or not, yes. Itachi is better in skill, true, but Shisui has something going for him that no other living person has.” I said in a mysterious tone. All three genin leaned in, obviously wanting to know the secret. Even Hinata was looking eager about it. I smirked and shook my head, “Nuh-uh. That's a secret that only people with the Uchiha Kekke Genkai can know.”
 Naruto looked confused, “What's a Kekke Genkai?” He mumbled under his breath.
 I was going to give him a sarcastic answer, but Sasuke ignored the question to say, “I will have the Kekke Genkai one day, so you can tell me.”
 I held up a finger, “Ah-ah-ah... Let me correct that previous statement: Only people who have activated the Kekke Genkai and can use it effectively in battle can know the secret.” Sasuke pouted but didn't push the subject. At least he knew the requirements to unlock his Sharingan, otherwise I have no doubt he would be standing up and shouting that he would unlock the Sharingan no matter what, just to learn the secret behind Shisui's reputation.
 Oh wait... that's Naruto shtick.
 Speaking of the Kyuubi brat, he was standing and shouting, “What is a Kekke Genkai?! And how can I get one?”
 I scoffed, “Idiot, a Kekke Genkai is something you're born with. It's a bloodline trait that you can only get from your family, a tool to help you fight as a ninja basically.” I said, dumbing it down so that a two year old, or Naruto in this case, could understand. Before any of the brats could say anything else, I pushed off the rail, “Okay. We have our first mission tomorrow, be at training ground six at five a.m. and bring your ninja gear. Bye, brats.” Before any of them could respond, I shunshined away, ignoring Naruto's shouts to come back and explain myself.
 He should really learn that Uchiha never explain themselves, especially since he had Sasuke and me on the team.
  Chapter 4: The Test
“YANAGIIIIIIIIIII!!!” Obito screeched. I sighed irritatedly and looked up from my book just as my brother came barreling through my bedroom door, a bath towel wrapped around his waist and sopping wet.
 I sighed again, this time in exasperation, and threw my left arm over my eyes, pointing towards my personal bathroom with my right hand, “Underneath the counter.” I said dully. It was pretty bad that this was a common occurrence in our house. Both Obito and I had come to an agreement that each of us were in charge of our own expenses and that the only time we pooled our money together on was if it influenced both of us. That being said, my brother had a nasty habit of forgetting to buy more shampoo.
 Nii-san had just better thank his lucky stars that I didn't like girly scented hair products.
 Still I got a nice deal out of it. Every time Obito forgot about shampoo, he bought me a bag of candy. One thing the both of us had in common was our unnatural sweet tooth. Most of the Uchiha clan had a sweet tooth as well, but no where near as bad as mine and Obito's. Candy was a part of my brother's and my necessities whereas it was only a treat to the rest of the clan.
 While my brother cursed and rummaged around in my bathroom I called out, “I'm leaving early in the morning.”
 Nii-san's voice was suddenly clearer, meaning he probably had come back into my room, “Why? You're not going on a date are you?”
 If my eyes were open I would have rolled them. Only my brother would automatically assume that I was going on a date. I bet he wondered if I was going on a date every time I stepped outside the house. “No. I have to teach teamwork to my group of genin brats. You know how that is.”
 “You failed your test if I remember.” Obito teased. It was true, I had gotten so irritated with the dead last of my graduating class, who had been on my team, that I actually punched his lights out even though our sensei told us not to attack each other. I was sent back to the academy immediately and had to wait another year. Really it was the idiot's fault, he shouldn't have assumed that since I was eight and he was twelve that he knew more than me. Because of that jerk, I had to graduate at the age of nine.
 “And you are probably the only one who passed with flying colors. It's rare not to fail the first time you know...” I growled back at Obito.
 The one eyed Uchiha snorted, “You're just hoping that those kids fail, aren't you?”
 “Would you go finish your shower?”
 “You're just proving my point by changing the subject~!” Obito ran out of my room, his footsteps fast and light, before I could even cock my elbow back to launch my book at him. Damn it, I hated it when he had the sense to get the hell out of dodge!
 I sighed and marked my place before setting the book down on my nightstand. I would have to get up early tomorrow morning so I could train a few brats, which meant my late night habits were probably gone for good. Pouting slightly I turned off my lamp and rolled over, pulling my covers up to my chin.
 Just as I was beginning to drift off, I heard a crash followed immediately by, “DAMN IT! YANAGI GET IN HERE AND CLEAN THIS MESS UP!”
 I glared at the wall my bed was pushed up against. I seemed to forget that my night owl tendencies weren't of my own making. My brother, curse him, forced me into the habit. I threw back the covers and yelled back, “Alright you big crybaby! If you weren't so incompetent, I'd make you do it yourself!”
 I'm sure the rest of the Uchiha clan could hear us yelling at each other all night long.
 The moment five a.m. hit, my three precious genin showed up. Hinata and Naruto stumbling with weariness while Sasuke was wide awake and alert. Point for the Uchiha. I glanced at them, “You're on time.” I said mildly. Naruto grinned despite his exhaustion, he seemed pleased at the compliment. I bookmarked the book I was reading and stood from my place on the ground, tucking away the blue bound slim book. “Which means... you're late.”
 Cue the confusion on all three of the preteens' faces. It made my day.
 I held up a finger, “First rule of ninja: Timing is everything. When out on the field, an enemy might set a trap for you. If you were to arrive before he does, then you have the advantage. Same goes for tardiness, being late will lower your enemy's caution and thus give you an opening.” I could not believe I was lecturing these brats, that was the Hokage's job! I glared down at the genin in front of me, letting a little killer intent slip through so they were frightened enough, “But if you ever alive late while in my team I'll skin you alive! Understood?”
 “H-hai, sensei!” All three of the brats stuttered out, balking under my gaze. I felt proud that even someone like Sasuke was effected. But then, I had heard that he was more of a softie than his brother.
 Straightening I smiled, no doubt scaring them out of their wits with my sudden change in mood, perfect. “Okay, then we'll start the mission.”
 Naruto dropped his scared expression like a hot tin plate and immediately leapt forward, “What's the mission? What's the mission? What? What? What?” He was actually bouncing around in his excitement. When he got too close to me I pressed my fingers to his forehead like Obito did to me and sent him to the ground.
 “You're going on a treasure hunt.”
 “Really?! That is so cool! Is it some long lost diamond? Or a cursed ruby? Oh! Did a princess lose her crown and we're having to look for it?!” Did this kid never shut up? I made a mental note to grab Obito's numbing salve. Maybe it would numb the Kyuubi brat's mouth enough that he couldn't talk.
 I poked him in the forehead again, “No... you don't get to know what the object is, that's the point of the exercise. Here are some clues you can use to figure the object out.” I passed out plain white envelopes to the three genin. Before they could rip into them and start the 'mission' I continued, “you must find the object by noon or you get no lunch. Also, the last person to find the object will fail and goes back to the academy.”
 More confusion, and some despair from Naruto about the time limit, “W-w-w-what do y-y-yo-you m-me-mean, s-s-s-sen-sensei?” Hinata stuttered out.
 Naruto was squinting his eyes up again, “Yeah? What's this about failing?! We're already genin, you can't send us back to the Academy!” He moved his Haiti-ate to reflect the rising sun to prove his point.
 I gave him a cruel smile, “Oh can't I? Let me explain then. Of the twenty-seven graduates, only nine will be accepted as genin. The other eighteen will not make the cut and be sent back to the academy. Your chance at staying genin is at least thirty-four percent, and it's all up to me.” Of all their reactions, Naruto's was the best. His eyes bugged out in surprise and his mouth dropped to the ground. Hinata just started swaying where she sat, as if she were about to faint, and Sasuke glared at me.
 Sasuke was the smart one and asked, “Alright, how do we convince you to let us stay genin?”
 “By passing this little mission I'm telling you about. Now stop interrupting or I'll fail you anyway.” I couldn't really do that, but the genin didn't know that. Until they actually passed my test, if they did, I was going to milk the threat of sending them back to the academy for all its worth.
 I waited for a moment to see if they would say anything, and when they didn't I continued, “You can fight each other for the clues, since all three are needed to figure out just what the item is. Also, once you figure out the object, you need to find it next and present it to me. And I'll be nice since you are just kids,” They relaxed slightly, or more than slightly in Naruto's case, “if you best me in battle, I'll tell you what and where the object is,” Cue the tensing back up again. “Remember: you have to figure out the clues and find the object all before noon or I will tie you to something and eat lunch in front of you. Ready... begin!”
 As I predicted the blonde idiot came charging after me, his fist raised with a pathetic battle cry. I rolled my eyes and kicked him away easily, sending him crashing into a tree. Hinata and Sasuke had already leapt out of sight, probably to figure out the clues on their own. I knew that Sasuke was too stubborn to figure out the object of the test, he would want to find the object with only the one clue I had given him just to prove himself. Hinata... she was a wild card. The Hyuuga heiress could either figure out the point of this exercise or she could be like Sasuke and try to accomplish things on her own.
 Naruto however... I had thrown in the option to attack me solely for his benefit. I knew the knucklehead would attack me, his overconfidence would get in his way. Besides I had entertainment while I waited for lunch.
 vvv 3rd Person~ Sasuke vvv
 When he was far enough away from Yanagi-sensei, Sasuke halted and pulled the envelope out of his shorts' pocket. He frowned down at the slip of paper.
 Tis erhe, uoy othrebhos-me diiot. Htis odec si oto arhd rfo yuo.
 The message was just a bunch of scrabbled letters. Clearly Yanagi-sensei knew that Sasuke would be able to decode the message, it was a simple scramble code that any three year old could figure out. Quickly the midnight blue haired Uchiha set to work. The hyphen in the fourth word threw him for a moment, until he realized Yanagi had probably put it in there for that purpose. What the message actually said made Sasuke pissed.
 Sit here, you botherso-me idiot. This code is too hard for you.
 What kind of clue was that?!
 vvv 3rd Person~ Hinata vvv
 When Yanagi-sensei said begin, Hinata immediately dove for cover in the underbrush of the forest surrounding the training ground. She watched in fascination as Naruto-kun lashed out at their sensei bravely, and then in horror when Yanagi-sensei kicked the blonde boy away with ease. Hinata had contemplated in helping Naruto, but she was too weak to stand up to a jounin, especially one who was so cruel.
 Instead the timid little Hyuuga heiress pulled out her clue and read over it.
 Tall and straight like a tree am I, but no leaves or fruit I bear.
 Hinata blinked. It was a riddle, and a hard one by the looks of it. Hinata's clue could mean anything! Anything that was tall and not a tree, that is. Maybe if she got the other clues it would help, but she didn't want to attack her teammates! Hinata wouldn't last a second against Sasuke, and she wasn't going to attack Naruto for no reason.
 The pale eyed girl glanced back at her sensei as the Uchiha woman once again threw Naruto over her shoulder and laughed as he struggled to his feet. There was something missing, something that Yanagi had said. 'The last person to find the object is failed and goes back to the academy.' Hinata frowned. If that were true, it would be better for all three of them could find the object together so no one was first or last.
 Hinata gasped as realization dawned on her, that was what Yanagi wanted! Sensei was pitting the team against each other purposefully to see if anyone could figure out that the point was teamwork! That was why Team 7 was allowed to attack each other, to push the thoughts of teamwork further away. Yanagi had said that they would need all three clues to figure out the object they were trying to find, it was the only hint that Yanagi-sensei had given them.
 Now if Hinata could only work up her courage to tell her findings to the two boys in her team. The Hyuuga girl whimpered a little at the thought. They could try and attack her before she even had a chance to explain.
 vvv Normal POV vvv
 I smiled when I heard Hinata gasp. So she must have figured it out. My respect meter inched up a few pegs for the girl. She didn't have any male ego or pride to get in her way of thoughts. Still, what she would do now, that was the question.
 “YAAAAAAAAA!! Don't get distracted, sensei!” Naruto yelled multiple times from his shadow clone jutsu. I rolled my eyes and made a few quick hand signs with precision. I took a deep breath then blew between my thumb and forefinger. With a roar, the great fireball jutsu took out all shadow clones in front of it.
 I felt something hard connect with my back and I stumbled forward with a grunt, losing my concentration on the fireball. Cursing I started to turn my head to look over my shoulder at the little brat. He caught me off guard! Not even Obito in his pranking moods could accomplish that feat. Angry, I reached up and pulled the Kyuubi brat off of my back and flung him across the clearing.
 Naruto somehow was joyful in spite of being thrown a great distance, “Ha! I got a hit! Now tell me what the object is and where it is!”
 “WHAAAAT?! You said you would if I won!” Naruto shrieked.
 I glared at him, “I said if you beat me in battle. You only landed a hit,” I slowly started walking towards him. It stung my pride, both as an Uchiha and jounin, that some little blonde haired brat was able to land a hit on me. I wasn't really known for taking blows and turning the other cheek. Towering over the little genin I spoke, my tone, which had been amused until now, had a sharp cutting edge to it, “you rush in blindly and attack without strategy. That blow was a lucky shot, and it won't happen again.”
 Turning away from the kid I waved a hand, “Now, stop wasting my time and try to figure out that clue of yours.” I shunshined away before Naruto could attack, as I knew he probably would.
 vvv 3rd Person~ Naruto vvv
 Damn that frizzy haired lady! Naruto pouted and crossed his arms, it wasn't fair! He should have won, but his sensei was too stubborn to admit her defeat at his hands. Naruto could tell by the look on her face that the blow had taken her by surprise. If she hadn't reacted as quickly as she did, Frizzy-sensei would be on the ground!
 Naruto yanked out the clue from his jumpsuit and ripped the envelope open. Maybe the clue was super easy and he could guess it immediately. The look on Yanagi-sensei's face would be hilarious when Naruto showed up with the object before lunch. Naruto chuckled to himself as he imagined the expression of complete surprise and awe.
 My eyes glow red when I am mad or threatened.
 …What?! What did that mean? Was this some kind of insane creepy riddle that he had to figure out?! Was the object a vampire or something? Naruto had heard that some vampire's eyes glowed red when they drank blood. Naruto began to panic a little, he didn't want to fight a vampire! He had hard enough time beating Yanagi-sensei.
 Naruto was torn between feeling relief and despair that the alarm had gone off. Now he wouldn't have to face the vampire, but–his stomach growled and Naruto groaned, remembering that Yanagi said no lunch for the person who hadn't found the vampire.
 vvv Normal POV vvv
 “The three of you are a... Bunch. Of. Idiots!” I shouted when all three genin lined up at the starting point. I was crying on the inside at the stupidity of the team I had been saddled with. Why was the only one to figure out the mission the shyest? I hadn't even done the bell test, which was probably the hardest teamwork exercise, like Kakashi-san usually did. In fact, I had given Team 7 the easiest and they still failed!
 Hinata was the only one looking abash. Naruto looked miserable, probably had something to do with the sounds his stomach was making, and Sasuke glared at me hotly. If I wasn't in such a foul mood I would have asked if he liked my clue to him.
 I paced in front of them, “I practically told you this treasure hunt was a teamwork exercise, but you all are too stupid to see that!” I spun to face the team and zeroed in on Sasuke's petulant face, “Sasuke, you were too busy trying to succeed with your one clue you seemed to forget that you needed all three of the clues to find the object.”
 Naruto got over his starving state to laugh at the slightly pouting Sasuke, “Ha ha! Teme you're so stupid!”
 I glared at the blond, “You, Naruto, are probably the stupidest of the three.” I snapped.
 “You were too busy trying to fight me to even pay attention to your clue. Had I not practically ordered you to, I doubt you would have even looked at it! I am a jounin, you dumbass, I cannot be taken down so easily by a genin. You're actions were lazy and stupid.” I growled menacingly. Naruto had the smarts not to say anything. I glared at the team as a whole again, “Hinata was the only one to figure out that this exercise was teamwork driven, but she was too much of a coward to tell you two idiots!”
 Naruto leapt to his feet, “Hey! Don't call Hinata a coward! She's just shy.” The blonde defended. I noticed that Hinata's blush turned darker almost immediately. I spared her a curious glance despite my anger, such a strange child she was. Not only was Hinata extremely shy and weak for a clan kid, but she also seemed to have a major crush on Naruto of all people.
 Still, I was glad I didn't have a squealing Sasuke fangirl on my hands.
 While distracted with my thoughts, Sasuke stood up to, “You should not pick on the shyest of the team simply because she poses no resistance to you.” He said, rather calmly, but I could tell by the way his dark eyes glittered that my little cousin was about as pissed as Naruto. Hinata looked between her two teammates, seemingly surprised that she was being defended by the both of them.
 I raised a cool eyebrow, “Oh? Then what should I do, let her grow up as a shy coward perhaps?” I asked mildly.
 Sasuke gave me a rather impressive version of the infamous Uchiha Glare, “If anyone is the coward it's you. You spend your time picking on twelve year olds.”
 “Well I can't really yell at your father or the Hokage, Duckass, so deal with it.” I said dully. The three genin looked a little confused since they didn't know why exactly I was forced into this. Nor would they ever unless the case called for it. The near disaster that almost ended in the massacre of the Uchiha clan had been classified as an S-level secret, along with Naruto's jinchuuriki status. None of the younger generation, not even those of the Uchiha clan, knew about our planned revolt or that Itachi and Shisui stopped it. They didn't know that this whole team was an experiment to see if an Uchiha could effectively teach Konoha genin.
 “Whatever. You still are all idiots for not figuring out that teamwork is important or doing nothing about it.” I said, waving a hand to dismiss the subject. I really didn't need to go into that, or I'd be killed for spilling the beans.
 Naruto titled his head, “Why is teamwork important? Wouldn't people just hold you back?”
 I couldn't help but reach over and swat the brat upside the head. After listening to his protests for half a second, I did the same thing to shut him up and spoke before he could start yelling at me in renewal, “Teamwork is essential to everything. They don't hold you back, a team is family. Had you got together and shared the clues, you would have easily figured out the object.”
 “W-w-w-w-w-w-wha-what i-is-is the o-o-o-obj-obj-ect?” Oh great, yelling at Hinata seemed to make her stutter more. Just my luck.
 I smiled for the first time since the timer went off. “I'm the object.” Cue the three stunned faces.
 My little cousin frowned, “How does my clue point towards you? You just insulted me.” I was surprised that Naruto hadn't laughed, but one look at the blonde genin revealed that he was paling at a rabid pace. Soon the Kyuubi brat would be as pale as Sasuke and Hinata.
 “ 'Sit here, you bothersome idiot. This code is too hard for you.' That is the clue, correct?” I asked. Sasuke nodded, suspicion leaking into his eyes. I gave him a close eyed grin, “Did you happen to notice that 'bothersome' had a hyphen?” Another nod of confirmation. “I told you the code was too hard, and I was right.”
 “There was no code.” Sasuke said stubbornly.
 Shaking my head I held up a finger, “Technically there was, but I knew that–as an Uchiha–you would over think things. If you had simply looked at where the hyphen was placed you would notice that 'me' had been separated from 'bothersome'. Really, the answer if quite obviously stupid when you think about it.”
 Sasuke actually facepalmed and I genuinely laughed when he did so.
 I turned my attention back on the team as an whole and held up one finger, “I already explained Sasuke's clue. It was the most obvious, too obvious to tell the truth.” I held up a second finger, “Hinata's clue was a little more difficult. 'Tall and straight like a tree am I, but no leaves or fruit I bear.' I am extremely tall for a woman. Naruto's clue-”
 “Are you a vampire?!” Naruto chose then to shout, his eyes wide as he pointed an accusing finger at me. I blinked at him as did Sasuke and even Hinata.
 “You're a vampire, aren't you! Are you going to drink out blood?!”
 “And where did you get that silly notion?”
 “The clue!”
 “What?!” I stared at the blonde kid. Granted his clue was a little creepy but still, how did he get vampire out of glowing red eyes?
 Naruto seemed to suddenly notice the looks his teammates were giving him. A blush marred his cheeks lightly and he ducked his head, “The uh... the clue. It said that your eyes glow red...” He mumbled.
 The younger Uchiha actually took pity on Naruto, “That's the Uchiha Kekke Genkai. Our eyes turn red sometimes to help in battle.” Sasuke explained. I was glad he didn't go in depth. There had once been a time when the sharingan was a clan secret, but after so many years it just became common knowledge. Still, the Uchiha didn't like explaining their Kekke Genkai unless absolutely necessary, that way there was less people trying to steal it.
 I sighed and shook my head, “You need to stop watching whatever it is you watch...” I said sadly. Then I grinned, this one full of evil intent. The genin hunkered down, obviously knowing that we were about to return to the failed exercise, “now... we're going to try this again, but it won't be as easy as the treasure hunt.” I said and waited for one of the genin to ask what I was planning for them to do.
 Finally Sasuke was the one who dared to ask, “What is it?”
 My grin grew wider, “You're going to prank my brother, Uchiha Obito.”
 I was very pleased the way Sasuke's skin turned a unhealthy pale color. If I thought he was pasty before, it was nothing compared to this. I was nearly shivering in excitement. Maybe having a genin team was fun after all, if I could get away with pranking the Uchiha Prankster.
  Chapter 5: Why Never to Prank Obito
“Who put you in charge, Teme?” Naruto whined the minute Sasuke tried to start planning their prank on his cousin.
 Sasuke glared at the blonde, “Obito is my cousin, I know his reputation.” The Uchiha boy said simply.
 “Ha! But I'm a prankster, so I should know what to do!”
 “You have no idea what Obito is capable of.”
 “So what?! Doesn't make you the leader!”
 I sighed exasperated and pinched the bridge of my nose. I should have known that the two boys were going to develop some kind of rivalry. Every team did it, even myself and one of my genin teammates had one. Although it was my teammate who was under the delusion that we had a rivalry, I had no interest in being a rival to anyone– especially not a civilian brat. I simply played along for the entertainment of watching the guy fail time and time again.
 If I remember correctly he retired from his shinobi career after losing the Chuunin Exams to me.
 As my two students continued to argue who should be the leader, I glanced down at the fidgeting Hyuuga heiress standing beside me, almost behind me. I guess it was time for some 'sensei-student' bonding time. “Hinata.” The girl looked up at me, her pale eyes wide with obvious fright. Mentally I sighed, maybe calling her a coward earlier was a bit much.
 “Y-y-yes, sensei?” She managed to stutter out, pressing her two forefingers together in a nervous habit.
 I swatted her hands down, “Stop that. First rule of being a kunoichi: don't show nervousness.” Hinata gripped her hands together behind her back, like a small child being scolded and nodded in a jerking manner, “Second, I'm putting you on teamwork duty. While the three of you are out pranking my brother, you're going to keep the boys from killing each other. Consider it your first lesson in asserting yourself.”
 Hinata paled and she looked down at her feet. I could see that she was gripping her hands tightly, as if she were trying to talk her courage up. I sighed and tapped the bottom of her chin, bringing her gaze to meet mine.
 “You will get over this nervous habit of yours, Hyuuga. Shy little kids don't make it in this career.” I said sternly. Hinata nodded quickly and I rolled my eyes. I was starting to wonder if she was only nodding so I would stop talking to her. “You can start by breaking those two up now.” I said and pointed at Sasuke and Naruto as they got in each other face.
 Hesitatingly Hinata shuffled towards the two fighting boys. I watched her closely as she neared Naruto and Sasuke, analyzing her ever move. “E-excuse me...” She said in a whisper. Of course the boys didn't hear her over their own loud voices.
 I groaned. Seems this was going to be harder than I thought. Putting my two index fingers to my mouth, I whistled loudly, making everyone in the vicinity cringe. My genin looked at me and I glared back, “Alright, pansies, if there's going to be that much of a fuss over team leader, I'll pick. Hinata is the leader,” Oh I would enjoy the looks of surprise from the three preteens for years to come. Still, before I could visualize those expressions again, I had to lay down ground rules, “She's also the person who's going to make sure you two don't fight. For this 'mission' to go successfully, you have to work together and be quiet! Any questions?” I didn't give them enough time to ask before I was continuing, “Good. Now when you're done, you can go home.”
 “How do you know if we pass or not?” Sasuke asked, a frown pulling his thin eyebrows low over his eyes.
 Grinning evilly, I tapped him on his Haiti-ate, “Trust me, I'll know. Good luck~! You're going to need it.”
 vvv 3rd Person~ Sasuke vvv
 The second Yanagi-sensei disappeared, Sasuke turned to his two teammates, “We need a plan of attack. Cousin Obito won't be an easy target.” He said. There was no way Sasuke would be able to retain his cool if he didn't think of this stupid childish test as an actual mission.
 Naruto glared at him, “Hey! Hinata is the leader! Stop trying to usurp her command!” Hinata blushed and looked away quickly, her whole face red. Sasuke rolled his eyes, it took him by surprise that the dobe hadn't caught on to Hinata's affections by now.
 “I'm surprise you even know what 'usurp' means.” Sasuke commented drily. Naruto pulled a hateful face, the corner of his mouth twitching in frustration.
 “G-guys! Please d-don-don't fight!” Hinata interrupted before Naruto could respond. Both boys looked away with equal sour looks. There were a few minutes of silence before Hinata spoke again, “S-S-Sas-Sasuke-san. W-what w-w-w-were you say-saying?”
 The Uchiha glanced at his female teammate, it wasn't often that any girl added the honorific -san to his name, most of the time it was -kun. Sasuke liked the change. Ignoring Naruto's pout, Sasuke explained his plan on pranking his older cousin.
 vvv Normal POV vvv
 “Yeah, so since I couldn't do the same test twice, I made them work on something completely different.” I said to Kakashi as we both sat in the shade of some random tree, boredly watching Asuma and his three new genin. We both had free time, since Kakashi already failed his team and mine were currently trying to impress me.
 Kakashi hummed as he read his favorite book of all time for the millionth time, “So what are they doing...?” He asked distractedly.
 “Pranking Obito.” I got a laugh when Kakashi nearly fell out of the tree branch he was lounging in. Quickly, too quickly for my liking, Kakashi managed to catch himself and prevent a blackmail worthy moment.
 “He's going to kill you.”
 “That's why I'm hanging out with you,” I said jokingly, “You love me too much to let my big bad brother murder me.”
 I only got a sigh from the Copy-nin. I knew what was going on in his mind. “You put up with me because I'm the only person in the universe who can get Obito to stop annoying you. Besides, I have years worth of blackmail on you.” I answered his unasked question.
 Kakashi gave me a dry look, “You're incorrigible.” He grumbled. I laughed at him. Of all people in Konoha, Kakashi was probably the only one I truly got along with. One could say that I saw Kakashi as another brother, only I liked this one more than my blood brother. I liked to think that he saw me as a little sister.
 He teased me like one.
 The white haired jounin leaned closer to me and gave me his famous eye-smile, “And I have plenty blackmail over you too.” He said cheerfully.
 Glaring I crossed my arms, “Shut up.” I grumbled, not wanting to talk anymore. I felt a finger poke my cheek and I whipped around to snap at it, but like always Kakashi pulled back before I could dig my teeth in his finger.
 “Your crush on me was so cute! Of all my fangirls, you were probably my favorite.” Kakashi teased.
 My glare intensified until I was giving him a full Uchiha Glare. Having been a teammate with a hothead like my brother and being Kakashi in general, of course he was immune to it. Damn man. “That was only a brief time, it was a phase I went through you idiot. Hero worship!” I defended myself hotly.
 Kakashi leaned back, satisfied that he had riled me up, and took his book out again, “Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll actually believe it one day.”
 I crossed my arms and slouched against the tree trunk, “I'm going to sell your Icha Icha novels, jerk.”
 “I keep them in a safe.”
 “What? You're not still mad that I burned your last series, are you?”
 “You should have listened to Obito then. He tried to warn you.” I said dismissively, shrugging as if burning his books were inevitable. Which, considering my undying hatred for the perverted novels, it kind of was inevitable.
 “Like I'd ever trust anything Obito would say.” Kakashi growled, probably remembering one of the many instances where trusting the Uchiha Prankster got Kakashi into trouble. I grinned mentally, remembering a few memories myself. Poor Kakashi had to learn what all Uchiha knew the hard way.
 “I'm pretty sure that when it comes to Icha Icha, Obito means every word he says.” I said drily. There were two things Kakashi and Obito had in common: their habit of tardiness and their creepy obsession with the Icha Icha series.
 Kakashi snorted and crossed his arms, the closest thing he'd ever get to pouting, “He also likes to spoil the new books.”
 I held up my hands as if to defend myself and screwed my eyes up, “I don't want to know anything that goes on in those smutty books of yours! You and my brother can keep your perverseness to yourselves!” I snapped.
 My brother figure glanced at me, his single visible eye full of mischief. Well crap, I just dug myself into a hole. Kakashi opened his mouth, or at least I assumed by the way his face mask moved, to speak but someone beat him to it.
 “Are you two going to distract my team all day or what?”
 Kakashi and I looked down from our perches to see Asuma standing at the base of the tree giving us a rather stern look, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Behind him, his three genin were watching us curiously. If I remember correctly, the blonde girl was one of Sasuke's more adamant fangirls, but I wasn't for sure. Kakashi only dipped his head in greeting and buried his nose in his dirty orange book.
 “Sorry, Asuma” I said, but my tone wasn't apologetic. Asuma may be more powerful and older than me, but I was still an Uchiha. Arrogance was a hereditary trait that my clan was born with. I didn't respect anyone unless they absolutely deserved it. Kakashi, without looking up from his book, swatted me in the back of my head.
 I glared at him, but before I could say anything Asuma spoke again, “Could you take your argument somewhere else?” Even though the Sarutobi had asked it as a question, both Kakashi and I knew it was an order.
 Without saying a word, Kakashi stood and threw me over his shoulder like he used to when I was a kid. “Hey! Let me go, you scarecrow!” I shouted in indignity, but of course he ignored me.
 vvv 3rd Person vvv
 “Shisui have you seen Yanagi?” An irritated voice asked. Both Itachi and Shisui turned around to face Obito. To their complete surprise he was covered head to toe in honey; stray coils of ninja wire still wrapped around random places of his body.
 Shisui blinked, “Uh... Obito-senpai? What happened to you?” The Uchiha with long eyelashes asked, shocked to see his former Konoha Police mentor so... gooey.
 Obito was too busy glaring past the two men at the third in their company, who was trying to act as casual as he could. Itachi and Shisui followed the older Uchiha's gaze to Sasuke. Itachi frowned a little, obviously making the connection between Obito's honeyed state and his little brother's poorly accomplished innocent expression. “Sasuke, did you do this?” The Uchiha Prodigy asked in a passive voice.
 Sasuke, who could never lie when around his brother, looked down guiltily. Everyone could practically feel Obito's killer intent spike. Itachi dropped his stoic facade to glare at his cousin, not liking the potential threat to his little brother.
 Shisui on the other hand was staring at Sasuke with his head tilted. He really couldn't understand why Sasuke would do something like that, especially when it was uncalled for. As far as Shisui knew, Obito and Sasuke had never talked except in passing. And any Uchiha would have to be insane to actually prank the Uchiha Prankster.
 “Where. Is. Yanagi?” Obito growled at Sasuke. Itachi twitched, obviously wanted to step between Obito and his brother, but refrained. Neither would appreciate his interference. And Itachi really didn't want to suffer through another prank of Obito's.
 He was still finding feathers in his room from all those damn chickens.
 Sasuke stared defiantly up at Obito, obviously not scared of the goofiest Uchiha. Shisui had to admit that the kid had guts. Obito was one hot tempered Uchiha, only bested by his younger sister Yanagi. Hell, when Yanagi was on a rampage even Shisui stayed well out of her warpath. That woman had no respect for anyone, not her brother and guardian, not her clan leader... there were times when Shisui doubted that even the Hokage received Yanagi's respect.
 “Kakashi, put me down damn it!”
 Well speak of the devil.
 Shisui grinned as Obito spun in his gooey glory to glare at Yanagi thrown over Kakashi's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The young woman struggled even harder when she spied her brother, “You little traitor. I'm going to burn your whole house down now!”
 “Go right ahead, my books are in a fire proof safe.” Kakashi returned drily before dumping Yanagi on the ground right in front of her glaring brother. Yanagi crossed her arms and glared right back at him. Shisui smiled at the sight of the two siblings glaring, they were so different from Itachi and Sasuke.
 “I've got a perfectly good reason.” Yanagi said defensively before Obito could get a word in.
 “Oh I would love to hear this.” Her brother growled back.
 “My genin are idiots, but they're idiots who pass.”
 Itachi and Shisui exchanged slightly confused confused looks. They were both wondering the same thing, where in the world did Yanagi's genin team–Shisui didn't even know she had one–came into play with Sasuke pranking Obito?! Shisui caught Sasuke glaring hotly at Yanagi from behind Itachi and then it clicked.
 Shisui laughed, bringing all attention to him, “Was this your teamwork building exercise, Yagi?” He asked, highly amused. As he suspected, Yanagi immediately clammed up the moment she saw Shisui. He should have known that Yanagi would use the excuse of teaching her genin teamwork to prank her brother.
  Chapter 6 Shisui and D-ranks are Not Pleasant
 There was a quiet, slightly awkward, cough, “Do they do this a lot?” I heard Kurenai ask, her tone one of concern.
 My brother sighed beside me, “You have no idea...” He grumbled. Without looking I landed my elbow in his side, “OUCH! Yanagi, that hurts.” Obito yelled at me. Oh how I wanted to make a snappy comment; however a certain jerk sitting beside me, grinning devilishly, was preventing me from doing so. I settled for a dark look.
 Shisui's grin widened when I returned my glare to him, “Awww... I was hoping I'd catch you talking. I haven't heard your melodious voice in forever~” He teased. I just continued to glare at him. Shisui pouted and looked over my head at a now snickering Obito, “Obito-senpai, your imoto is being mean!”
 I went to punch Shisui, but Obito hooked a hand around my elbow, “No.” He said sternly. Obito always did like Shisui, so I was never allowed to hit him when my brother was around.
 I narrowed my eyes at the most skilled Uchiha, trying to tell him with my eyes how lucky he was that my brother was here to stop me from punching Shisui's lights out. Shisui seemed to get my message and ruffled my hair like when we were younger as he stood up, “See ya, Yagi!” The nickname set my teeth on edge and I would have hit him again, if Obito hadn't already guessed my intentions and wrapped an arm around my torso, keeping me in my seat. Shisui gave me another grin before bowing politely to the elite jounin sitting around the table, then he shunshined away like he was never there.
 Stickin' shunshin master...
 I crossed my arms, “Damn Uchiha... I hate him.” I growled when I couldn't feel his chakra anymore. Obito and Kakashi seemed to be the only ones amused by my silent treatment towards Shisui.
 “But I thought you said you didn't hate him, imoto.” Obito interjected.
 “I don't!”
 “You just said you did a minute ago.”
 “What, are you giving me the silent treatment now?” Obito teased. I glared at him hotly, I hated older brothers; that I would readily admit to. Obito leaned closer, a grin similar to Shisui's on his face.
 My glare intensified as I leaned back, trying to put more personal space between us. My brother knew I hated people evading my personal space, and he used it to his advantage, “Outta my face or I'm going to steal your candy stash again.” I threatened. Like a spring, Obito was sitting straight again, sending me a dirty look. I grinned back at him, the tables had turned.
 Kurenai sighed, more used to Obito and my antics than my silent treatment towards Shisui, “Would you two stop?” She asked, her tone someone managing to stay between polite and exasperated. Only the Yuhi woman could accomplish such a tone.
 Kakashi scoffed from his corner of the booth, his eyes still on his smutty literature. At least Obito knew when to stop reading. “Getting those two to stop is like getting-”
 I butted in before he could finish, “Getting you to stop reading your porn?” I drawled. When Kakashi gave me a one eyed glare I grinned at him. Asuma and Kurenai tried to hide their chuckles while Obito didn't even bother. Kakashi slowly bookmarked his place and put the book away, still glaring at me.
 “I was going to say getting you to stop antagonizing your team.” Kakashi said in an irritated tone that he usually reserved for Obito when my brother was being particularly annoying.
 I scoffed, “They're a bunch of pansies, they get what they deserve.” It was a lame defense, but then again Fugaku hadn't really been thinking when he put me as Sasuke's sensei. It would be his fault if his youngest son was mentally scarred when I got through with him. “Besides,” I continued with my nose in the air, “the worst thing I have done was scare the shit out of that class when I yelled at those Uchiha brats.”
 Kurenai giggled, “Yes, I heard about that from Kiba. He said you reminded him of his mother.”
 “Shikamaru thinks you're very 'troublesome' too. Ino and Chouji looked a little shaken up about the whole thing.” Asuma added, “I can't imagine how your team feels having you as a sensei.”
 I glared at the Sarutobi, slightly insulted, “How they feel about me does not matter,” I paused for a moment then said with a sneer, “but... I'm pretty sure they're scared shitless. Especially the Hyuuga girl.”
 Obito sighed, “You're going to be the worst sensei ever...” He mumbled, rolled his eyes. No one said anything, but I could tell they agreed with him. Bunch of lackluster faithless jerks if you ask me.
 Pursing my lips I turned to Kakashi, “So, how bad did your almost team fail?” I asked, changing the subject.
 Kakashi gave me a look that told me he knew exactly what I was trying to do, but answered anyway, “Miserably, though I might take the Uchiha kid on as a personal student. He was the only one smart enough to figure it out.” Obito and I perked up at the mention of our clan name.
 “Uchiha? Who?” Obito questioned, leaning towards his best friend/rival.
 Kakashi shrugged, “Some kid named Netsui. He has a twin sister who was placed on another team.”
 My brother and I exchanged looks. We knew who Kakashi was talking about. Having twins in the clan was extremely rare, so Netsui and Nerai were considered something special. “Why didn't they place Nerai on your team, Kakashi-baka? Netsui and Nerai have a lot of combo attacks that could be useful.” Obito commented. Kakashi only shrugged again and I rolled my eyes, seeing that he was reading Icha Icha under the table. I was sorely tempted to 'accidentally' spill my drink on Kakashi and see if I could ruin his book.
 Before I could attempt anything, Anko suddenly appeared carrying a plate of dango, “Yo my bitches! What boring conversation are you- HEY!” Anko shouted when Obito and I simultaneously nabbed a dango stick from Anko's plate and stuffed them in our mouths before Anko could snatch them back. Everyone at the table sighed.
 The snake mistress glared at us, “You're lucky that I love you two, or you'd be dead... pigs.” She growled.
 Kurenai shook her head, “You should know better than to bring sweets around Obito and his sister.” She scolded lightly. Anko was still glaring at us as she grabbed her last dango stick and popped the first dumpling in her mouth. Kakashi was just giving the both of us dry looks that practically screamed, 'you nimrods'.
 What can I say, when it came to anything containing sugar, Obito and I were on it like white on rice.
 “Mm,” I waved my now empty dango stick around as I chewed on the last dumpling. Swallowing I continued, “did you know that Sasuke doesn't like sweets?” I commented. The look of absolute horror on Obito's face was priceless. Anko, who was almost as bad of a sugar junkie as Obito and I, looked almost as horrified. The rest of the jounin were too busy trying not to laugh at Obito's expression, myself included.
 “What Uchiha doesn't like sweets?!” Obito shouted, gaining a few looks from the patrons in the tea house where the six of us were relaxing.
 I shrugged at my Nii-san's question, “Apparently the second son to Fugaku. I tried to be nice and share my candy with him yesterday, but he said he didn't like sweets.” I got more surprised faces, but this time for a completely different reason.
 “You... offered to share candy with someone?” Anko asked. There was a brief pause before she slapped her hand to my forehead, “Nope, you ain't got a fever. Were you blackmailed into doing it then?” I glared and slapped her hand away.
 “Hey, I was trying to 'bond' with my students. With that hodgepodge of weirdos, I need to find some resemblance of sanity before I forget what it looks like.” I snapped sarcastically. I then turned to glare at Asuma and Kurenai, “How well does your students get along with each other?” I asked, though I already knew what they were going to say.
 The not-quite-yet-couple glanced at each other, probably silently communicating like the old married couple they should be. “Well...” Kurenai started hesitantly, “Kiba has some kind of one sided rivalry going on with Shino, but it's nothing too bad; and Sakura yells at Kiba a lot for being too... I think she said 'Naruto-like'.” I snorted at that one. This Kiba brat must be annoying indeed if he was compared to Naruto.
 Asuma shrugged when I turned to him, “Ino acts the same way as Sakura, she gets fed up with Shikamaru's lazy habits. She also tries to boss the boys around every so often, but Shikamaru and Chouji just go along with it. They're all very laid back.”
 “You lucky jerks.” I whined.
 Obito glared at me, “You're team seems to have good teamwork, stop complaining.” My brother growled. I laughed at him. No doubt he was remembering yesterday and the honey. I'd still be in the doghouse if I hadn't thought ahead and bought Obito two weeks worth of candy. In our house, candy equaled instant forgiveness, no matter how bad the crime was.
 “But they're still idiots. Hinata looks like she's going to faint half the time and Naruto is either trying to physically fight me or Sasuke. And Sasuke is trying to act cool and-” My eyes casually flicked up to the small clock hanging on the back wall of the tea shop. I stiffened when I realized the time. “Shit! My team has a mission!” I cursed and literally vaulted over my brother in my hurry to get away. The group of jounin laughed as I tore out of the tea house in a fury to beat my team to our meeting point.
 The last thing I needed was my team complaining about me being late.
 “You're late.” Sasuke said dully when I came skidding to a halt five minutes before the time I had given my team. Luckily my cousin was the only one there. My biggest worry had been the loud mouth blonde. Naruto would never let me live it down if I had been late.
 I glared at the navy haired Uchiha as I tried to catch my breath, “Not a... word.” I panted.
 Sasuke smirked, “What will I get out of it?” He asked smugly. Damn it, he was catching on.
 “Name your price.” I said in all seriousness.
 My cousin's smirk grew wider, “I want to know why you won't talk to Shisui.” Damn it all, this brat was learning too quick! I was expecting him to name his favorite food and make me buy it like Obito usually did, not information.
 “HA! I'M EARLY, SO I'M NOT LATE!” Naruto shouted then as he came running up to us, saving me from a conversation I didn't want to have. By the looks of his disheveled state, it was clear that he would have been late if he hadn't hauled ass.
 I looked around as was surprised to see Hinata standing slightly behind the two boys. I raised an eyebrow, I hadn't even noticed her come up. There was no way of knowing if she was early or on time. Mentally I made a note to bump up Hinata to more advance stealth training before I pulled out the mission scroll, “Okay, first D-ranked mission of the day is... babysitting twins.”
 I don't know who groaned louder: me or Naruto.
 Naruto and I came to the mutual agreement to ditch the brats with Hinata and Sasuke. I was already struggling not to kill myself by just dealing with three preteens, I didn't need two five year olds to add to the list. Naruto just didn't like small kids in general.
 Hinata, not surprisingly, took care of her brat quite well. The five year old seemed quite taken with the shy Hyuuga heiress. I was sorely tempted to make a comment about Hinata's future abilities at motherhood, but decided against it knowing she would just faint. Sasuke also fared okay. After a few tantrums, the brat quieted down knowing that Sasuke wasn't going to deal with any of his crap. As Hinata and Sasuke wondered around Konoha with their kids in tow, Naruto and I followed behind them talking aimlessly about our favorite foods. When I said I didn't like ramen, Naruto nearly had a heart attack, which was amusing to Sasuke and I. The twins looked confused as to why Naruto was on the ground twitching while Hinata was stuttering up a storm trying to talk to the comatose blonde.
 At noon we returned the twins to their parents and I dragged my team with me to clean Nekobaa's house. This time it was Hinata and Naruto that did all the work while Sasuke and I visited with the Uchiha weapons supplier. Nekobaa and I were mostly content in teasing Sasuke about his little paw challenge that Itachi-san had given him when they were younger. Sasuke didn't seem to mind all that much, though he did glare at me for quite a while. Naturally, being Uchiha, Sasuke and I were overrun by cats demanding for attention. Of course Naruto flubbed it up when, after seeing Sasuke and I casually petting the ever present cats, tried to pet one too.
 I probably should have told him that only members of the Uchiha clan were allowed to touch the cats.
 Needless to say, Naruto got his ass handed to him by a house cat. Hinata then did another swooning/stuttering episode as she tried to talk to the once again unconscious Naruto. Sasuke and I just enjoyed ourselves again.
 After the mission with Nekobaa, I took my team to help clean out an old abandoned building that was going to be torn down soon. Hinata and I sat this mission out as the boys used their 'muscles' to move old rotten crates and other decrepit treasures that were buried in the corners of the warehouse. I tried to cure Hinata of her stuttering problem in that time, but I only succeeded in lessening how much she stuttered by a few seconds before Naruto once again caused disaster.
 I tried to make the man who owned the building see the bright side: now he would have to pay the demolition teams anything, since Naruto flattened the building like a bug.
 I'm still not sure how he did that...
 At sunset I lead Team 7 back to the Missions Assignment Office to hand in the reports of the missions. Of all of them, the babysitting mission had gone the smoothest. It was the only one that didn't fail due to destruction of private property. I was starting to worry that all our missions would fail as bad. One lecture from the Hokage about mission effectiveness later, Hiruzen dismissed us and Team 7 dispersed into the growing dusk, each heading to their own home.
 Sasuke and I walked back together in silence, far enough apart that we wouldn't brush up against each other as we walked. I was starting to get a feeling that this was going to be a regular thing.
 “You never did tell me why you don't speak to Shisui.” Sasuke commented out of the blue.
 I glared into the distance. Damn it I had been hoping he had forgotten about that. When I didn't say anything he continued, “I asked Shisui yesterday, but he only laughed it off and changed the subject. Aniki said you two used to be good friends.”
 “What happened to the glaring boy who first introduced himself?” I asked dryly.
 “He got curious.”
 “Curiosity killed the cat.”
 Sasuke finally glared at me before smirking, “And satisfaction brought it back.”
 I twitched in irritation. This kid had been hanging around Obito and Shisui too much if he was starting to quote those two goofballs. I started picking up my pace, making the Uchiha brat have to jog to keep up with me, “I don't have to explain anything to you. It's private.”
 Sasuke shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, “Fine. I'll tell Naruto that you were late today. I imagine he'll stop teasing you about it... when you're in your grave. Maybe not though.”
 It was hard resisting the urge to smack the boy upside the head like I would Nii-san or Shisui when they started blackmailing me. You don't blackmail the Blackmail Queen and get away with it, it was simply unheard of. I thought frantically of a way to get out of the mess I had created and cursed the fact that I didn't have any blackmail to hold over Sasuke.
 Oh wait...
 I smirked evilly down at him, enjoying the sight of Sasuke tensing up in anxiety. I already had the Uchiha brat trained so well, “Go ahead and tell Naruto,” I started nonchalantly with a shrug of my own. My eyes gleamed as I grinned sadistically, “but don't come whining to me when people start asking if you and the blonde brat are dating... That kiss was so romantic. I wonder what your family will think.”
 My little cousin's complexion turned from white to green to red in under two seconds. I laughed loudly and reached down to ruffle his duckass hair, ignoring his rather impressive glare, “Never try to blackmail the Blackmail Queen, I have that nickname for a reason. I know every embarrassing secret about everyone. Now drop the subject and you'll maintain your dignity.”
 “I will find out one day.” Sasuke said stubbornly.
 I held out my hands, palms facing upwards, and shrugged to show how much I cared, “Sure... maybe you will.” I said in a soothing tone, the kind that parents got when their child failed at something and was bawling their eyes out.
 Another glare from the boy, “Don't patronize me.”
 “Then don't leave yourself open.”
 “You're annoying.”
 “I've heard it all before, brat. Keep it coming.”
 “Aniki says you don't respect anyone.”
 “I don't respect people for who they are born as. They earn my respect.” I snapped, a little more harshly than I intended.
 Sasuke was silent after that, his young face hard with contemplation. I eyed the boy as we reached the Uchiha Compound. I knew Sasuke was smart–he should be after having a genius for an older brother–so it wasn't much of a surprise that he would think before he spoke. Still that expression on his face didn't belong on the twelve year old's face; one could hardly expect an adult to think so deeply, let alone a child. I did the only thing I could do.
 I swatted him upside the head.
 “HEY!” Sasuke yelped and glared at me as he rubbed the back of his head. I pulled my cousin in a choke hold and ground my first knuckle into his temple, like Obito used to do to me when I was younger.
 “You're still a brat and I still don't like you, but stop trying to over think things. Didn't you learn anything from your first teamwork exercise?” I asked. Sasuke glared at me for the reminder about his understated 'clue'. I laughed and pushed in away from me, “Go home and bother your 'aniki,' brat.” I said cheerfully and started to turn away before I remembered something.
 “Oh...” I looked over my shoulder at Sasuke who froze on spot, probably thinking I was going to say something evil, “and if Shisui ever gives you trouble, just ask him about his nineteenth birthday.” I said with a wink. I shunshined away, leaving the poor kid frowning in confusion.
  Chapter 7: Hypocrite Thy Name is-
Mission One: Retrieve cat from tree
 Rank: D-rank
 Team: Team 7
 Complete: yes
 Overview from Sensei: Team arrived on site for the mission and evaluated the situation. Sasuke shows signs of a adept strategist as he relayed a plan to his teammates on how to get the cat out of the tree. Hinata appears to be a good follower, as she completed every task Sasuke gave her. Naruto, however, shows that he is neither a good leader or a good follower. Disregarding both mine and Sasuke's orders, Naruto created kage bushin to climb up and retrieve the cat alone. Both Naruto and the tree were injured and the cat traumatized.
 Mission Two: Grocery Shopping for the Chief Councilor’s Wife (time limit: 2 hours)
 Rank: D-rank
 Team: Team 7
 Complete: no
 Overview from Sensei: Hinata took action by dividing up the long list of groceries between the three genin to save time. Sasuke shows excellent signs of being a follower when it is needed. He finished his section in record time and had the foresight to retrieve items not on the list but were still necessary. Hinata was only moments behind Sasuke in completing her tasks. Naruto go sidetracked by ramen and thus failed the time crucial mission.
 Mission Three: Weeding the Public Gardens
 Rank: D-Rank
 Team: Team 7
 Complete: no
 Overview from Sensei: Sasuke and Hinata did alright. They successfully finished their sections of the gardens and disposed of the weeds properly. Hinata was even able to give advice about plant upkeep to the caretakers. Naruto pulled everything, plant and weed, from his sections. Half of his paycheck has been cut to go to the whiny plant caretakers.
 Mission Four: Cleaning Nekobaa's House
 Rank: D-rank
 Team: Team 7
 Overview from Sensei: An almost replica of the team's first mission to clean Nekobaa's hut. Sasuke and Hinata applied their ninja skills to complete their tasks faster. Naruto once again upset the cats and made another mess. Thankfully Nekobaa was not too upset.
 Mission Five: Babysitting
 Rank: D-Rank
 Team: Team 7
 Complete: yes
 Overview from Sensei: Naruto shouldn't be allowed around children. He somehow traumatized the little brat... and not by means that you are thinking of.
 Mission Six: Gardening for Lady Jin
 Rank: D-Rank
 Team: Team 7
 Complete: no
 I shoved the reports away from me and tossed the pen down. I needed a break. It was only my official second day of being a jounin sensei and already I needed a break. I was going to go insane if I had to spend another minute around those three brats!
 “YANAGI-SENSEI!” A voice I knew too well, and didn't like at all, shouted from the front door. The brat was loud enough that I could hear his voice even from the back of the house. Cursing I started to get up to answer it when the worst happened.
 “HEY LOUD-MOUTH BRAT! SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH BEFORE I FIND AWAY TO STITCH IT CLOSED! I'M TRYING TO WRITE REPORTS!!” Obito roared and I cringed at the sound of his loud voice bouncing off the walls of our house. Fugaku really didn't think things through when he thought that a two bedroom house was enough for the infamous Uchiha hotheads.
 “SAY THAT TO MY FACE!” Naruto, of course, yelled back. Luckily his voice was a little muffled so I didn't go completely deaf then and there.
 Nii-san cursed rather loudly and I could hear him stomping towards the front door. Well crap, now I had to deal with two idiots under the same roof. I groaned from my seat, not having yet bothered to move and separate the two before things could escalate. Why oh why was I cursed to live with a difficult brother and have to teach the loudest brat I had ever known in existence? Even if I was the worst kind of insane homicidal psychopath in a past life, I doubted that I deserved this fate.
 Whoever told Naruto where I lived, I was going to murder them in the most horrific way.
 “Hey! You're that guy we had to prank.” I could hear Naruto saying as I heard the sliding door slam open. Oh crap. I forgot about that prank! Scrambling out of my seat I rushed into the main room just in time to see Obito glowering down at my student. At least he wasn't killing him... yet.
 Obito, to say the least, didn't look pleased at all, “Kid, you've got three seconds to get off my property.”  Naruto had better thank his lucky stars that he was the son of Minato-san; otherwise I doubted that the blonde brat would be standing there for very long. Predictably, a very long and very loud argument between the two knuckleheads started.
 I sighed as I thought about my options. Option one: Do nothing and let Obito and Naruto dislike each other. It might be a good thing, since they wouldn't bother me as much when they were too busy yelling at each other. However, two extremely loud people shouting at each other was a sure ticket to migraines. Option two: Make them like each other. If Nii-san got along well enough with Naruto then they would probably go pranking together and get out of my hair for a few hours. The downside was that I would have to deal with Naruto more often. My choice was clear.
 After retrieving Obito's wallet from his room, I chucked it at my brother and hit him on the back of his head. Obito spun around to glare at me, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He snapped.
 I glared back at him, “Stop giving me headaches and go bond with your Mini-me. Buy ramen or whatever.” I dismissed with a wave of my hand.
 “Mini-me?! He's (I'm) not my (his) Mini-me!” Obito and Naruto shouted at the same time, in the exact same offended voice. I laughed at their expressions as horror came over their faces and they glanced at each other. Everything was in perfect sync, it was very creepy but amusing at the same time. I just gave the two a knowing smirk. It was so obvious that Nii-san and the Kyuubi brat were alike, and they just kept proving it by mimicking each other.
 I turned to Naruto as the two came to terms with their sudden likeness, “How'd you get here? I know someone told you, who were they?” I asked sternly.
 Naruto was still too busy giving Obito a nasty glare, which was returned tenfold, to answer me. It wasn't until I reached around my brother and yanked harshly on Naruto's ear that the blonde finally looked at me, “Ai ai ai! Frizzy-sensei! Don't pulllll!” He whined. I stiffened at the nickname and Obito burst out laughing.
 “Frizzy...sensei?” I asked, my tone turning dangerously. My hair, I admit, was unruly–even more so than Shisui's–but you never ever tease a woman about her appearance. Especially a hot tempered woman like me. Uchiha women were naturally beautiful, with their long flowing hair and dark intelligent eyes; I knew I wasn't on par with them, and I was extra volatile about my appearance because of that.
 The kid seemed to understand that he was in deep trouble now as he squirmed in my grip. He kept apologizing over and over. I just pinched his earlobe harder in a warning before letting go. The brat danced from foot to foot, both hands clasped to his injured ear, wailing about how much it hurt. Obito snickered the whole time, finding amusement in what he normally did when Rin pulled on his ear.
 I shot my brother a meaningful look and thankfully Obito caught my meaning and shoved Naruto out the door, “Come on, ya brat. I'm hungry and my imoto will only murder you if you stay here.” My brother drawled. Naruto made no complaints, probably hoping that Obito would take pity on the blonde and feed him.
 Rolling my eyes at the stupidity of those around me, I shut the door and went back to my room. I needed to finish those stupid mission reports.
 Someone murder me now.
 “OBITO!” A voice shouted and I groaned, letting my head fall onto my desk. Was I never to have a moment's peace to myself without some loud mouth idiot coming to ruin it?! Though, granted the person yelling now wasn't a loud mouth...
 He was just extremely pissed.
 I glared at Kakashi the minute I walked into the main room, “Honestly, Kakashi, you have no room to yell at Obito-nii for lateness. You do it yourself!” I snapped as my way to say hello.
 “Where is he?”
 “Out distracting Naruto so I can do reports.”
 “Did he finish his?”
 I shrugged, “He was working on his reports until Naruto came along. By the way, do you know who told Naruto where we live? 'Cause I sure as hell didn't!” I eyed Kakashi suspiciously, thinking maybe he had something to do with it; but I turned the thought down immediately. The only association Kakashi had with Naruto was through Minato-san. And besides, neither Obito or I had warranted the revenge of the Copy-nin... yet.
 Kakashi also shrugged, his temporary anger already dissipating. I don't know how Kakashi managed to go through the emotional spectrum so fast. Normally the only thing that could rile the white haired shinobi up was Obito, and Kakashi's anger usually went away after a few minutes. I on the other hand could hold grudges for a long time.
 ...Five years in fact...
 I rolled my eyes when Kakashi didn't say anything and walked past him to shut the door; Kakashi had a bad habit of leaving doors open when it wasn't his own house. I turned back to my brother figure after I locked the door. Seriously, living in a shinobi village... and we had a cheap lock on the door. Both Obito and I were powerful in the clan, bested only by Itachi and Shisui, so I didn't understand why Obito installed the lock in the first place. Besides, what good what it do? If anyone was determined enough, a lock wasn't going to stop them.
 “Any particular reason why you came to yell for my brother? Or are you just making sure he's not being lazy?” I asked Kakashi.
 Kakashi fell back into his laid-back persona and chuckled sheepishly, “A little bit of both actually.” He said, scratching the back of his head. I huffed, of course he was. I raised an eyebrow and waited for Kakashi to elaborate, “Obito promised Rin and me that he would meet us at the BBQ today at noon.” I checked the time. It was almost four in the afternoon, only an hour since Obito left to distract Naruto.
 I rolled my eyes, “And you're only now coming to yell at him? I think you're a tad late yourself, Kakashi.” My brother figure shrugged as if it was okay when he was the one that was late.
 “Fine. Since you're here, you're going to treat me to dinner. No exceptions.” I said and pulled Kakashi out of the house. Had it been Obito, he would have whined about being forced to come, but Kakashi just chuckled at my controlling nature. He had long since learned that when I put my mind to something, I was the most stubborn thing alive.
 A few minutes later found the two of us in an Akimichi restaurant. The Akimichi clan was famous for owning several restaurants around Konoha as well as being a ninja clan. Many clans had civilian sideline profits that could be used for shinobi means; it was almost rare not to. The Akimichi were into restaurants, but they also made most of Konoha's standard ration bars and mission food supplies. The Yamanaka clan owns chains of flower shops and provided shinobi with poisons and herbs. The Uchiha worked as police for civilians but they could easily switch to being an army if the need arose. There were various ways the clans could help Konoha's civilian population; it was a complex system smoothed out from years of experimenting.
 Except the Hyuuga clan, they were just a bunch of freeloaders.
 “So did you ever decide if you were going to personally train that Uchiha kid or not?” I asked as Kakashi pulled down his mask to enjoy his dinner. The two of us were in a private booth so there were no worries about people seeing Kakashi's face. Since I had been practically raised by Kakashi as well as Obito, it was inevitable that I would see the Copy-nin unmasked so Kakashi never truly bothered to hide his face from me. Plus it always helped that I had threatened to reveal pictures of him unmasked to the fangirl population if he ever tried to hide his face from me.
 That was my first ever blackmail and I found pride in it.
 Kakashi held up a finger as he finished chewing on his mouthful of broiled saury. I was just happy that he didn't talk with his mouth full like Nii-san did, the uncouth pig. “I'm still debating.” He said nonchalantly when he swallowed. Code for: I haven't decided to retire from ANBU Corps yet. “What do you think I should do?” Kakashi added, almost in afterthought.
 “Mmm... when I talked to Sasuke about it, he said that Netsui was one of the top genin. It seems unfair that he would fail just because his team has no concept of teamwork.” I tapped my chopsticks against my bowl of Nikujaga as I thought. There were really only two options for Netsui. He could always go into the Genin Corps and work his way slowly up in ranks, but that would take time and it was unheard of for an Uchiha to do so. Or he could snag a jounin master and learn privately, which could go one of two ways: having a Uchiha clansmen help or a random jounin. A non-clansmen wouldn't be any good anyway, since they couldn't teach Netsui how to master his Sharingan if it developed; and getting an Uchiha to be Netsui's master could be problematic in the sense that Konoha would think the clan was beginning to conspire again. That was a fate I wished to avoid at all costs.
 I might have no love for the clan, but I still didn't want it to be wiped out like it almost was.
 A sudden flick in the forehead startled me out of my musings. Kakashi rolled his eye as he sat back, “Stop plotting and tell me what you're thinking.” He said dryly. I giggled a little. Because of his sharingan gift from Obito, Kakashi was one of the few outsiders that was close to the Uchiha clan so he knew all about our tendency to over think things.
 Quickly I explained my thoughts about Netsui's future. Even though he kept a relaxed posture Kakashi seemed to listen intently to my reasoning, I could tell by the sharp glint in his eye. That was one reason why I liked Kakashi. He didn't think that because I was female, even if I was an Uchiha, that I didn't know anything. I might not have Itachi-san's ability to think up plans years in advance and predict every possible outcome, but I still had a sharp mind and I put it to use. Kakashi knew that.
 Kakashi's single visible eyebrow pulled down low over his nose and his mouth turned downwards in a frown as he came to the same conclusion I did. If Kakashi didn't do anything, Netsui would be isolated from the clan and saw as a failure like Obito had been when he refused to take his sharingan back from Kakashi. The Uchiha clan didn't look kindly on failures; our ruthlessness was one of the aspects that made us stronger than most clans. Kind hearted fools had better be powerful or else they were cut off. It was one thing that would never change, even with the clan's change of heart we would be ruthless to the end.
 A heavy silence fell over our booth as I waited for Kakashi to speak. I knew Kakashi was going through all his options carefully, trying to see every possible outcome. Kakashi didn't run headfirst into things, he was levelheaded and logical. If I pushed him now he would probably read wrongly into my motives, thinking that I might have an ulterior motive in regards to Netsui's future. I would have to be patient and wait for Kakashi's answer.
 Finally my brother figure groaned, “No offense... but your clan sucks.” He said resigned.
 I laughed, “No offense taken, I think the same thing.” I said lightly and turned back to my Nikujaga. A different kind of silence descended on us, this one more peaceful now that matters were resolved and Netsui wasn't in danger of becoming an outcast like my brother.
 Of course, Kakashi in all his nosy glory had to ask, “Why are you so interested in the kid anyway? He's not related directly to you like Sasuke.”
 “Because,” I said seriously, giving my brother figure a hard stare, “I don't want anyone to end up like Obito. People still look down on Nii-san, even though he is the third most powerful in the clan. I... I don't want anyone to suffer like he has.” I finished in a whisper, staring down at my bowl of sweet beef. Suddenly it didn't look all that appealing anymore. I admit it, for all my ranting about Obito and for all the times I claimed I didn't like him, I was still his younger sister. And little sister had to look up to their brothers, especially when their brother was the person who raised them.
 Kakashi shifted in his seat, probably extremely uncomfortable. The Copy-nin never really did handle emotions well, there was a reason why one of his ANBU nicknames was the 'Hot and Cold Kakashi.' But hey, at least I wasn't crying.
 Kakashi freaked when a girl cried near him.
 “Maa... doesn't Netsui have a twin?” Kakashi asked, discomfort coloring his voice a little. I knew he would change the subject. Kakashi trying to get away from sensitive topics was about as certain as Gai connecting any conversation to youth in some fashion.
 So forgive me if I couldn't help but snort a little at his predictability, “Yeah. Nerai has good medical skills, best in her class from what I hear. Can you talk to Rin and see if she is willing to sponsor Nerai?” Nerai was easy to deal with, it was Netsui that I was concerned about. The Uchiha clan was always harder on their men than the women.
 Bunch of sexist pricks.
 Without waiting for Kakashi's reply I stood and threw some yen down on the table, “You can go read your porn now, Hentai-nii. I'm through bothering you for the day.” I said teasingly. Kakashi's expression was not a happy one to say the least.
 But that was what made things fun.
 I barely sat down at my desk, prepared to finished up those stupid mission reports even if it killed me, when there was loud banging at the front door... again. I was never going to win! Growling curses and muttering of all the ways I could kill whoever was at the door, going as far as to specify what I would do with their severed fingers and toes, I went to answer the door.
 “What the hell do you want?” I growled as I slammed the door open then froze when I saw who was standing at my door.
 I blinked.
 And blinked again.
 Fugaku did not look amused at all. “We have been summoned to the Hokage's office. Let's go.” He said in that gruff voice of his before he shunshined away.
 I stood there for a moment, stunned that the Uchiha clan leader would have actually come to my door. If Fugaku ever needed something from either Obito or I, he would send one of his little minions to fetch us, not come personally. Whatever he wanted, it was serious if it could get his royal ass within ten meters of our house. Out of sheer curiosity, and nothing else, I followed after my clan leader and went to the Hokage's Office.
 I sincerely wished I hadn't.
 The moment I stepped into Hiruzen's office I knew I was in trouble. Not only was Fugaku standing off to the side, glaring at me like he always did, but across the room the Hyuuga clan leader also stood, giving me the same glare.
 If it wasn't for the different colored eyes, I'd say they were related.
 Ignoring the two arrogant clan leaders, I focused my attention on the highly amused Hokage, “You wished to see me, Hokage-sama?” I asked, my tone perfectly polite. From the aura darkening around Fugaku, I knew it irritated him. I had to keep the smirk off my face. Annoy my clan leader by being polite: check.
 The Hokage seemed to know what I was doing, since he shook his head disappoint but that didn't make his small smile go away. The Hyuuga spoke instead of the Hokage though, “The matter of my daughter.”
 “What about her?” I demanded, not even pretending to be polite. I might not like the Uchiha clan, but like any Uchiha with even an ounce of loyalty, I automatically detested the Hyuuga.
 The Hyuuga clan leader, whatever his name was, twitched at the blatant disrespect. I smirked at him, Uchiha may be traditional, but we had nothing on those white eyed weirdos. The Hokage sighed, “Please, do not antagonize, Uchiha Yanagi.” He said tiredly. I bowed low in a false apology and didn't say anything. Fugaku and Hiruzen knew that was the best they were going to get out of me and didn't press the subject.
 “Lord Hokage, why did you put Hinata on a team with two Uchiha?” Hyuuga Prick Number 1 asked, completely ignoring Fugaku and me like we didn't exist. I rolled my eyes, this was why the Uchiha found no love in the Hyuuga. You couldn't find another clan that had so many jackasses in it anywhere else in the world. Not even the Uchiha clan could compete with the Hyuuga in that.
 Hiruzen didn't react at all. He just looked at the Hyuuga and said in an almost scolding tone, “Hyuuga Hiashi, please calm down.” Even though it was polite, anyone could tell that the Hokage was ordering Hiashi to shut the hell up. Hiashi's face twisted with displeasure, but he didn't dare go against the Hokage.
 The old man took a long draw on his ever present pipe before saying, “It is that attitude that makes this team arrangement necessary.” Oh dear heaven above, here we go... another long winded speech, “For years the Uchiha have been oppressed because of their ancestors actions. People often forget that the Uchiha were one of the founding clans of Konoha. It was the Uchiha clan that kept Konoha safe in the first few years, along with the Senju clan, but now they are treated with suspicion. After the Kyuubi attack, people began to distrust the Uchiha even more, until the point that the Uchiha nearly started a coup.”
 “That is exactly why we shouldn't let the Uchiha teach our children!” Hiashi snapped.
 “Hey!” I shouted and took a menacing step forward, how dare that insufferable prick accuse me of brainwashing the genin, but Fugaku held me back. From the tightness of his grip I knew that, for once, my clan leader and I were in agreement with something.
 The Hokage gave the three of us a steely look that reminded us of the war leader he had been, not the harmless grandfatherly type that he appeared to be now. Even though I had only been seven when the Third Shinobi War had ended, it was enough to know just how frightening Hiruzen could be when he wanted.
 When we had calmed down enough not to attack each other, Hiruzen continued, “It is because the Uchiha almost revolted that we should have Uchiha teaching genin.” Cue the 'I'm confused but I'm sure as not showing it in front of my enemy' look from Hiashi. Hell, I was a little confused too. The Hokage smiled slightly, “The Uchiha lost trust in Konoha, that is why they almost attacked. Had it not been for certain parties to intervene, I doubt that the Uchiha would be alive today.” Of the few people who knew about the attempted Uchiha coup only a handful knew that Itachi and Shisui were the ones who stopped it. And none of them were Hiashi. “It was clear that such an event could possibly happen again in the future if nothing was done. Konoha, as well as the Uchiha clan, had to change for the better if we were to prevent something of that scale again. What better way to clear away the dark past then to instill a new future into the minds of the next generation?
 “As for your daughter; it is a simple attempt to bring the Uchiha clan closer to the others. In the past, both before Konoha and after it was built, the Uchiha clan has always stood alone. They never relied on alliances with other clans. I believe that if they were to open their arms and welcome the friendship of other clans, they would be even stronger than they are now.” I noticed that Fugaku was standing a little straighter behind me and I had to swallow the urge to laugh at his pride. The Hokage was playing these two old warthogs like a fiddle, and expertly too. “Clan alliances always work best in teamwork. Take the Akimichi, Yamanaka, and Nara clans. Any team that contains members of those clans are known to have the best teamwork. Just imagine what the Hyuuga and Uchiha could accomplish together.”
 Both clan members gave each other appeasing looks, as if both were trying to figure the benefits they would get being allies. I raised a knowing eyebrow at the Hokage while the old farts were busy eyeing each other like sacks of meat. Hiruzen only chuckled under his breath and gave me a quick wink, so fast had I blinked I would have never seen it.
 “So... does this mean I can get back to my team? I have torture to dish out.” I asked, half joking. Okay, so not the best thing to say in front of the three men who were fathers, or a grandfather figure in the Hokage's case, to my precious little genin.
 I don't think even Obito can ever achieve the evil looks I got from those three.
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thistleclaws-hatred · 4 years
Chapter 1
Well, here we go. I hope you all enjoy chapter one! I reread this like ten times, so hopefully, I caught all the errors, if not, I apologize.
Next chapter
Thistlekit was blown away by how big the ThunderClan camp was. Even from his protected view from the nursery, he could see cats of all colors and sizes walking around the camp. He could faintly pick out the scent of his father, Windflight, but couldn’t see him.
“Thistlekit, get back here, you’re much too young to be going outside,” his mother fretted.
“I’m almost half a moon old!” the small kit complained.
“And the cats out there are at least six. Now, get your tail back here,” she reached out with a paw to scoop him up.
“Alright alright I’m coming mom,” he moaned turning away from his portal, ducking under her paw and snuggling back into the warmth of her stomach.
“Thistlekit, listen to your mother,” Windflight chuckled as he entered the den.
“Dad!” Thistlekit’s sisters said in unison.
“Good afternoon my loves,” the gray tom licked each of his daughters between the ears. “They giving you much trouble?” he asked
“Always,” she said, purring in amusement.
“They’ll be apprentices before you know it Poppydawn,” Windflight smiled. 
Thistlekit had tuned out his parents, putting all of his energy into fighting with his sister. Rosekit, the more adventurous of the sisters batted at Thistlekit, swiping her paw across his ears. He smirked, rearing up on his hind legs and moving forward with an awkward, stumbling gate.
“He is a warrior, through and through,” Poppydawn chuckled, holding her tail above her kits to let them hunt it instead of each other.
“One day, he’ll make his clan proud.”
Thistlekit sat outside the nursery, finally able to without his mother’s squandering. He watched with great pleasure at the sight of so many cats walking about the camp. His eyes were drawn towards the entrance where he saw a lithe white she-cat stride into the camp, a hefty looking rabbit nearly dragging across the dirt floor.
“Great catch Snowpaw!” A few warriors began to congratulate the apprentice, walking over and clambering over her.
Thistlekit’s eyes were locked on the she-cat. He watched her muscles move beneath her sleek white fur and then locked gazes with her. Her blue eyes swept over his frame and she walked over to him, leaving her prey in the center of camp. “Hi, Thistlekit!”
“You know my name?” He asked, tilting her head.
“Of course I do. I go on patrols with your father a lot. You’re going to apprenticed soon, yes?” She sat down across from him, a smile on her face.
“Not soon enough,” he grumbled. He still had at least two moons before he was old enough.
“You’ll be a warrior before you know it, I promise. You’re already big enough to be one,” she purred, wrapping her tail around her paws.
Thistlekit puffed up his chest and then raised his head up higher, “I should already be a warrior!”
“Oh yeah?” Snowfur asked, a playful look in her eyes. Thistlekit nodded before the apprentice had leaped onto him, easily pinning him to the ground. “Prove it.”
Thistlekit struggled in her grasp. Despite his size almost matching hers, he was clearly no match for her training. He snarled, less than playful, and heaved her off with his hind legs. Turning, he lashed his tail, puffing up his fur aggressively.
Snowfur pushed herself to her paws, “Nice move,” she said, sitting back down and smoothing her chest fur.
Thistlekit paused in his movements, letting his fur lay flat on his back and blushing at her comment, “T-thanks.”
“I’ll see you later,” Snowfur smiled, flicking her tail over Thistlekit’s ears playfully as she walked away.
“She was cute,” Sweetkit said as she left the nursery to join her brother.
“I, uh what?” Thistlekit whipped his head around to look at his sister.
“What? I have eyes,” she laughed, “You’re blushing.”
“I am not!” Thistlekit fluffed up his fur again, ducking his head to avoid meeting Sweetkit’s gaze.
Sweetkit purred and batted at her brother’s ears, “You a star-struck fool,” she joked, walking away from him to join Rosekit over by the fresh-kill pile.
Thistlekit refused to join his sisters in their mouse dinner, instead, he focused on the cats streaming around the camp and trying to ignore Sweetkit’s burning remarks. 
Thistlekit saw his father sitting next to mottled brown tom, the two sharing a sparrow. Across from them were two she-cats, he recognized the golden she-cat as Speckletail but couldn’t figure out who the tortoiseshell was. Halftail walked into camp with Thrushpelt who’s sandy fur stood out against Sunfall’s ginger fur.
“Trying to analyze the clan?” Poppydawn asked, stepping out of the nursery next to her son.
“Trying to figure out who everyone is. Who’s that tortoiseshell next to Speckletail?”  Thistlekit asked.
“Dappletail. She’s one of the clan’s best hunters,” Poppydawn sat down next to Thistlekit, wrapping her tail around him.
“And the tom with dad?”
“Adderfang. Strong and brave, but has a thick skull,” Poppydawn sighed as if she was reminded of some memory.
Adderfang! What a cool name! Thistlekit’s eyes were drawn towards a flurry of movement near the medicine cat den where Goosefeather was making his way over to the fresh-kill pile. Thistlekit couldn’t help scrunching up his nose.
“Careful. Goosefeather may be...different, but he’s still a wise medicine cat,” Poppydawn scolded.
“Then why does every refer to Featherwhisker as the medicine cat?” the kit asked.
Poppydawn didn’t answer her son, instead, she pushed him back into the nursery, calling over her shoulder for Sweetkit and Rosekit to come back as well. Thistlekit protested, pushing his paws into the dirt in a feeble effort to stay outside of the cramped nursery.
Thistlekit snuck out of the nursery. Not very successfully as he tumbled over Sweetkit, but enough to not wake his mother. He walked out into the chill, silent camp and saw only two warriors perched at the entrance. Robinwing and...and..mouse-brain! Robinwing and Swiftbreeze! He purred to himself, proud that he remembered their names.
The brown she-cat turned to look at him and tilted her head. His eyes went wide as he prepared for himself to be busted by Robinwing but was surprised when she instead looked at the sky and then back at Thistlekit, giving the kit a small head-dip.
Thistlekit didn’t know why she wasn’t busting him and saw her whisper something to Swiftbreeze followed by the two laughing quietly. He elected to ignore her choice and walk around the camp by himself. In a few long days, he would be made into an apprentice and he wanted to look at the camp more in-depth.
His father encouraged his curiosity and said nothing of his play-fights with Snowpaw. While Poppydawn seemed to fret over everything he did. Well, him and his sisters. She seemed afraid that they would get lost or hurt inside of the ThunderClan camp. Thistlekit walked outside of the apprentices’ den, sniffing around and catching many scents that he had begun to recognize. Leopardpaw, Patchpaw, Bluepaw, Goldenpaw, Lionpaw, and Snowpaw. He recited to himself. 
He knew deep down that Bluepaw and Snowpaw were going to become warriors any day now, they would earn their warrior names before he even became an apprentice. He sighed in frustration.
A twig snapping next to him sent him backward in fear, fur fluffing up. He sniffed the air, unknown scents clashed with the ones he recognized. He began to breathe quickly in panic, looking over at the guards to see that they couldn’t seem to smell anything. Thistlekit ran over to them and leaped in front of the two she-cats. 
They looked down at him, half in surprise and half in amusement, “Yes, Thistlekit?” Swiftbreeze asked the tom.
“There are scents I can’t recognize near the apprentices’ den,” he hissed.
Swiftbreeze didn’t seem to believe the young tom, but walked over to the den anyway, giving a few quick sniffs around and then unsheathing her claws. “ThunderClan! ShadowClan is here!” She yowled.
Thistlekit folded his ears back in fear as the camp suddenly flooded with cats. He saw Swiftbreeze quickly tackle a black warrior to the ground, fiercely clawing at their ears. Near the warrior’s den, Thistlekit could see Sunfall bite down hard on a brown warrior’s tail, yanking them across the clearing. In the distance, Windflight grappled with a large bright ginger tom. Thistlekit gasped as the ginger gripped Windflight’s throat in his jaws. “Thistlekit, get inside now!” He heard his mother call out to him.
“Dad!” Thistlekit yowled out, watching his father struggle in the tom’s grip. He ignored his mother’s call and bounded across the flurry of fighting cats, leaping onto the ginger tom’s back. The tom released Windflight in surprise when small sharp claws dug into his shoulders.
Windflight recovered quickly and slammed his paw across the tom’s head, sending him reeling. “And stay out Foxheart!” Windflight growled. He looked at his son, who was looking at his own paws, now red with Foxheart’s blood. “Go back to your mother Thistlekit, and thank you. You’re a brave one.” he touched noses with Thistlekit before dashing back into the battle.
Thistlekit felt powerful. He had attacked a warrior. A ShadowClan warrior. Although with some help, he couldn’t help but feel that this was his first victory. He listened to his father and ran back to the nursery, where Robinwing stood outside, snarling and lashing out at any warrior who came too close.
He paused once to look back at the battle, where ThunderClan was clearly winning against their shadowy foes. His mother dragged him back inside and began to check over him for wounds. Her body was shaking, likely with the force of having to hold herself back from the battle. Thistlekit knew that his mother was beginning to long for her warrior life once more.
“What were you thinking?” She asked, getting close to his face.
“I had to save Windflight,” he defended himself. “I fought a ShadowClan warrior!”
“You got lucky,” His mother emphasized, licking at Thistlekit’s paws to clean them of Foxheart’s blood. She sighed, sitting upright, “But, you were very brave. However, the next time a warrior tells you to do something, you do it.”
“Yes, mother. I understand,” Thistlekit pouted, laying down, listening to the battle begin to quiet outside.
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!” Pinestar’s voice echoed out across the clearing.
Thistlekit perked his ears, several hours had passed since the battle. The sun was now high above the camp. He walked out into the clearing, sitting close to the nursery with his sisters. He could see fur and blood splattered across the dusty clearing and torn brambles decorating everything. 
“You all fought hard against ShadowClan and I am proud of every one of you,” Pinestar began, “But two apprentice’s proved themselves to be worthy members of this clan. Bluepaw, Snowpaw, will you both please step forward.” Pinestar himself stood taller, almost towering over the two she-cats.
“I, Pinestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Bluepaw, Snowpaw, do you both promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?” 
“I do.” Their voices sounded in unison.
“Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Bluepaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Bluefur. StarClan honors your bravery and your strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan. Serve your Clan well. And Snowpaw, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Snowpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Snowfur. ThunderClan honors your honesty and your ingenuity and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan.” Pinestar finished, touching muzzles with each new warrior.
“Snowfur! Bluefur! Snowfur! Bluefur!” The clan called out. Thistlekit shouted Snowfur’s name as loud as he could. She looked at him and smiled brightly, purring loud enough for the clan to hear. Thistlekit could see Bluefur roll her eyes as Snowfur’s reaction to him. Does Bluefur not like me? 
“As part of ThunderClan tradition, these two warriors will sit a silent vigil tonight, protecting their clan and reflecting upon their new warrior names and duties,” Pinestar announced to his clan. “And, in another beautiful moment, we have to honor the other apprentices for their hard work.”
The clan shouted the names of the remaining apprentices. Their yowls loud and filled with pride. “With one last ceremony, I welcome Thistlekit, Sweetkit, and Rosekit up to the highrock.”
Poppydawn gasped behind her kits, “I didn’t know it was going to be today!” She fretted, trying to quickly groom her kits.
Thistlekit escaped her tongue and ran up the highrock to look up at Pinestar. Finally! He thought to himself, barely able to contain his excitement. His sisters joined him, nearly throwing him off of the rock.
“Thistlekit, Sweetkit, and Rosekit, you all have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. Sweetkit, please step forward.”
The she-cat stepped forward, tail shaking. “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sweetpaw. Smallear, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You are well respected throughout the clan and I hope you pass on all of your knowledge of hunting and the warrior code to Sweetpaw.” Pinestar called out. The gray tom stepped forward touched noses with Sweetpaw and then sat next to her.
“Rosekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rosepaw. Tawnyspots, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Squirrelwhisker, who is sadly no longer with us, but you have shown yourself to be cunning and thoughtful. I expect you to pass on all you know to Rosepaw,” Pinestar stepped back when the pale tom stepped forward to receive his apprentice.
“I am honored Pinestar,” Tawnyspots bowed his head with respect.
“And last but not least, Thistlekit. The one who risked his life to save Windflight from Foxheart during our battle last night. He has proven himself ready to be an apprentice,” Pinestar said.
Thistlekit swelled with pride at his leader’s words and stepped forward, his claws scratching lightly against the highrock. “Thistlekit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Thistlepaw. Adderfang, you are ready for an apprentice and had a brilliant mentor in Harespring, who has also passed far too soon. You are a strong and loyal warrior and I expect you to train Thistlepaw hard in the ways of the warrior code and pass on all that you know.”
The large, dark tom stepped forward and bent to touch noses with Thistlepaw. Thistlepaw bristled with excitement and a touch of fear. He was finally an apprentice and he had one of the best warriors in ThunderClan as his mentor. He sat next to Adderfang, claws digging into the earth to steady himself.
“Rosepaw! Sweetpaw! Thistlepaw!”
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Sasuke vs. Hiei
Some demon shits eye each other for a DEATH BATTLE!
Sasuke′s Preview.
Long ago, the Uchiha clan helped create the Hidden Leaf Village, and they were outcast… Mostly because they unleashed the Nine Tailed Fox on the village, which probably didn’t help their street cred.
But the firstborn son of the head of the clan, Itachi did something daring. He killed them all. Except for his younger brother Sasuke.
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Since this is Shonen, Sasuke decided to avenge his family. Because  I  guess he didn’t have anything better to do. The hosts go over his progress, and his abilities.
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From the Mystic abilities of Ninjutsu, to the mind alteration of Genjutsu, to the hand-to-hand prowess of Taijutsu, Sasuke is an intense fighter.
From his favorite Fire Jutsu, to various other elemental Jutsus, Sasuke is well-equipped for many fights.
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Along his path to vengeance, Sasuke perfected many techniques, even managing to infuse his abilities with the five primary elements of Fire, Wind,  Water, Earth, Fire, and Heart Lightning. 
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Of course, the hosts have to  go over the thing Sasuke’s most famous for: The Sharingan (I’m just going to say this now: Really sorry for any misspellings of names of techniques that I do).
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Apparently, you have to go through a crap ton of trauma to unlock this power, so Itachi planned  for Sasuke to witnessthe horrors that he did, and planned for Sasuke to swear vengeance. The hosts go over the abilities of the Sharingan,  like how it lets him see Chakra, copy other jutsu techniques, trap opponents in hallucinations. Worth noting: That’s all standard stuff.
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We eventually get into a more detailed explanation in a neat little Wiz and Boomstick animated section.
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Masashi Kishimoto, Boomstick. Masashi Kishimoto.
The hosts go into more detail about the Susano, and before anyone complains, I recently finished Okami, so that’s why I’m going with that spelling.
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Going onto the Rennegan stuff, Sasuke is far more powerful. He can pull off a crazy technique that Boomstick isn’t even going to try to pronounce, that lets him teleport by bending space and time.
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More than that though, Sasuke has way more powers whenn channeling his Rennegan abilities.
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This lets Sasuke access the other six paths, and greatly enhance his abilities. He can manipulate gravity, drain energy, or even rip out souls.
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Since Sasuke can use the gravity version to manipulate his surroundings for attacks, he’s managed a powerful explosion that’s worth several billion times more powerful than the Tsar Bomb. A bomb that these guys should be experts on at this point, given how much it comes up.
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And then we get a sheet for all of Sasuke’s crazy feats.
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Now, since Sasuke stalemated Naruto, that means that he reasonably scales to him. Remember that moon thing Naruto survived?- The one that was brought up in Naruto vs. Ichigo?
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Well, Sasuke can reasonably get close, or even match that.
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And the end line is some big speech that took a long time to put down here. And I decided that since these are edgelords, their text gets a black boarder rather than a grey one. But it shows just how much edge Sasuke exudes, even though he managed to have a kid and is still protecting his village.
Hiei′s Preview.
Thankfully, Hiei’s preview is much more simple and straightforward. As yet another demon shit that sought vengeance, Hiei had arguably a rougher childhood. Not only was he thrown off a cliff because of how he was conceived, he remembered every bit of it, and got raised by bandits.
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Hiei was already a powerful warrior with tremendous athletic ability, abilities that only got better after he joined forces with Yusuke, the Spirit detective.
But since Hiei was still bitter about the whole “Being throw off a cliff thing” he went to some mad doctor and got himself a new eye: The Jagan.
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The Jagan is more than just a neat little forehead accessory though. As the hosts note,this new power grants Hiei  the ability to spy on people great distances away, read minds and protect his own from mental attacks, use telekinesis, and so much more.
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We even get a neat page for what Hiei brings into a fight. Especially since he found out that he had a twin sister that he sought to protect.
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The most notable being the “Dragon of the Darkness Flame”, a fire that burns other fire. And one that Hiei decided to master despite it having never been done before.
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Thanks to his demon heritage, Hiei can power through most elemental attacks non problem, and is in essence, immune to fire and ice. He can absorb the DotDF to empower himself after going full-power mode in his Jaganshi mode… I hope I’m spelling that right.
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Yusuke is fast enough to dodge lightning, and Hiei once moved so fast that the former couldn’t really see how many slashes he did.
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Hiei and Yusuke scale a lot together, by the way. But more importantly, this was when Hiei was  just a C-Class Demon. By ranking up, Hiei gets better speed and strength feats.
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Oh, and remember how it was mentioned that Hiei could manipulate the DotDF into weapons?- Well, Hiei once cut and burned an opponent who had evolved specifically to counter such damage. How that works, Boomstick has no idea.
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And as an S-Class Demon, Hiei has been said to be capable of destroying planets. Other S-Class beings in this world have been said to be able to cause major damage just by using 50%, and typical S-Classes can take down three A-Classes with minimal effort. Hiei took on 500 just by himself.
Now, the whole “Busting up a planet” thing might seem like boasting until…
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This. This is Yusuke. Hiei’s rival and equal, who took on another demon and caused this massive energy output. All from a single punch clash. Worth noting, Yusuke wasn’t at top form at the time, and he survived the blast.
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Given how Hiei is faster than Yusuke, and how they’ve constantly shown that they’re equals in combat, they’re at least in the same ballpark in terms of power.
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And despite his horrendous upbringing, Hiei found a family. And unlike Sasuke, he managed to maintain better contact with them. Even if he hasn’t told his sister of their actual relation.
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The Battle Itself.
Luis, Kiid, Kayas on animation. Sasuke will be voiced by Kyle Phillips and Hiei will be voiced by Howard Wang. Dangerous Gaze by Brandon Yates. And Chris Kokkinos lead on sound.
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If there’s any reason two edgelords would duke it out, it would be because they would want to out-edge the other. Hiei seems to be minding his own business, until Sasuke edges in, and pretty much gets in Hiei’s face.
So the two go at it.
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Sasuke, for all credit due, manages to survive this attack, and starts  using his blade to counter.
So Hiei responds in kind.
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(Look at this animation!)
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We get a really nice back and forth until Sasuke uses his speed to knock Hiei back to unleash his lightning attack, right after throwing his sword at the demon kid.
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(Again: Look at this animation!)
Hiei, however, uses his power to break the blade and render Sasuke’s attack pointless.
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Sasuke uses this opportunity to use his Genjutsu and other powers to trap Hiei in a hallucination that seems like the end.
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Until you remember that Hiei has resistances to this kid of attack.
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Sasuke, on the other hand, is a bit shocked that Hiei managed to escape.
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So it’s back to the clash.
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The Dragon of the Darkness Flame makes an appearance, as does the Susano.
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(Have I mentioned how good this animation is?- It’s gorgeous!)
Hiei uses his super mode to blast the two out, though.
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Sasuke manages to stand up, as does Hiei. Though, Sasuke stands first.
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So the two go in for one final sword clash.
Finishing blow in
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Verdict + Explanation.
So, right off the bat, even Boomstick is skeptical of Hiei’s victory.
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But, as it turns out, this battle wasn’t as clear-cut as it seems. Sasuke had the speed and experience advantage, as well as a larger range of techniques. But Hiei is essentially an Anti-Sasuke.
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The Jagan could counter any Genjutsu attack that Sasuke could throw at Hiei, and the Amaterasu is similar enough to the Darkness Flame that it’s likely that Hiei could counter it. Especially since it’s been done before.
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Telekinesis could even prove an effective counter to the gravity manipulation. And as Boomstick notes, ripping out the soul wouldn’t do much since Hiei would still be able to fight despite that.
And speed isn’t that big of a factor since Hiei’s best speed feat was an early thing. And it’s hard to quantify how much faster he got since ranking up isn’t exactly like getting a x100 for each level up.
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And believe it or not, Hiei is actually stronger that Sasuke.
Take the Susano slicing meteors feats as an example.
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After a bit of math, Sasuke’s best feat comes out to 364 Teratons  of TNT.  And  thanks to the magic of scaling, the moon feat is also in play.
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That’s  27 Exatons of TNT.
Now, as for Hiei, he also goes through scaling.
Recall the energy that was output by Yusuke and that other demon?
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That comes out to…
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285 Zettatons of TNT.
That’s nine more zeros that Yusuke, and by extension, Hiei, has to work with.
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Even if you cut in half due to there being two people causing that blast, Hiei still has more to work with.
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And it’s entirely likely that the tree that Yomi and Yusuke were fighting on was at a shorter height than originally calculated. So the blast could have been even greater. Plus, Sasuke doesn’t exactly scale to any planet buster in his world. At least, not on his own.
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Sasuke was faster, but he had a real hard time landing a fatal blow.
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The winner is Hiei.
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Overall impression.
Overall, this actually makes me want to watch and read Yu Yu Hakusho. And I feel that it might make some holdouts want to watch it too. I feel as if battles that give people interest in other series are really great.
The  animation is awesome, and the music definitely has a really good beat to it. While I can’t say the same about the voice acting of the fighters, mostly due to the limited lines, they had some awesome moments.
Though, I do have to file a complaint in the “We didn’t get to see how Hiei would counter a Shadow Clone technique from Sasuke” department.
Other than that though, 8.7/10, would watch again.
Next Time…
When I saw the castle, I was honestly expecting a Belmont.
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But this works too. Maybe we’ll get the premiere date of Season 3 around the time of the episode’s release.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Powers of Darkness.
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azure7539arts · 5 years
In regards to chapter 88-89
Because I have seen a few posts around with opinions relating to the revelation that happens in these two chapters, specifically about Wei WuXian’s actions and Wen Ning’s handling of the situation, I’m going to chip in a bit as well.
So for anyone who has NOT caught up with the latest chapters of MDZS and does NOT want SPOILERS, please do NOT read what’s under the cut.
Warning: very long post that’s a combination of analysis and feels. Obviously, everything you’re about to read are my interpretations and personal perception of the characters, so do take it with a grain of salt.
Right off the bat, I just want to state clearly that Wei WuXian has and will never consider himself a hero. His actions have always been more about instincts than actual needs to prove himself; heroism is not the principle on which he operates himself because he has never been conscious of this during the acts themselves. If anything, what he is conscious about are his mistakes and shortcomings, which can be clearly seen via the fact that he slaps himself upon realizing that it was Jin Ling whom he just unknowingly insulted, or the fact that he cringes at the sight of his past self from before his death in Nie MingJue’s memory (and many more, but we are not here to discuss this).
With that in mind, let’s move on to why Wei WuXian never told Jiang Cheng about the golden core business.
Firstly, doing things, especially what will (in retrospect) be considered favors, without never telling anyone about it is basically how the Jiang Clan operates, and Wei WuXian, having nothing other than a couple of fuzzy memories of his birth parents, will of course be influenced by this teaching, too, seeing as he more or less grew up with it.
We can see evidences of this problematic behavior in almost every member of the main branch of this family. For example, Yu ZiYuan (who always outwardly expressed her contempt and displeasure toward Wei WuXian without restraints) was harsh on Wei WuXian, yes, but in the end, even during that seemingly brutal whipping that she gave him as ‘punishment’ for his ‘misdemeanor’ toward Wen Chao, she obviously held back to make sure he wasn’t as hurt as she would later claim him to be even though she could’ve gone all out. This doesn’t negate the fact that she had a penchant for verbal abuse, but in that moment, she decided—without telling anyone, fooling even her own son and the adopted one she was whipping—to not make Wei WuXian suffer. There are many reasons as to why she made this decision, but we won’t be mentioning that here.
As for Jiang FengMian: I will only go over this detail briefly because it only exists in the donghua, but he does keep the brooch his wife discarded, most likely unbeknownst to her, with the desire to once again give it to her when they were on better speaking terms, which never happened.
Jiang YanLi herself was no different. When her father and Wei WuXian came back from GuSu Lan Sect, bringing the news of her broken engagement, she never told anyone a word about her feelings for Jin ZiXuan, probably because she didn’t want Jiang FengMian and her brothers to feel bad about this, until a sudden altercation much, much later on revealed this truth, much to Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng’s complete bewilderment because they had never suspected this.
And finally, Jiang Cheng himself is the same. Jiang Cheng is a complicated character, partly due to complicated relationship (mainly to Wei WuXian), and partly because he is featured prominently in the series, and therefore we know more about him and have more insights into his character. Without spoiling anyone who hasn’t known/already been spoiled/read through the novel before, I won’t be saying what it is, specifically, that he has done to demonstrate the Jiang’s characteristic streak of doing good/well-meaning things for other people without telling them, but please know that he did. He does so with immense consequences, and he does so without telling anyone, particularly Wei WuXian.
Going back to Wei WuXian, with all these examples from the people who brought him up from the age of 9, the very same people whom he interacted the most with for most of his teenager years, of course their behaviors and their conducts would affect him, too. Especially when he feels indebted to them for picking him up from the streets and giving him another home. You may say that all the mentions above may be solitary events, but people do not just decide to do things in a certain way one day, people gradually develop a way of behaving by repeating the same thing over and over—this is why the whole Jiang family exhibits these traits, and not just in certain individuals. And this, probably, plays a part in shaping the way Wei WuXian acts and why he didn’t tell Jiang Cheng about giving his foster brother his golden core either. This is a family of doers, for various reasons, and they do more than they talk, and even when they do talk, they don’t really communicate (e.g., Jiang FengMian and Yu ZiYuan constant fighting instead of talking things through, or Jiang Cheng’s “tough-love” acts toward Jin Ling later on).
Wei WuXian has days to deliberate, though, but he still chose not to tell Jiang Cheng, not because he thought that Jiang Cheng was weak or that he wouldn’t be able to handle it, but most likely because he knew his brother too well, and he knew Jiang Cheng would reject this without considering the option. There are many reasons as to why Jiang Cheng would reject (one of them I won’t be saying here because of spoilers), although most of them would boil down to pride and his inferiority complex. Jiang Cheng would most probably think that Wei WuXian was trying to play hero again (which, again, as we have established, has and will never be in Wei WuXian’s intention or agenda), that Wei WuXian was pitying him, and he wouldn’t have accepted the golden core transfer.
But this, in itself, has its problems and complications, too. Let’s pan this what-if situation out for a bit here: had Wei WuXian had told Jiang Cheng about this option, he would’ve given Jiang Cheng his choice in the matter (which is important because a person’s choice is important), but because there was no way Jiang Cheng, being the person that he was and with the unstable state of mind he had been in at the time, would’ve accepted this from Wei WuXian, he would’ve rejected the option. Would this mean they wouldn’t have any regrets? No. Because Wei WuXian loved (still does) his brother, and combined with the promise he had had with Madam Yu about protecting Jiang Cheng (to death, by the way), he wouldn’t have been okay with watching Jiang Cheng suffer and wither away. 
Remember, at this point, Jiang Cheng was already clearly suicidal. In the novel, and even in the donghua, this isn’t simply lightly implied, the way he behaved and the things he said (asking about why Wei WuXian had bothered saving him instead of just letting him die off because he didn’t want to witness the Wens overrun the cultivation world, and saying that he’d die and come back to haunt the Wens) stated this without leaving any remaining shadow of doubt. As for Jiang Cheng, had he been told, would’ve rejected Wei WuXian’s plan (as we just talked about), but would he have not thought about this every single day for the rest of his remaining days (however long he would’ve managed to live without trying to do something to get himself killed, that is)? Jiang Cheng has an inferiority complex (through no fault of his own, of course), and he wouldn’t have been able to live with seeing Wei WuXian still out there and entirely capable and fighting off the Wens whilst he himself was, more or less, dead weight. The idea that he could’ve restored his golden core at the expense of someone else would’ve never let him go, exactly because of how possibly attainable and absolutely horrifying it was.
And did Wei WuXian in that moment really had a choice? This was Jiang Cheng’s actual life on the line, as well as his own, and Jiang Cheng was his brother—the one he loved, the one he played with, the one who grew up with him and protected him and shared meals with him. The one he promised to protect to the bitter end. It had always been Jiang Cheng’s dream to be the Sect Leader that his father approved of, and he would never be able to become leader and realize his full potential without a golden core. So, Wei WuXian was saddled with a choice: he had to choose between a suicidal Jiang Cheng (which, believe me, is a very hard thing to watch anyone close to you go through) who would very likely try to get himself killed doing something reckless, and a Jiang Cheng who would regain his confidence and take up the mantle of sect leader to continue on the Jiang Clan legacy and rebuild their decimated sect from the group up—like what his parents would’ve wanted, like what Jiang Cheng himself would’ve done had he still had his golden core.
You have to understand that Wei WuXian himself, in that moment, must have been scared, too, scared and desperate, for a multitude of reasons—the Wens finding them and their helplessness in the face of all that power, the operation not working out, him not being able to protect Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi anymore. But what must have been the height of his fear (for a teenaged boy who had lost his entire family twice) was losing Jiang Cheng—and he had been losing Jiang Cheng right in front of his eyes because Jiang Cheng—Wei WuXian’s proud and resilient and capable brother—had given up on life. (And let me tell you, it is a very frightening thing that will haunt you for a long time).
Jiang Cheng, a child growing up in the main branch of a prominent, cultivating clan, believed his self-worth to lie in the existence of his golden core—in his continued capacity to keep on being a cultivator. He didn’t know a life outside of that, still doesn’t, and he couldn’t imagine a life in which he couldn’t cultivate anymore. He was devastated. His parents, his entire sect except for his sister, died horrible deaths, and his family home was razed to the ground. Without the means to take revenge, the rage he felt would’ve been nothing but an impotent one, and this was why, the second Wei WuXian told him there was a way, the spark of life returned to his eyes. Because only with the possibility of being able to cultivate again did he actually give himself a fighting chance.
And Wei WuXian saw this because, despite all appearances, he was/is an observant individual.
Consider these passages taken from chapter 60, translated by Exiled Rebels Scanlations, bolded parts by me:
[Wei WuXian] closed the door and pulled out the needle in Jiang Cheng’s head. [Jiang Cheng] opened his eyes only after a long time had passed.
He did wake up, but he didn’t move at all. He was so uninterested that he didn’t even turn around or ask ‘where is this’. He didn’t drink any water, he didn’t eat any food. It seemed that all he sought for was death.
Wei WuXian, “Do you really want to die?”
Jiang Cheng, “I can’t seek revenge even when I’m alive. Why shouldn’t I die? Maybe I’ll be able to turn into a ferocious ghost.”
Jiang Cheng, “If I can’t seek revenge no matter if I’m dead or alive, then what’s the difference between the two?”
After he said this, he wouldn’t speak again no matter what.
Wei WuXian sat by the bed. He looked at him for a while. Slapping his knees, he stood up and began to busy himself.
This, in all honesty, must have been when Wei WuXian finalized his decision. And so he set about to busy himself and try to cook Jiang Cheng a meal, probably trying to think up a believable enough story for his brother in the meantime as well. Maybe he had considered telling Jiang Cheng, maybe he hadn’t. But the second he saw this: “The sentence was only a few words long. However, it immediately lit up the lifeless eyes of Jiang Cheng,” (chapter 60) he had already made up his mind.
As for why he refuses to tell Jiang Cheng later on, it’s a combination of, once again, knowing his brother well, of absorbing the Jiang behavior (something which Jiang Cheng will exhibit later on himself), and of how, in the end, they were two prideful people themselves. Jiang Cheng would’ve been devastated and would’ve felt guilty (as he is now) had this revelation came out after all was said and done, and Wei WuXian hadn’t done this for Jiang Cheng to feel grateful either. He just hadn’t wanted his brother to go kill himself. He hadn’t wanted his brother to live in guilt, and he hadn’t wanted to have received pity from Jiang Cheng either (much like how Jiang Cheng wouldn’t have and had never wanted Wei WuXian to pity him).
We will have our own opinions on this, on Wei WuXian’s choices and whether they were right or not, but in the end, he had only wanted one thing out of this: he had wanted Jiang Cheng, his brother, to live. Actually live and thrive, instead of just dragging a withering existence.
Now, moving on to the second matter in this too long essay, Wen Ning’s handling of the revelation and why he was doing it at all.
Firstly, we need to remember three things: that Wen Ning still feels guilty toward Jiang Cheng for all the wrong things he did; that Wen Ning is very protective of Wei WuXian; and that by nature, Wen Ning is a soft, shy, polite person with a good heart (as demonstrated by him going out of his way to help Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng back when Lotus Pier had just been destroyed). So this revelation doesn’t stem from a want and/or need to humiliate Jiang Cheng, nor does it have any ill-willed intention at all other than for Jiang Cheng to please just stop going after Wei WuXian for a second.
From the moment Wen Ning woke up from his 13 years of imprisonment, all he heard was bad news. Very bad news. In all of those bad news, aside from the fact that his entire family died, was the one fact that Jiang Cheng had personally led the siege up Burial Mounds himself to eradicate evil, Wei WuXian and those fifty Wens people who had been clearly old and feeble last time Jiang Cheng had checked, and had caused Wei WuXian’s death. (This, Wei WuXian denied, saying that his demonic cultivation was what had done him in in the end, but because Wei WuXian is a liar, we don’t know if Wen Ning actually believed this or not).
Eventually, there was the second Burial Mound siege, also led by Jiang Cheng, also organized by people who wanted Wei WuXian dead. Wen Ning couldn’t have possibly been okay with this, with the way they were treating Wei WuXian, considering that just one nameless junior disciple bad-mouthing Wei WuXian alone was already enough to set him off. But, this aside, Wen Ning had had a tough time, too, what with the blood corpses of his brutally slain family coming back up from the death to help the very same people who had killed them years ago, only to crumple back to dust before his eyes.
This was a lot of stress, and Jiang Cheng has never stopped trying to make sure Wei WuXian sees the disdain, anger, and contempt Jiang Cheng has for him. And because this is Jiang Cheng, he never holds back his words, especially when he has a multitude of complicated emotions when it comes to Wei WuXian, which have been festering for nearly two decades.
(Excerpts, all are what Jiang Cheng says to Wei WuXian during what leads up to their eventual fight taken from chapter 87 and 88, translated by Exiled Rebels Scanlations, and bolded parts by me:)
“Wei WuXian, you really don’t take yourself as an outsider, do you? You come and leave whenever you want. You take with you whomever you want. Do you perhaps still remember whose sect this is? Who’s the owner?”
“If you’re leaving, please go as far as possible. Don’t let me see or hear you fooling around in Lotus Pier again.”
“You really should kneel for them properly, having dirtied their eyes and contaminated their peace.”
“Burn some incense? Wei WuXian, are you really that dense? It’s been so long since you were kicked out of our sect, and here you are taking unwelcome people with you to burn incense for my parents?”
“Look how forgetful you are. What does unwelcome people mean? Then let me remind you. It was because you played the hero and saved Second Young Master Lan, who’s standing beside you right now, that the entire Lotus Pier and my parents went down with you. And that wasn’t enough. With the first time, soon comes the second. You even had to save Wen-dogs and drag my sister down with you. What a person you are! What’s more, you’re even so generous as to take the two to Lotus Pier. The Wen-dog’s strolling in front of my sect’s gates; Second Young Master Lan came here to burn incense. You’re here on purpose to remind me, to remind them.” He continued, “Wei WuXian, who do you think you are? Who gave you the face to take whomever you want into our sect’s ancestral hall?”
“Who’s the one insulting my parents in front of their spirits?! Could you two please understand whose sect you’re in? I don’t care if you act so shamelessly outside, but don’t you dare fool around inside our ancestral hall, before my parents’ spirits! After all, they were the ones who brought you up—even I feel ashamed for you!”
“Mess around outside however you want, whether under a tree or on a boat, hugging or otherwise! Get out of my sect, get out of anywhere my eyes can see!”
And because Jiang Cheng has always had a temper, and this, again, has been festering for years, he keeps trying to chase after Wei WuXian even after the Wei WuXian in question has coughed up blood and had a nosebleed and collapsed.
Wen Ning has probably been watching the entire thing (hence why he manages to jump out and uses himself to block that very damaging whip that Jiang Cheng didn’t manage to pull back in time), and for a person who is very protective of Wei WuXian, who is hurt right then, Wen Ning, with his own emotional stress and psychological trauma, snaps.
Jiang Cheng still blames Wei WuXian for everything, and Wen Ning cannot bear that. Wei WuXian, after all, is the first person who acknowledge him and complimented him, the only person who was willing to extend a hand to help his sister and his entire family, and the one who ended up paying for that choice with his life.
Wen Ning doesn’t fight Jiang Cheng because he still feels guilty, but at the very least, he can’t just stand there and let Jiang Cheng keep chasing Wei WuXian out and away, spewing such hurtful words in the meantime as well. Wei WuXian might act carefree, but Wen Ning knows that these things bothered Wei WuXian—he was there to see Wei WuXian break apart for himself, after all.
And Wen Ning does what he has always done: he defends Wei WuXian.
Wei WuXian, Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning, are their actions and reactions right? I don’t know. I can’t tell, not when the situation is multifaceted and very complicated, especially when you try to look at the big picture and analyze what is going on at specific points in story and what may be driving these character forward as they progress through the story.
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powdersurgar · 5 years
The Twin Blades (Zelda Fanfiction.)
Long ago,
Hylia, the goddess of Light and Sound, and Zylia, the goddess of Twilight and Time, blessed the land with their childrens grace.
Hylia’s children,
Din, created land and mountains with a heart that burned with fire.
Nayru, gave water that could reach everything it touched
Farore, sprouted life that cleansed the air.
However… Zylia’s child
Oden, gave the land the wind of HOPE
As Hylia and her children name spread across the lands, Zylia’s jealousy grew due to her child’s vanishing.
So they decided to choose champions that would forever remember the gods for centuries.
Nayru chosen a princess, who was the wisest person in a place called Hyrule
Din chosen a Man in the Gerudo desert, who had a strong will for power
Farore chosen a boy who was courageous against all odds
And Oden…
He Chosen the boys weak twin sister, who was always hopeful and believed in possibilities.
This angered the goddess Zylia
But Hylia accepted the choice Oden made and created the Dual swords
However Zylia wanted more and ask a demon to get inside the mind of one of the champions and bring her the tetra force.
Chaos within the champions and their clans, spread wars across the land.
the dual blades sealed away the demon and brought back peace, Giving birth to the master sword.
But the true story is now only a forgotten legend for the youthful ears.
Chapter 1: Whispers in the wind.
The land of hyrule is vast place with a proud and magnificent castle that stood in the middle, as it watched over its people. The west scorched with the sands of time, the Gerudo village. The north burned with fierce power known as Death Mountain. East, is the forbidden forest, where creatures lurk within the shadows and finally South where the Zoras guard the waters. They say there’s a place in the sky where angels fly… but I’ve never seen it.
There are a few towns beyond this place and a few shrines that are recently built for the gods. However those are just stories I hear from my brother Link. He’s always off adventuring somewhere or goofing around with the farm animals. I was always jealous of the fact that he could go outside so sometimes, like tonight, whenever the moon is full, I go out for a stroll.
“Linkle!” I could here link in the distance as I sat on top of an abandoned well. As my brother emerges from the forest like a while animal, I gave a troubling smile. I knew he was seriously upset as he held his wooden sword in his hand tightly.
“Linkle!”, His voice relief to have found me, “Do you not know how dangerous it is for you to be out here? Father and mother are worried sick!”
“But I-” I tried to explain.
“Common, the doctor is waiting for you in your room!” He commanded as he pulled me down from the well and started back towards home. I snatched my hand away in frustration.
“You don’t have to shout! I’m doing just fine on-”
“You’re not doing fine!”
There was a moment of silence between us and the forest sang it’s silent tune to the wind. Both of us knew what those words meant but neither of us wish to hear them.
“I just wanna see the world like you do. I’m always stuck in the house and unless we find the fairy Queen I’ll-”
“Don’t say that! I’ll find her for sure. So let’s just go back inside?” Links face looked so determined, that I knew that my brother loved me so much so.
“Alright, but you’ll have to teach me how to use a sword when I’m better!”
“In your dreams, haha, we all know that you’re only good at the bow and arrow!”
“That may be true”, I gave a smirk as I pass him up, “but someday we’ll need each other’s skills for survival”
“Right, still not teaching you” Link said sarcastically.
“First one to the house, is a loser!” I said as I took off running, leaving Link behind.
“Hey! wait up!”
[In sleep]
“Strange, I’m back at the well, Didn’t we went home?” I thought as I slowly looked around. My eyes than looked up at the moon only to catch a glimpse of a shadowy figure standing over Link’s lifeless body. I backed away slowly, wishing I had a way to defend myself.
“Who are you? Why are you here?”
Suddenly, three more shadowy figures emerged from the tree tops. The moon shone behind them as their laughter filled the forest with evil. It seemed as if they were approaching me and suddenly I tripped into the old water well. Falling deeper into the cold darkness.
The last thing I heard was,
“Look for Hope..”
[The Next Day]
“Linkle! Wake up!” I jumped at the sound of links voice. His eyes were concerned but then he sighed in relief. “I thought for sure, something had happened to you.” He said as he patted my head.
“What do you mean?” I asked, even though I desperately wanted to tell him my dream.
“You passed out last night and…. nothing,” he paused. Just as I was about to speak, Link continued on talking.
“oh, yeah! Guess what?”
“What?” I asked out of curiosity
“Today’s the day!” He whisper
“What do you mean?” I whispered back
“We found it! We found the fairy queen!” He shouted
“Wait really?!” I exclaimed.
“Hey, calm down, that’s not all good news. Meet me on the training ground by the northern gates. Oh and be sure to stop by a shop for supplies. Here’s a list of things that you’ll need.”
“Hmm.. sturdy clothes, boots, bow and arrow, wooden shield, and a wooden sword… Wait, you don’t mean…?”
“Who knows, you better hurry up if you wanna find out.” Replied Link as he stood up. He than headed out the door leaving me in complete shock.
“Yeeeeesssss!” I shout along with a new burst of energy as I quickly hopped out of bed.
“Okay, first I need to put on some clothes for traveling, my archers armor should do.” I walked towards my closet door but it was gone. “That’s strange? Where’s my armor? Maybe I should ask around….”
As I walk out of my room, I turned to the left and into the restroom. I figured that I should grab something for the journey so i searched inside the cabinet only to find my hair bands and some herbs. “At least I could finally braid up my hair in pigtails…”
I walked back into the hallway and wandered into my parents room but there was no one there. Finally, I searched down stairs for my armor only to find a honeycomb and a couple of apples in the kitchen. After giving up searching inside my home, I decided to look outside. As I walked out the door, my mother was just returning home.
“Mom, have you seen-?” I started to ask but my mother interrupt me.
“Your armor right? Well you wouldn’t believe this, but I was washing your armor at the end of the creak. Just as I was drying it out, an owl swooped down and took it!”
“Mom?!” I exclaimed in disbelief.
“ I’m sorry, but unless we have a reef, we can’t call the owl back. Oh but there are some at the other side of the lake. Too bad that your brother has already left.” My mother than went inside the house, but I was determined to get back my armor. Besides how hard can it be to swim across a lake?
It was really hard. A carpenter guarding the lake told me that the dam had been broken and unless the boss was found, no one could swim across it. The only hint to his location was usually by the southern gate but he was nowhere to be found.
I thought that was indeed quite unusual, so I decided to try and look for the boss carpenter in his last location myself.
When I arrive at the southern gate, there was no one there at all. However something did caught my attention. I never told Link this, but I sometimes can see the passing of shadows. Kinda like footsteps people leave behind. Only problem is the longer I attempt to do that the more I get terribly ill. Still…. I wanted my armor and to journey out badly so I attempt it anyways. The boss carpenter shadow appeared underneath a tree. It seems that he was in a deep sleep. His body suddenly awoke in a shock stood up and ran outside the gate.
“This is bad…” I looked for the nearest weapon I could think of only to find a stick. “Better than nothing… I guess”
I ran out the gate into the woods, following the shadow before it disappeared behind a bush. When I walked through it, I fell down into a pit.
“Gaaaaaahhh!!!???? Uff?!” I landed on a large flower, in front of me was the boss carpenter. “Ahh! I found you! Hurry, let's go!”
“I can’t, my son wondered out of the gates and now a moblin took him away, what am I to do?!” Asked the panic boss
I hesitated but somebody has to do something, “alright, let’s go.”
“What?! Are you seriously going to help me?! You’re the best!”
As we traveled in the cave, beating up bats and spiders we were able to find a chest with a travelers bow within it. “I guess this’ll work well for us?”
“With that bow we don’t have to sneak around anymore. Here take these arrows I found” said the boss, “ whew… I’m beat, I’m sorry, let me rest here and I’ll catch up with you soon.”
“Alright.” I said. My thoughts were everywhere, and I’m sure the boy must be close by now. However I don’t think I can save him alone. For now, I'll just give it my all and hope for the best.
When I arrived, it was worse than I thought. The boy was inside a moblin camp.. “o-okay, I can do this.”
I attempted to aim at a moblin at the gate but my hand had slipped and missed. Of course, I was too weak to fight in combat than there’s the fact I’ve been following shadows for awhile. Finally I defeated one, but just as I stood up a moblin aimed to strike me from behind. Time slowed, and my brother appeared and stuck the moblin down.
“What’re you doing here?!!” We said at the same time.
“I saw a girl ran into the woods and went to help her before a moblin kidnapped her. But to imagine it was you?! Linkle, you’re not supposed to be here!” Scold my brother.
“I know, but there was the boss carpenter's son and he ran in here and also got captured. There wasn’t enough time so we went to save him.” I explained.
“Wait he has a son? So that explains why i saw him earlier… he was the one who told me to help you… anyway, I’m here now so go back to the village.”
“What?! No!! I started this mission and I’m going to finish it, one way or another!” I barked back.
“Fine… you’re going to be out in the wild soon anyway so i guess this would be a great way to test your skills. I see you got a bow and arrow on your back… you can be my lookout, I trust you can cover me, yes?”
“Ha! Of course i can! I can shoot an arrow like the wind itself!” I spoke proudly
“Good, climb up that tree and whistle when you’re ready. I’m going to sneak inside and rescue the kid, MAKE SURE NO MOBLIN SPOTS ME! If they do they might harm him.” Warned link
“Got it.” I said in determination. Link suddenly reached for his pocket and pulled out a bag.” What’s that?”
“It was hard to find since they are pretty rare but this is a bag of holdings. Inside is a whispering stone i found on one of my journeys. With this we can communicate with each other.” Link than pulled out a pair of green emerald earrings wrapped in gold.
“Wow... but how am I to communicate back with you if you don’t have one?” I asked. Link than took one of the pairs and wore it on his left ear.
“ you’re right handed, right? Put the other on your right ear. When you wish to speak with me just touch it.” Link instructed.
Once I was done I climbed up the tree and whistle to inform link that i was ready. Link ran in as if there was nothing that could stop him. He then took a barrel and placed it over his head. I taped the stone.
“Wow, so hidden are we… hehe!” I said jokingly.
“Hey they won't be able to tell if you do your part” replied link
“Yeah, yeah… alright, go left… stop, go right…” after directing and clearing his path, we came to a problem. “Link! get out the barrel!” Link leaped out the barrel just before the moblin boss smash it to pieces. Link had to battle him head on.
“Linkle! I'll distract him, take out that siren before they call for help than get to the cage where the boy is located!” Shout link
“On it!” I shot down the siren as I jumped down from the tree. “Cough?!!!!” My body wasn’t fit enough so I took a moment to breath.
“This isn’t good but i have to hold on.” I whispered.
I ran through the maze, shooting down any moblin that would try to stop me. When i got to the cage, the boy was in tears and without a key I couldn’t get him out.
“Link, key!!” I shouted across the arena.
Since the mobbing boss wore armor, link had to roll around and cut the straps. He than kept back to doge the counter attack only to leap into the air and split the helmet off. This left the moblin boss dizzy for a few seconds, since it was surprised.
“Catch!” Shouted Link as he slid besides the boss moblin’s hip and cut of the key with enough force to send it flying. But with link not paying attention, the moblin boss had regained consciousness and was about to hit link. So I drew my bow and shot an arrow through the keyhole of the airborne key. The arrow went into the moblin, staggering him, which bought link some time to resume fighting.
I then caught the key and set the boy free. Link also had just finished off the boss by knocking the moblin boss down and land a finishing blow to the chest. Suddenly a minion came rushing at link, I reached for my arrows but I had none, so I grabbed a nearby sword and activated my ability to see the movement of shadows. Than i noticed it… link was also special... we both ended the minion with a jump into the air, our swords clashing together as we landed.
“Link… you can…” before I knew it , I passed out. The last thing i saw was link rushing me back home with determination once more in his eyes.
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gabriel-gabdiel · 3 years
【Draft】 Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 56: The Sanada Demons
To know more about the Sanada Demons (yes, they’re canon in the anime fillers, but not in the manga), just click here. They have pages for Ren, Zan, and Baku.
The rest of the chapters of my Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction are available here. Enjoy.
Back inside the moneychanger affiliate offices of the Minakatas...
The Faceless was able to fence and stab his way out of the small room where he couldn't kill that one samurai boy and his one sword-catching move. Hadome (Sword Halt), was it?
How exciting! He'd heard of samurai catching blades by their bare hands before, but he thought it was all hype and myth. Until now.
He couldn't wait to face off against that boy. 'However, first thing's first.'
The Faceless's duelist personality or disguise—John Rathbone—had specifically been parrying and thrusting with his trusty rapier against a trio of surprisingly strong ninjas.
Ah yes. Ninjas. Shinobi. The Japanese version of government spies or secret agents.
Even in an era where war was waged with guns, rifles, trenches, and bombs, spies and intelligence gatherers remain the most important weapon.
Especially all these shinobi before him who could fight in the most underhanded of ways.
The ogre, the snake, and the bat.
He couldn't quite explain it but somehow, the bat ninja handled him in close quarters with his distracting screams, the snake ninja whipped him from constant whip cracks from long range, and the ogre stabbed at him from afar with frightening accuracy using his war fork.
They intended to push him into a corner and triple team him from there.
The Faceless chuckled. As if.
"Was sort of gutless kenjutsssu (ssswordsmanship) is thisss? You're doing more running away than ssstriking! Fight like a man, coward!" said the lispy snake man ninja of the swordsmanship bible's impenetrable defense and elusive movement.
"This isn't kenjutsu. This is fencing," calmly explained Rathbone to the most violent and rambunctious ninja of the trio. "And this is a rapier. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Far better than a brittle katana."
He'd been through tougher battles than this. He survived entire wars and even accomplished more dangerous political assassinations that paid even more handsomely than this grudge his protégé had over the family that abandoned him.
More than a king's ransom (because he was paid for a king's head instead).
However, using his Tactical Wheel and his mind games, he was able to push them away and exit the room in order to pursue the escaping Minakatas.
Maybe even kill that other shadow ninja he faced off in the Minakata's East-West Fusion Mansion. Or kill the blade catcher samurai boy.
He was especially dangerous when he combined forces with either Kai Hidaka or Lucas Grant, which he supposed was what they were intending to prevent in the first place.
The pile of rubble and debris where Luke had been buried into then stirred.
The Prodigal Son was awake.
"Dammit. I'll be back," said Ren the snake ninja, who ran back in the room to deal with the strong, tall half-blooded swordsman with the bastard sword. "Take care of the gaijin for me!"
"Why is there only two of you now?" The Faceless mocked in fluent Japanese, knowing exactly why one of them had to leave. "I miss the other guy. Bring him back."
It was because the Prodigal Son was on the prowl, the Sanyoukai (Three Demons) of the Sanada Ninja Clan had to split off to prevent Lucas and Rathbone from joining forces and becoming more of a problem. They could even fight along with Kai Hidaka for good measure.
Kinta Minakata could handle either The Faceless or Grant alone. However, even he—the Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) and the Mimawarigumi Battousai—would be pushed into the corner himself when facing two or more Brigand Guild members at the same time.
"Are you sure you can take me on with only two of you? You need all three just to keep up," needled Rathbone further, who could now pick apart the occasional stabs and strikes from long distance that the ogre ninja did now that the snake ninja didn't put the pressure on with his constant whipping.
"Do we now?" said Zan the oni (ogre) ninja with the red ogre mask and war fork. "You sound full of yourself for a gaijin (outsider) piece of shit. If you truly can take us on, I better see it first with my own eyes. Don't just tell us about it."
Instead of echoing Zan's retort, Baku the bat ninja merely screamed what John could only describe as a banshee's wail at his face, distracting him enough to nearly lose his rapier from the hard parry he had to do against Zan's twin-pronged war fork.
Rurouni Yahiko
A Rurouni Kenshin Continuation Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
The foreign invaders of the Brigands Guild discover that it's not so easy dealing with the persistent warriors of Japan, particularly their noble samurais and their backstabbing ninjas.
Disclaimer: All characters used in this fanfic (save some others) are the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallup, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted material that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 56: The Sanada Demons
At the gates of the Minakata affiliate office...
Yahiko Myojin and Kaita served as Tatsuya Minakata's escorts, only for them to find out that the nearby stables had all their horses released and all the carriage drivers missing. Maybe even dead.
Dammit. Now what? Were they supposed to escape Chinatown on foot?
Whoever the Brigands Guild were, they really had it in for the Minakatas. Wait, what was he even thinking?
'Of course they have it in for them. Their leader or whoever is the bastard child they disowned and threw away along with his mother,' though Yahiko, berating himself.
This Takuto Minakata or Lucas Grant character kind of reminded him of himself.
Yahiko wasn't abandoned by his family or anything, but it certainly felt like the world abandoned them instead during the Bakumatsu.
Regardless, so many people were dying to save two of the V.I.P.s they were supposed to protect. Was this even worth it?
Kaita reappeared behind them and said, "It might be best for us to stay in the office after all."
"What are you talking about, Shorty?" asked Myojin.
"Yes. Why in Buddha's fat ass should I stay here where the assassins are?" demanded Tatsuya. "Let me out."
Kaita sighed. "There might be more of them outside and you're safer here because we have the Sanada Demons on guard."
"D-Demons? Are you out of your mind, you costumed freak?!" shouted Tatsuya. "This isn't the Edo Period! Spare me this talk of superstition and ninja lore! Get me the police and have those murderers arrested!"
This gave Yahiko pause. Wasn't Kaita one of the Minakatas' trusted ninjas? Why was he resistant to his advice? Why didn't he know about the Sanada Ninja Clan's Sanyoukai?
Meanwhile, while Ren kept the Prodigal Son at bay inside that room next to the main office...
Luke's body was already in rough shape before he got whipped and scourged like a criminal or a slave by the boa constrictor taxidermy whips of the creepy snake ninja.
It only got worse when he again went one-on-one and face-to-face with the snake shinobi.
Grant laughed. This guy again. He was a shinobi, wasn't he? What an annoying prick.
"For a snake-themed ninja, I'm surprised you don't use poison in your arsenal," Lucas said in remembrance of his fellow Brigands Guild member Cain Merrick.
"Are you a child? Just because I'm a sssnake ninja, it doesn't mean I use sssnake venom like some sort of coward!" scoffed Ren, getting angrier and angrier.
The Prodigal Son didn't know how to retort to that, mainly in light of how cowardly he though Cain was for using poisons, venoms, and toxins as his main means of fighting. He was every bit as underhanded as these ninjas.
Regardless, Ren kept whipping Lucas from afar and every time he got near, he used that technique again. A ranged attack that struck the ground that sent earthen debris with knockout force.
Grant managed to stab Ren once with his longsword, only for it to get deflected by the thick snakeskin hide of his leather armor. It was like trying to stab a helix of coiled snakes.
How did the snake man keep doing it? Wait.  It was like an extra-large whip crack. A whip produced the cracking noise whenever it traveled faster than the speed of sound.
The snake ninja combined his bullwhips (or snake whips) together to create twin whip cracks strong enough and fast enough to break the sound barrier and create a blast of air powerful enough to tear through the ground.
Essentially, Ren whipped his twin weapons together with resonating shockwaves from extra large whip cracks that their resulting combined air vibrations exploded like a peal of lightning that blasted through the ground.
Moreover, his snake armor probably kept him from tearing himself apart with his own whips and help him survive the bone-crushing force of his induced earth-shattering vibrations.
Impressive. The snake man's fighting technique was more straightforward than most ninjas he'd heard about, who were infamous for their dirty tactics.
Regardless, Lucas grabbed hold of his bastard sword (or one-and-half-hand sword) and started parrying the cracking whips away with strong one-handed swings so that he wouldn't get further ripped apart by them with its flesh-cutting slashes.
He then crossed his arms together and braced himself for the reverberation of air that tore through the floorboards and walls like consecutive exploding landmines. Or the dust storm version of a tidal wave. One after another.
'What a tough opponent,' thought Lucas. 'I thought murdering the Minakatas was going to be a cakewalk, but my brother found himself some decent shinobi for me to play around with. Thanks, Kagemusha.'
Lucas thusly split the shockwave in half by slicing his bastard sword into the floor so fast he also broke the sound barrier himself, thus neutralizing the attack with his own sonic boom.
"What the hell...?" yelped Ren. "SSStupid gaijin. Learn to accept a lossss and die!"
Lucas attempted to chop instead of stab the thick armor with his bastard sword, only for Ren to wrap himself in his snake whips, thus shielding him from the cutting power of the high-grade steel.
'Dammit,' thought Grant, his sword again bouncing off the snake ninja. 'He's devious like all the rest of the ninjas after all.'
The smirking Ren then jumped, twisting his body to unwind the whips around him. This resulted in a spiral of whip strikes that assaulted Lucas like a razor-sharp cyclone.
Lucas bathed in his own blood from the whiplashes. However, proving himself more cold-blooded than the dead reptiles Ren used for weapons, he managed to wrap one of the snake whips around his arm.
The way Ren fought reminded him of the way Kai Hidaka fought. 'You've seen one ninja, you've seen them all.'
He then pulled hard at Ren's whip, intending to catch him flat-footed so that he could chop him in half.
However, Ren stopped resisting and allowed himself to get pulled intentionally. He did a flying headbutt on the gaijin's noggin, who didn't expect the sudden release that snapped the whip back to him like a rubber band.
"Don't you dare underestimate Japanese ninjutsu, you gaijin piece of shit!" shouted Ren. He had the upper hand now! He'd become a hero of the clan for taking out this monster!
As for the double team of Baku and Zan against The Faceless...
These underhanded Japanese spies were up to something.
A little while ago, John Rathbone still feinted, countered, and landed with regularity against the Sanada Demons while he himself used his footwork to slip, parry, block, and outright evade their own attacks from high and low.
He kept making them second-guess his next move in the Tactical Wheel of Simple Attack, Parry and Riposte, Compound Attack, and Counter Attack.
However, the three also kept intercepting the riposte thrusts and counter slashes of his rapier to save each other. Whenever he zeroed in on one of them, the other two either blocked or countered themselves.
Now there were only two of them, which meant he could pressure them further to move back, allowing him to attack the Minakatas and fulfill his mission. The lack of a third man cut their offensive power by a third.
However, something strange happened.
His attacks kept missing. Every thrust and slash from various angles somehow missed or wasn't timed to hit its target.
It didn't help that his normally 20/20 vision blurred from time to time, like some sort of haze came over it.
His attacks missed before because of how fast both Zan and Baku reacted to his stabs even though he kept breaking his rhythm to keep them guessing when he was going to attack with his Beat Parry Riposte.
Rathbone did notice how Zan kept banging his war fork unto the ground in order to make it vibrate like a tuning fork. Did this help the ninja dodge his fencing attacks better?
But he already getting their timing down pat the longer they fought, thus allowing him to counter them as they charged, which made it harder for them to evade or sidestep.
Only for him to start missing during those vulnerable moments as well. His timing was off somehow.
His breathing also became more erratic even though he hadn't exactly burned out his stamina yet. He hadn't even broken a sweat, but he had trouble taking breaths.
He glared at the twin ninja demons. "What did you do to me?!"
"I was worried for a minute there," said Zan to Baku. "The gaijin has no concept of sakki (bloodlust) and how to read it, so I was worried for a minute there that his swordsmanship could deal with your high-pitched sound technique."
Baku chuckled. "Even if he can't detect bloodlust, his moves are all rhythm-based. Break his rhythm and his so-called fencing will end up like trash."
What did they mean by that? What was going on? They were doing something to him, but he didn't quite know what. Did they poison him or something?
No, wait. It was the bat ninja and his screams that were doing this to him! Whatever this was.
Baku kept distracting John with his high-pitched screeching. Or so the duelist thought. 'So it wasn't just a distraction...?'
Something about those sounds he produced was making him miss his Simple Attacks or Compound Attacks (attacks with feints or switching a missed attack to a parry or a different attack).
"Just a little more," said Baku to Zan. "He's on his way to self-destructing. Finish him off as soon as he makes a mistake."
Zan harrumphed. 'Easier said than done.'
Despite the fencer's exposure to Baku's screams that messed with his body in various indescribable ways, he kept following up his misses with ripostes in fluid succession, like he meant to miss to draw them out to another counterattack.
His misses also became hits, which forced the ninja sharpshooter with the war fork to hesitate and not overextend himself for a possible counterstrike.
'So this is western kenjutsu,' thought the sharpshooter ninja with a long-range weapon like Satsuki Sakaguchi. 'Fencing, was it? It's a legitimate bujutsu (martial art) in its own right.'
Rathbone frowned as a missed slash caused deeper and deeper cuts to appear on his body. They weren't yet lacerations, but he was missing more and more badly.
He could not afford having his ripostes or even his parries miss like this.
This was why he hated facing off against sneaky ninjas like Kai Hidaka.
Back to Ren versus Lucas...
Lucas reeled, his head throbbing with a splitting headache. 'Another sneak attack! Damn the Japanese...!'
Another snake whip sonic boom hit Grant like an earth-shattering landslide. Or even an avalanche.  However, he noticed that the repeated vibrations mostly traveled through the ground rather than in the air.
Predictably on the ground. Ren probably aimed his resonating whip vibrations directly back to earth for maximum impact, like the difference between a bomb and a shrapnel bomb.
The sonic boom shockwave probably traveled a shorter distance in the air compared to the path of destruction it left on the ground, the concussive force turning everything in its path into a landslide full of sharp rock shards.
Therefore, attacking in the air made more sense than attacking on the ground.
Lucas grabbed his bastard sword with both hands and leaped into the sky, gliding towards Ren while the shockwave harmlessly traveled below him.
The snake ninja ground his teeth enamel to powder and wrapped his snake whips around his body again, intending to protect himself from the sword chop he knew was coming then retaliating with his topsy-turvy whirling typhoon of snake whips afterwards.
However, Ren letting Lucas hit him at all instead of dodging then countering with his whips proved to be a big mistake.
Instead of the bastard sword bouncing harmlessly off of his snake-whip-covered body, Grant released enough extra torque from his two-handed sword swing to drive the snake ninja right into the ground.
Although the sword didn't cut through the snake armor, it broke Ren's arm and several of ribs by force of impact alone. He wasn't able to uncoil the snake whips in time, which would've torn apart the jumping foreigner in a typhoon of whips.
Ren struggled to get up, tied up in his own whips, looking the fool against this half-blooded rejected bastard son with the bastard sword.
Lucas exhaled deeply and grinned at the snake man. "That was a good fight. Because of that, I'll spare you. Get strong and maybe we can fight again!"
"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" spat Ren before turning the handle of his snake whips, which retracted a hidden toxin-tipped blade that he stabbed right into the foot of Lucas.
"Ow! What the hell did you do, you cowardly ninja piece of shit?" Lucas cried out in pain. "Also, what happened to your lisp? It's completely gone now."
"Shut up and die, basssstard!" said Ren, overcompensating with how long he drew his 'S' sound on that last word. "That hidden blade is tipped with poison. You're as good as dead now."
"Hey, I thought you said you didn't use snake venom!"
"IDIOT! I'm a ninja! Of course I lied!"
Uwah. Ninjas truly were the worst.
At the gates of the Minakata subsidiary office building...
The Fuuma Ninja Clan's Kai Hidaka was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Well, no. Not really.
Rather, he was stuck between Lieutenant Satoru Sakaguchi (with his recovering daughter by his side) on one end and Kinta Minakata on another end.
The choice to where he should go couldn't be more obvious, but he also had a mission to fulfill.
Even though Kinta was the more dangerous and immediate threat, he was also the Brigands Guild's biggest target.
Besides which, while murdering both of the weakest Musou Madden Ryu practitioners should help him survive in the short term, he didn't want a master swordsman like Kinta hunting him down for revenge like the Kagemusha that he was in the long term.
It was in his best interest to finish off the Minakata heir sooner rather than later.
Judging by how long his half-brother nurtured his grudge against their petty family—his whole life—this desire for revenge was probably in their blood.
Perhaps even in-fighting among family members too, seeing how soured the relationship between Kinta and Tatsuya was.
It was so bad that Kinta and "Takuto" felt more like family than nephew and uncle.
Hell, Hidaka was merely lurking outside and he could hear how much the two hated each other, judging from their shouting match (or rather, from Tatsuya shouting alone and Kinta curtly shutting him down every time).
In light of his fight-or-flight instinct screaming at him to find an avenue of escape, he willed himself to fight the Mimawarigumi Battousai instead, hoping against hope that either The Faceless or Lucas Grant would aid him sooner rather than later.
'Kinta-kun,' thought Satoru, holding his gasping daughter's shoulders firmly. 'Please finish that son of a bitch off!'
Back to Ren versus Lucas...
In sheer frustration, Ren attempted a whip crack at Lucas's face as he got up, but the blond swordsman caught it by his fist.
Lucas certainly looked like he was about to vomit. Or even shit all over himself.
As expected. He had his hidden dagger tipped with the concentrated "poison" (really, snake venom) of various local snakes all over Japan, like the mamushi that belongs to the family of pit vipers.
Stabbing a persistent enemy who survived Ren's whiplashes with the venomous or poisonous dagger served as the snake man's ace in his sleeve. His trump card. Typically, the stab site swelled and reddened with a blister.
The attacker then slowed down and fell ill, unable to continue fighting. Ren then finished the person off with either grave injuries and lacerations compounded by snake venom coursing through his veins, killing him slowly but surely.
Either that or Ren bit the bullet and just choked the bitch with his snake whips. His enemies either died by his own hands or by the venom he injected unto them.
Just as Luke was about to look like he was about to empty all the contents of his stomach unto the ground, he grinned and winked at Ren. "Just kidding."
The snake whip's tail wrapped all around Luke's arm.
"Jokes on you, asshole. One of the Brigands is an expert in poisons and toxins. He's helped me develop immunity to most deadly organic and inorganic chemicals for years."
From there, Lucas did to Ren was Ren did to Lucas earlier—he pulled the whip then allowed himself to leap along with the recoil or snapback of the taxidermy snake, hammering the injured snake man ninja's head with a devastating headbutt of his own.
Bam. Their heads smashed against each other with a heavy, sickening thud.
Ren felt his brain slosh inside his skull. Grant might've even cracked his noggin altogether, shattering his nose and drawing blood.
How strong was this kid?! He really did seem immune to the snake venom!
As expected of a Minakata spawn. Perhaps his bloodline from his father's side, the Grants, also had monstrous strength in their genetics.
Grant then gave Ren the coup-de-grace blow of driving him right into the nearest wall with a sword stab that finally penetrated through the snake armor, drawing blood.
What was worse for Ren was that Lucas had been planning for this final strike of his from the start.
The whole room soon collapsed all over the snake man, weakened by the numerous sonic booms produced by supersonic snake whips. The Prodigal Son had been baiting the snake ninja to blast him with shockwaves at strategic points of the room.
The final leap and blow then shook the room enough to make its already weakened and compromised foundations break and collapse directly on top of the ninja.
Before Ren knew it, it was already "checkmate" for him.
Back at the three-way impasse deep in the offices of the moneychanger building…
"You two don't fight like gentlemen at all. You're like savages instead," said John Rathbone to the animal-themed masked ninjas from the Sanada Clan with an upturned nose.
These honorless ninjas and their ambush-style attacks reminded John of the time when Britain colonized Africa.
Britain observed the rules of engagement against the African natives, declaring war on them and challenging them on the battlefield.
The Africans were supposed to engage them in battle on the trenches until a side won.
However, the tribes of Africa had no concept of how war was supposed to be engaged in the west and thusly ambushed the British camps without warning, like they would when they were fighting amongst themselves.
These Japanese natives, or at least their ninjas, were the same savages as the African natives. To them, all was fair in war or love.
Wait a minute. Samurais had bushido (the code of the warrior). Ninjas followed no such code of honor. They were so unlike their honor-bound samurai counterparts.
Both the oni (ogre) ninja Zan and John exchanged thrusts and stabs, probing each other's defenses.
Throughout the exchange, Rathbone noticed how Zan allowed his war fork to get parried by John's rapier, which made the unusual weapon vibrate like a tuning fork instead.
The demonic goblin ninja also only really attacked whenever he made his tuning war fork vibrate.
'Hmmm,' thought John. 'Curiouser and curiouser.'
Rathbone feinted a thrust one… two… three times at Zan and Baku, jabbing his undulating sword arm with motionless jabs of his rapier that went to and fro between the masked ninjas.
Like a pendulum on a Grandfather Clock.
He actually attacked the fourth time with a thrust but stopped himself short, intending to do a recovery afterwards as soon as either shadow warrior reacted and made him miss.
They barely even blinked. Their hair-trigger reflexes remembered him doing the same "ultimate" feint earlier to draw out attacks he could counter, so they weren't fooled.
They moved a half-beat earlier than John, intercepting his attack before he could do his recovery and counterstrike.
Thusly, The Faceless had his sword thrust parried by Baku's metal arm bracelets with hooks on the side and countered by Zan's war fork.
However, Rathbone himself sidestepped in time to turn the two-pronged stab into a slash that left a gash over his bodyguard vest.
Zan clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. He almost got the slippery fencer. John Rathbone was every bit as evasive and untouchable as a medieval ninja from Japan!
The two were about to follow up their own Parry Riposte with a finishing chain attack but stopped short when they heard the rumblings of the other room, followed by screams.
It wasn't Baku's screaming. Nor was it Lucas.
They recognized the voice. It was instead from their comrade, Ren the Snake Ninja with the taxidermy boa whips.
The bat ninja then told the ogre ninja, "I'm fine, Zan. Go help the Minakatas or Ren. The Faceless is mine. I've figured him out."
"Oh, did you now, Baku?" said Zan, the ninja with the red ogre mask and war fork. "All right. I'll be back to finish this gaijin off if you haven't killed him by the time I return."
Zan then made his exit, hiding himself in smoke bombs that Rathbone stabbed through regardless, only for his rapier to get blocked by Baku's hooked bracelets.
John harrumphed, stabbing repeatedly at the weaponless ninja to stave him off. "Do you really think you can take me on alone, you cowardly ninja?"
The grim bat-themed shadow warrior merely adopted a karate stance and said, "Come forward, gaijin (outsider). Get a taste of Yamato Damashi (Japanese Spirit)."
"You're delusional." Smirking, Rathbone murmured to himself, "Once more unto the breech, dear fool."
Baku then screeched like the legendary banshees of Irish folklore. A haunting, bloodcurdling cry that reached all the way to the pits of The Faceless' stomach. Or even the insides of his bones, right down to the bone marrow.
'Strange. Is his incessant, irritating screaming part of his trick?' thought Rathbone as he backpedaled from the bat ninja, only to end up back in his en garde position because Baku chased after him immediately.
What was worse was that John felt like vomiting until his stomach turned inside out the more he fought this ninja.
As sickening as these deceitful and sly cowards were when it came to their dirty fighting tactics, it wasn't enough for him to literally feel like puking in disgust.
Back at the front portion of the moneychanger affiliate office building…
Kai Hidaka threw himself at Kinta Minakata, hoping against hope that Lucas Grant wasn't too busy to actually handle his business with the goddamn Mimawarigumi Battousai himself.
Sheesh. Kinta was Lucas's half-brother, not Kai's. Let Lucas handle his own sibling. He (Kai) was not his (Lucas's) brother's keeper, after all.
Nevertheless, a strange thing happened.
There was something different about the Kinta that Kai faced today compared to the one he clashed swords with at Kaneda Minakata's Eastern-Western Fusion Mansion.
As usual, like in their first encounter, Kai had to scramble, duck, and sway his body like a lithe dancer in order to avoid the surgically accurate slashes and attacks of the infamous Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) of Shogo Amakusa.
Kinta's accuracy hadn't gone down. Not really.
Minakata merely missed Hidaka by hairbreadths or by a razor's edge, the fidgety ninja spurred by adrenalin and twitch reflexes to avoid the iaijutsu (quick-draw) sword strikes with the nimble elusiveness of a fly.
However, Kinta's hack and slash output had gone down drastically.
Even though Kai knew that Kinta favored accuracy over volume, the swordsman was nevertheless a lot more conservative with his attacks now.
Almost as conservative as The Faceless when he fenced under his John Rathbone persona. John barely ever missed because he never took a stab or thrust unless he was 100 percent sure he'd get the hit.
As though he was conserving his energy.
Wait a minute.
The eyes behind Hidaka's goggled mask narrowed as he let out a long exhale. 'Huh. So fighting Lucas had an effect on him after all. That boy is a persistent one, after all.'
Even Lieutenant Satoru Sakaguchi noticed something was amiss. 'Kinta-kun…?'
It was the lack of sword slashes and pressure that allowed the nimble Kai to feint an attack, only for him to shoot his rope spear in between the eyes of Satoru.
To be clear, the rope spear flew at longer distances compared to his rope darts, which he used for closer targets.
The flying acrobatic ninja figured out that Kinta was conserving his strength after going through the stamina monster that was Lucas.
When Kai first met the half-breed, he couldn't touch him with a bastard sword, a longsword, or even a shortsword. Hidaka was too fast and too nimble for the kid to take down.
However, like a hunter-gatherer caveman during the Stone Age, Lucas took down faster prey by tiring them out and pursuing them ceaselessly. Over and over. Like an unstoppable force of nature you couldn't outrun.
No wonder Kinta looked like he'd just run a marathon despite having not one mark or cut on him.
While under pressure, Minakata was also probably worried about the wellbeing of the Sakaguchis. He would've gotten the adrenalin rush needed to save father and daughter.
However, when Kinta himself was attacked, he let his guard down and became unaware of his surroundings.
Kai noticed as much when he fought the swordsman the first time. This went double now that he'd been tired down by the implacable Lucas Grant.
How ironic for the Sakaguchi Family to end up being the liabilities even though they were supposed to be there to protect the Minakata Family.
That split second of distraction and scrambling towards Satoru and Kyoko was the window of opportunity Hidaka needed to finish what Lucas had started.
Back at the rear exit of the moneychanger affiliate office building…
John Rathbone switched tactics yet again. He couldn't counter off of Baku's attacks, who patiently lay in wait and ambushed him in the darkness at every turn.
If one or two probing strikes with his rapier wasn't enough, then a complicated series of them—a truly Compound Attack—was in order.
Only problem was that Baku danced around the strikes with the same deft skill that Kai Hidaka, a ninja in his own right, did.
Even though the bat ninja was more of a projectile thrower than a weapons expert like Zan, he combined the rain of kunai (daggers) and shuriken (ninja stars) at John with karate punches and kicks.
John got nailed with a couple of punches that he had to take over the shuriken and kunai. He did this by experience, remembering how his own estranged son Cain Merrick would use bladed weapons to poison him and others.
The duelist scowled and narrowed his eyes. Was that what this walking freak show doing to him?
It was the screams, wasn't it? Baku was shrieking like a nimbus cloud of bats all this while. Shrieking like a bat.
In fact, Baku turned the tables on John, with him dictating the pace and forcing him to attack at every turn, only to block with his hooked arm bracelets, blind him with smoke bombs, or injure him with knives and metal shards.
They were chipping away at each other's defenses, but Baku had the upper hand. And the momentum.
Thankfully, Rathbone's uncharacteristic aggression with close-call near-misses (or near-hits, as the case might be) and follow-throughs served as his defense against a significant blow or counter.
"You'll never figure out what I'm doing in a million years," boasted Baku after nailing the fencer with an elbow this time, followed by a slash from his arm brace hooks.
Blimey, did Rathbone hate ninjas. At least ordinary thieves and ruffians were too unskilled and imbecilic to pull the wool over John's world-weary eyes.
Ninjas, on the other hand, thought just like him. Who knew honorless secret agents would have something in common with a gentleman thief like him?
Again, Baku hid in the darkness, screeched, avoided or blocked a myriad of ripostes and sword thrusts, and then kicked, punched, or threw Rathbone around like a rag doll in order to open him up to a fatal stab wound or slash.
Meanwhile, Rathbone couldn't hit him back himself. He always somehow missed by a nose hair or cilia.  Like his internal rhythm or reflexes were off.
Meanwhile, at the entrance of the moneychanger building, near the stables where the Minakata's carriage was parked…
"I found a horseman!" said Kaita, who popped out of nowhere with a previously escaping driver of the Minakatas whom he held at kunai-point (or ku-knife-point, as Gan would say).
"I found one of your horses!" said Yahiko, who held the reins of the beast of burden, pulling him back to the stables. Thankfully, this stallion wasn't too spooked or wild.
"There's a horse-drawn carriage here that hasn't been sabotaged or had its wheel axels removed!" confirmed Tatsuya Minakata, who was sweating bullets at this point. "Perfect! Let's go! I don't want to spend another minute at this hellhole!"
"Wait, we're just going to leave? Your nephew is still out there," pointed out Myojin, only for him to get taken aback by Tatsuya's glare. "Fine. You go home to Mommy with your personal ninja. I'll stay here and look out for your nephew."
With a sourpuss look reminiscent of someone biting into a lemon or smelling garbage, Tatsuya looked back and forth between Kaita and Yahiko before relenting, "Fine. We'll wait for my stupid nephew to come back."
The Sanada Ninja and the Tokyo Samurai exchanged looks. Should they have escaped with the uncle or were they making a mistake?
Yahiko took a deep breath. He'd deal with the consequences later. The cast was drawn. They'd made their decision, whether it was the right one or not.
They slightly regretted not escaping then and there when the doors, doorway, and door burst rather than swung open before them in splinters like a tinderbox.  
The kunai slashes and shuriken cuts were getting closer, sharper, and deeper. Death by a thousand cuts. Or maybe a million.  
A million bats shrieking, clawing, and biting at him in the darkness of the mansion.
Bats, huh? Baku even shot his kunai in order to snuff out the flames of every last candle and lamp in the moneychanger office building, thus covering them in darkness with the barest sliver of moonlight from the windows.
He really was bat-like. He wasn't blind as a bat but he didn't need his vision as much as a bat would.
A headbutt from Baku cracked The Faceless' mask but kept his own horrifying bat mask intact.
Aside from distracting him with loud screeches, Baku the Bat-Man might also be using supersonic screams to locate John's position every time.
He'd read about this before. Bats were able to exist nocturnally and move in low light through echolocation.
These animals screamed at high pitches then were able to judge distance or what they were flying through by the amount of time their screams bounced back to them.
In other words, it was possible that the Baku and Zan tandem were able to read through Rathbone's change of pace or sudden counters and ripostes off of the steady rhythm of his pendulum-swing jabs by their hair-trigger senses and superhuman senses.
Come to think of it, didn't Zan have a two-pronged war fork that could've doubled as a tuning fork? He might've used the vibrations from that fork as his means of sonar or echolocation.
Also, judging by the obliterating vibrations done by the snake ninja known as Ren, that ninja also probably used resonating whip cracks to create a sonic boom as his means of attack.
Ren, Baku, and Zan. They were animal-themed ninjas but they had another thing in common—their abilities based on supersonic sound and vibration.
Jesus Christ.
These goddamn ninjas were so unfair but their unfairness required a high skill level that you couldn’t help but bitterly laugh at it all.
They were consummate cheaters that would stab your back like the cowards that they were. They did anything to win.
"Kill all invaders! Protect the emperor from the barbarians! All hail to the Empire of Japan! Sonno Joi!" rambled Baku, his terseness disappearing as he smelled blood and went into a feeding frenzy against his prey.
Rathbone again did his strongest feint—an actual attack cut short then recovered into a different counterattack—but this time he was armed with the knowledge of how Baku was making him miss.
Baku again blocked with his arm bracelets in order to do an early Parry and Riposte of his own to cut off the follow-up Recovery Attack.
However, Rathbone expected that and countered off of that instead, swaying his body at an awkward angle and slipping from the arm bracelet guard in order to skewer the ninja right in his heart.
He felt vibrations in his body and a second later, he missed Baku's chest and merely left a flesh wound on it instead of a stab before getting kneed in the gut for his trouble.
Bloody hell. John winced and gnashed his teeth.
Why did he still miss? Baku was wide open! He fell for his bait! His supersonic trip-mine could only tell when he actually attacked instead of what sort of attack he'd do! It was perfect! Why did he fail…?
Wait a minute. Baku wasn't just using echolocation or his own version of sonar, was he?
'That was close,' Baku the Bat Ninja was forced to admit to himself. 'This man, The Faceless, is too dangerous to be left alive!'
John Rathbone—or rather, The Faceless—chuckled to himself. "I understand your secrets now, you Yellow Peril!"
"You don't understand a thing. Go back to the barbaric west where you belong, waito piggu (white pig)!"
In between the realms of the conscious and unconscious lay a subconscious Kyoko.
She'd almost been hung to death by the Brigands Guild ninja, Kai Hidaka of the Fuuma Clan.
A forgotten memory from her childhood surfaced as she swam between the converging seas of wakefulness and slumber.
It was one where she was insistently asking his grandfather about how dashing the samurai were when he was a child.
Were they as honorable, loyal, noble, and heroic as the hatamoto-class samurai they worked for were, the Minakatas?
To be more specific, were they as handsome and dreamy as Kinta Minakata? Or his silent but kind father, Azuma Minakata? Or even his scary grandfather, Toshiro Minakata?
Chuckling, her Grandpa Genzo Sakaguchi told her while she sat on his knee, "Not all samurai  are like Kinta or Azuma. They're more like politicians or policemen. Some good, some bad. Maybe even more bad than good.'
'Huh. So samurais were more like Grandpa Toshiro then?' was the question Kyoko had enough sense not to ask her own grandfather.
The old man then turned serious and said, "Samurais aren't what they're all cracked up to be, Kyoko-chan."
Kyoko tilted her head in askance. "What do you mean?"
"For example, there's such a thing as Uchi-sute."
"'Uchi-sute?'" repeated Kyoko. "What is that?"
"It's also known as kiri-sute gomen."
"Kiru… nani? Gomen? Eh?" Kyoko's blew her cheeks up like a chipmunk. "So? What does it mean, Grandpa?!"
This only made Grandpa Genzo chuckle.
Uchi-sute (To strike and abandon) or burei-sute (To offend and strike) were concepts dating back to the feudal era collectively known later on as kiri-sute gomen (The right to cut and leave).
They referred to an old Japanese expression about the right to strike or the right of samurai to kill commoners for perceived affronts. Samurai had the right to strike with sword at anyone of a lower class who compromised their honor.
"It's the right of a samurai to kill commoners if they were embarrassed by them," was how Genzo phrased it. "We live in a society where a military aristocracy had the license to kill another human being just because he's of a lower class than him."
Naively, Kyoko blinked and said, "But isn't it okay for samurai to do it? Are we not samurai?"
"Listen carefully, child. No one has the right to kill another, whether they're kings or paupers. The emperor himself or the village idiot. Murder is murder. You have no right to kill someone over a slight as though you're better than them."
Kyoko's eyebrows furrowed cutely. "So higher class samurai like Kinta-chama can kill me because I'm lower class than him?"
"The courts would rule it as self-defense, but no. He doesn't have the right to do it. You can defend yourself as a lower class samurai with a wakizashi, but the whole thing is bogus. If an affront has been committed, let everyone equally have their day in court instead of having samurai have the right to kill anyone who annoys them!"
Nonoko chided in the background, "Father, what are you teaching that poor kid? Sheesh. She's just a child."
Genzo cackled in an old mannish sort of way and told Kyoko's mother, "I'm teaching her about real life."
Earlier, just as Rathbone was about to finish off Baku, he felt the silent vibrations seep deep into his very bones, making his joints ache.
Aside from shrieks he and Baku could hear, the ninja was screeching sounds beyond the human range of hearing!
Humans could only hear sound waves between 20 Hertz (Hz) to 20,000 Hertz. However, sound waves below that threshold could affect any person.
Even if you sit in front of something producing a frequency of 19 Hz or infrasound level, even if you couldn't hear anything you could still feel its vibrations. Like how the deaf could feel sound even if they couldn't hear it necessarily.
At 19 Hz, humans could end up with wonky vision because 19 Hz was the resonant frequency of the human eyeball.
When exposed to 177 dB sound waves at 0.5 to 8 Hz, it can start messing with your lungs. Your breathing could end up erratic as your bones start shaking around.
Short-term exposure to such sounds could damage your joints even. Chronic exposure to them can end up resulting in visual impairment or outright nausea.
However, these effects to infrasound weren't uniform to all people exposed across the board. It'd take constant resonant exposure to the sound to mess with your internal organs, joints, or vision.
Besides which, it wasn't as if Rathbone was sitting still while getting exposed to the supersonic screeches. He dodged and moved around a lot, plus they were making a lot of other noises that covered the infrasound as well.
Baku was using his shrill shrieks for another purpose, its effects being more immediate than making Rathbone's various organs feel "funny" or "off".
There was also the fact that countering and hitting a target was all about having your body memorize a rhythm and timing in order to align your attacks to every last opening the opponent had.
Whether you were an expert marksman with a gun, prizefighter with thudding fists, or a swordsman with a sharp blade, hitting the target involved timing your shot, punch, or slash at the right tempo or rhythm.
If you were off by a hair or an inch, you'd still miss badly.
And this was all thanks to Baku's supersonic or infrasound screeches.
Like a singer who was off-tune, Baku kept hitting the wrong notes even though he was close to the right ones, creating a dissonant if almost accurate tune.
Over and over he kept getting away with it, but John was getting used to the rhythm of the bat. However, he couldn't achieve enough resonance in his counters to match Baku's rhythm, so he was the one who kept missing and getting his advance checked.
Baku's supersonic "singing" wasn't only a method of echolocation that acted like a trip-hammer or landmine on whether Rathbone was feinting or attacking for real.
The bat-man ninja sung a song of the damned that ruined Rathbone's innate abilities to discover and exploit the rhythm of his opponent, solve them like a puzzle, and open them up to counterattacks or ripostes.
It also set up a beat and tempo different but nearly the same as the rhythm of Rathbone's fencing counters. Like a terrible singer messing up a proper singer with his off-key singing.
So on top of having hair-trigger reflexes aided by superhuman senses and echolocation, Baku could also use his supersonic screeching to disrupt Rathbone's counterstriking rhythm.
A two-pronged attack if he'd ever seen one. Like the two-pronged war fork of Zan himself. Or like a classic pincer attack from Ancient Roman military strategy.
'Hmmm. Pincer, eh?' thought Rathbone with a growing smirk on the edges of his unseen mouth.
Satoru scrambled for his saber as soon as he saw the rope spear fly from behind the acrobatic ninja of the Brigands Guild.
He had set his still out-of-breath daughter down on a nearby statue in a sitting position while looking for an appropriate avenue of escape for the both of them as afforded by the appearance of Kinta.
Only for Kai Hidaka to have other ideas.
The ninja's flight-or-fight instincts went into full gear, attacking Kinta for fear of him countering him if he had attacked the Sakaguchis.
Only for him to use that as a distraction to attack the Sakaguchis anyway.
'He's slow,' thought Kai after the lieutenant deflected the rope spear with a sheathed saber, unable to draw his sword on time. 'He's easier to take down compared to the likes of the Kagemusha. He hasn't really changed much after all these years, huh? Still the weak link.'
However, as expected, Kinta leaped forward into action to save Satoru from harm even as Kai whipped his missed rope dart between the eyes in order to redirect it towards Satoru's shoulder instead.
"AAUGGH!" Satoru cried out, which stirred the half-unconscious Kyoko awake.
This was what Kai wanted. When he attacked Kinta in panic, he was the one at risk.
This time around, he forced the surgical-precise Mimawarigumi Battousai to attack him in panic instead.
Under his terms. In a very predicable manner. Open to ripostes of his own.
"You're wide open, Kagemusha!" said Kai as he threw multiple rope darts at Kinta, intending to ensnare him into his web.
Meanwhile, waiting on standby from the side was the "fish-hooked" Satoru, whom Hidaka could always tug towards him to use as a meat shield against Kinta's signature Full Moon Slash or Double Full Moon Slash (also known as the Blue Moon Slash).
To Kai's chagrin, the Mimawarigumi Battousai went above and beyond with his sword slashes.  
Like a lightning strike, his sword flashed and streaked across the air as it got drawn out in supersonic speed.
"Tsuanmi (Tidal Wave)," he murmured his words of malice, the glint of his blade becoming an afterimage of moonlight.
The first slash from the Waxing Stance—a Young Moon Slash—cut apart the first few strands of darts headed towards him before they could hook themselves into the ground on his flesh in order to form an ensnaring net.
The follow-up combo of the Waxing Crescent Moon to Waxing Half Moon (First Quarter) Slash came twice as fast as the first Young Moon Slash. These slashes ripped apart the ropes into confetti.
However, Kai anticipated as much. As expected of the man who went toe-to-toe against Gensai Kawakami of the Ishin Shishi's Four Butchers and lived to tell the tale.
Hidaka had seen this technique before from Kinta's fellow Musou Madden Ryu practitioner, Sho Kojima. He thusly knew how it worked.
The Tsunami was a series of slashes chained together from weakest to strongest that started slowly and went fast in the final few slashes. It worked based on momentum.
Its timing went 1 (pause) 2, 3, then 4567. Like how the turning tides started as a shallow low tide weak only to end up becoming a deep and strong high tide at their apex.
There were several ways to counter this.
The first was to block, evade, or counter the first few slow slashes in order to not fall for the rest of the even faster slashes. If he confirmed the hit, he'd do the rest of the combo.
Like getting out of the beach during the low tide to get to higher ground or far away from shore in order to avoid getting swept up by the waves come high tide.
However, the Mimawarigumi Battousai solved this by gauging the distance and doing the first few slashes on the rope darts before charging forward exactly to where Kai was  and executing the supersonic slashes like a building deluge of high-pressure waves.
Had he acted this urgently back when he faced off against his half-brother, he might have even killed him then and there. Maybe.
The second (more difficult) way to counter the Tsunami was this.
Using a "lifesaver" or boat against the upcoming tides in order to ride the wave.
"GET OVER HERE!" shouted Kai as he pulled and dragged Satoru towards the incoming whirling sea of steel.
Dragging him deep into the waters of Kinta's unstoppable tidal waves of doom.
In response to getting nearly hit to the heart by his rapier, Baku the Bat-Man Ninja sunk into the darkness further, blending into his environment and hiding his presence.
He opted to ambush John Rathbone at blind spots or while unseen, with his cloak helping obscure his figure. Slowly cornering the duelist swordsman until he had no where to hide.
Thusly, Rathbone had trouble with depth perception fighting in the dark with what little moonlight was out there. He couldn't see the walls, floor, or anything, so when Baku backed away from the light, it looked like he merely shrunk.
And whenever he avoided the light altogether, it looked like he got swallowed by the sea of blackness.
So The Faceless decided to adapt a new personality the same way a normal person would discard one set of clothes to another set in order to fit the occasion. It started by taking off his masquerade ball mask and swapping it for a different face mask.
A plain all-white porcelain face mask with no mouth and eye holes. The mask of another swordsman. A Spaniard swordsman, to be exact.
He unsheathed a hidden dagger in his person, dual-wielding an espada y daga (sword and dagger).
"Hola. (Hello). We haven't met yet, but I'm Fabian La Cerca. You are a dishonorable coward. Tonto de culo (Idiot of the ass). Prepare to die."
Baku harrumphed, unimpressed. "So you 'transformed' yourself from one colonizer to another? You're all the same to me, gaijin," said the bat-man ninja before letting out another one of his dissonant screams.
Its vibrations reached La Cerca to his very core like a loud, deafening rumble of thunder after a lightning strike.
They clashed weapons with each other. It was then that Fabian decided to talk. He was more talkative than his Rathbone persona for sure.
"I understand why Japan instituted the Sakoku (Locked Country) policy. You didn't want foreign influence to taint your culture before being colonized. Every neighbor of Japan had been colonized by western powers through religion or trade. Invaded and conquered by the superior civilizations."
As usual, like with Rathbone, La Cerca jabbed his sword and circled around blind spots whenever Baku decided to ambush him with hand-to-hand combat, grappling, throws, or projectile weapons.
Baku's perfect pitch went higher and higher until it seemed like the bat-man had lost his voice. But he actually didn't. The soundless scream vibrated through the air, beyond the scope of human hearing.
"The Tokugawas distanced Japan from the west, thinking them as a destabilizing force. And you know what? They were absolutely right. These colonizers used religious and/or brute force to divide and conquer pieces of east from themselves."
However, Fabian was able to feel the infrasound resonate—or rather, dissonate—into his internal organs. Like tremors from an earthquake or within a carriage going through a bumpy road.
Or an extra loud heartbeat that pulsed all over his veins, from the center of his body all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes.
"Spain got Mexico and the Philippines. Britain got Hong Kong and India while also humiliating China. Even a young country like the United States of America was able to humiliate the Tokugawas, making them lose face and instigating the Bakumatsu (End of the Shogunate)."
Baku intensified his attacks, covering his shuriken or kunai throws with his cape or his sleight of hand to make their trajectory less visible or predictable. The ninja also attacked from behind, forcing La Cerca to turn and pivot in order to delay his reactions.
"…Japan's justified fear of foreigners and all things foreign led to the persecution of Christians and the country under lock down, but this also resulted in your nation becoming weak and backwards while the rest of the world progressed."
Baku couldn't believe it. Even in the cover of darkness, this La Cerca version of The Faceless kept catching his ambushes. Like he could see in the darkness himself.
What changed from before? The effects of his infrasound shouts to Fabian's ear should still leave him disoriented and out-of-sync with his counters. How was he able to do counters now?
"In the world stage, Japan has been humiliated by the United States of America and Britain. You've been exposed as a backwards country with primitive technology. Japan could not defeat the U.S.A. Isolation has left you frozen in time."
The Faceless's joints had started to ache from all his exposure to the bat-man's infrasound screams, but Fabian kept pushing forward regardless. His pseudo-arthritis be damned.
Baku then realized something.
The infrasound screaming disrupted Fabian's rhythm and tempo. However, the dissonance was only slight and he merely missed by mere inches or millimeters. Sometimes by a hairbreadth or by a fraction of a millisecond.
Now that Fabian was dual-wielding two weapons, could use the first strike from his lead hand to gauge the distance and the second strike to his rear hand to make up for the miss.
Also, was La Cerca talking all this propaganda garbage in order to disrupt Baku's infrasound screams that kept messing the rhythm of his counters? Also, did he have echolocation abilities himself?
Or maybe he gauged when Baku was near by the growing effects of his infrasound screams were on him, notifying him of when to attack!
How dare he use his own screams against him! He was a clever bastard, that Faceless person. Just like Zan.
"However, resistance is futile. Thanks to the black ships of Commodore Matthew Perry, your country has opened up to reality. Ninjas and samurais are relics of the past. The bygone age of just 20 years ago now feels like it was 100 years ago, wasn't it?"
Baku's pivoting, camouflage, and ambush tactics paired with his sonar echolocation paid dividends, with him delaying La Cerca's reactions enough to occasionally hit him with punches, kicks, projectiles, or stabs with his hooked gauntlets.  
Fabian La Cerca answered by dancing around Baku in circles, chaining his attacks together, and reacting faster and faster, stabbing in the darkness and getting almost hits more and more.
A stab to the thigh later and Baku understood what had changed in The Faceless.
His Fabian personality was hitting his counters now despite being out-of-rhythm because every time his rapier missed, his dagger on his other hand allowed him to fill in the gaps where he'd otherwise be open.
His rapier indeed served as his range finder to hit his target despite being a second out of beat.
"Don't you get it? The existence of the Meiji Era is proof that the West won. You are now a colony of Western Superpowers," said Fabian. "You played chicken with the West and blinked. Now you're our bitch."
An attempt to pierce a cornered Baku's eye with his rapier that missed ended up becoming a dagger slash to the belly. However, the ninja had one more trick up his sleeve.
Baku the Bat-Man flew. Or rather, he jumped and glided in the air, with his cape serving as both his wings and his parachute. The ninja couldn't get cornered.
"How about that? All your posturing is for nothing, outsider. You can't even hit me now."
This only made La Cerca chuckle.
"You think just because you can tell when I'm attacking, you can counter me? Or fly away? Fine. I'll do you one better. I'll tell you exactly what I'm about to do so you can stop me better. I dare you to stop me."
"Just shut up and fight! You talk too much, you foolish gaijin!" spat Baku, who sunk into the darkness once more in order to hide his presence and attack at a blind spot.
Fabian then said, "I'm going to corner you, which will make you fly. I'll then stab you while you're in midair, unable to dodge."
And then he did just that.
La Cerca predicted the ninja would feint attacking from behind, only to fly above his head and swoop down as he turned around, stabbing him at the back regardless.
He figured that the ninja would do something as tricky as set up an obvious pattern to counter as bait for him.
Regardless, Fabian feinted falling for the feint and instead stabbed Baku as he flew. Just like he said.
"Now I'll fight you without the rapier. Just the dagger," boasted La Cerca. "I'm saving the dagger for a worthy challenger. Like that other ninja, Zan."
"DIIIIIIE!" cried the bleeding, desperate flying bat-man ninja, his gauntlets at the ready to block the dagger stabs, only for him to get run through with the rapier.
"Sorry, I lied," said the cheeky Fabian, driving the flabbergasted ninja out of the office entrance and into the exterior compound where Yahiko Myojin, Tatsuya Minakata, and Kaita were.
"This is Manifest Destiny. Bow down to your superiors, small fry! I am the Western Superpower!"
To Be Continued...
Remember the Sanada Demons? Yeah, me neither. Still, I'm going to attempt to squeeze out the best parts out of these infamous filler episode villains the same way I incorporated Shogo Amakusa as a major character in this fanfic.
That sounds on-brand for Rurouni Yahiko.
The trash talking of La Cerca is done as homage to the trash talking of Larry Bird, particularly when he told his opponents what he was going to do before doing it.
Danke, Abdiel
0 notes
blackandbluegrayson · 6 years
Number 41 for Dick and Damian please? ^-^
We need to talk.
(That one has taken me forever. Too many ideas I try to cramin one, I hope that make sense.)
“I already told Alfred earlier, I didn’t see or hear fromhim.” Dick says holding his cellphone between his ear and shoulder to unlockhis apartment door. Not easy taste with his duffle bag on the other shoulder “Ijust arrived home. I will check here and then head for Gotham.”
He listens a moment as he pushes open his door and put hissports bag on the ground. “Of course B, I will call if I find him.” He rollshis eyes so hard that he pretty sure Bruce hears it over the phone. He frownswhen he realizes that his security system is already turned off. “Look I gottago. Talk to you later.” He says quickly and hangs up.
He’s pretty sure who is already there but he didn’t take anychance. He closes the door slowly without a noise and reaches in his bag to getone of his escrima sticks. Quietly, he makes his way in the main room on hisguard. He frowns when he sees the living room empty and in the same state he hasleft it before going on the mission with the Titans.
“Your security is really lacking.”  The familiarity of the young voice is theonly thing that stops him from lashing out.
Dick turns his head toward the source of the sound. Damian issitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea in front of him. He lets out asigh and throws his escrima stick on the couch. “Damian. What are you doinghere.” “Your kitchen is least like a war zone than the living room.” He answers as hetakes a sip of his tea. Dick rubs his face. “Not what I mean. Look I’m always happy with you droppingby but normally you let me know beforehand.” He didn’t mention that theirfather is looking for him all over Gotham, he feels that talk about that wouldonly make Damian run again.
“We need to talk.” The teen says seriously.
Instinctively Dick flinches at those words. Damian issounding so much like Bruce for a second he feels like he is ten years oldagain. It’s not his fault when his brother manages to make any conversationsound like an urgent board meeting. He resizes himself and walks into thekitchen, takes his coat off and sits at the table with his little brother. “I’mlistening.”
The boy straight up in his chair and look at him in the eyes.“I want to discuss the feasibility of restarting our partnership.”
“You know we can worktogether anytime kiddo. You always welcome in Blüdhaven.” Dick says with agentle smile.“You don’t understand Grayson. I mean as a more permanent arrangement.” He repliesand lowers his eyes on the cup in his hand. “You are doing a more thansufficient work here in Blüdhaven but with some of Gotham criminal trying tohide here, you have a handful. Not mentioning you have to balance yourresponsibility between this town, Gotham and the Titans.”
The oldest watches him for a moment. It is clear that thereis more to this but he can’t be too blunt as his ask or Damian would closehimself off. “People might wonder why Robin is moving to Blüdhaven.”
“TT, events with their limited brainpower, I think that most criminals have realized we are members of what the mediacall the bat clan or Bat family.” He says with disdain on hisface before looking away again. “Anyway, I think it’s time for me to retire ofbeing Robin.” Damian’s voice lowers.To say that confession is throwing Dick out the loop is an understatement.“What?”
“Youshould not be surprised Grayson. All of you have outgrown that role at somepoint.” The boy says.Dick shakes his head. “Damian, you realize that none of us really retire frombeing Robin. Bruce fired me, Jason died and I took it away from Tim to make youmy Robin.”
“Eitherway, you have all found your own identity after that.” Damian finally looks backat his brother. “I would only befit for me to find mine. I can’t be Robinforever.”At this point beating around the bushes won’t give him an answer so the oldervigilant decide to be more direct. “Tell me, Damian, what truly brought thisup?”
Dickknows right away it wasn’t the thing to say when Damian’s face scrunches with anger.“You can simply tell me if you aren’t interested. I begin to recognize when Iam unwanted.” He rises from his chair ready to fleet, but the acrobat is fastenough to grab his wrist.
“Damianthis is not what I said. Don’t twist my word.” He says firmly.
Theyounger man glares at the hand on his arms and Dick knows that anyone else wouldhave been threatening to lose that hand. “Grayson.” He growls in a warning tone,but he could fool his brother. Dick could see the hurt and vulnerability in theyounger vigilant face.
Thatis the missing piece he needs to complete the complex puzzle that is DamianWayne’s emotions.Dick squeezes his wrist a little so the boy would look at him. Only when thosegreen eyes meet his that he continues. “Is this about Bruce and Selinaexpecting a child?” he asks softly.
Thatwas the new has fallen yesterday and that what has brought his younger brotherhere in the first place.
Thelook on Damian’s face is answers enough. Even if the younger man has seemed to accept Bruce and Selina’s wedding, Dickknows it has hurt him. No matter how old Damian would get, deep down he is stilla ten-year-old boy that want his parents to be together. He might have keptmost of his complain for himself for his father’s happiness’ sake, but the newsof a new sibling seems to have been too much.
Dicksighs and pulls his brother closer to him so he could wrap his arms him for ahug. The lack of fighting or complain and the fact that the younger boy lean inhis embrace worry him. This is affecting way more than he wants to admit. “Talkto me, little D.,” he mutters in a soft and patient tone.
Damianpresses his face more in his brother’s shoulder. “Father is getting the heir healways wanted… My chance of becoming Batman is becoming thinner.” He saysweakly. “. I was trained for this all my life and now my destiny is slippingthrough my finger. I….I don’t know what else I can be.”
The older vigilantes rub his back softly trying to reassure him. “Damian, youare a bright young man with all his life in front of him, you can be anythingyou want.”“Except Batman apparently.” The teen move back as much as he can with hisDick’s arms still around him. “Save me you’re pre-construct reassurance, Richard.I thought you have a higher opinion of me and my capacity to not treat me likea simple child.”
Dicksays. “It’s true … you don’t have to be what people want you to be, but becomewhat you want.”
“Iam supposed to be my father’s legacy … that what I wanted.” He lowers his eyesunable to face his brother. At this point it’s hard to know if Damian is tryingto prove a point or trying to convince himself.
Dickwatches him. He remembers how lost Damian has been when he have thought Dickand Shawn were having a baby, how he feels like he was being replaced. He canimagine this is so much worst for Damian at the moment. “You still are Bruce’slegacy. That new baby is not here to take your place.”Damian frowns a bit. “You don’t know that Grayson.”
Hesmiles softly. “I know so. You know why? Because I was here first. I have beenhere to witness every new kid been added to our family. Sure we have one of themost messes up families I know but we are always there for each other. Bruce isterrible at showing his emotions but he won’t stop loving you because of thatbaby.” He runs his finger in his brother’s hair. “You are his son and nothingwould ever change that.”
“But I am supposed to be his heir…” Damian begins clearly missing the point. Itnot the first time that Dick feel like going to Talia and Ra’s and give them apiece of his mind about how they have mess up a wonderful boy self-worth, andsadly he knows it not the last time he would feel like this.
Dick let out a sigh. “Maybe one day you would be Batman, maybe not. No one knowswhat the future is holding.” He reaches to cup his cheek so they would lockeyes. “But you already carry the torch of one legacy: mine.”
“Idon’t think I follow you.” Damian mutters weakly.
“Asmuch as never plan for this, Robin is my legacy.” He says and smiles sadly.“And I give it to you. I won’t force this on you if you really don’t want to beRobin anymore, but I can’t think of anyone better than you to watching Batman’sback.”The younger man blushes and lowers his head. “What if I really want to find myown hero persona?”
Dicksmile at him. “Telling B to suck it up and become your own man; that is part ofmy legacy too.” He laughs weakly and slowly letting go when he is sure he won’trun away. “You can’t escape it kiddo.”
Damianrolls his eyes and sits back down in the chair he was occupying earlier. “Youseem so eager for me to follow your legacy; maybe I should begin to look to bethe next Nightwing.” It was a weak attempt teasing but Dick would take this as asmall victory.“Sorry Damian but I’m not planning on retiring anytime soon.” Dick laughssoftly. “But you know Nightwing can always use a Flamebird at his side.”
Theteen raise an eyebrow. “Flamebird?”
“Wait,wait, wait. You are trying to tell me you are the one that have regular sleepover at the Kent and Clark never told you the legend about Nightwing andFlamebird?” Dick can’t hide his disbelieved.
“Thosearen’t sleeping over, they are tactical relocation.” Damian blushes and looksaway. “Not my fault that Kent refusing to understand I don’t need adultsupervision at all times.”
“Thatdoesn’t excuse that anyone have told you that story. It’s changed my life” Dickgets up. “Let me tell you about it during Dinner.” He grabs a bunch of pamphletsfrom the top of the fridge and drops it on the table. “I would even be a greatbrother and let you choose what we eat.” Damian looks at the paper and smiles weakly. “If I have to endure your storyyou have to let me patrol with you.” He says. Dick nods at him, “That for sure. Take time to choose I have a call to make.”
Damiangrabs one of the take-out pamphlets and opens it. “Richard, tell father Iapologize and … offer my congratulations to him and Kyle.” He says quietly. The older man smiles weakly, he knows he could not fool him. “Sure.” He ruffleshis hair softly before he moves into the living room. He wonders if other familieshave that kind of drama on daily basic as he watches his brother in the kitchenher realize he didn’t care. As much as he wants to keep Damian here with him he knows he needs to go backto Bruce and make peace with him. He knows Damian have all the qualities to becomea fierce Big Brother for the little bat that is coming in there life. Untilthen, he just glad Damian still found solace with him after all those years. “Weare truly the greatest.” He mutters as he calls Bruce.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
MBTI Of Underworld Characters | ScreenRant
MBTI's (Myers-Briggs Type Indicators) are a fun way to put fictional characters into archetypal categories. Since we get to see them go through conflict and strife more often than not, we see their true capabilities and problem solving strategies front and center. And there's not many fictional worlds with more ingrained conflict than the Underworld films.
These films are centered around Selene, a Vampire Death Dealer, charged with eradicating Lycans (Werewolves). Over the course of the series she has her past revealed, upturning her perception of everything she knows. We also meet the original vampire progenitor, the Lycan hierarchy, the new orders that arise from both as the bodies pile up, hybrids, covens, broods, and even a human or two who get embroiled in the proceedings.
Each and every character is distinct and memorable, even as the films vary in quality. Here are the MBTI scores they might've gotten if they stopped in for a test between the bullets and fangs flying.
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13 Lucian - ENTJ - Visionary Leader
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The leader of the Lycans and the one who freed them from Vampyric control in the first place. It was Lucian's love with Sonja that set about the events of Underworld, his Lycan revolt forever pitting them against their former masters. Lucian is magnetically charismatic as well as unbound by tradition. He comes close to embodying many positive traits from opposing indicators but his ability to see a bold new future and the ways to get there stamp his credentials.
12 Semira - INTP - Musing Architect
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Semira works within the Eastern Coven in Blood Wars attempting to lure Selene into her midst. Through her machinations, she wants to literally drain her powers. She uses people around her to further her plans. She is flexible towards her ultimate goals, evaluating and shifting on the fly, such as when she sees David and Selene pass through sunlight. Ultimately, she is caught  by her wonder at finally seeing the sun again when her plan succeeds, betraying herself by not staying focused.
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11 Marius - ENTJ - Visionary Leader
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The second ENTJ to lead the Lycans that we've seen. In Blood Wars Marius succeeds in a sense where Lucian failed, taking Michael's blood to turn himself into a Super-Werewolf. He is revealed to be a magnetic ruler, albeit cruel. He lures the vampire traitor Alexia into his midst and uses her to help initially defeat Selene. He often revels in his beastly nature and hands out deadly punishments by hand. A great threat to the vampires until Selene's re-emergence.
10 Raze - ESFJ - Committed Soldier
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Interestingly played by the co-creator of Underworld, Raze is the behemoth brute to Lucian's brain. As we learn in the prequel Rise Of The Lycans, Raze has been at Lucian's side since the uprising. He works well in packs and is fiercely loyal. He deals with what is front and center while Lucian sees beyond. Despite ferocious power, he cares about his comrades. He'll risk his life for another and follow an order even if it's endangering making him the ideal second.
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9 Sonja - ENFJ - Passionate Visionary
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The woman who begets the turmoil between Lycan and Vampire by falling in love with a beast in Rise Of The Lycans. While on the surface she is a dutiful traditionalist daughter to Viktor, in truth she is much more. Her feelings for Lucian inspire him to be more than a slave.  She herself forgoes even her own kind for love. She is also lethally capable, inspiring in battle, and decisively takes action. Empathetic to slave and noble alike. In the end she dies for the things she loves, tragically ensuring Lucian's path.
8 Kraven - ESTP - Systematically Driven
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The conniving Kraven desired to become leader of Selene's Coven. He holds a unique place in Underworld, being on the side ultimately 'in the right' but still a traitorous, despicable letch. He managed to convene a majority of followers during Viktor's rest. That, as with almost all his actions, were at the service of his planned powergrab. Even his lusting over Selene may have been elemental to that plan, due to her proximity to Viktor. Everything is a scheme or a plan with him, rarely action, and he cannot be dissuaded.
7 Viktor - ENFJ - Passionate Visionary (Corrupted)
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Viktor is one of the three Vampire Elders and the primary antagonist. As Selene's adopted father and Sonja's actual father, his daughters become his greatest weakness. His position of power comes from his seniority and supernatural physical advantage rather than good judgement. He outwardly clings to tradition but we see, especially in the prequel, that he is massively conflicted in his feelings. Moreover, his inherent form of species hate comes from his guttural revulsion to the breed he himself originated, the Lycans. Over and over Viktor clearly goes against his internal feelings out of reactionary fear. For all his power, he is frightened of a future he sees on the horizon and fights it tooth and nail.
RELATED: How Underworld: Blood Wars Takes Series Back to Basics
6 Markus Corvinus - INTJ - Raging Ruler
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The pure-blood vampire of the Corvinus clan, awoken by Werewolf blood spilled upon him. In Evolution, Markus joins the fray and immediately sets out to kill Selene and Michael. This, while also seeking to recover his original Werewolf brother, William. Markus may be an elder, but he is reclusive and volatile. He reacts on his whims and with rage abound. Killing is his go-to problem-solver and he is capable of vicious attacks with little prompting. Another case of someone using potentially positive indicators for the worse.
5 Thomas - ESTP - Maneuverable Survivability
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Played by the esteemed Charles Dance, Thomas rules a coven that Selene encounters in Awakenings. In this new age where Vampires and Lycans have been hunted to the brink of extinction, Thomas is cautious and vulnerable. He prefers to wait, watch, and plan strategic retreats to avoid further losses. He butts heads with his son, David, over these strategies but remains steadfast. Vampire traditions hold little sway to him, nor Selene's plight. Intelligently avoiding direct conflict defines him, and when he betrays that philosophy it costs him everything.
RELATED: Theo James Explains His Underworld Character's Evolution
4 David - ENFJ - Passionate Visionary
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Selene meets David early in Awakenings and finds he is driven by his guttural perceptions of what is 'right'. David, like his father, holds little love for the old vampire ways of things. Unlike his father, who is committed to avoiding trouble and staying out of the fight, David runs headlong into it. He constantly wants to bring the fight to their aggressors. He thinks his father's stagnant tactics will result in the deaths of all and cannot stand idly by. Emotionally driven and invested in Selene's plight from the moment we meet him.
3 Eve - INFP - Cautious Perceptor
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Introduced in Awakenings, Eve is Michael and Selene's daughter. She is revealed to be a hybrid like her father, and is sought after by the secret Lycan scientists who have infiltrated human society. Her blood is key to their plans to make a 'Super-Werewolf'. Unless driven into a killing rage, Eve is generally quiet, reserved, and kind. She is telepathically connected to her parents and feels genuine love for Selene even though Selene has no initial recollection of her. She tends to watches and react rather than initialize.
RELATED: Underworld TV Show is Moving Forward Again
2 Michael Corvin - ISFP - Empathetic Caretaker
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Michael is the human descendant of Alexander Corvinus whose ancestor wasn't 'bitten by bat or wolf' and a medical nurse thrust into supernatural turmoil who is literally hunted from both sides of the conflict. An injured Selene discovers him, having been bitten by Lucian and doomed to become a Lycan. Even so, he sets aside his own impending life-altering situation and employs his medical training to try to help Selene. His empathy reigns as a dominant trait. Even as his powers evolve, he maintains a moral code to direct that power. As a character that speaks less than most, he and Selene are pulled together as two halves of a cohesive whole. His feelings reveal hers when nothing else could.
1 Selene - INTJ - Responsible Executor
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She is the core of the series with an unflappable facade. Selene does not suffer with fools and if we could hear her inner monologue, it would be mostly silent. She snaps into action when her 'gut' tells her something is up. Although we see her with her guard down a few times in the series, you can tell these are the exceptions rather than the rule. Her answer for most things is a boot or a bullet, befitting her Death Dealer expertise. She's not big on 'feelings' and even when her family is involved, she defaults to stone-faced pragmatism. Her mission often supersedes any emotion, but she'll always do her duty as long as it is 'right'.
Next: Kate Beckinsale Confirms She's Done With Underworld Movies
source https://screenrant.com/mbti-underworld-characters/
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robinhoodrevisited · 7 years
Agreements & Betrayals (pt.5)
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Sherwood Forest. Near Dead Man’s Crossing. (Isabella runs, then ducks behind a thick tree, breathing heavily. She hears a twig snap close behind her. She quiets her breathing, pulls up her skirt and takes a knife from a small belt tied around her thigh. She slowly slides around the tree, then suddenly stabs out with the knife. Robin catches her arm and faces her with a stern look.) Isabella: (Relieved:) “Robin... (Robin presses the inside of her wrist to make her drop the knife. He watches it as it falls from her hand to the ground.) Oh, thank God.” (Isabella throws her arms around Robin’s neck. He loosely puts his arms around her waist and lets her hold him.) Robin: “Are you all right?” (Isabella nods and lets go.) Isabella: “Despite being betrayed by a friend, yes.” Robin: “Vaisey is no one’s friend. Now maybe you realise that finally. My gang and I have been working on your behalf to make sure you remain sheriff. I assume our efforts won’t go unnoticed?” Isabella: (Nods:) “Yes, of course. (Robin shifts his feet, his look still stern, deciding if he can trust her.) I think we can work together. I’ve always known it and I think you do, too.” Robin: (Purses his lips, then nods slightly.) “Marian trusts you, so it’s a deal.” Isabella: “You won’t regret this. How can I repay you?” Robin: “Well, you can start by handing over the gold... tomorrow, at Knight’s Glade.“ Isabella: “But... I need it to win the contest.” Robin: “Only if Vaisey manages to collect more than you. And I’m not going to let that happen.” Isabella: (Thinks:) “Of course. You must give it back to the people. It’s theirs, after all.“ Robin: “Good.” Sheriff: (Getting closer:) “Isabella, come out, come out wherever you are!” (Little John and Will turn towards the voice, pulling their weapons ready.) Robin: “John, escort the Sheriff back to her castle.” (Little John makes a silent look of disbelief as Djaq, Much and Will disappear into the trees.) Isabella: (Quietly:) “Thank you.” (Little John stomps past her, clearly unhappy with his assignment.) Little John: (Gruffly:) “This way.” (Robin leans on the tree and Isabella follows Little John.) Powis Castle. Great Hall. Wales. (Clarke enters the hall to find Lexa speaking with the Nightbloods. The Commander sits upon her throne as the Nightbloods sit at her feet below the dais.) Lexa: "What are the three pillars of being Commander?" (The words 'Wisdom', 'Compassion' and 'Strength' are uttered among the Nightbloods in answer.) Clarke: (Whispering to Titus:) "Talk her out of it yet?" Titus: "No. But maybe you can."
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Clarke: "I don't understand. The Queen's not fighting, why should she?" Titus: "The Queen's strength is not in doubt. Thanks to her deal with Prince John, Lexa's is." Lexa: (To the group:) "Train hard and remember, you are each worthy of your Nightblood." Titus: (Stepping forward:) "Nightbloods.” (Claps and indicates for them to follow him.) Lexa: "Aden. (A young boy turns.) Stay. Clarke, (Clarke walks over.) this is Aden. Aden is the most promising of my novitiates. If I should die today, he will likely succeed me. (Clarke cannot hide the worried look on her face. to Aden:) Clarke worries about her people. Tell her what will happen to them when you become Heda, Aden." Aden: "If I become Heda, I pledge my loyalty to the thirteenth Clan." Lexa: "Thank you. Now go join the others. (Aden bows and leaves the room. Clarke turns to watch him leave.) See? (Clarke turns back around. With a smile:) Nothing to worry about." Clarke: "I'm sorry if I'm worried the fate of the coalition lies in the hands of a child." Lexa: "Then you worry for nothing. I've sent Indra with a division of warriors to collect your friends and bring them here. Your people are protected, as I vowed they would be.” Clarke: "You’re bringing Robin and his gang here?” Lexa: “I’ve instructed Indra to tell them you sent for them. It seemed prudent, given that their opinion of me is likely to reflect your own.” Clarke: “And if they refuse?” Lexa: (Regards Clarke a moment:) “They will be brought here for their own safety.” (Turns and moves towards the throne.) Clarke: (Following:) “My friends can look after themselves. It’s you I’m concerned about right now. (Lexa stops and faces Clarke at this:) You don't stand a chance against Roan." Lexa: (Indignant:) "You've never seen me fight." Clarke: "No, but I saw him kill three men in the time it took the first one to hit the ground." Lexa: (Shakes her head:) "If you're right, today is the day my spirit will choose its successor, and you need to accept that." Clarke: (Leaning close to the Commander:) "Like hell I do." (Clarke turns and strides out of the Hall as Lexa coolly seats herself upon the Commander's throne.)
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Nottingham Castle. Dungeons. (Isabella comes down with Sir Jasper and two guards.) Isabella: “Release her.” (Meg stands.) Meg: “Isabella, you’re back.” Isabella: “Meg!” Meg: “Thank goodness.” (The guard unlocks Meg’s cuffs. Gisborne sits at the bars separating them, his hands gripping the iron.) Jasper: “I’m not so sure your brother will feel the same. (Leans down to speak to Gisborne:) You’re for the chop, my friend.” (Isabella glances at Guy, unsure of how she will be able to free him. Taking Meg’s arm, she begins to walk away. Gisborne watches Meg with a look of sadness in his eyes.) Meg: “Won’t you release Guy, too?” (Isabella turns to Meg.) Jasper: (Scoffs:) “What? Are you mad? He’s our enemy.” Meg: (Looks plaintively at Guy.) “But...” Isabella: (Squeezing Meg’s hand:) “He betrayed Prince John, Meg. There’s nothing I can do.” (Isabella gives Meg a meaningful look and almost imperceptibly nods towards Sir Jasper as if to say ‘Not while he’s around.’ Gisborne glances down, but the fact Meg wants him released clearly moves him.) Jasper: “You sill girl. A few hours in a cell with a cold-hearted killer and you lose your wits.” (Gisborne takes a last look at Meg.) Isabella: “My brother will get exactly what he deserves. Now come on.” (Isabella glances at Gisborne, then pulls Meg behind her. Meg looks back at Gisborne, who lowers his eyes, sinking back into his depression.)
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Powis Castle. Courtyard. (Prince Roan, accompanied by his mother Queen Nia is being led out into the courtyard by guards.) Queen Nia: "Focus, Roan. You're here to practice. Remember, anticipate her reflexes. When you feel overconfident, you forget that your enemy has strengths, too.” Roan: "I don't need your help." Queen Nia: "You're upset that I chose you?" Roan: "I'm not surprised." Queen Nia: "When you kill Lexa, your banishment will be over. In the wake of your victory, our people will be more powerful than ever. That will be your legacy and your legend." Roan: "Don't pretend you do anything for me, Mother." Queen Nia: "You're right. Everything I do is for Ireland. What's good for Ireland is good for you. (To her second:) My sword. (The second steps forward and presents the Queen with her sword as a guard uncuffs the Prince. Presenting the weapon to her son:) If you won't fight for your mother or your queen, fight for your clan. (Roan pulls the sword from the scabbard and inspects it.) I want her head." (The Queen walks away, leaving Roan alone to practice. Spinning the sword a few times in his hand he turns suddenly and points the weapon towards a hooded figure.) Roan: "What do you want?" Clarke: (Lifting her hood and raising her head:) "We need to talk." Roan: "We have nothing to talk about. (Lowers the sword and turns away:) I need to prepare." Clarke: "I didn't tell Lexa you gave me the knife. That at least earns me a moment of your time. (Roan raises an eyebrow but does not speak:) This is what your mother wanted all along." Roan: (Turning back to her:) "What do you want? Spit it out." Clarke: "I want you to become the king. I know you've thought of it. She was willing to let you die, willing to let you be banished. I know you just want to go home." Roan: "When I win today, I will." Clarke: "For how long? How long until your mother finds another reason to cast you out, to sacrifice you? No one can cast a king out of his kingdom." Roan: "I can't do it... My people would never take me back... (Clarke begins to turn away:) but... (Clarke looks at him:) I can help you do it."
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Sherwood Forest. Night. (The Sheriff and four guards with torches walk down the road.) Sheriff: “Isabella!” (They encounter a cross made with flat, white stones in the middle of their path.) Guard: “I don’t like the look of this. You shouldn’t have touched that burial mound.” Sheriff: “Superstitious peasant! (The Sheriff kicks a rock near the centre out of place. Suddenly, a swarm of bats fly at them. The guards try to swat them away, scared.) They’re just bats! (Two guards run away.) Get back here, you cowards!” (The Sheriff hears a horse whinny behind him. A figure in a black cloak, face hidden in the hood, on a white horse gallops up and stops.) Will: “You have disturbed the dead!” (The horses neighs and rears. The last two guards run off.) Guard: “Somebody help me! Help!” Sheriff: “Come back!” Will: “You invoked the Viking curse! You’ll be visited by suffering, madness and death!” (Robin quietly stands behind The Sheriff.) Robin: “Playing with the devil. (The Sheriff looks behind him. Robin draws his bow back.) Big mistake, Vaisey.” Nottingham Castle. Dungeons. (Meg comes down the stairs with a plate of food and a cup. She stops at the bottom, then moves forward to Gisborne’s cell. She sets down the plate and cup outside the bars where Gisborne is sitting. He looks forlornly up at her.) Gisborne: (Quietly:) “Thank you. (Shakes his head.) But no.” Meg: “You must eat... f—for me. It’s the least that I can do.” Gisborne: (Honestly:) “You’ve done more than enough.” Meg: (Starts to cry:) “I haven’t done anything.” Gisborne: (Nods slightly.) “You have. You made me think.” Meg: “About what?” Gisborne: “About... someone I know. She sees good where there is none. She made me a better man.” Meg: “What happened?” Gisborne: (Silent a moment before answering. Quietly:) “She loves another man. She lied and deceived me all for her love for another. (Voice breaking a bit:) She does not love me, nor do I think she ever did. But despite all of that, she changed me.” (Meg tries to hold back her tears.) Meg: “Well, it’s her loss if you ask me.” Gisborne: (Smiles:) “G—... Go on.” (Meg stands, gazes at him a moment, then leaves. Gisborne hangs his head.) Sherwood Forest. (Will, at the head, and Much carry a bound and gagged Sheriff into a small caged cart. Vaisey yells behind his gag.) Will: (to cart driver:) “We found him in the forest, babbling something about Viking ghosts. (Will stands over The Sheriff.) He needs to be locked up.” Much: (Stands at the back.) “Yep, madhouse is the best place for him.” Djaq: “He’s a danger to himself and the people around him.” (Will gives a smug look to Djaq and gets out. Vaisey struggles and yells.) Will: “And if he mentions something about being Sheriff of Nottingham, just pay no attention.“ (Vaisey looks back at the driver and yells. Much closes the door and latches it.) Much: “He was the Queen of Sheba last week.” (Much steps away and Robin comes up.) Robin: “Nottingham’s well rid of you, Vaisey. And don’t even think of coming back. (The cart driver turns around to watch.) Because if you do, your next destination won’t be an asylum... (Vaisey yells.) ...but where you really belong... hell.“ (Robin taps the cart and nods. The cart drives off with Vaisey still screaming in back.)
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Nottingham Castle. Sheriff’s quarters. (Isabella gives instructions to two guards. Behind her, more guards unpack the treasure and Meg stands watching her.) Jasper: (Fondling a few coins:) “Well, since there’s been no sign of Vaisey and the day is almost out, I think the title of Sheriff is yours, my lady.” Isabella: (Takes a seat at her desk:) “You truly think so?” Jasper: (Nods:) “Especially now you’ve got some gold to show the Prince. The challenge was very specific: The winner will be the one who has captured the most outlaws and gold. Just one or the other wouldn’t have sufficed.” Isabella: (Conversationally:) “What would’ve happened in that case I wonder?” Jasper: (Shakes his head:) “I couldn’t say. Nothing good, I’d imagine.” (Meg comes over, pretending to look at the jewellery in a chest on the edge of the table. As Sir Jasper and Isabella continue talking, Meg eyes the keys lying next to the chest, then silently takes the keys off the table when Isabella turns her head away to think. Isabella smiles up at Meg, but she has disappeared. She quickly glances at the table and sees the keys are gone, too. She frowns slightly, then realises Meg’s intent. She stands and hurries out.) Nottingham Castle. Dungeons. (Meg comes downstairs, checking for guards. She rushes to Gisborne and unlocks his cell.) Gisborne: “Meg? (Meg opens the door and kneels down to unlock Gisborne’s shackles.) What are you doing?” Meg: “I can’t let her kill you. I just can’t.” Gisborne: (Touched:) “You’d do this for me? (Meg smiles. Gisborne grabs a bar and pulls himself up, then takes Meg’s hand and strokes her cheek lovingly. They stare into each other’s eyes.) Thank you.” (Smiles.)
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(Isabella stands at the foot of the stairs, watching. Sir Jasper beside her.) Jasper: “Well, this is touching.” Gisborne: “Go! (Gisborne pushes Meg forward and they start to run to the stairs, but Isabella catches Meg and, as Sir Jasper snaps his fingers, two guards with swords jump out to confront Gisborne.) She didn’t know what she was doing!” Isabella: “Oh, yes she did! (to Meg:) How could you? I set you free and this is how you repay me?” Meg: “We’re not the same! I try to do things out of love. You’re doing this out of hate!” Isabella: (Eyes deliriously wide:) “How dare you?! I suppose I should be grateful. Now I know the only person I can trust is myself. I’m on my own!” (Isabella shoves Meg at the guards. One stays with Gisborne; the other takes Meg.) Meg: “You put yourself there, Isabella.” Isabella: (Raging, pointing at her brother:) “He put me there when he sold me into a loveless marriage! (Meg and Gisborne stare at Isabella, who steps forward.) So, if you two lovebirds want to be together... that’s fine. You shall. You’ll both die.“ (Meg can only choke on the air and she puts her hand to her throat as the guards steer them away. Sir Jasper smirks and watches Isabella a moment. As she stands there staring at nothing in particular we can only wonder what’s going through her mind. Whatever it is, she is clearly shaken by the days events. )
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
This blog has several verses and AU’s below are the comprehensive guides to each;
TNM [Original Verse]
This is the verse that follows the cannon of "The Next Mutation" Venus's original name was Mei Pei Chi, and she is a Shinobi from Asia. She has Chi abilities and a deep connection with the spiritual realm. She is clever and witty and can easily outsmart and fight all of her brothers. She is somewhat illiterate in English terminology and often messes up common sayings. She was given the name Venus by Mikey and does her best to help her brothers defend the mortal realm from dragons.
2012 (Oroku Verse)
This is described in full details on the muse page and later events in the timeline can be found in the OVDMAU and OVDMASK tags.
2012 Switched Verse
In this Verse Venus is raised by Splinter and is the eldest of the turtle siblings. She wears bottle bottom glasses and tends to constantly readjust them. She often stays in the lair and gives on the go information through a com line and functions as a living Siri. She is about 7’ 6" and she is quite strong. She can match Slash and LeatherHead in strength and when on Missions is a no-nonsense gal. She looks after her brothers and protects them and refuses to let them go solo or without their coms. She is closest to Leo and she is practically a co-leader to the team. She gets cold easily and often wears sweaters and leg warmers if not then boots and gloves. She is a gentle giant and has a pet Flying Fox (Bat) named Paul Robsen. She is well read and tends to write journals about their lives. She wields two hand held double sided axes.
Wheeled Switched Verse
This Verse is an alternative to the switched Verse. On one of her missions she came in between Shredder and Leo and due to her soft shell taking the blow that was meant to kill Leo she was paralyzed from the waist down. She is missing an eye (From the same fight) and has a Monocle with google glasses type technology. She mostly stays in the lair and offers constant tactical, emotional and informative support.
Tribal Verse
In this Verse Venus goes only by Vee, She lives in a cave in the woods and keeps to herself. She knows much about plants and herbal remedies. She is mostly fearless but keeps away from the local Villages humans. She takes care of the forest and it’s animals. She is rather wary of her own kind and keeps to herself. She only knows a few words and her name. She can speak bat and lives in a cave full of them.
NightWatcher Verse
In this verse she has moved out and is trying to make it on her own as the next night watcher. Raph is nor very pleased by this and they have a love hate relationship. Her primary weapons are Cat Claws and Poisons of Many Varieties often used alongside throwing needles. She has a gliding attachment on her suit and will often glide from roof to roof. She lives in an apartment building on the top floor of a rundown building on the wrong side of town.
Human Verse
In this Verse she is a human along with the turtles and Splinter. She wears a large Iron Turtle Shell on her back of her own black smithing. She is very handy with metal working and her weapon is a thick balanced staff with an axe on one side and a large hammer on the other. She is constantly dirty and refuses to wear traditional girls clothes. She dresses as a boy and often sneaks out to patrol on her own where no one can judge or underestimate her.
Child Verse
In this Verse she is an experiment conducted by Saki to make another turtle to weaponize against Splinter. What came out of it was a sweet little girl turtle named Venus. She was quickly rescued from Saki and lives as the turtles little sister. She is a quick learner and a smart girl who wants to be just like her brothers. She is anywhere from 5-10 years younger than the turtles.
Prisoner Verse
In this Verse Venus has been underground in a cell for the last ten years. She was taken when the turtles were all five and was believed to be dead. She is currently in one of Shredders underground cells, she is missing her right eye and left arm. She is skinny, frail, and scar covered from years of torture. She can’t remember her own name after years of psychological tampering. She is awaiting death and believes her family has no intention of rescuing her.
Street Verse
In this Verse Venus was found by A Teenage Hun. She was raised to be a street rat and thief. She is cocky and proud and wears goggles for glasses, she wears a hoodie and pants to help blend into crowds. She also occasionally paints her face and skin to look more human. She has several dragon tattoos and the speed and stealth of a ninja due to a lifetime of pick pocketing.
Experiment Verse
In this Verse Venus was found by Stockman and has spent most of her life sleeping in a test tube. She goes by “Experiment 733” and is Stockmans personal Guinea Pig. She is highly intelligent but never lets on she can speak for fear of punishment or torture. She wears a tracking shock collar to prevent escape and is only let out of her tube for experiments.
Sea Turtle Verse
In this Verse She is not a “sibling” to the turtles but rather the product of an experiment by humans upon finding the first of the mutagen. She escaped the lab after it was raided and lives on the New York coast. She ended up in the city after a freak storm whose currents sent her into hiding in the sewers. She got lost in them and is currently searching for her way out, she is weak and starving. She only understands a few words, Yes, No and Come. She has bad vision and the ability to eco locate both in and out of water.“
Blood Verse
In this Verse she was found by a young Vampire girl. She was turned and raised with the clan of vampires that reside in the local Forest. She often lures in meals for her family. She can turn into a small shelled bat and requires blood every 24 hours or she will starve.
Forest Verse
In this verse she lives in a small cave in the local forest of NYC. She doesn’t know how to speak and has spent her whole life fending for herself and living off the land. She is a savage and will attack if you get to close.
Reflections Verse
In an alternative time line where Mutants are common and the subject of racism like hatred and subjugation in a crime filled world. The Shredder is a wealthy businessman man leading a double life and standard. He is the leading source in Mutant discrimination however he uses mutants to raise his funds through dirty means. He is married to Tang Shen who never died but was never allowed to marry Splinter due to his becoming of a mutant (Planned by Saki of course to win Tang Shen) Splinter lives with the four turtles he calls his sons as he works on a cure and a way to thwart Sakis dirty business deals, working with his sons as protectors of the divided city. Venus was left behind when the turtles mutated because Splinter was chased out of the alley by a mutant hating Mob. Tang Shen quickly hid the infant child and brought her home. Saki agreed to raise her but only if her Shell could be removed and the fact she is a mutant hidden. So Tang agreed reluctantly, Venus’s soft infant shell was removed and she was left with horrendous scarring and a partially exposed spine. She has to wear a special corset like torso guard to heed her back from getting bruised and injured anymore than it already is. If her back is handled to roughly the skin easily tears and splits. So she has to walk very stiff and with a straight back to prevent tearing her back. She is forced to wear gloves, long sleeves, stockings, a wig, hat, and boots to hide her mutant features. She also wears body paints and makeups to hide her pale green skin in public. She has to hide her tail and lives a life shut in a house with her sister whom she can’t play with due to her back and her sick bedridden mother and her cruel father. She hides her tail and does her best to go about a normal life working at a small cafe as a waitress.
2003 Verse
Coming Soon
2014/2016 Verse
Coming Soon
2007 Verse
Coming Soon
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princesslov27 · 7 years
Immortal Game Chapter 25
Chapter 25
Victoria kicked him in the groin hard.
“I’m NOT yours.”
He cries out and grasps her hands hard.
“Yes you are!”
“What is wrong with you? I’m not yours until we’re married and right now you’re not making me wanna marry you.”
He chuckles. “But you know you can’t turn me down.”
“Yes I can.”
“If you wanna die sure.”
“I’d rather die than spend the rest of my life with a rapist like you.”
He put a shot in her arm and it made her nearly drop off into sleep and U-Kwon returned to normal. That wasn’t that fun. Not like Suzy had been. Although Victoria was very out of it she could still see that it was U-Kwon. Her half brother. He walked back and forth. What could he do to make her open up nicely? He really didn’t want to seduce her though. Victoria tried to get up slowly. He looks over and pushed her down. She tried to kick him. He frowned. Victoria knew she had to get away, she couldn’t let this happen. He added more to her system to knock her out. It knocked her out enough to not be able to move really but she was still aware of everything around her. U-Kwon sat down and began to look over what he could do.  Victoria tried to reach into her pocket to get out Krystal’s phone. U-Kwon wasn’t paying attention. She fumbled around with it and finally got it out of her pocket. She managed to find Ken’s number and called him, putting it on speaker phone. When Ken answered he was about to ask Krystal what was wrong when he heard U-Kwon’s voice.
“That didn’t work. What is with this bitch? How come she’s so fighty? That’s not like what I’ve researched about her at all. So now what do I do if she doesn’t just accept it like Suzy just accepted me?”
“Maybe I’ve changed,” Victoria said, “Not everyone just accepts things.”
He snorts. “As if that’s true. And how the hell are you still awake? Am I gonna have to strangle you?”
“I’m a lot tougher than ya think U-Kwon.”
He stood up and returned to Gikwang and sneers. “Looks like you need to be taught a lesson, bride-to-be.”
“I’m not your bride.”
“You are. I’m Gikwang. You’re Krystal.”
“And I just decided I’m not gonna marry you.”
‘Gikwang’ laughs. “And you know what’s gonna happen then. You die.”
She smirked slightly.
“I know.”
With any luck she would still be in Krystal’s body if and when that happened.
“I guess if you’re gonna die I might as well enjoy you now.”
He reached for her again. She bat him away tiredly. Ken had heard enough. He’d had it recording the whole time so he ended the call, sent the file to his dad, and ran to try and find Krystal. His father was busy dealing with other problems so he didn’t see the file from Ken. He finally found then right as ‘Gikwang’ had her all tied down and was about to take her. He knocked him down. Victoria was just able to make out that some guy had taken U-Kwon off of her. He growls, hit Ken, angry to be seen by someone other than Krystal and managed to leave quickly after that. Victoria only heard the growling before she completely knocked out because of the drugs. Ken helped her back to her place and Leo. She was still unconscious when he arrived with her. He set her down on the bed.
“What happened?” Luna asked.
“Suzy.... we got U-Kwon. He tried to do the same to Krystal, that he did to you. As Gikwang.”
Suzy’s eyes went wide.
“It’s Victoria actually,” Victoria said as she briefly started to gain consciousness.
“Oh right. I forgot you two switched....” Ken said.
“Three times,” she mumbled.
“Anyway, he tried to get Krystal. So I sent a recording of it to Dad.”
“Your dad is finally gonna take care of this?”
“I hope so.”
“Good, it’s about time.”
Ken looks down at Victoria.
“I’m fine.”
“Thank goodness.”
“U-Kwon doesn’t scare me.”
“He should.”
“That just makes him feel more powerful.”
“Well I suppose.”
“Go home Ken.”
He sighs and left. Victoria would’ve liked to spend time with Ken but she was worried she’d get him in trouble. And right now that was not what he needed. Ken went to his father. Their dad had brought U-Kwon in and was yelling at him. Their dad looked furious and it was clear U-Kwon was not getting away with it for a second time. Ken didn’t smirk he just went to stand beside his father.
“Not only is this the second time you’ve done this but it is also from the same group!” their father yelled at U-Kwon. “You’ve disgraced our family and almost got Ken killed! As of now you are officially out. You are not my son, you will not be the heir and society will deal with you in their way. I do not want to see you ever again.”
“Like hell! You don’t even.... Do you even know how hard that fucking was? Of course I was trying to kill Ken. Don’t tell me you didn’t kill off your own sibling to be King,” he sneered.
“I NEVER killed my siblings!” their father hissed and his eyes turned blood red. “I was appointed by my father, as Ken has been. Nobody like you could ever rule a clan properly.”
U-Kwon hisses back and wanted to attack but instead gave a look at Ken and he made himself to look away so he didn’t look at U-Kwon. Their father then picked U-Kwon up by the scruff of his neck and threw him out the window. Ken sighs in relief.
“I’m glad you got that Father.”
“I’m sure you would’ve come and seen me if I hadn’t.”
“I was on my way to,” he responds sheepishly. “It was actually Victoria in Krystal’s body and was able to resist him and call me smartly. She knew it wasn’t Gikwang.”
“She’s still in Krystal’s body?”
“They’re still switching back and forth.”
He nods a little.
“I think U-Kwon was right though. If it had been Krystal, she woulda taken it. Even though she wouldn’t want to be raped.”
“Victoria did have a lot of fight in her.”
“Yeah, she’s a good girl. She even stood up to you and said no. And you know no one says no to you.”
“Yes, that is true, but sadly that also means she’ll die soon.”
"No. I don't think so."
"It is out of our hands no matter what."
He nods at that. It was true.
"You coming back now?"
"Yes Father. But I want to chose my wife. And I mean one."
“One! You are being ridiculous Ken, you need at least two so you have plenty of heirs just in case something happens.”
"Why should I have a second woman whom I don't love in my life? It's not fair for me and it's not fair for her."
“Because it’s right for the clan. Do you think I wanted a second wife? I took one because I wanted to make sure I had heirs in case anything happened.”
“Dad I already know who I want to marry. And she couldn’t handle sharing me. It would break her. And I don’t wanna be with another woman anyway. Heirs, plenty of them, will happen. If I’m with the woman I love it’s easy to be horny. I don’t get how you could be horny with the women you didn’t love. And your ideas are archaic dad. Just like the idea that females can’t lead. You can’t even see how amazing of a leader Victoria could be because she’s a girl. You don’t look at the rest of our half sisters. It’s a wonder I have any decent brothers who don’t just see girls as babymakers. It’s a wonder there are ANY decent vampire males.”
“Watch your mouth,” his father hissed at him and his eyes glowed red. “If you’d never returned and Victoria hadn’t left she would’ve been the heir. As for my wives, I love all of them and the same goes for my children.”
“Well that’s you... I still can’t see myself loving anyone else than Suzy,” he mumbles.
“SUZY! She’s not even the same species!”
“And? U-Kwon’s kids are proof enough it’s possible.”
“That is not the point. The whole clan will become outcasts in our society.”
He squeezes his fist. He had to leave before this conversation became an insane fight. “I’ll see you later.”
He turned and ran off, back to Suzy. He sometimes hated his father only thinking of vampire society instead of what’s actually right. He wasn’t even sure if he believed his father that Victoria woulda been ruler. His father sighed but sent him a text.
“You are the heir, no matter who you mate. If the clan members leave or suffer because of that choice it is on you. I’m stepping down tomorrow, I expect you to return then.”
“I’ll be there, but I need to talk.”
He didn’t specify Suzy since he didn’t care if his father thought it was him. He needed to talk with Suzy about this. By the time Ken got back Victoria was physically doing much better. Ken gave her a bow and went to go talk to Suzy. There was gonna be tears. He knew that. From her. And screaming. Victoria gave him a slight nod although she had no idea why he was acting so strange. He was older and the heir so he shouldn’t be bowing to her. He closed the door to Krystal and Suzy’s room and began to talk with her. Victoria did her best not to listen in, it was clearly a private conversation. But it was hard when soon enough loud tears and screams came from Suzy’s mouth at Ken. Victoria winced a little, it was clear things weren’t going well for Ken. Ken let her get hysterical. Victoria grabbed her keys and phone and left. She needed some air.
“You bitch.”
Victoria jumped and looked around. U-Kwon was there.
“I’m taking you out.”
“You got yourself kicked out of the clan.”
“Yes, you just refuse to admit it.”
Victoria smirked a little.
"It'll all be fine later."
“Yeah, for me.”
"For me."
“Yeah right. You’re not protected anymore. Junhyung is gonna kill ya.”
"Not before you're dead," he responds attacking her.
Victoria was ready for it. Her eyes turned a different color and the claws came out as she dodged him. He turned and scratched at her. Victoria didn’t even flinch, she had a high pain tolerance. Krystal's body was crying. Victoria fought back though. She had to deal with him, even if it killed her. But soon enough they were surrounded by both U-Kwon's guys and a bunch of Krystal's clan members. Victoria wished she was in her own body, she knew how to fight in it. She was a good fighter but it was a little awkward in Krystal’s body. The clan members surrounded her to fight for her. Victoria waved them off though.
“U-Kwon is mine.”
“Your Highness.”
“You may have a power but I was always the better fighter,” She said glaring at U-Kwon.
He laughs. A second later a knife was flying through the air and hit U-Kwon right in the heart. He coughs and fell down. She smirked and pulled out another knife and slowly walked toward him, a look in her eye that he’d never seen before but it was a terrifying look.
“W...What the hell?”
“Trying to rape me? You’ve gone off your rocker and then going and blaming your own brother for raping my friend? Did ya think you’d be able to just get away with it. That I’d let you go that easily,” Victoria said in a creepy tone as she played with the knife.
“Of course. So he could be dead.”
“Well he’s not dead now is he? He’s going to be the heir and you have been kicked to the streets. You lose.”
He hisses and struggled to get up. She used her foot and pressed the knife deeper into his heart.
“Now this knife,” she said as she twirled it around, “it’s special. It has been soaked in garlic oil. Ya can’t smell it but one little nick and it would kill you.”
He cries out.
“Unlike me, you’ve got nobody in the world to help you. And that is your weakest point.”
He tried to go back at her. Victoria pushed the dagger into his heart further and then plunged the dagger dipped in garlic oil into his head, right between his eyes. He coughed and died quickly. Victoria then took the two knives out of  him and wiped them off before she hid them back in her sleeves and then walked off without a second look. They all look at each other and left. Victoria texted Suzy and Krystal, “He’s dead,” and then pocketed her phone. No doubt one of them would inform Junhyung and it was U-Kwon’s own fault. There was no way she could’ve killed him if he’d been in the clan but since he’d gotten kicked out like she had then she could kill him.
“Damn. I wanted to kill him.”
“Guess Krystal wanted to do it more,” his second said.
“It wasn’t Krystal,” Junhyung said with a sigh.
He hit the wall. His second left, it was clear Junhyung was mad and it was best to not be around when he was like this. Suzy was crying in relief. Luna gave her a little pat and wrapped her arm around her. She sniffs and looks at Luna.
“What am I gonna do? I mean I’m so relieved but.... I might have to cut my relationship with Ken.”
“Why do you think you have to cut ties with Ken?”
“Well he just talked with his dad, and while he wants to marry me, if he only marries me they’ll be outcast. And I couldn’t share my man.”
“Would you be happy with anyone else though?”
“I... had a crush on Ren?” she tried to play it off. “No,” she finally admitted.
“Then say yes.”
“To what? A half marriage? Or being an unknown mistress?”
“It wouldn’t be a half marriage. Ken’s not like that, both you and I know that.”
"I know but he can't help it cuz it's what is expected of him."
“Did he say that he would take another wife?”
"He said that we should talk it out and that was the number one thing he said."
“Then talk it out. Don’t just say no right away.”
"I can't deal with those relationship options Luna!"
Luna sighed.
“I still think you two should talk before you flat out say no.”
She sniffs and nods. Luna smiles a little and gave her a tight hug. She wipes her eyes.
“You’re gonna be fine.”
“I don’t know.”
Luna squeezed her hand.
“I hope.”
“I know.”
She sniffs.
“Whatever happens he still will love you the most.”
“Yeah I know.”
She sighs.
“Come on, lets go find something to eat.”
Luna smiles and took Suzy’s hand. She let Luna take her somewhere. Luna took Suzy to her favorite restaurant. Meanwhile Victoria was headed back to the dorm, rather pleased with herself. And when she got to the room, a hand grabbed her from behind and put a gag in her mouth. She kicked and hit whoever it was as hard as she could. He stabbed her hard in the back. Victoria groaned and fell to her knees. At the same time Krystal felt like she’d been stabbed too, in fact she was bleeding. Krystal cried out in surprise and turned to see who it was but there was no one there.
“What’s wrong?” Eunji asked.
“I... I’m bleeding...”
“I.... I don’t know.... Why....”
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
She shudders.
“What if something happened.... To Victoria? To my body?”
“I’ll have Leo check it out but we should get you home.”
She slowly nods and leans into Eunji as she began to lose consciousness. Eunji picked her up and carried Krystal to her car as she called Leo. Leo answered immediately.
“What’s up?”
“Go check on Victoria right now. Krystal is bleeding but nobody has touched her.”
His eyes went wide. “On it!”
Eunji quickly drove Krystal back to Leo’s since that was were she was currently staying. Leo was texting Junhyung and knocking on JR’s door. They had a problem. Victoria, in Krystal’s body, was missing. JR opened the door half naked and a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey Leo what’s up?”
“Victoria... well Krystal is missing.”
“Victoria in Krystal’s body. Plus Krystal in Victoria’s body started bleeding but she hadn’t been attacked.”
“Who would want to hurt either of them?”
“I don’t know but I’m worried.”
“Yeah...me too.”
“Will you help me?”
“Of course.”
“Just make sure you’re dressed.”
“Give me two minutes, I was at the gym.”
“Fine. It’ll be enough time for Junhyung to come anyway.”
Leo went inside and sat down, not happy about it. JR went to his room to get changed. He didn’t like it either. Junhyung came soon and Leo let him in before he blew up. JR came out a few minutes later.
“Okay, lets go.”
“There was blood on Krystal’s floor and a masked scent,” Leo said.
“Who would be after Krystal? It’s not like she’s wronged anyone.”
“It could be one of U-Kwon’s guys. Victoria in Krystal’s body took him out only an hour ago,” Junhyung offered.
“That is true but the band was just on the news.”
“Yeah but she killed him. So U-Kwon couldn’t be in anymore songs even if he wanted to.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Junhyung sighs.
“I still think they’d be a good place to start.”
“Fine by me.”
Leo nods as Junhyung turns and ran off to where the guys should be. JR and Leo followed him, right on his heels. Junhyung started to stake it out and Leo gave a sniff.
“Same weird scent,” he said softly.
“Something is definitely going on,” JR said as he crept up behind them to watch.
Junhyung growls silently, nodding. The guys hid on the rooftop of the apartment complex across the street and watched the place. There were people bustling back and forth. For a while they didn’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Things looked completely fine. But then they saw U-Kwon and a bloody woman.
“I thought U-Kwon was dead,” JR said in a low tone.
“She sent Krystal that she did, including a photo that Krystal forwarded to me,” Junhyung says in confusion.
“U-Kwon doesn’t have a power we don’t know about does he?”
“Um..... that would be insanity.”
“Very funny,” JR said. “But I’m being serious. Although Victoria doesn’t have any it’s not uncommon for vampire heirs or leaders to have one or two powers.”
Junhyung nods a little.
“Then it must be so.”
“Yeah but what? We should figure that out before we just go and attack.”
"How are we gonna figure it out?"
“Maybe Ken knows.”
Leo nods and contacted Ken.
"Um... I... I think it's... Body doubles?"
JR looked at Leo.
"He says he thinks it's body doubles. In other words, Victoria coulda killed a body double."
“Terrific, then we won’t know if we’ve taken him out or not.”
"No we won't."
JR sighs. Terrific, that just made their life that much more difficult.
"Yeah. This isn't good."
“So what do we do now?”
"We try to figure out how to jump them."
“Yeah, but who knows if his band members are in on it.”
“We don’t, which means we’re probably gonna be prepared to be up against all of them.”
JR nods.
“There is five and then U-Kwon and we should take the others out just in case we all have to deal with U-Kwon.”
JR nods again, “Yeah….guess that makes sense.”
He nods and Leo took a deep breath and then after a bit found a good back way in. The guys followed him, Leo was the best at this sort of stuff. He slowly walked around. The guys did their best to stay quiet. They were able to take one or two by surprise this way, slowly making their way to the room they’d seen from outside. JR was rather good, working out so much paid off really well. Leo sighs at that. It was good. JR gave him a wink as they got close to the door. Leo bit his lip. If she was dead, he was going to make sure U-Kwon felt it before he died. JR. gave a little nod to Junhyung and Leo and then kicked open the door. Junhyung was right behind and Leo was last. JR looked around, taking in the scene. Krystal’s bloodied body with Victoria in it, was tied up and bleeding still. There was no sign of U-Kwon, at first, but then they could smell him as they got closer to Krystal.
“Come out asshole,” Junhyung growls.
U-Kwon slowly became visible.
“Hello again dog.”
“You fucked up my daughter.”
“Look at it on the bright side, you got two grandkids.”
He growls more. U-Kwon chuckled.
“Now this one, well this one is just trouble. Hard to believe you’d stand for her.”
“She’s Krystal, my assistant.”
“She’s a very bad assistant.”
“No. She’s the best assistant.”
“This scrawny little thing. Please everyone knows she’s just a bitch.”
“She is like a daughter and a best friend and takes my rage and can calm me down,” he growls even more, shifts, and attacks him.
U-Kwon stepped out of the way and hit him across the back with a bat. He growls but Leo attacked him at the same time then and Junhyung turned around and attacked again. Two other U-Kwon’s appeared in the room and JR went after them. None of them were sure which one was the real deal. Junhyung and Leo were tearing into the same one and then Leo left to go help JR. JR had already ripped the head off of one of them and was working on the second one. Leo noticed and headed back to help Junhyung. JR didn’t need help. JR finished a few moments later and hurried over to Krystal. Krystal and Victoria had switched back.
“Krystal?” JR asked worried.
She looks at him and her eyes crossed.
“No, no, don’t you die on us.”
She coughs up blood but reached for him. JR picked her up. She curls up into him, tears came from her eyes, and more blood came up. JR called 911 and gave them the address of the warehouse. They came as quickly as possible but it was still 20 minutes while Junhyung, Leo, and U-Kwon were still fighting. U-Kwon was getting in some very good shots. He was a good fighter, and for good reason. Plus he’d been prepared. The paramedics took Krystal quickly. Junhyung and Leo were working hard. JR called Gikwang and Krystal’s dad and once Gikwang had arrived he hurried to go help Leo and Junhyung. The paramedics only let him in when he said he was her fiance and were finally off even though they had been working hard to keep her alive the whole time. Gikwang held her hand, she couldn’t die. No, not now. She looks at him. How did he get there? Gikwang gave her a little smile and squeezed her hand.
“Don’t die.”
She coughs up more blood, her heart getting weaker and then the paramedics helping to try and keep it strong. One of the nurses told Gikwang to step out of the room so they could work. He didn’t want to but did as he was asked. Krystal closed her eyes. She was thinking of Gikwang, wanting him. The doctors worked away, after a few minutes they rushed her to surgery. The surgery lasted at least six hours as there was a lot to do. Ravi kept calling Gikwang and texting him, asking where he was and telling him about the work he was missing. Gikwang finally answered just to get Ravi off of his back. Sending him a short text, “At hospital, fiance in surgery.”
“Oh. I keep getting freaked out by you saying fiance.”
“Well get used to it cuz I have one.”
“Fine. I’ll figure it out.”
"Thank you Ravi."
A few hours later she was being wheeled into recovery. Gikwang was waiting for her. Very worried. They didn't at first let him in but finally they did. Her chest and neck were covered in bandages and she was still slumbering. Gikwang took her hand in his and just held it while he sat down next to her bed. She had been cold but warmed up to that. Gikwang was relieved to see her out of surgery. She was breathing fine and almost conscious. He smiled a little, happy she seemed to be okay now. It looked like she would make it. She groans.
She slowly opens her eyes. Gikwang smiles at her. She saw him, and blushed.
Then she tried to ask, “What happened?”
“Is everyone else okay?”
“I think so. Although I think for some reason Victoria got hurt too, although I don’t know for sure.”
She felt awful over that.
“Things are going to be okay. U-Kwon is dead though.”
“He is?”
She sighed in relief. Gikwang gave her a little smile. She reached for him and then lost her voice again. Gikwang took her hand again and held it in his. She coughs and closes her eyes. Gikwang smiles a little, she did need to rest. Ravi sent him a check in text.
“She’s out of surgery and in recovery.”
“So can you work tomorrow?”
"Yes, I can "
"Good cuz that's all I could put it off for."
Gikwang chuckled a little.
"If I needed it I am sure you could do more."
"I spoil you too much."
Gikwang laughed.
"Tell me when something's wrong."
“I will.”
“I’ll cya tomorrow on set at 8am.”
Krystal awoke again. Gikwang smiles at her. They’d moved her to a room now. She was a little frightened when the nurses started moving her. Gikwang squeezed her hand.
“It’s okay.”
She relaxed then. He smiled at her. She closed her eyes. Her throat and chest hurt.
“I can stay today but I need to work tomorrow.”
She nods, having lost her voice.
"I will come by though."
She smiles at that.
"I'll come by when I can."
She smiles more. He smiles and gave her a little kiss. She blushes brightly.
"Your phone is right next to your bed so text me if you want me to bring something."
She nods and then texted him, “Thanks.”
"Of course."
“I actually.... Need Junhyung. He’s probably overly angry already.”
She smiles.
"I'll let him know you're awake."
She nods. Gikwang smiled at her and then stepped out of the room to make a call. As he did, he was caught by Daehyun, a completely worried big brother instead of a stoic man. Gikwang smiled at him a little.
“She’s awake.”
“Thank God.”
“You can go in.”
“No.... I can’t.... Dad...”
“What about him?”
“He would get upset at me.”
“For what? She’s your sister.”
“Yeah but I’m supposed to not have my memories.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t see her.”
“Not without making her feel worse.”
“Sounds like things need to be fixed at home.”
“It should be.... Once you two marry.”
“We’re engaged, isn’t that enough?”
He shook his head.
“Why not? Your dad think I’m gonna break it off?”
“It’s a precaution so yes.”
“Well I’m not gonna.”
He gave a small smile.
“You’re welcome.”
He took a deep breath and left. Gikwang sighed a little. His phone buzzed, reminding him he had a call he wanted to make. He made the call to Hoya.
“Hey bro what’s up?”
“My fiance got attacked that’s what.”
“You’re still with her? I thought our sisters... er never mind. So what are you gonna do?”
“What do you mean about our sisters?”
He sighs. “You know our sisters want to be the ones to pick out our girls and then also want to decide when we’re ready so... they one by one each told Mr. Jung that you didn’t want her.”
“Are you really that surprised?”
“They almost got her killed.”
“If she doesn’t marry me her dad has to kill her.”
“That’s insane.”
“It’s the way her family is. She’s already got too many chances.”
“Well guess it’s a good thing you salvaged that then and didn’t let our sisters actually cancel the wedding.”
“So what are you planning on doing about your fiance being attacked? It wasn’t our sisters right?”
“No, it was her best friend’s brother. I think her clan leader took care of him.”
“Her dad took care of him? Wow, that’s a high strung dad.”
"Yeah well it wasn't the first time he had done something like this."
"Anyway... did you call me for no reason?"
"Just wanted to check in.”
"Okay. I'll be here for ya."
"Thanks Ravi."
Hoya laughs. "Bro, am I really Ravi now?"
Gikwang laughed.
"Just making sure you were paying attention."
"Alright. Cya soon."
“Make sure to bring her. I wanna meet her.”
"When she is doing better I will."
"Okay. Looking forward to it."
“Me too.”
Hoya ends the call and shook his head. Gikwang and their sisters were gonna be at odds for awhile over this. Gikwang sighed. He was gonna have talk to his sisters.
He got a text from Krystal. "I... like you..."
"I like you too."
He got a blush emoticon as the response. Gikwang smiled. She tried to sit up but it hurt too much. She texted Eunji to find out how Victoria was doing.
"Better than you were. But still bad."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
“I guess.”
“Victoria probably feels that she is responsible since she was in your body.”
“I’m just glad that Masquerade’s promotions are over.”
“Yes, that is good.”
“Because I have no voice.”
“And in no condition to work.”
“I have to get back to work.”
“Not now you’re not.”
“In a day.”
“You’re not gonna get well in a day.”
“As long as I can walk, I can work.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not.”
“Do ya think Leo will let ya?”
“He knows that I have things to do.”
“So I can work.”
“We’ll see.”
“Thanks Eunji.”
“Of course.”
She lay back more. Gikwang smiles at her. She smiles a little as Junhyung finally came in, looked at her, growled under his breath, and took her hand. She took his excessive anger and felt a bit better. Gikwang stepped out so they could have some privacy. Junhyung left after awhile.
“I need you to try and get her to stay here for as long as possible.”
“I don’t think the doctors will let her go until she’s healed enough.”
“She thinks if she can walk, she can work.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean the doctors will let her out.”
Junhyung smiles a bit.
"When I am here I will make sure she stays."
Junhyung patted his back.
"Heard you took care of U-kwon."
“Yes but I almost wish I still had him. Seeing what he’s done to her.... Makes me want to kill him all over again.”
"She'll make it out of this."
"She'll make it out of this."
“She’d better. She’s my best.”
“Doctors say she has a good chance.”
“Good. And try to keep this away from her father. He’s a psycho when it comes to those who harm his family. I would know, we’re cut from the same cloth.”
“And if he finds out what am I supposed to tell him?”
“Send him my way. I did kill the man he would then want to kill.”
Junhyung nods. Gikwang gave him a small smile. She texted Leo for her stuff.  Victoria slowly woke up and groaned. Leo looks at Victoria.
“What happened?”
"You killed one of U-Kwon's doubles so U-Kwon kidnapped you, tortured you, but halfway through you and Krystal switched back. As yourself, you only got a partial transfer from Krystal's body, which is why you only need a back bandage and a sling and can still talk and move."
"Hospital, had surgery for 7 hours, can't talk or move well."
“I’m sorry.”
"It's not your fault and now he's truly gone."
“Yes it is.”
"Krystal knows the dangers of switching with you."
"Promotions for Masquerade are over so it's fine. She has a whole 8 or 9 months until she needs to start practicing for the next comeback."
“Which is a good thing. She needs to heal.”
"She does indeed."
Victoria smiled a little.
"I've gotta go deliver her laptop or she'll get angsty. You gonna be good?"
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
He smiles and leans down and gives her a small kiss on the cheek before he left. Victoria gave a half smile and pet Loki. He woofs. She laughed slightly. He licks her. She smiles and pulled him onto her lap. He wriggles around. She smiled at him. She hoped Krystal would be OK. He lay down. Victoria curled up to him. He grins. She gave him a little kiss and then closed her eyes to sleep. He keeps wagging his tail. Thor was by her side, keeping an eye out for trouble. Loki wriggles out of her arms to play with his dad. Thor smiles at him. He began to crawl all over and gnaw on his daddy’s ears. Thor hit him a little with his paw. He grins and paws at his daddy. Thor licked him. He rubs against him. Thor smiles at the little guy.
“P.... pl.... Play!” he stuttered over his first word.
Thor laughed and smiled at the puppy.
“Good job on your first word.”
He pants happily. Thor chuckles.
“Go get your ball.”
He jumps down and ran to get his ball. Thor chuckled a little and jumped off the bed. He pushed it closer. Thor rolled it back with his nose. He ran after it and sent it back. Thor chuckles and continued to play with Loki. He played until he lay down, worn out. Thor settled down too. He curls up to his daddy. Thor fell asleep with one eye open. Leo came back and chuckles. Victoria was fast asleep as well. He picks the dogs up and put them on the bed and sat down in his chair. Victoria curled up to them. Leo smiles. Victoria slept peacefully, holding onto the dogs.
“I.... think I love you,” he whispered mainly to himself.
“Love ya too,” she mumbled.
His eyes went wide. Victoria smiled a little in her sleep. He looks at her. She was half asleep.
“What?” she mumbled.
“Did you... register that for real?”
“It’s two in the morning Leo.”
She sighed and pushed herself up.
“What? What is it?”
“I.... I love you.”
Victoria blushed.
“I…………..I love you too.”
He smiles and walks over and kisses her lips. Victoria blushed but kissed him back. He held her gently and refused to hurt her.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For everything.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
She gave him a half smile. He lay beside her. She gave a small smile and closed her eyes again. He held her to him. Victoria snuggled up and fell asleep again. He caressed her gently. Victoria slept peacefully for the first time in a long time. He brought her breakfast in bed the next morning. Victoria blushed a little.
"Thanks....but I wanna go see Krystal after breakfast."
She gave him a small smile. Leo nods. She gave him small smile. He pat her.
"Is everyone else okay?"
"JR has a nice scar that Amber enjoys, I and Junhyung have more than one new scar but we had plenty before that so it's no big deal."
"I'm sorry. I should've stopped him sooner."
"It's no fault of your own. And you thought you killed him."
"But I should've know it was a double."
"How are you to have known that?"
“If you look close enough you can tell. If you know what to look for.”
He gave a half smile.
"I just didn't think about it when it happened," she sighed.
"It's fine."
She gave a half smile.
“Eat and I’ll take you to Krystal.”
She nods as she ate. He sat down. Half an hour later they had arrived at the hospital and as Victoria got out of the car she saw her mom exiting the hospital. Her mom noticed her too and gave her a quick sad smile and then left without any other acknowledgement. Leo helped Victoria upstairs to Krystal’s room. Victoria took it easy, at least there was no stairs to deal with. He helped her inside, just warning her. She gave him a little smile. Krystal opened her eyes and then smiles.
“Hi...I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
Krystal texted her. “It’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is, I went after him in the first place.”
“You wanted to stop him.”
“I know.”
“So it’s not your fault,” she texted.
“It is, so don’t make it out that it isn’t.”
“Victoria, I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Victoria, stop putting yourself down.”
She didn’t say anything.
“I am okay and I will be okay and sure it’s fine to be upset but you don’t have to act this way.”
Victoria gave a half smile.
“That’s better.”
“How’s Suzy doing?”
“She’s withdrawn.”
“Why? She has Ken now doesn’t she?”
“I think they haven’t been able to reconcile.”
“I think he did decide to let your father chose his wife.”
“Thinking for the clan is harder than love.”
“I know that. But after everything…”
“I don’t know. I haven’t been able to get much out of her and obviously haven’t talked to him.”
She ran her hand over her throat before texting, “I think if that is true then Suzy just needs some time to herself.”
She nodded a little. Ken was an idiot if he didn’t take Suzy.
“So.... how are you?”
“Better than you.”
“But not great.”
“It’s just a bruise, I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“That’s great.”
“I’ll be better soon.”
“I hope so.”
Krystal beams at her.
“Just take it easy.”
“No, got a lot to do.”
“You can have Leo help you.”
“You’d be fine if I took him?”
“He’s your bodyguard.”
“And your mate.”
“You need rest so Leo will help.”
“You’re avoiding that aren’t you?”
“No, not at all.”
“Okay but sister, it’ll be okay.”
“I’m more worried about you.”
“If worse comes to worse I’ll just pull out of Masquerade, which people would be fine with anyway, or find a replacement.”
“Lets hope it doesn’t come to that.”
She gave a half smile. Victoria gave a little smile.
“I love you sister.”
“Ya know we’re not sisters right?”
“We are soul sisters and Leo is basically my brother so yes we are.”
Victoria gave a little laugh.
“I guess that is true.”
She smiles.
“I am sorry about everything. We should’ve stopped U-Kwon sooner.”
“I’m not angry at you.”
“You should be.”
“Why? It was him not you.”
“But I should’ve stopped him before he did something again.”
“Victoria! STOP!”
“What? It’s true. I had a standing before I left. I could’ve done something.”
“But you were even with him and your father wouldn’t have believed you because you wouldn’t have had evidence.”
Victoria nodded a little.
"So, stop saying things that aren't really true.”
Victoria thought about saying something but didn't. Krystal reaches out her arms for a hug. Victoria leaned over and gave her a little hug. She closes her eyes, enjoying the hug.
"No work though, promise."
Krystal grimaces.
"You need to rest."
“No but’s. I’ll lock up all your work if that’s what it takes.”
She sent a groaning emoji but finally obviously relented. Victoria smiles.
“Besides, I’m sure the doctors would agree.”
"I guess."
“It’s true.”
“Good,” she said smiling at her.
She lay back.
“I should go, I’ll come by again.”
"Looking forward to it."
Victoria gave her a little smile and then left. Looked like all of this was over. Everything would go back to normal. Relatively, she couldn’t go back to her family. Not ever. Leo follows her, pulls her into his arms, and kisses her.
"I will make you never feel alone."
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artsynanotech · 7 years
Fuck My Undead Life - Part 2 - Pornographic Boogaloo
I got the chance to watch the video tonight. I had only planned on showing Michella and Caroline, but Xavier and his cohort overheard our conversation and demanded we make a damn movie night out of it. As if I haven’t embarrassed myself in front of him enough already, damn his smug blueblood face.
I don’t want to go into the details, save that the film was… disturbingly real. Everything about my double was perfectly copied. The way I walked, the way I spoke, every physical detail down to the birthmarks. If you ignore the fact that passing myself from guy to guy is disgustingly out of character, there’d be no reason not to think it was me. God, to think my coterie knows what my junk looks like, that Xavier does, that Maxwell does…  Even if we do find out who made that film, I’m never going to live this down.
It has to be my ex. I don’t know how, but I can’t think of anyone else with the knowledge or motive to pull this off. I always assumed he’d just move on after I left, find someone new to bully. I never seemed that important to him. But who else copy me so accurately? He’s the only one who ever saw me that intimately, and at enough length to commit those details to memory. Yet at the same time the film contained truthful details about the Camarilla and our Masquerade, and how would he know about that? The implications are disconcerting to say the least. I texted Charlotte to ask if she could find out what he’s been up to since I left him, just to be safe.
Julian Chen, you scumbag. If this is you I swear to Christ you’ll regret it.
Luckily we were able to pull some useful information from the tape. The studio that made it was a local one called High Moon. Xavier took some of his anarchs to check it out.  They were gone for a couple hours and didn’t come back with much. While my coterie was busy running, the Camarilla of D.C. was busy cleaning house. The studio had gone up in flames and killed everyone inside. Xavier joked that we’d need to talk to the dead if we wanted any more information. Of course I would know someone who can do just that, and of course he’d have dumped me the night before. Because I have just that sort of luck.
The group reacted to Ares’ clan heritage about as well as could be expected: general confusion and disgust. But Caroline demanded he and I smooth out our differences and as awkward as that would be, I knew she was right. I excused myself and gave Ares call. The phone rang, and rang, and rang. I was so nervous. What if he didn’t pick up? What if he did? Why would he even agree to help me? Well he didn’t pick up, but someone else did. A guy. I felt sick for a moment. Had Ares found a rebound that quickly? He didn’t seem the type, given how slow he’s been taking things with me. Then came a wave of jealously, thinking about how someone else was with my Giovanni. But it turns out I was talking to Ares’ brother, Hermes. I felt like a total heel right about then.
I made an absolute fool of myself, of course, trying to be vague about my relationship to Ares while still being clear about our falling out and my need for his assistance. Hermes saw right through it though and promised to get Ares to call me back. He was rather good natured about the whole thing, and wonder of wonders, he said Ares still cared. I couldn’t say I really believed it, but it was nice to hear all the same. And yet it was true, as not ten minutes later Ares returned the call. Words cannot describe how apologetic he was. Whatever I needed, he said, he’d provide. Anything to help. I was so relieved. I wanted to be mad at him for the previous evening but I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything other than hope. Ares still had some explaining to do, of course, but that could wait. He hadn’t abandoned me and that was all that mattered.
Caroline, Michella, and I returned to the city. Ares’ sire had recently purchased a home there, where he and his brother were both currently staying. It was a large, beautiful mansion. Much nicer than any place I’d ever set foot before. Ares was waiting for us at the door. I don’t think I’ll ever quite get used to seeing him in that environment. I know he comes from money, but he doesn’t look like he does most of the time. And given how much time we spent in my apartment as opposed to his... Well I suppose it doesn’t matter. There are more important things to focus on. His brother seemed nice, if a bit overly familiar with Michella. But they seemed to hit it off, and went to chat somewhere else while Ares, Caroline, and I attempted to contact one of the recently deceased High Moon employees. Using the DVD as a focus Ares was able to call one up for the three of us to speak to. The poor man didn’t know he was dead. It felt cruel to pull him back in such confusion, but I couldn’t focus on that. My life and the lives of my friends were on the line.
We found out my double - who was going by the seriously cringe-worthy name Sissy Knight – came to High Moon with a “talent scout” who known Sunny D. Hermes knew who he was, at least, and promised to get us all in to a yacht party Mr. D was hosting. He even provided appropriate clothes for the occasion. Of course “appropriate” in this case means revealing and form fitting. I must say, though, we rocked our new looks rather well. If it weren’t for the fact that we had a job to do I might have actually enjoyed going out like that with Ares. I might actually suggest it if we survive. I’m normally not the clubbing type, but I do enjoy the thought of going out dancing with him more than I initially thought I would.
Charlotte texted me back right about then. Julian dropped off the radar shortly after I moved to D.C. He’d been seen fighting with a guy he started seeing after me. Things got heated – and violent – outside a bar and the two of them disappeared shortly after. I felt a knot in my stomach. I had hoped to rule Julian out, but the more I think on it the more I feel he has to be involved.
Fast forward to the yacht, because this is where we finally started to make some headway. We managed to get on board with relatively little difficulty. Hermes and Michella took to the dance floor to search for our target. Ares and I took another section of the boat. We found a kindred on board who was hunting for me with all the enthusiasm of a wet towel. In hindsight approaching him was a bad idea, though he had no clue who I was so I suppose it worked out.
Caroline was the one who found Mr. D. We spotted her going to a private cabin with him. Michella, Ares, and I followed. Michella worked some impressive thaumaturgy and thoroughly busted the earpieces on Mr. D’s security team, giving us the in we needed to slip by them. It didn’t take long to find the cabin. It was locked. Ares kicked in the door with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm.
Sunny D did not take our entrance well, but Caroline managed to grab his gun before he could. It proved an invaluable tool in getting him to answer our questions. Apparently he’d met my double through Khan, of all people. Because of course Khan would be involved. My hope spot soured immediately, and my thoughts were entirely filled with stringing up that arrogant bastard by his precious computer cords.
Hermes opted to stay at the party, so Ares “acquired” a car for us to leave in. We decided to visit Khan’s arcade hideout. Even if he wasn’t there, we might be able to find clues to where he might be. Caroline aced the Mario hack to get in. Will this women ever stop finding new and unusual ways to impress me? Khan was there, fiddling with a toaster. He seemed put off by our presence. Well, mine specifically. I demanded he tell me where my double came from. He insisted it was me, that I had come to him asking for help breaking into the porn industry. God, he even had security footage of me doing it! My double acted my part so perfectly that for a moment I wondered if I had actually done it. It was maddening. He knew about Ares! And how Ares and I haven’t, well, been as intimate with each other as I would like. It’s not something I like to dwell on or push Ares about. This is his first relationship and I want to respect his boundaries. The fact that this Sissy Knight could exploit that frustrates me to no end.
Khan asked if watching the footage jogged my memory. I insisted that it wasn’t me, and he told me to “own my shit.” The discussion got heated and I almost lost control of my temper. But taking a moment to calm down was exactly what I needed to get a little burst of inspiration. I looked at the time stamp on the video and compared it to my schedule over the past month. As it turns out Ricardo and I were busy at a gallery that evening. I had photos to prove it, which I was more than happy to shove in Khan’s smug, bandana-covered face.
His mood actually improved. I guess the appeal of a seemingly impossible mystery was too much for him to resist. He tracked down my double in no time. Mr. Knight was working the streets in Richmond. It seems this is Caroline’s turf, as she made a few phone calls and arranged for someone there to locate and detain my double. I think she offered payment in drugs. Just how many hidden sides does she have? The mind boggles…
Leaving Kahn’s arcade proved much harder than getting in. No sooner did we exit than we were ambushed by a sniper, two other gunmen, and a buy with a nail-studded baseball bat. The sniper landed a shot on Ares’ shoulder while the other three charged at us. I made a beeline for the car. I hoped I could bowl some of them over with that, though the situation quickly turned into myself and Caroline hiding in the car while our assailants took swings at us. Michella and Ares stayed outside and held two of them off as best they could. I won’t lie, things were looking pretty grim. The guy with the bat popped one of our tires. Then Son showed up. Oddly enough he went for the attackers first, but this gave me enough time to punch down on the gas and get us out of there. Michella managed to get into the car on her own, and Caroline pulled Ares in as we sped away.
Son gave chase. Very, very fast chase. My own celerity pales in comparison. Do Malkavians even know celerity? Whatever the case, it was all I could do to keep the car from toppling over while we tried to outpace the Scourge. Thankfully we found a parking garage to pull off in. Michella save the day with an impossibly fast car theft, and we sped off in an undamaged vehicle just before Son caught up. Pretty soon we’d lost him entirely.
There was no time to get to Richmond before sunup. We stopped at the anarch safe house instead. I can’t wait for tomorrow. We’ll finally get to the bottom of this mystery. And if that pit in my stomach is right, if Julian is behind this, then he’s going to find out I’m not the same person I was when I left him. This time I’m going to fight back.
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