#Odie COTT
j4ne--d0e · 1 month
Theresa: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter “A”!
Odie: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.
Herry: Fuck you
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
For day 6 of the event, I used #16 from prompt 7 for the heroes from Class of the Titans. I went more with just the kind of theme of the sentence, instead of the actual sentence itself, so the headcanons are more about how they feel about dressing up for prom, what they would wear, etc. I hope any fans of the series enjoy it, as this was a super fun post to think about and write!
“This invitation says I have to wear a dress/tuxedo. This is stupid!”
Jay has absolutely no problems with the fact that he’ll have to wear a suit to prom. He knew that when he decided that he wanted to go to prom. It only makes sense for formal dress to be required and he was prepared for that when he asked his date to the prom, when he bought the tickets, etc. In fact, in Jay’s opinion, it’s kind of nice to get a chance to dress up all fancy and live it up with your friends for one last night before graduation happens and everyone scatters to wherever they’re heading for the next chapter of their life.
Jay doesn’t really put a super lot of thought into what he’s going to wear to prom. He knows right away that it’s going to have to be a tux, just because there’s not near as many options for formal menswear as there is for women’s prom outfits. He rents his tux, as he has no reason to own one and that’s a hefty splurge to buy one outright.
Jay does prefer a preppier, more classic style and that factors into the tuxedo he eventually decides to rent. It’s very traditional, right down to the black bowtie and he makes sure it’s well-fit to his body. He’ll have tried on more than a handful of suits and tux’s before deciding on something like the below picture.
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Theresa is absolutely beyond excited for prom. Not only is she head of the prom committee, but she’s been thinking about what she’d wear for prom since about grade 10. Like most teenagers, she really doesn’t get the opportunity to dress up like some princess and dance with a cute boy and have a huge party with her friends. Her father had tried to get her to do a debutante ball, but her friends wouldn’t have been allowed and she really wasn’t into that kind of thing, so prom is her only chance to have that big moment, as far as she’s concerned.
Theresa is definitely putting a lot of work into finding the perfect dress. She has so many options and she never could iron out exactly what kind of style of dress she wanted. A large part of her really wants that princess style ball-gown, with the big fluffy skirt, but she also really likes the look of a mermaid gown. She knows she wants something full length and nothing too low-cut. Other than that, she isn’t sure what style or colour she wants. Black and white are too overused, so she does want something with some colour or maybe some sparkle, something to stand out. She goes to a lot of different stores and tries on probably over 40 dresses before she settles on her final choice. In a slight moment of really taking advantage of her privilege, cost was never an issue or something that entered her mind while prom shopping and she also really splurges on hair and makeup for the big night.
She definitely ends up wearing something with a fuller, fluffier skirt. I think that was non-negotiable for Theresa at the end of it. However, I think her initial thoughts of what she wanted wasn’t actually what she wanted. She ended up being really attracted to the two-piece sets, with a crop top and a long skirt. It was unique enough that she didn’t feel like all the others would be wearing it, and she found one that she felt set off her colouring and suited her body the best. She feels like a million dollars in it, and at the end of the night, that’s all that matters. She’d be wearing something like the picture below.
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Archie isn’t the most comfortable in fancy clothing. If it was up to him, everyone could just wear whatever they wanted to prom, especially since he considers it kind of biased against those who don’t have a lot of extra income to spend on things like tuxes and suits. However, he knows that nothing he says, or how loud he complains, is going to change decades of tradition, though he does try. He sucks it up and does decide to rent a suit.
Despite how against formal wear Archie is, he does actually put a lot of thought into what he’s going to wear to prom. He is the one of the few who thinks to ask his date what they’re going to wear before he actually goes shopping for suits, to find out if they want him to keep to any colour scheme or anything. Any hints makes it easier for him to figure out what to wear. With their opinions, he kind of has a vision of what to get. He prefers a suit over a more formal tux, and he’d prefer something a little bit different from what everyone else will be wearing. Blending into the crowd of guys stuffed into penguin suits sounds like no fun to Archie, and he definitely puts a lot more consideration into suits that are patterned, are different colours than black, or have small unique details.
I think in the end, he settles for a well-fitting suit in a non-traditional colour, like the picture below. It suits him really well actually, and he does think he looks really cool in it. He also makes sure to get his hair dyed the day before prom, so that any roots are covered and his hair is nice and vivid in the prom photos.
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Plain out and out, Atlanta really wants to go to prom and have fun with her friends, but she really is the type who just doesn’t feel comfortable in a dress. She can’t move as well in it; she doesn’t feel like she can dance at all in a dress and heels, and it just makes no sense to her that she should have to make herself unhappy and uncomfortable for that long just because ‘that’s the way it’s always been’. She definitely petitions the prom committee for women to have the right to wear suits or pant outfits that fit the formal requirements.
Once she has gained that permission, Atlanta actually enjoys going prom shopping with Theresa, though she does get really tired after about the fifth store that Theresa drags her too. She found exactly what she wanted at that fifth store, so she didn’t see any point of going to a bunch more stores, though she humors her friend and doesn’t complain…too much, at least.
Atlanta rocks the suit look for women. Because she’s naturally very drawn to nature inspired tones, she picks a suit in a non-traditional colour, something in a dark green or a jewel tone. I could really picture her in something like the below picture.
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Herry really doesn’t care all that much about what he’s wearing to prom. He’s just super-hyped about the whole thing. He and the whole group are planning on going to this restaurant he’s been wanting to try since forever to eat before prom, along with their dates and he’s really looking forward to that, to going and having fun with everyone at the dance, and then heading to Neil’s after-party. He knows Neil enough to know it’s going to be a weird and wild event and overall, having to squeeze his huge body into a formal suit for the chance to do all this? It’s nothing he can’t handle.
Herry actually does pay attention to the dress code for the prom and, after several students do complain, the requirements for attire are a little less strict than previous years, which actually cheers him up immensely. He’d been having a really hard time finding a button-down suit and a tie to fit his frame, so he leans a little more on the casual side.
He definitely still wears a proper suit. It’s actually an old one of his grandfather’s that Herry gets tailored to fit him better and to update it a little. But because it’s allowed, he personalizes the look a bit more to him by wearing a dark t-shirt under the suit instead of a button-down and tie. He chooses his accessories carefully and does spend quite a bit more time than he normally does on his hair. I imagine him heading to prom in something like the below picture!
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Odie really isn’t much into the idea of a suit and tie. He wants to go to prom, but there was a time when he was considering skipping it, just to avoid the whole tuxedo ordeal. He’s small and slight of frame and finding a full out tuxedo to fit him is no easy task, and that’s not even going into how uncomfortable he is.
It’s not until the requirements for prom attire come out that Odie decides there just might be hope in him being able to attend prom. He does a lot of thrift store shopping and rummages through hand-me-downs from older family members. He wants something that feels true to who he is and shows his own personal sense of style, so he has a real specific look in mind. He does eventually find something.
I think he goes with the latest trend of tucking a casual hoodie under a blazer and dress pants, for a look that’s both relaxed and comfortable but also formal. He goes and has his hair done up professionally for the prom and he’s minimal but tasteful for his accessory choices. I could see him rocking something like the below picture!
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Oh, but fashion, dressing up, carefully choosing outfits, and getting a chance to play with all that? That is so up Neil’s alley that it’s not even funny! He actually looks forward to choosing his look for prom just the tiniest bit more than he’s looking forward to the prom itself and he’s looking forward to that almost more than his body can withstand. Neil is definitely the person who is planning not only his outfit but also his date’s outfit, because they can’t clash with him. Their outfits have to compliment each other, not distract, or battle against them.
Neil likes to play with fashion rules, and he definitely keeps up on trends. He’d want something new and trendy, while also showing off his fantastic figure. He wears clothes so well. He’d want to still remain formal, but also wants something that has a bit of an edge to it, something a little bit more memorable than just a boring tux. It’s also really important to Neil though that the outfit photograph extremely well.
Neil figures out that you can never go wrong with just basic black. He plays up the ‘bad boy rebel’ style and image in his choice of what to wear and ends up with an all-black ensemble like the one below. I feel he’s actually really smart in the accessories he chooses – a pair of small stud earrings in his left ear and a classy looking, expensive watch.
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dinosquad-enjoyer · 1 month
i think there should be a side ep/spinoff series of eps where herry and odie get jobs at radioshack and odie is the actually competent employee whos like supervisor at 16 and herry is the one that everyone kinda lets stay bc he can get the boxes on top of the shelf and also if they fire him odie will leave
and also bc i dont remember if this was in the show or not but i just get the vibe that odie and herry are bonded like stray cats that cant be adopted seperarely
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taddylonglegs · 6 months
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Redraw-ish of some old art from 2022. Listened to Open Up Your Eyes on repeat during this whole piece.
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Love the idea Toast brought up that Nick is a Trojan Horse, acting like an ally and friend to Odie at first only to break his heart with a villain reveal. Because Cronus is just that petty and would want to get revenge on Odie for Season One, Episode Six when Odie also pulled a Trojan Horse on him lol.
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thelightfluxtastic · 9 months
I don't know how many people can appreciate this headcanon but...
Oracle from Stray Gods = Trans!Odie from Class of the Titans.
Do you see my vision
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starlight-artbby · 3 months
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Screen redraw of this Class Of the Titans panel. I hope you all enjoy. ♡♡♡
{ Click for Best Quality }
(Also enjoy a stressed out Jay who is tired of everyone's BS)
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Mentor Swap!
Kids swap mentors for a week so they can learn more stuff! I just think it would be fun.
Here's what they learn/try to teach.
Neil and Persephone- There was a reason I had you grow a garden, Neil. Look. You had to work hard, but you made something beautiful.
Atlanta and Ares- You got to watch that temper, kid. I never knew Atalanta, but I knew Achilles really well. He was a friend of mine. His quest for justice, his anger, they got him and a lot of other people killed. There's nothing wrong with convictions. Just think things through before you try starting a war over them.
Archie and Artemis- You're a good kid, but you've got to trust people. You're doing better than Achilles did, but that's not exactly a high bar. What do your friends know about you? That you've told them? Take it from an old woman, life's not worth living unless you're living it with at least one person who really knows you.
Theresa and Hera- You're doing well. You have good ideas and a strong voice. Don't hold your tongue for anyone. Sometimes rocking the boat is what shakes loose the sea monster. We need your good ideas.
Jay and Hermes- You need to let go of somethings Jay. Nobody can do it all. Believe me, you'll just end up burnt out.
Herry and Aphrodite- It's only a little embarrassing, deary. Most people underestimate me and my kids. But there's a reason I've survived so long and that reason isn't that I'm pretty. If there's one thing I want you to learn this week, that's it. You know how powerful love is already, but you see a pretty face and you think it couldn't possibly hide ugly intentions. A beautiful woman couldn't ever be a threat because she wouldn't risk breaking a perfectly manicured nail, right? Talons are beautiful, but they rip the liver out of Prometheus everyday.
Odie and Hercules- I remember Odysseus. He used to think all he had to contribute was that big brain of his. Don't get me wrong, he was a genius, and that saved a lot of lives. But the greatest thing about him, was something that people don't talk about. Something else you inherited from him. You both have good hearts. People love you for that. So you don't have to try so hard, okay tiny?"
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summerfrwrks · 1 year
when every single one of em are so important to you <33
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undermycoat · 8 months
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my pookie😭🌟🌟🌟
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Archie- YOTE
Atlanta- YEETED
Archie- YOTE
Atlanta- YEETED
Archie- YOTE
Atlanta- YEETED
Jay, in tears- Please, I just want to know who threw Neil out the window
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 3 months
Modern Greek Family
After remembering that clip on Modern Family for a fic and getting the ball rolling, why not a next generation family fic after the original events of COTT.
After knowing that Greek Gods exist, it was hard to get back to a normal life, so everyone kept in touch. Not only did they grew up together as teens, they supported each other during their adult lives. After the engagements, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and weddings happened, they had kids.
They thought high school was rough. Now raising super powered kids was another thing.
The Gods were also helpful in a way.
Who knew that having a super powered family could lead to a bunch of whole shenanigans.
(Sort of stuck on Odie and Herry, but I wish them happy family lives of their own. That's what thumbnail ideas are for.)
Neil and Belle - Neil and their daughter Apple are into glamour, though Belle and Helena aren't exactly into it. More with the horses and animals. Helena is sometimes embarrassed of her father when he is flamboyant or acts like a girl.
Archie and Atlanta - Ironically, their daughter is a great swimmer. Despite Archie's fear of water, he is glad for his daughter's achievement in competitive swimming. (May have to work on this... And more fan babies)
Jay and Theresa - Their son would be the typical sports boy, but with a heart of gold. I could imagine Apple having a crush on him, but I'm thinking she's like someone else at school.
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j4ne--d0e · 1 month
Is this fandom even still around? I haven't seen it active since FEB and I'm hyperfixating on it again.
Might make an incorrect quotes post or headcanon list if people find that interesting! I hope this gains some attraction, sucks when you hyperfixate on semi dead things.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could ask for a Class of the Titans Pirate AU? Thank you!! :))
Of course you can get this, anon dear! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons, late as they are!
Okay, so I had a lot of conflicting ideas for this one. There was so much temptation to take it into traditional pirate territory, adventures on the high sea, Pirates of the Caribbean and One Piece inspiration, peg legs, etc. And I did have a lot of ideas of what I could do with that one.
But hear me out, guys…SPACE PIRATES! I've been a fan of Firefly, of Treasure Planet, and things along those lines for so very, very long, and in the end I thought that was a more fitting and fun Pirate! AU, plus kind of a fun twist on it.
So, we're setting this in a place far into the future. Space travel, between multiple planets and even between different galaxies, is not only a reality but quite commonplace. The world we're stepping into is also so much more technologically advanced. Oh, and Cronus? In this AU, he's this huge power. An alien lifeform that seems to possess immortality, Cronus has established a dictatorship after a war in which he took over multiple planets. With an army on his side, still waging a campaign to extend his reign of power, his government is ruthless and brutal. He and his army rule with an iron fist, with the people subjugated but with little opportunity to do much more than survive, and with no power to rise up against him. Besides, any uprising against him (and there was one, a major one) was quashed and struck down hard.
That uprising that was quashed. A lot of the major players were either killed or they scattered, fled and hid out in the furthest reaches of space. Seven of them in particular, the main source of the uprising and the real face of the attempted revolution, good people who fought hard to end Cronus' dictatorship, who helped people wherever and in whatever ways they could while fighting him and recruiting, were given extremely public executions, broadcast to all the planets and all the galaxies. It was a clear message - 'there is no possibility of escape. There is no possibility of resistance. Submit or die.'
Cronus' only real regret from that? The crew's ship, the Argonaut, could never be tracked down and destroyed along with its crew.
And maybe it's good that it couldn't be. Because fourteen years later, Amalthea, who was the wife of Jason, Captain of the original crew of the Argonaut, sent her now teenaged son on a dangerous mission, to the deepest reaches of their planet, through nasty and treacherous territory, to the location of the Argonaut.
Jay, Jason and Amalthea's son, finds the Argonaut. It's not in great condition, barely functioning at first, but he finds it. And once he boards it, he tries powering it on. But it doesn't really work…not until he gets frustrated at his lack of success and, when slamming his hand against a wall, ends up cutting himself, deeply enough to make him bleed.
See, The Argonaut is a ship, yes, a mechnical and technological thing…but it's also a sentient being and, upon Jay's blood being spilled on it, it reawakened as it was programmed to do. At first, I had thought of the idea of a holographic video popping up, but after thinking some more on it, I developed the idea a bit more…it's more a video that plays inside of Jay's head. It's his father talking to him. The crew had known they weren't going to survive, that they were boxed in and would be captured…and each did their part before they were, preparing their families, hiding the Argonaut and doing these videos. Jay's father tells him everything, from fatherly, personal, and sentimental stuff down to the solid facts and the plan - recruit the children of the passed crew members. Each of them has a role to play. Complete the reawakening of the Argonaut and follow the plan; battle Cronus and his army, small at first. Gather your forces and find allies. Then bring the uprising again…there's a plan that, for some reason, Jason and his crew are sure will work. Not for them though but for their children. Cronus will fall; the uprising will conquer.
And so Jay follows the plan. Dedicates himself to honouring his father and the fallen members of the crew and to bringing peace back to the various planets. And I will tell you, as with the video that plays in Jay's head, as each new crew member comes on, as their blood (just the tiniest bit) helps rewaken the sentient being part of the Argonaut, they each get their own video, which nobody but them can see, playing in their head, with messages from their own parent who passed. And Jay himself, while unsure how well he could do as Captain, proves himself to be a natural leader and gains the trust of not only his crew, but the many allies they make along the way.
The first member that Jason recruits is Atlanta. He finds her on a planet, thick in forests and dangerous wildlife. She joins his crew readily - she loves nature, her planet, her father, stepmother, and step-siblings, but she's always yearned for adventure. And hearing her mother's will and words…how could she refuse? Atlanta follows in her mother's footsteps, becoming the crew's tracker and bounty hunter, a role she grows into with a great deal of ease and quickness.
The next companion to be gathered? Herry was left in the care of his grandmother, as both of his parents were part of the crew. He doesn't really even remember them, to be honest, and the memories he has of them are hazy. Herry is part of an alien race known for their giant, beefy bodies, superhuman strength and berserker rages…however, Herry honestly seems to be a gentle giant, for all accounts and purposes. It's only at his grandmother's urging that he follows Jay and Atlanta to the Argonaut, where he gets to really see and have a solid memory with his parents through their holographic video. He won't discuss everything they said but, through his tears, he willingly and happily joined the crew and the cause and, though he's still gentle overall, if his crew are in danger or if he must fight to fulfill the crew's destiny to overthrow Cronus and his forces, Herry can and will enter that berserker rage his race is known for and can slaughter entire battlefields of enemies single-handly.
The crew finds Theresa next, in a surprising place. Her father, who had taken residence on his wife's planet, as she was the planet's princess and future ruler and he her consort, abandoned that planet when his wife died. He blamed the crew harshly and not only moved to a planet and grew his own influence, but became high level in Cronus' army. Theresa is spoiled, far safer and wealthier and better off than 99% of the population on any planet Cronus had conquered. And it's not that she hates it, but her father is gone so much, she's raised by servants, and to be honest, she's rebellious and bored. While the crew taking her is technically a 'kidnapping', she honestly kind of helps them kidnap her, even if she doesn't really show it. She becomes the ship's navigator and one part of a tactician duo, due to her excellent sense of direction, knowledge of various mapping techniques and the layout of several galaxies, and knowledge of how Cronus' army and infrastructure works.
That second half of the tactician duo? It's found in Archie. Archie is a child prodigy, and he's one of the few, thanks to the way his brain works, to really remember much about his lost parent. His father, Achilles, had actually raised his son aboard the Argonaut. He had had little choice, honestly, what with Archie's mother dying in childbirth. He'd raised his son with a love of the history of the cosmos, cut his teeth on bed-time stories of tactics, war, and battle wisdom. Had encouraged a love of learning, of literature, of facts and knowledge. And when Archie was left abandoned on the doorsteps of a university on one of the more obscure planets, his love of learning served him well. He becomes the crew's main tactician, the man who not only knows most of the facts, but isn't too bad in a physical fight either, thanks to some bad childhood bullying that forced him to toughen up and learn to fight for himself.
Another genius the crew gains? Odie, son of Odysseus, the man responsible for the mechanical ship that houses the sentient being that is the Argonaut. He build it from scratch, knew it better than anyone else and his son seems to have inherited that trait. Odie joined the crew mostly due to his extreme interest in the Argonaut and, like his father before him, he seems to almost bond with the ship. He can fix anything to do with the ship, improve it, add to it as his brain is always coming up with ways to make the Argonaut better, to not only fortify it but make it more comfortable. He's a mechanical wizard…but even more so, he's the one to pilot the ship and honestly, he has a bond with the Argonaut itself that none of the others do and the ship would not sail as gracefully and faithfully as it does without him.
Not going to lie, unlike Theresa, where her kidnapping was really helped along by her, the last member of the crew was just plain out kidnapped. Neil is the prince of his father's planet, a spoiled brat who only thinks of himself and has the highest opinion of himself. The inhabitants of his planet are expected to worship him and exalt him and he's a dictator in his own right. None of the crew understand why it's so important that they find him and none of them really want him as part of their crew at first. Until they find out that Neil was, as all members of the royal family are, blessed with God's own luck and the ability to vaguely warp reality to favour them. He does it without even realizing he's doing it either, making him rather a genius at the technique. Though things are rocky with Neil at first, and it takes him the longest before he sees his father's video, once he does, things kind of change. He stays with the crew willingly for one, and though his kind of spoiled attitude never fully changes, the longer he serves on the crew and becomes a part of them, the more adventures they embark on and the more of the cosmos he sees, the more he starts to not only genuinely care about his crew-mates, but about all life in the universe. Not as much as he cares about himself, but he definitely starts to really hate Cronus for what he's done to people and the more he genuinely wants to help bring peace to people.
And the story is really just the adventures of the crew, various bits and bobs of them not only having amazing battle scenes but also helping people out as they go along, discovering the beauty in the vast expanses of space, but also the horrors that Cronus has truly brought about, and their efforts to gain allies and lead that uprising to the successful completion their parents could not.
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mewtwo365 · 5 years
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Class of the Titans fanart!
YouTube reccomendations showed me this show and it's absolutely ridiculous (and fun)! The writing and animation is Dino Squad quality but that's what makes it so great! I also learned a lot about greek mythology too!
Basically the show is about decendants of greek heroes fighting evil and also hanging out at greek myth school too I guess.
Neil (the blonde one) is my favorite! He's the only one not related to a hero - hes related to Narcissus (hence the self obsession)
Hope you enjoy this silly fanart - and have an AWESOME day!!!!
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taddylonglegs · 6 months
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Lil bit of a redesign for my COTT OC Nick.
He's a very well behaved, dorky kid in school, but a total edgelord when fighting the heroes. Very OP. Everyone's first Gary Stu oc!
I imagine in episode one of a hypothetical season three, Odie has grown frustrated with the fact that he can't really relate to the other heroes due to him operating on another level of intellect. And when a certain someone manages to answer questions quicker than him in class, his instinct is to befriend and spend time with him.
Little does he know that his new buddy is working for Cronus and plans to be his downfall.
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Been considering renaming him Hector and having him be a descendant of Hecate? Since that makes more sense for the show? Gah but I'm emotionally attached to the name Nick he's just Nick for me. And the pun "The Nick of Time" as an introductory episode name is also too good.
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heartbeliever31 · 2 years
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-We're the kids in the corner
The moment I saw one of the posters for Ragnarok (the Netflix series), I knew I had to try and recreate it with our fave heroes
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