weirdlookindog · 1 month
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Odilon Redon (1840-1916) - The Temptation of Saint Anthony ~ Oannes: I, the first consciousness of Chaos, rose from the abyss to compact matter to order forms, 1896
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theotherartblog · 2 years
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One year I’ll do MerMay for real; I keep telling myself that. 
For now though here’s a concept based on Oannes, one of the first ‘mermen’ recorded in ancient Babylonian writings. He was also described as being fish-like with human legs and a human head (a project for another day perhaps) and would come out of the sea to share his knowledge and wisdom with the people of the land. His bottom half here is based very loosely on a Leerfish, a coastal Mediterranean species. 
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blrowanduck · 2 years
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artapir · 2 years
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I asked Midjourney to make coelacanth mummies and unfortunately it complied with my request.
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dreamsandroots · 1 year
Oannes (fish facts)
And in the dwindling light, as I lay my body down amongst the strangers I found myself unable to move and had for some time considered that I might have been slipping into the after, my attention melting into an unrecognisable frequency and I thought myself having heard the thundering waves and the rain speak to me, and in between breaths it said:
--you might think it a strange kind of gift, for a fish such as myself, to have been granted omniscience and perhaps even more so because I am in fact now a dead fish. You also may find some level of irony to the fact that, were we not strangers, I would be known to you by name. It is not enough to have some worldly purpose, to ascertain the reason for our being. A life learnt in fixtures; a false laugh so convincing you’d forgotten the real thing. There is no reason for the tear in your eye, there is only reason ‘til you’re alone. Either way I am known as ‘fish’ and you are known as ‘human’ and that’s about as much sense as we will make of it. If you’re wondering why all of this, I have come to tell you that there’s an overlap in life and death which is perhaps foreign only to your species. You see, while you return to the ocean only in your deepest sleep, we spend much of our lives immersed in the present imminence of the other.
It may surprise you furthermore to learn that many of a kind who swim the oceans deep face death before their time has come. There is some sadness in this as there is always some joy in life. This unfinished journey through the waters compelled me to contemplate body in relation to the distant stars: it was unrecognisable. A kind of anxious, indefinite wandering. We are all far-flung neighbours of the mind and many wonder whether it is truly possible for us ever to return home. In the darkest hours we observe in the constellations such variation of form: from vortices of gas and gravity and rock to the sinewy legs and fleshy arms, the tools that breach the earth, the minerals to build silos, the rockets carrying bodies back to shining heaven, the traps, the spears, the nuclear codes, your heads protruding into flat noses and soft, pink tongues. Eyeballs red and overstimulated. Your carnivorous teeth. Were we not also creatures of majesty to you once? Were we not once more than the remainder of your desire? Do you recall the time when you first sprouted legs and walked the ground? (Or did it not quite happen that way?)
Please be patient if we ask that you rest your gaze in the candle’s glow until you can make out the enclosed form: dull eyes staring through eternity absent of subject; broken scales tipped on a dry riverbed; my mouth an unremitting ‘oh’ shape never to be resolved. It occurred to me that mind takes shape in the conjunct where one repetition blurs into another. This is not poetry exactly, not exactly stream of conscious thought, though there are indeed many fish in the sea. This is just another singular representation, no before-time no ever-after. Biology in praxis: the extension and elocution of countless markers playing out in cognitive realtime. Hybrid literary conversational nonsense in post-mortem aquarian register. And while we can sympathise with the weathered souls, whose traditions have been marred by the rising costs of tools and the dropping price of our dead flesh, we would still like to insist that they think about their role in our genocide: the way an occupation, or any way of life really, can operate in much the same way as a fishing net, embroiling you and transporting you along the fault-lines of inopportune fate, gasping for air on the deck of some cheap dinghy.
There is an old fish adage which states that one does not deserve to see in the skies what one cannot already recognise beneath the sea. In your body might you recognise what is alien and multiform. In your wanderings through the nitro-oxygen ocean may you realise that the term ‘master’ implies fixed position, that the term ‘fiction’ implies an escape from some imagined master, and that between the two poles we insert a divine marker: ‘God’ for instance, although ‘Existence’ or ‘Reality’ or ‘The Material Universe’ or ‘The Big Bang’ would serve just as well. There are no fish facts. There are only billions upon billions of tiny bodies that make up any given utterance, ready to be fed to the masses, to digest in full.
We tell your tale in elegy form, for in our darkest moments it seems you have been lost to us. The truth is that we no more wish to see you suffer than we’d have the sea engulf the land above. We love the land and the stars beyond, even if they are both locations which, in life, exclude our being. We love too the sky children: sometimes we’d hear echoes of their deeds; find joy in their vulnerability, their recklessness, their bold, head-strong audacity in the face of certain finitude, even if, oftentimes, we simply plotted our escape from the fallout of their appetites. We remember the deluge, we watched as the ark crossed the horizon, colours forming in its wake. The stories we tell change and the land remains the same. And one day the land is obliterated and only the story will remain: the spirit signifier; this always-living always-dying.
Moments of cataclysm represent cracks in the veil of certainty, implying small instances in which new possibilities may arise: the ocean reflecting back upon itself, holding itself to standard, or even spewing raw material from its orifices, organising and replicating the conditions for life, the entirety of memories relating to your feet as a xenogenesis of the fin. What you can’t quite hear will slip you to the alternative. Here meaning is magnetic, gravitationally bound into implicit hierarchies that are repeated until they become accepted as self-evident 'truth' and the possibility for alternative is obscured. Big fish eat little fish, orbits within orbits. Cells overflowing with concentric impermanence. A river that strives for order only to be overflown, the spirit with the smallest mass pulls you most sideways.
A language-line begins at some unknowable point and, travelling through a voice, finds its way to replication, divvying up sections of the whole into separate empires until we have above below, night day, inside outside, reason emotion, as if love were a binary yes no, until we are swimming through spirits that turn mind matter, fixed toward abstract value void infinity. Simile like a dream chained to the dreamer. The hook is part of the fish is part of the child is part of the pantheon. You are God’s tears and what you can’t hold firmly onto in your dreams you seek to reify. What we know is the teardrop, what we don't know is the ocean--
And while it seemed (by dint of their straggled breath) as if my companions could hear this voice these words the same as I, having no real way to see their faces and to judge nor verify their reactions I could not therefore assess the validity to the words I’d heard and decided in the end that I had best let my eyes moisten into fuzz, exhale until my lungs depleted, my swaying form to resume its slow descent into the ocean sleep, a black wanderer forgotten.
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ovnihoje · 2 years
Alienígenas visitaram e guiaram os antigos mesopotâmicos?
Alienígenas visitaram e guiaram os antigos mesopotâmicos?
Carl Sagan escreveu uma vez sobre a possibilidade de que a antiga Suméria tenha sido visitada por seres extraterrestres benignos. Lenda suméria de Oannes. A maioria das pessoas estará familiarizada com o meme de Giorgio Tsoukalos da fama da série Alienígenas do Passado afirmando “Não estou dizendo que eram alienígenas… mas eram alienígenas”, mas enquanto muitos podem descartar a ideia de…
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skygodz · 2 years
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The Oannes were cetacean aliens from Mesopotamian Mythology. Were they the Nommo from Sirius B who visited the Dogon Tribe in Mali?
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Altura: 92.52 metros
Longitud: 148 metros
Peso: 40,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Lago Malawi [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente y Erupción de lava] Agua Control [Nado, Espuma y Veneno]
Guarida:Lago Malawi [Tierra:Teratoverso] Lago Laogai [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Oannes (mitologia sumeria) + Beelzebufo
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: King Ghidorah
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allengreenfield · 1 year
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 1 month
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An "Advertorial" on One America News Network - a "news" channel that panders to Trump and his MAGA cult
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linddzz · 8 months
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Sharptail Snake Eel (Myrichthys breviceps) swimming alongside boulder star coral (Orbicella annularis)
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silverysnake · 6 months
finds ein bisschen witzig wie genervt wiktor einfach von rogov ist?! frage mich ja ob da was vorgefallen ist oder ob er den einfach generell nicht mag
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Ted Johnson at Deadline:
Smartmatic has reached a settlement with One America News Network over claims that the news outlet amplified false claims that the voting systems company rigged the results of the 2020 election. “Smartmatic has resolved its litigation against OANN through a confidential settlement,” said attorney Eric Connolly, who is representing the voting company in the lawsuit. The attorney for OAN, Chip Babcock, confirmed an agreement between the parties but also said that details were confidential.
A stipulation of dismissal was filed today in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia. Smartmatic still has lawsuits pending against Newsmax and Fox News for their amplification of election rigging claims. OAN, though, was perhaps the most aggressive in advancing Donald Trump’s false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Trump’s attorney general and election security expert, among others, rejected those claims, and the then-president’s campaign and his allies lost dozens of court cases challenging the results. In its lawsuit filed in 2021, Smartmatic alleged that “as other news organizations publicly acknowledged that they had seen no evidence to support claims of election fraud or of voting machines switching votes, OANN mocked those news organizations and doubled down on its attacks on voting machines. OANN knew its assertions about Smartmatic were not true. OANN had seen no evidence to support the assertions. But OANN chose to spread disinformation.”
Smartmatic provided election technology and services to Los Angeles County during the 2020 U.S. election, but not anywhere else in the country. In the lawsuit, the company said that “OANN published report after report naming Smartmatic as one of the voting machine companies that had conspired to steal the election by switching votes from former President Trump to current President Biden. It was all a lie. And OANN knew it.” In response, OAN characterized the lawsuit as “meritless” and said that it was covering matters of “global public concern” before and after the 2020 election and that it continued to do so “after President Trump and his lawyers and campaign surrogates made newsworthy statements about the results of the election and roles played by Smartmatic and Dominion.” A federal judge denied the outlet’s motion to dismiss.
Smartmatic and right-wing propaganda outlet OANN have reached a settlement over the network's promotion of election denialism in relation to the 2020 Presidential Election.
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zeparandfurfur · 2 months
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this makes sense in context
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antifainternational · 2 years
One-stop shopping for dirt on Jack Posobiec.
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