#OR try to write off my hard work both physically and nutrition wise and just saying ‘it’s because of your metabolism’ like I don’t also
lace-chocolate · 1 year
#random: but annoying#I take fitness very seriously. sometimes too seriously. I don’t take nutrition AS seriously. but I still take it pretty seriously#I don’t deny myself anything that I want. and I am not obsessed about the weight I am or would like to lose. I slow my body to exist and I#try to feed it what it needs to survive and thrive with the regimen that I put it through on the regular#THAT BEING SAID. when people try to discount my hard work and dedication to myself and my body by#making fun of the things that I eat saying I “eat like shit’ or that it makes no sense why I look the way I do because my diet sucks#OR try to write off my hard work both physically and nutrition wise and just saying ‘it’s because of your metabolism’ like I don’t also#spend 4 hours most days in the gym or working out at home to achieve this#A L S O. leave me and my fucking body alone. I didn’t ask. I never asked. I don’t want your comments. stop picking apart my body and my life#and what you think I should fucking look like based off a cupcake you saw me eat last week. leave me alone#my body does what it wants. it’s been through enough. let me fucking live#and stop trying to impose your thoughts on what I SHOULD be doing to look the way I do#I’m sorry you’re not happy with your body. or maybe you are happy with your body and you just are angry that I can eat cake still idk#whatever that is isn’t my business. and stop trying to make it so#I’m happy with my body for the first time in my life. stop trying to taint it#anyway#shut up lc#rant
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uncloseted · 2 years
my classes for next semester are as follows
• Human Anatomy and Physiology + Lab
• Information Research
• Nutrition
• Abnormal Psychology
• Intro to Sociology
Safe to say I will be dying. What do you think of these classes and how can I manage my time wisely? Thanks Christina💙
That sounds like an interesting lineup! I hope you enjoy it, I know I definitely would.
In terms of time management, it can be hard, but the good news is that it’s a skill you can learn and practice just like anything else. 
The first thing that I would suggest is to find a good calendar or planner that works for you. You might have to try out a few different things. Maybe it's the calendar app on your phone or a physical planner you keep in your bag, but make sure you have something you check regularly. Personally, I have a calendar widget on the front page of my phone so I can't forget to look at it. At the beginning of the semester, go through all of your course schedules and put important dates (due dates, exam dates) into your calendar/planner. Once you have all of the dates in your calendar, you can start to plan your study schedule for the entire semester. The goal is to study for a little bit every day instead of cramming right before the exam or assignment is due (I never managed to do this, so please learn from my mistakes 😭).
The reason I'm suggesting studying a bit every day is because studying for long periods of time without a break is stressful and time consuming, but it actually doesn’t produce great results. Implementing “spaced repetition” works better and is more efficient. Spaced repetition is where you focus on a topic for short periods of time over multiple sessions. So instead of spending six hours in a single day on your course material, spend one or two hours every few days on the material for the entire semester. In these short study sessions, focus on both old and new materials in order to reduce forgetting (maybe something like 75% of your time on new material, and 25% of your time remembering old materials).
Within those study sessions, I would try out the Pomodoro method in order to maximize the amount of time you spend actually studying. Here’s how it works: pick one, very specific task, then set a timer for 25 minutes and work only on that one task until the timer goes off. Really focus on that one task without distractions. When the timer goes off, take a 5 minute break. After four rounds of this (2 hours), take a longer break (30 minutes or so). Alongside this, you can try temptation bundling- where you pair something you have to do with something you want to do.  In this case, maybe if you study for x amount of time, you can watch a TV show that you’re really into, but you can only watch that TV show after you’ve done the work, or maybe you listen to some of your favorite music only while you’re working.
Another thing that can help is to break down everything you have to do into stupidly small tasks and write them all down on a list.  It can be as small as “open laptop” or “get out textbook”- anything you need to do in order to study.  Then, check each and every item off your list as you go through it.  Sometimes, studying can feel overwhelming because we don’t have a good idea of all the steps involved in the actual process, and it can be hard to stay motivated if you’re not physically seeing progress. By checking things off, you know that you're moving forward.
For exams, when you study, skip reading and re-reading the textbooks or your notes, and skip highlighting or underlining important concepts in a text. Again, those are time-consuming practices that don’t have a great return on your time investment. Instead, practice “retrieval testing”.
Basically, retrieval testing is when you try to recall information from memory, the same way that you would on an exam. You can do this by using practice tests (for example, questions from your textbook, past tests that have been used in the class, or online quizzes such as on Quizlet), making flashcards, or just by covering your lecture slides, attempting to recall them, and then uncovering them to check how you did. Another good way to practice “retrieval testing” is to try and explain concepts from your classes to someone else. Having to put the concepts from your class into your own words ensures that you understand the material instead of just having memorized it.
In terms of when you’re in a lecture, try to engage as actively as possible. If your professor gives you the opportunity, ask questions in class or answer the questions the professor has asked. By actively engaging with the professor, you’re actively engaging with the material, and you’re more likely to remember it when the lecture is finished. Taking handwritten notes is also a good idea, since it helps you to remember better than typed notes do.
Last thing- come up with a contingency plan for when you don't feel like working. Identify all of the obstacles that might get in your way when you're trying to study, and come up with "if-then" plans to overcome those obstacles. For example, "if I feel like watching TV instead of studying, then I'll study something easy for just five minutes. Once I'm done with that, I can watch TV." You know the ways you'll procrastinate best, which means that you also know the ways you can trick yourself into not procrastinating.
Good luck with this semester! I hope everything goes well.
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letsdiscoverkitty · 5 years
Thursday 16th May 2019: Review Update Major Trigger Warning
I realise that an update is well overdue and I can only apologise for that. I am putting a trigger warning on this post because although I know such warnings tend to get ignored, I think it would be unfair of me not to mention that this could be a triggering post. I will *try* to keep it short but we all know that I usually end up rambling. I also apologise for the state of this post, I am utterly exhausted and my head isn’t really in the best of places after such an intense and long day....
The review was just me, my consultant and EDP (mum joined us later on)
The team are apparently v concerned about me and don’t think that I am going to be able to turn things around in the community. 
They said that from my past it does show that I work better as an OP and that I can make changes in the community, however they are worried because my weight is now the lowest it has ever been and I have been “floating/floundering” for months now and they can’t let this slow decline continue. She asked how I felt about it and idk, its messy/hard to explain but I understand where they are coming from.
There is extra concern around my weight as it is in ‘dangerous’ place and puts me at risk of refeeding syndrome even though my intake does not. Therefore I am being prescribed refeeding medications again (Thiamine and Vitamin B) and they want to put me back onto weekly bloods, especially to monitor my phosphate. Fortisip wise I have been told that they are a ‘backup’ in case I miss a meal or snack but not as an addition.
My consultant asked me “so, tell me, what’s been going on?” and to be totally honest with you, I have no idea and my mind went blank. I’m just floating, getting through each day, holding on...She said that this is the starvation syndrome, which is leaving me thinking about food 24/7, my body on high alert for any threat, as well as being unable to see beyond what is right in front of my eyes (amongst other things)
 What followed was a lengthy discussion about admissions and all that kind of stuff, which concluded with three possible roads from here...
Option 1. A planned admission to Hayes Grove with clear goals, bespoke tailored for me, for about 6-8 weeks to then enable me to transition home and continue as an OP. This is what my consultant was trying to push for as she is the consultant at HG, but she respected that I need time and space to think about it. I have, at least, agreed to go up to the unit and meet with the team early next month for a ‘pre admission assessment’ to get an idea of what an admission could be like for me. (it was going to be next week but they couldn’t find dates that worked)
Option 2. If I continue to deteriorate/can’t stabalise or improve, then they are going to go down the route of any bed...this could be a medical bed or a SEDU anywhere in the country, no choices. Referrals are being sent out today to begin the process and make units aware of me/my situation. sigh.
Option 3. That this discussion and meeting, with the prospect of an admission, helps me to “get my arse in gear” and increase my meal plan as an OP and continue at home with the support of the team.
I had quite the reality checks today, especially from my consultant (which I was not expecting). Anorexia often convinces me that I am not “that bad”, but today I was told the very stark truth and reality of where I am at with no way of worming around it and let me tell you, that is HARD to hear. 
Once again I was told that I am an “interesting case” and that my intake does not line up with where my weight is at...(yay for being told that I am eating too much. thanks.lol.)
Okay moving on: In terms of where do I go from here...idk. My mind has been on overdrive since and I haven’t really been able to take any of it in. I would love to make it work as an OP and make changes at home but I cant keep going around in these same cycles/be left like this, I just can’t. It’s truly horrible. My consultant reiterated that they are not going to let me starve to death and they will intervene if they get any more concerned about my physical health and admit me to a medical bed...again, this is something that is NOT easy to hear let alone accept.
Yet again I was told that I am “a very bright girl who knows all the ins and outs and has been through nutritional refeeding before”. The struggle right now is the permission side of things, everything gets put off as there has been no outlook/motivation/goals and I have found it increasingly difficult to accept the things I know for myself. This was mentioned and we did talk briefly about it, with my consultant saying that if I can make changes in the community then I need to be really careful in terms of RFS and that the safest way is going to be going down the route of dairy increases and not too fast as it could shock my body and cause a hell of a lot of damage. (hence them wanting to do weekly bloods for now in order to keep a close eye on things)
As I said, mum was in for the last bit, and after all the discussions and dictations for letters were finished she asked about what the plan from now until the meeting in June is...and basically they are going to continue to monitor me closely, see what happens, try to nudge me in the right direction and that if she has any concerns about my physical health or things get worse then she is to either take me to A&E or call an ambulance (which is vvv over the top imo). wow what a way to end the meeting. “Thank you”
After the meeting mum and I went for coffee and god I am so glad that she could be there today/I let her come, even if both my consultant and EDP pretty much ignored her. This is so hard to write but mum is not taking things well that all. She has not been sleeping much again out of worry/concern and said that over the past 2 weeks something has really scared her and she is terrified for me/my life...we chatted for a while in Costa before she had to head back to work and gosh was it hard to hear such things, but it was good to be on the same page a little more. 
Sadly once I arrived home earlier this afternoon, it was to find that mum had been sent home and told not to come back to work until at least Monday :( Her boss had emailed to see how she was as she knew she had the morning off to come to my review, and after mum replied she had a phone call from her boss and pretty much crumbled into pieces there and then. I can’t even....I have no words...I feel utterly terrible for putting this on my parents yet again and for putting them through so much, and causing so much pain and hurt - it genuinely hurts my heart. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like for them. Mum has been signed off from work in the past (twice I think) because she isn’t coping and I know it is because she cares so deeply about me but wow it is really really hard to have to go through for us all - I suppose it is a very very big reality check/shock as to just how bad things are... As for dad, he is the classic head in sand but I know it isn’t because he doesn’t care, it’s because he does not do emotions/feelings.
Anyway, I’m not even sure how I feel right now. I know I should feel something but if I am totally honest with you I feel nothing. I am utterly numb to it all. Empty. It’s like there is this huge void. My mind is either a neverending whirlwind or unable to even think of a word. I honestly don’t know where I am going/what is going to happen and that is terrifying. Really terrifying. I am sorry that this update is not positive in any way/shape/form but I know that I owe it to you all, all those who have stuck by me for so long, to keep you in the loop. Im not sure how active I will be over the coming weeks but I will make sure to keep checking in as and when I can. Thank you for all the kind messages of support that have been sent my way recently, I know I am terrible at replying at the moment but each message genuinely means the world to me and I can’t thank you enough x
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Dad! Kang Daniel A-Z
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So I see a lot of those NSFW A-Z’s of idols and decided to try something different and do Dad! Daniel A-Z. I hope you like this, it was a bit of fun for the afternoon! These are just my thoughts, not what I expect Daniel to do in the future lol!
I’m open to writing actual Dad! Daniel fictions in the future too, if you’d like something more than scenario based!
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Daniel is very affectionate with his children. He loves cuddling with them, and was sad when the older girls started to grow out of enjoying his hugs constantly. He loved the feeling of being their security blanket, and relishes it whenever they let him now.
He was there throughout every birth. He couldn’t imagine letting you go through it all alone. Anything you needed, he got you. The type to come with a bag of snacks that he knows you like, but eats them himself because he’s grown nervous. After the first child he had a little more understanding of what was going to happen, but since each delivery was different, he would still find himself questioning how to be your biggest support. Wanted to cut the umbilical cord of your first child but felt too hesitant. Definitely did it for the others.
Daniel is mostly consistent and follows through with your mutual parenting regime. If he’s really tired he’s most likely to give in then, and so you try your best to make sure he isn’t left alone when in that state - after your daughter convinced him to buy her the expensive doll house you had told her she couldn’t get, you weren’t prepared to take any further chances.
Understanding how to communicate well with each of your children depending on their age and stage. Changes his language to suit their needs and all your children have always felt at ease because communication for needs and wants flows easily.
Hands on approach more so than with books. Likes to set up fun experiments in the weekends to teach and play with. Very interested in sports and helps his children with them. Likes being involved in the school as much as he can and fosters a program for performance. Your children that are in school are all pretty well known because of their Dad and are very proud to point out their Dad whenever they see him at school too.
Has almost as much fun playing with some of the toys and activities as your kids do. Is known as the fun Dad within the neighbourhood and at school. The type to not batter an eye through an intense pretend tea party with the girls, and gets really into eating all that yummy pretend cake that it makes you laugh.
Daniel was always supportive. The type to get up and buy you the thing you’re craving at 3am even if he’s just rolled into bed an hour ago. Was always worried when you suffered from morning sickness, even after the first born. Went to every scan and read pregnancy books with you in preparation. Knew when to comply and challenge your hormonal behaviours well.
Four. You wanted two, he wanted three, somehow you ended up with an extra. Three girls and a boy. Whilst Daniel was thankful for his son to not outnumber him alone, he loves raising little girls and is pretty chuffed to be known as the Daughter-Daddy within your group of friends. Does a lot of rough and tough with his son, after years of tea-parties, he’s all too happy to have a son to experience new adventures with.
Despite having children, your intimacy is still pretty decent. The kids groan cheekily whenever they see you both kiss, but hugging is constantly something Daniel does with you regardless. The kids all love it, snuggling up for movie night is a family favourite.
Your sex life isn’t as active as it once was, about 1-2 times a week. Which when you think about it, with four kids, it’s pretty great to be that active still!
Daniel’s idol life continued through the first baby, but after that he opted to run his own company, helping train idols with the knowledge that he gained through a very successful career. He still managed to do spot performances with WANNA ONE for anniversaries, and with his fellow MMO members, but he knew with four kids, and his age, he needed to find something more stable and city-based. His schedule was still packed, but he ensured he made time in it for activities with his family too.
You both made a point to have date night every fortnight where you went out for the night. Admittedly you both messed up in the beginning, still talking about the kids, but after setting the rule not to discuss anything parenting wise, your date nights became something you both looked forward to a lot.
Whenever the kids were in bed and you both were home you’d just cuddle up and catch up with each other and waking up in the morning without a kid(s) in between you was rare, but very well received (and an easy way to get in one of those more intimate sessions – normally quickly with the thrill of getting it out of the way before being disturbed to start the daily grind, hah!)
You were both looking forward to the times where your kids could go on camp, but it was a wee way off to have all four out at the same time.
Since he works with large groups of young people every day, loudness is never a problem for Daniel. Nor is bustling activity, because he could just lay there and supervise if he was feeling a little tired. However what he couldn’t handle was the children fighting. He literally struggled with seeing them argue or physically hit each other, it really got under his skin. He would come down on them all pretty hard then, almost regretting it as soon as his harsh words left his mouth. He would often feel pretty low after it too, turning to you for support and building himself back up as a parent.
He also found the department store with four kids all wanting this that and another thing as well; all too overwhelming and either buy them everything or nothing at all to deal with the environmental chaos.
Daniel was pretty hands on with most things, but the one thing he couldn’t deal with is sickness. If one of the kids was sick, he panicked so much that your calm and collected approach was the one chosen in the end. He’d always flitter outside the door worriedly asking you how they are every few moments, and when your second daughter broke her arm falling off her bike he was an absolute wreck. He really is emotional for his kids. Funny thing, he could take very good care of you if you’re sick. Which with four kids, when it made its rounds, you were very grateful you had him for nursing you back to health.
Loves making meals for his family with you. As a unit you’re both big on meal prep. Looked up good healthy kids snacks and most of the time insists on them. But also the type to blow their entire diet and throw them on a sugar high at least once a month as a treat. Uses ice-cream as a bribery tactic often. When your eldest daughter had her first dental check and had early tooth decay signs in one of her baby teeth (lol), Daniel insisted on a month long stringent of eating well, until the tooth fell out and he realised that brushing twice a day and eating well in moderation was better than preventing pretend cake at the tea parties. The girls had been very anti-Daddy during that stage.
Very close with Seongwoo’s, Jisung’s and Minhyun’s families especially and every summer would organise a vacation together. Would turn to Minhyun for a lot of parenting advice, even when you were the first out of the group to give birth. Good thing Minhyun’s full of sound knowledge!
You still have three cats and although he wanted more, it was hard for Daniel to share his cats with his kids. They would pull their tails and Daniel would just about dive on them to protect them. Spent a lot of time teaching the children the importance of respecting animals. Takes them to petting zoos often whenever he feels like there’s just not enough paws at home. Tried to convince you along with your third daughter that another cat would match the number of kids, but you didn’t buy into it so three it remains.
Despite his schedule, Daniel insists on quality one on one time with his children. He takes each girl on a Daddy date which they all love, and often goes out with your son to play. Tries to read to each child before bed in the weekends, though your eldest now reads to him and puts him to sleep instead, oops.
Daniel isn’t the type to like telling your children off. He’d rather negotiate and find a happy medium than scold and take things from them. He’s a sucker for their tears too, but overall if he has to; he will give them consequences and will stick to them too. Usually the harshest when he finds them physically pushing one another around, and he really has no time for disrespect in his household.
Yep. The “perks” of raising three princesses means they all have princess rooms and all the things they generally wanted, except the knight in shining armour (Daniel is not prepared for this stage and often worries about it even though your eldest is only seven lol). His son has the latest games, a bunch of bikes and skateboards and the backyard is full of play equipment to entertain them for hours. The type to think of his children (and you) and buy little gifts whenever he travels. Hates when you purge the toy room as much as the kids do. He tries to be modest but the fact is, the kids have him whipped, sigh.
Prefers your kids to have fresh air and exercise over being in front of devices. You mirror these thoughts and were very conscious about how much time they got in front of technology. Is freaking out about when puberty hits, since your eldest is already asking for her first phone.
Known also as the fun uncle. Invites all the kids over in the weekend and lets them play on all the fun things at your house. Believes in child play being the best time of your lives and really instils this in all children he crosses paths with. Sungwoon is always whining to you that his son loves Daniel more than him. Comes up with crazy over the top children days with Jaehwan and you’ve given up trying to calm them down.
Believes a family that talks about how much they love each other is the type to have a good constant flow of communication. And so he always makes sure everyone is talking well to each other, and it’s why he gets so upset when the children pick on each other.
You wonder where your homebody of a husband went, but having kids truly made him want to make life as magical as he could for them. Even though he loved staying home, he’d always be pottering around the house doing something with them. It was somewhat a plus, because it meant you could do your own things when he was home, and allowed you some much needed me-time, but the change could still throw you off some days.
Was very into seeing what talents your children would have early on and supporting it immediately. Your kids had gone through various hobbies like they had their underwear at times, but eventually you found that your eldest loved dance, your second child was in gymnastics, third loved horse riding, and your son was playing soccer and hockey. Daniel was very attentive to any need they had for pursuing their interests and was a very proud Dad with all their achievements.
Daniel’s life dream from here is almost complete. He’d love to move to the country one day, to let your children run free, but he likes the city life too, knowing how accessible it is for good education and amenities. Admittedly he’s happy with his four kids, but now and then, especially since Daehwi’s got his first kid on the way, Daniel can’t help but envision you pregnant again, he loved rubbing at your baby bump whenever you were pregnant.
The kids’ bedtime starts at 7pm and the older two have until 8pm which is generally the busiest time of the night, considering it’s you putting all of them to bed alone because Daniel’s still at work. You have a routine in place which thankfully works, and you’re able to get a few hours peace to yourself until bed around midnight. Daniel is generally home around 10pm. In the weekends you both aim to sleep in, but due to poor sleep schedules from being an idol, Daniel still rises to his current schedule. Which is great because weekend cartoons with the kids is one of his favourite morning pastimes.
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Read More 10 questions with Hannah Barrett about the benefits of yoga
The following post 10 questions with Hannah Barrett about the benefits of yoga is republished from Healthy Food Guide by Ellie Donnell
Hannah Barrett, aka Yoga Girl, fell in love with yoga during a particularly stressful time in her life. Now she’s a yoga teacher, mum and pre and post-natal specialist and she shares some pretty impressive moves over on her Instagram (which has 218k followers!). We asked Hannah 10 questions about the influence that yoga has had on her life and, in particular, its positive impact on new mums. 
How did you get into yoga and what made you fall in love with it?
I’d been practicing yoga on and off for a few years but it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my son that I fell in love with it and started practicing daily.  Not only did it keep me physically strong and flexible but mentally I felt so much stronger and empowered.
How has yoga had an influence on your life, both before and during motherhood?
The biggest impact has been how yoga has helped shift my outlook on life.  I have always been someone who’s constantly on the go and striving for perfection. I worked for nearly ten years in finance which at times was highly stressful and busy.  Then, becoming a mother came with completely new obstacles and stresses.
The more I practiced yoga, the more it seeped its way into all aspects of my life.  Things that would have caused me great anxiety before became a lot easier to deal with.  My interactions with others and myself – my inner dialogue – completely changed. It felt really freeing and I am happier and calmer than I’ve ever been. 
What’s the biggest difference you’ve noticed – physically and mentally – from taking up yoga?
Like many, I spent my teenage years punishing my body and suffered quite severely with an eating disorder.  If I’m being honest, it wasn’t until yoga was firmly rooted in my life that I truly loved my body – flaws and all.  I felt a  connection with my body and mind that I had never experienced and it was transformative. I realised that I no longer looked at food or my body in the same light.
Who would you recommend it for?
There are so many different styles and teachers out there that yoga can  truly be a practice for everyone.  From hot yoga, sweaty power classes, restorative yoga classes to chair-based yoga!  And if you’ve tried it and thought it wasn’t for you, I challenge you to try a new class or style.  Give it a month or so and then see how it has impacted your life. 
You’ve released your own Strength Through Yoga postnatal ebook. Tell us a bit about that.
The idea for the Strength Through Yoga postnatal guide came after I injured myself after having my first baby, not really understanding the postnatal body and what I should or shouldn’t do.  I wanted to write a strength building guide for mothers who wanted to get back into exercise after having a baby but didn’t know where or how to safely start. I brought in the amazing physiotherapist Finola Burrell to write it with me and it’s been reviewed by a number of medical professionals, too.
Strength Through Yoga postnatal is an evidence based 16-week programme that heals, challenges and strengthens you after having a baby. It includes six weeks of physiotherapy-based exercises (that can be started from birth) followed by ten weeks of yoga inspired circuits designed to increase full body strength and flexibility in just 25-30 minutes, three times a week. Additionally, we have included information and advice on the core and other essential muscles, mindfulness and mediation techniques, and common postpartum issues – shedding some light on issues which can be hard to talk about and providing information on what you can do to help.
You share some pretty impressive moves on your Instagram page. How long did it take you to master some of the more advanced moves?
It took years!  And then I had two babies so each time I had to go back to basics, re-build my core strength and relearn.
I really didn’t find the physical practice easy.  From years of going to the gym, I’ve always been reasonably strong but I’ve built this whole new level of strength particularly in my core.  It’s taken lots of time and patience to get some of the poses I used to look at and think, ‘I could never do that”.
My top tip is to just start and practice them again and again.  I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve failed and fallen flat on my face!  But EVERY success story involves an element of failure.  So, as they say, practice and all is coming.
What does a day of eating look like to you? Is there anything you think about in particular when it comes to nutrition?
My one rule is no restriction.  I spent my early years cutting out things I thought were ‘bad’ for me.  In reality it just makes you miserable and want it more. For me, life without chocolate is not a happy one!  I eat everything but in moderation and simply try and be aware of how it makes me feel. I also try (as much as possible) to eat unprocessed food – although being a mum and always on the go, this doesn’t always work!
What are your favourite yoga must-haves?
The best yoga mat and the one I have been using for years is Liforme (code HANNAH19 gets you a discount off the whole range).  The grip is like no other, they are plant friendly and the alignment lines are amazing.
Activewear wise, there are so many brands I love but preferably,  anything that’s comfy! Favourite brands include Ana Heart, Ernest Leoty, Onzie, Lululemon, Sweaty Betty and Varley.  Sported Edit Team and My Gym Wardrobe also do amazing selections.
As a mum, you must be fairly busy! Do you find it difficult fitting yoga into your life now? How often do you practice it?
Yes, finding time is a constant challenge.  I try and prioritise at least 15 minutes six times a week but that doesn’t always work.  I also always trying to have ten minutes at the start of each day to sit and breathe – sometimes just in silence or sometimes with an app like Calm or Headspace.
I’m lucky that the kids love to practice with me so if all else fails, we make it a team effort which always puts a smile on my face.
What tips would you give to new mums – or anyone – who is new to yoga?
Go for it!  Go to a class for beginners or specifically for new mums and give it at least a month.  It’s SO hard starting – everything seems impossible but over time it all becomes easier and the sense of achievement and peace in your life will make it worth it.
Check out Hannah on Instagram @yoga_girl_london
The post 10 questions with Hannah Barrett about the benefits of yoga appeared first on Healthy Food Guide.
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runridedive · 5 years
Race Report: Super League Triathlon
What a finish! After a disastrous start yesterday, France’s Vincent Luis roared back and showed his class with a display that will go down in triathlon history!
On the final day of the 2018/19 series, the women’s field took on the Enduro. This format consists of swim-bike-run-swim-bike-run-swim-bike-run, with no break.
Today’s events decided the final standings for the weekend and subsequently the final standings in the 2018/19 series.
Luis had work to do if he wanted to take home the Championship title, as he’d scored only one point in Saturday’s race due to an early puncture and subsequent elimination. South Africa’s Henri Schoeman knew he had a chance to challenge Luis’ title hopes and claim the overall title. Jonny Brownlee was also on the look-out back up yesterday’s victory and take the weekend’s spoils. It was all to play for in Singapore!
What followed was a tense and attritional race with all of the top contenders leaving everything on course; but in the end, it was Luis who held firm to sensationally win the day. Brownlee pushed him hard and took a well-earned second place, with Schoeman coming home a close third to round off the podium.
These results meant Brownlee took the top step for Super League Singapore, but the overall title went to Luis by just two points, with Schoeman in second and Brownlee in third.
Results – Men’s Enduro, Final Standings 1. Vincent Luis (FRA) 2. Jonny Brownlee (GBR) 3. Henri Schoeman (RSA)
Results – Super League Singapore, Final Standings 1. Jonny Brownlee 2. Henri Schoeman 3. Tyler Mislawchuk (CAN)
Results – Super League Singapore 2018/19 Series, Final Standings 1. Vincent Luis 2. Henri Schoeman 3. Jonny Brownlee
Athlete quotes:
Vincent Luis on his Enduro win and SLT Championship title win: “Since the start today, I knew I had to be hard and smart. I could not hope for a better result. “I didn’t want to lead today, I just wanted to keep with as many people as possible – pure tactics. I wanted to save myself until the last run. “I knew I was fresher as I didn’t race as much as them yesterday, so I was waiting for the last run. I saw that Henri wasn’t at his best, so I tried to keep with Jonny as much as possible. “I was so down after yesterday, I didn’t know if I wanted to race this Sunday. I still can’t believe it I’ve won. You never know – anything can happen.”
Second overall in SLT, Henri Schoeman reflected on his weekend’s performance: “To round out a solid second – I am happy with that. What happened yesterday with Luis, the Championship was definitely mine to lose. Jonny and Vincent made me work extremely hard today, and I think that it made me run really slow at the end. I had to work for it. I came into the weekend, wanting to walk away with a solid second, so I am so happy.”
Super League Singapore winner Jonny Brownlee on his performance and fitness comeback: “What a weekend. It means a lot to come here and perform well in the heat. It’s always been a weakness of mine and I think I was one of the fittest athletes out there. If I’m honest, I’ve doubted myself this year – so this gives me a lot of confidence. That was a big performance for me – it shows what I can do. “This format is all about not wasting efficiency and survival. Everyone will make small mistakes and Super League is about how you overcome them. And I’ve proved I can overcome them and that my fitness is there. If I was more clinical, I could have won today. It means more than most races I’ve done in my career. This has proved that I can come back to my best.”
Super League Singapore – Sprint Finish – Beaugrand, Zaferes
That was the greatest finish in Super League Triathlon’s history – and it came in the last race of our Women’s Championship Finale!
On the final day of the 2018/19 series, the women’s field took on the Enduro. This format consists of swim-bike-run-swim-bike-run-swim-bike-run, with no break.
Today’s races decided the final standings for the weekend and subsequently the final standings in the 2018/19 series.
USA’s Katie Zaferes was looking ominous after her victory yesterday, but the rest of the field were looking to capture their own moment of glory. With no break in the race, it was a test of endurance and stamina as the best in the world fought to leave a permanent mark on Super League Singapore.
In the end, it came down to a photo finish with France’s Cassandre Beaugrand taking the victory from Zaferes by millimetres. The Netherland’s Rachel Klamer came home a close third, rounding off the podium.
These results meant Beaugrand took the top step for Super League Singapore, but the overall Championship title went to Zaferes.
Results – Woman’s Enduro, Final Standings 1. Cassandre Beaugrand (FRA) 2. Katie Zaferes (USA) 3. Rachel Klamer (NED)
Results – Super League Singapore, Final Standings 1. Cassandre Beaugrand 2. Katie Zaferes 3. Rachel Klamer
Results – Super League Singapore 2018/19 Series, Final Standings 1. Katie Zaferes 2. Rachel Klamer 3. Cassandre Beaugrand
Athlete Quotes
SLT Champion Katie Zaferes’ thoughts on the final race: “I am really happy and a little disappointed because it was so close. I gave it everything I had and it’s always nice to come out on top. It’s been a great series.” Zaferes on the finish line battle with Beaugrand: “I was trying to figure out if I should be in the front or if I should stay on her shoulder and wait.” Zaferes on the heat in Singapore: “I really tried to prepare. When you’re going straight from the run to the swim having to endure not just the intensity but also the weather – it was something I had on my mind. Even nutrition wise, grabbing every water, even just a little splash in my mouth – it definitely helped. “You have to be so prepared. I try to write it out and visualise it beforehand. Today I felt pretty on top of the process and the actual format.” Zaferes on her form: “Super League makes you better all-round. You have to work on every little thing – both physically and mentally, and even emotionally. It’s high pressure coming into this race, and I knew I had to perform well. I think it sets me up well for the rest of the season. I’m really happy with where I am.”
Enduro race winner and Super League Singapore winner Cassandre Beaugrand after her win today: “Coming into Singapore I trained very hard on my bike to be better. I found it so hard there today but my head was better than my body. It was amazing.”
The post Race Report: Super League Triathlon appeared first on Run Ride Dive.
from WordPress https://www.runridedive.com/super-league-finale/
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 120, September 2018
The challenge of writing about my feelings towards Father’s Day is to not make it sound like a depressing sob story but it most likely will come across that way. I’ve had a very distant relationship with my biological father for many years now. Even after briefly reconnecting with him about five years ago, it really hasn’t done much to strengthen or salvage the relationship. Making an effort with him just feels like a waste of time and energy.
He’s made several attempts at asking me for money and only really texts me whenever he wants something. It’s an emotional time, not just for me but also for my parents who both no longer have their Dads in their lives. It’s felt like a massive void in my life for many years that I’ve had to find masculine energy and strength from other sources. This includes my step-dad, former personal trainer and a current yoga teacher. But sadly these will never completely fill the void or my needs.
So what’s the best way of taking your mind off the fact that it’s Father’s Day today? Switching off all forms of social media. Going to the local community market at Cranbourne Public Hall and having a coffee with Mum at Michel's Patisserie (Cranbourne East, Victoria). Then going out to Village Cinemas Fountain Gate Gold Class to see the latest Mission: Impossible movie. I think that’s more than enough distractions really. I know a lot of people love and embrace Father’s Day but sadly I’m not one of them for obvious reasons.
On Monday night, I went to the Men of Doveton Program held at Doveton College Theatre and Gym. It’s about halfway through the program now and to be honest, I feel like I’ve only just broken through the iceberg. Whenever it comes to social support groups, I always seem to be the underdog, the one lagging behind the others, the one struggling to catch up. It’s probably due to my autistic traits and under-developed social skills plus the fact that I’ve always been shy, introverted and reserved. But I am determined to complete this program and not simply give up due to my low motivation, self confidence and self worth.
Motivation is still something of a barrier for me, especially on Mondays where I typically don’t do much with my day at all. I usually do some housework, reading, check emails, listen to music and lay in bed. And so the Men of Doveton program has in fact given me a reason to get myself out of the house for a couple of hours and that in itself is an achievement for me. It shows that I need all the help and support I can get from this group of guys. https://www.caseystadium.ymca.org.au/whats-on/upcoming-events/event/men-of-doveton-free-health-program-2/2018/07/30
Tonight we started our first week of playing soccer. My initial reaction to this...well at least it’s better than cricket. But that certainly doesn’t make it easier. Learning to dribble, headbutt and maintain control of the ball wasn’t a walk in the park but I gave it a crack. Similarly, my aim was pretty terrible when it came to kicking the ball into the goals but at least I tried.
Hesitation and uncertainty continue to cloud my judgement when it comes to playing team sports games like soccer but it felt good to least least try to get involved. I made a couple of good attempts at passing the ball to a fellow teammate and also did my best to defend. Again this is not something I’m naturally good at but it’s good to see the other guys being supportive and respectful to the ones giving it a go.
After the physical health session, we gathered ourselves into the kitchen area for our cooking class. We divided ourselves up into seven groups and each worked on a different recipe together. These included: berry smoothies, beans and mushroom on toast, spinach, sweet potato and lentil Dhal, Mediterranean bean salad, roasted chickpeas, protein balls and wholemeal banana pancakes.
It honestly got me out of my comfort zone big time being in that kitchen. I don't do a great deal of cooking at home myself, just occasionally do simple dishes like scrambled eggs, omelettes, salads, smoothies, stir fris etc. And it felt good to be able to contribute and get involved in the cooking process. With there being about 25-30 people in the kitchen, it got hectic very quickly.
Of course my autism and anxiety was going off like an alarm, getting myself easily distracted and being unsure of myself. To throw myself into situations where there is little structure and plenty of chaos, that requires a lot of strength. The solution is to perform tasks I know I’m actually good at like chopping up vegetables, heating up some rice and helping to clean up.
The other is to ask others what needs doing but it’s tough when there’s a lot going on stimulation wise. Still even with how busy the environment got, I still enjoyed myself and felt good about using some hands on kitchen skills again. It’s actually pretty therapeutic as it keeps your mind focused and active on that single activity. Plus I was cutting up and crushing chilies, ginger and garlic which are ingredients I don’t eat or use very often.
In terms of social connections, I feel like I’m slowly blending in with the others. Being one of the quietest men in the group, it’s very easy for me to get overlooked and not stand out. Whenever I meet new people, a wall goes up for my own self-protection due to my trust issues from the past and so it takes time for me to begin opening up to other people and gradually bring that wall down. But I could tell that people were there to support me and to make sure that I didn’t feel alone.
Just attending these weekly Men of Doveton sessions is half the battle for me as social awkwardness and fears of being rejected can rear their ugly heads. But everyone is pretty accepting and inclusive in this group hence why I keep coming each week.
On Tuesday morning, I attended the Adults Learners Week pop-up event at Hampton Park Library. Entering the library foyer, I could already feel my cheeks getting flushed with redness, mainly due to the big question: What the hell am I doing with my life? Thankfully there were plenty of free resources here from Hampton Park Community House, Hampton Park Uniting Church, Hallam Community Learning Centre Inc., Chisholm Institute and Casey Cardinia Libraries.
Mum and I both renewed our library membership cards, grabbed lots of programs and brochures and filled out a work/learning goals form. For 16 years, I’ve referred to myself as a Career Counsellor’s nightmare and nothing much has changed today. It would be easier to say what I’m not interested in. I wrote down: creative writing, painting, drawing, reviewing, barista training, hospitality, waiting and bar service, health and fitness, mental health, nutrition just to name a few things. https://www.cclc.vic.gov.au/
But I’m glad I went today as I’ve opened myself up to more potential social outlets and ways to connect with the local community through classes, workshops, activities, functions, events and training courses. Plus finding mental health support groups, social groups and building friendships. All of those things are very important to me. I’m actually highly considering attending a local church group to pick myself up and feel more connected with others. And I’m not even a Christian. https://www.adultlearnersweek.org/learning-in-casey/ 
On Tuesday night, I attended my RPM class at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. I wasn’t exactly feeling energised or alert even after having a regular latte before my class started but I didn’t care. I was determined to jump on that bike and workout hard. It’s been a while since I last did a class with fitness instructor Caroline Dowswell Symmons aka Cas (who also teaches Body Balance and Body Pump) so it was good to see her again. https://www.caseyrace.ymca.org.au/gym/group-fitness 
We did a mixture of tracks tonight including Ke$ha - We R Who We R (Release 51), Cascada - San Fransisco (Release 54), Sash! featuring Stunt - Raindrops (Release 50) and Fatboy Slim versus Moguai - Ya Mama “Push The Tempo” (Release 56). Cas has a really entertaining way of accentuating the lyrics and trying to encourage us to increase the resistance a little more especially during the climbing uphill tracks. It certainly makes RPM classes a lot more enjoyable and fun. https://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/rpm/ 
On Wednesday, my mental health took a turn for the worse. I realised that I’d been carrying a lot of unresolved baggage from Father’s Day last weekend plus lack of sleep, confidence and self-esteem issues, work-related stress, frustration, moodiness, irritability, social isolation. All of it was coming to a head today. I really needed to be pro-active and do something about it.     
So I decided to see my GP Dr. Mah Mah Thet for her recommendation. After suggesting that I think I should change my antidepressant medication (I’ve been taking Zoloft/Sertraline for over 18 months now), she agreed and recommended finding a psychiatrist who specialises in mood disorders and sleep problems. The difficult task now is doing my homework, researching and finding a psych who suits my needs, narrowing the options down to one. 
On Thursday afternoon, I had my NDIS planning meeting/conversation held at Level 2, Suite 1, 64 Victor Crescent in Narre Warren. I spent this week deliberately distracting myself from thinking about this meeting as I was feeling pretty nervous and uncertain about it. I couldn’t have been more organised with a yellow display folder packed with notes, information brochures, letters, reports and evidence about my mental health condition and disability. With how daunting and overwhelming the NDIS system is, I just couldn’t wait to get this planning meeting over with. 
An NDIS representative named Sean ran the meeting today in one of the office spaces. After wasting 5-10 minutes trying to plug the mouse into his computer, we finally got going. Most of it was answering a range of online questionnaires about my family life, social and work environments, living arrangements, what I need help and support with, how my disability impacts on my life, my emotional health, how I want my plan to be managed, my goals and participant statement.     I found that the wording of some of the questions was very convoluted and unnecessarily complex that I had to go to Mum or Sean for a second opinion. It was like they were trying to trip me up if I answered the question incorrectly but Sean assured me that this wasn’t the case.
I did notice that Sean would often go off on a tangent and not be mindful enough about the time (we only had 1.5 hours allocated for this appointment). I also found that he’d sometimes try to answer questions for me and I wasn’t exactly comfortable about that.  But otherwise he was very easy to get along with. https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/community-services/ndis
Thankfully the rest of it was pretty easy as I already did my homework and pre-filled a lot of information ahead of time. Sean offered the suggestion of doing an aged care or disability services course but I’m not really sure about that right now and I’d rather see an actual careers counsellor about that. I’m sure he meant well by it. Now I just have to wait for the plan to get put together. https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/firstplan
On Friday night, I went to a boxing small group training session at CinFull Fitness. Considering how low, depressed, overwhelmed, highly strung and stressed out I’ve been feeling this week, I figured that trying out some boxing would be a good way to release those negative emotions and make me feel more energized. It was just the four of us tonight, being joined by Grace, Chloe and Ashlee.
Considering I don’t do boxing classes regularly enough or had much experience, I was pretty rusty at it but the girls were very patient and encouraging with me. We took it in turns in wearing the gloves and the focus mitts, doing a few drills and basic combos. The hardest part for me was learning the co-ordination, mitt/glove positioning and timing of the jabs, hooks, crosses and uppercuts but I was slowly getting the hang of it. https://www.expertboxing.com/boxing-basics/how-to-box/the-beginners-guide-to-boxing
There was a lot of cardio exercise mixed in including walking lunges, plank holds, squats, star jumps, step jumps, jumping jacks, squat jumps and push-ups. The physical fatigue and profuse amounts of sweat was obviously present tonight but I felt like I was managing okay. If I don’t need to have the ambos called from Casey Hospital, you know that I’m not overdoing it and that’s important. I’m aware enough of my limits and if I need to stop and take a breather. I’m sure that Cinamon Guerin doesn’t want to see me keeling over.
“I was like a lead balloon when I couldn't even get up to turn the lights on, the dark was swallowing me. Lord knows you can't trust your head, when you're standing on the edge. I'm breaking down. Lord knows you can't trust your head, when you're hanging by a thread. I was breaking down.” SIA - Footprints (2016)
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