#Norway's bravest son
to2llynottoby · 6 months
His comrades fought beside him Van Owen and the rest But of all the Thompson Gunners Roland was the best So the CIA decided They wanted Roland dead That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen Blew off Roland's Head
Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
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sunshinewrit-ing · 3 years
Norse Mythology
ig: @sunshine.writing
As with every culture, there are many different interpretations and I tried my best to use the most popular ones. There are also many different versions and spellings for the names of the gods and goddesses, but I used the anglicized and most popular spellings. 
Aesir and Vanir
The Norse gods are divided into two families, the Aesir family, and the Vanir family. The Aesir family is the larger of the two and is mostly connected with war and government and includes the gods Odin, Thor, Loki, Baldr, Hodr, Heimdall, and Tyr. The Vanir family includes the fertility gods and goddesses such as Njord, Feyr, and Freyja. Both families reside in Asgard but don’t see eye-to-eye as shown through the Aesir-Vanir war. 
Besides the Aesir and Vanir, there are also female deities known as Disir, Alfar (elves), Jotnar (giants), and Dvergar (dwarves).
Aesir Gods and Goddesses
Odin - Odin was the King of the Aesir clan and known as “the father of all gods.” He’s depicted as a one-eyed, bearded old man wearing a hat and a cloak. He was said to have slain the first being known as Ymir before carving up his body to help create the Earth. He was one of the most powerful and revered of the gods and associated with wisdom, knowledge, healing, death, and war. He also ruled over Valhalla. 
Thor - Son of Odin, he was regarded as the strongest of all the Norse deities because he was tasked with safeguarding Asgard. He was the most popular of all the gods and worshipped by most Vikings. He was the god of thunder and lightning and wielded the Mjolnir. He rode a chariot drawn by two massive goats called Tanngnjostr and Tanngrisnir.
Loki - Loki was considered a “blood brother” of Odin. He was known as the trickster god and was equipped with the ability to shapeshift into different forms. He was the chief engineer behind the death of Balder.
Frigg - Frigg was the wife of Odin and the queen of the Aesir gods. She was the only one allowed to sit next to her husband and always stuck by her partner even though he had many extramarital affairs.  She was worshipped as the goddess of the sky and associated with wisdom, marriage, family, and fertility. She was blessed with the power of divination but never revealed her visions to anyone. 
Baldur - Son of Odin and half-brother to Thor, Baldur was the god of light and purity. He was described as fair, kind, and handsome, whose beauty was unparalleled. He was the epitome of all things wise and good and often praised for his mercifulness. Also thought to be immortal, he had been prophesied to die and was slain by an arrow made out of mistletoe, his death orchestrated by Loki. 
Heimdall - Heimdall is the son of Odin and no less than nine mothers, and is the watchman of the god. He dwelt at the entry to Asgard where he guarded Bifrost. 
Tyr - Tyr is the god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. The bravest of the gods, he makes the binding of Fenrir possible by sacrificing his right hand. He’s the son of Odin and the son of the giant Hymir.
Idun - Idun is the goddess of spring or rejuvenation and is the wife of Bragi. She was the keeper of the magic apples of immortality which the gods must eat to preserve their youth. 
Bragi - Bragi is the skaldic poet of the Aesir and his name means “poet”. He’s the son of Odin and possibly the giantess Gunnlod, and the husband to Idun. 
Vili and Ve - Vili and Ve are the two brothers of Odin who helped to slay Ymir to create the remaining seven realms. They’re the sons of Bestla and Borr and were raised in the realm of Nifelheim. 
Forseti - He’s the son of Baldr and Nanna, and is the god of justice and reconciliation.
Gefjun - She’s the goddess of agriculture, fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Her name can be translated to “Giver” or “Generous One.”
Sif - Sif is the wife of Thor as well as a giantess and the goddess of grain and fertility. She was one of the Asynjur and mother of Ullr.
Fjorgynn and Fjorgyn - Fjorgyn, also known as Jord, is a giantess and the mother of Thor through an affair with Odin. Her masculine form Fjorgynn is the father of the goddess Frigg, the wife of Odin. 
Sol and Mani - Sol and Mani were the beings who drove the sun and the moon in their courses through the sun. They were sister and brother, and both were fair and beautiful. Sol had to travel at great speed, pursued by a wolf named Skoll who would eventually devour her. Mani kidnapped two humans named Bil (waning) and Hjuki (waxing), children of Vidfinn, and forced them to travel with him. Like his sister, he was also being chased by a hound named Hati Hrodvitnisson. 
Ullr - Ullr is the god of sports, particularly archery and skiing. He’s the son of Sif and Egill and step-son to Thor. 
Hoenir - Hoenir is a warrior god and is the travel companion of Odin and Loki. He was also part of the creation of Ask and Embla. He goes with Mimir to the Vanir as a hostage in order to seal a truce to the Aesir-Vanir War. He’s the god of indecision, avoidance, and mystery. 
Vidar - Son of Odin and Gridr, he was known as Vidar the silent, the possessor of the iron shoe, the enemy and slayer of Fenrir, the avenger, and he who inhabits the homestead of his father. He’s a warrior god and an excellent fighter. 
Hodr - Hodr is the blind god of winter and warriors. Oftentimes he’s depicted with a bow and arrows, or the spear that Loki used to trick him. He was the son of Frigg and Odin and twin brother of Baldr. Sometimes he’s thought to be a god of darkness.
Vali - Son of Odin and the giantess Rindr, Vali was born for the sole purpose of avenging Baldr. He kills Hodr and binds Loki with the entrails of his son Narfi. He’s the god of vengeance.
Vanir Gods and Goddesses
Freya - Freya was the goddess of fate, love, beauty, gold, war, and fertility. She ruled over the meadow of Folkvangr and owned a torc or necklace known as the Brisingamen as well as a cloak made of falcon feathers. She rode a chariot drawn by two cats and was accompanied by a board called Hildisvini most of the time. She practiced Seidr, which is a form of magic that allowed her the ability to control and manipulate the desires and prosperity of others. 
Freyr - Freyr is associated with sacral kingship, virility, peace, prosperity, sunshine and fair weather, and good harvest. He’s the son of Njord and the god of fertility, rain, and sunshine. His twin sister is Freyja.
Freyja - Freyja, twin sister and counterpart of Freyr, was the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. Her father was Njord. Pigs were sacred to her, and she rode a boar with golden bristles. 
Njord - Njord is the god of seas, wealth, wind, and fishing. He was the father of Freyr and Freyja. 
Nerthus - Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. She was also associated with peace and prosperity. She was the wife and sister of Njord and the mother of Freyr and Freyja.
Gullveig - Gullveig is a sorceress and seer with great love and lust for gold. She was speared by the Aesir, burnt three times, and yet thrice reborn.
Odr - Odr is the husband of Freyja
Norse Creatures
Dwarves - Also known as dark elves, they’re small creatures that originated as maggots from the corpse of Ymir. They live underground in Svartalfheim (literally means “home of the black elves”) and are said to have crafted the finest weapons and jewelry such as Mjollnir and Gungnir. In certain myths, they’re portrayed as turning to stone if exposed to sunlight. 
Draugar - The Draugar are the undead. Some myths describe them as creatures who drink blood, they’re more similar to zombies than vampires. They possess superhuman strength and can increase their size at will, but have a constant stench of decay and appear as a dead body. They often live in their graves to defend the treasure they were buried with but can also enter communities to torment those who wronged them in life. They’re said to be able to enter the dreams of the living to torment them, and would leave behind a gift so the victims knew the encounter was real. 
Elves - Elves are separated into two different types; Dokkalfar, or dark elves, and Ljosalfar, light elves. Dark elves are thought to be the same as dwarves and light elves are described as more beautiful than the sun. They’re generally described as having an ambivalent relationship with humans.
Fenrir - Fenrir was the son of Loki and the giantess Angroboda. He was raised by the gods of Asgard to stop him from wreaking havoc across the nine worlds but the gods ended up deciding to chain him up. It’s believed that when Fenrir breaks his chains to get his revenge, it will lead to Ragnarok, the end of the world. 
Fossegrimen - Also known as the grim, he’s a water spirit who plays the fiddle mimicking the sounds of the forest, wind, and water. He can be bribed to teach his skill with an offering that he deems sufficient. He’s also known to lure women and children to lakes and streams where they drown.
Huldra - Wardens of the forest and part of a group of Ra that protects various locations. Female Huldra are described as beautiful and seductive, with a long tail of a cow and their back covered in bark. They can disguise themselves as young women to walk in the world of men but their power of illusion is broken if someone sees their tail. They lure young, unmarried men into the forest and keep them as slaves, lovers, or sometimes they’ll suck the life out of them. 
Jormungandr - Also known as the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr is another child of Loki and Angrboda. He is a snake or dragon that lives in the sea surrounding Midgard. He is described as an enemy of Thor and during Ragnarok, the two are fated to slay one another. 
Jotnar - Jotnar, meaning “devourers”, are giants with powers that rival the power of the gods. They’re the enemy of the gods and the Jotnar embody chaos. Many of the Asgardian gods are descended from Jotnar such as Odin and Thor. 
Kraken - Aquatic monsters that are believed to live off the shores of Norway and Greenland. They’re depicted as gigantic octopi or squids. They mostly ate fish but when it rose to the surface, it was believed to cause large whirlpools which would help it attack ships.
Valkyries - The female helping spirits of Odin, depicted as elegant maidens who ferry the slain to Valhalla. Their name means “choosers of the Slain”, which hints at their more sinister side, the fact that they also choose who lives and dies in battle. They would sometimes use malicious magic to ensure their preferences.
Sleipnir - Odin’s mighty eight-legged horse is the child of Loki and Svadilfari. It had eight legs so that it could have one leg in each of the Norse worlds. 
Mare - The Mare monster gave people bad dreams at night by sitting on them in their sleep. Often they were witches whose souls took the forms of animals, but normal people, particularly adolescents, were also thought to become Mare when their spirits wandered. It was believed that when the Mare touched a living thing, people, cattle, or trees, it would cause their hair to become entangled. 
Trolls - There are large ugly trolls that dwell in forests and mountains, and small gnome-like trolls that live underground in deep caves and caverns. They’re depicted as not very intelligent and malevolent but can show kindness in exchange for a favor.
Norns - The three principal Norns served as the caretakers of the tree of life, but their care only slowed the death of the tree. 
Ratatoskr - A squirrel that runs up and down the tree of life delivering the messages of the gods. He enjoys stirring trouble between the wise eagle that sits atop the tree and the hungry dragon that swells in its roots. 
The Nine Realms
Yggdrasil - Yggdrasil is the mighty tree whose trunk rises at the geographical center of the Norse spiritual cosmos. It’s believed that the nine worlds are all held in the branches and roots of the tree of Yggdrasil. It’s commonly said to be an ash tree.
Niflheim - The realm of fog and mist. It’s the darkest and coldest region of all the realms. It’s one of the first two realms and is placed in the northern region of Ginnngagap. Hvergelmir is located in Niflheim, which is said to be the source of the elven rivers. As Yggdrasil started to grow, it stretched one of its large roots far into Niflheim to draw water from Hvergelmir. 
Muspelheim - The land of fire. Muspelheim was created at the same time as Niflheim but was created far to the south. It’s a burning hot place filled with lava, flames, sparks, and soot. It’s the home of the fire giants, fire demons, and is ruled by Surtr.
Asgard - Home of the Gods. The most commonly known realm, Asgard is located in the middle of the world, high up in the sky. It’s the home of the gods and goddesses and is ruled by the chief of Aesir Odin. Inside the gates of Asgard is Valhalla, the place where half who die in battle will go for the afterlife and the other half go to Folkvangr.
Midgard - Home of the humans. “Middle earth” is located in the middle of the world below Asgard. Midgard and Asgard are connected by Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge. It’s surrounded by a large, impassable ocean that is occupied by the Midgard Serpent. The first two humans were Ash and Embla and were sent to Midgard after being created from tree logs by Odin and his brothers Vili and Ve.
Jotunheim - Home of the giants. Jotunheim consists mostly of rocks, wilderness, and dense forests, and lies in the snowy regions on the outermost shores of the ocean. There is no fertile land in Jotunheim. Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river living which never freezes over.
Vanaheim - Home of the Vanir. Nobody knows where exactly the land is located or how it looks. 
Alfheim - Home of the light elves. Alfheim is located right next to Asgard in heaven. The god Freyr is the ruler of Alfheim. 
Svartalfheim - Home of the dwarves. Svartalfheim means dark fields, and they live under the rocks, in caves, and underground. Hreidmar was the king of Svartalfheim until he was killed. 
Helheim - Home of the dishonorable dead. Hel is where the dishonorable dead, thieves, murderers, or those the gods and goddesses feel are not brave enough to go to Valhalla or Folkvangr. Helheim is ruled over by Hel and is a very grim and cold place. Any person who arrives at Helheim will never feel joy or happiness again. 
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Spring Fever (20). The Epilogue
@adrinetteapril 2019 story
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | art | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | art | art | 18 | 19 | 20 |
AO3 / fanfiction.net
Here’s the final chapter of Spring Fever! Thank you all for taking this journey with me, for reading, liking, commenting, reblogging! You’re the best!
I am deeply grateful to my beta @goblin-alchemist for all the help, brainstorming and valuable advice!
Chapter 20. Adrien’s Girlfriend
In which Adrien doesn’t want a kiss
'Absolutely not!’ Adrien cried, already beet red and vexed. ‘No kissing!’
'But Monsieur Adrien!’ Vincent lamented throwing his head back and his hands up in the air as if he’d been one of inflatable tube men.
Adrien almost pitied him. He’d stood in front of Vincent’s camera for years, never complaining, never demanding, never protesting. Even if the Italian photographer’s ideas made him uncomfortable or silly. Even if he had to endure hours of strange poses and itchy clothes. But not today. Today the man had crossed the line.
'I said no!’ Adrien repeated.
'Vincent, why are you shouting at my son, at my photoshoot?’ A stern voice came from behind the photographer.
Vincent whipped his head to where Adrien’s father was standing, his face not bearing any traces of smile or content.
'Ah, Monsieur Agreste, there’s a problem,’ he wailed, gesturing wildly to Adrien and his supposed partner for the photoshoot, a loud blonde girl from Norway, as far as he recalled. ‘Your son refuses to kiss the model he’s been paired with.’
'There was never any kissing involved before.’ Adrien grumbled, taking a few extra steps away from the other model. ‘I don’t see how suddenly it’s needed.’
Vincent rolled his eyes. 'Adrien, that’s the whole theme of this collection,’ he complained.  ‘You simply can’t not kiss your colleague. Every outfit deserves a kiss!’
'No, I won’t,’ Adrien stomped his foot stubbornly. His embarrassment at Vincent’s failed attempts at cajoling, prompting or persuading him into kissing the girl had been epic even before his father had arrived. Now it was of astronomical proportions. But he had made up his mind.
'Monsieur Agreste, this is unprofessional,’ Vincent apparently couldn’t recognize a dead horse when he saw one. And as this was the first time Adrien technically threw a tantrum (not really, but the stink eye the photographer was giving him made it feel that way), he must have thought taking things up to his father would help in any way. 
Well, it wouldn’t.
'I warn you, Vincent. Adrien is an Agreste, and once committed, an Agreste will never yield,’ Monsieur Agreste announced coldly. ‘Besides, I have anticipated the current difficulties and the solution is… being prepared.’
The photographer nodded gloomily. He turned to the Norwegian model and shrugged. 
Adrien was about to sigh in relief when his father glared at him. A raised brow was never a good sign. 
'Now Adrien,’ Agreste senior rubbed the bridge of his nose. ‘I understand your discomfort, but you’re not a 14 year old anymore. This collection is targeted at older teens and young adults and as such it requires, as the main designer likes to say - some “rock-and-roll”,’ he winced at the description. ‘So if you’re uncomfortable and want to resign-‚’ he suspended his voice.
'No!’ Adrien protested. ‘I promised I’d help,’ he cast a look at the other model and lowered his voice to a desperate whisper. 'But I can’t kiss her. I just can’t.’
'I see.’ His father straightened up and looked at something behind Adrien’s back. Whatever he saw there, it made him smirk like a cat that just ate a canary. ‘May I offer you another solution?’ he motioned Adrien to turn around.
The sight stole the air in his lungs and made him clutch at his chest, as his heart threatened to rip out and run. To her.
For an outsider it probably looked as if Marinette simply arrived at the set. But not for Adrien. As far as he was concerned she graced these mortals with her divine presence. Now, however, it seemed that she had received a whole makeover.
Her hair was curled into midnight locks, weaving its way around her shoulders. Her beauty was subtly enhanced by the make-up artist, who made her lashes even longer and somehow managed to make her unique freckles stand out despite the applied blush. She was wearing a dress of her own design, delicate and ethereal. The material hugged her curves like a glove, yet it seemed to float as if in a breeze. She looked like incarnation of the Spring herself.
It’s been four years since that fateful April and she never ceased taking his breath away. Sometimes he wondered if the fever had been real, or maybe just an embarrassing dream that allowed him to finally understand what his heart had known all along. That Marinette Dupain-Cheng was his love, his soulmate, his everything.
'Ah, and here she is,’ Adrien’s father announced with a smile.
'Monsieur Gabriel?’ Marinette stepped lightly over the set as she approached them. ‘You wanted to see me?’
‘You hired a new model, Monsieur Agreste?’ the photographer exclaimed, his gaze already calculating and planning. ‘A new face?’
'Vincent, may I introduce you to the creative mind behind this collection,’ Gabriel raised his voice above the susurration that swept over the set at Marinette’s arrival. ‘Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng.’
'I will kiss her!’ Adrien volunteered, finally understanding his father’s scheme. 'I’m the only one allowed to, you know!’ he added with a Cheshire cat grin.
‘Of course you will, Adrien,’ Agreste senior assured, corners of his lips twitching into a smirk. ‘Now go to the make-up artist to refresh your look. You’re all sweaty and your hair simply won’t do.’
He gave the boy a gentle push and offered to show Marinette to the set while they waited for Adrien. As the teen made his way to the makeup station he heard his father’s content voice.
'I thank the heavens every day that he fell in love with you, Marinette.’ Now there was a horrified gasp as he added. ‘There was a time I was seriously afraid Ladybug would be my future daughter-in-law.’
Adrien heard Marinette’s adorable giggle and he snorted. If only his father knew. 
He often went back to that moment when he had helped her to a bench, before she made him return to the photoshoot, leaving her to wait for Ladybug to do her magic and cure her ankle. He sometimes regretted not stalling for a bit that day. Maybe he’d figure it out sooner. Instead it took him all day of floating on cloud nine before he recalled the sensation of his first kisses with Marinette, and connected it with the time Ladybug’s power surged through him the day before that. Same energy, same magic. In one compact package of the love of his life, the bravest girl he knew. His girlfriend.
*** The End ***
Author’s Note: Once again thank you for reading! Let me know how you liked this chapter, and the whole fic! See you in the next story!
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norsereadalong · 4 years
Norse Readalong 2020 Schedule
This schedule is based on the Hermann Palsson translation. Chapters may be broken up differently in other translations, so the beginning and end lines of each chapter are quoted in English and Icelandic to help keep everyone on the same page in terms of starting and stopping points.
Week 1 - 9/28 - Chapters 1-6
There was a great chieftain in Norway called Ketil Flat-Nose....There is no need to record here the settlements of people who do not come into our story.
Ketill flatnefur hét einn ágætur hersir í Noregi....Á þessum tímum byggðist allur Breiðafjörður og þarf hér ekki að segja frá þeirra manna landnámum er eigi koma við þessa sögu.
Week 2 - 10/5 - Chapters 7-13
A man called Geirrod took possession of land between Thor’s River and Langdale, and made his home at Eyr...All of this only served to aggravate the bad feeling between Bork and Snorri.
Geirröður hét maður er nam land inn frá Þórsá til Langadals og bjó á Eyri....Af þessu óx mjög óþokki með þeim Berki og Snorra.
Week 3 - 10/12 - Chapters 14-18
In the spring at the District Assembly, Snorri demanded his inheritance from Bork....He married Thorgrima Witch-Face, and their sons were Orn and Val, both sturdy fellows.
Á vorþingi um sumarið heimti Snorri föðurarf sinn af Berki....Þeirra synir voru þeir Örn og Valur, drengilegir menn.
Week 4 - 10/19 - Chapters 19-24
Thorarin spent the night at home in Mavahlid....The following year he set out to colonize Greenland, fourteen years before Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland.
Eina nótt var Þórarinn heima í Mávahlíð....En það var fjórtán vetrum fyrir kristni lögtekna á Íslandi.
Week 5 - 10/26 - Chapters 25-29
Now to come back to Vermund and Thorarin the Black, they made landfall in Norway north of Trondheim Fjord and sailed up to Trondheim....People considered Bjorn a great warrior and the bravest of men in any dangerous situation.
Nú er að segja frá þeim Vermundi og Þórarni svarta að þeir komu af hafi norður við Þrándheimsmynni og héldu inn í Þrándheim....Og meðan Pálna-Tóki lifði var Björn með honum og þótti hinn besti drengur og hinn hraustasti í öllum mannraunum.
Week 6 - 11/2 - Chapters 30-34
Now we come back to Thorolf Twist-Foot, who was getting very old....You can still see traces of the wall.
Nú skal segja frá Þórólfi bægifót....Lét Arnkell síðan leggja garð um þveran höfðann fyrir ofan dysina svo hávan að eigi komst yfir nema fugl fljúgandi og sér enn þess merki. Lá Þórólfur þar kyrr alla stund meðan Arnkell lifði.
Week 7 - 11/9 - Chapters 35-41
Snorri the Priest had ignored Thorolf’s protests and continued to use Krakaness Wood, but Arnkel soon made it clear that in his opinion Snorri had no legal right to it....So when they rode back home, they had more or less come to terms.
Snorri goði lét vinna Krákunesskóg allt að einu þó að Þórólfur bægifótur hefði um vandað en það fannst á Arnkatli goða að honum þótti eigi að lögum farið hafa heimildartakan á skóginum....Og voru allir kallaðir sáttir er heim riðu.
Week 8 - 11/16 - Chapters 42-45
That summer a ship put in at Hraunhaven Mouth, and another at Dogadur Ness....Thorleif Kimbi walked with a wooden leg for the rest of his life.
Þetta sumar kom skip í Hraunhafnarós en annað í Dögurðarnes....Þorleifur kimbi gekk alla stund síðan við tréfót.
Week 9 - 11/23 - Break
While it pains me to be US-centric, the couple of times we’ve tried to push through on American Thanksgiving, participation has been basically nil. If you’d like, use this week to catch up or read ahead.
Week 10 - 11/30 - Chapters 46-51
Steinthor of Eyr and his men rowed to the boat-shed at Bakki and hauled the boat ashore....They had an easy journey and got back safely.
Þá er þeir Steinþór af Eyri koma til nausta á Bakka settu þeir þar upp skip sitt....og tókst þeim allt greitt um sína ferð og komu með öllu heilu heim.
Week 11 - 12/7 - Chapters 52-58
The farm at Frodriver had a large living room with a bed-closet behind it, as was usual in those days....Three of Ospak’s men were killed in the fight and one of Thorir’s, while a good many on either side were wounded.
Að Fróðá var eldaskáli mikill og lokrekkja innar af eldaskálanum sem þá var siður....Á þeim fundi féllu þrír menn af Óspaki en einn af Þóri en margir urðu sárir af hvorumtveggjum.
Week 12 - 12/14 - Chapters 59-65 (End!)
Snorri the Priest took over the case against Ospak and his men from Alf the Short....And so we end this story about the people of Thor’s Ness, Eyr, and Altafjord.
Snorri goði tók við málum Álfs hins litla öllum á hendur þeim Óspaki....Og lýkur þar sögu Þórsnesinga, Eyrbyggja og Álftfirðinga.
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fddhtrtrytrtr · 3 years
Read (PDF) The Rescuers by Margery Sharp
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Book Details :
Author : Margery Sharp Pages : 160 pages Publisher : NYRB Kids Language : ISBN-10 : 1681370077 ISBN-13 : 9781681370071
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download The Rescuers .Miss Bianca is a white mouse of great beauty and supreme self-confidence, who, courtesy of her excellent young friend the ambassador?s son, resides luxuriously in a porcelain pagoda painted with violets, primroses, and lilies of the valley. Miss Bianca would seem to be a pampered creature and not, you would suppose, the mouse to dispatch on an especially challenging and extraordinarily perilous mission. However, it is precisely Miss Bianca that the Prisoners? Aid Society picks for the job of rescuing a Norwegian poet imprisoned in the legendarily dreadful Black Castle (we all know, don?t we, that mice are the friends of prisoners, tending to their needs in dungeons and oubliettes everywhere). Miss Bianca, after all, is a poet too, and in any case she is due to travel any day now by diplomatic pouch to Norway. There she will be able to enlist Nils, known to be the bravest mouse in the land, in a desperate and daring endeavor that will take them, along with their trusty companion .
Margery Sharp book The Rescuers.Reading Download Pdf Epub
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theren · 6 years
Roland was a warrior from the Land of the Midnight Sun With a Thompson gun for hire, fighting to be done The deal was made in Denmark on a dark and stormy day So he set out for Biafra to join the bloody fray
Through sixty-six and seven they fought the Congo war With their fingers on their triggers, knee-deep in gore For days and nights they battled the Bantu to their knees They killed to earn their living and to help out the Congolese
Roland the Thompson gunner...
His comrades fought beside him - Van Owen and the rest But of all the Thompson gunners, Roland was the best So the CIA decided they wanted Roland dead That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen blew off Roland's head
Roland the headless Thompson gunner Norway's bravest son Time, time, time For another peaceful war But time stands still for Roland 'Til he evens up the score They can still see his headless body stalking through the night In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun
Roland searched the continent for the man who'd done him in He found him in Mombassa in a barroom drinking gin Roland aimed his Thompson gun - he didn't say a word But he blew Van Owen's body from there to Johannesburg
Roland the headless Thompson gunner... The eternal Thompson gunner still wandering through the night Now it's ten years later but he still keeps up the fight In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley Patty Hearst heard the burst of Roland's Thompson gun and bought it
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norsereadalong · 4 years
Eyrbyggja Saga Week Five Prompts
Welcome to Week Five of Eyrbyggja Saga! This week (Oct. 26th, 2020) we’re reading chapters 25-29, as laid out in Hermann Pálsson’s translation. This week’s section starts off as follows:
Now to come back to Vermund and Thorarin the Black, they made landfall in Norway north of Trondheim Fjord and sailed up to Trondheim….People considered Bjorn a great warrior and the bravest of men in any dangerous situation.
Nú er að segja frá þeim Vermundi og Þórarni svarta að þeir komu af hafi norður við Þrándheimsmynni og héldu inn í Þrándheim….Og meðan Pálna-Tóki lifði var Björn með honum og þótti hinn besti drengur og hinn hraustasti í öllum mannraunum.
Below are some prompts to invoke discussion. You don’t have to answer them (unless you want to), and you’re welcome to ask questions of your own for the group to discuss! We ask that you participate at least once a week in one form or another, be it through a response paragraph, fanart, etc., but you’re free to choose whatever topic you’d like. Remember to DM a link to your responses to @edderkopper so we can find them!
1.     Alright, for those of you who had “Berserkers” on their Saga Bingo Card, fill it in now! Seriously though, folks—what is up with these burly brothers Halli and Leiknir? 
Berserkers were once revered in Norse Mythology and poems as Odin’s warriors—what is the reception of these men by the Icelanders as detailed in the saga? Why does the author care enough to immediately identify their “eastward” Swedish nationality in the chapter heading? How does the author describe their desires, personalities, and purpose? 
2.     Why might Jarl Hákon Sigurðarson think he can control and temper the berserker brothers better than Vermund? What do we know historically about Hákon Sigurðarson as a ruler? (There’s some interesting stuff their folks, including a story about a pig pen and banished clergymen!)  
3.     What can we parse out about the politics of feuding in medieval sagas, especially when people of a lower economic status are involved, such as those unfortunately held in bondage as slaves?
4.     Poor Thorgerd and her useless relatives! When a feud leads to death, what avenues can saga women pursue to gain justice for a slayed family member?
5.     Halli’s desire for Asdis gives us a little bit of information about marriage proposals in saga culture. What do we think about Halli’s interest in Asdis and the steps taken with regards to the proposal? Do you feel sorry for the berserker brothers, or do you think Styr was right in tricking them in order to help Asdis dodge a socially unhappy marriage?
What about the commentary at the end of the chapter about Snorri the Priest and Asdis’ betrothal: “…the wedding took place in autumn, and everyone agreed that both men had strengthened their positions by these family ties.” (Pálsson and Edwards, 79). Compare Halli’s interest in Asdis with Thorodd’s inquiry after Thurid’s hand in chapter 29.
6.     I’d just like to direct everyone to the awesome burn that is Bjorn’s skaldic verse about Thorodd in chapter 29. That is all.
Sword-skilled, I slaughtered the sons of Wood-Leg.
It was harder for Thorodd to thrust me through,
than to lie making love to his elegant lady
Or rob the Earl’s traders and take their taxes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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