#Nico hischier au
sunkissed-zegras · 7 months
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i think i just died dead 😭😭😭😭😭
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mikkomacko · 6 days
Him and I - Boss
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Mob Boss Nico x Reader
Chapter 5
Warnings: blood, violence, murder, Nico and reader fight a lot
A/n: Ok this one has a lot going on but I couldn't just skip over reader and Nico recovering from her being taken. The next chapter will be much sweeter, I swear!
For the whole trip, every time Nico closed his eyes he could see it perfectly. The mountains in the back, snow capped and beautiful. You love the mountains in the winter, love the snow.
He’d make sure you’re wearing that cute red and white snowsuit you love, the one he’d gotten you for snowmobiling last year. He was gonna take you to get your nails done, help you pick out a cute pearly white color and then sit with you and let them paint a clear coat on his own finger nails and do the whole hand massage and oil thing. And he was gonna act like he hated it, like he was doing you a favor when I reality he loved it. All because it made you smile.
Then he was gonna take up the gondola, let you take selfies with him kissing your cheeks or squishing your cheeks together. Dinner at the resort, fancy and expensive and beautiful, all things you deserve.
When the sun started to set, alpenglow hitting the peaks of the mountain you’d have the perfect view from the private table. And he get down on his knee, just like you asked, and pull out the ring he’d had made specifically for you by the watchmaker he loves, and tell you everything. Tell you how much he loves you, how you steady him and make everything seem so easy, how you quiet his mind and make his heart race, how you took a stupid, rich teenage boy and turned him into a man he is proud to be.
And he’d ask you to marry him. And you’d say yes, obviously. He’d slide the ring on and kiss you, hold your pretty face between his palms until the sun set and he could take you home, kiss you even more. Spread you out on the bed and fuck you until the sun rose again in the morning.
It was going to be perfect.
He thinks of that as he stares at your left hand, ring finger bare and cold in his palm. This time tomorrow and you would’ve had your ring, the third item to solidify not only your place in his life, but in the Devs.
That’s the order him and the others agreed on for partners year ago. The pendant of the Devil, to show that you’re protected by them. The ring engraved with your name and little flames, always worn on the right pinky by members but anywhere on the body for partners. Yours sits around the chain on your neck, clinks against the pendant. It shows that you’re one of them, a member of the family.
And finally the wedding ring, the thing that gives you his last name and his power. It shows his love for you. The most important one of all.
The sudden blimp of the heart monitor scares him, has him jolting to his feet and squeezing your hand as he looks to the screen. Your heart rates keeps spiking, beeping loudly in the room and he manages to catch your right hand as you reach up for your neck.
“You’re ok, you’re ok,” he quickly soothes, preventing you from touching the brace the doctors strapped around your neck.
Your eyes are wide and terrified when they meet his, gaze darting between his eyes in confusion and panic. Your lips part to speak but he shushes you before you do.
“No baby don’t talk, it’s ok.” He squeezes your hands, brings them back down to the hospital bed. “You’re just a little swollen, ok? The brace is to help bring it down.”
He waits for you to calm down, the monitor slowing back to normal before letting go. You inhale shakily through your nose, breath quivering when you exhale.
Smoothing your hair down, he rests his free hand against the side of your head and looks you over. Despite the bandage on your forehead and the puffiness of your eyes, you look so beautiful. If he ignores the brace and the cotton, you don’t even look hurt.
His heart squeezes.
“I’m so sorry y/n,” he whispers, feeling physically itchy with guilt. “I shouldn’t have left you alone, I should’ve listened to you and taken you right home.”
Tears build up in your waterline, taunting him and he starts shaking his head. He really does not want to see you cry.
“Sorry,” you whisper instead, voice raw and hoarse. He’s not sure if you’re even supposed to be talking, the doctors didn’t tell him. “I know better, should’ve stayed with you.”
Chest aching, he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, being mindful of any injuries he may bump. “We’ll talk about it when you’re better, yeah? You can tell me what happened.”
He pulls back to see you stiffly nod, as best you can around the brace. Wiping away the stray tear on your cheek, he huffs out a breath and tries to relax.
It’s impossible.
“I’m gonna get a nurse,” he steps back, turning to find the call button. Your hand latches around his like a vice, body jolting up in the bed and he freezes, finger hovering over the phone symbol.
You look a little confused by your own actions, lips parted and eyebrows furrowed, but your eyes tell him everything. They always have.
You’re scared.
A part of him melts knowing that in moments of fear you want him, that you see him as safety and protection. It’s not anything new, but Nico likes the reminder. It means he’s doing something right.
The rest of him just feels angry. He’s so fucking angry that he let this happen, that he let his stubbornness and rejection get you hurt.
“M’right here,” he swears, “was just gonna use the call button.”
Sheepishly, you nod and lay back against the pillows, watchful gaze following him as he presses on the button.
The nurse enters your private room, smiling when she sees that you’re up and coherent. Nico has to let go of your hand so she can check your vitals again but he stays planted right next to your head, watching over you.
She takes your blood pressure, asking you about how you’re feeling and letting you know that you can try to speak normally. There’s no drastic damage to your vocal cords, and use will help make sure you get your voice back.
Nico listens in but takes a second to text Timo and his family that you’re awake and talking. He’s not sure where Luca has taken Marcelo and Lena, but he assumes his brother will find time to stop by and let him know.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
He puts his phone away, immediately tuning back into the conversation. The nurse is shining a light in your eyes, your dark pupil following it but he sees the confusion that clouds them all the same.
“I was at a party,” you reply, clearing your throat and wincing. You take a second to think, blinking when the nurse turns the light off. “I was at a party and-and I was mad at Nico and I didn’t know what anyone was saying…”
Nico thinks of Anna and her friends, confused because he knows she would translate for you and make sure to speak you to in English. Part of the reason he was ok with separating from you was because he trusts her to be watchful.
“I just needed a second of quiet so I went outside…” you continue “and then I remember a lot of blood and feeling really sick. And Nico was there.”
It’s terrible but he relaxes a bit after hearing that. Obviously it’s not great that you don’t remember; that means your head injury was pretty bad, but on the other hand he doesn’t want you remembering that.
It’s bad enough you remember him shooting Lena.
“Ok, good.” The nurse compliments. “That’s a great start. It’s typical that as you recover more memories will come back to you. There’s not really a time table for when but just keep that in mind.”
She goes over a few more things with you, making sure Nico is listening since you might have trouble remembering. He waits for her to leave before pulling out his phone, writing down the reminders in his notes apps even though he knows he won't forget.
He tucks it back in his pocket, looks up to see you watching him with sad eyes. "You look miserable," you say, reaching out towards him. Stepping closer, he lets you take a hold of his arm and pull him into sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Didn't think you'd remember me shooting Lena," he explains "I don't like when you see those things."
Your hand runs up his bicep and around his shoulder, finding the ends of his hair on the nape of his neck. "I'm glad," you say, a tiny smile on your lips. "I hate her."
"Yeah," he agrees, smiling a bit too.
"Did you kill her?"
He shakes his head. "Marcello?"
"No, not sure what Luca did with them yet."
You go quiet, fingers playing with his hair but your eyes get that far away look in them. "I get to do it," you finally murmur, eyes flickering up to his face. He can't stop the look of surprise on his face, eyebrows shooting up.
"If you decide to do something, I get to do it. At least to Marcello."
"No," Nico immediately declines, impressed by your request but not even considering it. "I'm not putting your prints on anything around that."
"You don't get to decide." you argue, eyes narrowing into a threatening look. "I'm the one laying in the hospital bed, I get to decide."
He scoffs back a laugh, feels the scold on the tip of his tongue because he's in charge, not you. Yeah he lets you pull him around a lot, but when it comes to people from his past, in his home country, hurting you? That's his to deal with.
"M'not budging on this y/n," he says instead "and I'm not fighting with you about it. I don't want you near them."
Your mad, he knows that. Can tell by the bratty way you roll your eyes, your hand falling from his hair as you cross your arms over your chest and turn your glare to the window. Even the tick of your jaw, knows your biting at the inside of your cheek.
Luckily the tension between you two is cut after a moment because Timo comes barreling into the room with a bag of goodies and Nico's siblings following behind him.
"Bestie boo," he cheers, and Nico rises from the bed to get out of the way. He doesn't miss the way you light up, all the fight in you dissipating as you too grin at Timo.
He begins to dump out the contents of the bag, a few drinks and snacks that you like, a fuzzy blanket from Nico's room back at the house and some clothes for you. Nico shakes his head, moving over to hug Nina and Luca.
"How's she doing?" Nina asks him quietly, glancing over at you and Timo. Luca leans in, wanting to listen in without letting you overhear.
"She's ok," Nico sighs, "been through worse but she's scared and a little confused still. Doesn't really remember what happened before we got there."
Nina frowns sympathetically. "Did she ask-"
"Yeah, she asked about them." He grumbles, rolling his eyes. "She wants to take care of Marcello but I don't want her near them so we gotta do it before she's released tomorrow."
Luca's eyes widen, an amused smile splitting his face. "Really? I underestimated her little bro. Maybe we should let her-"
"Come on Nico, its her right-"
"I said no." Both Luca and Nina step back at his tone, not used to hearing him like that. In all fairness, they haven't seen him this protective over something since he was 8 and found a stray cat on his walk home from school.
He clears his throat, rolls out the tension in his shoulders. "We're gonna do it tonight. Nina will stay here with her, make sure she's ok until I get back."
Zeroing in on his sister, he points back towards you. "Under no circumstance do you let her know what we're doing. And no matter how bratty and whiny she gets about it- because she will- do you sign her out early. I mean it Nina, no sisterhood here or whatever, she stays in that bed."
It's obvious she doesn't agree with him, the way she guiltily looks over his shoulder at you but either way she nods. "Understood, Nico."
"I'll tell Maja to come back her up," Luca says, "She won't crack like this one will."
Nico nods, thanking them before motioning over to you. The three siblings move closer, stand around the bed as Timo offers you his list of favorite movies to watch while your stuck in bed. You've laid the blanket out on your lap, the teddy bear from Nico's childhood bedroom squished under your elbow, and an open pint of Gelato in hand. Timo blabbers away, you lick at the spoon in hand, and just nod along.
You look happy. Eyes shining and cheeks smiling, and it's such a relief to Nico. Maybe he should leave Timo here with you, at least then you'll have a distraction you actually like. Unfortunately he needs his second hand man for this one, so you'll just have to deal.
Nina climbs up onto the bottom of the bed, adding her one thoughts on the movie Timo is gushing about and Luca takes over the chair at your bedside.
He smiles, reaches up to push back your hair and press the lightest kiss possible to your hairline. You ignore him, taking another bite of your dessert and laughing at something his sister says. Luca has dug out a spoon from somewhere, and he's reaching around Timo to steal from your pint.
You tilt it towards him, eyes widening when he takes a huge glob out and shoves it in his cheeks, smiling innocently. Nico can tell it'd coffee flavored now, your favorite, and he reaches for the spoon in your hand only for you to snatch it away.
Then your shooting him a cold look over your shoulder, simply tilting your head when he raises an unimpressed eyebrow at you. You turn back towards Timo, ignoring how both Luca and Nina are looking between you two with concern.
He huffs, clicks his jaw and looks at his sister.
Brat, he mouths, shaking his head when you share a bite with Timo this time. What is he going to do with you?
The nurse comes back a few hours later. Your squished on the bed with Nina, laptop hooked up to the TV and watching a movie about rowing that Timo really liked. Him and Nico have folded the couch down into a bed, and they're sprawled out on it eating chips watching as well. Luca fell asleep about ten minutes in, sock clad feet propped up on your bed and head rolled back on the chair.
You're all so engrossed in the movie you don't notice her at first. At least until the lights are flickering back on and everyone is temporarily blinded.
Shooting up like their asses are on fire, Timo clambers to his feet and pauses the movie. Nico rises, shoving his feet back in his shoes and walking over to you bedside.
"Sorry to interrupt, I just came to see how you're feeling and offer to take that brace for you."
Sighing out in relief. "Oh god yes please," you practically beg, sitting up. Nina slips off the bed and over by Timo, motioning for a bleary eyed Luca to follow. He yawns, smacks his lips before getting up and dragging his feet over.
"We're uh gonna step out." Timo offers, turning towards the door and pushing Nico's siblings out with him. He shakes his head, watches them all leave the room without their shoes.
"It must be nice, having so many friends around." The nurse comments, pulling on latex gloves.
"Yeah," you agree, "I'd be miserable laying here all day without them."
Nico stands over you again, protective and watchful as the nurse steps up to your side and reached towards the brace.
"It's gonna be sore and uncomfortable, but the swelling should be gone for the most part," she informs and you nod. "I am going to bring you an ice pack to keep on it just for comfort and it'll help with bruising."
You take a deep breath, nod again and her fingers latch on the velcro in the back. Squeezing your eyes shut, the sound of the velcro unsticking cuts through the room and you jump just the slightest bit.
His hand finds yours, fingers intertwining and you squeeze hard enough that your nails pinch at his skin. Not that he cares, not when the brace falls loose and away from your neck, and he's coming face to face with the lines of bruising.
It looks awful, all dark blue and purple. You wince, the column of your throat flinching and Nico thinks he might throw up. Fuck, he doesn't even know how you've been talking and laughing so much with that kind of injury.
Finally, you open your eyes and let out a shaky breath. Titling your head up, you let the nurse gently feel over the tender flesh. You squeeze his hand tighter, looking up at the ceiling and blinking back tears.
"You're hurting her," Nico grumbles, and the nurse removes her hands.
"I'm ok," you swear, "really you didn't have to-"
"Yeah you did," Nico cuts in, shooting you a warning look. "Let her at least ice it before you go poking around."
Pursing her lips, the nurse inhales and nods. "I'll be back with ice," she tells you, taking the brace with her. "but you're looking really good so far. It could've been a lot worse."
Neither you nor Nico speak until she's left the room. The door clicks shut and you're taking your hand out of his, instead tucking them under your arms.
"She's just doing her job," you mumble, staring ahead rather than at him. He huffs, annoyance bubbling under his skin and he rakes his hands through his hair.
"Ok you can be mad at me," he grits, "but you don't get to act like this. If you're gonna be a brat go ahead, but not in front of everyone like that. I'm trying to look out for you-"
"I can take care of myself!"
"You obviously can't!" He exclaims, a little harsher than he meant to but it gets the point across because you're actually looking at him right now. "Look at where we are, y/n. You couldn't take care of yourself, fuck even I couldn't take care of you."
Your eyes shift, realization setting in. "Nico..."
"Be mad at me, baby, please do but until we're back home I'm in charge. And I'm not taking any fucking chances."
His chest is heaving when he's done, guilt settling into the place of the anger when he looks at your stupidly soft eyes and the bruises that marr your skin.
You don't say anything for a moment, and he rubs at his forehead where he's got a headache building. "I want to take a shower," you finally say. "Will you sit in there with me?"
He nods. "Yeah of course."
Timo, Luca, and Nina have returned to the room when Nico follows you out of the bathroom. Someone has made your bed for you, the fuzzy blanket you love laid out nicely with the teddy bear tucked against the pillows. You've changed into sweats and one of Nico's shirts, already feeling better now that you're clean and back in your own clothes.
You can tell the moment they register the bruises on your neck and the stitches on your forehead. It's like all the air is sucked out of the room, the sharp inhale of Nina rattling you.
Shrinking into yourself, you force a small smile as you climb back onto the bed. You can feel Nico glaring at them over your head, biting back a laugh when it has the same effect on his older siblings as it does his men. He's so good at bossing people around.
"It'll look better when I ice it," you say, combing through your damp hair. Nico runs a hand up your spine, gingerly holds the back of your neck.
"It looks fine now," he responds, "trust me, nothing could ever make you look not beautiful."
You tilt your head back, meeting his gaze and smiling gratefully. He ducks down, kisses between your eyes before taking the brush for you and finishing untangling you hair.
"The only one of us that looks pathetic with bruises is Nico," Timo jokes, sending you a wink. "That's why they take months to go away on him."
"That and he's always pressing on them." You respond, giggling when Nico scoffs behind you.
"I forgot to tell him to grab your bathroom stuff," Nico changes the subject "so I don't have any of your hair products."
"That's ok-"
"I can braid your hair for you!" Nina offers, smiling widely. "I love to braid other people's hair and I never get to. "
You laugh. "Yeah okay!"
Nico moves out the way, handing the hair brush and a tie to his sister. She stands behind you, carefully dragging the brush through your hair again. Nico sits at the foot of the bed, watching his sister with apprehensive eyes.
"Watch out for her stitches Nina."
You roll your eyes. "I know Nico," she scoffs, "I am older than you, ya know?"
He holds his hands up in defense but stays exactly where he is. Thankfully Nina is really careful when she parts and braids your hair, leaving it loose so it'll still dry but also not pull at your stitches. The soothing motion of her fingers and Nico's protective gaze lull you, and by the time she's done your blinking sluggishly at your boyfriend.
"Alright," he grunts, rising from the bed. "I think it's nap time for you baby."
There's something off about him when he helps you slip under the blankets, tucking his teddy bear into your chest and pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead. He exchanges an odd look with his brother before perching on the edge of the bed, cupping the side of your face in his warm palm.
You yawn, snuggle into his hold. "M'gonna put the TV back on for you, ok?"
Eyes fluttering, you nod.
"I gotta run for a bit but I'll be back before you know it. And you can call me if you need absolutely anything."
The thing about Nico is that he never likes to tell the full story. He's not usually like that with you but with the younger boys, yeah. And you can always tell when he does it because he gets all calm and sweet about it, more than he usually is. He also gets vague.
Which is how you know this run he is taking, obviously with his brother, is to take care of Lena and Marcello. Hurt, you sit up and look at him with knowing eyes, hoping he'll cave and tell you the truth.
Instead he clears his throat, looks down at his feet and then runs his hands over his thighs. "I uh, I put Luca's number in your phone too, just in case." He says, getting up and moving around the room to collect his things.
Crouching down, he hits play on the laptop for you. You look over at Timo, see the guilty pull on his face. Luca looks guilty too but when he meets your gaze, he winks and then sticks his tongue out at his brother.
"Good, get outta here." Nina cuts in, voice far too cheery to be believable. "We need girl time, I'm inviting Maja."
Nico's tucking his wallet back into his jeans pocket when he finally looks at you again, jaw ticking when you simply stare back at him with begging eyes. You want to yell at him, to cry, to tell him that you deserve to have a place in this. That you need this.
Instead you bite your tongue, turn your gaze to the window outside when your eyes sting, and silently wait for them to leave. You hear him sigh, then his footsteps as he heads towards the door. Timo is the only one to call out goodbye.
Feeling betrayed, you ignore them all, even Nina, and close your eyes. You have a headache again.
You wake up from the insistent buzzing of your phone, sleep riddled brain assuming it’s Nico. When you read the screen it’s not in fact your boyfriend, but might as well be.
“Hey Holtzy,” you answer, looking around the hospital room. Nina and Maja are nowhere to be seen, but neither are Nico and Timo. Your stomach twists, anger bubbling in your throat.
“Oh god you sound awful,” he moans woefully. “I told Nico he should’ve let me go too. With three of us there you’d have been fine.”
“I am fine,” you insist, forcing a laugh. “It’s really not that bad, Nico is just dramatic.”
“Well yeah he’d probably die without you.”
Your heart warms. The boys used to always tell you how tough he was, how the only thing that kept them from messing up was that terrifying flare in his eyes when he’s pissed. It’s sweet that they point out how loving he is with you.
“You’d all die without me,” you reply, looking up as Nina and Maja enter the room. They carrying bags of food, Nina waving around the packages in greeting.
Forcing a smile, you gently wave back. If her and Maja are still here that means Nico is still gone. And it’s been hours. There’s only one thing a man that protective and angry can be doing for this long.
Wreaking havoc. Havoc you should be a part of. You bite your cheek.
“Oh yeah,” Alex agrees easily. He gets quiet for a moment. “Can I FaceTime you? Just to see that you’re ok?”
You melt. “Yeah of course.”
Pulling the phone back from your ear, you hit the FaceTime button. It rings for a half second and then a grainy picture of Alex pops up.
“Hi mom,” he greets, the picture coming into focus. He’s got that big, cheesy Alex smile on his face and it’s makes you laugh.
“Shut up,” you giggle, then realize the background behind him. “Are you in my room?”
Alex pulls the phone back, holding it up so you can see that he’s actually tucked under the blankets like he’s sleeping there. You catch a flash of the paws of the dog at his feet. At least you know he’s actually taking care of your baby.
“You asked me to house sit.”
“I thought you might sleep in the room I decorated and made for you.”
“I like your bed,” he shrugs, putting the phone back down. “And I miss you. And Nico too I guess but don’t tell him in your bed. Wait- he’s not listening right?”
You laugh again. “No he’s not here right now. I’m with his sisters.”
"He's not with you? That's fucked. I'll go out right now and sit there with you. So will Merc and Luke, they told me."
A part of you wants to say yes. "I'll be ok. You know how Nico is, I probably won't see him again until it's time to go home."
Alex makes a noise of disagreement. “Timo made it seem like you were dying, ya know? Like I thought we were about to be taken out to Switzerland to wage war, he was so angry.”
You shrug, flattered but mostly annoyed. “Yeah, I like that idea."
Alex hums, the line going quiet for a moment. “Well I’m really glad you’re ok,” he murmurs “and I’m sorry it happened to you. I can’t imagine how scary that would be.”
You shrug again. “I mean, worse has happened. Besides, I knew what I was getting into when I got with Nico. It’s just a part of the life.”
“Crappy though, that it always happens to you.” He comments.
“Only twice,” you awkwardly laugh. “Besides, I got Johnny out of it the last time so.”
“So even though it was worse at least you got your Italian buddy.”
You nod, trying not to think about the run in with the Flyers all that time ago. Honestly, you’re lucky that as the girlfriend of a very powerful mob boss, you haven’t been taken and threaten more. You suppose that’s a testament to Nico and how he trains his men.
“Ok I know it’s late there so go to bed, yeah? I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
Alex sighs but nods. “Ok, call me if you get sad or lonely.”
You bite back a laugh, knowing he’s the one that’s lonely and wants to talk but won’t admit it. “Of course,” you agree. “Night Holtzy.”
“Night y/n. Feel better.”
You wave, waiting for him to hang up first. When he does you drop your phone to the bed, expectantly looking over at the girls.
If they can read your gaze, they don’t say anything about it. Instead Maja tilts her head sympathetically. “How are you doing sweets?”
“Fine,” you respond, raising an eyebrow at Nina who is pointedly avoiding your eyes. “Nico still gone?”
Frowning, she looks at you guiltily. Her eyes look so much like Nico’s. “Yeah he’s still out.”
You nod, checking the time, wishing you were home. You already miss Alex. It's torture, sitting and stewing in this bed as you go over and over the words you should've told Nico. You feel helpless, almost as helpless as being tied to a fucking chair. Especially when you go to get up from bed and both Nina and Maja rise too.
They're under orders from Nico. They're your security guards. You almost roll your eyes, veins hot with rage and disbelief.
"I was just gonna go for a walk." You say.
"We'll come with!"
"No, that's ok," you decline, tilting your head, daring Nina to argue. "I have a headache and just need quiet. Besides your eating, I'll only be ten minutes."
She hesitates, shares a look with Maja but eventually they both settle back onto the couch. You think Nico and her might have underestimated how scary you can be when you're enraged.
Without another word, you grab and phone and make your way out of the room. You go slow, not wanting to worry them but truth is you feel fine aside from the head and neck pain.
Waiting until your a few corridors away from your room, you pull out your phone and pull up Luca's contact. You hit call, holding it up to your ear. It rings for awhile but he does pick up.
"Well hello there," he greets smugly. "I had a feeling this was coming."
You smirk, pleased to know you gauged him correctly. "Don't act too chummy, Nico will know it's me." You warn, looking around for Nina or Maja. No one has followed you.
"I need a favor."
You can hear his delighted smile even if you can't see it.
"Hit me with the plan, then."
The plan comes through the next morning. Nico has yet to return from his "business" and you know he must be taking it seriously because he's yet to notice that late last night you had his jet fly to Newark and back, this time with your men onboard.
Luca, as the king of Switzerland, used his pull to get you discharged early, hours earlier than Nico had originally planned. You're already up and silently packing your things when the doctor comes in with the discharge forms. The click of the door wakes Nina from her slumber on the couch bed, and she sits up all bleary eyed and confused, looking around the room with confusion.
You don't even bother greeting the doctor, just take the form and sign it, stuffing the recovery papers in your bag.
"What's going on?"
You look over your shoulder at her. "I'm going home early," you say, tucking your phone into your pocket. Nina quickly gets up, stumbling to find her shoes.
"You can't-"
"If you and Nico want to play games with me, that's fine." You cut off harshly, "but I can play them back. Rat me out, call Nico, I don't care, you're not stopping me."
"Y/n..." she sighs sadly, and you're a little disappointed in her lack of fight. Turning around, you cross your arms and glare at her.
"You of all people should get it Nina," you scold "I deserve to fight this fight for myself. I was the one hurt, not Nico or you or Timo. I gave up my whole fucking life, my family for this and no matter how much I train or help out you still think it's ok for Nico to stick me with a babysitter and lie to me?
"I'm just as capable as the rest of you."
Nina looks guilty, her features melting down into one of shame and you'd maybe feel bad if you weren't so upset.
"I- I'm not gonna call Nico," Nina murmurs, "you're right, you deserve to see them at the least so go ahead. Just let me know if you need anything ok?"
"Thank you," you say earnestly. "I'll keep you updated."
She quickly walks over, gently hugs you and strokes through your hair. "Be safe, be smart."
You grin, nodding in agreement before stalking out the room. Luca has arranged for a car to pick up Mercer, Luke, Jack, and Alex from the airport, and that car sits outside the hospital doors when you step out.
The windows are tinted so dark you can't see through them, but Mercer rolls down the passenger seat window to grin at you. You light up at the sight of his gapped smile, laughing as you yank open the doors and climb in.
"Why hello boys," you greet, turning around to smile at the triplets in the back. Alex reaches forward, ruffles your hair.
"Good to see ya boss." Jack greets, kneeing the back of your seat.
"Where are we heading?"
You roll up the window, punch in the address to the house you've been staying at. "Need a quick stop to change and get my things, then we've got ourselves a hot date."
Mercer pulls out onto the road, smirking devilishly as he does so.
Luca's funny, you'll give him that. He's left Lena and Marcello and whatever other aiders and abetters locked up in the same house they'd taken you too. The car Nico and Timo have been driving around is parked in the drive, and you and the boys pull up next to it and hop out.
"Everything should be in the trunk," you instruct, knowing Luca left it unlocked. Sure enough when Jack pulls the hatch open, an array of guns, ropes, knives, and weapons are splayed out.
The boys are all eager as they choose their guns, Luke giggling goofily as he stocks up on ammo. You let them all pick first, tying the signature red bandana around the tender skin of your throat. They've all knotted theirs around the meat of their thigh, bright against their black jeans.
You take a pistol and three rounds of ammo, stuffing them into the black cargos you put on earlier. Just in case, you hook a medium sized knife on the waistband too. The sleek and thin tranquilizing gun they never use slips easily into your waistband too.
"Alright, we're going around back. Luca's left a window open that Jack can slip through to let us in the door. I'll lead us down to the basement and you'll follow my lead."
Lined up like soldiers, they all nod in agreement.
"Any instructions from Nico go unheard, you're with me and will follow my orders. If he tries to fight us, I will take care of it."
"Yes boss," they chirp in unison and you can't help but smirk. Nico has trained them well, you'll give him that. Too bad he also trained them to be loyal to you too.
You don't remember much about the house, just that the floors were white when you got there, and red when you left. In a way it's nice that you don't remember, it makes it easier to step inside and silently cross the large room. The chair you'd been tied to is nowhere to be seen, but the large pool of dried, flaking blood still is. You're unsure of how much of it is yours and how much of it is Lena's.
The boys are bit too heavy footed on the staircase down to the basement, so by the time you're stepping through the threshold all eyes are already watching. Both Nico and Timo are armed, the barrel of their guns trained on you. Luca is holding his lazily, looking proud when you meet his gaze, your own pistol in hand.
Nico's eyes are furious. You've never seen them so black, so enraged before and it makes you're blood boil. You're very confident you can out-anger him.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He demands, but you ignore him, instead looking around the room. The floor is a dull, cement grey color with drains. There's doors to other hallways or rooms, you assume, most likely holding places for hostages. You don't need to explore them luckily, because the two people of concern are chained on their knees at your boyfriend's feet anyway.
"Let me in or I'm jumping down the stairs," Jack comments behind you, and you catch the way Nico bawks, obviously recognizing the voice. Motioning behind you for them to follow, you take a few steps further in. One-by-one they file in, lining up next to you with their guns in hand.
"Are you-fuck y/n..." Nico's staggering for words, clicking the safety back on his gun and shoving it his waistband behind his back Timo does the same, but Luca just casually waves his at you.
You meet the burning gaze of Nico, take in how splotchy his cheeks have gotten, how his eyebrows scrunch and teeth clench. He's got that mean flare of his nose and curl of his lips, but you don't care.
He angers even more at your lack of response, snarling as he steps forward and you can already sense him reaching out to take ahold of your wrist. You flinch, step back and lifting your pistol towards him. It's on safety, he knows that, you know that. But the motion stops him all the same.
Freezing, he narrows his eyes at you. It's a cruel look, mocking and cold. "You're not gonna shoot me, sweetheart."
You shrug, tucking the gun away on the holster o your thigh. Nico smirks, amused and condescending. The look doesn't last long, not after you draw out the tranquilizing and aim at the thick part of his thigh.
"You must think I'm really fucking stupid, huh?" you spit, so angry you feel like you're vibrating. You don't give him the chance to respond. "A fragile little lapdog of a mob wife, stuck in a locked room with a fucking babysitter. Laying around and waiting for you to fix everything."
The pause in your words gives him a chance to speak. "I left you somewhere safe," he hisses "I left you in the best place to be dotted on and cared for while you get better! I-"
"You lied to me!" You yell, "you looked me in the eye and said you had errands to run, that you'd be back soon. And you knew I didn't believe it, you knew how much it fucking hurt and you still did it!"
He scoffs, shaking his head and you know he's trying to blow you off, trying to take control of everything like he always does. Clicking his tongue he looks behind you at the boys.
"Take her and get out," he barks, letting his gaze linger on all of them. When they don't budge, he gets angrier.
"Now, you little shits! You shouldn't even be here!"
Loyal, none of them move. You tilt your head, smug when he looks at you.
"Aim," you instruct, and as if they were being controlled by puppet strings, all four boys lift their weapons and aim at Nico's feet. Shocked, he looks around bewildered.
"You see, when I told them that their boss had left abandoned me at the hospital for hours to keep me from fighting my own battles, they were pissed. I mean everyone knows how you've been training me, how hard you and Timo have been pushing me so that Philly never happens again, and then you take away something I've earned, well they were upset.
"Rightfully so since they're my men as well."
Nico looks around for help, shooting Timo and Luca a look as if to say "what the fuck is happening?". He must read his brother really well though, because his shoulders tense when he sees Luca's sparkling eyes.
"Luca, you didn't," he sighs, "tell me you're not in on this."
The older Hischier purses his lips, waits a moment before taking a step over to join you. "She had a good plan," he defends "and good reasoning for being here."
Lining up next to the boys, Luca joins them in aiming at Timo's feet.
"I know you don't get it Nico," you comment "I know you think that you were doing the right thing, that you were protecting me. But you never even stopped to consider what this means for me.
"I've spent so many nights dreaming about Philly, I wake up with my hands numb from all the times I've imagined fighting back, proving myself. Because it was humiliating and dehumanizing, and I'll never get the revenge I deserve for what happened."
Your words have stalled him, shaken him if the softening brown of his eyes is anything to go by. If there's anyone that loathes Philly as much as you do, it's Nico.
"Almost as humiliating as having my supposed fiance lie to my face in front of his whole family, force my best friend to turn his back on me, treat me like some broken little girl.
"I'm not broken, I can handle this life, I chose this life. And you don't get to decide when and where I can actually be a part of it."
Knowing you've got him, you tuck away the tranquilizing gun in exchange for your pistol. Clicking the safety off, you step towards Nico. He looks almost ashamed now, like a puppy that's been kicked and scolded too many times.
"Did you stop for a moment and think that maybe I'd get my memories back if I got to come here again? If I got to see them? That maybe I can piece together what happened if I looked them in the eye one last time?"
Embarrassed, he shakes his head and reaches out for your hip. "I don't want you to remember, I don't want you knowing how they hurt you."
Stepping away from him, you scoff. "You don't get to choose that Nico! I deserve to know everything."
With a flick of your hand over your shoulder, the boys all follow closer behind you, their weapons pushing Nico off to the side so you can step around him.
"I also deserve to keep my promise." You murmur, finally taking in the two kneeling before you. They look awful. Marcello, bloodied and bruised, shaking on the cement floor. He doesn't even look up at you.
Lena on the other hand does, not as badly beaten as her cohort, but her lip is split open and there's an old ratty bandage around her thigh, blood stained and brown.
She's crying when she meets your gaze, begging and pathetic, and it makes you laugh. You don't break eye contact as you aim the gun at Marcello.
"I did say I'd be the one putting the bullet between his eyes, didn't I?"
You don't wait for her to answer, finger easily finding the trigger and with a ringing bang, Marcello slumps to the floor. Lena screams, wails harder and harder.
"Y/n, please. I'm sorry, I didn't-"
You lock the gun and put it away, cutting her off with a gentle shush. "I'm not gonna kill you," you tell her. "I'm not even gonna touch you. It's beneath me really.
"Making bad people suffer, however isn't. So I have a plan for you, with the help of my brother-in -law back there that controls all of Switzerland."
Lena sniffles, hiccuping and shaking her head.
"As of now you're no longer a Swiss citizen. You and you're family have been exiled, away from Europe and away from North America. And when I unchain you and I fix up that thigh of yours, you gonna be escorted out without a single belonging. In fact, I think your parents have just been deported.
"Anyway, you're going to hobble out of here and be grateful that I'm such a forgiving person. Because I should kill you, for what you did to me, for what you did to Nico, using him like that. Instead you'll spend the rest of your life poor and pathetic, and when you think of me you'll remember that not only am I sleeping with the Jersey king every night, but the Swiss one takes orders from me as well."
Glaring, you turn to Mercer and nod towards Lena. "Unchain her and take her upstairs, I know a real cozy spot she can wait in while I finish up."
You've calmed down by the time you finish cleaning and stitching up Lena's bullet wound. So has Nico, who's standing by the open hatch of the car, head hanging low as he changes out of his stained and dirty shirt.
He looks up when he hears your footsteps, everything in his gaze hurt and sad. You imagine you look the exact same.
You pause in front of him, begin unloading the weapons from your pants. "You left me there overnight," you mumble, placing the guns and ammo back where they belong.
"I was trying to hurry, I promise."
"No you weren't" you laugh humorlessly "because you were mad and hurt, and I was hurt, so you wanted them to hurt even more." He doesn't even deny it.
"I had a nightmare," you admit, voice wobbling. "that I was back here and everytime you got close enough to me, I'd blink and it'd be Marcello instead. It really sucked to wake up and not be able to tell if it was a dream, because you still weren't there."
Nico sniffles and you look up to find him standing over you, eyes glossy and red-rimmed. "I had to do something," he explains, voice cracking. "I was so fucking angry and guilty I thought I was gonna explode. And I didn't want you seeing me like that."
You frown. "I'm not scared of you Nico, ever."
"You might have been, if you saw the way I tore through everyone in there."
"When are you going to understand that I'll always pick you, I'll always be on your side? Even when you pull shit like this?"
His hands find your hips, drawing you the slightest bit closer to him. "When are you going to understand that I love you more than anything in the world? That I get mean and tough because I'd literally fucking die without you, and that's scary. And I don't know how to show you that, so I do it by protecting you."
You reach out for his shoulders, let your fingers feel the smooth skin of him, pink and cold in the winter air. "You can protect me and still let me rule by your side," you tell him. "I didn't want to come here and hurt them, interfere with you. But I needed to see it, for myself."
Nico nods, his wet eyes searching your face. "I'm so sorry, baby. I should've let you fight with me, be a brat whatever. Most of the time it's for my own good anyway."
"Yeah it is," you smile. "and I'm still upset."
He sniffles, blinking rapidly as a tear slips down his cheek. "I'll make it up to you, shoot me with the stupid dart or whatever you want. Lesson learned."
You laugh a bit at that, lean in to brush your nose against his. "I make a pretty good prinzessin, huh?"
Biting his lip, he smirks. "A fucking sexy one too. Not used to my pillow prinzessin walking all over me like that, but it looked good on you."
"It was tiring," you mumble, eyelashes fluttering. "I don't think I'd like to do it all the time."
"No?" He hums, "That's ok, you can just fill in for me whenever you feel like it."
"Ok," you agree, and then your pressing your lips to his for what feels like the first time in years. He's soft and warm, licking teasingly at your bottom lip and then dipping his tongue in when you part your mouth for him.
Nico always kisses you like honey, no fight is ever gonna change that.
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we play with fire because we like the way it burns
a mob boss!Nico x nurse!fem!reader au
Movie night, ruined
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Warnings: blood, Luke injured, mentions of guns and gunshot wounds, some swearing and calling someone a dumbass, this is a mob au. Please tell me if I missed something
A/n: it’s here! The first installment. I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1.2k
You were worried.
Luke Hughes was not known to be the most punctual, but he was never this late.
As far as you knew, this was his only plan for the night. So why hasn’t he called or texted?
It was just supposed to be a routine movie night. You, Luke, and a movie you’ve seen so many times. Tonight’s pick was Valentine’s Day since you saw New Year’s Eve around the new year, and it just made sense. To you two, anyway.
Luke was hours late. You were about to start getting ready for bed, tired of waiting on the couch. He could just apologize in the morning once you got sleep.
As you were collecting the snacks off the coffee table, there was a knock on your door.
Who was knocking on your door at this hour?
You quickly put the things in your hands back down so you could answer the door.
As Luke always insisted, you looked through the peephole. He hated that your building didn’t have a doorman, so he got you in the habit of checking the peephole.
You were not prepared to see Luke slung around the shoulders of Jack and another guy, barely able to stand up himself.
You swung the door open rapidly, ushering the three men to come inside before the neighbors started asking questions. God forbid Nancy saw anything and spread the news like wildfire.
Once you got a better look at the three, you realized Nico was the other man holding up Luke.
“What the fuck happened?!?” You practically shouted at them.
“Do you really want to know? Or do you just want to fix him?” Jack spoke up before his boss could say anything.
You rolled your eyes in a huff, but gestured to the couch. “Sit him up on the couch and make sure he doesn’t lose consciousness. Jack, get water from the kitchen. You, make sure Luke stays upright. He can’t fall asleep. Not yet.”
Jack had a nervous look on his face because you bossed around the most feared man in the city, but he rushed to get water despite not having gone that far into your apartment before.
“I’ll be right back,” you told Nico before rushing to get your primary first aid kit.
When you returned, you had to speak up and say the one thing you were dreading. “What happened and how did he get hurt?”
Nico was about to answer, but Jack spoke up from the kitchen instead. “Where the fuck are your cups and why are they this hard to find?”
Yet another eye roll from you. “Just grab a bottle from the fridge,” you yelled back.
“Dumbass,” you muttered under your breath. You loved Luke like a brother but that didn’t mean you felt the same way about his brother.
You turned back to Luke to assess the damage. Multiple cuts on his face and body. Luckily, no gunshots. You honestly weren’t sure you would be able to help if he had gotten shot.
Jack came back to the living room and set the bottle on the table and proceeded to stay out of your way while still looking out for his little brother. Their mother would kill him if she found out just how injured the baby Hughes was.
You grabbed the iodine and some cotton pads, mentally preparing to make your best friend endure more discomfort than he already was.
“Luke, I’m sorry that this is going to sting, but I need to clean your wounds,” you said gently.
Luke just grumbled, so you proceeded after telling Nico to make sure to hold Luke still.
“I’ll start with your arms and work my way to your face. Please don’t hate me for this,” you said gently, using your nurse voice reserved for telling people that something bad has happened.
Luke flinched a little once you started cleaning his wounds. It proceeded to get worse, and your patience also got progressively worse.
“Luke if you do not stop squirming, I swear to god I will duct tape you to a chair and tell your mother about your weekend in Atlantic City,” you said in a very angry tone, sick of Luke’s shit.
Nico looked slightly confused, while Luke and Jack both had looks of “oh shit” on their faces.
Jack proceeded to sit on Luke’s other side to make sure he stayed still.
“We do not need mom knowing about what happened,” Jack said as Luke nodded as best as he could.
You proceeded to finish disinfecting every wound on your best friend’s body and add antibiotic cream to each one, finishing the worse wounds with bandages and letting the smaller ones breathe.
“Luke, I’m gonna grab you one of your spare outfits for you to wear so you can sleep comfortably. Couch or guest room?” You asked him, honestly not knowing if he would make it to the guest room.
“Couch,” he mumbled.
You scurried off to grab some sweats and a shirt for Luke from his designated drawer in your room.
You tossed the clothes at Jack once you made it back to the living room, “make sure he gets into these. I’ll clean up.”
You proceeded to gather up the first said kit while Jack helped Luke change and Nico just sat, not knowing what to do.
“Do you need help cleaning up?” Nico finally spoke to you, and if you weren’t so concerned with Luke, you may have had more time to admire him.
“Uh. No. I think I’m good. I’ve dealt with worse messes,” you said, not stopping what you were doing.
You put all the supplies back and slipped into the kitchen to get yourself your own bottle of water, giving Jack time to get Luke dressed.
As you finally had a moment to breathe and think, you realized you wouldn’t be able to handle seeing Luke hurt and not do anything about it.
After some time passed, Jack called out that Luke was successfully changed.
Walking back to the living room, you spoke up. “Call me immediately the next time he or someone else gets injured. I’ve seen enough questionable injuries at the hospital to know that I am your best option to avoid police questioning. Jack, you have my number. And please, for the love of all that is holy, stop doing dumb shit.”
You barely gave Jack time to respond before you spoke up again. “Now leave so Luke can rest. I’ll give you an update in the morning.”
Nico and Jack got up from their spots on your couch and proceeded to leave, you locking the door behind him.
You turned back to Luke and were worried about how the night was going to go.
“Can I have my blanket?” He asked weakly.
“Of course,” you said as you moved to grab it from its spot in your blanket basket.
You helped Luke lay down and get comfortable with the blanket tucked around him.
“Yell for me if you need anything, my door will be open,” you said before getting up to go back to your room. “Goodnight, Luke.”
“Goodnight, y/n,” Luke said with his eyes already closed.
You got ready for bed and were finally able to lay down and relax.
So why couldn’t you stop thinking about Nico?
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mattatouilletkachuk · 27 days
Noelle Hischer
A/N: This is a part of my Hockey babies Au.
Posted by nicohischier
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Liked by Tmeier96, y/nusername, and 19,517 others
nicohischier: I’ve been waiting to meet you my entire life, Noelle Nina Hischier. ❤️
tagged y/nusername
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y/nusername: We made such a cute baby!! Let’s make another one! 😏
↳ nicohischier: you’re literally still in the hospital bed
↳ ☹️
ninahischer: You guys didn’t say you were naming her after me! I’m literally crying in a cafe right now. ❤️
↳ nicohischier: well it’s not like I have any other sisters…
↳ y/nusername: shut up Neeks. We gave Noelle your sister’s name because we love her and it felt right.
ehaula: Welcome to Team Dad, cap.
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Jackhughes: Noelle… like Noel. I just realized that her name is Christmas themed!
↳ nicohischer :you’ve had too many head injuries omg
njdevils: Futures first female captain in the NHL. 🏒❤️🖤
↳ y/nusername: let’s focus on getting a baby jersey for my baby before we start planning her future.
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Posted by y/nusername
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Liked by nicohischier, nicolelaud, and 5,027 others
Y/nusername: Noelle was just so eager to see the world she decided she had to be born a week early. At least now we get to spend this Christmas with our adorable baby girl. 🌲
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User1: Noelle.. I’m melting it’s so cute ☺️
nicohischer: I was so afraid I was going to drop her when we were leaving.
↳ y/nusername: truth me I know lol. You asked the nurse if you were carrying the carrier the right way like 50 times.
↳ nicohischer: well some of us had to walk and carry a newborn out to the car while the other got wheeled out.
↳ y/nusername I got wheeled out because I just pushed your big headed child out of my vagina.
↳ nicohischer: …fair point
barzal97: I bet I could get her an islanders jersey,
↳ y/nusername: I won’t even wear the jersey when I’m at your games working. What makes you think I’d put my baby in an Islanders jersey.
↳ barzal97 you like the color orange.
↳ y/nusername: 🙄
User2: When was your original due date?
↳ y/nusername January 4, so it wasn’t anything extreme just unexpected.
Tmeier96: you were in labor for hours how are you feeling?
↳ y/nusername: I refuse to take any responsibility what I may have done or said while in labor. However… I’m sorry for using your hand as a squeeze ball until Nico got to the hospital.
Tmeier96: you were in pain and panicking. There’s nothing to be sorry about.
yourmom: I can’t believe I missed by babygirl giving birth to her own baby.
↳ y/nusername: Don’t worry mom, Nico is picking you up from the airport tomorrow. Noelle is still be small and cute plus she’ll still have that new baby smell.
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starry-hughes · 6 months
meeting the family (nico hischier)
day 14 of star’s ficmas
logan barzal x nico hischier (au)
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Logan Barzal was scared. The last boy who met her parents was the same boy who completely shattered her heart. When she swore off hockey players, her parents were on her side, not ever wanting to find their daughter wailing on the bathroom floor.
Nico wasn’t going to see his family for the short break. His Christmas was typically spent with the other single members of the Devils but this year he was spending it with Logan. The two had met in Logan’s coffee shop and bookstore she owned, she didn’t know he was a hockey player until later. She hated him for .5 seconds before he promised he wouldn’t break her heart.
Logan rushed around the apartment with her hair perfectly straightened with a red bow pinned in the back. A cute Christmas outfit. “Can you like calm down?” Mat groaned. Their parents were in the kitchen and their sister was watching Logan with amusement. “Nico will be here soon and I want everything perfect.”
Mike and Nadia Barzal hadn’t seen Logan like this since before her prom. Mat had been living with Logan for years and since she started seeing Nico, he noticed a happier sister. Nico Hischier of the New Jersey Devils dating the sister of Mat Barzal of the New York Islanders, who would have thought?
Nico fixed his red sweater, Logan liked when he wore red. Knocking on the door with a bag of presents in his hand, he hadn’t know what to get her parents but Logan helped pick something out. He heard his girlfriend scrambling on the other side of the door, shouting at Mat to put down the cookies. “You’re here!” Logan breathed as she opened the door. “Hi,” he kissed her head as she hugged him. “Merry Christmas,” she greeted him before dragging him into the apartment. “Come meet my parents and sister!”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Mat questioned as he gave Nico a bro hug. “You already know Nico.” When the two weren’t on the ice, they were pretty good friends.
“Mom, Dad, this is Nico. Nico, there are my parents, Mike and Nadia. And Liana, my sister.”
“It’s so nice to meet you guys, Logan always talks about her family, thank you for letting me join you guys today,” he smiled. “Sweetheart,” her dad started, “why don’t you and your mom and sister go get Nico’s gifts put under the tree.”
Logan narrowed her eyes at her father and Mat, knowing the big brother and dad talk Nico was about to receive. “Be nice,” Logan elbowed her brother as she walked by. “Nico, I assume you know about the ex,” her dad started. “Yes sir, and I know how much Logan means to me,” Nico looked at Logan who was placing gifts under the tree, smiling at her mom, “and I know how much I love her.”
Logan and Nico sat next to one another at dinner, passing around the dishes and Nico kept his hand on her knee. “How often can you make it to Long Island?” Nadia asked. “As often as I can. Maybe twice or three times a week? Depending on morning skates or travel, I bring the guys to her store sometimes,” Nico explained. “I stayed with Nico when he was injured,” Logan smiled.
Logan and Liana cleaned up the table, Mat lingered but got a look from his parents and went to help with dishes. Before Nico went to help, Nadia started talking. “We were nervous, when Logan told us she was dating a hockey player,” Nadia started, “her last relationship, we thought it was going to destroy her, but you seem good for her.”
Nico smiled pridefully, “I’m glad, I really care about her.”
After dinner, everyone sat on the couch, Logan laid into Nico as Mat opened his present from Logan. Nico had received some stuff from the Barzal Family, just basic sweaters and small gifts. Mat thought he was funny, getting Nico a framed picture of a Baby Logan.
“They didn’t bother you too much while talking to you, right?” she mumbled. “Worried about me?” Nico hummed. Her hand glided over his stomach as her arm wrapped around him, “Always am.” Nico chuckled softly as Liana was thrown another present. “They are just worried about you, I told them I won’t ever hurt you.”
“Hey, Lo, stop cuddling with your boyfriend and open this present. It’s from Nico and me,” Mat tossed a small box over. “Nico and you?” her eyebrows furrowed together. Nico sat up a little bit as Logan sat up. “Thought you could use a small location for your place in Jersey,” Nico smiled, as she unveiled a key. “You guys got me a new store?!”
“Down the street from my apartment,” Nico sang. “I still get her here at least four times a week! She’s my sister!” Mat exclaimed.
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honeyhischierxo · 12 days
Dating Nico would look like pt 2….
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heavenlyhischier · 7 months
N. Hischier AU Masterlist
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where Nico Hischier falls in love with Y/N ‘Penny’ Tkachuk.
meet penny
good luck
the not date
everything for this au will be under the tag ‘nico x penny’ and feel free to ask me anything about this au anytime as it is an interactive au
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doc-pickles · 2 months
old friends, new adventures (nico hischier x emilia hess)
from the unless it’s you universe
Here’s my promised fic! I’ve been out of town so that’s why it’s late but I hope y’all enjoy it.
xoxo nina
“mama do we have any snacks?”
the door of the hischier house flew open as nina bounded through the door, quickly followed by a brunette.
“in the pantry,” katja replied as she smiled at the two girls. “hello emilia. good to see you around here.”
“thanks mrs. h,” emilia smiled as she caught the bag of chips nina threw her. her eyes darted to nico who sat at the kitchen table working on homework. “hello to you too nico.”
the twelve year old looked up from his papers before rolling his eyes and turning back to his work, “hi emi.”
“nico be nice to our guest,” katja scolded from her place by the stove.
“hello emilia how are you today? wonderful weather we’re having. say did you catch the game last night? riveting stuff.”
nina and emilia both burst out laughing and nico spared a smirk in emilia’s direction. their eyes met for a second before nina called her away, the two girls quickly leaving the kitchen.
“I wish you’d be nicer to emilia,” katja huffed as she made dinner. “you never know, someday you two might-“
“absolutely not,” nico cringed as he turned toward his mom. “you can marry her off to luca.”
with an eye roll katja smirked at her youngest son, “she would eat him alive. finish your homework.”
“right there! no not- shit nico if you break my easel you’re paying for it!”
“you say that like i don’t have the money to do that,” nico grunted as he placed the aforementioned easel in the corner of emilia’s apartment. “there?”
“perfect,” emilia sighed and flopped onto the couch that was still covered in plastic. “thanks for helping me, I appreciate it.”
“no problem,” nico grinned as he pushed another cardboard box towards the couch before flopping down next to emilia. “are you excited for your new job?”
emilia nodded and opened the box in front of them, stacking the books inside next to the couch, “kohler price is a huge publishing house which means i’ll get to work on more diverse projects. there’s only so many grimm’s fairytales that you can redraw before it starts to get repetitive.”
nico’s deep laugh echoed through the apartment as he pulled a book out of the box and inspected the cover. it’s about rapunzel, a young girl with long golden hair flowing across the cover with flowers blooming around her. the illustration is breathtaking, nico grinning at emilia’s name scrawled across the bottom of the cover as the illustrator.
“well you’re very talented,” nico held up the book as if it showed proof of his words. “but I don’t think you need me to tell you that.”
pulling another box toward him nico watched as emilia blushed deeply, busying herself with organizing the books onto her shelves in the corner, “it’s just nice to be out in the world and ready to explore you know? I mean you travel all the time for work.”
“yeah canada in the middle of winter is thrilling,” nico huffed with a smile as he opened the box in front of him. “nothing quite like freezing to death in-“
emilia looked up from her spot by the shelves and yelped as she dove on top of the box nico had opened. their eyes met and before she could say anything nico collapsed into a fit of laughter as her face turned an embarrassingly bright shade of red.
“stop! I didn’t think you’d be opening the box when I packed it,” emilia shrieked as she pushed the box into the corner of the living room.
“and you decided to pack your sex toys right on top?” nico huffed out as a wide grin spread across his face. “jesus how many are in there em? surely you don’t need all of them.”
“they all do different things,” emilia scoffed and nico raised his brows. “i’m not explaining vibrators to you hischier. some of us don’t have girls throwing themselves at our feet because we can hit a puck with a stick.”
“I do not-“
“don’t even try to correct me,” emilia smiled as she carried the box to her bedroom then came back. “when I went to that game last week every other girl I saw had your jersey on. not to mention the amount of screaming when you skated out.”
emilia grinned widely as a deep red colored nico’s cheeks. satisfaction buzzing under her skin she went to pour two glasses of red wine for them before returning to the living room.
“to your new adventure,” nico raised his glass with a smile as emilia rolled her eyes is mock exasperation. “and to old friends.”
“to old friends and new adventures,” emilia smirked as they clinked glasses.
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Nico Hischier accidentally sleeping with Hughes sister due to him not knowing it's was Hughes sister won't get out of my head
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mikkomacko · 3 months
Him and I
Social Media
Pairing: mob boss Nico x Reader
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Liked by nicohischier and others
Your.username: In a world of boys he’s a . . . ✨gentleman✨
Tagged: Nicohischier
View comments:
TimoMeier: Hello, 911? Yes I’d like to report a SERVE
Your.username: Body by Timo training co.🔥💅🏻
JackHughes: ayo the licking pic???
Your.username: Like you haven’t see worse 🤨
Nicohischier: Where’s the pic of that dress on my bedroom floor?
Your.username: not very gentlemanly of you boss
Nicohischier: you’re just too tempting darling
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Liked by Your.username and others
Nicohischier: My forever date
Tagged: your.username
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Your.username: My lover boy ♥️
Nicohischier: forever?
Your.username: and ever x
LukeHughes: this is so wholesome boss
JackHughes: especially after seeing her heathen horny post
Your.username: if you thought my post was bad don’t go through Nico’s drafts
Nicohischier: stay away from my phone Jack
AHoltz: Mama y Papa
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we play with fire because we like the way it burns
a mob boss!Nico and nurse!fem!reader au
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Chronological order, not in order of posted date
Warnings are on each individual installment
Request guidelines - instructions
Know before you read - headcanons
Movie night, ruined - 1.2k words
Nico’s got a crush - 0.36k words
You’ve got some explaining to do - 1k words
Luke, Lilly, and the Tree - 0.5k words
Coming soon:
I know this bar (working title - may change)
Me without us (working title - may change)
No sleep (working title - may change)
106 notes · View notes
mattatouilletkachuk · 25 days
The Hockey Babies AU Masterlist
This is interactive. So you can send in ideas or storylines whenever you want. Blurbs, asks, thought (sfw or nsfw) are all welcomed in this au!
Important information
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Hischier’s House - Nico Hischier
Havoc With Hughes - Jack Hughes
Meet The Mercers - Dawson Mercer
Chaos With Quinn - Quinn Hughes
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leaentries · 1 month
let them eat cake | nico hischier
SUMMARY: when mrs.cap learns that cake can serve more than one purpose
WARNINGS: food play, slight boob worship, slight nipple play, oral (f. receiving), fingering, swearing, not proofread
WC: 2.97k
A/N: guess who’s back from the dead ! i hope you will take this nico fic as a form of apology for my lack of content recently !
the captain’s girl masterlist!
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The familiar blaring of an alarm broke through the warm, golden atmosphere of the bedroom. Sunlight bounced amongst the beige walls, as the air slightly blew against them. Realizing Nico must have left the balcony door open, you managed to peel an eye open to gaze at the sleeping man beside you. 
His chest rose and fell in deep breaths, signaling he was still locked in his restful slumber. You took a moment to admire the youthful lines of his shaven face, taking note of every mark he had. The straight swoop of his nose, or the curve of his eyebrows; you swore to commit them to memory. Your eyes trailed down to his neck, where his chain dangled loosely to the side. A sweet smile found home on your lips as you watched his nose scrunch slightly in his sleep. 
However, your morning bliss was interrupted by Nico’s phone, which, once again, began to scream with that god-forsaken alarm. 
Very carefully, you lifted your body onto your left arm, maneuvering yourself to grab his phone and hit the “stop” button. As it would be, you didn’t quite make it that far before collapsing halfway onto the sleeping boy.
Nico’s body jolted at the sudden weight, hands immediately going to hold your hip and the arm that now lay limp across his chest. 
“Jesus, schatzi,” His voice rumbled with sleep, “What are you doing?” 
You sheepishly grinned at him, “‘M sorry, Neeks. I was trying to turn off your alarm so it wouldn’t make you cranky this morning.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “Cranky? I’m never cranky in the mornings. I think you’ve got me confused with someone else, baby.” 
“Ah, so you're not the guy who almost chucks his phone at the wall every morning because his alarm is so obnoxiously loud?” 
Nico gave you a deadpan look. 
You shrugged at him, “Could’ve fooled me.”
“Yeah, yeah” He quickly flipped you over, his heavy body now pressing into yours, “I’d be careful with what you say.” 
His lips placed slow, hot kisses down your jaw, only stopping once he met your earlobe. He bit lightly, drawing a sharp gasp from you. 
Nico’s voice came out in a rough whisper, “After all, I’m very cranky in the mornings.” 
Nico removed himself from you, taking away the warmth of his thick muscle. Making his way to the bathroom, he gave you a quick wink and a smug smile. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to control the ache that now resided in your core. 
“You suck, Hischier!” 
Well, happy birthday to you.
While Nico took his time in the shower getting ready for the day, you took it upon yourself to start making a big breakfast for the two of you. 
Although it was your birthday, you still wanted to do something sweet for the both of you to enjoy. You had been looking forward to sharing an intimate meal with him first thing in the morning. Yet, if you were being honest, you never cared to make a fuss over your birthday. 
It just never occurred to you to care so much. 
As you scraped the last bits of your breakfast out of the pan, you heard Nico’s heavy steps approaching the kitchen. 
“Mmmm,” He sniffed the air with a dog-like fervor, “Something smells good.” 
You nodded towards the two plates, that now sat full, on the island top. “I made us a big breakfast this morning. I thought it would be nice to spend some time together today. Especially since you’ve been busy with all the away games the past few weeks.” 
Nico walked up behind you, hands circling your full waist with a squeeze. 
“That sounds perfect, schatzi.” 
Grabbing your hand, Nico helped you make your way into the high-top seat, carefully pushing you in before finding his way next to you. He gave you a quick peck, reaching to pull your legs to drape across his lap. 
Your stomach argued with hunger, prompting you to finally satisfy your morning needs. You closed your eyes in bliss at the warm taste of your favorite breakfast. Ever since you were a child, you had this same meal every year. Yet, it never failed to bring back the same excitement and nostalgia as it did when you were little.
“Fuck,” Nico mumbled under his breath, “Don’t make that face, baby. It’s too early for me to be hard.” 
You fluttered your eyes innocently, “I don’t know what you're talking about.” 
However, you most certainly did. And the evidence was currently pressing into your calf. 
A low groan escaped his mouth as you dragged your legs slowly from his lap. Grabbing the empty plates, you made a show of your hips in the short walk to the sink. Carefully placing them in the metal confinement, rough hands came to pull you back. 
“Oh!” A squeal echoed into the kitchen as Nico walked your body back to the counter. His large fingers gripped your wrists, pinning them to the cabinet above you. Nico’s face dangled teasingly too far for your aching lips. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, schatzi.” He took his bottom lip between his teeth, “Swaying that pretty ass in my face.”
Nico shook his head in disapproval, “‘S not fair to me, baby.” His deep eyes only seemed to grow bigger, “Why are you being mean to me?”
You furrowed your brows in a pout, “‘M not being mean.”
“Oh yeah, you are.” He moved one of your hands back down to cup his heavy length straining against the fabric of his sweats. “Think just because you’re the birthday girl, you get to be a brat? Is that it?”
You huffed in annoyance. You should have known Nico wouldn’t give in to you so easily, even if it was your special day. Deciding to continue your ploy, you gave him your best puppy eyes, “No, Neeks.” You bit your lip, “I just want my favorite birthday present.”
Nico didn’t miss the way your eyes scanned his body, your orbs lingering on his throbbing erection. He could feel his resolve faltering at your sultry gaze, his body naturally leaning in to press against yours.
Although, just as Nico’s lips were about to finally slot on your awaiting ones, his phone blared loudly for the umpteenth time that morning. Nico’s forehead dropped to your shoulder in defeat.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He mumbled, “Gotta go to morning skate.”
Even though you knew he had to leave, you couldn’t help but feel slightly dejected. You nodded understandably, acknowledging his predicament.
Nico picked his head up, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek, “I promise, I’ll make it up to you when I get back, birthday girl.”
As soon as Nico had left and the remnants from breakfast had been cleaned up, you easily found yourself falling into a peaceful nap on the couch. Yet, as quickly as your eyes shut, they opened again at the feeling of warm lips trailing your shoulder. 
“Wake up, schatzi,” Nico’s warm voice soothed your sleepy mind, “I brought you something.” 
Intrigued, you lifted your head to meet his gaze. 
‘Wha’dya bring?”
Nico’s mouth quirked up, “Come with me to the kitchen and find out.” 
Giving in to the curiosity, you rose from the couch and followed your boyfriend into the homey room. You felt your breath stop for a moment at the lopsided cake that now sat center on your island. It wasn’t the prettiest or the most shapely, but you didn’t care. With the icing slightly running down the sides and the half-cut strawberries, it was perfect. 
“You made me a cake?” 
Nico shuffled bashfully, “Yeah, I tried to, at least. I-I know it’s not the best, but-” You cut him off before he could finish. 
“It’s perfect, Neeks.” You looked at him with sparkling eyes, “Thank you.” 
“Anything for my birthday girl.” 
You turned back to admire the pink cake once more. Nico’s warm body came to lean against your back, his arms wrapping around to cage you in. You watched as his right hand moved to swipe some of the fluffy icing from the side onto his finger. 
“Open up, baby.” 
You obliged gratefully, taking in his sugar-covered digit. You swirled your tongue to gather as much of the sweetness as possible, sucking lightly. 
“Fuck..” Nico’s voice came out in a hoarse whisper. 
You could feel his hardening length pressed snuggly against your cheeks, taking the opportunity to tease him a bit. Jutting your hips backward, Nico groaned at the pressure. He pulled his finger from your mouth, a trail of saliva still attached. His hand moved to grasp onto your heavy breast through the material of your t-shirt.
Nico’s fingers danced across your peaked nipple, before quickly turning your body in place. He swiped another bit of the icing, letting your mouth eagerly accept his offer. His eyes grew with dark lust at the sight. Nico’s cock twitched with desire at the feeling of your tongue. 
He removed his finger suddenly, drawing a whine from your lips. However, you were quickly cut off by Nico grabbing your thighs to hoist you onto the countertop. The cool sensation of the marble ignites goosebumps all over your skin. His mouth immediately found your neck, trailing sloppy kisses down the supple skin. His hands toyed with the hem of your t-shirt, before managing to discard it completely. 
“Look at these, baby” His eyes were glued to your breasts, “Been thinking about my girls all day. Always sit so pretty for me.” 
His fingers were cold as they grazed over your bare nipples. Nico didn’t waste any time as he lowered his mouth to take one into his mouth. You bit your lip to suppress a squeal. His teeth bit the pebbled bud lightly, sending shocks of pleasure to your core. You leaned your head back as a whine echoed into the kitchen. 
“Mmm, fuck,” You panted with arousal, “Missed this so much.” 
Nico raised a brow, “Yeah?” He mumbled as he took in the other nipple, “Missed me sucking on these gorgeous tits?” 
His accent grew thicker as the pure need for you flooded his senses. Your body felt like it was on fire with each lick and suck Nico gave to your swollen breasts. You could have sworn you’d cum from just that alone. 
Nico pulled up, his own chest heaving with desire while he ripped off his shirt. As if a lightbulb went off in his mind, his lips grew into a wicked grin. He gripped the backs of your legs, yanking you forward on the counter. You sucked in a breath, undeniably hot and bothered by his manhandling. Nico kept his hand on your leg, while he reached to pull the platter of cake closer to the both of you. 
You watched him quizzically as he, once again, dipped his first two fingers into the icing. Nico looked back at you, smirking at your questioning face. He answered with a sly wink, before smearing the icing down the length of your chest and abdomen.
“Nico!” You exclaimed with a laugh, “What the hell?” 
“It’s okay, schatzi. I’ll clean you up.” He gave you another smirk, before bending down to trail his tongue along the stripe of frosting. “Always taste so sweet.”
 He took his time, making sure not a single bit of the sticky substance was left. The air ran cool against your skin as Nico’s tongue traveled further down your body. You found yourself panting with arousal. He pushed your shoulder slightly as he signaled you to lay back. 
You gasped, back arching against the cold countertop. He took the time while you adjusted to the temperature to rub some more icing along the insides of your thighs. Your legs parted subconsciously, letting Nico slot his body in between them. 
A whimper escaped into the air as you felt his warm muscle flex against the plush fat of your thigh. He ran his tounge teasingly closer to your throbbing core, but only to trail it back down. Your chest heaved with anticipation, the tension overbearing, and raising a sheen layer of sweat over your skin as he continued his mistrations around where you needed him most. 
Determined to have you begging, Nico pulled away completely. Watching your flushed breasts rise and fall at the pace of your rapid breathing. He had to suppress a groan at the sight of your perked nipples still covered in his spit. His eyes met yours as you looked at him desperately. 
“Nico,” You whined, “Why’d you stop?” 
He smirked at you, “I want you to beg for it, schatzi.” 
A fire lit inside of your stomach at the authority in his tone, yet you couldn’t help the bubble of stubbornness that arose with it. 
“Why should I?” You inquired, propping yourself up onto your elbows, “I mean, it is my birthday. Don’t I deserve a present?” 
Nico almost smiled at your rebuttal, but he also needed to make sure you knew who was in charge. He leaned forward, his rigid abdomen pressing into your soft one. His mouth latched onto your nipples one more, this time sucking harshly. 
You cried out through the mixture of pain and pleasure, your slick practically dripping onto the counter by now. Your hands moved to grip his shoulder roughly, your nails leaving angry red marks in response. Nico only pulled away once he heard your needy cries and felt the way your hips bucked up into him. 
“Ready to stop being a brat?” 
Normally, you’d put up more of a fight, but with Nico’s relentless teasing all day, the thrumming need that pounded through every vein in your body had you complying with his wants. 
“Yes,” You breathed, “Please, Neeks.” Your body began to squirm as he dragged his clothed cock along the wetness pooling from your cunt, “Fuck, please do something.” 
His head tilted at you, hips still moving torturously slow, “But I am doing something, baby.” 
Your head fell haphazardly against the cool marble, an exasperated sigh leaving your throat. It was agonizing what he was doing to you, and he knew it. 
All you heard was a low chuckle before you felt Nico’s body lower and the sound of his knees thumping down against the hardwoods. Your eyes fluttered closed as Nico’s lips began to leave light kisses closer and closer to your clit. 
Nico’s right arm moved across your leg to gather some more icing before prodding at your closed mouth. Right as you opened to accept his fingers, Nico plunged his tongue deep into your soaked hole. 
Your body convulsed at the sensory overload. You felt your eyes roll back as the sweet strawberry cascaded over your taste buds and the surging pleasure Nico provided pulsed through your core. You swirled your tongue around his fingers, determined not to leave a single bit of the treat left.
Nico’s fingers fell from your mouth as you moaned almost pornographically at the intense sensation of him lapping at your velvet walls. His nose nudged against your clit with every pass he made, causing the onset of your orgasm to show its head. Your hands tangled themselves into his thick hair, tugging in an attempt to ground yourself further onto his face. 
Nico moaned against your pussy, the vibrations sending shockwaves up every limb. Your body felt as if it was floating, tingling with the utmost euphoric sensations. That familiar burning only increased as Nico replaced his tongue with two fingers. He plunged them brutally, not bothering to start slow. 
“Fuck!” You cried as your back arched off the counter. 
Nico’s mouth sucked skillfully on your clit, drawing fast circles. You could feel your climax approaching impossibly fast, your cunt beginning to spasm around your boyfriend’s fingers. 
“Close already, schatzi?” He mumbled against you.
You nodded helplessly, overwhelmed by the searing pleasure in your lower stomach. You could feel the blood pounding in your ears as you were hit with one of the most intense orgasms you’d ever had. Your hips bucked against Nico as he continued his abuse through the duration of your high. 
Your mind felt like it was spinning, the weight of your climax taking the breath from your lungs. Your vision went white as your eyes clenched shut. Nico’s finger slowed to a stop, his mouth now leaving gentle kisses to the side of your knee where he rested his head. Your jaw fell slightly, lungs burning from the lack of air. 
All you could feel was Nico carefully removing his fingers, and the weight of his body moving to now stand. His warm hands caressed your hips soothingly, coaxing you back to reality. 
“Come back to me, pretty girl.” 
You eventually managed to peel open your lids, eyes clouded with dreariness. 
“There’s those pretty eyes,” Nico smiled lovingly at your fucked out state, “Let’s go take a quick shower. You’re all sticky from the icing.”
A laugh bubbled up, “Yeah?” You started at him accusingly, “And whose fault is that?” 
Nico just rolled his eyes at your attitude, helping you off the counter and into the bathroom. 
Once you were situated under the scolding water, Nico slid in behind you, arms wrapping around to pull you into his front. 
“Today is my favorite day of the year,” Nico stated.
You lifted your head from his chest, looking at him questioningly, “Why?” 
“Because it’s the day you were born.” 
You felt your cheeks go red, a bashful smile turning up on your lips. You shoved your face back into his toned chest, hiding away from his gaze. 
“Neeks,” You whined with embarrassment. 
Nico just laughed, placing a kiss on the top of your head, “Happy birthday, schatzi.” 
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luvhughes43 · 6 months
instagram official | blake hughes au
blake hughes masterlist
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, trevorzegras, and others
blake.hughes life lately :)
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jackhughes suit jacket looks a lil familiar...🧐
blake.hughes oh really?😁
nicohischier whoevers jacket it is has really nice taste! liked by blake.hughes
trevorzegras 🤭🤭
user00 wtf are u giggling about?
blake.hughes wait trev do u know?
trevorzegras yea jack called a mandatory ft a few days ago
blake.hughes omfg??
trevorzegras im happy for u goldie!
user02 blakes got a bf? omg im so happy for her
user03 monroes the cutest cat omfg
user04 wait can we acknowledge trevor calling blake goldie? what is that
user05 its been a thing for awhile now! he started calling her goldie after she won olympic gold! he mentioned it in an interview or something i think
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liked by blake.hughes, john.marino97, trevorzegras, and others
nicohischier Happy Holidays!😈❤️
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jackhughes 🔥🔥
blake.hughes 😈
user09 using the "😈" when soft launching ur teammates sister is crazy
user10 waittt who's he dating?
user09 streets are saying hes dating blake hughes! she recently posted a soft launch AND she was caught liking thirst edits of him😭
user10 oh theyre so unserious😭😭
comments on this post is limited
blake.hughes added to their story !
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nicohischier posted one minute ago!
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liked by jackhughes, blake.hughes, lhughes_06, and others
nicohischier the best december :)
tagged: blake.hughes
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blake.hughes :)
blake.hughes you make me beyond happy
nicohischier Du bringst mich zum Lächeln❤️
jackhughes nice but was the last pic really necessary?
nicohischer my bad
lhughes_06 does this mean I get to call you dad now?
jackhughes no
_quinnhughes no
user17 BLAKE???????
user18 at the same time too like thats soulmatism😭🙏
user19 nicos reply in german... im gonna kms theyre so cute wtf😭
blake.hughes posted 1 minute ago!
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liked by nicohischier, _quinnhughes, trevorzegras and others
blake.hughes my nico<3
tagged: nicohischier
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jackhughes … yours🤨
jackhughes pretty sure he was mine first bud
blake.hughes right but out of the two of us, who does he spend his nights with?
jackhughes WOAH?????
trevorzegras i think he’s ALL of ours
jackhughes no
blake.hughes no
nicohischier my girl❤️
trevorzegras 👽🍿
blake.hughes ok
_quinnhughes FINALLY🙏
jackhughes ?
_quinnhughes i’ve been waited for MONTHS for them to go ig official you don’t understand
jackhughes how tf did you find out so soon? Dawson literally told me like 2 weeks ago
_quinnhughes I know everything.
jackhughes alright mr. “i don’t really consider myself someone who knows what’s going on”
_quinnhughes they probably could’ve made out in front of you and you still wouldn’t have realized… mr. “I didn’t know there was a city in New Jersey”
trevorzegras Trevor ZEGRAS🧡
user20 in every pic of blake and nico hes always touching her in some way... like he loves her so bad they are my parents
user22 oh to be a fly on the wall when jack found out about the news...
user23 bro was definitely pouting he has such intense middle child syndrome
user25 i'm so glad that blake is happy after everything that happened... she deserves it the most<33
user27 ? get serious
533 notes · View notes
heavenlyhischier · 6 months
good luck | nico hischier
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penny and nico see each other for the first time for the new season.
au masterlist
With training camps starting back up for the season, Penny was running all around the city to get interviews and statements from returning players and new. She even had to fly out to Carolina for less than a day to talk to their players, and she was utterly exhausted. She knew she signed up for the busy schedule and constant travel from city to city, but didn’t take away from how tiring it was.
Today was a bit easier and lighter on her shoulders as she observed the New Jersey Devils training camp and then had the remainder of the day to finish her reports and a few articles she already drafted up. Her and a few other members of media teams waited around for the boys who had media duty to filter over once camp was over for the way. Despite it being her second year reporting on her own, she couldn’t help but feel nerves creep along her skin.
Penny had been standing off to the side after she finished the questions she had for Luke when she caught the eye of the team’s captain. His deep brown eyes were bright and excited as he gave her a faint smile, one she happily returned before focusing her attention back to the rookie. She fought back to blush to her cheeks as best as she could, but her efforts only did so much. Nico had that effect on her the entirety of last year, and clearly this year was going to be no different.
Nico’s heart beat against his ribs as he watched Penny’s cheeks flush a deeper shade. He’d developed a small crush on her during the duration of last season, and it would be a lie if he said he hadn’t been looking forward to seeing her again this year. He had carefully and subtly flirted with her when he was graced with her presence during an intermission or post-game interview, but he was going to be a bit bolder this year. 
He hovered around the locker room for a bit longer than he usually would, hoping that he would be able to catch her before she left. Nico couldn’thelp but be a little anxious as he worked up the courage to approach her outside of the obligatory interviews she had to do with him. What if he had been misreading her reactions to his flirtatious looks and comments? He’s sure that she gets that kind of attention from many other single hockey players, but he wasn’t sure how she responded to it.
Penny felt Nico’s gaze on her during the last few minutes of Luke’s interview, and it made focusing a little more difficult than she’d like to admit. She had let his actions last year go on because, truly, she didn’t mind the attention from him, but she fears it might’ve started something she wasn’t sure she wanted to continue. For as long as she could remember, she told herself that she would never date a hockey player. She grew up around them and knew that they had the reputation they did for a reason, and she wanted no part of that. 
Still, it never stopped her from vaguely flirting with Nico because a small part of her could tell that he wasn’t like many of the men in the league. One thing her father and brothers taught her was how to read people for who they really were. Nico was genuine and real while others said what they needed to get whatever they wanted and then move on. Despite that, she had still sworn off hockey players and she had no intent to go back on that. 
When Luke’s interview was wrapped up and over, she gave him a small hug before throwing her bag over her shoulders and turning to make her way out of the locker room. Penny caught Nico’s eyes for the second time, and before she could say anything, he was approaching her.
“Hey,” Nico greeted, his lips turning upwards into a smile.
“Hi, Nico,” She couldn’t help the slight teasing tone to her voice.
“How was your summer,” He asked, shuffling closer to Penny as he peered down at her.
“My summer was good. Just went back and spent time with family and traveled a bit. From what I saw, yours was pretty nice as well.”
Nico’s eyes widened a bit as she mentioned his summer, a warm feeling in his stomach as he spoke, “You keeping an eye on me?”
Penny realized what she had said as soon as it came out of her mouth, and she felt the embarrassment crawl up her neck. She hoped that Nico would just ignore it, but of course he didn’t. She could always lie and say that she was only doing it for work, but she didn’t want to upset or lie to him. Instead, she just playfully rolled her eyes and shoved his chest.
“So,” Nico swallowed thickly, the courage he had slowly dwindling, “I was wondering if you would be interested in going out sometime?”
Penny froze in her spot, but she wasn’t all that surprised at the question. She saw it coming eventually, but she didn’t think it would be the first time they’d seen each other since last season. Honestly, she wanted to agree to go out with him, but she couldn’t stop from a slight fear from settling in her chest. She’d been hurt by one before, one that she trusted more than anything, and she couldn’t deal with that again. Not while she was working for the NHL especially.
“I’m sorry, Nico, but no,” She winced as she watched his face fall and she was quick to continue, “It has nothing to do with you! It’s just– I don’t date hockey players.”
Nico felt disappointment flood his veins as she rejected him, but he was also confused. He knew it had nothing to do with some sort of rule. He’d asked someone just to be sure that it would even be allowed before he worked up the confidence to ask her. However, he hadn't gotten this far to give up so easily.
“Why not,” He asked, quirking a brow.
“Use your imagination,” She airily laughed, “I have to get going, but I’ll see you around.”
“I’m going to change your mind,” He called out as he watched her saunter out of the locker room.
“Good luck!”
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doc-pickles · 2 months
welcome to jersey! (Nico Hischier x Emilia Hess)
from the unless it’s you universe
Enjoy this little social media blurb! I have a small fic coming soon!
xoxo nina
emi.hess just posted!
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emi.hess new city with some familiar faces
tagged: nicohischier
ninahischier 🥹😍 miss you sm already!
emi.hess miss you too! come visit soon!!
ninahischier soon! and don’t let my brother push you around….
nicohischier i’m literally right here….
nicohischier welcome to the states 🔥
emi.hess thanks for being my tour guide 🫡
nicohischier just posted!
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nicohischier found an old friend
tagged: emi.hess
user friend???? or GIRLfriend???
jackhughes why do I never get a picnic?
lhughes_06 probably because you’re such a pain in his ass
tmeier96 and you pass out after half a glass of wine
ninahischier keep my best friend safe or we’ll be having words!!
emi.hess are we forgetting the part where im a grown woman???
emi.hess Picnic was 11/10 thanks bud
user lmao he got friend zoned 😂
user not the use of “bud” 😭
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