#Nerf CC
averyangrypossum · 3 months
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
No way they had to actually nerf aventurines story boss fight 😭😭
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vine-camp · 4 months
Platypus: Muack.
Platypus: ... Muack. *scurries away*
Preston: Motherf-! *chases after it*
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loreofthefritz · 2 years
5-year-old Gohan driving a jet plane before Goku and Piccolo knew how to start a car
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Funnily enough, it still makes sense that he doesn't know how to cross the street despite the fact, because:
He has never lived in the city before.
He's always with adults when they go to the city (unless he's flying with ki to get there).
Knowing how to cross the street is not a requirement in driving aircrafts or in fighting world-ending threats.
He can literally fly. What would he need street signs for?!
Which then got me asking, WHY does he need to drive an aircraft?!
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mattodore · 11 months
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damn anybody know if tumblr user mattodore is a mitski fan
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backfromtwitterforw · 3 months
Well, giving how the server tries very hard to make it seems like nothing happened, I guess I should've seen it coming, but the whole situation is really frustrating.
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zombie-ghost · 4 months
Question is this character's name spelt "nurf" or "nerf"
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hinashideout · 11 months
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Alivia Guidry: Unconventional, Perfectionist & High Maintenance
@wildmelon's cas game!! i did this with my sister and we both had a bunch of fun :)
jan (human)
ambivert (medium hair)
strawberry (red hair)
cat (black clothing)
autumn (brown eyes)
english (add tattoos)
foreign language (add eyebags)
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valaglarios · 2 months
i really can't say anything abt dante's nerf bc i barely played him and i do think the wf fandom has a habit of grossly overreacting about everything. sometimes nerfs are necessary and healthy and raging against every nerf that happens is stupid. that being said. the nerf has brought up a lot of genuinely important conversations about how wf's balance is really not in a good place right now and i hope the devs do actually approach that in a meaningful way at some point
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vampiremessiah · 10 months
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@morrigan-sims's random d&d cas challenge- Chaotic Good Ranger High Elf with medium hair who is overly formal with lots of jewlery and colorful makeup! meet saria valmys, who totally joined the party after they crashed a ball she was at lol. more about her and the photos under the cut!
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i think she gravitates to purple and blue makeup due to her dress but also because it ties her blue and brown eyes with her brown hair and her whole outfit and yeah can you tell i tried to coordinate so hard lmao
the only thing put together about her is her outfit LMAO she is so inquisitive, which is great, but she likes to poke her fancy sword in places it does not belong
that's how her hair got like that actually, she bent over to look at something and it dipped into a... substance... that sapped the color
she loots some of her jewelry but she sticks to the silver color scheme
the little headband is a size too big for her, she had to find a way to clip it down because she loved it too much to leave it when looting lmao
absolutely none of these poses were made for the sword i got so lucky,,, and the butterflies,,,, i tried way too hard to line that up
thank you glimmerbrook for the cool rain
me, reshade and srwe are usually not buddies but the stars aligned this time
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The amount of dreams I’ve had that include Wilbur is actually getting ridiculous.
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averyangrypossum · 2 months
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Caved and decided to share my main OC in the camp camp art style and universe
Even though I made my character in the camp camp art style a while ago the person that inspired me to post it/expand on it was @brewingcoffi with their OC, go check out their blog their stuff is so cool!
Lore and character under the cut
But anyways this is basically my main OC Jessie during the epilogue of her story. Where everything is (kind of) resolved and shes just left to pick up the pieces of the aftermath.
After her whole fiasco shes sent to Juvie for 11 months and afterwards sentenced house arrest and court ordered therapy, and after a while of being at home for house arrest shes granted permission to go to a camp to help her get re socialized with other “normal” children. And thats how she ends up at Camp Camp, specifically during seasons 1-4 since I don’t know if I want to draw her what she’d look like during season 5.
With an eye missing and a whole lot of baggage, literally and figuratively, she signs up for writing camp.
And she ends up having a great time! Not at the star at first cuz shes a little emo, but she starts making friends with the other campers, specifically Harrison. Shes one of the most troublesome camper besides Max but shes not seen as such by anyone other than Max because she inherited her father’s master manipulation skills.
Like father like daughter.
She has a stuffed bear similar to Mr honeynuts (Max’s bear) but it doesn’t hold the same weight since its really just a placeholder for another plush she had. Plus she has a pet emotional support raccoon that she successfully was able to take with her.
Her relationship with the other campers and counselors is how I rank it down here:
1. Harrison
Harrison is her tent-mate and her best friend at camp, basically like a brother to her, twin brother if you will since they found out they were born on the same day. Shes basically his number one supporter in magic and he frequently reads her stories and gives feedback.
2. David
She participates on the activity of torturing him with the other campers but she secretly sees him as a father figure, and hes the first one she goes to in the middle of the night when she cant sleep due to night terrors, and makes him make her a midnight snack.
3. Dolph
As an artist to another artist, they love each other’s company, Jess likes to draw too but more in a doodle kind of way and not of still life or arts and crafts kind of way. She likes watching Dolph paint in a way to call her down, and Dolph likes asking her if he could paint a scene from her stories.
4. Ered
Like everyone, she thinks Ered is cool, and admires Ered and even has a crush on her. WHICH IS BAD BY THE WAY! Cuz she has SEVERE mommy and daddy issues and anyone either older, cooler, maturer, and or smarter than her she will probably have a crush on them. But OTHER than that, they have a nice friendship where Jess asks Ered to teach her tricks on the skateboard, it does not usually go well.
(Oh and fun fact I actually met Ered’s voice actor and even got a signature from her at a con I worked at, she was so nice and shes just a really cool person)
5. Nerris
Jess has played DND before which leaves Nerris to frequently ask her to play with them, and sometimes Nerris would ask for story telling advice for future campaigns.
6. Preston
Jess’s mom and dad were both actors so she grew up having love for the industry, back when she still looked up to them. She even wanted to be an actor briefly when she was six but she grew out of it. Which leads Preston to cast her first in his plays since shes
“one of the only amateurs at this camp with an ounce of talent in her bones” -Preston
Although shes absolutely horrible at singing and pretty un-enthusiastic about acting. Not to mention she thinks Preston’s scripts are awful and once proposed to write on for him, he didn’t talk to her for four weeks in spite.
7. Neil
Her best friend outside of camp is literally THE BIGGEST NERD IN EXISTENCE TO THE POINT HES CONSIDERED A PRODIGY, which leads to her having a soft spot for nerds such as Neil.
And with what we are shown in season 3 episode 6, he falls easily for girls who know basic science. Which with Neil being the socially awkward person he is, sometimes he unintentionally makes her uncomfortable. Plus not to mention she enjoys Harrison fucking with him with magic, she finds it incredibly funny to the point its a little mean spirited. Other than all that other stuff she sometimes hangs out with him while Nikki and Max are doing their own things as she watches him do whatever science thing he happens to be doing.
8. Nikki
They don’t interact much, but Jess enjoys hanging out with her from time to time, and Nikki is the only other person Tim (Jess’s raccoon) likes.
9. Gwen
Her least favorite counselor but thats not saying much since theres only two of them. She still enjoys Gwen’s company and their relationship increases over the course of the summer, where Gwen helps Jess with her issues and complicated feelings towards her mother.
10. Space kid
She thinks hes weird, treats him like everyone else does unfortunately. Shes not really better than the others.
11. Max
Max doesn’t like her for most of the summer, because hes challenged for the title of being the biggest bastard at camp. Plus whenever she does said trouble, she gets away with it most of the time unless she’s cornered where she resorts to blaming it all on Max when he didn’t do shit for a change, and she is believed because shes seen as the ✨quiet sweet troubled girl✨ in David’s eyes and Max is Max.
They do end up having a partners in crime dynamic, specifically after parents day when he sees only her best friend came even its a PARENTS day. Which makes their dynamic more like a big sister and little brother, in the way ACTUAL siblings act.
12. Nerf
Hates how he physically bullies the other campers, in a way that isn’t entertaining to her.
13. Quarter master
Like the rest of the campers she thinks he’s INCREDIBLY weird even though shes used to supernatural elements so thats saying a lot.
14. Cameron Campbell
Hates him the same amount as the others.
15. The wood scouts
Has to restrain herself from making Edward join the one eye club eveytime she meets him, along with his posey but I forget if Snake has a damaged eye or no eye at all.
16. The flower scouts
Hates them the most and thinks they’re absolutely insufferable. Sasha reminds her of her mother especially and overall would pick a fight with them if she wasn’t literally held down BY THE LAW.
Thats it on this, I’m cringe but I’m free ~☆
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flop052 · 7 months
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oh i forgot to post this too this was a cc rq before it got nerfed
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braxiatel · 2 months
Having been in that place of “so many long distance friends all in one place!!” A couple of times I just can’t help but feel so much second hand happiness for the cc hermits. You could tell the entire weekend that they were all so giddy - from raising $800k for charity over two days, yes - but also from just being in the same space. Getting to hug and play fight and shoot each other with nerf guns and bringing treats from home for everyone to try.
It just makes you think, you know. I mainly deal with the characters they play, and try very hard to separate those characters from their creators, but at the end of the day all of the love that they pour into their characters and the world they make together is all down to how much they also love each other irl. And good for them, good for them. I hope they had just as much, if not more, time off the clock to just hang out together
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odusseus-xvi · 9 months
Antoine is saying that they are gonna do a vocal meeting with every cc and admins so that they can discuss the problems they have as almost every single cc has agreed that they see 0 interests in all the nerfs.
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etoilesbienne · 4 months
Okay on the reset, there's multiple things going on here.
I think it's fair for the heavily active CC to be frustrated their personal stuff was sidelined and interrupted with the reset, I get it. All that progress stopped. I also have full faith in all of the active CC to be able to bounce back and be capable of return in their own way. I trust this of BadBoyHalo and Tubbo. Pierre might have different concerns, but he's been doing content for a decade, I think he'll be fine.
On the other hand, I think this server reset was kinda necessary. Especially from the perspective of more new players being added soon. Like, even Tubbo when added was struggling to find things to do at first because he'd suggest something, and then people would point out someone else already did that like two months prior. To quote a friend, if Tubbo was struggling to find things to do, what's left for players like Lenay?
Keep in mind, the last time the admins tried something to level the playing field between active players and inactive players was Lucky Ducks. Which killed a lot of motivation for members who did like grinding hard to obtain materials. Lucky Ducks was just giving them that stuff without any work. This reset is the last resort in my opinion.
The other thing that interests me is that Etoiles mentioned that he knew about this reset coming (or something similar) for at least three months now. This is odd with the perspective of Pierre and BBH both reacting so badly, like they didn't know this would be happening. Because of both of these scenarios, I think there are two things that could have happened: 1. Etoiles vouching for a reset meant he talked to the admins more one-on-one over this. 2. The admins mentioned a server reset, and never detailed what that would revolve around. I personally think the second is more likely, as QStudios are somewhat... notorious? For being a little nebulous and not the best at communication for all streamers at once.
Ultimately I do think the server reset was a good decision, it encourages playing for people who were never able to get their foot in the door, and hopefully will make the server more active in the future. I also think the incentivizing for players to be farther apart ala Karmaland while create is off for the first few days is a good idea too, we don't need another Roier chunk that lags the hell out of the server being so close to spawn.
I think there's other parts that are less than desirable because they work poorly in practice (disabling all backpacks above iron unless purchased via... the new money system. The new money system in general. Punishing players for doing a bunch of backpacks as a storage system as if that isn't a fair playstyle because it's literally just a bunch of blocks on hand, it makes things more convenient I truly do not get the weird punishing behavior about backpacks. Not telling the players the list of nerfs/changes beforehand. Come on, I would love a Tubbo changelog reading stream. He'd have so much fun doing that.), however overall I am willing to wait another week or two to see how the admin team responds and fixes changes as they see them be interacted with. It's been three days, and there were a hell of a lot of changes.
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