#Mizu father theory
rithalie-sideblog · 2 months
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I want Mizu’s father to be a complicated character.
I’m a sucker for reformed fathers and while I don’t think it will happen, I want Mizu’s father to be VERY morally grey. Give me a man who doesn’t believe in fairness or goodness anymore. Give me a man who had been through so goddamn much he can’t even see the kindness for what it is. A man who sells souls and bargains with demons and kills people with equal amount of interest. A man who doesn’t believe himself to be a god or melomaniac but simply a practical man who knows what he is and what he is not.
A man who knows he’s not good, and doesn’t dare to think he is, a man who has been broken once and put himself back together out of sheer force of will.
Man who, at his heart, still remains humble street rat.
Man who is friends with horrible people because deep down he doesn’t believe he deserves better ones. A pact brother to Fowler, who he matches in strength and brutality but not exactly in tastes or debauchery.
Give me a man who once had a goal, he reached it or failed it and now has to keep going, because he made a lot of people dependable on him. A man who keeps his people fed and safe but doesn’t tolerate the littlest bit of resistance or disloyalty because he fell for that once before and he’s still hurt. (Sounds familiar?)
Give us man who maybe had a son or two already but secretly wants a child that he could protect and maybe save and who deep deep down dreams of having a daughter he could spoil rotten. His little princess.
And then he meets Mizu’s mother and he either falls in love or he doesn’t but he suddenly has a goal again and he would be damned if he loses it. And he does lose it, either by having his daughter stolen from him and killing everyone responsible for it, or by thinking both his daughter and his woman were murdered.
Let us see his breaking point, him losing himself in cruelty once again, because he had just what he wanted in the palm of his hand and he threw it all away for a business trip or a seemingly important deal back in London, which turns out to be his biggest mistake.
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And then give us a man who sees his daughter again but she’s not his little princess anymore. She never was.
Give us a man who is furious at what this world shaped his daughter to be. Who sees himself in her and he’s seething because he very much wanted her to be the opposite. To be happy and spoiled and loved. And Mizu is not.
She is ruthless, she is vary and she rarely sees kindness for what it is, especially in a foreign land. And she doesn’t trust him, even as he offers help in killing men that Fowler made her hate with his meddling. Men she suspects are either her father or the devil he works with.
Give me man trying desperately to make connection. Even as he bends the rules for her and breaks his own promises and lets himself care again.
And if it all fails and if she discovers he’s her father, he still tries to find a way to keep her. To protect her, shield her. Even if it’s by blackmail, even if he holds her friend’s lives in the palm of his hand as he offers her all the power he has. Even as she hates him with that reckless abandon we all know her to possess.
Give us a man who made a clan out of outlaws and makes Mizu his heir and their princess, as she screams and kicks and tries to get out of this position.
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erosia-rhodes · 4 months
Speculation on Mizu’s heritage
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Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix is one of the best things I’ve seen all year. As I’ve been rewatching it, I couldn’t help but speculate on Mizu’s heritage, and I wanted to share my theory so we can all laugh at how wrong I was in a few years. (I am notoriously bad at guessing plot twists. I was totally wrong about how Wandavision and Loki season 1 would end.)
Spoilers and speculation behind the jump.
Short version: Mizu’s mother was a white woman and her father was the Shogun. The Shogun’s wife, Lady Itoh, put the bounty on Mizu’s life because she was proof that the Shogun broke his own laws.
Who Would Want to Kill a Baby?
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We know that there has been a bounty on Mizu’s head since she was a baby. There are only three reasons I can think of for putting a hit out on a child who’s just been born and couldn’t have personally wronged anyone yet:
1) To deny them an inheritance.
2) To eliminate proof of an affair.
3) To eliminate proof of a crime.
The woman that claims to be Mizu’s mother is Japanese, so Mizu assumes her father must be white. But once Fowler reveals that Mizu’s “mother” was actually her maid, it opens up the possibility that Mizu’s mother was white and her father was Japanese.
We know that someone is willing to a pay a lot of money to kill Mizu, but the maid also ran off with enough money to take care of Mizu for several years, so at least one person in this mess is wealthy. We also know that someone still wants Mizu dead when she's an adult because men come to kill her when her husband rats her out, so she’s still a threat to someone else’s interests at that time.
If the Shogun slept with a white woman and fathered a mix-raced child as a result, that would fulfill all three reasons to put a bounty on a baby. Killing her would remove any chance that a bastard might try to blackmail her way into an inheritance, it would remove proof that the Shogun had an affair, and most importantly, it would destroy evidence that he violated his own laws against Western influence by sleeping with a white woman.
But the True Culprit is…
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But I don’t think the Shogun put the bounty on Mizu’s life. I think it was the Shogun’s wife, Lady Itoh, for several reasons:
1) Lady Itoh is willing to kill people who learn that her husband broke his own laws.
When the nobles are trying to escape the fire in the finale, Lady Itoh makes her sons lock the door behind them and sentence the other Lords to death because they witnessed the Shogun’s shame, the revelation that he broke his own laws by dealing with Fowler, a white man. She’s demonstrated that she’s willing to kill people to destroy proof of her husband’s violations, so she’d do the same to a mixed-race baby he fathered. It would also explain why Mizu’s maid never claimed the bounty herself; she would have been targeted for death too because she knew about the Shogun’s crime. She probably took whatever money was in the house when the killers came for Mizu, and went on the run as much to save her own life as Mizu's.
2) The woman’s a sadist.
Lady Itoh does everything she can to make Akemi’s life hell once she marries into the family. She saddles her with bitchy attendants and serves her disgusting food at the banquet, and finishes it off with the cooked remains of the bird Akemi tried to free. Then she sends her two more birds the next day, claiming they’re breakfast and lunch. I have no trouble believing this woman would put a hit on a baby!
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3) She’s a hardliner against Western influence
After the fire, Lady Itoh orders her sons to destroy 2000 guns which they could have used in the future against their enemies because she’d so fiercely against Western influence. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one who came up with the law banning white people and talked her husband into enacting it. That would explain why the Shogun was willing to violate the law, because he didn’t completely believe in it and only enacted it to get his wife off his back.
It Fits a Common Theme of Revenge Stories
Another reason I think Lady Itoh is the ultimate villain is because it fits the common theme that revenge is futile. Revenge usually destroys the person seeking it just as much as anyone they go after. There is a famous quote from Confucius that says, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." The implication is that the second one is for yourself.
If it turns out that Mizu has been going after the only four men in the country who couldn’t be her father, it would demonstrate how misguided revenge quests are. She’s spent her whole life pouring hatred into the wrong mission.
It would also be a painful twist to know that Mizu was in the same room with Lady Itoh in the finale, but she was focused on killing Fowler instead of realizing that her true enemy was fleeing out the back door with everyone else.
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How It Will All Sort Out
I predict that Mizu will eventually learn the truth about her parentage and ultimately target Lady Itoh for death, not just for revenge, but so she can permanently remove the bounty on her head and live her life freely as a woman.
Akemi might end up assisting Mizu since Lady Itoh is also her enemy. Akemi will probably spend season two battling Lady Itoh for control of the household, and thus the country. If Akemi can put her husband in place as the Shogun, she could remove the bounty on Mizu's head.
If Taigan ends up working as a castle guard, this might put him in conflict with Mizu and Akemi if they target Lady Itoh since he would be honor bound to protect her.
It will be interesting to see how it all sorts out!
ETA: I misspelled Lady Itoh's name, sorry! (According to the subtitles it's Itoh, not Ito) I think I fixed every instance.
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prickly-paprikash · 4 months
So there's a theory circulating around that Mizu's parentage is the opposite of what we've come to assume, which I'm sure many have already heard about.
When it was revealed that the "mother" who cares for Mizu was not her biological mother, but a maid who was paid off to hide Mizu away from those who'd kill her. So her mother might still be out there, somewhere. But what if her European heritage was maternal? That instead of being ashamed of having fathered a mixed bastard, one of the white men's wives/lovers decided to have an affair with a man in Japan, resulting in Mizu's birth and the threats to her life.
This could add so much more drama into the mix.
Because then the possibility is that both her parents might still be alive. Her mother returned to Europe, leaving behind money to Mizu's caretaker to ensure her safety. Her father might be in hiding, trying to distance himself away from Mizu and the White Men as to not endanger them all. He might even be plotting his own brand of vengeance.
Some have proposed that Mizu is the daughter of the late Shogun, who died in the flames. That he hid Mizu away due to the shame of his own hypocrisy; the law that bans Europeans from your shores would easily be undermined due to dealing with them in business, as well as having an affair with one of the men's own lovers. I'm a little shaky on this, but it'd be another neat way to complete the tritagonist status of Mizu, Akemi and Taigen.
Akemi is born privileged and now must climb up the hierarchy of the shogunate. Hers is a story of power, politicking, and the poison of court.
Taigen is born from nothing but rises high above his station, only to lose it all and try again. A tale of honor and self-actualisation.
And Mizu is a child born with immense wealth, but cast aside due to her heritage and appearance. Stripped of everything, now she only seeks satisfaction.
A simple, bloody road to vengeance.
Her father could just be a Ronin. A samurai in court. A farmer. Etc.
Whatever the case, it'd be a really sick twist if done correctly. That in the end, the vengeance she believes she's been chasing all this time has been all for nothing. Like painting but with missing colors, preventing her from fully grasping the true artistry of her goal.
Or this could just be a crackpot theory. Idk.
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
While theorising about the events to come in future seasons, I just keep going back to the question about who Mizu's parents really are.
So to try to figure it out, let's go over what we already know about Mizu's parentage and the white men. This info is from the flashback of Mizu as a baby in Episode 3, from the bounty hunters who came to kill Mizu in Episode 5, and from Fowler's reveals in Episode 8, assuming that everything he said is the truth.
Mizu must be someone important, as Fowler calls her Little Miss. It is capitalised in the Netflix official subtitles. This implies that Little Miss is something like a title, rather than just a nickname.
There is a bounty on Mizu's head with a sum few can resist. Whoever is trying to kill Mizu is rich and powerful.
Two men are sent to kill Mizu as a baby. They are Japanese. We know this because their swords are both katanas, and they're shocked when they see Mizu's blue eyes, discovering she's a "half-breed." Man #2 also calls her a "devil child" at the end of the flashback.
Man #2 is hesitant to kill her, as she's "only an infant," and ends up killing Man #1 to stop him from killing Mizu. Man #2 then gives Mizu to Mama, who is actually her maid.
Mama is paid to keep Mizu hidden. Mama does as told for years. We can infer that there was a steady stream of income going towards her, as she did as told until "the money ran out."
Skeffington and Routeley were the "worst" of the four white men, making their money from "selling Japan's unwanted daughters." Unwanted daughters like Mizu.
One of the white men "tried to burn Mizu alive as a baby."
One of the white men killed Mizu's mother ("Don't you want to know which one killed your mother?").
When bounty hunters came to the ranch to ambush Mizu, she asked them which white man they worked for. They only replied that the only white person they see is her. This could just be a way to avoid her question, or it could also imply that they do not work for a white man at all.
So from this, again assuming this is all true, let's go over some things:
The white men are NOT the ones who paid Mama to protect Mizu, as one of them had been responsible for trying to burn Mizu alive as a baby.
Mizu's mother was killed by one of the white men. She likely died protecting Mizu.
If it was the white father who tried to kill Mizu and her mother, then it's likely the mother's side who paid Mama to hide Mizu.
Mizu's mother must have been rich enough to afford servants.
Mizu's mother must have been someone powerful enough to have been in the shogun's inner circle, allowing contact between her and the white men.
Mizu's mother should be someone tied to existing characters, to make the reveal of her identity more narratively significant.
So with all that said, let me dip my toes into wild theory-land for a bit and propose a new idea.
WHAT IF: Mizu's mother was a concubine or even the previous wife of the Shogun? And, considering how people have pointed out how similar Lady Itoh and Mizu look (credits to @roninzuzu in particular for her post on this), what if, maybe just maybe, Mizu's mother was also Lady Itoh's sister?
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If this is true, then Mizu's connection to the shogunate would explain why and how Fowler knew so much about Mizu's past, especially regarding her maid taking care of her, etc. This is because Fowler is allied with the Shogun himself, as well as one of the shogun's closest advisors, Master Chiba. So if it were true that the previous wife/consort of the shogun gave birth to a blue-eyed baby, it would've been a big scandal that was certain to reach Master Chiba's ears, and he would have in turn informed Fowler about it.
If this is the case, both the shogun and the white man would be trying to kill Mizu and her mother. The shogun would be trying to cover up the scandal, while the white man would be furious that she wanted to keep the baby at all, as the scandal likely ruined his business dealings in Japan and forced him to retreat back to London or wherever else he came from.
But then, if that is the case, then who would have been the one paying Mizu's maid to take care of her? I think it's Lady Itoh. If she and Mizu's mother had indeed been sisters, perhaps Lady Itoh went behind the shogun's back to protect her sister and her baby niece. Because maybe Lady Itoh knew that Mizu's mother had wanted to protect her no matter what happened. In such a case, what kept Mizu alive would thus have been love. Her mother's love. In this scenario, Mizu would have been brought into the world through the sheer strength of her mother's unconditional love. This would be a very poignant message that overturns everything Mizu believes about herself.
Moreover, Mizu having connections to the shogunate would inevitably lead to her wanting to discover the truth about her mother's identity. This would thus bring Mizu back to Edo palace, and would neatly tie Mizu and Akemi's storylines together again, letting them cross paths once more and work together to face the main plot-conflict.
TL;DR it's my crazy theory that Mizu's dead mom was the sister of Lady Itoh and the previous consort of Shogun Itoh. She had an affair with one of the white men, and against her better judgement and against what everyone else wants from her, she decided to keep Mizu. By making this decision, she risked and sacrificed everything for Mizu, out of love.
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lc-417 · 5 months
Blue Eye Samurai Theory
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*Spoilers Ahead*
This is just a crazy, shot-in-the-dark theory, but one that would make for an interesting twist (in my opinion anyway). What if Mizu's white half doesn't come from a man....but from a woman? Think about this:
Assuming Fowler isn't lying, the woman Mizu thought was her mother wasn't actually her mother. Just a maid paid to look after her (and who only did it until the money ran out). So who is Mizu's real mother then, and why couldn't she raise her daughter?
When Mizu was a baby, two men tried to kill her, but one lost the nerve and either maimed or killed his partner to save her instead. Could this have been her father, who couldn't bear to kill his own flesh and blood (even though it was mixed blood)? And though we never see him, we hear him refer to her as the "Devil Child". If this had been a white man, he probably would have made reference to her being a half-breed. It was the Japanese that saw her as a devil or demon.
It seems to be common knowledge that there were four white men in Japan when Mizu was born. But how many white women were there? Considering how Japanese women were seen as lesser than men, would anyone have even considered white women worth noting?
If the show keeps true to genetics, in order to be born with blue eyes, BOTH of Mizu's parents would need to be carriers of the recessive blue eye gene. So one of them had to be mixed race, or at least have white ancestry. Chances are equally good that this could have been her mother or her father. But seeing as how life was so difficult for Mizu that it was safer to pose as a boy, odds of surviving to adulthood would likely have been better for a mixed race man.
Like I said, just a crazy theory. But I think it would be interesting if, after killing all of her targets, Mizu discovers that none of them were her father and that the source of her white blood was her mother all along. Would she be as eager to exact revenge knowing a woman may not have had a say in the pregnancy?
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Whatever direction this show takes, I just want Season 2 (and 3...and 4...whatever it takes to reach a satisfying conclusion). And soon (not 3 years later like Arcane). Get on it Netflix. If I don't get more Blue Eye Samurai, I'm gonna go on the revenge path...and I assume I won't be alone.
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rinandsketches · 5 months
Still on the train of thought about Blue Eye Samurai. I been seeing people really diss Taigen so...Let's talk about him.
I'm going into a dive into his character cause people only see a bully that might have a toxic relationship to Mizu. I'm going to dive in from start to finish and give my theories and takes on this fisher man's son to where he is know.
Beginning in episode 1-
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So..I'm pretty sure everyone's first reaction was like mine. We wanted this guy to be knocked down a peg. Meeting him as that one kid bully who was going to take things to far with a rock. In the adult years he has worked hard and managed to get not only high honors but the love of a princess.
I kinda ship Mizu and Taigen (sue me) but this one episode is where people draw their conclusions to judge off Taigen as mostly irredeemable. He's proud, cocky, a brat, and he openly cheats on Akemi with some girls while celebrating his engagement, he was arrogant, proud of it and had every right to be, this is proof by the size of top not. its bigger then the rest of the students, literally showing his importance as the top samurai in the dojo. Placing my cards on the table here, if Mizu had not shown up, Taigen would have just become like Akemi's father. Its a small hint by the father stating that he also started small and worked hard like Taigen, seeing himself in Taigen.
What saved him was Mizu.
The duel happened and his chonmage was cut off by Mizu. She stripped everything from Taigen. Yet he is a prideful guy, he goes out to try and get back what his. I think the spot where his hair was cut is a way to show he is now ,not only a member of the outcast as a disgraced warrior, but he was ready to regrow again.
during his adventure with Mizu, fighting with her (alongside and against her), his wants begins to change. I don't know how many people noticed this but Taigen's hair does grow back by the last two episodes which is in the span of a few days or Possible a week. It could signal the new change in Taigen, he's softer to Mizu, less arrogant, and despite his feelings towards the fact Akemi is married he still saves her husband. Now he did get mad at Mizu and its kind of understandable, they have been at the forge for a week and she didn't say anything about Akemi and Fowler's plan until much later. Depsite that he fights with her against fowler.
This leads to the final scene with Taigen,
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After everything single God damn thing he been through, he's reached this point. As Mizu said, he's not good but he can be great. She was not referring to his combat skills, she was talking about his character. Taigen also comes to figure this out, he doesn't need to be good with a blade to be great nor does he want to. If this had been episode 1 Taigen, I believe he would have thrown a fit if Akemi told him she wanted not be with him instead he must have took her back to her husband before leaving.
To sum up: yes, Taigen was a jackass, and an arrogant one to boot. I believe he was looking for a way to be happy with the options he had. Clearly it wasn't easy for him growing up, as Mizu probably thinks. Speaking of Mizu, the two need to have a conversation. Taigen definitely has regrets about not making her life easy, but Mizu also needs to begin a forgiving process. Its safe to say Mizu has a hard time letting things go..so it might take a while before the two can let their past go and continue to grow as people, and possible companions.
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pepto-bismolfan · 6 months
OKAY so theory time and or just a symbolism I found
So! We know that there were four white men in Japan before they all get banned right? And how they were all horrible people and what’s another group of four people that are bad? The four horsemen of the apocalypse
Now I thought of this before we knew really anything about the four white guys; however, this was solidified during episode 8 when Fowler pulls up on his white horse
(Apologies about the quality of the photo lol)
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Now the four horsemen each have their own kind of horse
Conquest on white
War on Red
Famine on black
Death on pale/green
Now fowler fits the conquest archetype like a glove; his entire plan is to conquer Japan and take it for himself.
But now it’s got me wondering what the other men will be. From Fowler we know that rest of the men were named Violet, Skeffington, and Routely, with the last two according to Fowler being the worst.
Now I don’t have any idea what the other men could be horsemen wise but I have a sneaking suspicion that which ever one is war is Mizus father. Remember how she tamed a red horse…
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bee-in-my-bonnet · 5 months
Thoughts on Taigen's switch from wanting greatness to happiness
Random theory/thoughts on Blue Eye Samurai/Taigen/Mizu because it's taken over my brain. Also ~SPOILERS~
I thought it was kind of odd that Taigen went from being obsessed w/ regaining his honor/seemingly marrying Akemi (imo) mostly for the status to suddenly being like "I just want to be happy and have a small happy life". Like all his actions up to that point seem to point to him wanting to be *great* not *happy* (see him insisting to Ringo that *he* is great, and being pissed off hat he doesn't get the respect he deserves)
Maybe his mindset switch is just exhaustion from all the violence, but that doesn't seem very him since he is, after all, a samurai. Maybe instead it's his quiet admission that he will refuse to actually partake in the duel/attempt to kill Mizu. If the only way for him to regain his status is to kill Mizu, and he cannot bring himself to do that, he has to give up on being *great*. Happiness, perhaps, is the next best option (also, an obvious way to maybe subconsciously still get the most out of his relationship with Akemi, since it fits with the moment). I also like the concept of the bridge representing that switch in his mindset - in the castle, with Mizu, he is still dedicated to greatness. By crossing the bridge and leaving Mizu behind, he is also leaving his desire for greatness behind.
I wonder if too, a small happy life seems more palatable after his time with Mizu in their hometown. I doubt he's thought it through to this extent, but it felt almost like a little slice of life/shadow of what a small, happy life with Mizu could be. Bringing her breakfast (*the* move for any MLs) and getting straddled by her by the fire (and clearly liking it) perhaps put a new concept in his head of what he truly wants. He spent so much time assuming he would hate a small life because of his own experience with his father, but maybe he starts thinking...but wait, this is actually where I want to be.
In the moment he pushes it aside and projects this newfound desire (of a person, and the concept of a life) on Akemi ("I guess I miss Akemi") because that's an easy way for him to process a TON of new emotions (desire for who he thinks a man, doubts about his entire life path, a reframing of his entire ego)
very curious to see what goes down in S2 👀
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zyrlovesmizu · 1 month
y’know I respect a fan’s choice about how they want to view mizu but tiny ramble about it here. this isn’t any sort of discussion or ‘matter of fact’ essay, just a simple rant about headcannons about her being TRANS and her SEXUALITY.
Warning: extremely long.
Given the numerous limitations that would arise from traveling as a woman, I find it very difficult to understand why some people believe Mizu is transgender when it's obvious that she is hiding this information in order to survive. This was particularly true during the Edo period, when women were dehumanized and treated like objects because we only ever see them as a slave or working in a brothel (majority of the show at least). They were also seen having to depend on men for nearly everything, as demonstrated in the episode where the mother and daughter were left outside to freeze to death since her husband was not present to accompany them. Along with that subtle hints were presented to us that show how comfortable she is when in touch with her femininity like a few moments in the episode where she came back to Swords-father Eiji’s hut. Though, I can definitely see why people would label her as transmasc with the theory that she must’ve grown so accustomed to this sort of lifestyle, she’d perhaps just become transmasc in the later episodes. We’ll never know!
Next, not gonna lie, I’m insanely guilty of viewing Mizu as a bisexual women despite feeling that she is leaning more toward heterosexuality in terms of her sexuality. I have the biggest fattest crush on her so I have no problem stating how much I'm crying and wailing over this. Like c’mon, let's be real, I guarantee that 98% of simps are female, and I’m sure every single one of us has mentioned once that we can all treat her better than Mikio and Taigen. Speaking of Taigen, I HAVE to admit that him and Mizu do have the best chemistry compared to everyone in the show. It’s clear in the way she pulls him away from those shooting arrows, knocks him out becahse she fears for his safety if he follows, saving him from Fowler's castle even though she could have easily just left him to die and slain Fowler, etc. At first, I would’ve assumed she’d have trauma with men especially after Mikio’s betrayal which might’ve led her to stray away from any romantic attraction with men—or anybody in general. Honestly, I have dedicated my time to search for ANY hint (ok not rlly) that she might be attracted to women, but the only time I ever see her become flustered by one is when she appears to be taken aback by the prostitues she tried to ask for directions to the Shindo Dojo. Plus, there were only two occasions where she interacted with Akemi that people use to automatically ship them which is when she saw Akemi in her carriage (not sure of the specific name) and pinned her down in Madame Kaji's brothel. I can’t imagine them as a couple in later episodes, something I’m been dying to see. Though, it’s hard to determine what was running in her mind during the scene where they both stole glances at each other, especially since there was no sort of indication in her inner thoughts or emotions, so it’s normal to assume the above as well. (Despite that, I’m still rooting for AT LEAST bisexual Mizu because for the love of god and for the sake of all of the gay women here, PLEASE. /j)
I may make jokes about these headcannons like playfully hating on the TaiMizu ships. All in all, I’m sure the fans are mature enough to understand that these are meant to be lighthearted jokes and that people interpret a character and show in various ways and it’s normal! Even if I can’t comprehend the theory or feel as though it is a little too complicated/really negotiable, remember to support what you want, ship what you want, make whatever headcannons, nobody’s stopping you! Don’t be too afraid to just announce what you feel about the show. All I ask is to avoid SERIOUSLY cancelling someone just because of their own feelings and opinions. In the end, they’re stilll fictional characters (😞😞) who have no sort of physical form of any sort so do whatever, as long as it isn’t really THAT problematic in a sense (e.g. romanticising rape), go for it.
(Sorry for bringing her sexuality into this, I’m aware of how the show is definitely not centering on this and not every single thing has to be LGBTQ-related but I noice it’s something constantly brought up in the fandom. As someone whose phrasing and essay writing skills suck, I’m still learning bit by bit about how the world works in terms of differing views on things. I may not support your idea of a character but I RESPECT it! If I came off as rude, I’m sorry, remember it’s just my random midnight thoughts🙏)
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evaglass · 2 months
Four men, four countries
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So I'm just posting and speculating for fun. This is a small theory, but I think it would be interesting if each of the four men were from each country in the British Isles.
So we already know that Fowler is from Ireland, but we don't know about Violet's, Skeffington's, and Routley's origins aside from the fact that they're most likely from the British Isles. Usually, you can tell where someone is from by their surnames, not always, but usually; however, I don't think that will help us in this case. The reason why I don't think the mens' surnames will give clues on where they're from is because I don't think they're using their real names.
The reason I think those names are aliases rather than their actual names is due to the timeframe and historical context. There is no way around the late 16th century to early 17th century would an Irish child be named Abijah Fowler; he would have most likely been named after his paternal grandfather if he was the oldest son, and it would be an Irish Gaelic name, along with his surname also being Irish Gaelic.
It also makes sense that the men are not using their birth names as they are participating in the black market.
However, I think I can at least make an educated guess on where each the men could be from.
Violet - I think he's English, I also think he was somewhat of the leader in that group. Violet was referred to as "old Violet," which could mean he's an old friend or he was possibly very elderly, maybe the eldest out of the four men.
It would make sense if he was the eldest, considering in the flashback he seemed very easy to kill. I also want to bring up that Fowler genuinely seemed upset about Violet's death and looked like he was genuinely going to kill Mizu for it. I believe each of the four men came from harsh upbringings, like Fowler, and I think Violet was likely the first to go into that sort of black market lifestyle and took the other three men under his wing. It's likely Violet took Fowler in after he lost his sister and thought him everything he knew.
It's a bit tricky to figure out Skeffington and Routley, especially if the surnames do turn out to just be aliases. So, let's look at the names from a more metaphorical lense instead.
Skeffington - so when I do a quick Google search of the name Skeffington, its meaning has roots in the words 'sheep' and 'farmstead', which you'll find a lot of both in Wales. A bit on the nose, to be honest.
Routley - looking into the meaning of the surname, Routley was a bit more difficult as apparently to some sources, the meaning is lost, but according to ancestry, the surnames can be associated with the term 'cliff', and Scotland makes 60% of cliffs in Britain. RIP Welsh Routley theory, you will be missed
Another thing is that I believe that Skeffington will be the most sadistic, as someone on another post pointed out that Skeffington can also be referred to as Skevington, which is also the name of a torture device know as Skevington's daughter. His last name having ties to the term sheep can also be used to foreshadow his personality as a wolf in steep clothing, someone who's a mindless sheep (a blind follower), or even a sheep in wolves clothing because deep down he's a coward.
As for Routley, I can assume he's probably the youngest out of the four. Also, let's be honest, many of us believe he's either Mizu's father, or if you believe in the European mother theory, then most would believe he's at least her uncle because of the 'pretty eyes' comment. It's very likely that Routley will be the most significant target to Mizu, and he'll play a big part in season 2. Which might mean Mizu be half of
In all seriousness, it could be possible that each for four are from one of each country in the British Isles as during that time frame it could be beneficial for the group for one person to know Welsh, another to know Irish Gaelic, and another to know Scottish Gaelic. I also want to point out that, apparently, the surname Violet comes from the term 'pathway', I guess Violet painted the pathway for the other three men to join him.
Take this with a huge grain of salt as this is just a theory for fun.
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localtheorycorner · 4 months
Theory on Mizu's heritage
After the season finale, we see Mizu go on a boat to find the other white men who could possibly be her father. But, one theory that has been brought up is that her mother is of European descent and that her father is the Shogun. It would make an interesting twist.
People have brought up that Lady Ito would do anything to make people forget that her husband had been dealing with Western traders. She even makes her son lock the door behind them, trapping the nobles because they saw Fowler. Evidence of the Shogun's dealings with the West. But you know whole else they saw? Mizu, a half Japanese, half white person. More evidence of her Husband's dealings, and evidence of a forbidden affair.
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When Mizu confronts Fowler, he notes that he isn't sure if Mizu's his child because he was sure he counted all of his bastard children. I doubt that Mizu is his child because it would make things too easy. Besides, we should talk about the bounty on Mizu's head. Mizu's "mom" isn't actually her mom. Fowler says that she was a maid, and that Mizu's heritage is much more complicated than that. The bounty on Mizu's head wouldn't make sense if Fowler did it because he doesn't even recall her. Plus, Mizu believes that her mother was most likely a commoner, and her mom is dead. So I doubt her own mother put a bounty on her head. Also the bounty was implied to be a very high one. Also, Mizu's "mom" was revealed to be a maid. Since white people don't have power in the Edo Period, I doubt the maid came from her European heritage. It likely came from the Japanese side. Perhaps the Shogun felt some sympathy for the child of his affair, and paid a maid to take care of Mizu.
Regarding who put the bounty on Mizu's head, it was most likely Lady Ito. Of course she would want the evidence of an affair killed off, she's constantly sadistic towards Akemi, her daughter in law. Again, I doubt a white person put a bounty on Mizu's head because of their lack of power. Why would the Japanese people listen to a foreigner's demand? But, if it came from the Empress, it would be more appealing. Plus, it was to a point where Mizu had to pretend to be a boy so that it could throw off the bounty hunters. So that implies the bounty was very high, something that Lady Ito could afford.
This just leaves one factor though. There were only 4 white men let into Japan, so where could Mizu's mom be? I have 2 theories. One of them is that while the 4 men were let in, there was nothing said about their wives. Often times, traders would bring their wives along with them. I doubt the Shogun would have cared if the men brought their wives because Edo Japan did not see women as people, and therefore they were no problems. My second theory is that one of the 4 white men was actually a woman crossdressing. While women crossdressing was uncommon, it wasn't unheard of if they needed to gather more power. Joan of Arc being an example. Mizu also dresses like a man to have more power because women did not have power. I also believe that there are historical examples of women being raised like sons because they were to be the heirs of their families. It's definitely possible. Besides, it would be a nice twist to see that Mizu had been searching for the wrong thing. Instead of searching for a white man, she should have been searching for a white woman.
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thaliajoy-blog · 5 months
One thing in the last discussion between Mizu & Fowler kind of baffles me. Like he knows something, he knows she's "the one" some people have been hunting for some time. He knows who Mizu's mother is. But also he's like "maybe you're one of mine" (if he really means that ???). And then makes guesses about who Mizu's father can be aside from him. Like WTF was happening did they all have sex with Mizu's mom & they didn't bother to learn who fathered her ??
This makes the theory that the ones hunting for Mizu are working for her mother's family or even her own mother like extra-credible. Especially with the other white guys off to London.
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wakandamama · 5 months
Fowler was telling the truth, Mizu is 1000% NOT his daughter. He was too meticulous in wiping any of his children from existence to lead to the fact that Mizu was a kept baby. When the assassins come for her they have to kill either her mother or an additional nurse maid to get to her. Another Nurse maid is paid off to take care of Mizu for at least 8 years. She is still an infant but she's at least a few months old.
Fowler states that him and Violet lived Loudly during the potential years of Mizu's conception. Why would two men who live loudly gaf about a bastard they left behind? Why would they waste the money to have a kid taken care of so long? Mizu's father has to be one of the men who went back to London.
Or, maybe it was her mother who was the white parent👀
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andromeda3116 · 4 months
had the idea pop into my head of, "what if none of the white men are mizu's father, because the white parent is the mother? and that's why they were searching for her specifically - specifically enough that the maid/mama believed that she would be safer disguised as a boy, and for fowler to immediately realize "oh, it's you" - to kill her, specifically, when nobody else seemed to care enough to hunt the mixed children down except fowler for his own bastards?"
is this a common theory?
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captainstardew · 3 months
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just a quick theory on what the symbolism between the four white men in BES is in this photo, and what I think they will be like in season 2.
warning: spoilers for Blue Eye Samurai
first, we start with Skeffington. Which is most likely the tall, lanky one in the middle. Fowler told Mizu that she has the height of Skeffington, which is why the shadow figure in the middle is most likely Skeffington. Even though we haven’t seen him, or heard much of him, I feel like he’s going to be an absolute maniac. Like, fresh out of the insane asylum maniac. I also feel like he’s going to have slender man vibes. Just imagine, a tall, slender guy with long arms chasing you down a hall way. He’s probably going to be the most eerie and creepy of the four.
second, we have Fowler. I can’t very well tell which one is Fowler, but I think he’s the one on the right (next to Skeffington), considering that Fowler is known for his broad and hulk-like physique. Fowler has the same rage and overall insane amount of strength as Mizu does, but even with these qualities I don’t believe Fowler is her father. At the end of ep 8, he seems to recognize Mizu. As if he had seen her when she was really little. In the next season, He could know who her father is and use it just to lead her on a wild goose chase, or he could be like a Doctor Watson with Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a case. There are many ways this could pan out. I also believe he could die eventually next season, he may have one of those quick, yet accidental deaths of a villain where they quite don’t focus on their death, but rather the task the main character is trying to complete (if that makes any sense).
third, Routley. He is the one on the left, being short and stubbly. Like I said with Fowler, I can’t be too sure this is Routley or Fowler. He is described to have “pretty eyes” like Mizu’s, but unfortunately with the shadowy figures, they don’t present his eyes very well. I could only imagine him as a British Lil’ Gideon. If you watched gravity falls when you were younger, you know what I mean. That’s all I have to say. Enjoy a British Lil’ Gideon running around in your brain.
Lastly, there is Violet. He is the figure on the very right, which seems to be crouched and has antlers. I haven’t figured out what the antlers nor the crouching position could mean, since unfortunately, the show reveals little to nothing of violet. We haven’t even heard what part of him Mizu has “inherited” that could allow us to assume he is even her father, unless I missed something. (please let me know if I did miss anything. if you have any information on violet, your input will be much appreciated). Violet was killed offscreen by Mizu, maybe after the incident with her husband and fake mother. He may come back as a surprise villain, revealing that he never actually died, which would be likely. I doubt they will leave Violet out of the show, and simply use him as an offscreen killing. I feel like he was probably more of a humble man, who was not quite as devious, violent or vulgar as the other three. He probably only was interested in the business then the actual products, such as the prostitutes. Of course I could be wrong with my assumptions, but this is all just a theory, a GAME THEORY! (Rip game theory, we’ll miss u)
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Idk if this is a theory going round or confirmed yet Bc I haven’t finished the series but was Mizu’s husband the man who chose not to kill her as a baby and THAT’S why he lost his honour and became a ronin and THAT’S what he realised when he fought her under the tree - not that she’s better at sword fighting, Or a touch competitive, but that she was the whole reason he “transgressed” in the first place?!,!?! (Not like that was HER fault mister, YOU decided killing a baby was wrong which it IS)
I mean why else would he send the soldiers after her?!??! Or maybe he knew who she was the whole time (I mean, he’d recognise her mom right?), but he suddenly saw a similarity between her and her father and was disgusted by it? There’s theories Mizu is the daughter of a noble lady and that he “mother” was the handmaiden. Maybe his lord punished him for not ridding their clan of the illegitimate heir.
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