#Mike weiland
duffsvelvet · 4 months
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yearning for a place that no longer exists
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Round 2 Group D propaganda form now open!!
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be wacky y'all
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red-lilith · 2 years
September 29th 1992
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Alice In Chains release their sophomore album, Dirt.
Stone Temple Pilots release their debut album, Core.
It’s been 30 years since these two albums have been released!
Thought I’d make some art to celebrate the occasion.
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ladycat4u2 · 1 month
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Saw on fb. Awesome. Much props to the original artist
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red-weiland · 7 months
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HBD Scott Weiland R.I.P. He would have been 56 years old today. I photographed his band Stone Temple Pilots for Ray Gun Mag. in 1992. We shot in an alley off Hollywood Blvd and Cole. Scott and I use to hang out at The King King bar before they released their first album. Later we became neighbors in Topanga.
— Mike Miller Photography
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
If you're still doing this: top five podcasts OTHER that Presidential (I finished it two weeks ago 😁)
Unfortunately, I don't listen to many podcasts aside from Presidential (so thrilled you listened to it!), so I don't have too many options for this list.
Writing Excuses: Podcast about writing sci-fi and fantasy hosted by Brandon Sanderson, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and (eventually) Mary Robinette Kowal. I don't much like what the podcast has become with the new rotating roster of guest hosts, so I don't listen to it much anymore, but for a few years, I listened to this frequently and it taught me a lot about writing (my ideal era is roughly around Seasons 6-11). It's still the template for my ideal podcast format--several hosts, so you get multiple perspectives and voices, but with short episodes that stay on topic instead of turning into a drawn-out gabfest.
American History Tellers: An American history podcast that I found shortly after finishing Presidential. It tends to tell stories in 3-8 episode arcs about different eras of American history, with frequent interludes that provide cinematic retellings of historical moments, complete with sound effects. So far I've listened to an episode about Prohibition (which interviews the host of Presidential), the arc about Andrew Jackson, and an episode about Yosemite National Park, all of which I thought were excellent.
Story-a-Day Podcast: Another writing podcast, focused on short fiction in all genres. This one's more business-focused than I like, so I don't listen often, but every once in a while, I find an episode that provides insights that upend my ideas of writing.
K.M. Weiland's Writing Podcast: I do not get along with her hyper-structured story-writing method. But when I needed a break from Writing Excuses, I'd sometimes listen to an episode and find something worthwhile there.
Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year: These are at the bottom of the list because I haven't actually listened to these yet, but they come highly recommended from family members who have listened to them, and the pieces I've heard sound excellent. Bible in a Year might be a bit of a harder sell for me, because Father Mike reads really fast, but the one episode of Catechism in a Year left me almost overwhelmed with excitement over how my readings about history and philosophy fit in with the Catholic ideas of how we're supposed to engage with public life.
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Pearl Jam: Mike McCready
Soundgarden: Chris Cornell
Alice in Chains: Jerry Cantrell
Nirvana: Dave Grohl
Stone Temple Pilots: Scott Weiland's red hair
Mother Love Bone: Stone Gossard
Temple of the Dog: ... oh fuck
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
My February Reading Review
Lunatic by Dan Mazur - *** - Probably a 5 star rating in terms of the artistic quality and visual storytelling of the book (my appreciation for the sheer amount of thought and skill in technique was heightened by the little making-of appendix at the end,) but it hasn't stayed with me in any meaningful way, so I'm going rate the experience a three.
The Saga of Didrik of Bern translated by Ian Cumptsey - **** - My brother and I roared with laughter as we read aloud this fourteenth century Germanic-Scandinavian legendary cycle. How do I even begin to give a sense of what a strange set of stories this is? I'm decently steeped in medieval lays and tales of chivalry, but I had previous been exposed mostly to the French and English traditions. This - is something else. King Arthur's knights often fall, but when they do, there is a sense of tragedy to it, and noble deeds abound aplenty too. Didrik of Bern and his men are plain boors and their exploits are full of unintentional comedy. When Sir Eckia showed up briefly with the manners of a French tale of chivalry, the contrast could not have been clearer. I am going to treasure Weiland Smite, Wideke, Detsleff the Dane, and Hagen for years to come. At least now I know what all those illuminations with a knight breathing fire are about.
The Trial of Sherlock Holmes by Leah Moore - *** - Moore clearly has a love for the real Holmes and Conan Doyle, and she does an acceptable job evoking his atmosphere whilst taking it in her own direction. (I was about to say "invoking his spirit," but given Doyle's occultist tendencies, it felt too much like a pun.) However, the mystery itself was weak, but not in the way Doyle's mysteries are sometimes weak, and the ending didn't pay off with the resonance it had clearly tried to build up to.
Wayfarer by K. M. Weiland - **** - Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Superpowers in 1820 London, written with intelligence? Yes! While not a perfect book, it was so eminently my sort of book. I loved the cast, and I grew quite attached to Will. The theme of God being no respecter of persons was an interesting spine for such a story, and I liked the light touch with which it rant through the story. The progression of story beats was very satisfying. Atmosphere-wise, I feel like Weiland has watched the 2009 Little Dorrit, and she certainly loves her Dickens in general - so many little homages to him throughout. There were areas that could have been improved, but the book was just so tailor-made for me I don't mind.
The Garden of the Gods by Gerald Durrell - *** 1/2 - The final book in the Corfu trilogy. On the one hand, the eccentric characters and the lush naturalist passages are as wonderful as ever. However, I do note with dismay that there was decidedly more crude content to skip over than in some of Durrell's previous offerings (The first book was published in the fifties, and this one came out twenty years later - I suppose his publishers let him get away with more.) However, with the application of some blank stickers and a black marker, it's an enjoyable book. I'm a little sad to come to the end of the trilogy. Not that Durrell doesn't have at least five or six more memoirs I haven't read, but they won't have glorious Corfu and Spiro and the villas by the ocean. And I probably won't be seeing so much of Larry, Leslie, Margo, and Mother in the remaining books.
Still in progress: Made for Love by Fr. Mike Schmitz, The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle, The Day is Ready for You by Alison Malee, The Nicholas Nickleby Story by Leon Rubin, The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook by Martin M. Antony, The Father's Tale by Michael O'Brien, The Epistles of St. Paul
DNF: In Calabria by Peter S. Beagle. I am thoroughly miffed about this one, because I was really enjoying the reflective prose and the ideas about inspiration and even metanoia in Bianchi's relationships with Romano, Giovanna, and the unicorn. But then late in the book and rather out of right field we got some content I didn't find acceptable popping up, so I had to leave it unfinished. I was about 70% of the way through - not far enough to count on my yearly challenge. Grr.
I think a good deal of the coming month will be devoted to finishing my books in progress, but I'll probably add something new so I can have an audiobook on the go after I finish Valley of Fear. I feel like I should pick a classic with some depth (possibly a full-cast Shakespeare play? I should finish "Othello"), but I also want to do A Conspiracy of Kings.
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rock-and-roll-hell · 2 years
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June 28, 1996
Reunion Tour
Tiger Stadium - Detroit, Michigan
📸 include Gary Malerba
First full-scale "Reunion" concert in the only place it could have started: The "Rock City!" Tickets for the show sold-out in a stunning 47-minutes on April 20. Bruce Redoute and Lee Neaves, the teenagers who held the KISS sign on the back cover of the "Alive!" album, were given tickets to this show by a radio station.
Ace recounted that he felt like the Beatles at Shea Stadium when he stepped out on stage at the start of the concert. Ted Nugent had offered to join the band onstage for "Detroit Rock City," but was shot-down by the band. According to Gene, "The kids would crucify us, are you kidding? They don't want to see anybody else on that stage, period. It doesn't matter if you're Elvis" (Detroit Free Press, 6/23/96).
From a local review: "There's nothing much to love about the music of KIϟϟ. Sure, it's loud and raucous, but so is an elephant falling down the stairs while managing to crush a guitar or two. Sometimes ragged rock is OK. Punk is sloppy, but that's intentional. KIϟϟ tries hard to be good. It's not. You had to cringe when the normally sedate Frehley took the mike for the Rolling Stones' '2,000 Man.' What followed were three minutes of missed changes, flat vocals and harmonies that plopped themselves atop the mix like rotten mayo on stale bread. Frehley shines on lead guitar, which is why the breaks in hot songs like 'Strutter' and 'Rock Bottom' occasionally hinted at rock 'n' roll transcendence. For every passable solo, though, came songs like 'Shock Me,' with a performance thrilling only because of the dangerous possibility it would fall apart at any second. But, hey, bad music is why God invented pyrotechnics and other brands of flash" (Detroit Free Press, 6/29/96).
"Sure, KIϟϟ suck, but give them a little credit -- they've sucked for more than 20 years. Surviving has meant the band has lived long enough to see its influence on the next generation, which perhaps explains the shocking spectacle of Billy Corgan and Sebastian Bach bonding backstage. So, OK, maybe KIϟϟ don't suck. And in their defense, it should be shouted out loud that they were one of the first bands to embrace fully the notion of rock as a show, thus putting them ahead of the curve that would soon bring us Cats and the re-emergence of Las Vegas as the new American capital" (Rolling Stone #740).
Alice in Chains were late replacements for originally scheduled opening act, Stone Temple Pilots, who had to drop off the tour due to "health" reasons. On April 29 a Los Angeles Superior Court judge had ordered lead singer Scott Weiland to "spend at least the next four months at a drug-treatment center" (Billboard, 5/11/96). KIϟϟ didn't dump STP immediately, though it eventually became clear that they wouldn't be able to play the date.
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scoutingnieuws · 12 days
1600 Scouts strijden in Hemelvaartsweekend om felbegeerde Kaagcup
Zo’n 1600 waterscouts uit de regio strijden vrijdag 10 en zaterdag 11 mei op de Kagerplassen om de felbegeerde Kaagcup. De tieners, verdeeld over 310 boten, moeten laten zien dat ze kunnen zeilen. Aan de wedstrijden doen kinderen mee uit de regio’s Den Haag, Westland, Leiden, Duin- en Bollenstreek, Rijn en Veen, Gouda, Haarlem en Rotterdam.
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Foto: Mike van Dijk
De Scouting Kaagcup Zeilwedstrijden worden al sinds 1976 in zijn huidige opzet gehouden. De wedstrijden worden georganiseerd voor bij Scouting Nederland ingeschreven waterwerkgroepen. Er wordt uitsluiten gevaren in lelievletten en lelieschouwen die voldoen aan strenge eisen. De scoutinggroep die bij alle sessies de beste resultaten heeft behaald, wint de Kaagcup Wisselprijs. Bij de vorige editie in 2023 werd de cup gewonnen door Waterscouting Cornelis de Houtman uit Gouda. Er wordt gevaren volgens het reglement van het Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond (KNWV). De prijsuitreiking van de Kaagcup is op zaterdag 11 mei om 19.00 uur op het Boterhuiseiland, Zijldijk 4, Warmond.
Tijdens het Kaagcupweekend overnachten de scouts op verschillende locaties rond de Kagerplassen: bij boeren in het weiland, op eilanden en op hun eigen tot clubhuis omgebouwde binnenvaartschepen. De meeste deelnemers kamperen op het Boterhuiseiland. Dit onbewoonde eiland vormt de thuisbasis van de wedstrijden. Het eiland is sinds 1950 in gebruik als permanent zeeverkennerscentrum, in het vaarseizoen worden hier wekelijks kampen gehouden.
Waterscouts zijn scouts die aangesloten zijn bij een waterwerkgroep. Tijdens de tienerjaren leren ze tijdens de scoutingbijeenkomsten te zeilen. Ze gaan op zeilkampen en houden spelactiviteiten op het water. Voor veel groepen zijn de zeilwedstrijden op de Kagerplassen het hoogtepunt van het jaar.
Toeschouwers die een blik van de wedstrijden willen opvangen en niet de mogelijkheid hebben om zelf het water op te gaan, kunnen terecht op een aantal locaties. De te varen routes hangen weliswaar af van de wind die er staat, toch is de kans groot dat de deelnemende boten te zien zijn vanaf het uitkijkpunt aan het einde van de Menneweg in Sassenheim of vanaf Kaageiland.
Bron: Scouting Kaagcup Zeilwedstrijden
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nehistripesseattle · 2 years
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This is probably one of my top Layne fan art pics. This was done by Audrey of @kobrakidtrash - she’s done Mike and Demri too. Check her Etsy store out https://www.etsy.com/shop/kobrakidtrashArt • And her Scott Weiland is pretty wonderful too! • • • • • • —————————————————— #nehistripesseattle #LSMS #LSMSAiC #aliceinchains #laynestaley #mikestarr #mikestarrforever #seankinney #jerrycantrell #the1loveaic #mikeinez #williamduvall #grungeera #1990s #seattlesound #greatestbandintheworld #chainer4life #kobrakidtrash (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTiQokvtDs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Most Attractive 90s Musician bracket: Round 2
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Round 1 Masterpost
Match 1 - Thom Yorke vs Shakira
Match 2 - Sinead O'Connor vs Blixa Bargeld
Match 3 - Alanis Morisette vs Shirley Manson
Match 4 - KD Lang vs Jarvis Cocker
Match 5 - Donita Sparks vs Mike Dirnt
Match 6 - Selena vs Melissa auf der Maur
Match 7 - Miki Berenyi vs Graham Coxon
Match 8 - Q-Tip vs Anthony Kiedis
Match 1 - Bjork vs Justine Frischmann
Match 2 - Dave Grohl vs James Hetfield
Match 3 - Mariah Carey vs Rivers Cuomo
Match 4 - Lauryn Hill vs Shania Twain
Match 5 - Whitney Houston vs Dave Navarro
Match 6 - Missy Elliott vs Hope Sandoval
Match 7 - Jeff Buckley vs Jeff Ament
Match 8 - Gwen Stefani vs Skin
Match 1 - Courtney Love vs Peter Steele
Match 2 - Jonny Greenwood vs Mike Patton - TIE!!! victory video!!!
Match 3 - Madonna vs Prince
Match 4 - Keanu Reeves vs D'arcy Wretzky
Match 5 - Martin Gore vs Rachel Goswell
Match 6 - Tupac Shakur vs Ville Valo
Match 7 - Kim Gordon vs Ben Shepherd
Match 8 - Billie Joe Armstrong vs Jerry Cantrell
Match 1 - Nicky Wire vs Scott Weiland
Match 2 - Tori Amos vs Matt Cameron
Match 3 - Patricia Morrison vs Michael Hutchence
Match 4 - Mike Inez vs Alex James
Match 5 - Tracy Chapman vs Rob Halford
Match 6 - Henry Rollins vs Stephen Malkmus
Match 7 - Layne Staley vs Lisa Lopes (Left Eye)
Match 8 - Adam Yauch (MCA) vs Colin Greenwood
Battle of the Mikes
Check out #poll, #results, #propaganda, #poll request and #asks!
tags to filter if you're not into certain kinds of posts:
#my inbox sings to me sometimes - lyric asks
#digging up dirt - controversies and accusations
what's allowed in my asks? anything 90s music related! ongoing tournament propaganda, discourse and debates, poll requests (plz be specific though), rare photos/stories you want to share. I will also draw stickmen on demand. Be unhinged. Start fights. Make me proud.
previous tournament results <3 congratulations Tidal!
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red-lilith · 2 years
Alice In Chains Performing Angry Chair with Scott Weiland. Live at Antone’s in Austin, Texas, September 29th 2007.
[Full audio of Angry Chair]
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ladycat4u2 · 6 months
Still beautiful. Still sad. Still loved ❤️‍🔥💔❤️‍🩹
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Parent Manipulation Part 2 - Originally posted in 2005 OnTheEmmis.com, a Meehan Program Survivor Website and Discussion Forum. (ICECAP is the former incorporation of enthusiastic sobriety programs, it has since dissolved due to the effectiveness of OnTheEmmis.com)
So what’s the harm?
Well, it’s a dishonest way to make a living, for starters, and that is the very least of the harm done to people.
Let’s start by looking at the staff.
ICECAP has several lines for the skeptic who attempts to question the professionalism and integrity of their general staff.
“I may not be a doctor, but I’ve had my face in the ground long enough to know what the dirt looks like” is the sort of catch-phrase one may encounter when asking about ICECAP staff qualifications. The idea is one borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous, that only a drunk can help another drunk. AA has been widely successful in rehabilitating alcoholics based on this principal, in which the catalyst is that one’s experiences lends him/her the ability to identify with the ‘alcoholic who still suffers’.
Further, the staff of ICECAP claims to function therapeutically from the platform of Alcoholics Anonymous principals and spiritual conditioning. The reason for all of this is so the ICECAP staff and methodology has a credible ‘foundation’ to justify its hiring and facilitation of non professional counselors. In short, AA is a household name, and is widely recognized as something that works. ICECAP uses this fact as a springboard for its operations.
The big problem with that idea is that ICECAP programs are not in any way similar to, affiliated with, kind of like, or even remotely in any way like AA. Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit self-help environment which has many safeguards cemented into its foundations that prevent any sort of ‘ego’ or for-profit interests from plaguing its members. Specifically, what AA refers to as ‘The Twelve Traditions’ are rigidly adhered to and aggressively enforced as guidelines to keep the AA name from anything that would divert the program from its primary purpose. The only similarity between ICECAP and AA is that they both have their members often form in a circle at the beginning and at the end of their meetings. Beyond that the two are apples and oranges.
Anyone who spends more than six months in both programs can easily see the canyon of differences that separate the two programs. The truth is, ICECAP drops the name of AA when it is convenient for them to do so, and rarely if ever gives the program any real credence.
“We are not AA, we are not trying to be AA, and we don’t play by the same rules as AA” (-direct quote- Michael C. Stonebraker, director and board member of ICECAP).
Ask ANY graduate from ICECAP, and they will tell you that a common dilemma that nearly every graduate experiences after leaving ICECAP and moving on to AA is that they are troubled with the inherent differences between the two groups philosophy’s for recovery. After years of ICECAP meetings, they are confronted with having to adjust to an entirely different program. In fact, most would say you are not off the mark if you suggested that it would have made just as much sense for them to graduate ICECAP into a monastery, or a school for lion tamers; instead of AA. They all have about the same in common: nothing.
Shouldn’t a program that claims to operate out of AA’s principals lend an easier transition to its clients from its rooms to AA itself?
I am painting this picture to illustrate that there is really nothing holding much water in ICECAP’s claim that its staff has credibility to function with kids from ideas that it ‘borrows’ from AA. To whatever extent a particular staff member of ICECAP attends or postures themselves as AA members, they do not deliver the principals of AA in a therapeutic manner to their clientele.
So what does that leave them with? Not much. The average ICECAP counselor is a high school drop out with no college or accredited training whatsoever. If asked for their credentials, they will respond with an array of phrases and ideas, all of which are meant to lead one away from any real answer. They will suggest with confidence and bravado that since they ‘come from the same place’ as their clients, they have an ‘edge’ in dealing with them the rest of the ‘professional’ community doesn’t. All of this can be very convincing to a parent, especially since their child seems to have taken so well to the given staff member. Again, this is ICECAP using the ‘unorthodox is better’ angle to begin the process of manipulation.
If long hair, dated language, concert t-shirts, a pretty face and a proletarian understanding of AA principals were all it took to rehabilitate a drug addict, then the world would be free of drug addiction tomorrow. The problem is that that is pretty much the only thing the average ICECAP counselor has going for him/her in terms of professionalism. They are funny and good looking. They know how to say ‘dude’ without looking like an old nerd. Kids love them and worship them. But they are INEPT AT ASSISTING THEM TO RECOVER FROM REAL DRUG ADDICTION!
So what then, does the average ICECAP counselor provide for a kid, if not sound professional guidance into the world of recovery?
Here are some of my observations on ICECAP provisions:
Kids in ICECAP are subjected to enormous pressure to take on the identity of a ‘dope fiend’. The ‘dope fiend’ model is constantly being illustrated to newcomers by staff and group members. It begins with traits that a lot of teens possess…rebellious action/ideation, foul language, ‘shock value’ expressionism, etc. But the irresponsible thing that ICECAP does with kids is that it sets them up to feel inadequate if they do not measure up to the complete profile of ICECAP’s ‘dope fiend’. The reason that this is such a bad idea is because the majority of ICECAP clientele are NOT ‘dope fiends’. If your kid is in ICECAP for any period of time, you will see a mental, physical and emotional change in them. Most parents (especially the ones who have invested thousands of dollars into this) view this as a good thing. If the changes in the child were not for the worst, I would agree with them. However, these changes include almost invariably the following:
Separation from school/education/career
Increased use of tobacco. Non-smokers will be encouraged to take up smoking (bizarre, but true).
The decline of a coherent or educated vocabulary. This is no joke. There is a rigid ‘dummied up’ dialect spoken by every member of ICECAP.
The encouragement of illegal behavior (curfew violations, trespassing, vandalism, underage smoking, etc.).
Limited exposure to outside influences. Music, films, books, clothes, sources of education, hairstyles, jewelry, where you get a cup of coffee, tattoos, leisure activities and more are all mandated by ICECAP doctrine.
Maladjusted/confused sexual behavior (more on this later)
One dimensional thinking/ apparent inability or unwillingness to think diversely or with any complexity.
Extremely narrow elements of thoughts applied to a very wide range of ‘life factors’, or; every problem life presents seems to have the same two or three things as an answer/rationale.
Constant fear of being ‘fucked up’, or ‘spiritually bankrupt’. ‘Negative’ actions by other people are consistently the result of these things.
Inconsistent/erratic emotional responses to seemingly normal situations.
Why would a kid willingly subject themselves to this?
The hook for teens is fairly obvious: Their parents leave them alone, they no longer have to go to school, they are allowed to smoke cigarettes, swear, and die their hair indigo blue if they want to, and there is usually a large enough pool of attractive peers to make the whole idea of ICECAP treatment not sound so bad.
Ask any current group member, and they will tell you that they do not feel controlled…that it is their choice to attend ICECAP. They will defend their positions with feverish resolve. They will claim moral high ground and a better way of life as what motivates them to ‘keep coming back’. Tell them that they are brainwashed, and they will respond by saying ‘well, maybe my brain could use a little washing…considering how sick I was’. Tell them they live their life in a ‘bubble’, and they will respond by saying ‘if this is a bubble, than I’m glad I’m in it…compared to the sick world I was a part of before!’
Two things are happening here: First, the child is offered nearly unlimited freedom, which in most cases is like a dream come true to them. What fifteen year old would turn that down? Second, instead of providing competent therapy or treatment, each kid is given this ‘dope fiend’ model, and as long as they adhere to this model, than they are ‘ok’. Everything that made Johnny ‘Johnny’ will be whittled away as he progresses through the ranks of ICECAP. He will attribute the changes to ‘getting rid of old behavior’, or ‘changing old tapes’, when in fact he is being herded and molded in a way that only a program facilitated by foolish, irresponsible amateurs can handle.
The sickest thing about this to me is the way they are manipulated by ICECAP into such devotion. The adolescent is such an impressionable creature, and everything that can possibly be used to woo them is carefully applied by ICECAP.
In Bob Meehan’s book, ‘Beyond the Yellow Brick Road’, there is a chapter called ‘The Teenage Psyche’. This is another decent chapter in this book. I’d encourage anyone to read it, because it perfectly illustrates what I am saying. If there is one thing that Meehan certainly has his finger on the pulse of, it’s what will attract a teenager. The ‘dope fiend’ model in which Meehan’s programs are forced to operate out of because of their gross lack of sound professional tools combined with the fact that ICECAP targets kids who are NOT ‘dope fiends’ creates a crippling environment for teenagers who would have otherwise just gone on with life.
Why would Meehan build his programs on such weak foundations professionally? To me that’s simple: Cheap labor. It’s not so hard morally to build a staff out of a bunch of negligent weirdoes like Mike Weiland, when your real aim has nothing to do with helping kids in the first place.
I believe that Bob Meehan has had two objectives from the very beginning. One was to satisfy his enormous ego, which he had never been able to accomplish prior to these programs. More importantly and certainly more dangerously, he wants money. It is no coincidence that every single person on the ICECAP payroll has been farmed from the group. These kids spend years trying to live up to those they believe (because they are told) are the most spiritually evolved humans on the planet (staff), and then picked to become the next generation of over-worked, under-paid servants of Bob Meehan’s empire.
Who pays the price? You, and more importantly…your kid.
And what of the rare occasion that a true addict walks through the doors of ICECAP?
It’s even worse for them. Many of them die.
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